
Paradise apple jam for the winter. Paradise apple jam whole recipe

It enjoys well-deserved popularity among both adults and children, because both of them can fully appreciate its wonderful sweet taste. It would be useful to recall the benefits of this miniature apple hybrid. Also, if you are interested in desserts, you can cook.

Whole paradise apple jam

Select 2 kg of excellent ranetki - without darkening, dents and wormholes. Rinse the fruits and dry them on a towel, while the stalks are not removed. The bottom of each apple will need to be pierced to the middle with a wooden toothpick - this will allow the raw material to soak faster sugar syrup when cooking. For cooking, take only an enameled bowl, because oxidation will occur in aluminum during cooking, which will negatively affect nutritional value finished product. Follow the same rule when cooking.

Whole paradise apple jam

Pour 2-3 cups of water into the bowl, pour half a teaspoon citric acid and 2.5 kg granulated sugar put on fire. Boil the syrup until the sugar is completely dissolved, and then immerse the prepared paradise apples and reduce the intensity of the fire. In no case do not stir the contents, because then the fruits may fall apart. Carefully scoop up the liquid around the edges and carefully pour it over the ranetki from above. The cooking process should not take more than 10 minutes, but at the same time, at least 5. Then remove the brew from the heat.

After cooking, the fruits should remain completely immersed in the liquid, for this, using a bowl that matches the diameter of the vessel, press down on the contents, and place a light load on top, such as a jar of water. Leave the jam at room temperature for a day.

Remove the bowl from the container after a day and again put it on a small fire for 5-10 minutes. Then take the largest apple and cut it, if its pulp looks like marmalade and cuts easily, then the dessert is ready. Otherwise, you need to spend another 5 minutes to cook.

Pack the delicacy in dry jars, and then close with screw caps.

Be sure to prepare and.

Good day or night, my reader!

Hooray! I got jam from small apples, as it turned out once with my grandmother, during her life! The apple tree variety from which I prepared this miracle is called “Ural Bulk”.

As a child, I loved to feast on translucent apples in syrup. They were perfect for my grandmother. And this taste of childhood is simply unforgettable!

But due to the fact that in those days I was a child, I naturally did not need a recipe for this. The main thing is that it was very tasty and that's it. Real heavenly apples!

As an adult, I have not tried any methods of making this jam. The apples fell apart and that's it, it turned out to be porridge - malash. As a result, I threw into the far corner all my attempts to prepare this deliciousness and beauty. I must say that I rarely make jam at all. Instead, I intensively use freezing vegetables and fruits. But you can’t freeze apples, therefore, we store winter varieties, right up to the end of March, in a pit. Thankfully, this year's harvest allows for this.

Here, quite recently, my wonderful friend “dug up” on the Internet one simple recipe for making heavenly apples in syrup, cooked it herself, she succeeded, as a result, she shared with me. I listened, but did not burn with the desire to again take on an idea that was useless to me. I decided in the search engine to simply type the request I needed, to which, of course, the desired answer came.

I dared ... And I got apples in syrup exactly - in - exactly like my grandmother's! Look, taste, and quality! Transparent, amber, melting in the mouth. Joy knew no bounds! Finally, I didn’t explain on my fingers to my family about the taste of this, one might say, royal dessert, which she enjoyed in childhood, but gave it a try and prepared this pleasure for the winter.

Do you want me to share with you, my reader? Then write down or memorize the recipe and act!

Paradise apples, a recipe like grandma's


  • Apples(Ural Bulk or Golden Chinese) - 5 kg
  • Sugar - 2 kg 700g
  • Water - about 1.5 liters

My cooking method:

1. Wash the apples thoroughly, do not peel the stalks
2. We prick each apple with a fork or in several places with a toothpick, put it in an enamel basin

3. Cook the syrup - pour sugar into the water, bring to a boil and completely dissolve the sugar

5. Turn off the fire and leave the apples for a day (can be less) for impregnation
6. Bring to a boil and turn off again, leave for a day
7. Bring back to a boil and boil for about 3 - 4 minutes

Thus, we cook for about three days.

All! Paradise apples, like my grandmother's are ready!

Paradise apples, Chinese, ranetki, rayki - this is the name of decorative apples, similar to the wild counterparts from which they originated. Tasty and healthy jam from ranetok differs not only pleasant aroma but also very beautiful appearance.

Like wild apples, ranetki are small, greenish-yellow, fragrant, with tart taste. They ripen in September, they cannot be stored for a long time, so they try to process them immediately. Fruit drinks and marmalades are prepared from them, but jam from whole apples with ponytails is the most popular; in winter it warms and pleases with its appearance alone, not to mention delicate taste. Now there are varieties that ripen in summer, pleasing in red, they also make wonderful jam.

To prepare this dessert, only whole, intact fruits with intact skin, no wormholes or bruises are chosen. The fruits are thoroughly washed, sometimes even pre-soaked. cold water for a couple of hours. It is often advised to take slightly unripe fruits in order to accurately maintain their integrity during cooking. Too long ponytails (stalks) are recommended to be cut by a third, but you don’t need to get rid of them completely, otherwise half of the charm will be lost.

Since the apples are very hard, they need to be blanched for a couple of minutes by dipping in boiling water, and then poured over with cold water. To do this, use a colander or linen (gauze) bag. You can simply pour boiling water over it, close the lid tightly, wait 3 minutes, drain the water (it can then be used to make syrup), rinse with cold water.

Cooled apples are pricked several times with a sharp wooden toothpick. It is undesirable to use metal needles for this procedure, except perhaps from stainless steel.

Video "Ranetok Jam"

In this video you will learn how to cook delicious amber jam from paradise apples entirely at home.

Best Recipes

There is more than one recipe delicious jam from paradise apples, here you can choose, experiment. Dessert from some ranetki will turn out tasty and fragrant, but the addition of other fruits and spices will significantly change the taste and aroma.

whole paradise apples

Ranetki, welded entirely together with tails, have great taste and view. For them you will need:

  • 1 kg of apples;
  • 900 g of sugar;
  • 1 glass of water.

To keep the fruit whole, the preparation is stretched over several sessions:

  1. Syrup is boiled from sugar and water in which apples are blanched.
  2. Prepared fruits are poured with hot syrup, shake the dishes slightly, leave to cool completely.
  3. The cooled mass over low heat is brought to a boil, boiled for no more than 5 minutes, left for 12 hours.
  4. You can repeat the procedure 2 or 3 more times. The last time the jam is cooked until ready, laid out in sterilized jars, rolled up.

With oranges and cinnamon

Citrus fruits and cinnamon add benefits to the usual jam, exquisite fragrance, new taste. For 1 kg of apples take 800-900 g of sugar, 2-3 oranges, 0.5 cups of water, 1 cinnamon stick:

  1. Oranges are peeled, divided into slices, you can even cut the slices in half so that they are commensurate with small apples. They are placed in a saucepan, poured with water, boiled for several minutes to soften.
  2. Sugar is added to oranges, all crystals are completely dissolved.
  3. Apples are added to the hot mass, brought to a boil, removed from heat, left "until tomorrow".
  4. Jam can be cooked immediately, but apples can fall apart. To avoid this, the dessert is boiled for several days, you shouldn’t even stir it, it’s better to just shake the dishes. Cinnamon is added at the last stage. Then they put it in jars, roll it up.

In a multicooker with cognac

A multicooker will help you prepare a dish in one go. To do this, put 1 kg of prepared ranetki, 900 g of sugar, an incomplete glass of water into a bowl, turn on the “Extinguishing” mode, leave for 2 hours. It would be good to check the jam several times, shake it lightly or mix it gently.

Opening the multicooker last time, in the mass you need to add 2 tbsp. l. cognac. The result will certainly please you with a new flavor.

With walnuts in the oven

An oven can also relieve the hassle and help keep the raiki intact. Take 1 kg of apples, a glass of kernels walnuts, a glass of sugar, 1 medium-sized lemon. It is necessary to turn on the oven until it heats up to 250 ° C, boil the syrup, dip the crushed nuts into it, cut into pieces the previously peeled lemon and ranetki. All this is boiled for 10 minutes, and then transferred to a saucepan, and preferably a clay bowl, and put in the oven.

After boiling the mass, the temperature is lowered to 100 ° C, baked for 3 hours. The result will be golden honey jam With original taste And delicate aroma with a hint of citrus.

Transparent treat

Chinese jam without the addition of other fruits, cooked in several stages, looks quite transparent. But if you want to achieve transparency not only of the syrup, but also of the Chinese women themselves, then you need to use citric acid.

Syrup is boiled from 1.5 cups of water and 1 kg of sugar, poured onto prepared raiki, ¼ of a teaspoon of citric acid is added, the dishes are shaken, and the mass is allowed to cool. Then you need to bring the jam several times to a boil over low heat and set aside until it cools completely. Ready-made delicacy will delight not only with thickened syrup, but also with translucent fruits that seem to glow from the inside. They can be safely used to decorate cakes or pastries, served with cream for coffee.

The main thing is to keep the fire slow, avoid rough stirring with a spoon, it is better to just shake the dishes sometimes. Fully ready jam they are laid out cold in containers, covered with lids or even parchment, and stored in the cold.

Fruits and berries


Paradise apple jam- a truly heavenly transparent delicacy, the taste of which is much more interesting and pleasant than usual apple jam. Thanks to the miniature size of the fruit at home, it is possible to cook heavenly jam for the winter from whole apples. IN this case fruits do not have to be crushed for cooking delicious treats. This results in a rather interesting winter preparation, containing mother-of-pearl small fruits, and even with tails that float in a transparent sweet syrup as a whole.

Cook paradise jam from ranetki with ponytails for the winter according to this step by step photo prescription with detailed technological instruction- pure pleasure! Firstly, there are no difficulties during the process, because the recipe is really very simple. Secondly, paradise apples do not require such special preparation as, for example, ordinary large apple fruit. IN this recipe paradise apples are harvested for the winter whole and with stalks, but with a stalk, of course, not everything is so simple. Every apple ponytail must be shortened, and this procedure is, in fact, tedious. However, for such a magnificent homemade treats, not a sin and work hard.

Let's start cooking paradise jam for the winter according to proven over the years grandma's recipe! In it, by the way, you will learn a few important secrets about cooking such a treat.



    After the charming miniature apples have been collected, let's proceed to their thorough preparation. At first heavenly fruit rinse very well, and then cut their stalks in half.

    Now on each apple, you need to make several punctures with a toothpick. This must be done so that during cooking the skin of the apples does not burst and the apple pulp does not boil.

    Next, the pierced fruits should be blanched so that they remain just as beautiful and bright when making jam. To do this, fill the apples boiling water in the amount of one glass for five minutes. After that, the water from the apples must be drained into a separate saucepan, and the remaining blanched fruits should be rinsed in cold water.

    We take the water that we received after processing the apples, and add granulated sugar to it.

    Then mix the liquid well, then boil for a couple of minutes. As a result, we got sweet syrup for apples.

    Pour the fruit with hot syrup, and then gently mix them. Next, leave the fruit in syrup for twelve hours.

    The next day, we put the infused apples on the stove to cook. After boiling, boil the apple delicacy for five minutes and leave it to infuse again for twelve hours.

    This procedure with jam must be carried out at least three times. Each time, apples should be set aside to infuse for twelve hours, or even more.

    The third jam will be the last. This time it needs to be boiled until fully prepared. This will take approximately twenty minutes.

    We put the finished heavenly delicacy in sterilized jars, but we do not immediately roll it up, but wait until the jam has cooled down.

    After that transparent jam from paradise apples we hermetically close and send to the pantry. Of course, do not forget to try the delicacy.

    Bon appetit!

Wild apples practically do not differ in taste from ordinary ones. Therefore, compote from heavenly apples is in no way inferior to compote from ordinary ones in terms of taste. These wonderful apples are no more than five centimeters in diameter. For a very appetizing and aesthetic appearance, which they retain in the "spins", they are often used as a decoration for desserts. But you can just eat apples as a separate delicacy, in compote they become soft, soaked in syrup, do not lose their aroma.

There are not so many varieties of such apples. This happened historically, when large-fruited varieties were bred, then small apples were undeservedly forgotten. We cultivate only three varieties wild apples- Siberian, Chinese and ranetki. By the way, they got their name - "heavenly" - apples from botanists, who, having singled out one of the types of undersized apple trees, called it "paradise", that is, paradise, the name took root and gradually spread to all small apples. The disadvantage of such apple trees is that they are not frost-resistant. Therefore, they are found more in the southern regions of Russia. In the northern regions and middle lane plant hybrids. Gardeners appreciate these trees for their appearance - fragrant flowers in spring, bright fruits in autumn, beautiful shape crowns and delicious fruits, which are widely used in home preparations.

Useful properties of wild apples

Paradise apples are rich in vitamins and minerals. They contain a lot of pectin useful for the intestines. 28 trace elements, including minerals such as magnesium, phosphorus, iodine, calcium, iron. And, of course, as in all apples, a whole list of vitamins - C, E, A, B1, B2, PP. They are wonderful antioxidants, cleanse the intestines, relieve dysentery and colitis, due to the content a large number fiber. They contain substances that normalize blood pressure, remove excess cholesterol, toxins, toxins. The fruits are useful for rheumatism, diseases of the kidneys, liver, problems with skin diseases. The polyphenol found in apples prevents the appearance of cancer cells. They are ten times more biologically active substances than in regular large apples. And this storehouse of usefulness can be saved in canned food by closing the compote of heavenly apples for the winter.

Easy wild apple compote recipe

The process of preserving wild apples cannot be called complicated or laborious, everything is done very simply. Consider a simple apple compote recipe step by step.

For one 3-liter jar of compote you will need:

  • paradise apples - 700 grams;
  • sugar - half a kilogram;
  • water - 2.5 liters.

Compote from apples, preservation in stages:

So that the fruits in the compote do not burst, but keep beautiful view, you need to carefully prick each apple with a toothpick in several places at the stage of their preparation.

Recipes for compote from wild apples with additives

Some believe that compote only from apples is fresh, does not have rich taste, and prefer to make apple compote with additives. For a compote of small apples for the winter, this is also possible.

You can combine wild apples with cinnamon and cloves by making compote according to the above recipe, adding spices to taste (in classic version, for 3 liter jar- 3 clove buds, cinnamon stick) and you will also need to add 1 teaspoon of citric acid per jar. Vanilla sugar is also added for flavor.

Delicious compotes are obtained by combining apples with hawthorn, grapes, pears. These berries and fruits ripen in the same period as paradise apples. Consider the recipe for compote of heavenly apples with hawthorn, this is a pretty good combination and taste characteristics, and by appearance. The fruits are close in size, well matched in color. And compote, which has been infused before winter, turns out to be very fragrant and tasty.

The highlight of the recipe is that the maximum of its palatability compote reaches precisely in preservation, aged for at least a couple of months.

For the recipe you need for one liter of water:

  • 150 grams of hawthorn;
  • 50 grams of apples;
  • 150 grams of sugar;
  • 0.5 teaspoon of citric acid.

Paradise apple compote for the winter, recipe step by step:

Compotes from small apples will appeal to you and your household. You can do several different options conservation, so that after tasting, choose for yourself the most the best combination flavors, apples with cinnamon, mint, hawthorn, or apple compote in pure form. Enjoy the taste and get a boost of vitamins and other useful substances with which these fruits are rich.

Cooking compote from heavenly apples for the winter - video
