
How to store honey at home. How to store honey: optimal temperature, safe packaging and why you should not be afraid of crystallization

Honey is one of those products that can not only give the dish an original taste, but also have a beneficial effect on the general condition of the body. However, for this bee product to really benefit, it must be stored properly. It is believed that a product that is not candied during storage is not natural, and it is not recommended to eat it.

If you bought real nectar from a beekeeper or in the market, you need to immediately take care of the conditions under which this product will be stored. It is necessary not only to choose the right container, but also to provide a suitable location for this unique product. In this article, we will consider the main features of honey storage, ranging from temperature and humidity conditions to suitable containers.

How to store honey

Under natural conditions, wild honey can be stored for a long time. This is due to the fact that the composition of this product includes a huge amount of useful substances and vitamins, which simply do not allow pathogenic microflora to multiply.

At home, natural nectar can be stored for about two years. However, this period directly depends on the containers that were chosen for storage, temperature, humidity and lighting. If at least one of the conditions is not met, it will simply lose its taste and useful properties. Therefore, to get a really tasty and healthy product, you need to know how to properly store it at home.

As mentioned above, the duration of storage at home directly depends on the temperature and humidity conditions and lighting. You should be prepared for the fact that a quality product is invariably candied during storage. This is an absolutely normal process, indicating the naturalness of the bee product (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Home storage

Since there are many factors to consider for proper storage, we will look at each of them in more detail so that you can save this delicious and extremely healthy product for a long time.

The first thing to consider is the storage temperature. For example, if this product is placed in a room where the temperature reaches +40 degrees, you can be sure that it will deteriorate very quickly. In addition, when exposed to high temperatures, this product quickly loses its beneficial properties (Figure 2).

Note: Under the influence of high temperatures, pathogenic microorganisms can begin to multiply in the nectar, and the product will become not only inedible, but also potentially hazardous to health.

Of course, in our climate, extremely high temperatures are a rarity, but it is still better not to leave the nectar outdoors in the heat of summer.

Figure 2. Optimum temperature conditions

In some cases, it is allowed to store the product at room temperature (no more than +20 degrees), however, under these conditions, the nectar can exfoliate and lose most of the vitamins and nutrients. Fortunately, he is absolutely not afraid of low temperatures. in such conditions, it will only harden, but will not lose its useful properties.

The optimal storage temperature is from -6 to +10 degrees, and it is desirable that this indicator be maintained at a stable level. Accordingly, we can conclude that the best place for nectar will be a refrigerator, which always maintains the same cool temperature regime. In this case, it is desirable to prevent hypothermia and overheating of the product. From such drops, it will either begin to crystallize unevenly, or exfoliate and lose its useful properties.

Humidity and other storage conditions

Honey very quickly absorbs moisture from the environment, so when storing it, it is necessary to strictly observe the humidity regime. To do this, it is necessary to ensure a minimum level of ambient humidity (Figure 3).

Note: Given this feature, a balcony, loggia or other room in direct contact with the street will not be suitable for storage, as it may rain at any time, the humidity in the room will increase and the product will deteriorate.

Some housewives prefer to keep a jar of nectar in an ordinary kitchen cabinet. Indeed, optimal humidity is maintained here, however, the temperature will not always be at the level of + 18 + 20 degrees. Accordingly, it can be concluded that the refrigerator is the best place to store both in terms of humidity and temperature.

In addition, when planning to store this bee product at home, pay attention to the following factors:

  1. The nectar container should not be exposed to direct sunlight. Otherwise, pathogenic microorganisms may begin to multiply in the product or the product will simply exfoliate and lose its taste and useful properties.
  2. There should not be toxic products near the jar or container, as nectar absorbs various substances from the environment very quickly.
  3. It is advisable to store the product out of the reach of children. Considering the benefits of this bee product, such a requirement may seem strange, but it has good reasons.

Figure 3. Suitable humidity level

The fact is that this product should be consumed in moderation. Overeating can lead to unwanted effects, ranging from indigestion to a severe allergic reaction.

Choice of storage containers

In addition to temperature and humidity, it is necessary to pay attention to the containers in which honey will be stored. The choice of containers plays a key role, because it will depend on how reliably the nectar will be protected from environmental influences (Figure 4).

The main storage methods include:

  1. Plastic containers: this is one of the most convenient storage methods, because plastic is highly durable, and the shapes and volumes of such containers are very diverse. In addition, each such container is equipped with a tight lid that will prevent air from entering the container. However, when using such containers, care must be taken that the plastic is only food grade. Otherwise, the nectar will not only acquire an unpleasant taste and smell, but will also lose most of its beneficial properties. Although it is very convenient to store nectar in plastic, it is better to give preference to containers made of other materials.
  2. Glass: glass jars have been used for storage for many years. The fact is that this material is chemically neutral and does not react with the product, so the nectar retains not only its taste and aroma, but also its beneficial properties. The only disadvantage of glass containers is that sunlight penetrates through their transparent walls, which can lead to spoilage of the product. Therefore, jars are recommended to be placed in a dark place or covered with a dense cloth that does not let light through.
  3. Wooden barrels: were used to store this beekeeping product in antiquity, with willow barrels being preferred. This wood, like glass, has a neutral chemical reaction, and does not spoil the taste and useful properties. However, this method of storage is only suitable for those who have the opportunity to store the barrel in a cool basement or cellar.
  4. Clay pots: can also be an excellent storage option at home. In addition, beekeepers themselves recommend storing nectar in such containers, because in them the nectar retains its taste and beneficial properties for the longest time. This is due to the fact that the clay does not let the sun's rays through and does not react with the product, and a stable temperature is maintained inside the container itself.

Figure 4. Storage container options

It is strictly forbidden to store honey in copper or galvanized dishes, since this product quickly reacts with such metals and its taste deteriorates. In addition, during long-term storage, honey from such containers begins to release toxic substances. It is also not recommended to use barrels made of oak or coniferous wood for storage.

How long can honey be stored

Fans of this beekeeping product are invariably interested in the question of how long honey has a shelf life and how long it retains its beneficial properties. There is no single answer to these questions, since the duration depends on many factors: the type of nectar, its degree of maturity, quality, bottling and storage conditions.

Depending on the type of product, the duration of its storage can be as follows:

  1. Liquid and thick honey, subject to the temperature and humidity conditions and optimal lighting, can be stored for decades, as it contains special preservatives. However, at home, nectar is best consumed within a year, since in the future it may lose its beneficial properties, although the taste will remain the same. If foam appears on the surface of the product or the taste of the nectar becomes sour, this means that the nectar has deteriorated.
  2. Honey in combs can be stored in the hive for an unlimited time, since optimal conditions are created in such bee houses: due to the dense wax coating, air, light or pathogens do not get inside. At the same time, honey in combs does not crystallize for a long time and retains its beneficial properties. However, it should be borne in mind that in order to store honeycombs, it is necessary to maintain a stable temperature (+ 3 + 10 degrees) and humidity (no more than 60%). With an increase in humidity, the honeycombs simply become sour, and with a decrease, they can become moldy.

Nectar in combs can also be stored in glass jars. To do this, honeycombs are cut into pieces of the desired size, and for this it is better to use not a metal, but a wooden or ceramic knife, so that oxidation processes do not start in the nectar. Honeycombs are laid out in a dry sterilized jar and covered with a lid. To extend the shelf life, you can seal the neck of the container with natural beeswax. Under such conditions, nectar can retain its taste, smell and beneficial properties for ten years.

Many lovers of bee nectar do not like that over time it loses its liquid consistency and crystallizes (Figure 5). However, keep in mind that this is a completely natural process. In addition, if the nectar does not begin to thicken during long-term storage, this indicates that the product is unnatural and it is better not to eat it.

Note: The time of onset of crystallization directly depends on the type of nectar and on the ratio of glucose and fructose in its composition. For example, sunflower nectar contains a lot of glucose, so it is candied very quickly, and there is more fructose in acacia nectar, so it stays liquid longer.

If you like liquid honey, you can try to create conditions under which it will crystallize more slowly. The most effective way is to buy honey in combs. In this natural shell, nectar remains liquid for as long as possible.

Figure 5. Liquid honey storage

You can also try to create conditions under which crystallization processes will not begin in the nectar. To do this, it is necessary to store containers at a temperature of + 18 + 20 degrees. However, this is difficult to implement at home, since most housewives prefer to put honey in the refrigerator, where crystallization processes occur much faster. But to slow down this process, honey can be stirred frequently, which will significantly slow down the thickening process.

In addition, you can try to beat the honey with a mixer, not allowing it to heat up to more than +14 degrees. Under such conditions, the nectar crystals begin to break up and the product is not candied.

However, experienced beekeepers advise not to be afraid of crystallization. Quite the contrary: this process indicates that the product is completely natural. If you prefer liquid nectar, you can always slightly heat the desired amount of honey in a water bath to return it to a liquid consistency. But at the same time, it should be remembered that honey cannot be heated more than +40 degrees, since in such conditions it loses its beneficial properties.

From the video you will learn how to correctly determine the quality of honey and how to properly store it at home.

Honey is the embodiment of the dream of sweets useful for the body. It is very easy to digest and, although it is very high in calories, it contains many micro and macro elements necessary for a person (manganese, magnesium, potassium, calcium, zinc, fluorine, iron and many others).

This is an absolutely natural sweet that can be consumed in many ways (from banal sandwiches to meat sauce).

The substance is famous for its unpretentiousness and duration of storage, but it also needs certain conditions, which we will discuss in this article.

How to store honey at home

The sweet product of beekeeping is unpretentious. In order to save it for later or even leave it for several years, you do not need special devices - it is enough to protect it from the ingress of foreign substances, contact with other products and observe simple conditions.

Did you know? Honey is an excellent natural preservative. It is resistant to mold and also helps keep food fresh.

Where and how to store honey

It is best preserved in a dark, cool place (cellar, pantry). The optimal container for storage is airtight jars made of dark glass.

Will also fit:

  • enameled containers;
  • ceramics;
  • plastic bowls (exclusively for food), although this is not the most desirable option.

It is strictly forbidden to put in metal containers (to avoid oxidation). You should also not use a container in which there are chips on the enamel or there are elements of metal spraying or galvanization.

The container must be washed and thoroughly dried before transferring the mass into it. The product must not be placed in wet and/or dirty containers.

Storage conditions

Nothing special is required, the main thing is to follow a few simple rules:

  1. Do not overheat. From temperatures above +40 ° C, useful properties are lost.
  2. Do not overcool. Below -5 ° C - and the mass solidifies.
  3. Best temperature range: -5°C to +20°C.
  4. Avoid temperature fluctuations (especially sudden changes).
  5. Keep away from moisture, foreign odors and sunlight.

Important! Honey is extremely hygroscopic (absorbs moisture quickly and a lot). Even a loose lid can lead to excess water and loss of consistency.

Video: how to store honey at home

Shelf life

According to GOST, the product is stored for 12 months. But, in principle, its shelf life is almost infinite.

In order to preserve useful properties, it is worth maintaining optimal conditions:

  • temperature;
  • low humidity;
  • lack of direct sunlight;
  • suitable utensils.

Why honey candied during storage

Sugaring is a natural and inevitable process. The longest shelf life of the results of bee labor in liquid form is 3 years. But even very recently harvested, it can thicken quickly.

This is all due to the peculiarity of the composition, which includes 3 main components: water, fructose and glucose. It is the latter, as well as its quantity, that determines the rate of sugaring.

The process is also affected by:

  1. Storage temperature (freezing can slow down the process).
  2. Humidity.
  3. Pre-filtering or lack of it.
  4. Variety (depending on the honey plant).

Too rapid change in structure and consistency indicates:

  • about impurities (pollen or other small particles);
  • about a very high percentage of glucose in the composition;
  • about an unscrupulous seller who mixed the collection of the current year with the old one.

You don't have to deal with sugaring. It does not affect the content of nutrients, moreover, it contributes to long-term storage and protects the product from fermentation.

Video: why honey crystallizes If you still want to keep the liquid form, leave the jar at a temperature of 0 ° C for about a month, and then store it at +14 ° C. Or purposefully buy non-candied varieties -, clover,.

Why honey does not thicken (candied) during storage

As we have already found out, natural honey is simply obliged to thicken. If this does not happen with your purchase, this is a reason to think.

You can speed up the process (if desired) by:

  • mixing the product
  • violating the temperature regime of storage;
  • put in a cold place.

Some varieties do remain liquid for a long time, but if this happens with lime or buckwheat, there is a high probability that you were sold a fake.

Why does honey foam

It happens that a white foamy substance appears on the surface of the product.

This may be due to the following reasons:

  • violation of filtration technology;
  • repeated transfusions into different containers (mixing with air);
  • fermentation process - the product is spoiled;
  • initially low-quality product (unripened or diluted).

If you see foam before buying - refrain from it. If the foam has formed after, it should be removed (it is inedible, moreover, it is harmful). You can try to save the product by freezing it in the refrigerator or, conversely, by heat treatment (use only as an ingredient in hot dishes).

Important!If the foam appears again - throw everything away, such honey can easily be poisoned.

Honey stratified during storage

Sometimes a homogeneous mass is stratified - a liquid layer comes to the surface, a thicker one remains closer to the bottom.

This happens for various reasons:

  1. Excess moisture (more than 21%, i.e. more than normal). Causes - honey is unripe or improperly stored. Taste the top layer - if it is sour, then fermentation has begun, therefore, the product should be discarded. If the taste has not changed, then you can eat.
  2. Cases of dishonesty of the seller: a mixture of different varieties or even a fake. In the first case, you can use it, in the second - it's better not to.

Can honey be stored in the refrigerator?

Low temperatures worsen the consistency and make it difficult to separate the portion, but the composition and usefulness are not affected. If the temperature in the refrigerator is not too low and constant, then it is quite possible to store a treat there.
You just need to follow a few rules:

  • no neighborhood with sharply smelling products;
  • only sealed containers;
  • temperature not lower than +5 °C.
In principle, under these conditions, storage in the refrigerator will only benefit the product - it will remain fresh and healthy longer.

Storage conditions in honeycombs practically do not differ from those for the assembled product.

There are only a few nuances:

  1. Temperature - from +3 to +10 ° С (therefore - only in the refrigerator).
  2. Exceptionally sealed containers (separate for each piece so as not to stick together).

Did you know?Honey is made not only by bees, but also by some species of wasps that live in South America.

As you can see, it is easy to store honey, it remains fresh, tasty and healthy for a very long time. So do not be afraid to buy a lot at once (even a few liters). Bon appetit!

Known to everyone. This is an effective natural remedy that increases immunity and protective functions of the body. In addition, honey has excellent taste and is completely absorbed by the human body, which makes it an affordable delicacy for a wide range of consumers. Under natural conditions (combs), this product can be stored for centuries. How to store honey at home so that it does not lose its useful and gustatory qualities can be found in this article.

Beneficial features

Honey is very beneficial for health. It normalizes the activity of internal organs, improves immunity and blood composition, protects against premature aging and is considered a source of powerful energy. All these valuable properties of honey are due to its complex chemical composition and extraordinary biological nature. The main properties of the bee product include: density, viscosity, electrical conductivity, fermentation, crystallization, thermal conductivity, thixotropy, hygroscopic heat capacity, optical activity and others. Honey has dietary, medicinal and bactericidal properties. Due to its remarkable qualities, it is widely used in both folk and traditional medicine.

Composition of honey

Honey has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, anti-allergic and bactericidal properties. It has a very rich composition: trace elements, sugars, minerals, enzymes, vitamins, folic and pantothenic acids, zinc, chlorine, boron, aluminum, chromium, silicon, osmium, titanium, tin, lead, nickel, lithium, biologically active substances, necessary for the human body. Honey is a good medicine that helps with burns and wounds, diseases of the heart and blood vessels, biliary tract, liver, kidneys and gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract). In addition, the bee product is extremely nutritious. It includes proteins, vitamins, carbohydrates, minerals, enzymes, etc. When fructose and glucose are broken down, a huge amount of energy is released, which is necessary for the life of the body. Therefore, you need to know how to store honey at home so that it does not lose its valuable properties.

Best before date

How long can honey be stored? As mentioned above, in the conditions of a bee hive, it is conserved and retains its properties for hundreds of years. This product contains a large number of vitamins, among which bacteria cannot exist. Scientists have found honey in wax combs in the ancient Egyptian pyramids, where it is perfectly preserved. At home, the bee product can be kept for no more than two years. Under the influence of light and air temperature, its beneficial properties are quickly destroyed. Under certain conditions, the shelf life of the product can be extended to several decades.

Storage temperature

To learn how to properly store honey, you need to mentally look into the beehive. In winter, these hardworking creatures insulate their home so much that the temperature in it does not fall below minus ten degrees, even in the most severe frosts. When the thermometer reads more than -20 degrees Celsius, the product loses its structure, instantly candied and hardens. At high temperatures (more than +20 degrees), the chemical composition of honey changes, taste deteriorates, color is lost, vitamins, amino acids, enzymes and bactericidal substances are destroyed. In the process of heating, the bee product begins to ferment, becomes a sweet mass, which contains only carbohydrates. The optimal temperature regime for storing honey is from -5 to +10 degrees Celsius.

Other factors

Where to store honey at home? Another enemy of the useful properties of the product is light. Honey should never be stored on a windowsill in direct sunlight. Even ambient light can affect a product that is kept in a transparent glass container. Bright lighting destroys all enzymes and valuable components in a natural medicine within a couple of days. Therefore, the product must be stored in a dark, cool place. An important factor is the humidity of the air. This figure should not exceed 75%. Of course, different honey can withstand different storage conditions. Acacia perfectly tolerates moisture, and honeydew deteriorates at a humidity of more than 60%. However, if the necessary conditions are not met, the product quickly turns sour.

So, how to store honey correctly? A dry, clean, dark and cool place, the humidity in which does not exceed 60%, is suitable for him. For example, a closed kitchen cabinet or a tidy pantry.

Cold storage

How to store honey in the refrigerator? To do this, you must follow some rules.

  • Firstly, the air temperature should not exceed +5 ... +10 degrees. For refrigerated containers, this is the usual standard temperature regime.
  • Secondly, in the refrigerator you need to maintain a certain level of humidity. If it is equipped with a dry freeze function, then there is nothing to worry about. Otherwise, you should periodically wipe the walls of the refrigerator from excess moisture.
  • Thirdly, the dishes in which honey is stored must be hermetically sealed. Otherwise, the product will absorb moisture and food odors.

Thus, honey can be stored in the refrigerator. However, for this you must strictly comply with all of the above conditions.

Cellar storage

How to store honey in the cellar? For residents of the private sector, this issue is especially relevant. The level of humidity and temperature conditions in ordinary cellars are far from those necessary for the storage of natural medicine. Therefore, the bee product cannot be stored, for example, in a glass jar. The most suitable container for storing honey in the cellar is a wooden barrel, covered with wax from the inside. Honey should be protected from foreign odors. If there are pickles, fish, sauerkraut or cheeses in the cellar, it is better to hide the delicacy in another place, for example, in a dark and dry pantry. In no case should an open container with honey be near sugar, salt and cereals. Thanks to these hygroscopic substances, the fermentation process of the bee product is enhanced.

What is the best container to store honey?

Most often, fans of bee delicacy have a question: “In what containers is it better to keep honey?” First of all, the dishes in which the product is stored must be absolutely sealed so that other odors and moisture do not get into it. A jar made of glass, tightly closed with a metal or plastic lid, is suitable. The container must be clean and dry. In addition, you should not add a fresh portion of honey to an old, already stale product, as this will start the fermentation process of the bee delicacy.

What other dishes can be used to store honey? A wooden container made of linden, willow, alder or birch is suitable. Do not keep the product in conifer barrels due to their strong natural aroma. Honey is perfectly stored in flasks and cans made of aluminum or stainless steel, designed, for example, for milk products. You can use ceramic vessels, glazed inside, and clay containers. Suitable for storing honey are tin cans with food special varnish applied to them from the inside, as well as cups made of aluminum foil.

What can not store honey

In no case should you keep the bee product in lead, copper or galvanized containers, since the acid contained in honey reacts with the metal and forms toxic substances. Iron utensils are also not suitable for use. When interacting with the active substances present in honey, it undergoes corrosion, due to which the product not only loses all useful and aromatic properties, but also acquires a metallic taste and a disgusting chemical smell.

Plastic container

To date, plastic containers are the most popular container for storing bee treats. It's convenient, easy and inexpensive. However, it should be remembered that such dishes must be certified. How long can honey be stored in a plastic container? Experts say that no more than a year. The fact is that the bee product very actively interacts with other substances and is able to "pull" chemicals out of plastic. Therefore, you should never keep honey in non-food plastic containers.

Clay dishes

A clay pot is perhaps the ideal dish for storing honey. Beekeepers say that no matter how long you keep a bee delicacy in such a container, it will always be healthy and tasty. This is due to the natural properties of clay. It does not deteriorate and does not oxidize, does not enter into a chemical reaction with other materials, does not let the rays of the sun through, and even maintains optimal temperature conditions. Therefore, such an active substance as bee honey feels great in earthenware and remains in it for decades. However, it should be remembered that the container in which the product is stored must be hermetically sealed.

Honey comb

Honeycomb is a package in which honey is stored in natural conditions. Useful qualities are possessed not only by the bee delicacy itself, but also by the wax from which the honeycombs are made. Moreover, some small, but also very healthy particles are not found in squeezed honey, but are contained in this natural packaging created by bees. Therefore, the question of how to store honey in combs is essential.

  • Firstly, the temperature regime must be observed - from +3 to +10 degrees Celsius.
  • Secondly, fruits and vegetables, especially bananas, should not be kept near the product. Their aroma is for honey in combs, in fact, a gas that affects its composition and natural properties.
  • Thirdly, it is necessary to monitor a certain level of humidity. It should be maintained at 60%. A larger indicator will lead to deoxidization of the honeycombs, a smaller one - to the appearance of moths or mold.

It is best to wrap the comb honey in cling film and store it in a cool, dark and dry place.

How to keep honey liquid

Some believe that liquid honey is the freshest and healthiest product. This statement is only partly true. Indeed, freshly pumped honey is liquid, transparent and light. However, immediately after being extracted from the honeycombs, it darkens and becomes cloudy, as the natural process of honey crystallization begins. If during storage the bee product is divided into liquid and thick substances, it means that it was taken out of the frame too early, it turned out to be immature, with a lot of water. This fact does not affect the shelf life and valuable properties of honey. If, after long-term storage, in winter, the product remains liquid, this is a clear sign of falsification. By this time, real honey should already crystallize. If it has become hard and thick, then it can be melted in a water bath. To do this, you need to put a container of honey in a saucepan with hot water and heat until it begins to disperse into a more viscous consistency. It should be remembered that when heated to a temperature of more than 37-40 degrees, the product completely loses all its useful properties. Therefore, it is impossible to heat honey on an open fire.

Useful properties of honey are known to almost all consumers. But in order for all the useful substances to continue their action for a long time, it must be properly stored.

Then the shelf life of natural honey will be quite long.

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What is the shelf life of honey according to GOST?

Honey contains special bactericidal substances that prevent spoilage of the product.

In natural conditions, in honeycombs, the product can be stored for quite a long time.

As soon as the honeycombs are opened, and the honey is poured into a glass container, oxygen and harmful substances from the environment enter it.

Does honey have a shelf life? Certainly. Shelf life at room temperature is limited to two years. According to GOST, the shelf life of honey is limited to one year, and under certain storage conditions it is reduced to 8 months. The same GOST allows storage of the product in sealed containers up to two years.

After this time, the product, most likely, will not deteriorate, but the beneficial properties in it under the influence of the external environment will be lost.

Separate GOSTs are used to determine shelf life of honey with additives. You can store it in an airtight container for no more than a year, and after opening no more than two months.

IMPORTANT. The shelf life may vary depending on the composition of the product, which is influenced by the time of collection of the substance by the bees and the plant from which the nectar was collected. Worst of all, honey collected by insects in late autumn or in a dry summer is stored.

Storage at home

The maximum amount of time the product can be stored if ideal conditions are created for it. It is not always possible to create such storage conditions at home, and benefits disappear., vitamins begin to break down, and consequently, the product deteriorates.

Many factors affect the shelf life:

  • Content temperature above plus 20 degrees;
  • Exposure of the product to direct sunlight when stored in a transparent container;
  • Storage in an open container;
  • Air humidity above 75%. For this reason, it is not recommended to store the product in the refrigerator, where condensation forms inside the container and it begins to ferment.

IMPORTANT. Crystallization of natural honey is not a sign of its spoilage. On the contrary, if the product does not crystallize and thicken for a long time, then it is not natural.

Mandatory conditions of detention

Does storage capacity, space and temperature matter? Only the creation of ideal conditions for natural honey can guarantee not only its suitability for consumption, but also the preservation of all useful qualities. The ideal place is a dry cellar or basement.

To maximize shelf life, the following rules must be followed:

  1. Use only glass containers. If you purchased a large amount of product in a plastic container, transfer it to glass containers. And it is better to take small dishes. This is important because every time you open the jar and remove the product from it, you let in air and harmful bacteria. This shortens the shelf life.
  2. Limit light access to the product. The storage location must be dark. Dark dishes can serve as additional protection.
  3. Ensure the storage temperature is 8 to 15 degrees Celsius. The temperature must be stable, sudden changes will lead to the formation of condensate in the container, which will spoil the contents.
  4. Do not allow foreign odors to enter the container because honey actively absorbs them.

Except dark glass suitable enameled, ceramic, nickel-plated dishes with a tight-fitting lid. You can store it in wooden barrels.

Just don't use softwood barrels. Such wood contains resin, which will spoil the smell of honey.

The product may darken in an oak barrel., but this will not affect its quality./p>

Water should not get into the jar, the product will immediately begin to turn sour. You need to collect it from the jar only with a dry spoon.

ATTENTION. Do not store honey in iron, copper or galvanized dishes. Oxidation processes will begin in them, and harmful chemicals will enter the product.

Does honey in combs have an expiration date?

in natural conditions, in a hive, honey can be stored for a very long time without losing its beneficial qualities. It's all about hermetically sealed honeycomb cells.

These are the ideal product containers with waxy walls, through which harmful microorganisms cannot penetrate. Additional protection is the lack of oxygen in the cells, due to which fermentation inside does not begin.

This natural packaging helps keep all the healing properties of the product for the maximum amount of time. Therefore, if you keep it in the combs, without releasing the cells from the wax caps. Besides wax enhances the bactericidal effect. But you need to keep honeycombs under certain conditions.

Honeycombs are placed in dry glass or ceramic containers.. Containers are installed in a cool place with a humidity level of not more than 60%. Honeycomb storage temperature 3-10 degrees Celsius. Do not allow light to hit the honeycombs.

The shelf life of the product in such conditions reaches 10, and under ideal conditions up to 15 years.

IMPORTANT. Honey in combs not only can be stored longer than pumped out of them. Due to the content of wax, propolis and zabrus in it, the healing properties increase. Traditional medicine uses this remedy in the treatment of many diseases, increasing immunity, stimulating appetite.

Proper storage of honey is a guarantee of the safety of all its healing properties.. This product deserves special treatment and efforts to store it.

How to store honey? We watch a video clip about the quality of various honey, as well as about storage rules:

Many lovers of such a useful bee product as honey are wondering how long honey is stored, under what conditions, what should be the container and temperature. This topic is very important and relevant for the reason that it contains many secrets and subtleties.

Everyone knows that honey is an organic, natural and very useful product due to the presence of useful substances in it: sucrose, trace elements, minerals, organic acids, fructose, B and C vitamins, glucose. For this reason, it is very important to preserve in this product the properties that nature has endowed it with.

A very important condition is the choice of a place in that part of the house where it will be most convenient, and most importantly, without harm to this product. It is recommended to choose a place according to the following indicators:

The conditions that were listed above are suitable for rooms such as a pantry or cellar. But, unfortunately, there are no such rooms in the apartment. And here the question arises: where, then, can this healing bee product be stored? Perfect for this:

  1. Fridge.
  2. Cabinet on the loggia or balcony.
  3. Cabinets in the kitchen, located away from heat sources (batteries and stoves).

The most preferred of all the listed places in the apartment is fridge. It maintains moisture and temperature. The most important thing here is to ensure that the container in which the honey is stored is tightly closed and the honey does not absorb any foreign odors.

At what temperature is it best to store honey at home

The best place to store bee products is a beehive. In it, the optimal temperature (5–15 degrees above zero) is achieved thanks to the life of bees. In winter, the optimal temperature is maintained due to the insulation of the bee house, but in summer - due to active ventilation from the wingspan of insects. Based on this, temperature limits for proper storage of bee products are:

  1. The maximum temperature is 45 degrees above zero;
  2. The minimum temperature is 5 degrees above zero.

The most optimal temperature for storing honey at home is between 5-20 degrees above zero.

If overheat honey, then it will have a characteristic aftertaste with bitterness and it will darken. But the main disadvantage is that useful trace elements and vitamins will begin to break down when overheated, as a result of which substances are formed that are very harmful to the human body - toxins.

Due to the similar reaction of honey to high temperatures, beekeepers do not recommend putting it in baking dough or hot tea. To dissolve honey, the temperature of the liquid should not be more than 25 degrees. For the use of honey, it is best to take it as a snack with a drink.

Changes in properties and structure are also facilitated by low temperatures. When cold, the bee product acquires a solid texture and a light shade. Therefore, it is not very recommended to store this healing product in the cold, although a lower temperature regime does not cause severe losses in medicinal properties.

What should be the dishes for storing a bee product at home


In ancient times, all people stored bee products in containers made of clay. For these purposes, it is best suited. This is related to the fact that earthenware does not let in sunlight, which contributes to the longest and most efficient storage. The top of the container is filled with a wax layer, which reliably preserves the product and helps prevent the ingress of foreign odors and moisture.

Nowadays, dishes made of clay are not accessible and convenient for everyone. For this reason, honey lovers often ask if this product can be stored in glass or plastic containers (it is not always safe for health).

Glass container (jar)

Glass jars are more often than other containers used to store beekeeping products at home. Glass jars - neutral containers, which do not emit any substances and do not react. The disadvantage of such a container is that it transmits the rays of the sun. It is for this reason that dark glass containers should be chosen. Such glass minimally transmits sunlight to the product.

Plastic dishes

Most often in stores and on the market they sell honey in plastic dishes. This dish is perfect for short term storage and sales. It's no secret that over time, plastic loses its properties under the influence of the environment and sunlight. Due to the influence of these factors, plastic begins to release toxic substances that enter the products. Given these factors, honey should not be stored in plastic containers.

Wooden utensils

At home, you can store honey in dishes made of materials such as wood and metal. The advantage of dishes made of wood is that when a bee product is stored in it, it acquires an unusual aroma and all its healing properties are preserved. But it should be noted that it is not necessary to store products for a long time in dishes from those tree varieties that produce essential oils (such as conifers and the like). Excellent for this purpose, tree species such as linden, birch or beech are suitable.

Metal utensils

Very often, beekeepers use stainless steel dishes to store a large amount of bee product. Basically, these are metal barrels. But such dishes there is one big downside.: Most metals oxidize over time. And this can lead to the fact that oxides that are dangerous to human life and can lead to poisoning will get into food. It is very important when choosing metal containers to pay attention to the fact that they do not contain lead, zinc and copper alloys.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that in glass containers the shelf life of the bee product is much longer than in dishes made of metal, wood or plastic. It is for this reason that for long-term storage it is worth giving preference to it.

Features and basic rules for storing honey in combs

Honey in combs is a special delicacy that can also be stored in an apartment. This healthy and nutritious product needs special attention due to the fact that it contains beeswax. The conditions for storing honeycombs should be the same as for a liquid consistency.

It is best to store honeycombs in advance sterilized jars. Cut the honeycomb into pieces of such a size that they can easily fit into the opening of the jar. Cover the top of the jar tightly with a lid. Under such conditions, cells can be no more than one year.

In order to increase the shelf life, you should fill the honeycombs with liquid fresh honey, and then seal it with melted wax. After that, tightly close the jar with a lid. Under such conditions, soda can be stored for more than 10 years.

How long is honey stored at home

To begin with, you need to decide on honey consistency:

Fresh honey has a transparent appearance and a liquid consistency. It has a specific spicy pungent aroma. It is in this product that contains the greatest amount of useful substances of organic origin and vitamins that have a beneficial effect on the human body. Over time, even with a multi-year product useful properties are lost, even if all storage conditions are met correctly. At home, it is recommended to store the beekeeping product for no more than 12 months.

After being withdrawn, the product begins to thicken and crystallize over several weeks. It is by these qualities that one can determine its organicity and naturalness. Thick honey can also be stored for one year under all conditions. At room temperature, the shelf life is reduced to six months.


At home, honey can be stored for more than a year. But it should also be remembered that this period should not exceed 24 months. It happens that under certain conditions the product begins to exfoliate. In this case, two layers of different consistency and composition are formed. This happens due to the presence of glucose, which gradually settles to the bottom in the form of crystals, and liquid fructose remains on top. If you mix two layers well, you get the usual correct consistency, while all the useful qualities are preserved.

So let's conclude how long can you store honey at home and how to do it correctly:

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