
Beautiful roses from mastic. How to make roses from mastic with your own hands? Master Class

    It is very simple to make roses from mastic, you must first divide the mastic into small pieces, then roll thin circles out of them, then press along the edges, grease each leaf with water, and attach to the middle.

    I really liked this video, we used it to make a marzipan cake with my daughter, only marzipan is harder to roll out thinly, it immediately breaks. We've got this cake.

    Mastic allows you to turn the cake into a real work of art. Let's talk about flowers for decorating the cake. Most beautiful flower it is, of course, a rose. Therefore, we will pay attention to this particular flower.

    To begin with, I propose to look at photos of cakes decorated with mastic roses in order to get excited about making such beauty with your own hands:

    And now a master class on how to make roses from mastic to decorate a cake.

    Choose from three options the one that you like the most. The colors of roses, of course, can be very different: from white to multi-colored.

    The first one is probably the easiest.

    The next two options are a little more difficult, but the roses look like real ones.

    Rose from mastic not easy to do. And to be honest, it might not work the first time. But let's not be afraid and try to make it together.

    We are preparing a delicious and at the same time plastic mastic. I propose to make a rose from mastic based on soft marshmallows. Sugar mastic is also very good for sculpting. What do we need to do. We heat soft marshmallows in the microwave (a pack of forty grams) and put one hundred grams of butter and a spoonful of fresh lemon juice. Mix the mass and add powdered sugar. We knead the plastic mastic. Part is painted in the desired color, part in green. Now let it rest and prepare the molds. The forms are the simplest, or you can just take the lid. Cut out the circle and make cuts to create an imitation of the petals. Fingers go around the edges and make them slightly wavy. Like this:

    Now let's make a flower. We need to make a middle ground. We simply create a drop of mastic and place

    on our workpiece. We twist the petals, thereby wrapping the middle a little. To make the petals tightly pressed against the bud, moisten them with a little water.

    Then again we make another blank according to the previous scheme. And again apply to the bud. Generally, there are no guidelines. you can control the splendor of the rose yourself, at your discretion.

    From mastic in this way you can make whole bouquets. You can paint the mask with any food coloring. I prefer gel ones. And I’ll add that the mastic can be painted after the flower is ready. You can only color the edges.

    To decorate the cake beautiful roses from mastic. Of course, the first step is to prepare the mastic of the desired color. Then you need to roll out the mastic into a very thin layer, take the form, I squeeze out the mugs with a glass. And petals will be made from these circles. We start with the inner petals twisting them with a spiral. Then we follow in a circle:

    There are several options for how to rose from mastic. With such roses, you can decorate any cake for a holiday. All the steps shown in the photo, we can put on a circle of mastic, put on the petals, bend the edges, and you get a beautiful rose.

    And there is such an option, how to make a rose from mastic, all the detailed stages of work are visible in the photo.

    To do this, you will need mastic of two colors - red and green (for petals). Again, here we clarify that roses are different colors, so the red color of the mastic can be replaced with any other. Myself the process of creating flowers for the cake, look at the video:

    Cakes decorated with mastic look very elegant and festive! Recently, I also decided to try to make something from this material to decorate baking. I decided to start with making a flower - a rose. But when studying the instructions, I realized that it is not so easy without experience and special tools - molds, spatulas, and so on, to make a beautiful flower out of mastic.

    Stopped, it seemed to me, on the very simple version, which every housewife should get, there would be a desire (Figure 1. We make a strip from pieces of mastic and carefully roll it into a roll). Such roses turn out to be small in size, but they can be rolled up a lot - to make a pink field out of the cake.

    More hard way you can see the manufacture of roses. For this, you will have to spend more time and effort, but the result is obtained - you can’t take your eyes off!

    Picture 1.

    In fact, there are many ways to make roses from fondant to decorate a cake.

    The mastic itself is best made from marshmallows, as it should be plastic and pliable.

    Roses can be collected in separate petals, fastening them with water, you can roll them up with a ribbon, as flowers are collected from fabric, but I liked one described method, when a blank of 5 petals is cut out of mastic, as a rule, and it is already attached to a blank of mastic on a skewer.

    The start might look like this:

    And in the end, when several blanks are assembled and fastened to each other, we get such roses:

    Naturally, the edges can be made wavy, the buds themselves open or not, but you need to let the flowers dry first, and not lay them on a flat surface so that they do not flatten - this is a must.

    This will require confectionery mastic or you can cook it yourself. Powdered sugar, rolling pin, board for rolling and rolling mastic. We roll out the mastic with a rolling pin, by the way, the mastic looks like plasticine and it is easy to make petals for a rose from it. You can not roll out, just tear off the mastic piece by piece and sculpt the petals. Then collecting them and making a flower. And you can roll it out, then cut out circles from it with a mold or a glass. You can watch this video on how to make a rose from mastic for a cake.

    To make a rose out of buttercream first prepare the mastic of the desired colors. Think about how many flowers you need to decorate the cake, think over the composition, and then start sculpting.

    I will offer a scheme according to which we sculpt a pink rose:

    Another option for sculpting buds and flowers of a red rose:

    This option is generally simple. Make circles with a shape, lay them on top of each other so that each one overlaps the previous one by 1 cm and walk over them with a stick, as shown in the figure below, and then roll into a flower:

    Option 4:

    Option 5: How to do white mastic roses and decorate the cake with them.

    Mastic is gaining more and more popularity. This material allows you to create realistic figures, one to one reminiscent of the original. In addition, mastic is convenient because the figures from it are stored for a long time, you can make them in advance, long before baking and decorating the cake itself.

    Worthy of special attention are detailed master classes. Modern ones allow you to create believable flowers, for example, mastic roses, which strongly resemble real ones. But, unlike real live roses, mastic ones can be eaten, and they will not wither.

    MK (master class) on creating roses based on mastic will teach you how to create the thinnest petals, leaves, stems and beautifully decorate rose buds. This flower is not very difficult to perform, suitable for beginners to work with mastic, but it will require some skill.

    Since we will make a rose according to the MK master class on floristic wire with ribbons, not all parts of the flower will be edible. Buds and leaves are created from mastic, and everything is attached to a wire, then placed on a cake.

    So, the tools and ingredients for our MK (master class):

    • a small silicone mat-board;
    • mastic sugar from marshmallows;
    • 2 liquid dyes - rich pink and light green;
    • floral wire and tape;
    • cuttings of 2 types to create petals and leaves;
    • powdered sugar for rolling;
    • special rolling pin;
    • stacks, knives.

    Actually, you can’t do without a rolling pin and a knife in this MK, the rest of the tools for working with mastic (professional) can be replaced with improvised items. For example, a special stack in the form of a stick with a ball at the end (for processing the edges of the petal and leaves and making them waviness) can be replaced with a small teaspoon. Instead of cutting, you can use cookie cutters or just carefully cut them out. sharp knife according to the prepared cardboard template, as the master class shows.


    If you are lucky enough to buy ready-made mastic on a cake for decorating flowers according to a master class, you have done half the battle. But if you couldn’t find one, it’s quite possible to make mastic at home. For thin petals or leaves, it is necessary to make plastic and enough soft mastic, which will hold its shape, but it is easy to roll out and bend.

    The recipe for flower mastic on the cake is for this MK:

    1. Sift 250 g of the finest powdered sugar you can find into a deep bowl.
    2. Dilute 30 ml of water with 2.25 teaspoons of gelatin, let swell for 20 minutes, melt for a couple, stirring, but not boiling. It is important that all the grains dissolve, the mass is thick and homogeneous.
    3. In still hot gelatin, dilute 1 teaspoon with a small slide (about 7 g) of glucose and 0.25 teaspoon of confectionery fat.
    4. Pour in gelatin mass into powdered sugar in a stream, kneading like plain dough. Mastic can be considered ready when it stops sticking to your hands, it will lend itself well to rolling and stop shrinking. wrapped in cling film or polyethylene, such a mass can be stored in the refrigerator for 10–14 days without loss palatability and properties.

    When you have made mastic on the cake, divide it according to MK into 2 parts. For the petals you will need 2/3 of the mass, the rest for the leaves. Paint over most V pink color, adding a drop of liquid dye to a piece of mastic and kneading on the table with the addition of powdered sugar, as the master class shows. Pour green dye into the smaller part, mix as well.

    Start MK by creating petals, so wrap the green part with a film and put it in the refrigerator. From the pink part, also pinch off a piece of 1-2 petals, the rest should be wrapped in a bag or film at this time.

    We collect a rose

    The master class will help you master this difficult art - to create magnificent roses on a cake:

    1. Sprinkle a rug (or board) with a little powder. Lay out a ball of mastic about 7 cm in diameter and gradually roll it out in all directions until the thickness reaches 2 mm.
    2. With a round cut or a stack with sharp edges, cut out the circles. Press firmly and sharply so that the edges are as even as possible. Make 9 circles for one rose for this MK.

    1. Now collect the mastic scraps, pack them in polyethylene. It is also better to put the circles in the bag and take them out one at a time.
    2. Align the edge of each circle with your fingers, remove any bumps.
    3. Set aside 9 ordinary tablespoons on the table to dry the petals.
    4. Lay one circle on a mat or regular foam sponge, walk around the edges with a stack with a ball to make the edge thin and wavy. Thin the edge on 2/3 of the entire area of ​​​​the petal - the center should remain thick. Do not make the lower part, which will be attached to the stem, thin either.
    5. When all the blanks become wavy, put each petal in its own spoon, bend the edges down, giving them a natural curve. Bend in this way bend 5 petals, leave one flat to dry on the table, and for three circles bend the petals into reverse side(inside).

    1. Take a toothpick, moisten its edge with water, “wrap” it with a piece of pink mastic - make a pestle according to MK.
    2. Moisten an even petal (with not curved edges) with a brush from the center of the lower part to the sides. Water acts on the mastic like glue, softens it.
    3. Glue the first circle to the toothpick by wrapping it around the pestle.
    4. Also glue the petals bent inward according to MK. The outer layer consists of petals - looking outward. Do not forget to moisten the edges of the bottom of each circle with water and wrap each new petal from the end of the previous one.

    1. We also form the leaves on the cake - cut them out using an oval cutting, make the edges wavy, bend inward, draw structural stripes along the inside of the leaf, as shown in the master class. Leaves are attached to floristic wire covered with tape (there are even special workshops for working with these materials).

    In the process, the rose may soften a little, become sticky from the water with which you moisten the base of the petals. In this case, it is enough to dip the base of the bud several times in powdered sugar. You have an unopened bud on the cake, however, the outer petals can be bent outward even more to give the flower volume, or even add 3-5 petals on the outside. Gather everything together on a wire, as the master class shows, and install on the cake - original decoration from edible mastic roses is ready.

    We all love sweet desserts, especially if they are decorated. beautiful patterns, flowers, petals and the like. Great addition, for example, fondant roses will go with a cake or cupcake, as they give pastries a romantic, cute touch. Of course, you can buy them ready-made in the store, but they will turn out much tastier and more interesting if you cook them yourself. This is not an easy task, but the result will please everyone. Having worked hard, you can get beautiful flowers that will please not only the eyes, but also the stomachs of relatives and friends. It will be especially interesting for children who love to enjoy sweets prepared in an unusual way.

    A few words about cake decorations

    Today, there are many ways to make a rose from mastic. The mastic itself is recommended to be prepared in such a way that it is sufficiently plastic, only in this case it is possible to cut petals of various shapes and sizes from it. Roses can be collected from individual petals, which are held together with water. Or you can fold them with a ribbon the way fabric flowers are made. Another way is to assemble a flower from five petals, which are attached to a blank of mastic on a skewer. Several of these blanks create a whole flower bouquet that will delight everyone.

    The edges of the petals are made wavy, and the buds can be either open or closed. The only caveat here is the fact that the roses themselves must dry completely, and only then they can be laid on a flat surface. They can be stored for several months in a sealed container. Consider several ways to make a rose from mastic.

    Flowers for mastic cake

    Ingredients: eight hundred grams of finely ground powdered sugar, twenty grams of gelatin, sixty grams of cold water, one hundred and seventy grams of corn or one spoon (available at the pharmacy), food coloring.

    Inventory: dishes with water, brush, scissors.

    Making mastic

    Before making roses from mastic, you must first soak in cold water gelatin and dissolve it in microwave oven or in a water bath. Then powdered sugar is sifted into the dishes, part of it is separately mixed with syrup, glycerin and gelatin, flavoring is added if desired. Then, the remaining powdered sugar is poured into this mass in portions and kneaded like a dough. In this case, the mastic should not stick to the hands. With the help of dyes, it is dyed in various colors. The finished mass is temporarily covered with a towel so that it does not dry out.

    Rose from mastic step by step

    First you need to sprinkle the work surface with powdered sugar. To form a flower, you need to prepare five or six petals. They mold them separately. To do this, pinch off a piece of mastic the size of a hazelnut, roll it into a ball and press it with your fingers so that you get a cake, the edges of which will need to be made a little thinner. At the same time, the thinner the edges of the cake are, the more tender the flower will turn out. The diameter of the petal should be about five centimeters. When making roses from mastic with your own hands, do not forget to dip your fingers in powdered sugar so that the mastic does not stick to them.

    So, the first petal is loosely twisted into a tube, the workpiece is attached to the surface covered with powdered sugar. This blank will be the center of the flower. The second petal is connected to the tube so that they touch only at the bottom. The top is twisted in some places, giving the rose a natural look. Using a brush, the junction is lubricated with water.

    The next petal is connected to another so that it is slightly tucked inward, one of its edges should be between the first and second petals, and the other - outside. Do the same with all five or six petals. Roses from mastic (we just reviewed the master class) are ready! Next, the stem of the resulting flower is cut off with scissors, since it will turn out to be thick. The finished rose is placed on a dish sprinkled with powdered sugar. This is how they do it right amount flowers for decorating cakes, they can be of different colors and sizes. You can also cut leaves from mastic.

    Making rose leaves

    A piece of green mastic is rolled out with a rolling pin into a layer, after sprinkling the working surface with powdered sugar. Using a knife, cut blanks in the shape of leaves. To give the products a bulge, they are dried on another rolling pin, you can also bend them with your hands. Leaves should dry for at least a day in a dry and warm room. This is how you can design a mastic cake with roses that everyone will like.

    Decorations for mastic cakes: roses with petals

    Ingredients: forty grams of soft marshmallows, one hundred grams of butter, one tablespoon of lemon juice, powdered sugar, food coloring.

    Making mastic

    Marshmallows are melted in the microwave, oil and lemon juice are added to it. Mix everything thoroughly and add in small portions powdered sugar, kneading like dough. Part finished mastic dyed in green color, and the rest is painted red or pink, depending on the fantasy, then it is set aside for a while.

    Flower making. Method number 1

    Let's consider further how a rose is made from mastic step by step. To do this, they take the forms of the required circle, lay them on the mastic rolled into the layer and cut out a round blank. Incisions are made in the circle in such a way as to obtain an imitation of petals. Fingers run along the edges, making them wavy. Next they take Not a large number of mastics, form a ball and put it in the middle of the workpiece. The petals are twisted by hand, wrapping them around the middle. They are moistened with water so that they are pressed closer to the bud. In the same way, another blank is prepared and applied to the bud. The number of flowers can be different, so you can form a whole bouquet of roses from mastic. After it is ready, the edges of the flowers are painted in a different color.

    Making flowers. Method number 2

    After the mastic is made, it is rolled into a layer, folded so that a small tubercle forms. Then the ends of the plate are cut off one centimeter each and cut into strips. The resulting ribbons are twisted into a roll, thus forming flowers. Then the base, for which the flower is held, is compressed to give it a conical shape. Using a cocktail stick, carefully separate the petals so that the rose has a shape. Petals are cut out of green mastic and attached to the bottom of the flower. If you roll up a large number of such flowers, then you can decorate roses from mastic with them, while it will be located on the entire surface of the baking.

    A full-fledged mastic rose

    First of all, a core is formed from the finished mastic. To do this, insert a toothpick into a ball formed from it. From a small piece mastics make a thin petal so that its tip is pointed and flattened. There are many such petals (up to forty). With the help of a teaspoon, they are rounded off by pressing the tool in the middle, and then pressed down along the edges so that they become thinner than the rest.

    Further, mastic roses are made as follows: the first petal is fixed so that its flattened part is located in the center of the base, which was formed earlier. It is carefully wrapped around the central part, then another petal is added so that its base is located slightly away from the first leaf. It is also wrapped and moved to the next petal. This continues until the rose is fully formed.

    Adding the finishing touches

    So, when the mastic roses are made, proceed to the formation of the base of the flowers. Then the rose is removed from the toothpick and the ends of the petals are painted with edible glitter or food coloring different color. Having made roses from mastic (the master class has already been held), add a few more leaves or grape leaves, pre-dried, and set decorations on the cake.

    If you plan to make a mastic cake with roses placed on the sides, then it is recommended to connect the flowers with each other with green leaves to make a decoration in the form of a flower chain. If you want to change it, you need to cut off the edge of the mastic, which is wrapped, and press it down so that two layers of petals form. And if you roll out the edges, you can get a carnation.

    Cake decoration roses

    To make roses from mastic, first you need to prepare mastic according to one of the recipes above. Then it is rolled out very thinly and painted in the desired color. Then, using a stencil or a regular glass, cut out circles and stack them in a pile. Circles can be of different diameters depending on the desired size of the flower, their number is also used at the discretion. It is recommended to take about eight blanks.

    How to make roses from mastic?

    Then they take blanks and give the edges a curly shape. To do this, lightly press the edges of the circle with a spoon and, as it were, pull the mastic from the center. Do the same with the rest of the blanks from the stack. The finished petals are folded into a bud: a rod is molded from mastic, on which they are wrapped. So, each petal is strung on a rod so that the edge of one is in the middle of the other, while instead of glue they use plain water. The finished flower is cut from below with scissors or a knife and decorated with it, for example, a cake.


    We figured out how to make a rose from mastic. Although this is not an easy task, it is worth it, because such tasty figures no one will be left indifferent. Flowers will especially please the representatives of the weaker sex, because there is nothing more romantic than presented airy dessert, decorated with beautiful delicate roses that you can eat.

    1. Base - truffle mass (like a potato cake)

    The biscuit is prepared in the microwave in 5 minutes:

    2 eggs, 1 tbsp. whisk sugar.

    Add 0.5 tbsp. vegetable oil, 1.5 tbsp flour, 1 tsp soda, 2 tbsp cocoa, vanillin.

    Beat again, bake in a 22 cm microwave-safe dish at full power for 5 minutes.

    In the meantime, we make the filling for the truffle mass:

    Melt 100 g of butter with 0.5 chocolates, then add 0.5 cans of condensed milk. We stir.

    Cool the biscuit a little and while warm, cut into small squares, mix with the filling, so that you can sculpt. If necessary, add condensed milk. I also added chopped prunes

    Now, from the truffle mass, we sculpt the base for the rose, the cone and leave it to harden in the refrigerator. It took me 15 minutes to bake and prepare the base of the cone:

    I did not cover the base for this cake with cream on top, which is usually done for mastic cakes, because the rose petals will cover all the bumps and they will not be visible. We roll out the mastic, the petals will be round, sometimes I cut off the bottom and left a semicircle. Using a ball tool, make the edges of the petals thin:

    We start from the top. We put a small round piece of mastic on the top of the cone. Then we impose the first petals, which we do not bend. I had 3 of them.

    We continue to impose petals until we get a rose.

    sugar mastic recipe

    The master class is taken from the site http://povary.ru

    In order to make such decorations on the cake, you need to use mastic. Mastic is milk, chocolate, sugar (gelatin), marshmallow, marshmallow mastic. Here sugar mastic is used.

    The rest of the mastic recipes can be found here http://katrai.ru/post128816030/

    500 g of powdered sugar,

    10 g gelatin,

    50 g water

    Lemon juice (citric acid).

    1. Soak gelatin in cold water for 15 minutes.

    2. Then we melt it (in no case do not boil, otherwise it will lose its properties).

    3. Sift the powdered sugar, gradually add to the gelatin,

    Mix well to get a homogeneous white mass.

    The mastic should not stick to your hands. If it turned out sticky, then add a little more powder, and if it crumbles, then lemon juice. In general, it is better to immediately take 2/3 of the entire powder, and add the rest gradually. If you have not worked with mastic yet lemon juice it is better not to add it - the mastic is whiter from it, but it also dries faster. To begin with, you can add a little glycerin or butter to the mastic - it will not dry so quickly. The mastic should be kneaded for 10-15 minutes.

    4. Should work plastic mass resembling plasticine.

    5. Tint at the end of the batch, if the dye is dry, it must be diluted in a few drops of water.


    The rose is rightly called the queen among flowers. She captivates with her unusual beauty and grace. It is not surprising that most professional confectioners prefer it when decorating a birthday cake.

    Make roses from sugar mastic under the power of everyone. To do this, it is not at all necessary to complete expensive cooking courses or be able to skillfully sculpt, it is enough to have a great desire, imagination and basic knowledge of creating volumetric figures and compositions.

    From this article you will learn how to make a rose from mastic at home from improvised and completely available products and materials with their own hands.

    Master class on making roses for beginners

    Especially for those who are just starting to master the technique of sculpting flowers and figures from mastic, consider this rather easy-to-follow step-by-step master class.

    For the process of sculpting a rose, you will need:

    • finished mastic;
    • rolling pin (preferably plastic or wooden) for rolling sugar mass;
    • rounded shape for squeezing blanks or a small glass;
    • stacks and plastic knife.

    Steps for making roses from mastic:

    1. Initially, it is necessary to carefully roll out the dough prepared in advance for modeling with a rolling pin.
    2. After completing the first stage of work, we proceed to the manufacture of blank petals for a future rose. To do this, we take a round shape of the size you need and begin to squeeze out circles from a thin layer of mastic.
    3. We lay out 5-6 circles in one line, slightly stepping each blank on top of each other.
    4. Using a stack, make small indentations in the center of the dough and at the same time attach the circles to each other. It turns out something like a spikelet.
    5. Carefully twist the finished strip into a tube.
    6. Finally, cut off the extra tail and straighten the petals of our flower.

    Whole stage step by step manufacturing mastic roses are also shown in the photo:

    So, you can easily and simply make beautiful roses from mastic with your own hands and then decorate them birthday cake or a cake. If you mold a lot of such flowers, you can lay out a whole flower arrangement from them.

    Lush rose from individual petals

    This MK is for those who are quite long time is engaged in modeling flowers from mastic and has already got his hand in this difficult task. It will be a little more difficult for a beginner to master the method presented below, but, as you know, nothing is impossible. With a great desire and desire, making a rose in this technique will be possible even for a beginner amateur pastry chef.

    To make a lush rosebud from individual petals, you will need the following ingredients and materials:

    • pre-prepared mastic for the cake;
    • a round form for cookies or a regular glass, or a glass;
    • a rolling pin (plastic or wooden) for rolling out the mass for modeling;
    • stacks to form petals.

    Successive stages of sculpting a lush rose:

    1. We begin work on making a flower with rolling sweet mass on a table or a special plastic mat for working with mastic.
    2. Carefully, using a mold or a glass, we squeeze out round blanks-petals.
    3. We give each petal an original and natural look with the help of stacks.
    4. We begin to form a bud. To do this, we take a small amount of mastic and make a small center out of it, resembling an elongated cone or an ordinary drop in shape. After that, we carefully wrap our workpiece with the first petal.
    5. We attach the subsequent petals to each other, gradually wrapping the core and forming a lush bud. As the size of the flower increases, the petals should be slightly twisted to give the bud a more natural and expressive shape.

    A lush rose for decorating the cake is ready!

    The bud made in this way turns out to be quite large, so be sure to consider this fact when choosing required amount flowers to create a composition that will decorate your cake.

    Bicolor mastic roses

    Making two-tone flowers using sweet mass for modeling is not an easy task. This option is not suitable for everyone, but it’s still worth trying to fashion it. In addition, this method of decoration, unlike the use of plain buds, will favorably highlight your cake or pastry and make it brighter and more appetizing.
