
Recipes for salting green tomatoes in a saucepan whole. How to salt red tomatoes with a simple salting pickled jars? How to salt green tomatoes with simple salting pickled in jars? How to pickle green tomatoes with cold water for the winter

In one of the previous issues, we discussed a lot different ways. In today's article, I want to show you a couple interesting recipes for the preparation of lightly salted green tomatoes fast food in a pot and in a jar.

Now is not the season for lightly salted tomatoes. So why did I decide to pickle the tomatoes so early? The fact is that this year we planted a lot of tomatoes for our garden. Our plot is not big, but still it is quite normal for a family of four adults and one child.

So, it turned out that after we harvested the first crop, the tomatoes (bushes) began to dry. What this is connected with is not clear. Although all other vegetation in in perfect order. For the first time, it is observed that at the height of summer the tomatoes wilted. They have enough left - still a lot of unripe green and slightly yellowed tomato fruits.

So we thought: "Do not waste the good." I collected everything from the bushes to the last. Once I heard that only fruits that have seeds inside are suitable for consumption. I had so many small tomatoes, the size of a plum, that I felt sorry to dispose of them. And I decided that they would also be salted. And if the taste is not very good, then it is never too late to throw them away. On this I decided.

So what can you do with green tomatoes? Of course, there are many salads that require not red, but green fruits. But still, light-salted tomatoes are considered to be the most common snack from this unripe vegetable.

Their sweet and sour taste loved by many people of our planet. In my opinion, this is one of the most delicious and great snacks. You can serve them both everyday and with their presence they will brighten up any holiday table.

You can cook them in any way. There are even quick recipes in 5 minutes - in the package. In my opinion, this is not quite what is meant by the name salted tomatoes. If you wish, you can even use recipes according to which cucumbers are lightly salted.

But I got my own, already tested, special recipe, which you are unlikely to find on the expanses of the World Wide Web. At least, I have never come across such a method. To be honest, this is the first time I've made this recipe. Based simply on what I thought would go well with green tomato flavor.

Initially, after I had already put the tomatoes under oppression, for some reason it seemed to me that I went too far with spices and finished product will be unusable. As it turned out later, I was deeply mistaken, and my fears were in vain. Well, in the end, the result exceeded all expectations.

Of course, nothing unusual is included in the composition. All the ingredients are sure to be found in everyone's household, in any kitchen. And if not, then you can easily, without great expense, get everything you need in any store or grocery market.

Well, I will not go far from the topic and show you the recipe for the most delicious lightly salted green tomatoes. So, let's begin…

Recipe for salted green tomatoes in a saucepan

You know, I didn’t even have to buy anything - everything was from my garden. Unless I used purchased garlic, due to the fact that we did not plant it this year (although it is not too late). And everything else is straight from the garden. Still, it’s good when there is its own vegetation on the site, in the form of vegetables and fruits.

As I wrote above, I took into account both large and small fruits. Only among the green ones, there were a few yellowish ones. I thought that I would pickle them separately. I put them aside and, for starters, started preparing the main mass.

Recipe with yellow tomatoes you will find below, under this recipe. It is slightly different from this method, and due to the fact that there were few yellow ones, I made them in a jar. But more on that later. And now…


  • Green tomatoes - 7 kg.
  • Garlic - 1 large head
  • Dill umbrellas - 2 pcs.
  • Horseradish leaves - 2 pcs.
  • Grape leaves - 7-8 pcs.
  • peppercorns
  • Sugar
  • Paprika
  • Bay leaf
  • Capsicum hot pepper - 2 pcs.


These are such appetizing and tasty light-salted tomatoes turned out. Very tasty and juicy. In general, class! Try it and you won't regret it. Bon appetit!

Green tomatoes in a jar according to lightly salted recipe

And now, as I promised, I'll show you what I did with the remaining tomatoes. The recipe is basically the same as the previous one. They have only a few differences. And you know, as a result of these minor changes, they radically changed the taste of the finished snack.

If in the first case we got green tomatoes sweet and sour with notes of bitterness, then in this case a completely different taste and aroma. I don’t know what influenced the differences - the degree of maturation or the difference in ingredients, but I can tell you for sure that both options are very good - each in its own way.

So give it a try and I hope you enjoy the result.


  • Tomatoes - 0.5 kg.
  • Bulgarian pepper - 2 pcs. (small)
  • Garlic - 6 cloves
  • horseradish leaf
  • 2 grape leaves
  • peppercorns
  • Sugar


This is how I salted the green tomatoes, which had time to ripen and began to wither. Delicious!

What do you think about it? Have you ever tried this recipe? I would like to know your opinion. I'm waiting for you in the comments.

Well, that's all for today. See you. Bye!

You can salt not only red, but green tomatoes. Unlike ripe fruits, green tomatoes are more sour and firm, but no less tasty. They can be added to salads or used as a separate dish. You can pickle them in pots, barrels and jars. How to pickle green tomatoes?

What green tomatoes to choose for pickling

Green tomatoes can contain harmful substances, so it is very important to choose the right fruits. For pickling, medium or medium tomatoes are suitable. large size. Small fruits have harmful substance called solanine, which has an extremely negative effect on health and can be very dangerous. If you decide to use them, then you first need to hold the tomatoes in salted water for several hours. During this time, the water will take away all the harmful substances.

Cold pickling of green tomatoes in jars


  • Green tomatoes 1 kg.
  • Capsicum to taste.
  • Salt 2 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar 1 tbsp. l.
  • Garlic to taste.
  • Parsley, dill to taste.
  • Currant leaves 10 pcs.
  • Water 1 l.


  • Prepare the brine. To do this, add sugar and salt to the water. Put the brine on the fire, wait until it boils and keep it on fire for about 5-10 minutes. Then the brine must be cooled to room temperature.
  • Put a clove of garlic, a few blackcurrant leaves and greens on the bottom of a sterilized jar for pickling. Then put in some tomatoes. Put garlic, currant leaves and greens on them, add pepper. Alternate layers until you reach the very top of the jar.
  • Pour the tomatoes with brine and close the jar with a nylon lid.

Appetizer of green tomatoes with garlic


  • Green tomatoes 1 kg.
  • Hot pepper 1 pc.
  • Garlic 5 cloves.
  • Vinegar 9% 70 ml.
  • Sugar 1 tbsp. l.
  • Salt 1 tbsp. l.
  • Greens, spices to taste.


  • Cut tomatoes into small slices. Cut hot pepper and garlic into small slices.
  • At the bottom of the pan you need to put pepper, salt, sugar, spices and add vinegar. Add green tomatoes and mix well.
  • Cover the pot with a lid and leave it for about a day.
  • Put the tomatoes with all the spices in sterilized jars and fill them with the juice that stood out during the salting process. Close the jar with a lid and refrigerate or cool place. The appetizer will be ready in 7-8 days.

Pickling green tomatoes in tomato sauce with cinnamon


  • Green tomatoes 1-1.5 kg.
  • Tomato juice 1 l.
  • Sweet bell pepper to taste.
  • Sugar 3-4 tbsp. l.
  • Salt 3 tsp
  • Cinnamon to taste.
  • Water.


  • IN tomato juice add sugar, salt and cinnamon. Mix everything and boil over medium heat for 5-7 minutes.
  • Put the tomatoes in sterilized jars and fill them Not big amount hot water, then fill them tomato sauce. Close the jar tightly with a lid.

spicy green tomatoes


  • Green tomatoes 1-1.5 kg.
  • Garlic 2-3 cloves.
  • Black pepper 10-15 pcs.
  • Cloves 4 b.
  • Sugar 4-5 tbsp. l.
  • Salt 3 tbsp. l.
  • Vinegar 9% 2 tbsp. l.
  • Water for marinade 1.5 l.
  • Bay leaf 4 pcs.
  • Hot pepper to taste (or chili).


  • Put washed green tomatoes, garlic and a few pods of hot pepper or chili in sterilized jars.
  • Add to water Bay leaf, cloves, peppercorns, salt, sugar, vinegar. Mix everything and put on fire. As soon as the brine boils, you need to remove it from the heat and pour the tomatoes in the jars.
  • Close the jars with lids and let them cool. You can store jars of tomatoes at room temperature, in the refrigerator or a cool place.

Each of the recipes is new and original idea snacks that can become a favorite. With them you can please not only yourself, but also your loved ones.

  • green tomatoes (medium size);
  • sweet pepper (red);
  • garlic;
  • parsley;
  • hot peppers.
  • For filling:
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 50 g of sugar sand;
  • 100 g of salt;
  • 100 ml table vinegar.

How to cook Daily Salted Green Tomatoes

Wash the green tomatoes thoroughly and cut them into large chunks. For daily pickling, milky tomatoes are more suitable, that is, their surface is not dark, but slightly whitish.

Pepper should be exactly red, you can take, of course, and Green pepper, but then the appetizer will no longer look so bright and beautiful. Remove the stalk with seeds, wash and cut into thin strips. Take pepper in relation to green tomatoes in a ratio of 1: 2.

Wash and chop the leaves of fresh parsley, finely chop the garlic and hot peppers. Greens should be added more, garlic is also not necessary to regret. And here is the quantity hot pepper depends on its spiciness and your love for spicy.

Put it all in a heat-resistant container with a lid and mix well. We use a large rectangular container, you can use a jar, a pot or a small tub.

Add to water granulated sugar, vinegar and salt, bring it all to a boil and pour the chopped and mixed vegetables with the resulting marinade. If necessary, the amount of filling should be increased, as long as it completely covers the tomatoes.

Close the lid and leave at room temperature until the marinade has cooled completely. Then remove the container in the cold.

After 24 hours, you can already lay on and enjoy crispy and slightly spicy salted green tomatoes. Optional vegetable snack can be seasoned with vegetable oil, but this is not at all necessary, as in pure form she is very good.

Salted green tomatoes instant recipe with photo

We offer you a recipe for instant salted green tomatoes, we will cook them with a lot of garlic and herbs.

Salted green tomatoes per day

Cooking time: Not indicated

According to memoirs, the recipe that was in the greatest demand was instant lightly salted green tomatoes, you will now see the recipe for a day. No less tasty are these salted tomatoes, stuffed with herbs and garlic for the winter.

- 1.5 liters of boiled water;

- 1.5 tablespoons of salt;

- 3 tablespoons of sugar;

- 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar 5%;

- A small bunch of dill;

- 3 cloves of garlic;

Tomatoes choose dense, firm, whole, without any defects on the skin. Wash them.

Take a tall bowl or bowl of water and add salt, mix sugar and stir until completely dissolved, then add apple cider vinegar.

Finely chop the garlic. Be sure to cook such green tomatoes for the winter.

Take a large container, put it on the bottom fresh dill and garlic.

Lay all hard tomatoes, pepper,

put chili pepper on top

pour pre-prepared brine.

Chop dill. Put dill on top of the jar.

Put in the refrigerator for a day, after which salted instant green tomatoes

will be ready. You will definitely like this recipe, as it is neutral, suitable for both adults and children due to the unobtrusive taste that comes out in the end.

Lightly salted green tomatoes of instant preparation, the recipe for a day

I love canned vegetables: tomatoes, cucumbers, various salads. Unfortunately, I do not always have enough time to prepare conservation, as I have to work from morning to evening. I propose to cook lightly salted green tomatoes, a quick recipe for a day

Pickled instant green tomatoes in a pot

Marinate green tomatoes simple and profitable. Firstly, the unripe fruits will go into action, and you will not have to think about how to save them. Secondly, recipes with which you can pickle green tomatoes great amount. It will not be difficult to choose the most suitable for you. Thirdly, pickled green fruits are very healthy and tasty.

A variety of options for salting allows you to cook spicy tomatoes, sweet, stuffed and without, with spices and classic in brine.

Even if your family already has a favorite recipe, you can always try something new. And the advantages of homemade preparations have been appreciated by the hostesses for a long time:

  • you know for sure that the dish is prepared from fresh ingredients;
  • such snacks are much cheaper;
  • most importantly, with taste homemade none can compare popular salads from the supermarket.

It is very convenient to use enameled pans for salting green tomatoes. They successfully replace the barrels in which vegetables have been salted and fermented for a long time. In modern apartments and houses, it is rare to find a real tub for salting. But pots, buckets and plastic containers are available in enough and different volume. Optimal packaging a saucepan up to 5 liters is considered. In such containers, you can pickle tomatoes in different ways.

Consider popular recipes pickled green tomatoes in a pan for the winter.

A simple and delicious option for home pickling

We need unripe tomatoes of medium size. It is best if they are in the stage of milky ripeness with a slightly whitened skin.

Browns, reds and greens demand different concentration pickling salt.

We select even healthy fruits without damage, signs of damage or rotten areas.

We wash the fruits well, put them in a colander for blanching in boiling water. We hold the tomatoes for 5 minutes, then immediately cool them under running cold running water.

We wash the greens, let the water drain and cut.

We clean the garlic from the husk, you can cut the teeth in half. Often, when pickling, garlic cloves are put whole.

We put the pan in a bowl of a suitable size so that at the time of fermentation the juice does not flow onto the floor.

We shift the blanched green tomatoes in a saucepan in layers. Sprinkle each layer with herbs, slices of pepper and garlic. The more fresh herbs we take, the richer we get the taste of pickled green tomatoes in a saucepan.

Boil the brine and cool. Pour the tomatoes with the cooled composition, put a plate and oppression on top. Cover with a clean cloth. We will schedule a tasting in 2 weeks.

Proportions of ingredients for 1 kg of green tomatoes:

  • garlic - 1 large head;
  • hot pepper - 1 pod;
  • parsley and celery - 1 bunch each.

If desired, add a bay leaf, sweet pepper in a small amount.

For brine, for every liter of water, you need to take 2 tablespoons of salt.

Accelerated salting option

This recipe is used by many housewives to speed up the harvesting process. Due to the content of solanine in green tomatoes, it takes time for its concentration to decrease. It is destroyed during the fermentation process and the preparation of green tomatoes in the pan becomes safe for consumption. But there is an opportunity to pickle instant green tomatoes.

Literally in a day you get delicious tomatoes, but in this case you need to add table vinegar. If that doesn't bother you, then let's get started.

We measure the number of unripe tomatoes with a 3-liter saucepan. We take as much as we can fit in it. Usually this amount is equal in weight to 1.6 - 1.8 kg.

Well, wash all the tomatoes and cut them into slices like a salad. To in ready-made vegetables were strong and elastic, do not cut finely.

Grate 2-3 carrots.

Cut hot pepper into pieces. Adjust the amount of spiciness to your liking.

Grind garlic cloves in a convenient way.

We begin to lay the vegetables in layers in a pan - we alternate the tomatoes with garlic, carrots and peppers.

Fill with boiling water, leave for 15 minutes. Then we pour the water into a separate container and boil again, but with salt (2 tablespoons), sugar (5 tablespoons), vinegar (100 ml). Add laurel leaves (3 pieces) and peppercorns (5 pieces) to the brine.

Boil the composition for 3 minutes and pour the tomatoes in a saucepan. Cover with a lid and set to marinate for a day. After 24 hours, our pickled green tomatoes in the pot are ready.

Cold marinating in a saucepan

An excellent option for pickling green tomatoes with a taste of cask. Pots help out if there is no tub in the house. Yes, and it requires a lot of care in order to survive longer, and the quality of the fruit was excellent. Therefore, the preference of the mistresses of enameled pans is fully justified.

There are no very strict dosages of products in this option, and it is considered the most convenient. Another plus - you can take tomatoes for harvesting different size. Very large cut in half. The main ingredients are green tomatoes, fresh herbs(dill, celery, parsley), spices (garlic and hot pepper).

Wash prepared vegetables running water. Large cut, and medium and small chop. You can replace the punctures with cross-shaped incisions in the region of the stalk.

Peel the garlic and cut into slices.

Cut hot pepper into slices or rings.

Wash the greens and chop coarsely or leave whole leaves.

Put greens on the bottom of the pan, a layer of tomato on top. Alternate layers of green tomatoes with pepper, garlic and herbs. Spices are placed in one layer. After laying the pan, you need to make sure that the final layer is made of spices and herbs.

Preparing the marinade is very easy. For a 3-liter pan you need cold boiled water(2 liters) and coarse salt (70 g per liter). When cooking for 5 or 10 liter pots, just recalculate the proportions. Pour the container so that the brine covers all the vegetables.

Quick option with vegetables

Amazing and delicious recipe combinations of green tomatoes, bell pepper, carrots, onions and spices.

Its uniqueness is that the green tomato appetizer looks like stuffed pepper. And the filling consists of garlic, onion, carrot and tomato. But unripe tomatoes canned in this way will surprise all guests.

For 5 kg of sweet pepper you will need to cook:

  • 5 kg unripe tomatoes;
  • 300 g of peeled garlic;
  • 1 carrot and a large onion.

Marinade is prepared from 2 cups of sugar, vinegar and vegetable oil and 2 tablespoons of table salt.

Cut tomatoes into small slices.

We clean the pepper from the stalks and seeds, rinse under running water.

Grind tomatoes, carrots, onions and garlic in a meat grinder. Mix and stuff the pepper with this composition.

We put it tightly in a saucepan, additionally sprinkling with herbs and onion rings.

Boil the marinade immediately with all the ingredients and pour the workpiece. We put the pot with peppers on the fire and boil for 15 minutes.

Cooled vegetables can be tasted.

Feel free to use your favorite herbs to pickle green tomatoes. Each of them gives its own taste and aroma to the appetizer, so there are a lot of recipes.

Pickled Green Tomatoes with Instant Garlic

If you have a lot of green tomatoes, you can find a use for them by preparing a quick and delicious snack according to this recipe. Pickled Green Tomatoes with Instant Garlic they are perfect for any side dish, and as an appetizer they can be served with baked meat. For purchase rich taste, tomatoes need to brew in the refrigerator for two days. During this time, they will marinate well, become softer.


Cooking steps

Wash and cut green tomatoes into slices. Add salt, sugar, a mixture of peppers, finely chopped parsley and garlic, passed through a press, pour in vinegar. All ingredients should be mixed and left until the salt and sugar dissolve. You can also stir a couple of times so that the sugar and salt dissolve faster.

Then add to the tomatoes sunflower oil and mix again. Oil must be added at the very end, as spices do not dissolve well in it.

Cover a bowl with tomatoes with a film or a lid, put in the refrigerator for two days. After this time, delicious pickled green tomatoes with instant garlic can be served at the table.

Pickled Green Tomatoes with Instant Garlic - Recipe with Photo

If you have a lot of green tomatoes, you can put them to good use by preparing a quick and tasty snack according to this recipe. Instant pickled green tomatoes with garlic are perfect for any side dish, and as an appetizer they can be served with baked meat. To purchase…

The article will help you learn how to salt red and green tomatoes for the winter in a barrel, saucepan, plastic bucket, jar, and even an ordinary plastic bag.

It would seem, why today is fooling around with twists, if on sale all year round a huge amount of canned vegetables for every taste? Well, first of all, home-made preparations definitely taste better.

Secondly, there is confidence that they are prepared from fresh vegetables, in compliance with the rules of sterility.

Third, home preservation costs less. If the grandmother did not share with the young mistress her crown recipe pickling tomatoes, those presented below will help.

How to salt red tomatoes with simple salting in a barrel?

Salting tomatoes in a barrel is called cold. Its advantage is that a maximum of useful substances. And if the barrel is wooden, it gives the appetizer an inimitable flavor. No need to be upset if there is no such barrel, boiled water or an ordinary enameled pan will do.

  • red tomatoes - how much will fit in a pickling container
  • water - it should completely cover the tomatoes
  • coarse table salt - at the rate of 100 g per 1 liter of water
  • garlic - 3 cloves per 1 liter of water
  • peppercorns - 3-4 peas per 1 liter of water
  • pepper light - 1 pc. for 1 liter of water
  • cherry, currant, horseradish leaves
  • umbrellas and dill greens

  1. Tomatoes for pickling in a barrel are taken ripe, elastic, of any size
  2. Cherry, horseradish, currant leaves are laid out at the bottom of a barrel or pan
  3. Spread a layer of tomatoes washed and discarded on the stalks
  4. Spread sliced ​​garlic and a light, a few peppercorns, a couple of dill umbrellas
  5. Dilute salt in water, pour tomatoes with brine
  6. Repeat the laying of greens and tomatoes, pouring brine two more times
  7. Spread a few more sheets of horseradish on top.
  8. Organize oppression
  9. The workpiece is kept for 3-4 days at room temperature, then it is sent to the cold (in the cellar) for 3 weeks. At their expiration, the tomatoes will be ready.

VIDEO: How to salt tomatoes in a barrel?

How to salt green tomatoes with simple salting in a barrel?

If by the end of the season there are green unripe tomatoes left in the beds, they are no longer left to disappear. Many liked their elasticity and sour taste. If you put aside the arguments that green tomatoes are less healthy than red ones, but no less allergenic, you can get a delicious snack from them by pickling in a barrel.

  • a wooden barrel or a large pot
  • 5 kg green tomatoes
  • 50 g hot pepper
  • 100 g dill
  • 30 g parsley
  • 30 g basil
  • 50 g currant leaves
  • 4 liters of water
  • 300 g salt

With green tomatoes they do exactly the same as with red ones - they put it in a barrel with a layer of greens and pour it with brine. After about 4 weeks, the tomatoes will be ready, unlike red ones, green ones are not deformed.

How to salt red tomatoes with simple salting in plastic buckets?

At home, you can pickle red tomatoes like barrel ones in plastic buckets.

  1. Take small elastic tomatoes, preferably cream, wash them well
  2. Also prepare and wash horseradish and currant leaves, dill umbrellas
  3. Need for taste and peppercorns, and red hot peppers
  4. Garlic cut into slices
  5. Lay tomatoes and greens in plastic buckets in layers
  6. Boil the brine by adding 2 tablespoons of salt and sugar to 1 liter of water.
  7. When the brine cools down a bit, pour tomatoes over it.
  8. They cover the buckets with gauze, put plates with oppression on them
  9. The blank is kept in the room for about a month, then put in a cool place

How to salt green tomatoes with simple salting in plastic buckets?

Green tomatoes pickled in plastic buckets may seem too tough to some. To make them easier to chew, it is proposed to pour boiling water over them before salting.

  1. In buckets, green tomatoes are salted with cherry and currant leaves, dill and hot peppers.
  2. The brine for them is 7%, that is, 70 g of salt per 1 liter of water. It can also be sweetened as desired.
  3. Salting occurs within a month and a half

VIDEO: Salted Green Tomatoes

How to salt tomatoes with simple salting in a saucepan?

To pickle and store tomatoes (green, red or brown) on the balcony in the apartment, it is very convenient in enamel saucepan. Salting is carried out in any way. Here's an interesting one - with mustard.


  • 2 kg red cream
  • 1 chili pepper
  • 3 pcs. bay leaf
  • 5 peppercorns
  • 3 garlic cloves
  • 1 teaspoon dry mustard
  • 3 dill umbrellas

  1. All this should be well washed. Chop pepper and garlic
  2. Spread the products for salting in an enamel pan
  3. Prepare a brine from 1 liter of water, 2 tbsp. spoons of salt and 1 tbsp. spoons of sugar
  4. Pour the mustard powder into the brine
  5. Do the filling of the workpiece
  6. They keep the pan in the room for about 5 days, after which they take it out to the cellar or to the balcony for a month (the temperature should not exceed 7 degrees)

How to salt red tomatoes with a simple salting pickled jars? How to salt green tomatoes with simple salting pickled in jars?

Both red and green tomatoes are fermented in jars. But be sure to put them separately.

  1. Banks need to be prepared in advance. It is good to sterilize them in boiling water or oven. If you feel sorry for the time, a thorough washing with soda is also suitable.
  2. Elastic medium-sized tomatoes and greens are laid out in jars in random order or in layers
  3. Pour the workpiece 7- percentage solution salt
  4. Close jars with sterile plastic lids
  5. After the banks stand for two days in the apartment, they are taken to the basement or cellar
  6. Eat pickled tomatoes from cans it is possible in 2 months, by this moment they will ripen

Red salted tomatoes in a jar.

Green pickled tomatoes in a jar.

How to salt tomatoes in a bag?

In order not to wait a month or two until barrel or canned tomatoes ripen, you can quickly pickle them in bags.

  1. Lightly salted, you can make one tomato or a mix of vegetables (take tomatoes, cucumbers and sweet peppers at the rate of 2:2:1)
  2. Tomatoes are washed and cut crosswise
  3. If they take cucumbers, they cut off their "butts"
  4. Wash and chop dill, parsley, cilantro, basil as desired
  5. 4 cloves crushed
  6. Put everything in a tight bag with handles
  7. Pour into the bag 2 tbsp. spoons of salt and 1 tbsp. spoons of sugar
  8. Tie up the bag and shake it well.
  9. Keep the bag in the refrigerator for 1 day, periodically turn it over
  10. If you plan to store tomatoes, they should be poured from the bag into a saucepan

VIDEO: Quick recipe for salted tomatoes in a bag

How to salt tomatoes with garlic?

Garlic is present in any recipe for salted tomatoes. It gives sharpness to the workpiece. There are several ways to use it:

  • put whole cloves of garlic in a barrel, pan or jar
  • put grated garlic in a barrel, pan or jar
  • grate the garlic, mix it with finely chopped greens and stuff the tomatoes, previously cut crosswise, with this mixture

Tomatoes with grated garlic.

Tomatoes with garlic, cut into pieces.

VIDEO: Salted tomatoes with garlic and herbs
