
What is the best way to cook pasta. How to cook pasta in a pot so it doesn't stick together

How much and how to cook pasta to make it perfect?

Interest Ask, which torments many housewives.

For some, pasta sticks together, for others it turns out glassy, ​​for others it is tasteless.

What is the problem and how to cook pasta correctly?

How to cook pasta - general cooking principles

The perfect recipe and the exact time how much to cook pasta simply does not exist. It all depends on the type of wheat used, the size of the products and the chosen cooking method. But there is general principles to help you prepare the perfect meal.

Five secrets perfect pasta:

1. Before cooking, it is advisable to study the information on the package. Usually there is a cooking time. But it is also approximate.

2. To prevent pasta from sticking together, you can add a little oil to the water while cooking. And, of course, lubricate finished products.

3. Of course, you can fill a pack of products with a liter of water and cook. But it is believed that for ideal pasta, you need at least a liter of liquid per 100 grams of dry product, regardless of its size and shape.

4. Never skimp on pasta. If they are made from bad wheat, then to achieve tasty and the perfect dish more difficult. And by the way, the cost different types rarely makes a really big difference and hits the wallet hard.

5. Immediately after starting the pasta in the water, they need to be mixed well. Otherwise, they will definitely stick together.

These simple advice will help to prepare a quality side dish or any other dish. But, how and how much to cook pasta so that they do not stick together, turn out tasty and neat?

How to cook pasta in a pot

The most common way to cook pasta is to boil it in a pot. This is how products are prepared for side dishes, casseroles and other needs. This method is used by many housewives, but how to cook pasta on the stove?


300 grams of pasta;

3 liters of water;

2 tablespoons of salt;

40 grams of butter.


1. Pour water into the pan, put it on the stove and let it boil. Salt.

2. We lower the dry product into the water and immediately stir it well, otherwise the products will stick to the walls of the dishes and to the bottom.

3. Now you need to cover the pan with a lid for a few seconds and make the maximum fire so that the products boil as soon as possible.

4. Immediately remove the lid, otherwise the dish will “run away” onto the stove.

5. We make a moderate fire and cook until tender.

6. But how long to cook pasta? If the time on the package is 10 minutes, then at 9 minutes you need to try.

7. If the products are ready, then drain them into a colander. You can rinse with boiling water.

8. Add oil, stir and you're done! Any oil can be used. It is better to melt the cream so that it is more evenly distributed over the products.

How and how much to cook pasta for frying and baking

Often from boiled pasta cook different dishes followed by frying or cooking in the oven, for example, for casseroles. But for them, products need to be prepared a little differently, they cannot be digested.


300 grams of pasta;

3 liters of water;


1. Boil water with salt, pour in a couple of tablespoons of oil.

2. Run the pasta, stir and bring to a boil at maximum heat.

3. Reduce the fire and cook, but not to fully prepared.

4. As soon as the products increase in size, but are still harsh, they need to be tried.

5. If the pasta doesn't stick to your teeth and bites easily, then you're done! Then they will reach when hot.

6. If the products are sticky, it is difficult to crack them, then we bring them to the state described above.

7. If the pasta is soft and fully cooked, then when frying, they will lose their shape. Therefore, the dish will have to be prepared with a small amount sauces and at maximum temperature so as not to turn into pasta porridge.

How to cook pasta so it doesn't stick together

If it is not possible to cook pasta with high quality, and they constantly stick together, you can resort to some tricks.


Macaroni 300 g;

3-4 liters of water;

50 grams of oil;


1. We take a large and wide pan. Tall utensils will not work. We want the heat to be distributed as evenly as possible.

2. Salt and immediately pour in the oil. All 50 ml. It will envelop products and reduce their stickiness.

3. As soon as the water boils, add pasta, quickly bring to a boil. You can briefly cover the pan with a lid to speed up the process.

4. After boiling, gently mix the products to cover again with oil. We do this carefully, it is better to use a spatula. Stir every 2 minutes, that is, 2-3 more times.

5. Finished goods we recline in a colander and immediately pour over with boiling water.

How to boil pasta in milk

Milk soup or porridge - wonderful dish not only for children. It is ideal for breakfast, easy and quick to prepare. You can take any products, from shells to horns and vermicelli.


1 liter of milk;

200 grams of pasta;

30 grams of oil;

2 spoons of sugar;


1. Boil milk.

2. Salt, sugar and immediately add butter. For dairy dish better to use butter.

3. Pour the pasta, stir and let it boil.

4. Reduce the heat and cook until soft. Vermicelli is enough for 2-3 minutes. Horns and shells need to be boiled for 8-10 minutes.

How to Boil Pasta in a Pot with Other Ingredients (In Soup)

Cooking pasta in combination with vegetables and other ingredients is more difficult. It is necessary to correctly determine the time of laying the product. Most often boiled soup with pasta. It is easier to use spider web for this. It is enough to let the soup boil and you can immediately turn it off. But, how and how much to cook other pasta?




1. Pasta such as shells, horns, snails are launched into the soup when the potatoes begin to pierce, but are not quite ready yet.

2. We put the products in a saucepan, the soup should already be salted. Mix well.

3. Cook until soft, but not fully cooked. Products should be a little harsh, but already increased in size. If pasta according to the instructions needs 10 minutes, then 5-6 is enough in the soup.

5. Turn off and let the dish stand for 10 minutes. Pasta will reach. If they are overcooked, then even without insisting, the products will become sour already in the plate.

How to cook fried pasta

A non-draining way to cook pasta. It requires precise proportions. But these are not all features. Pasta is very fragrant, tasty and brown. It is better to use products of a simple form - tubes, vermicelli, horns.


120 grams of pasta;

2 glasses of water;

30 ml of oil.

You can add any spices and spices to this dish.


1. Heat the oil in a frying pan, add pepper and any spices except salt.

2. Omit raw pasta and fry until brown big fire, do not forget to interfere.

3. Boil water separately with salt, pour into pasta.

4. Let it boil, reduce the heat and cover the pan.

5. Cook pasta for about 10 minutes, then open. We try. If there is liquid left, and the dish is already ready, then we add fire and evaporate. If pasta is still damp, cover and let rise.

6. Season the finished dish with herbs, serve with vegetables, meat, you can season all kinds of sauces.

Tastier pasta is obtained if they are lubricated with butter. Well, it's faster and easier to use vegetable oil and it takes a little less.

If added to pasta water beetroot juice, then they will turn out very interesting and beautiful color. Especially such a dish will be appreciated by small picky eaters. In addition, beets are useful and are natural dye.

How much pasta to boil? According to the norms, 80-100 grams of a dry product goes per person. That is, a standard pack of 400 grams is enough for a family of 4 people. But everyone's appetites are different, this is also worth considering.

Water for pasta is salted before the products are immersed. And never salt during the cooking process.

To cook pasta, you need not only a lot of water, but also large saucepan. Pour liquids no more than 2/3. Otherwise, there is a great risk of washing the stove after cooking.

At any national cuisine there are pasta dishes, and they are very popular among the population. Unless they have different names. In Italy, all pasta is pasta. In Asia, it is more common to call pasta "kespe", and the Russian word "noodles" is closer.

But no matter how this product is called, it is always cooked according to long-established rules. After all, if you do not adhere to them, then instead of delicious pasta, you can get an unsightly mess.

The main requirement, which must be strictly adhered to, is related to the proportions of water and pasta.

How much water to put in a pasta pot

In order for the pasta to cook evenly and turn out elastic and tasty, water for cooking them is taken at least 1 liter per 100 g of products. Therefore, if you need to cook a large amount of pasta, then take a large pan.

Water, before dipping noodles or vermicelli into it, is salted, taking about 8 g of salt per 1 liter of liquid.

Some housewives add a spoonful of vegetable oil to the water. This improves the taste of the pasta and prevents them from sticking together a bit.

What fire to cook pasta

In order for pasta to reveal its full taste, nutritional qualities and at the same time were not burdensome for the stomach, they are boiled with sufficient boiling, but the water should not boil much.

It is important that the liquid, after immersing the pasta in it, boils again as quickly as possible.

During cooking, do not cover the pot with a lid.

So that the horns, noodles or other products do not stick to the bottom and stick together during cooking, they are periodically mixed gently.

How long does it take to cook pasta in a pot?

There is no single answer to this question. After all, a lot depends on the quality of flour, dough kneading, the number of eggs or, conversely, their absence, and even on how long the pasta was made.

For example, egg noodles, which the hostess rolled a few hours ago, will cook quickly - in 5 minutes. And the purchased one will cook a little longer.

If the pasta was made from durum flour, then they keep their shape well during cooking, do not boil soft, do not become limp and do not stick together after they are laid out in a colander.

Cooking time also depends on the type of pasta. After all, horns or feathers are cooked much longer than vermicelli. Therefore, before cooking, be sure to read the information on the package. But if pasta is sold by weight, then they are cooked “by the tooth”.

Do I need to rinse pasta?

Pasta is not washed.

Immediately after boiling, they are laid out in a colander and wait until the entire broth drains.

Then they are returned to the pan again and the oil is immediately put there. It can be butter, ghee, vegetable oil, pork fat or margarine. It all depends on the preferences of the hostess and on the recipe of the chosen dish.

Only this recommendation applies to durum wheat pasta. But most often, housewives buy cheap horns or vermicelli, which are made from flour of other types of wheat. If such pasta is not washed, they will stick together in one big lump.

Therefore, in each individual case, the hostess herself decides whether to wash what she has cooked or not.

However, some countries have their own rules about this. IN Asian cuisine most often cooked thin noodles and lagman - thick long noodles. They are cooked according to the same principle - in in large numbers water until ready. But lagman, unlike Italian pasta, be sure to wash in cold water and lubricated with oil.

Before laying out on plates, it is heated by lowering it directly in a colander into hot water, and then wait for it to drain. Do the same with noodles.

How to determine the readiness of pasta

Most often, the hostess relies on her taste, intuition and experience.

But the Italians, for example, have their own method of determining the readiness of pasta.

Any pasta they cook to the state of "al dente", that is, "by the tooth".

Ready pasta under no circumstances should they be overcooked. Properly welded products do not stick in the teeth, but lag behind them.

But you need to remember that boiled hot pasta, once again in the pan after draining the water, continues to ripen for some time, so even slightly overcooked noodles will become sour and stick together.

If pasta is needed for a casserole, they are boiled until cooked, the water is drained from them, mixed with oil, laid out in a mold and baked. For casseroles, it is better to take pasta from soft varieties wheat, but products exclusively from durum varieties are suitable for garnish.

How to cook pasta in the microwave

The microwave oven serves not only for a warming up of food. You can even cook noodles in it.

Cooking conditions in the microwave are the same as on the stove. That is, pasta is boiled in a large amount of liquid. For example, 200 g of pasta will require 3 liters of water. But the sequence of bookmarks is different.

  • Put the pasta in the pot.
  • Pour in boiling salted water so that it covers the products by 4-5 cm.
  • Cover the pot with a lid, leaving room for steam to escape.
  • Cook at maximum power for about 7 minutes.
  • Turn off the microwave.
  • Leave the pasta in the water for another 7-10 minutes.
  • The water is drained.
  • Boiled pasta is greased with oil or poured over with gravy.

How to cook pasta in a slow cooker

For cooking in a slow cooker, it is better to use pasta made from durum wheat, otherwise the result may be unpredictable. But if, nevertheless, the noodles do not meet these requirements and are made from soft varieties of wheat, then they are cooked in this way:

  • Pour water into the bowl and let it boil on any program.
  • Add some vegetable or butter and salt to taste.
  • Put pasta. Make sure the water covers them completely.
  • Stir.
  • Close the lid and cook for 10 to 20 minutes, depending on the type and variety of noodles, setting the “Steamed” or “Pilaf” program.

If pasta is made from durum wheat, then they can be cooked differently.

  • Place the pasta in the bowl.
  • Pour in cold salted water so that it completely covers them.
  • Do not mix.
  • Close the lid and cook, setting the "Steam" or "Pilaf" function.

How to cook soup with pasta

For soup, noodles or vermicelli are most often used.

Since these pastas cook very quickly, they are put in the very last place, when the soup is almost ready.

Given the duration of cooking noodles, they put it 7-10 minutes before the end of cooking. But you need to remember that, being in a hot broth, the noodles continue to cook, even if the pan has already been removed from the stove. Therefore, pasta is recommended to be slightly undercooked. The soup is allowed to brew for a few minutes and poured into bowls.

Many refuse to eat pasta for fear of gaining weight. But to prevent this from happening, dishes with similar products are prepared in such a way that the number of horns or noodles is three times less than vegetables.

After all, it is carrots, onions, cabbage, eggplants, peppers and different greens make pasta dishes very tasty, never boring and healthy.

And also you need to use pasta from durum wheat for food, and then dishes from them will not cause weight gain. How to choose such pasta:

  • The packaging with products made from durum wheat is labeled "Group A".
  • The bottom of the package should be free of crumbs and flour.
  • These pasta are golden amber in color.
  • When cooking, they do not lose their shape, do not boil soft and do not stick together.
  • Durum wheat spaghetti breaks with difficulty and has a vitreous fracture.

Pasta is great for breakfast, lunch and dinner. They are loved for their simplicity and speed of preparation. Great option for bachelors and people who are always busy with work. Top the pasta with ketchup and sauce - and tasty dish ready. The most important thing is that the product does not stick together, otherwise you will get a sticky mess.

Preparing to cook pasta in a pot

Prepare the next kitchen utensils and products:

  • pasta. Buy local products, because pasta is made from wheat, and Agriculture available in every region. Look at the color of the pasta. Opt for pasta yellow color from durum wheat. From products made from white flour, dial overweight. Determine the type - horns, spirals, spaghetti and the like;
  • saucepan. The volume of the pot depends on the number of family members. For one person, a container of 1.5 liters is enough. For big family take a thick-walled pan for three to four liters. Pour more water into the pan, drain the unnecessary liquid after cooking;
  • salt. Salt the water at your discretion. For 0.5 liters of water, take 10 g of salt. Measure out required amount salt with a measuring cup or using a kitchen scale;
  • colander. In it, you will rinse the pasta under water. Take a large colander, pasta increases in volume after cooking;
  • butter. Margarine will not work, it will spoil the taste, and the butter will give the dish a pleasant flavor.

The cooking process is simple:

  • pour water into a saucepan. Pour at least one liter per 100 g of pasta. If there is not enough water, the pasta will come out sticky;
  • put a pot of water on the stove. Wait for the water to boil. Cover the bowl with a lid;
  • add salt to the water after it boils. Mix well, turn on the fire on the stove;
  • Pour pasta into boiling water. Stir. Wait for the water to boil again, but with pasta. If you cook spaghetti, do not break them, but put them in a saucepan. The ends of the spaghetti will become soft and lower pasta spoon into the water completely;
  • note the time after boiling. Focus on the cooking time of the product, which is indicated on the pack. During cooking, do not cover the vessel with a lid;
  • Stir the pasta with a long spoon or spatula during cooking. Stir constantly for the first three minutes. Periodically test the dish for readiness. Catch a couple of things with a spoon in the water, blow on them or put them under water and try. The pasta is not too hard, but not too soft either. Turn off the stove when the dish is ready.

On average, cooking takes from seven to fifteen minutes.

How to cook pasta in a saucepan - rinse pasta and add oil

Place the colander in the kitchen sink. Pour pasta with water into it and shake lightly. Don't shake too hard, you'll get porridge. Let the dish stand for a couple of minutes. Rinse under cold water and transfer back to the saucepan. If you are going to immediately fry and eat pasta, you do not need to rinse it.

Put a piece of butter into the pasta and let it melt. Lightly stir the contents of the pot. The cooled products will not stick together and will acquire creamy taste. Now you can add ketchup, sauce or sprinkle the dish with grated cheese and serve.

Before cooking pasta, add a tablespoon of vegetable oil to boiling water. This ensures that the products do not stick together. Do not leave ready meal stand in the water. Rinse non-hard macaroni under hot water.

Pour hot water over the colander before rinsing. Pasta will not stick to the sides of the bowl. Italians serve the dish on hot plates so that the product lasts longer. taste qualities. Don't overcook the pasta, it will dry out in the refrigerator.

Even a primary school student can cook pasta. Our cooking secrets will help you get healthy dish. delicious pastaworthy replacement harmful semi-finished products from the store.

The biggest reason we eat pasta is how easy it is to cook. In just 15-20 minutes we get a ready-to-eat dish.

If you want to enjoy not only eating pasta, but also cooking it, then you should not save money, but buy only high-quality pasta. Yes, their cost is higher than usual, but we are not talking about huge expenses.

Poor-quality pasta is sticky and overcooked. Therefore, when choosing pasta for dinner, carefully study the labels on the package, make sure that your pasta is made from durum wheat.

How and in which pan to cook pasta

Use a large pot. For every 100 grams of dry pasta, there should be a liter of water. It is optimal to cook 225 grams at a time, this amount is just enough for two servings as a main dish (for example, spaghetti with sauce) or for 4 servings of a side dish.

Before tossing the pasta into the water, make sure it is boiling and throw in a tablespoon of salt. Stir the pasta in the water just once to separate.

If you chose long pasta- spaghetti or fettuccine, gently press on them. After a couple of minutes, they will become less rigid and will fall into the pan. Distribute them evenly around the perimeter.

Never cover the pot with a lid: the water will boil too quickly and overflow onto the stove.

How long to cook pasta

Start a timer - good pasta cook for 9-12 minutes. But it is also worth considering that the cooking time depends on the quality of the pasta, and on their shape. Therefore, the most reliable way check the readiness of the dish - try. A taste test can be done 8 minutes after you let the pasta into the water, then every minute.

This should be done if you are cooking pasta from this manufacturer for the first time. Next time you will know how long they cook. But some varieties of pasta are better to cook for less than a minute, but keep them on fire for exactly a minute longer already with the sauce.

Colander and plates

A colander also needs to be prepared for work. Rinse it with boiling water before throwing pasta on it. This procedure will prepare it for contact with hot pasta. Do not drain all liquid until last drop, leave some water so that the pasta does not dry out. Set a colander filled with pasta over a saucepan to collect all the liquid.

Try to serve pasta on warm plates so that it is as hot as possible when served. Spaghetti is more convenient to serve with special tongs and lift them high to separate portions from one to another.

If after cooking the pasta will be cooked for a long time (for example, in homemade casserole With cheese sauce), then it is worth boiling them until half cooked, half the time.

I will tell you how to cook pasta a little later, now a few words about choosing pasta. Mainly pay attention to the brand - it must be famous, popular. Now in Russia there are several pasta producers with the most successful price-quality ratio. It is also necessary to pay attention to the composition of the product: pasta(or now more commonly pasta) must be made (in part) from durum wheat - durum. When dried, such pasta does not become brittle and brittle, and when cooked, it becomes slippery, does not boil into porridge and retains its structure.

In a very high-quality pasta, the protein should be 15%, if the protein is less than 12% - this is no longer excellent quality pasta. And even better if they are as if sprinkled with flour and not shiny. That's what happens italian pasta prepared according to classical technology, that is, passed through copper plates. Such pasta is a little rough and any sauce perfectly sticks to them when added.

Shelf life of pasta

Pasta spoils home cooking or egg paste industrial production. And factory-made dry pasta has a very long shelf life. The fact is that according to the production technology, pasta is dried, there is practically no moisture left in it. This means that when interacting with oxygen, the paste does not oxidize and does not deteriorate.

How to cook pasta

How much pasta and water to cook to feed 3 people

Water should be at least four, and preferably five times more than the paste itself. Water for 3 servings need about 3 liters. In restaurants standard portion dry pasta from 60 to 80 g. Since the pasta is boiled exactly 2 times, respectively, the finished pasta is 150 g. Plus the sauce. The ratio of pasta and sauce in the dish should be 1:1. The exception is seafood sauces. As a result, you get 300 g per person - quite enough.

How and how much to salt pasta when cooking

In restaurants, in professional kitchens there is such a special unit - called paste baller. This is a large tub that constantly boils water with several baskets. different pasta. Up to 10 nets with pasta can be boiled in the pastaballer at the same time. We do not add salt to the water in advance, since each pasta will have its own sauce. At home, everything also depends on the sauce or its absence. But pasta loves salt!

There is such a simple italian dish with pasta alio olio pepperoncino , there is no sauce in it, the pasta is dressed with olive oil, parsley, garlic and chili pepper. If you make such a pasta without sauce, then it is better to salt the water in advance. If you expect a rich sauce, then it is better not to salt the pasta. In this case, the sauce itself is salted, as they say, brought to taste. Just before serving, the pasta is boiled for a minute in the sauce so that the dish is saturated with flavors and aromas, including salt.

Stir or not stir pasta while cooking

Pasta, when they are cooked, can be mixed 1-2 times, no more. Otherwise, the pasta may give mucus during cooking or even begin to fall apart.

Whether or not to cover the pot of pasta while cooking

No. If the pasta is covered with water, then overheating will occur under the lid and foam will go, and this pasta is not needed.

How many minutes to cook pasta

It all depends on the texture of the pasta. There is pasta that is cooked for 1 minute, there is - 7 minutes. But on average these popular species paste like spaghetti, penne , fusili , fettuccine cook for 9-10 minutes until al dente (that is, not completely cooked, with a slightly hard center). Other types of pasta should be tried if the time is not indicated on the package.

Rinse or not rinse pasta after it's cooked

Water must be drained. But do not rinse the pasta, in any case! They need to be thrown into a sieve or colander.

What to do with the broth after cooking pasta

Save a little broth (about 100-150 ml) and thicken it, for example, tomato sauce for pasta. To do this, after frying the vegetables for the sauce, add a decoction and tomato paste(or canned tomatoes). Boil the mixture, stirring for a minute or two, and then add a little olive oil and take it off the fire.

When should the pasta sauce be ready?

What sauces go well with pasta

Variety sauces go well with pasta. You can't say for sure. But fundamentally the situation does not change: we are still in the lead creamy sauces. Despite the fact that they are not the most useful. In Italy, tastes are completely different and pasta is cooked differently. There are mainly used vegetable sauces, light, fresh, low-calorie, pasta is a balanced dish.

And in Russia, the pasta is adapted to our taste - creamy. Our climate is cold, so we love fatty sauces. The amount of sauce in the pasta is a matter of taste for everyone. But as the Italians teach, there should be enough sauce in the pasta so that it slightly covers the pasta, but at the same time so that the plate remains dry when you eat the pasta.
