
Cooking an old rooster. Culinary Portal Mastercock

Much depends on the age of the individual. If the broiler was under 2 months old, there will be no difference. Outwardly and to taste, chicken and cockerel will be identical. But with age, changes begin.

Chicken meat is very tender, but almost tasteless. But in a rooster it is sweetish, so spices must be selected correctly during cooking. They should emphasize the taste, not interrupt it.

There is also a difference in hardness. Chicken is given even to small children. But the rooster fillet is not so easy to chew, even properly cooked.

At the same time, chicken has more fat. And her skin is much thicker. But in a rooster, it is tough, thin and can have a color from rich yellow to bluish.

And the chicken is cheaper than the rooster. Therefore, in order not to fall for the tricks of dishonest sellers and not to buy chicken instead of a rooster, you need to know the main visual differences:

  • when choosing a carcass, look inside. A rooster must have testicles. They resemble large beans;
  • more will come from the rooster carcass rich aroma than from chicken;
  • there are definitely spurs on the legs.

On a note!

The most delicious meat is in a rooster up to 10-12 weeks old. It is soft and oily. But then it gets tougher.

How to cook

It definitely takes longer to cook a rooster than a chicken. Roast poultry is rare. It is mainly stewed, baked, used for cooking rich broths. A traditional dish from a rooster - jellied meat. It not only freezes perfectly, but also turns out to be very tasty even without seasonings and spices. Just cook it for at least 8-10 hours. By the way professional chefs jelly is prepared using meat from both a young and an adult.

The rooster can be stewed in a pan or in a slow cooker. Sour cream and cream complement its taste well. You can cook the bird immediately with potatoes, carrots and other vegetables.

On the rooster broth, you get a chic borscht or beshbarmak.

On a note!

Young roosters are rarely raised for meat. If you slaughter a bird at an age, the meat will still be tough, no matter how much you cook it. Then you can use the broth, and pick the fillets from the bones, grind or chop very, very finely, fry with onions and mix with porridge or pasta.

A lot of questions arise precisely about the cooking of the old rooster. It's not just about toughness. After he begins to cover the chickens, the meat becomes bad smell. When choosing a carcass on the market, this can not be felt. But at home everything will become clear. It's not worth getting upset. The carcass must be washed, dried, then generously rubbed with soda inside and out and left to lie down for 20-30 minutes. This will get rid of the smell. Then in cold water add vinegar at the rate of a spoon per half liter of water. Bring chicken to a boil over low heat. Drain the water, rinse the carcass, fill with new water and cook until tender. This step will help the meat become more juicy and tender.

How to put out a domestic rooster

The bird prepared according to this recipe can be served on festive table. A win-win option. Pairs well with potato dishes.


  • medium-sized carcass;
  • a glass of wine (preferably table red);
  • tomato;
  • 2 onions;
  • 3-5 cloves of garlic;
  • salt and spices.

How to cook

Wash the bird, allow excess liquid to drain, wipe the inside with kitchen paper napkins. Cut into portions. Fry in a preheated pan until golden brown. Add garlic whole or cut in half.

Transfer the fried meat to a saucepan with a thick bottom. Add salt and spices (necessarily lavrushka), wine and water just enough so that it completely covers the meat.

Simmer over low heat and cover loosely with a lid for about two hours. Add tomato slices, cook for about an hour more.

On the remaining fat after frying, simmer the onion cut into rings or half rings, simmer until golden color. Send to the rest of the ingredients, simmer for another 10-15 minutes.

Serve hot. As soon as it starts to cool, it will become covered with "islands" of fat.

How to cook homemade rooster in the oven

There is nothing complicated in this recipe. But in order for the rooster to turn out delicious, no tricks are needed. You just need to follow the recipe.


  • medium-sized cock carcass;
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic;
  • 2-3 bay leaves;
  • tsp vinegar 9%;
  • a pinch of paprika and hammered black pepper;
  • salt to taste.

Cooking method

Wash the rooster, dry it, cut into portions. Put in a deep bowl. Chop the onion not too thin rings, chop the garlic with a knife. Spread over the surface of the bird. Pour in a mixture of vinegar and water. There should be enough liquid to completely cover the meat. Leave the chicken to marinate for at least an hour.

Transfer the pieces to the mold. Put in an oven preheated to 190 degrees for 10-15 minutes. Pour the field with the remaining marinade and cook for another 40-60 minutes.

The smaller the pieces of meat, the faster they will bake.

Homemade noodles with rooster

Do you want to treat your family to delicious rich dish? Then this is the recipe you need. Preparing is not at all difficult, but simultaneously performs the role of both the first and second courses.


  • medium-sized rooster carcass;
  • liters of water;
  • 2-3 carrots and onions;
  • 2 eggs;
  • flour;
  • salt;
  • 5-6 cloves;
  • 10-15 peas;
  • 2 leaves of lavrushka.

How to cook

Cut the rooster, wash it, put it in a saucepan, pour water over it. As soon as the water boils, it is necessary to constantly remove the resulting foam from it.

When it is practically gone, put one carrot cut in half or quarters into the broth and all the onions as a whole. Stick a clove into one first. Throw out the pepper. Let everything simmer for an hour over low heat.

After that, you need to remove everything except the bird from the broth, add carrots, cut into circles of medium thickness (for beauty, you can make them curly).

At this time, you need to start cooking noodles. Let's say right away that not a single store, even the most expensive one, can replace the taste of homemade. It's easy to prepare. It is necessary to pour the sifted flour on the table, make a hole in it, drive eggs into it, add salt. Knead until you get a thick, but rather elastic dough.

Water cannot be added. It will be easier to knead, but the noodles won't taste as good and won't hold their shape as well.

Roll out the dough into a layer. Ideally, if the thickness is no more than 2 mm. But the first time so subtly may not come out. Need dexterity. So if it gets thicker, you just need to boil the noodles a little longer. Sprinkle the rolled layer with flour, roll into a roll and cut into sharp knife. Sprinkle the "rings" with flour again.

IN separate saucepan boil water, salt it. Throw out the noodles. Cook after boiling for 5-9 minutes, depending on the thickness of the rings. Drain the water, but do not rinse the noodles. Arrange it on plates, pour over the broth, add vegetables and meat.

Rooster in a slow cooker

According to this recipe, you can cook poultry meat in the oven or in a pan. But in a slow cooker, he will have more pleasant taste and softer texture.


  • small carcass young rooster;
  • half a liter of water;
  • large bulb;
  • carrot;
  • three tablespoons of flour and tom paste;
  • salt and black hammer. pepper;
  • a little vegetable oil.

Cooking method

Rinse the rooster, dry it, cut into portions. Mix salt and spices. Spread each piece, roll in flour. After fry in the "Frying" mode until golden brown. Cut the onion into half rings, put on top of the rooster. Close the lid and cook for about half an hour in the "Extinguishing" mode. After pouring a glass of water, add grated carrots on a medium grater. Simmer for half an hour.

Mix tom paste and a glass of water, add a spoonful of flour. Pour over the rooster, stew until tender. Serve with potato garnish and drizzle with gravy.

Rooster in a frying pan

They say that a rooster cannot be cooked deliciously fried. This is said by those who are not familiar with this recipe. There is no need to prepare a side dish for this dish. Although mashed potatoes never hurt.


  • 1.5 kg. rooster;
  • 300 ml. dry red wine;
  • 6 small slices of lard;
  • 300 gr. champignons (can be replaced with oyster mushrooms, but it does not look so attractive);
  • shallots - 10 pcs. (can be replaced with ordinary onion);
  • two carrots;
  • 3-4 cloves of garlic;
  • 2 sprigs of thyme, one leaf of lavrushka;
  • ol. oil;
  • salt and herbs to taste.

How to cook

Wash the rooster, dry it, cut off the skin. From it later it will be possible to prepare a good rich broth.

Cut into bite-sized pieces. Put into a deep bowl. On top, place onion sliced ​​\u200b\u200bin rings (half of the total), carrots chopped into thin strips, pour in wine, add thyme and lavrushka. Leave for a day.

The rooster marinates better if you wrap the container in cling film.

After that, heat the oil in a frying pan. Fry the pieces of meat on both sides. Put in a saucepan. On the same fat, simmer the finely chopped remaining onions and carrots, when they are almost ready, add chopped garlic cloves to them, simmer everything together for 2-3 minutes, send to the meat.

Strain the marinade until only the liquid remains. Pour over meat and vegetables. Simmer for 1.5 hours. Fry sliced ​​champignons with the addition of finely chopped lard. Add this mixture to the saucepan 20 minutes before the end of the indicated time. Sprinkle with fresh herbs when serving.

Be sure to cook the rooster. Now you know how to choose it, what to do to make it soft and juicy, and how best to cook it.

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All homemade chicken lovers know: if possible, it is better to buy a rooster, not a chicken. The fact is that his meat is noticeably tastier, although it takes longer to cook. So if you haven't tried making rooster dishes yet, it's time to start! The simplest, and at the same time, good recipe, - This stewed rooster in a tomato. It turns out very fragrant, and even with gravy!

Recipe Information

Cooking method: quenching .


  • rooster - 1 carcass
  • tomato paste - 3 tbsp.
  • water - 500 ml
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • vegetable oil for frying
  • flour - 3 tbsp.
  • black ground pepper or other spices.


  1. We bought a young cockerel, so the carcass is small and round, like a chicken. However, if you take the carcass of an adult rooster, it cannot be confused with a chicken: the rooster has longer legs, and the whole thing is more “angular”. To prepare the dish, we wash the bird, pluck if necessary. Then cut into several portions. If you have a large rooster, then you can add four more parts of the brisket and two or three parts of the back to two shins, two thighs and two wings. Our carcass is small, so we will divide the brisket into only two parts. You may need instructions.
  2. In a small bowl, combine salt and ground pepper. We rub each piece of chicken with this mixture and put it separately on a plate. Then we light the fire, set the pan to heat up with vegetable oil. While it's warming up, run it in portioned pieces birds in flour. If you want, instead of flour, you can take breadcrumbs: they will also serve well in this matter. We lay out the pieces of rooster to fry. Do not fry too much - just wait for the crust to simply “grab”.

  3. We are preparing a dish for stewing. We take large saucepan, pour a little vegetable oil on the bottom. We put it on the fire and lay out the fried pieces of the rooster. After that, clean the onion and cut it into rings or half rings. Lay on top of the chicken pieces. Cover the pan with a lid so that the dish begins to stew.

  4. We clean the carrots and rub on a grater. Add to saucepan.

  5. Now pour half of the prepared water into the pan, cover with a lid and simmer. Tip: add hot water so that she doesn't lower general temperature dishes.

  6. After 20 minutes, when the vegetables are already soft, and the rooster is half cooked, you can add a tomato. Posting tomato paste into a deep plate or bowl, pour the rest of the water and stir until a homogeneous liquid. Pour it into a saucepan and mix the contents. We cover the dishes with a lid and continue to simmer the rooster until fully prepared. In total, the rooster should spend at least an hour in the pan.
  7. Stewed rooster in tomato is ready! Excellent side dish to him will buckwheat or mashed potatoes!

Did you like the question?

There is such a recipe “-11” that applies to both chicken and rooster. Any bird can be baked. Pour oil on a baking sheet, take a pack of salt, pour everything out, and evenly over the entire surface so that there are no slides. We put meat. And in the oven, bake. By the way, there is no need to be afraid that it will be oversalted. On the contrary, it turns out juicy meat and a crispy crust. And he will take as much salt as he needs. I have been reading this recipe for a long time, but somehow I did not dare to cook it because of such an amount of salt - 4 years ago It turns out to be extremely good meat. She didn't believe it herself. - 4 years ago Interesting, but I always make bottled chicken. - 4 years ago But why oil under salt? In the first minutes, the salt does not burn, and then the fat and water from the meat will go. - 4 years ago Yeah, I also read about one salt without oil in the recipe. - 4 years ago

In France, the dish "Rooster in wine" is common. Adding wine during cooking softens poultry meat and enhances the taste of the dish. There are many recipes on culinary sites. And if the rooster is old, then the main thing is long cooking. But the broth is awesome, although the meat remains sinewy.

My dad cooks jelly out of a rooster. It freezes very well, even without gelatin. In general, the rooster is hard to just fry or bake. Yes, the jelly is great! - 4 years ago

Cut the rooster (even the old one) into pieces and fry them together with garlic until a yellow crust appears, and only then transfer it to a saucepan (or cauldron, I did it in a cauldron) with a thick bottom, pour a glass of wine of any spice, parsley and pour water to the meat was hidden. Cook for at least three hours, an hour before cooking you can add chopped tomato or tomato paste. And in the oil that the rooster was fried, fry the coarsely chopped onion and pour this fat into the pan with the rooster. Before serving, you can sprinkle with grated cheese or your favorite sauce. In principle, any bird is cooked this way, only the cooking time is less, but so that the rooster is not tough, 3 hours of cooking is at least. For a side dish, I make mashed potatoes. And how does it taste, not hard? - 4 years ago no Masha is not tough, but of course you can’t compare with a young chicken, here the trick is that you fry it raw to a crust, and then cook it for a long time if you have ever eaten wild ducks or wild geese, then it looks like. - 4 years ago they ate wild pheasants, but whether they were cooked correctly, that's the question. - 4 years ago

The rooster is very tough. Therefore, I personally always use two options. 1. Baked rooster. But it is better to boil the rooster first. Hour somewhere. It's in pieces. Whole even longer. Then coat the rooster with a mixture of mayonnaise, mild adjika and garlic and bake until done. 2. You can cook jellied meat.

Do this, cut it into pieces - legs, wings, brisket and other parts separately, soak it in water with vinegar or lemon, then marinate it like a barbecue and bake it in foil or a plastic sleeve.

You can cook a rooster deliciously. In the presence of enough roosters on our farm, we put them out in the oven. The main thing is that the rooster does not need to be kept for many years, otherwise the meat will really be tough. A young rooster is just as tasty as a chicken. Before putting in the oven, the rooster needs to be rubbed with salt, spices and let it feed a little. Then wrap well in foil and simmer. This process will last at least 1.5 hours. To be ruddy crust, it is necessary to unfold the foil and fry a little at the end. thanks, it's very simple. - 2 years ago

You can cook a rooster in any way you like: bake in the oven, stew and make a roast or sauce, pilaf with rooster meat. Even if the rooster is no longer from a very young rooster, baking in the oven still turns out to be very tasty and make the meat soft enough. To do this, it must be kept long enough in the oven and constantly turned over, from time to time, from one barrel to another, pouring with melted fat, keep for 2 hours or more, so that it is ruddy on all sides! At first, the fire should be large for the first 5 - 10 minutes and melt a little fat, and then we make the fire medium and small and forget about the rooster in the oven, let it cook there. At the end, you can put potato quarters around the carcass and serve with it. If you like, you can put rice in half with a liver, just buckwheat with mushrooms, a whole citrus, etc., inside the carcass, depending on your preferences. To stew rooster meat on a tile, cut the carcass into portioned pieces and fry until golden brown, and then simmer with onions. Add more water if it evaporates and the meat is still tough. So we cook 1.5 - 2 hours. At the end, let the water evaporate and fry the meat again with the addition of a small amount butter, onions, carrots, then put Bay leaf and allspice peas, rice or buckwheat groats, any other, pour a little more water and simmer under a closed lid until the groats are ready and moisture is absorbed. At the end, you can add tomato paste or sprinkle with herbs. You can also add dried fruits at the end if you wish. Similarly, we do not with cereals, but with potatoes, cutting it into pieces. You can also cook rooster meat with mushrooms and potatoes. You can also take half-finished rooster meat from the pan and put it with onions on the bottom of the pots, put potatoes and any other vegetables to taste, sprinkle with pepper and cook further in the oven. Separately, you can cook the rooster in wine - very fragrant and elegant, or marinate the meat in wine (vinegar) in advance and cook in the oven, in a pan or grill. Or remove the meat from the bones, twist it in a meat grinder and make a casserole or cutlets from this minced meat. Rooster meat is marinated in wine with vegetables (onions, carrots) and garlic, parsley and left for a day. The next day, the meat of the rooster is fried, then poured with cognac and flombé. Bacon and mushrooms are also fried, vegetables are added, and the marinade is mixed with broth and flour. Next, vegetables with mushrooms and bacon are added to the meat of the rooster, poured with broth with flour and stewed for 2.5 - 3 hours.

Cockerel can be very tasty cooked with apples and potatoes in foil or in special mica. Previously, for several hours, I coat the cockerel carcass with mayonnaise with salt and spices to taste. So he will infuse and soak. Then I cut potatoes (peeled) and apples (3-4 apples per 1 kg of potatoes) into cubes. I put all this in a bag or foil and on a dish. I bake in the oven at 200 degrees for 2-2.5 hours. 20 minutes before turning off, I open the top to get a golden crust.

The rooster has less fat, and accordingly the meat will be tastier. I like it so much in foil when baked in the oven with cumin, pepper and salt, you can add seasoning to taste, but I refrain. Expose the main meat several times to a high temperature so that the meat melts in fat and jumps off the bone.

Indeed, in a rooster, like in a goose, the meat will turn out to be very tough if it is not previously subjected to special processing. Once upon a time, I was advised one way, thanks to which the meat turns out juicy and soft. I have been using it for many years and would love to share. So, the rooster needs to be washed, gutted, wiped dry, rubbed inside and out with salt and spices (any ones you like) and placed in the oven for 5-6 hours at a temperature of 70 degrees. During this time, it will marinate, salt. If there excess fat, it will drain onto a baking sheet (then you can fry on it). After 5 hours, you take out the rooster, stuff it with apples and prunes and cook as usual. It turns out just a miracle, what a delicious dish.

How delicious to cook a rooster?
The meat is tough, how should it be cooked? – answers to any questions on the service otvet.qip.ru

Source: answer.qip.ru

Well, yummy, given stewed rooster with sour cream. And in addition, if you consider that a slow cooker helps to cook this dish, then by and large it makes the soul warm 🙂

Roosters are currently a luxury in stores, so one more pleasant bonus is added to this yummy: most likely, you will cook in a slow cooker domestic rooster, which means that it will be more nutritious than industrial poultry. For true connoisseurs meat dishes love the stewed rooster! The recipe is quite simple, despite the fact that it may seem unbearable for beginners in cooking. Repeat after us and you'll be fine!

Rooster - 1 carcass
Carrot - 1 pc. medium size
Yellow onion - 1 pc. medium size
Sour cream - 2 tbsp.
Salt, spices - to taste
Oil and little water

1. Cooking poultry dishes begins according to the same principle: you need to cut the carcass into pieces. Our cockerel is big, but some parts are still better to send to the soup than to stew (they have little meat). These are the neck, wings and ribs. Needless to say, among gourmets and connoisseurs braised wings, but in our family, stewing the bones did not take root. Based on this, we will send only chicken legs, drumsticks, four pieces of brisket, 2-3 pieces of back to stew.

2. Pour a little oil into the bottom of the multicooker bowl. In fact, some housewives cook in a slow cooker without fat, but if you are afraid of damaging the coating of the bowl (and what if the dish is hopelessly burnt), at first it is better to add oil lightly. Pour salt and spices (at least crushed dark pepper) into a small plate and mix them with your finger. Wipe the cockerel pieces with these spices and place them on the bottom of the multicooker. But you need to lay out not all the pieces at once, but 4-5 pieces.

3. Cut the onion into rings or half rings. Place half of the chopped onion on top of the bird.

4. Peel the carrots, rub them on a large grater and, in addition, place half of them in a slow cooker. Then put the rest of the rooster pieces in the bowl, cover them again with onions and carrots. Pour a little water into the bowl (no more than a cup) and cover with a lid. Set the Simmer mode to 1:00.

5. At the time when the timer shows 5 minutes. before completion, open the slow cooker and add sour cream to the dish. Stir the contents of the bowl so that the sour cream dissolves into the liquid and turns into a sauce. Cover again and wait for the finish signal!

That's all! Braised rooster ready! The recipe was easy, right? If you want to make this dish more dietary, do not add sour cream to it. And in addition, remove the skin from the rooster pieces so that the dish turns out to be less greasy. Bon appetit!

If Domestic bird If you like it, look in the markets for an indoutka and cook it according to our recipe - you won't regret it!

How to cook homemade rooster
How to cook a homemade rooster Well, yummy, this stewed rooster with sour cream. And in addition, if you consider that a slow cooker helps to cook this dish, then by and large

Source: cyberviewdvr.ru

Rooster in Greek

small rooster - 1 pc. (one and a half kilos)
vegetable oil - 1 cup
potatoes - also one and a half kilos
butter- 2-3 tbsp.
onion (finely chopped) - 2 pcs.
white dry wine- half a glass
salt, pepper - to taste
cinnamon, cloves - to taste.

Rooster pluck, gut, wash and cut it into pieces.

slightly dry, roll the pieces of rooster in flour.

Put oil in a pan and fry.

then pour vegetable oil into a saucepan, put onions and spices, lay out the pieces of the rooster and, when they are still fried a little, pour in the wine.

then add some water and leave to boil for 15 minutes.

Rooster in wine

Butter - 2 tbsp. l.
Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.
Salo - 100 g
Champignons - 150 g
Cognac - 100 g
Onion - 8 pcs.
Red wine - 1 bottle
Flour - 1 tbsp. l.
Thyme - 2-3 sprigs
Bay leaf - 1 pc.
Garlic - 1 clove

How to cook "Rooster in wine":
Fry the bird in a pan in a mass of vegetable and butter.
peeled and chopped thin slices put the onion in the duck dish along with the mushrooms and slices of lard.
Add oil, bay leaf, thyme, crushed garlic, salt, pepper.
Return the rooster to the container with mushrooms and spices, fill it with red wine and leave to simmer over low heat for an hour or two.
Trick: before adding wine, coat the bird with two tablespoons of cognac and let it warm up.
Bon appetit!

Rooster in mushrooms

For cooking we need:
large champignons
chicken broth
Spices to taste

How to cook Rooster in Mushrooms:
Grate the rooster with salt, inside and out. Peel the onion and garlic. Cut the onion lengthwise into four parts and put it together with the garlic cloves inside the cockerel. Heat the oven to 220 degrees. Place the bird in a mold-sized, greased the minimum amount sunflower oil, top with the remaining onion and garlic and, send the oven. When an hour has passed, peel the carrots, cut lengthwise into four parts and lay around the cockerel, sprinkling it with spices and turning it over to the other side. After another hour, add the peeled and coarsely chopped champignons and pour over the broth and bake until tender. P.S. If the bird is not domestic, then the baking process takes much less time. And do not forget to water it with its own juice during the entire stay of the rooster in the oven.
Bon appetit!

Rooster soup

For cooking we need:
celery stalk
sprig of rosemary
Several bay leaves

How to cook Rooster Soup:
Put a chopped rooster into pieces in a saucepan, pour 2.5 liters of water.
Bring to a boil and remove the foam with a slotted spoon.
Then add coarsely chopped onion, celery, rosemary, bay leaf and salt.
Simmer over low heat for about an hour or more, until the meat is soft.
Then take the meat out of the broth. And strain the broth.
Return strained pure broth to the pan. Bring to a boil and add vermicelli. Boil for approximately 8-10 minutes.
When serving, put a couple of pieces of meat in each bowl of soup.
Bon appetit!

Viennese roasted rooster

1 cock,
1 egg
frying fat,
slices of lemon and a few sprigs of parsley.

Divide the rooster into 4 parts, rub with salt, roll in flour, egg and breadcrumbs and fry in boiling fat on both sides until golden brown. Fry for approximately 15 min. Then dry well and decorate on green salad leaves with potatoes. There will be about 4 servings.

I love themes about delicious 🙂

Soon New Year! There is a recipe New Year's rooster French, but it is dreary, in the sense not in a hurry

3 art. spoons olive oil
2 tbsp. butter spoons
3 art. tomato spoons
300 g mushrooms (preferably champignons)
5-6 peeled tomatoes
French people Special attention give to the choice of bird - the rooster must have a large comb. This suggests that the bird is no longer young, but it is precisely such meat that is suitable for a rooster in wine.

2 liters of red wine with tart taste
400 g raw smoked bacon
300 g carrots
300 g white onion
Several young stalks of celery
2 parsley roots
3 thyme leaves
3 bay leaves
Black pepper (peas)
Salt to taste

Let's prepare the marinade first. To do this, pour wine into a large container and dip chopped bacon into it, onion, carrots, black pepper, a little salt and cloves. We wrap the parsley root, celery, thyme and bay leaf in a leek leaf and tie the bundle with a thread. Dip this fragrant roll into the marinade.

- Thoroughly wash the bird. We remove the paws and head, after which we divide the carcass into 12 parts. Dip the pieces into the marinade. Add one tablespoon of olive oil to the marinade and put the rooster in a cold place for 24 hours.

- After a day, we remove the pickled meat from the marinade. Don't be afraid that the meat of blue color– as it should be! We filter the marinade - leave the bacon, onions, carrots and spices in a saucepan.

– In a large skillet, combine olive oil and butter. We heat the pan and fry the rooster in it until it forms golden crusts. We put the meat in a saucepan, and fry the bacon, onion and carrots from the marinade in a pan. After 7 minutes, add chopped mushrooms to the bacon with vegetables, and then tomato paste. Mix thoroughly and let it warm up on fire.

– We put vegetables and bacon in a pot with meat, add mashed tomatoes, rolls with spices and tomato paste. Pour all this marinade and mix.
The original recipe involves adding rooster blood to the dish. To do this, collect the blood of a bird immediately after its decapitation and add it to the dish before stewing. But, if you wish, you can skip this point.

- Then put the pan without a lid on the fire and bring it all to a boil. We remove the foam and lower the temperature. Cover the pot with a lid and simmer for about 3 hours. 30 minutes before readiness, we lower the potatoes, cut into large pieces, into the pan.

- Put the meat and potatoes on a dish, pour over the sauce - and finally everything is ready!

What to cook from a young cockerel
What to cook from a young cockerel

Source: www.12sotok.spb.ru

How to cook a rooster in the oven? Tasty. . (country rooster)

Come and chat - you won't be bored!

Roosters have tough and dry meat. A wonderful jelly is cooked from them and just an excellent broth, rich and fragrant (it takes a long time to cook). But if the rooster is not quite old, then you can try (and be sure to marinate before that), but tender and juicy meat still won’t work.

won't work in the oven. at village roosters tough meat.. . and tasteless. . but it turns out very delicious broth. . Well, then what kind of soup you want ... but it's better to cook noodles

feel sorry for the rooster.

Poultry like a tree! You need to marinate it for a day and a half, then something will work out.

How to cook a rooster in the oven
You will need:
rooster - 1 pc;
onion 3-4 pcs;
carrots 1-2 pcs;
white mushrooms - 250 g;
sunflower oil;
For marinade:
dry wine - 3 tbsp;
grape vinegar - 50 ml;
onions - 1-2 pcs;
garlic - 2-3 cloves;
Bay leaf;

First, take the rooster out of the freezer and let it thaw well. In order to speed up this process, put it in water. It is best if it is slightly warm or room temperature. After that, rinse it well several times in running water.

Now the rooster needs to be marinated. To do this, prepare a special marinade. Take a saucepan and pour dry wine into it along with grape vinegar. After that, peel the onion and cut it into half rings. Cut the garlic into very small rings or rub on coarse grater. Put the onion and garlic in a saucepan, add rosemary, bay leaf and salt to taste. Now mix everything well and taste the salt. The marinade should be slightly salty, but don't overdo it. Now put the carcass of the rooster in a saucepan with marinade, close the lid and leave for two to three hours. From time to time it will need to be turned over so that it is better saturated with marinade from all sides.

At this time, prepare the filling for the rooster. Cut a large onion into five to six parts and fry it until golden brown, then add coarsely chopped carrots to it. After five minutes, put the porcini mushrooms and fry everything together for another ten to fifteen minutes. Salt to taste and turn off the heat.

Then take out the carcass and let it dry a little so that the rest of the marinade drains from it. After that, stuff the rooster with cooked minced meat, and fix the hole wooden skewer. Place it on the prepared baking sheet lined with foil. Wrap the rooster well in it and send it to the preheated oven.

Country rooster, especially old rooster, is best served cold or in soup. Yes, the soup will be simmered for half a day over low heat—but it will be a sweet broth, the soup is directly medicinal. Or borsch from such a rooster.

Well, for starters, it’s still better to slaughter him, no matter how cruel it may sound, because baking him alive is even more cruel. After that, it is better to pluck it, singe it, gut it and wash it. Then cut into large pieces and put in a special package “Maggi juicy chicken” and pour the contents of the second package into it, then shake it slightly, tie it with the attached wire and put it on a baking sheet in the oven at a temperature of 200C. After an hour, take out and put on plates. Everything, you can eat and lick your fingers. Bon appetit.

If you still manage to shove a rooster into the oven, then he will swear terribly and cry out for mercy

How to cook a rooster in the oven? Tasty
How to cook a rooster in the oven? Tasty. . (village rooster) Come in and chat - it won't be boring! Roosters have tough and dry meat. They make a wonderful jelly and just an excellent broth,

Domestic rooster meat is somewhat different from chicken. It is more aromatic and contains less fat, but it is slightly tougher. In our recipe, the cockerel turns out to be very soft and juicy! It's all about the "sleeve" and the apples with which we will stuff it. The "sleeve" for baking does not allow moisture to evaporate, and the rooster is baked in own juice. Apples give the meat an interesting sweet and sour zest. But that's not the point. Thanks to the fruit acid found in apples, rooster meat becomes more tender and soft. How to cook homemade rooster in the oven, you will learn from our recipe. It's very tasty, try it! Also try to cook aspic from a domestic rooster, perhaps this recipe will come in handy for a festive dinner.

- apples with sourness - 3 - 5 pieces,

- garlic - 3-5 cloves,

soy sauce – 5 tablespoons,

salt- taste,

- ground black pepper - to taste,

- curry - 3 pinches,

- mixture provencal herbs- 2 pinches.

Let's get the rooster ready. We remove everything superfluous from the skin: hairs, the remains of feather roots. If necessary, lightly singe under open fire (this is required if the meat is homemade, it often has a fluffy skin). We remove excess fat (whoever loves can leave it), cut out the glands in the tail or completely cut off the tail. We remove the insides, if the rooster is not gutted, we wash it under a flowing cold water. Dry with a lint-free towel.

Let's get the sauce. In a bowl, combine mayonnaise with soy sauce, spices and salt. Here we squeeze the peeled garlic. Stir until uniform consistency. Keep in mind that soy sauce is salty, so be careful when adding salt.

Gently apply the resulting sauce on the entire surface of the rooster carcass and in the middle. Let the meat marinate for 1 hour. You can also leave it overnight in the refrigerator.

While the rooster is marinating, we take on the apples. Better if they are sweet and sour. We wash them, blot them with a towel, cut them in half or into quarters, if the apples are large, we clean them from the core.

We stuff the rooster with apples.

We send the rooster to the “baking sleeve”, fix the edges with clamps.

We spread it on a baking sheet or form and send it to the oven.

Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. We leave our dish for two hours to bake. After 15 minutes of readiness, the sleeve can be slightly cut from above so that a ruddy crust is obtained on the rooster.

That's all! You have learned how to cook homemade rooster in the oven. Convinced that it is not difficult at all? Wonderful delicious cock ready with apples! He's good with anyone vegetable side dish, for example in the form of potato balls and salads.

On the eve of the New Year, the rooster willy-nilly recalls, because 2017 will be completely in his power. It turns out that this bird not only knows how to scream in the morning, you can also get other benefits from it. Rooster can be cooked delicious dishes, A best recipes you will find right here with us.

Rooster first courses

Traditionally, rooster meat is usually used for first courses. From such meat soups, broths are very rich and fragrant. For you, we have selected delicious recipes for the first courses of this meat:

No. 1. Rooster Soup

Simple and clear, and most importantly - delicious recipe You will find on the video from YouTube (watch from 13 minutes):

No. 2. Chorba from a rooster

This dish is interesting not only for its fat and density, but also for the sour notes of kvass. Watch the full video on YouTube video:

No. 3. Soup "Ribollita"

Rooster dishes include the famous italian soup"Ribollita". This is a combination of vegetables, legumes, which get a special taste and richness when cooked in rooster broth. The recipe is served on a video from YouTube:

Second courses: the best rooster recipes

We have selected the following recipes as a second:

No. 1. Stuffed rooster in the oven

This meat can be real masterpiece home cooking, which will become the highlight of the New Year's, Christmas table. See for yourself by repeating the recipe from the video:

No. 2. "Rooster in wine" in French

This meat goes wonderfully with red wine, which the French have long understood. Here is a recipe for how you can bake meat deliciously with this key ingredient:

No. 3. Rooster in Greek

The Greeks also love to cook rooster and also use red wine for this. Watch the video for the full recipe:

No. 4. Rooster in a slow cooker

The recipe is simple: cut the bird into pieces, salt, pepper. In a bowl greased with vegetable oil, lay out a part of the meat in layers, onions in half rings, shabby carrots, then again pieces of meat + a cup of water. Set to extinguish for 1 hour. For 5 minutes. pour sour cream to the end, mix and let the program turn off. Yummy is ready! Do not forget to choose the best one: it will favorably shade the taste of the dish!

Rooster Snacks

Aspic can also be made from a rooster. The recipe is cold appetizer look at the video:

This meat is easy to love if you find correct instruction for its preparation. Take our recipes into service and be sure that everyone who tries them will want to crow with pleasure from such dishes. And also read - they can be a great addition to your table!
