
Bread French. What the Mulinex bread machine can do: recipes for homemade bread and pastries

The Mulineks bread maker is indeed considered one of the smartest among a number of similar devices, as it is modern in design and functionality, but allows you to bake bread according to the same grandmother's recipes. Of course, the taste of such homemade bread cannot be confused with store-bought.

Before mastering the recipes, it is worth understanding what are the nuances of this technique.

Features of the bread machine:

  • The oven perfectly kneads the dough, which is helped by the special “jam” and “fresh dough” programs. The kneading is always even, perfect, which cannot be guaranteed with manual kneading. Why is the “jam” mode mentioned here? The best treat for such a bread is delicious homemade jam.
  • The bread maker has a very convenient delay function, that is, you load food into the oven in the evening, and you get delicious bread in the morning.
  • Always follow the indicated dosage as the recipe is accurate.

For home use, this technique is ideal - no need to mess with the dough, and then clean the half-kitchens.

Some housewives complain that pastries in the bread machine fall off. This can happen if you have taken less yeast than the recipe calls for, or if you are making sourdough bread, its quality is questionable. Old yeast may simply not work, finally, you could put the bread on the wrong setting.

On sale today it is easy to find ready-made mixes for a bread machine, among them there are fitness mixes, and sports mixes, and mixes for multi-grain bread.


  • Water - 350 ml;
  • Sunflower oil - 3 tablespoons;
  • Salt - a pinch;
  • Flour - 650 g;
  • Sugar - 3 tablespoons;
  • Yeast - half a packet.

Dough for buns in a Mulinex bread machine

Such a yeast dough is also suitable for making buns, for example, with poppy seeds, and for making pies.

How to make dough:

  1. Sift the flour through a sieve, measuring exactly 650 g.
  2. Open the lid of the device, remove the bowl, measure out 350 ml of water, pour into the bowl.
  3. Add 3 tbsp to water. tablespoons of vegetable oil. Pour in the salt.
  4. Pour the flour into the bowl of the bread maker. Put sugar on top.
  5. Add dry yeast.
  6. Place the bowl in the oven, select program "8" and start cooking.

This is how the dough kneading goes, after the beep you can take out the dough and form buns or pies. Sweet dough is homogeneous and lush.

Baking Easter cake in a bread machine: a recipe for Easter

This pastry, as they say, is for the lazy. This cake is prepared with yeast.

For this you need:

  1. Chicken egg. - 3 pcs.;
  2. Milk - 130 ml;
  3. Drain. oil - 130 g;
  4. Sugar - 40 g;
  5. Flour - 450 g;
  6. Yeast - 2.5 tsp;
  7. Nuts - to taste;
  8. Raisins - to taste.

And to cook such an Easter cake is very simple: you need to set the “sweet bread” program. The program should involve long kneading.

The crust needs to be made light, it will still darken due to sugar. And then the bread machine will do everything itself, you just have to think about how to decorate the cake.

If you love pastries, choose from a bread machine between butter pies. There are few benefits from fried pies, and baking from the oven, although high in calories, is not as aggressive as fried food.

Delicious recipes!

Mulinex bread machine recipes for homemade bread and pastries step by step with photos

With the help of a bread machine, you can make homemade bread from various types of flour.

The classic recipe for homemade bread in the Mulinex bread machine

For making a loaf of white bread weighing 1 kg need to take:

  • a mixture of an equal amount of water and any dairy product - 400 ml;
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.;
  • vegetable oil - 15 ml;
  • sugar - 15 g;
  • instant yeast - 10 g;
  • flour - 700 g.

How to cook:

  1. Pour the products into the container of the device in the specified sequence.
  2. Set the mode "regular bread", "wheat bread".
  3. Select the doneness level for the crust.

Darnitsky bread

For making 750 g loaf need:

  • warm water (temperature within 36 degrees) - 230 ml;
  • olive or sunflower oil - 30 ml;
  • liquid honey - 15 ml;
  • salt;
  • wheat flour - 350 g;
  • rye flour - 160 g;
  • fast yeast - 7 g.

Cooking steps:

  1. Pour warm water into the bowl of the bread machine, add butter and honey.
  2. Spread the salt evenly throughout the bowl.
  3. In a separate bowl, sift both types of flour, mix. Pour the resulting mixture into the form of a bread machine with a slide. Make a well in the top and pour in the yeast.
  4. For baking, you can use the main mode, or a special option for rye products.
  5. Baking time - 3 hours. The color of the crust is medium.

Bread on the dough

Ingredients for preparing a product weighing 1 kg:

  • warm water - 450 ml;
  • salt - 10 g;
  • a mixture of equal amounts of rye and wheat flour - 700 g;
  • dry yeast - 6 g.

Step by step preparation:

  1. Pour yeast into warm water, gradually add flour, knead the dough thoroughly.
  2. Cover the dough with a towel, leave for 4 hours.
  3. Transfer the finished product to the bowl of the bread machine, salt.
  4. You can bake bread in the mode or “French bread”. Set the degree of roasting of the crust at your discretion.
  5. Allow the finished product to cool for 2-3 hours on a flat wooden surface.

Sourdough bread

For adherents of a healthy diet in a bread machine, you can make bread without using yeast.

How to make sourdough:

  1. Mix 250 of any flour, 250 ml of water, add 6 ml of honey and vegetable oil. Make a cut on the finished mixture.
  2. Remove the container with the starter in a warm room for three days, after covering it with a film. The readiness of the product is indicated by the bubbles that appear on the surface.
  3. Dilute the finished sourdough with water to a state of thick sour cream, leave until bubbles appear.
  4. Do the procedure again. If the consistency is very liquid, you can add a little flour.

Store the finished sourdough in the refrigerator. Before use, pour out the required amount, let it warm up to room temperature.

How to make bread with sesame seeds


  • salt;
  • 300 ml of purified water;
  • 5 g dry active yeast;
  • 500 g wheat flour;
  • 100 g sesame seeds.

Cooking method:

  1. We cool the boiled water to a warm state, measure the required amount and pour it into the bowl of the bread machine. We cover it with a towel so that the water does not cool down.
  2. For bread we take flour, preferably of the highest grade. Be sure to sift it to saturate it with oxygen. In this case, the bread will turn out soft and fluffy.
  3. Add salt to the flour, mix and pour into a bowl of water.
  4. Spread the sesame seeds in a dry frying pan and fry, stirring, until lightly browned. This will enhance the sesame flavor. Then we cool them down. We make a small depression in the flour, pour the required amount of active yeast and fried sesame seeds.
  5. We install the bowl in the device and fix it well.
  6. We turn on the program "bread without salt." We set the color of the crust to be light, and the weight - 750 g. The duration of the preparation of bread is approximately three hours.
  7. In the process of baking, about an hour after the start, open the lid and lay out the sesame seeds.

We take out the finished bread from the bowl and leave it on the wire rack to cool completely.

How to make yeast and sponge dough



  • 60 g of granulated sugar;
  • 340 ml of boiled water;
  • yeast;
  • 80 ml vegetable oil;
  • 600 g of premium flour;
  • 7 g of table salt.

Cooking method:

  1. Sift flour twice. Measure exactly 600 grams.
  2. Open the lid of the bread maker, remove the bowl and measure out 340 ml of boiled warm water. Pour it into the bowl.
  3. Add vegetable oil to warm water and salt.
  4. Slowly pour the flour into the bowl of the bread machine.
  5. Pour granulated sugar and active dry yeast on top.
  6. Place the bowl in the Mulineks bread machine. On the menu bar, select program 8 and press the "start" button. Close the lid and wait for the end of the program.

sponge dough

For you will need the same products as for yeast.

The only difference is in the cooking method:

  1. In a convenient bowl, mix half of the warm water with sugar, a glass of flour and yeast. Mix well, cover with a lid and leave warm for forty minutes.
  2. Then the dough is transferred to the bowl of the bread machine, the remaining water is poured in and the rest of the ingredients are added.
  3. Knead the dough on the same program as the yeast dough.

In such a dough, you can add more sugar, butter or eggs.

Unleavened bread

Ingredients for making classic yeast-free bread:

  • sourdough - 85 ml;
  • water - 180 ml;
  • salt - 3 g;
  • wheat flour - 290 g;
  • rye flour - 70 g.


  1. Mix water, salt and 45 ml of sourdough.
  2. Pour both types of pre-sifted flour into the container of the baking device.
  3. Turn on the "fresh dough" mode. To obtain a good consistency, the dough is enough to mix 2 times.
  4. Add the rest of the starter, leave the dough for 10 hours.
  5. Turn on the "baking" mode. Unleavened bread takes longer to bake than usual, so the program must be run twice. The total baking time is 2 hours. The skin is light.

For a variety of taste, you can replace water when baking with sour milk, kefir, the fat content of dairy products is 3.5%. Sesame seeds can be added as additives to bread. Olives will add a refined Italian taste to the bread.

How to make yeast-free bread (video)

How to make pie dough in a bread machine

What is necessary:

  • fast-acting yeast - 14 g;
  • milk heated to a temperature of 35 degrees - 240 ml;
  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • melted margarine - 120 g;
  • sifted flour - 1.2 kg;
  • sugar - 50 g;
  • salt to taste.

How to cook:

  1. Pour melted margarine into the bowl of the bread machine, add milk, egg.
  2. Combine flour, sugar, salt. At the end add yeast.
  3. Mix all ingredients. Set the "dough" mode. It takes 1.5 hours to prepare the elastic dough.
  4. Make pies from the dough, leave for proofing for half an hour.

If you are not sure about the quality of the yeast, you can add 5 ml of vodka to the dough. This will speed up the fermentation process, the dough will turn out lush.

Buns and other sweet pastries

Having mastered a few simple recipes for rich pastries, you can often delight your household with sweet buns, pies and muffins. To get fluffy pastries, the flour must be sifted twice.

Recipe for dough for making sweet buns:

  • flour - 1.1 kg;
  • water - 320 ml;
  • butter - 190 g;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • dry yeast - 24 g;
  • sugar - 110 g;
  • salt.

How to cook:

  1. Pour water into the container of the baking tool, pour out the dry ingredients, at the end beat in 2 eggs.
  2. Set the "dough" mode.
  3. After a beep, remove the dough, cut into 30 pieces, form buns, leave for 20 minutes.
  4. To give a golden crust to the product, cover with a mixture of beaten egg and 15 ml of milk.

It is better to replace chicken eggs in rich pastries with quail eggs - 1 regular egg is equal to 2 quail eggs. Such pastries are healthier and stay fresh longer.

Is it possible to cook cakes in a bread machine

The Mulinex bread machine will help you prepare not only delicious bread, but also a festive cake. The dough turns out to be airy, and the product itself will please with a delicate taste.

List of required products:

  • flour - 550 g;
  • fast yeast - 15 g;
  • milk - 260 ml;
  • sugar, butter - 145 g each;
  • eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • dried fruits (raisins, dried apricots, candied fruits) - 120 g;
  • salt, vanilla, citrus zest - to taste.

From this amount of ingredients you get 1 Easter cake weighing 750 g.

How to cook:

  1. Heat 125 ml of milk to a temperature of 35–37 degrees, add yeast. Stir the mixture until smooth. Pour 100 g of flour into the bowl of the bread machine, add warm milk with yeast. Start the "dough kneading" mode for 2 minutes.
  2. Leave the dough for 20 minutes, covered with a linen towel. Pour boiling water over dried fruits.
  3. Bring the rest of the milk to a boil. Pour 100 g of double-sifted flour into a separate container. Combine milk with flour, mix.
  4. Mix the brew and brewed flour. Knead the dough for 3-4 minutes. Leave in a warm place for 1.5 hours. In order for the dough not to fall, the room must be at a constant temperature. It is advisable not to make noise while the dough is resting.
  5. Separate whites from yolks. Place the container with proteins in the refrigerator - they will be needed to prepare the glaze. Mix the yolks with sugar, the mixture should turn white. Add a mixture of vanilla, salt, zest. Mix and beat until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  6. Melt butter, cool slightly. Drain water from dried fruits, dry, roll in flour.
  7. Yolks with spices, melted butter, add the remaining flour to the dough that has come up. Knead the dough in the bread machine for 15 minutes, constantly monitoring the consistency.
  8. Add dried fruits, mix, leave the dough for 2 hours.
  9. Flatten the top of the dough. Bake Easter cake in the “sweet bread” or “special pastry” mode, set the crust color to light, and the loaf size to the maximum. Baking time - 60-70 minutes.
  10. Lubricate the finished cake with egg whites whipped with sugar. In order for the whites to beat better, they must be cold, the whipping container is absolutely dry. Lush foam will turn out if you add a pinch of salt.

If fresh yeast is used in the manufacture of Easter cake, then the preparation time for the dough can be reduced by 5 minutes. The ratio of dry and fresh product is 1:3 (15 g of dry yeast equals 45 g of fresh). If you add 50 ml of cognac to the dough, the pastry will acquire an unusual aroma and will remain soft for a long time.

Easter cake in a bread machine (video)

The Mulineks bread maker is an indispensable assistant for experienced and young housewives. With its help, you can easily make homemade bread from various components, master baking products from rich and unleavened dough.

Reviews and comments

(5 ratings, average: 4,00 out of 5)

Irina 01/20/2017

I baked it according to the first classic recipe. When I started trying, I realized that there was no SALT in the recipe !!! It turned out great, although they write that it doesn’t rise without salt. Next time I’ll bake only according to this recipe, but I’ll add salt.

Olga 11/28/2017

Marina, thank you very much! If possible, explain the conditions and terms of storage (in the cold or not) and how much water is needed for the remaining sourdough. Mix with water?
And another question. Maybe this bread is better baked in the oven? Haven't tried?
I have a Mulinex OW210130 bread machine - without a viewing window, and you can’t open it during
baking time. If I turn on baking twice (because it takes 2 hours, and the program
up to 70 min), bread will not burn? I got it recently, pizza dough according to the one that came with it
The recipe doesn't work at all. Here, I think, return it or leave it until 2 weeks
hasn't expired.

Olga 11/28/2017

Excuse me, is there a mistake in the sourdough recipe? Now I mixed 125 ml of water (all according to your recipe), 6 ml of honey and vegetable oil, poured 250 g of sifted rye flour.
And it turns out some kind of solid crumbly mass. Clearly not enough fluid. What do I
to do with her? Throw away?

Mari28 11/28/2017

1. Ready sourdough is stored in refrigerators. The shelf life with regular use and the addition of the right ingredients is endless.
2. Bread according to this recipe can be baked in the oven. The difference is only in temperature conditions and baking time.
3. It is quite possible to bake bread in your bread machine. Surely there is an instruction manual with recipes for the stove. Read and adjust this recipe (with sourdough) for your oven.
Each technique has to be adapted. Only with experience will come an understanding of the features of your technique. So don't be afraid to experiment.

Olga 11/29/2017

Irina, in the photo there is a jar of sourdough and in the sourdough recipe nothing is said that
it must be cooked in a bread maker. The description says: “Mix 250g flour, 125ml water,
6ml honey and oil. Remove the CONTAINER with sourdough in a warm place, having previously covered
film. Make a cut on the MIXTURE. What I have done cannot be called a mixture.
So what is the inaccuracy? Yesterday I added twice as much water to that “sourdough”,
covered with foil and put in a warm place for 3 days. Let's see what happens. Open it and add something, as I understand it, is not necessary these days? If
these experiments "did not hit" my pocket with my min pension, and it was not a pity to throw away food, I would experiment every day. Mari28 11/29/2017

Irina, please don't get angry :) Sourdough recipes are always exemplary. Because the properties of flour are different ... one absorbs little water, the other needs more. If you need to add extra water, there is nothing to worry about. After all, you still won’t use the whole sourdough at one time, but only part of it. Nothing extra needs to be added.

Mari28 11/29/2017

I have a Moulinex OW311E bread maker, the batch lasts about 5-7 minutes. It is hardly normal if the oven takes 35 minutes to knead (yes, electricity is expensive). Usually, the instructions write how much time the bread machine should spend on this procedure. Try to find reviews of your particular series on the Internet or contact support. It might be better to change to something else.

Olga 11/29/2017

Marina, this is not Irina, but Olga (i.e. me) is angry :) Have you yourself tried to make sourdough
with this ratio of flour and water (250 and 125)? Why don't you want to admit that
wrong recipe, because people will follow it, and then I won't be the only one to get angry.
Now I'm looking on the net, so many recommend these ratios as 1: 1.
About the bakery. Thanks for the advice, I'll try to find reviews. For another, unfortunately, according to the law, the exchange is prohibited. I gave it to the SS for verification.


The recipe for "Bread with Sesame Seeds" is not entirely clear to me. In paragraph 4 it is written - We make a small depression in the flour, pour in the required amount of active yeast and fried sesame seeds. In paragraph 7 it is written:
In the process of baking, about an hour after the start, open the lid and spread the sesame seeds.

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I offer a classic, simple recipe that is perfect as a daily baking. The main advantage of this option is a small set of necessary ingredients, as well as the fact that it is suitable for any family member and for any occasion!

French bread in the Moulinex bread machine - recipe of the day.

Ingredients (the calculation is indicated for a 500 gr loaf):
- non-carbonated drinking water, 200 ml
- table salt, 1 tsp
- wheat flour, 350 gr
- fast-acting dry yeast, 1 tsp

Recipe with photo step by step:

1. To make classic French bread, you will need ordinary non-carbonated drinking water, it is best that it be filtered.
In order for the dough to rise well and be airy enough, it is necessary to use water with a temperature as close as possible to 35 degrees, since dry yeast is less active at lower temperatures, and if a liquid with a high temperature is used, they may completely cease to act.

2. Remove the bowl from the bread machine reservoir so that when loading the ingredients do not end up inside the appliance, pour the prepared water into the bottom.
Always strictly follow the order of adding products to the bowl to obtain the desired result.

3. Measure exactly 1 tsp. table salt, it is very convenient to do this using a special measuring spoon that comes with the bread machine.
Add salt to already poured water, do not mix.

4. Sift 350 g of wheat flour into a deep bowl, a kitchen scale or a large measuring cup will help measure the exact amount.
The better the flour is sifted, the more the dough will rise, which means that the bread will turn out to be more airy, in addition, I recommend using only premium flour for making French bread.

5. Gradually pour the flour into the middle of the bowl with a small slide. With your finger or spoon, prepare a small depression at the very top of the flour slide, pour 1 tsp there. dry fast acting yeast.

6. Without mixing the ingredients, place the bowl in the oven tank, close the lid and set the desired program - for the Moulinex OW 3101Uno bread machine this is program number 3, in other ovens you can use the main mode for baking white bread.

7. At the end of the program, carefully open the lid, use an oven mitt to remove the bowl of bread and place it on a towel or stand, leave for 1-2 hours for the pastry to reach.

8. Remove the finished bread from the bowl and cut it, be sure to pack the rest in a bag or cling film to prevent winding and drying.

French bread is ready!

Do you know that lunch will not seem so satisfying to you if there is no bread on the menu? If, moreover, you bake bread in a bread machine at home, and not buy it in a store, then you will immediately notice the difference. Homemade bread is much more satisfying and tasty than store-bought, and the cooking process will not take you much time and effort. Today on the site with a new review - Moulinex bread machines.

Or rather, not even one bread machine, but three: Moulinex ow 1101, Moulinex 2000, Moulinex 3022. With their help, you can cook delicious products, and not only ordinary bread from simple ingredients, even pizza dough, but everything in turn.

These three models are a budget option for bread machines that will do their job perfectly every day. In addition to ordinary bread, they know how to bake a lot of all sorts of goodies:

Sweet and French bread, muffins, dough, and even make jam.

If you do not have 3-4 hours to make bread according to the standard program, then you can load all the same ingredients, and after an hour and a half, you will get exactly the same loaf. In general, these bread machines have 12 programs for making bread. And among them you will definitely find the one that will be the best option for the whole family.

Children and those with a sweet tooth will especially enjoy the program of making sweet bread: both satisfying and tasty. And if you also cook jam in the same device, you get a delicious sandwich for tea.

Management of Moulinex bread machines

The equipment is controlled by special buttons placed on the dashboard. Any program change is shown on the instrument display. And you can spy on the cooking process itself through the viewing window. Only it is advisable not to open the lid, otherwise the dough threatens to fall, and then the bread itself will turn out to be failed. The taste will not change, but it will not look so beautiful.

You can choose the standard 3 golden crust color: light, medium and dark. Among other things, you can maintain the temperature of the bread: your product will remain warm for the next hour.

Functions of Moulinex bread machines

In addition, if you want to wake up in the morning from the smell of freshly baked bread, then here you can also help.

The delayed start function is present in all models, only in Moulinex ow 1101 and Moulinex ow 3022 for 15 hours, and in Moulinex 2000 - for 13. The difference is small, in fact, and that’s enough to make the bread ready in the morning, or upon arrival from work.

At the end of the work, the device will beep, very loudly, and quite clearly. By the way, these bread makers love to “talk” very much, so they squeak for any reason. And if during the operation of these mini-bakeries there is a power outage, then the memory reserve of this smart technology will be enough for 7 minutes. You can only hope that during this time electricity will appear again.

The bowl for making bread has a non-stick coating, which means that the burnt sides of your bread are absolutely not terrible. In addition, all bread makers come with a recipe book, a measuring cup and a spoon so that all dishes are obtained according to the selected recipe.

Power of Moulinex bread machines

If we talk about the differences in the presented models, then you can start with power. In this matter, each device is individual. The Moulinex ow 1101 bread machine has a minimum power - 600W. Not far gone Moulinex 2000, its power 610 W, Moulinex 3022 took the lead, its power is 650 W.

What kind of bread will turn out?

As for the choice of bread size, this issue is also individual for each mini-bakery. As many as three varieties of bread can be prepared by Moulinex 2000, for 500, 750 and 1000 grams. The other two bread makers can cook only two types of bread: Moulinex ow 1101 for 700 and 900 grams, and Moulinex 3022 for 750 and 1000 grams.

From this we see that the maximum baking volume of the two thousandth and three thousandth models is 1 kg, and the thousandth series is 900 grams.

Differences between bread machines

There is also a difference in the material from which the equipment is made: Moulinex ow 1101 and Moulinex 2000 are made from plastic. They are lightweight and therefore cheaper. But Moulinex 3022 is fully completed stainless steel, so it will serve you for a very long time.

I would like to note the quality of the instructions: for all three models they are intelligible, everything is detailed, with useful tips, recipes and detailed instructions. And also - tables of possible problems and ways to eliminate them.

Unfortunately, it is not necessary to talk about the high quality of store products lately. Therefore, those who are not indifferent to their health, and the health of their loved ones, will like this technique. In addition, without prejudice, it is worth noting that homemade bread is much tastier than store-bought. And one more plus: homemade bread does not go stale for a very, very long time.

And now - the most favorite recipes of the owners of Mulinex bread machines

The recipe for simply delicious bread in the Mulinex bread machine

For kilo bread I take: 400 g of water (warm, you can 50/50 with milk), 1 egg, sunflower oil, 1 tbsp. l. sugar, 1 tbsp. l. salt, 1 tbsp. l. instant yeast and 700 grams of flour. I fall asleep in the order in which I listed. My men love bread according to this recipe. I set the program for baking ordinary white bread per 1 kg.

Corn porridge in the Mulinex bread machine

You can cook porridge in a bread machine from any cereal - millet, buckwheat and even semolina - but I like corn: it is the most capricious, it is not always in the mood to cook it, but it is simply irreplaceable as a summer side dish.

We boil water. Pour cereal, butter, spices, salt and sugar into the bowl of the bread machine. Pour boiling water on top. We turn on the bread machine, the mode is “Jam” or “Jam”. After the first cooking cycle is completed, we will try the porridge - if it suits, we take out the container from the bread machine. If you want thicker and denser - turn it on again. We take out the porridge from the bowl of the bread machine - it can be sprinkled with grated cheese, finely chopped herbs and garlic, and then served hot with barbecue and fresh vegetables. It's just fantastic!

Rustic bread in the Mulineks bread machine

Program 3: water - 365 ml., salt - 1 tsp., sugar - 1 tsp., premium flour - 390 g., rye flour - 60 g., dry buckwheat - 80 g., yeast-1.5 tsp, yield 900 g. I weigh everything on electronic scales, and liquids with a measuring cup.

If you want dark bread, I buy kvass concentrate (wort), I breed 3 tbsp. in the right amount of water, and make wholemeal bread (program 4). Very tasty!

I always make dough for dumplings and pasties, noodles according to program 11, but exactly 30 minutes. and turn off. Ingredients: water-130ml, egg-1 pc., salt-0.5 tsp, flour 350g. (for 3-4 servings of dumplings). You can add or change something. 1.5 hours before the end of baking, carefully (after waiting for a stop) - I remove the screw stirrer.

According to this recipe in the bread machine, exactly the Borodino bread that we bought 20 years ago is obtained.
Ingredients for Borodino bread in a bread machine:

  • 250 gr. wheat flour
  • 370 gr. rye. flour
  • 3 teaspoons l. yeast
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of apple cider vinegar 6%
  • 1 st. a spoonful of sugar
  • 3 tsp salt
  • 2, 5 art. spoons of honey
  • 5 st. spoons of vegetable oil
  • 450 gr. boiling water mixed with 5 tbsp. spoons of dry kvass

Place in the container in the order recommended by the manufacturer. Bake rye Borodinsky bread in the "rye bread" mode. The skin is dark. The bread turns out fragrant and tasty, as Borodino bread should be.

If you still have not decided which bread machine is better, we recommend that you take advantage of the valuable expert advice from this video. Lots of helpful tips on

If you have acquired a Mulinex bread machine, you have undoubtedly made a choice in favor of tasty and healthy homemade fresh bread. In the instructions you will find recipes for the Mulinex bread machine. It is important to follow the instructions exactly, then the bread will turn out real and, indeed, very tasty. Do not forget that you need to use the ingredients for baking bread in exactly the same quantity and in the same sequence as described in the instructions - the final result depends on this. Recipes for the Mulineks bread machine involve baking a wide variety of bakery products: traditional bread, baguettes, sweet buns, bread with cereals, sesame seeds, cheese, ham, etc. Bon appetit!

The easiest recipe - "Quick bread"

To prepare it you will need:

  • 115 ml milk
  • 285 ml warm water
  • 2 teaspoons salt
  • 1.5 tablespoons of sugar
  • 4 teaspoons dry baker's yeast
  • 640 g wheat flour

You will need a kitchen scale to make this bread, as all ingredients are listed in grams, not cups. This has its own definite plus: after all, often housewives are faced with a situation where, for example, flour has caked, and then in a cup it turns out more by weight than required in the recipe. So, to make quick bread, first water is poured into the cup, then milk is poured into it. Then butter, sugar and salt are added. Then flour is poured out, and baker's yeast is placed on top.

It should be noted that in the process of making quick bread, it will not be possible to choose the color of the crust and the weight of the loaf of bread. Therefore, you should simply select program No. 5 on the Mulineks bread machine and press the “Start” button. The fact that the bread will be ready can be understood by hearing the soft squeak of the device.

Bread exotic potato-onion

To prepare this exotic dish, you will need not exotic ingredients at all. This:

  • 100 gr potato flakes
  • 400 gr wheat flour
  • one teaspoon salt and yeast
  • 50 gr fried onions
  • 10 gr butter
  • 360 ml warm water
  • one and a half tablespoons of sugar
  • 15 gr gluten
  • 20 gr fresh herbs

It must immediately be emphasized that gluten should be sought in specialized stores. There you can also find ready-made fried onions, which are perfect for making such bread. Ready-made fried onions look like chips, however, they turn out to be a little sweeter than ordinary chips.

Cooking such bread should be in this sequence. It is necessary to pour warm water into the mold, then pour salt, fried onions into it (if you didn’t find it ready, you will have to fry it yourself, but dry it thoroughly on a paper towel before lowering it into the mold) and oil. Then chopped greens and sugar are added to the mold. Then a tablespoon of gluten is poured. And at the very end, all the remaining ingredients are poured. After that, program number 1 is selected, which is called "Wheat Bread". It is also possible to set the weight of a loaf of bread (with such proportions, you need to set 1 kilogram) and the color of the crust - medium. Literally in 3 hours and 20 minutes, delicious, pale golden potato-onion bread will be cooked.

Bread "Borodinsky" in a folk way

There are several recipes for making "Borodinsky" bread in a bread machine. The native recipe offered by the Mulinex manufacturers suggests that this popularly loved bread should be baked in three stages. This is a rather long and laborious process. There is a simpler recipe that can be safely called "folk". To make this bread recipe you will need:

  • 160 gr wheat flour
  • 320 gr rye flour
  • 4 tablespoons malt
  • 1 tablespoon ground coriander
  • 1 tablespoon Panifarin rye bread improver
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • 2 tablespoons honey
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 2 teaspoons of gluten called "Estra-R"
  • 1 tablespoon coriander beans (to be used for dusting)
  • 390 ml of water (moreover, 100 ml of them should be taken in order to brew coriander and malt)
  • 5 teaspoons of yeast

The first thing to do to make bread is boil malt and coriander with boiling water. Then you should wait for the resulting mixture to cool, and put it in the form of a bread machine. Water should also be added there, and salt, oil, honey and sugar should be added to it. Then it should be sent to the form in flour, and gluten, yeast and panifarin should be put on top of it. For cooking, select program number 13, which is called "Yeast dough". With the help of this program, it turns out to knead the dough for "Borodinsky" bread. Kneading is carried out in Mulineks for about 20 minutes, and then begins to rise. And after that, you should turn on program No. 9, which is called “Borodino bread”.

Rye bread in the Mulineks bread machine in the following video story:
