
Corn baguette in the oven. Baguette at home: how to bake

Hello dear readers of my culinary blog. You have probably heard about French pastries. Have you ever tried it? Do not despair. Today I will tell you how to cook a delicious and incredibly fragrant French baguette at home.

It can be offered to the household for tea for breakfast. And if it is still warm, with butter and cheese... It's just a fairy tale.

Do not know how to cook a delicious homemade baguette with a crust in the oven? We will help you to cope with this task.


1. Wheat flour premium- 3 glasses

2. Dry yeast - 1 tsp.

3. Salt - ¾ tsp

4. Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.

5. Drinking warm water - 1 glass.

This step by step photo recipe will help you if you are making bread for the first time.

Cooking method:

1. To begin with, sift about three glasses of premium flour. Thus, it will be enriched with oxygen, the dough will be softer and more magnificent. Then I add one teaspoon of dry yeast. I mix everything thoroughly.

2. So that the salt is completely dissolved and evenly distributed throughout the dough, I will dissolve it in warm water. And then slowly pour it into the flour and mix.

In the resulting dough, add one tablespoon of vegetable oil.

3. And now the crucial moment begins: kneading the dough. First we mix it with a spoon, and when this task becomes difficult, we begin to knead the dough with our hands. I sprinkle the table with flour and knead for ten to fifteen minutes. Ready dough becomes elastic and does not stick to hands.

After that, I put the dough in a deep bowl, cover with a towel and send it to a warm place for two hours (to fit).

Then we knead it very gently and quite a bit so that ready product did not turn out stale.

Usually, the resulting dough, I divide into several parts. Each spreading his hands, you can use a rolling pin - it will be faster.

4. I twist the finished “pancake” with a tube (I try not to press hard) and pinch all parts of the connections with my fingers.

I roll out the tube, focusing on the length of the baking sheet. I repeat the same with the rest of the test. I spread everything on a baking sheet sprinkled with a little flour.

I make a few cuts (for beauty), but carefully so that they are not too deep. Then I sprinkle a little flour on top of the future bread.

I cover with a towel and leave for thirty minutes to rise.

5. Everything. Let's start baking. We put the baking sheet in the oven and bake: first for ten minutes at a temperature of 220 degrees (this will give our baguettes a thin crispy crust), and then for the same amount of time, but already lower the temperature to 180 degrees (to bake well inside).

Our French baguette is ready. Let's leave it to cool down a bit. And at this time you can invite your household to breakfast. Warm, amazing fragrant bread, cooked with your own hands - what could be tastier? I wish you bon appetit.

In addition to the so-called "classic" product, you can diversify it if you wish. Having prepared bread with filling, you can surprise your family and friends. It can be an onion or garlic baguette. My kids love onions. It comes out incredibly fragrant and goes with a bang.

It turns out very interesting stuffed bread. You can use your favorite products as a filling. It can be cheese or ham, with or without herbs. And for your favorite sweet tooth, you can make a sweet filling.

It is not necessary to bake the product in the oven. If you are in the country, you can bake in a bread machine.

Always cook with love and pleasure. Do not be afraid to experiment and you will definitely succeed. Share the recipe with your friends and leave your wishes on the site. I wish you all the best. See you.

A real French baguette is a song. A thin crispy crust, when lightly pressed, makes an indescribable sound, and an airy fragrant crumb is hidden inside. It is believed that a real baguette can only be tasted in France, however, Russian craftsmen have been preparing it at home for a long time.

Today the site talks about how to bake a French baguette, and shares little tricks to achieve that very unique taste, color and smell that this type of bread is famous for.

Ingredients (for 3-4 baguettes):

  • Baking flour - 500 g,
  • Cold water - 350 ml,
  • Warm water - 25 ml,
  • Yeast dry "active" - ​​5 g,
  • Salt - 10 g.

Advice from the site: in order to measure right amount products, it is recommended to use a kitchen scale, since the “by eye” method, as well as measurements with glasses and teaspoons, are not suitable here. In addition, the ingredients listed above do not include flour, which you will need to form baguettes and to dust a baking sheet or a special stone.

Cooking: The preparation of French baguettes takes place in 3 stages, in each of which several nuances must be taken into account.

How to knead the dough for a baguette

In a separate container, mix warm water (25 ml), yeast and 2 tablespoons of flour. Place in a warm place and wait for the dough to bubble and double in size. This will take about 20 minutes.

In a large bowl (approximately 3 liters), combine the flour and salt, add the dough, mix thoroughly and gradually pour in cold water without stopping kneading the dough. You can also use a mixer with a special nozzle. In this case, turn on the mode with the slowest speed.

Knead the dough for 7-10 minutes until it becomes elastic. The dough is ready for further manipulation when it completely separates from the walls of the bowl or mixer bowl, but continues to be slightly sticky to the touch.

I option. Turn the dough out onto a board, cover with a towel, let it rise for 20 minutes, then knead it again, wrapping the outer edges inward. This procedure must be repeated three times.

After that, form a tight ball from the dough, put it in a bowl greased with refined vegetable oil, cover cling film and refrigerate for about 20 hours. Then take it out, put it on a table sprinkled with flour, and divide the dough into as many parts as you are going to bake baguettes - 3 if you want to make long classic ones, and 4 if you prefer short ones.

Cover with cling film again and let rise for an hour.

II option. Continue kneading the dough on a floured table for another 15 minutes, oxygenating it and ensuring that all ingredients are completely combined. If you use a mixer, then set the average speed, and reduce the kneading time to 7-8 minutes.

After the dough is completely kneaded, put it in a bowl greased with vegetable oil, cover with a slightly damp towel and leave to proof in a warm, draft-free place. You can heat the oven to 50-60 degrees, turn it off, let it cool a little for 10 minutes, and send the dough there.

How to bake a french baguette

After about 1-2 hours (time depends on the quality of the yeast and outside temperature), when the dough has tripled in volume, punch it down and either put it back in a warm place, replacing the towel with cling film, or proceed to the next cooking step.

Explanation: if you want the cavities (air holes) in the crumb of the finished bread to be large, you can start forming the baguette immediately after the first rise. If you like small air bubble marks, let the dough rise three times. In this case, the second and third time it must be kneaded when it doubles again.

How to properly form a baguette

If you have not done this before, then divide the dough into 3-4 parts (depending on what size of baguette you want to get), sprinkle the table with flour. If you choose to follow French traditions then form long or short baguettes with your hands.

How to bake a french baguette

To do this, knead each piece of dough into a layer 40 cm long and 20 wide. Then wrap 1/3 of each long edge inward, press down a little and fold the layer in half lengthwise. With your palm, make a small indentation in the middle and fold over it again. After that, start gently stretching the dough. When the baguette stretches a little, roll it out with your hands to the length you intended. Recall: the classic length of the baguette is 65 cm.

Put the bread on a baking sheet (or on a special stone), greased with butter or vegetable oil and sprinkled with flour. Cover baguettes with a slightly damp towel and let rise until doubled in size (about 45 minutes). After sharp knife make transverse oblique notches about 1 cm deep on the loaves, sprinkle the baguettes on top with flour, or grease with milk, or sprinkle with water.

Form option: sprinkle the table with flour, sprinkle the rolling pin with it, roll each piece of dough into a rectangular layer about 1 cm thick, roll it into a tight roll along the long side and fix the seam. Decorate the ends of the baguette - give them a pointed shape, and then proceed as described above.

How to bake a french baguette

Baguettes are baked in an oven preheated to 220-230 degrees. Before placing the baking sheet with bread in the oven, place an enameled bowl of water there. This is necessary so that the baguettes get an even golden thin and crispy crust. 10 minutes after the start of the baking process, the container with the liquid must be removed, and the temperature reduced to 175-180 degrees.

How to bake a french baguette

You can do it differently - before baking, spray the walls with water from a spray bottle already hot oven and repeat this procedure 1 more time during cooking - before lowering the temperature.

Get true pleasure from tasting a warm French baguette with a ruddy crispy crust, and with a creamy garlic taste, you can do it without leaving your home. To do this, you just need to bake it in your kitchen in the oven. After all, it is quite easy and our simple recipes confirmation of this.

How to bake a French baguette in the oven - a recipe?


  • purified water - 330 ml;
  • dry yeast - 0.5 tsp;
  • salt - 1.5 teaspoons;
  • Wheat flour premium - 520 g.


The secret to cooking a French baguette in the oven lies in enough water in the dough in proportion to the flour. The final consistency of the dough should be sticky and you should not achieve a greater density, otherwise the result will no longer be a French baguette. So let's get started. Pour water heated to 36-38 degrees into a wide container, dissolve yeast in it, add salt, sift flour into it and knead the dough. It is ideal to use a dough mixer or a bread machine for this. When kneading with our hands, we try not to pay attention to the excessive stickiness of the working mass, and knead it for at least ten minutes. After that, cover the container with the dough with a film and a towel and put it in heat. It is necessary that the mass doubled in volume. The time required for this depends on many factors, primarily the quality of the yeast and, of course, the temperature in the room.

Place the risen dough on a floured surface and divide into four equal parts. From each of them we form a rectangle, and then fold it in half several times and stretch it until we get a long flagellum. We place the received products on a baking sheet, having previously covered it with a parchment sheet. We crush future baguettes quite a bit with flour, cover with cling film and a towel and put in heat for proofing for at least one hour. After that, we make notches on the surface of each baguette at an angle of 45 degrees with a sharp knife and put it in an oven preheated to 230 degrees, having previously installed a tray with water on its lower level. After five minutes, open the door and spray the products with water from a spray bottle. We do the same procedure after fifteen minutes from the start of the baking process. This is necessary in order for the baguettes to turn out with a thin golden brown and their surface is not cracked. In total, with such temperature regime baguettes are baked for about thirty minutes. However, it is necessary to focus on the possibilities of your oven.

Today the site will tell you how to bake a French baguette at home. And also share little tricks that will allow you to get unique taste, aroma and color for which it is so famous this species of bread.
Recipe content:

french baguette- real national elongated bread french cuisine with a delicious scallop and amazingly crispy thin crust. When pressed lightly, it makes an indescribable sound, and a fragrant airy crumb is hidden inside. If you bake it, observing all the rules, then you can get incredible taste fresh bun. It is believed that a real French baguette can only be tasted in France, but craftsmen have been preparing it at home for a long time. Since it does not require exotic products everything is simple and accessible. It is served with big amount pasta, potatoes or pasta, make sandwiches and canapes.

  • If you know certain subtleties of baking a delicious baguette, then you can bake fresh bread for breakfast in the morning. Because it's instant bread.
  • Standard baguette ingredients: flour, salt, water, yeast. In a classic recipe, oil should not be. Sometimes water is replaced with whey or milk.
  • A French baker teaches to grind sifted flour with wet yeast.
  • When the lumps of yeast are ground with flour, warm water is added to the products and the dough is kneaded with the addition of salt.
  • Flour for baking should be good, the highest grade with high content gluten (protein).
  • The dough is kneaded as follows: it is taken from below, rises and stretches to force air inside. The procedure is repeated for 15 minutes, until the dough begins to come off the hands.
  • The kneaded dough is sprinkled with flour, covered with a towel and left for 2-3 hours to rise and increase in volume by about 2 times.
  • To form a baguette, the dough is laid out on the surface of the table with dusty flour, stretched into a rectangle and rolled up.
  • Classic baguette size: length - 65-70 cm, width - 5-6 cm, height - 3-4 cm, weight - 250 g. folded in an envelope.
  • The edges of the dough are sealed so that the roll does not turn around during baking.
  • On the surface of the bread with a sharp knife diagonally, 5-7 notches are very quickly made at the same distance from each other so that the dough does not stick to the blade.
  • The finished baguette is left for proofing for 1 hour.
  • Bread is usually baked for 10 minutes at 250°C. The oven door does not open because bread is afraid of the cold.
  • IN industrial production before baking, the walls of the oven are sprayed with water from a spray bottle, in home cooking Place a bowl of water under the bread pan.
  • classic baked goods yeast dough Brush with egg before baking. But this is never done with a baguette. It can only be sprinkled with flour or seeds.
  • The readiness of bread is determined by the knock - it should make a booming empty sound.
  • Loaves are stored in linen bags, so they stale more slowly.

A simple baguette is famous for its crispy crust and layered structure, which distinguishes it from a regular loaf. To keep the layering, there is a certain method of working with the dough.
  • Calorie content per 100 g - 262 kcal.
  • The number of servings - 4 pcs.
  • Preparation time - 10 minutes dough kneading, about 2 hours for dough, 10 minutes baking


  • Flour - 500 g
  • Water - 300 ml (can be replaced with whey)
  • Sea salt - 1.5 tsp
  • Sugar - 2 tsp
  • Dry yeast - 20 g (2 sachets)
  • Vegetable oil - 50 ml
  • Sesame or sunflower seeds - for sprinkling bread

Step by step preparation:

  1. Combine flour with yeast and mix.
  2. Add salt, sugar and mix again.
  3. Pour in water and knead the dough until elastic and loose from the hands. Leave it under a towel for 2 hours.
  4. Then knead the dough again and stretch it with your hands into a rectangular layer.
  5. Roll up the dough and make a few notches.
  6. Grease a baking sheet with vegetable oil and place the bread seam side down.
  7. Leave it to stand for half an hour.
  8. After this time, dust it with flour and sprinkle with sesame seeds.
  9. Heat the oven to 230 ° C and send the bread to bake for 10 minutes.

The culinary symbol of France is the baguette. It is easy to get it in almost any supermarket, but it is much better, tastier and more interesting at home.


  • Flour - 500 g
  • Dry yeast - 10 g
  • Salt - 2 tsp
  • Sugar - 2 tsp
  • Warm water - 400 ml
  • Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.
Step by step preparation:
  1. Pour 200 ml of warm water into a saucepan, add sugar, yeast and a couple of tablespoons of flour.
  2. Stir the food, cover with a towel and leave for 15 minutes until a white foam appears.
  3. Pour the remaining water into the dough, add salt and flour. Pour vegetable oil and knead elastic dough. The less it is crushed, the more porous the baguette will turn out.
  4. Form long and narrow buns with several oblique parallel notches.
  5. Place the baguette, seam side down, on a floured baking sheet, cover with a towel and leave to rise in a warm place for 30 minutes. Heat the oven to 200 degrees and place a container of water on the bottom shelf to create steam.
  6. Place a baguette on top and bake for 10 minutes at 250°C until golden brown.

Amazing pastries, delicate and crispy crust, weightless crumb - a French baguette in the oven. With a cup of freshly brewed coffee and butter, it's unrealistically delicious...


  • Flour - 1 kg
  • Warm drinking water- 650 ml
  • Quick yeast - 21 g (3 sachets)
  • Salt - 1-2 tbsp.
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp
Step by step preparation:
  1. On a clean table, sift the flour through a sieve and make a small indentation in the middle of the slide.
  2. Pour half of the warm water into the well into the flour.
  3. Add yeast, sugar and salt.
  4. Mix the contents with a spoon without touching the walls of the flour slide. Do this carefully until the contents acquire a porridge-like consistency.
  5. Start kneading the products, gradually pouring in the remaining warm water.
  6. Continue kneading until the dough is elastic and no longer sticky to your hands.
  7. Form a ball from the dough. To do this, stretch the dough with your hands into a layer and fold the edges towards the center. Flip the lump reverse side, seam down.
  8. Sprinkle the loaf with flour, cover with a towel and leave in a warm place for an hour.
  9. When the dough has doubled in volume, punch it down again and form the same ball, which you put on a baking sheet and make some shallow cuts.
  10. Cover it with a towel and leave for half an hour.
  11. Heat the oven to 230°C and bake the baguette in the middle of the oven for 10 minutes.
  12. When the bread is crispy and golden, transfer it to a wire rack and let cool.

The smell of freshly baked bread is familiar to many, but what a pleasure it is when we cook it at home in our own kitchen. You can verify this yourself by preparing a French baguette with your own hands (we will provide you with the recipe), the persistent smell of its crispy crusts will soar around the house for a long time. Making such pastries at home is easy, the main thing is to knead the dough correctly and bake it at the right temperatures .

A real French baguette is easy to prepare. To knead the dough for him - you will need standard set ingredients and a couple of hours to prepare. If you want to embellish your pastries, then sprinkle them to taste with sesame seeds. However, this is not necessary, without sesame, your homemade baguette will be no worse than a regular one.

French baguette: a classic recipe in the oven


  • - 500 g + -
  • - 10 g + -
  • — 400 ml + -
  • - 2 tsp + -
  • - 2 tsp + -
  • - 1 tbsp. + -

Making a classic French baguette at home

  1. Pour some of the water (warm) into the pan, add yeast to it, 2-3 tbsp. l. flour, some sugar.
  2. Mix the ingredients, cover the pan with a towel, leave it alone for 15 minutes. We need to wait until a white foam forms.
  3. After - add the rest of the water to the dough, add the rest of the flour, salt.
  4. We melt butter, pour the resulting mass into the dough, start kneading. You don’t need to mix the dough for a long time: the less you knead it, the more porous your baking will turn out.
  5. From the whole test circle we form baguettes. To do this, we divide the dough into several parts and manually form a narrow long bun from each part. When the baguettes are formed, we make parallel cuts (notches) on them.
  6. Sprinkle a baking sheet with sifted flour, put French baguettes on it, cover them with a towel and put them in a warm place for half an hour so that the pastries come up.
  7. We heat the oven to t 250 ° C. We put a container of water on the bottom of the oven so that steam is formed during the baking process.
  8. When the baguettes "fit" - put them in the oven and bake for 10 minutes.
  9. After that, remove the container, continue baking french bread another 15 minutes. In general, it will take about 25 minutes to bake.

You can cook a French baguette in completely different ways, so a yeast recipe is not the only way to cook it, you can also make your favorite pastries with sourdough. French baguette on wheat sourdough it turns out no worse, if not better, than yeast. It is much healthier than yeast baking and much tastier than it. A French baguette is prepared at home on sourdough in the same way as on a yeast basis.

French baguette recipe in a bread machine

No less simple and clear recipe cooking delicious buns This is a bread machine recipe. Such a miracle of technology as a bread machine will help you not only bake, but also knead the dough for baguettes. cooked in it french rolls come out soft on the inside and crispy on the outside.

If you want to dilute classic composition favorite treat, then add some greens to the dough, grated cheese and garlic. Such ingredients will make baking even more original.


  • Water (warm) - 1 tbsp.;
  • Flour - 370 g;
  • Salt - 1.5 tsp;
  • Dry yeast - 2 tsp;
  • Butter - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. l.

How to make a french baguette at home

  1. We stir the yeast in warm water, add a little sugar to it, mix everything, cover the dough with a towel, remove it for 15 minutes so that the yeast begins to activate.
  2. After - add all the remaining products to the container, begin to knead the dough. You can knead the dough for a real French baguette directly in the bread machine (it will take about 10 minutes) or by hand (you will have to spend a little more time ~ 20 minutes).
  3. After kneading, leave the elastic smooth dough for 45 minutes so that it fits well.
  4. We divide the risen flour mass into several parts, roll each of them into even rectangles, then roll them into rolls and put them in a bread machine.
  5. On the surface of thin rolls, we make cuts with a knife, grease the pastry with an egg, and then bake your favorite French delicacy within 50 minutes.

As soon as the baguette is baked, you can serve it to the table with fresh coffee or tea. Also baked goods prepared according to all the rules french cooking, can be served with soups and any other first courses. It will perfectly complement their taste without interrupting the main one.

Secrets of a successful French baguette

  1. Sugar in the recipe, if desired, can be replaced with malt. If you don't like sugar much, then malt - the best option to replace the only sweet ingredient in savory baked goods.
  2. It is necessary to bake baguettes in the oven at t 250 ° C, if you put pastries in an oven with a lower temperature, then it can turn out to be overdried. It is also important that when placing baguettes in the oven, there is steam in the oven.
  3. To prevent a freshly baked French baguette from stale quickly, wrap it in stretch film, but only after it has cooled. Under such conditions, its softness and taste qualities The product can keep for several days.

As you can see, it doesn't have to be skillful cook to make your favorite, and most importantly, delicious French baguette. The recipes that we have reviewed will allow you to easily cope with an already feasible task for everyone. Treat yourself to exquisite homemade cakes, deservedly enjoying the real French aroma of fresh rolls.

Bon appetit!
