
Tatar cakes with kystyby potatoes. Kystyby with potatoes: recipes

Many overseas dishes long settled on our tables. Traditional cakes and pies were replaced by kystyby. This dish comes from Tatar cuisine. Cooking dough for kystyby in Tatar is very simple. Let's talk about this today.

Tatar culinary traditions

In order to cook traditional Tatar cuisine, it is not necessary to live in this region. Often, the keepers of the hearth try to surprise their guests and household members. unusual delicacies. If you don't know how to make kystyby dough at home, this article is for you. You will see: such a dish will become a favorite snack on your table.

Kystyby is a fried flatbread, usually with potato stuffing. Although experienced housewives not averse to experimenting, so the cakes are stuffed with meat, browned vegetables, and cereals. And some of them prepare delicious desserts.

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As already mentioned, in order to cook a delicious dish that will really meet the culinary requirements of Tatar cuisine, you need to learn how to make right dough for kystyby with potatoes. Now we will share some secrets of kneading it:

  • To prepare the dough, we will certainly need high-grade flour.
  • As a basis, you can take kefir, milk, including goat's, filtered water, whey.
  • On hastily dough for Tatar flatbread prepared without eggs. You only need to mix milk with sifted flour and add a pinch of finely crystalline table salt.
  • Remember one rule: kystyby is never cooked on a yeast basis.
  • Lush dough can be prepared with the addition baking soda or baking powder.
  • Lenten cakes are cooked on water.
  • After kneading, the dough is allowed to rest in a secluded place.
  • We divide the dough into equal pieces, and then roll it out very thinly.
  • The diameter of each cake should correspond to the size of the pan.
  • Use a plate to shape the cake into a round shape.
  • Fry the cakes in a dry frying pan, its surface should be hot.
  • It is not necessary to fry kystyby for too long.
  • It is better to start the cakes while hot, because after cooling they will break apart.
  • In order for the kystyby to keep its softness longer, pour melted butter on top of each cake.
  • For flavor, you can add herbs or your favorite spices to the dough.

Tatar guests on our table

How I sometimes want to pamper the household with exquisite culinary specialties. That's just not always enough time to bake pies or pastry confectionery. In haste, you can make kystyby. In combination with potato filling, such a dish will replace full garnish, and at breakfast you will be happy to taste thin cakes with a cup of fragrant invigorating coffee.

Now we will learn how to cook soft kystyby dough. Believe me: even the most fastidious gourmet will like such a dish of Tatar cuisine. Do not be lazy to knead the dough. The longer you work with the base for kystyby, the softer and tastier the cakes will turn out. A properly kneaded dough should be elastic and non-sticky.


  • 250 ml whole pasteurized milk;
  • 1 tsp baking powder;
  • 0.3 kg of sifted high-grade flour;
  • 170 g butter;
  • finely crystalline salt to taste.


  • As already mentioned, in the classic version, potatoes are used for the kystyby filling.
  • Prepare the filling in the form of puree in the usual way for you.
  • Now let's talk in more detail about the features of preparing the dough.
  • Melt the butter in a deep bowl. This can be done in a microwave oven or on a steam bath.
  • Add milk to the bowl with melted butter. It is advisable to use a little warm milk.

  • Mix everything well and add about 1/25 tsp. fine crystalline salt.

  • Next, add baking powder to the milk-butter mixture.

  • All components are thoroughly mixed, you can use a whisk.
  • Now gradually begin to add the sifted flour.

  • In order to saturate the flour with oxygen as much as possible, it is recommended to sift it several times.
  • Now we make a batch. First, knead the dough with a spatula. As soon as it starts to thicken, put it on the work surface and continue kneading.
  • Do not forget to sprinkle the work surface with sifted flour.
  • Ready dough should be moderately elastic and non-sticky.

  • Let the dough rest for 10-15 minutes, and then proceed to the preparation of cakes.
  • Divide total mass dough into equal pieces and roll into very thin layers.

  • While we are doing all the preparatory steps, put the pan on a moderate heat and heat its surface well.
  • On a dry, clean surface of the pan, lay out the blank of the cake.

  • Fry it on both sides until golden brown.
  • As soon as the cake is fried, put it on a dish and immediately stuff it.
  • To maintain softness, grease the cakes on both sides with creamy melted or softened butter.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated


For test:

- 1 glass warm water,
- 2 tablespoons vegetable oil,
- 1 tbsp sour cream
- a pinch of salt,
- about 300 gr. flour.

For filling:

- 800 gr. potato,
- 2 pcs. onion,
- 150 gr. butter,
- 100 ml. milk.

For lubrication:

- 150 gr. butter.

Recipe with photo step by step:

1. In fact, the dough recipe for pita bread is very simple: in a bowl, mix a glass of warm water, sour cream, vegetable oil and salt.

2. Gradually begin to add flour, it may need a little less or a little more. This will become clear in the process of kneading the dough, which should turn out elastic.

3. The finished dough must be covered with a clean, lint-free towel and allowed to rest for 20-30 minutes.

4. At this time, prepare the filling. The first step is to put the peeled potatoes to boil until tender.

5. Onion clean and cut into small cubes.

6. Fry the onion in butter until golden color. At the same time, we make sure that it does not burn.

7. C cooked potatoes drain the water, begin to knead it and add butter, fried onions and a little milk.

8. We achieve a lush, homogeneous puree. The main thing is that it does not turn out liquid, otherwise it will be impossible to use it as a filling.

9. The filling is ready, let's take care of the cakes. Pinch off the dough small pieces and roll out each in the form thin flatbread pan size.

10. Fry the cakes in a well-heated pan without adding oil. It will take about 2 minutes. Check out this one too.

11. When the cake begins to rise and bubble, it must be turned over to the second side. You need to make sure that nothing burns, otherwise the cakes will turn out to be hard and brittle.

12. Ready cakes should immediately be greased with hot, melted butter from two sides. Then spread mashed potatoes on one half of the cake and cover with the second half.

13. In the same way we collect all the cakes with potato filling. So our delicious, fragrant kystyby are ready.
Bon appetit!

Kystyby with potatoes is one of the simplest and most delicious meals Tatar cuisine. It is a flat cake folded in half with a potato filling inside. Flat cakes are baked in a dry frying pan, and the finished kystybai must be poured with melted butter. This pastry is much easier to prepare than ordinary pies. As a filling, you can use both porridge and vegetable mixes, but still classic version kystybay with potatoes in Tatar is considered. Recipe with photo taken step by step for all lovers national cuisine who like to reproduce step by step old recipes. You can immediately look at the pictures to make sure that preparing the dish is quite simple. The dough has several preparation options. Most popular recipe- dough in milk or water. It is about him that I will tell in detail, and in the end for lovers culinary variations I'll tell you how to prepare the dough on the water.

Milk Dough Ingredients:

  • milk - 0.5 cups (fat content does not matter),
  • butter - 50 grams,
  • sugar - 1 tablespoon,
  • salt - 1 teaspoon without a slide,
  • egg - 1 piece (medium),
  • flour - 2.5 cups.
  • potatoes - 1 kilogram,
  • onion (optional) - 1 large,
  • butter - 50 grams,
  • milk - 1/3 cup
  • oil rast. - 3-4 tablespoons.

How to cook kystyby with potatoes

Let's start with potatoes. We wash it, clean it and cut it into approximately equal parts. Put the potatoes in boiling salted water and leave to boil until tender.

During cooking, it is quite possible to have time to knead the dough for kystyby.

Melt the butter, dissolve the sugar in a little warm milk. We mix sweet milk with butter, drive an egg into the mixture, add salt and stir everything until smooth.

Kneaded - and immediately hide in a bag to lie down for 15-20 minutes. That's it, we don't need any more flour for this test. It is convenient to work with it, it does not stick to hands or a rolling pin at all.

We return to the filling. Drain the whole yushka from the finished potato. Add warm milk to it (you can quickly burn it in the microwave) and butter.

Intensively knead the filling until the lumps completely disappear. In principle, the filling is already ready, but if desired, you can add crushed and fried on rast to it. onion oil. I have such a desire - I add. So that the filling does not cool down while the cakes are baked, cover it with something.

We take the dough out of the bag, divide it into 5-7 small lumps, roll each into a thin round cake and prick with a fork. Quickly, so as not to overdry, fry the cakes in a completely dry, well-heated pan. Don't add a drop of oil! Take it off as soon as it's lightly browned.

We stack the finished cakes in a pile and be sure to cover with a lid or plate so that they become softer and do not dry out. Important! After frying, milk cakes are greased immediately on both sides with butter, and only after that we cover. It is not necessary to lubricate unleavened cakes - they will already become soft.

When all the cakes are ready, fill them with stuffing. For this, 1-2 tbsp. l. Spread mashed potatoes on one half of the cake, cover with the free half of the mashed potatoes.

There are two ways to serve kystyby: pour over warm butter or serve butter separately in a bowl so that you can dip it in.

And the last note. For my taste, kystyby on unleavened dough is tastier, but only if it is served immediately, as it was cooked, while the cakes and the filling are still warm. The cooled dough becomes rubbery. You can also cook kystyby for future use, but then you should definitely choose the option of dough with milk: when it lies down and cools down, it becomes much softer and more tender than freshly baked.

Lavash Recipes

kystyby with potatoes recipe with photo

50 minutes

140 kcal

5 /5 (1 )

Kystyby with potatoes is a national Tatar dish. These fried flatbreads are reminiscent of mexican tortillas. They are prepared from unleavened dough stuffed with mashed potatoes and fried onions.

The filling is laid out on one edge of the hot cake and covered with the second half, and they are coated with butter on top.
In this article I will tell you how to cook kystyby with potatoes so that ready meal it was very tasty, soft and delicate in taste.

You will also learn how to diversify traditional stuffing from mashed potatoes.

Delicious Tatar flatbread kystyby with mashed potatoes

Kitchen tools: knife, cutting board, rolling pin, cling film, silicone brush, tablespoon, plate, frying pan, spatula, saucepan.


For the test

For filling

Step by step cooking

Recipe for tender dough for kystyby with potatoes

For Tatar flatbread, kystyby is being prepared unleavened dough in milk with the addition of butter. You can replace milk with liquid sour cream or kefir, but with milk the dough is more tender.

Did you know? If you prepare the dough for potato broth it will remain soft even the next day.

To prepare the dough, I will use a mixer, but you can knead it with your hands without any problems.

Preparation of filling for kystyby

While the dough is resting, prepare the filling for our cakes. The traditional Tatar dish kystyby is cooked with potatoes, but I would like to offer you several filling options.

In the first option, we use only mashed potatoes. In the second - puree with fried mushrooms, and in the third - mashed potatoes with fried bacon.

  1. Peel potatoes, cut small pieces and boil in salted water until tender.

  2. Peel the onion and cut into small cubes.

  3. Put the butter in a heated frying pan and send the onion there.

  4. Stirring, fry the onion until golden.
  5. Next, cut the mushrooms into thin slices. I will use champignons, and you take any mushrooms to your taste.

  6. To enhance the taste of mushrooms, fry them in a mixture of olive oil and butter. Choose unrefined olive oil.
  7. Put the mushrooms in a preheated pan with olive oil and butter and fry them until golden brown.

  8. Next, finely chop a clove of garlic and add it to lightly fried mushrooms to emphasize their taste.

  9. Fry the mushrooms with garlic over low heat until tender.
  10. Cut the bacon into small strips.

  11. We transfer the finished onion to a plate along with the oil in which it was fried, and fry the bacon in the freed pan.
  12. When the potatoes are cooked, drain the water and mash them into a puree.

  13. Add butter and milk to the puree and continue to knead until smooth. If you plan to eat the tortillas right away, you can add cold milk, but if you are making tortillas that will remain the next day, add hot milk.

  14. Season the puree with salt to taste.
  15. Add dry dill to mashed potatoes and mix until smooth. You can add fresh herbs, it will also be very tasty.

How to make kystyby with potatoes

Important! We start the cakes hot so that they do not break when bent.

According to this recipe, you can cook Tatar-style kystyby not only with potatoes, but also with millet porridge. Experiment and you may find a different topping that you like better.

Serve these delicious cakes hot. They go great with any first course or tea.

video recipe

I suggest watching a video in which you will see in more detail how to cook kystyby with potatoes according to this recipe.

Kystyby. Tatar cuisine

You will need:

Premium wheat flour - 300-400g
Milk - 130ml
Butter 50g
Chicken egg - 1 pc.
Sugar 1 tsp
Salt 0.5 tsp

The video uses video inserts from the following releases:

Champignon Cream Soup — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3cMCpmZEj4E&list=PLV5WF2_SpMvb_KBSOWtq2Us1afv2qQLGt&index=3

Azu in Tatar. But not just basics - but a magnificent Azu! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b_1nZF3ZP-w&list=PLV5WF2_SpMvZ9QqQ9mAxERXP1gfismmAt&index=25

Choux cakes profiteroles (dough for profiteroles, eclairs) and custard https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gjfMNPRg3sM&list=PLV5WF2_SpMvYzjyMXTrDy_Cx672lTAj1d&index=22

Tiramisu Real This is very simple and very tasty https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RZjGZm8aCF8&list=PLV5WF2_SpMvYzjyMXTrDy_Cx672lTAj1d&index=25

Beef ribs in wine sauce https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hc9t8fFZT-c&index=45&list=PLV5WF2_SpMvZ9QqQ9mAxERXP1gfismmAt

Video catalog — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QcT9xUb4WkM&list=PLV5WF2_SpMvZ-YyF3jHJFp4xGSKq20maq&index=1

Be sure to go to the channel playlists - there you will find Caesar salad dressing and Caesar salad itself, there you can pick up a recipe for something delicious for dinner, the Salads playlist has (who would have thought) delicious salads, in the playlist "Soups and broths" you will find the most magnificent Ukrainian borsch recipe, absolutely amazing champignon cream soup, in the Pasta playlist there is how very simple recipes– carbonara pasta, marinara pasta, pasta with mushrooms and creamy sauces, so gorgeous Italian lasagna with bechamel and bolognese. Dig through the piles of these videos - you'll love it!
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Creative Commons License
The work "Kystyby. Tatar Cuisine by Dmitry Fresco is published under the Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported license.
Based on https://youtu.be/uNy-N27p6_0

Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at fresco.espan @ gmail dot com.

Used in the work:
music fragment from the site http://audionautix.com/ distributed by the author Jason Shaw under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. (http://www.audionautix.com/Saved/CCrelease.jpg),

Music from the YouTube Music Library


Recipes of the most simple meals from nothing

Learn how to cook a delicious Tatar dish kystyby with potatoes - a recipe with photos and videos will help you create a hearty flatbread from a minimum of ingredients.

40 min

157 kcal

4.94/5 (31)

Kystyby is a traditional dish Tatar and Bashkir cuisine which gained its popularity thanks to easy recipe cooking. The Tatar dish kystyby with potatoes is unleavened bread, which is fried in a pan and then stuffed mashed potatoes or porridge. Thanks to this, such a dish can also be consumed in fasting, although it is difficult to call it dietary.

Did you know? The largest kystyby prepared in Bashkortostan got into the Guinness Book of Records. Its diameter is 2 m 10 cm.

Kystyby is convenient to take with you for a snack and even lunch, it is convenient to carry, warm, and you can also have a tasty and satisfying lunch. Previously, in my family, kystyby was simply called delicious Tatar flatbread with mashed potatoes, but I like to experiment with fillings and add mushrooms, vegetables and meat along with potatoes. Therefore, I will tell you how to cook a classic kystyby with potatoes, and then you can choose the filling options yourself.

Kitchen appliances: spoon, knife, rolling pin, frying pan, saucepan, plate, pusher.


For test:

For filling:

How to choose the right ingredients

To cook kystyby with potatoes in Tatar style, as in the recipe, you need to choose the right products:

  • Use only the highest quality flour.
  • Choose medium-fat milk, you can homemade.
  • The variety of potatoes does not matter, the main thing is that it boils well.

Cooking process

  1. Mix milk with sugar and salt until they are completely dissolved. Break the egg into the milk, then the melted butter and stir until smooth.

  2. Gradually pour out the flour, knead the dough.

  3. Knead it well so that the dough becomes soft and elastic, but not too tight. The dough for kystyby with potatoes should be tender, otherwise the whole recipe does not make sense. Wrap the dough in cling film and leave for 20 minutes.

  4. Peel, wash the potatoes and put to boil in salted water. While it is cooking, finely chop the onion. Fry it until golden brown in butter.

  5. Once the potatoes are cooked, mash them.

  6. Add oil to it and pour in milk.

  7. Mix the finished puree with onions.

  8. Cut the dough into pieces and roll it into thin cakes.

  9. Dry hot pan put the flatbread and fry on both sides until browned (brown dots).

  10. For one half finished flatbread lay out the filling, and the second cover it.

  11. Brush the top with butter and enjoy!

What is kystyby served with?

We have already learned how to make kystyby with potatoes, and now we will figure out what it is served with.

Usually kystyby is served as a main course. You can also serve salad with it. fresh vegetables or pickles. Kystyby is also served as a second course with meat and fish. It is customary for Tatars to serve kastyby with strong black tea, which, in my opinion, is the best option.
