
Unusual dumplings - colored. Elastic dumpling dough on water and egg

Colored dumplings can be cooked with any fillings: meat, vegetable, mushroom and in combinations.
Dumplings from multi-colored dough are appetizing for daily menu, attractive to holiday table, give a positive feast and cheer up, especially for children.

I prepared these dumplings, for example, for the birthday of my son Leonid, everyone was very pleased and perked up when such an original version appeared.

Cook your own colored dough it is not difficult and it will be guaranteed from natural products: tomato juice, spinach, turmeric, etc.

For the green test:
wheat flour - 250-300 g
frozen spinach - up to 100 g
water or milk - 100 ml
egg - 0.5 pieces or 1 C2
sour cream - 1 tbsp. spoon
salt - 1 pinch

For the red dough:
wheat flour - 250 g
tomato juice or
water with ketchup / tomato paste - about 100 ml
egg - 0.5 pieces or 1 C2
sour cream - 1 tbsp. spoon
salt - 1 pinch
vegetable oil - 1 teaspoon (for hands)

For the yellow test:
wheat flour - 250 g
turmeric - 0.5-1 teaspoon
milk or carrot juice- about 100 ml
egg - 0.5 pieces or 1 C2
sour cream - 1 tbsp. spoon
salt - 1 pinch
vegetable oil - 1 teaspoon (for hands)

For a normal test:
wheat flour - 250 g
milk - 100 ml
egg - 0.5 pieces or 1 C2
sour cream - 1 tbsp. spoon
salt - 1 pinch
vegetable oil - 1 teaspoon (for hands)

For minced meat:
cutlet pork - 600-700 g
chicken fillet - 600-700 g
onion - 2 heads
garlic - 2 cloves optional
salt, herbs and ground peppers to taste
Bay leaf, peppercorns - for cooking.

Step by step preparation of the dough is shown on the website http://www.iamcook.ru/showrecipe/3323
Dumplings are obtained for about 10 servings of 300 g each.

For green dough, defrost spinach, chop it if necessary, and if you don’t want speckled dumplings, then squeeze it out and use only the resulting liquid for the dough.
Add a serving of sour cream and eggs. I used half of the CO egg, for this I stirred the egg into glasses and poured about half into the dough. Stir the mass

Add flour with salt and greased vegetable oil knead the dough with your hands or entrust this process to kitchen appliances.

To prepare the red dough, combine and mix the tomato juice (or water with tomato sauce or tomato paste), a portion of sour cream and eggs.
Add flour and knead the dough.

Prepare the rest of the dough in the same way.
For yellow dough, add turmeric to the flour.

It is advisable to give each type of dough a little rest, but at the same time cover its surface from drying out.
Although, you can start sculpting dumplings or dumplings right away.

Step by step preparation of dumplings here on the site http://www.iamcook.ru/showrecipe/3324
The most delicious minced meat for dumplings is obtained from several types of meat, for example, fatty pork and lean beef or chicken. For cooking minced meat scroll the slices of cutlet pork in a meat grinder, chicken fillet, onion and garlic. Then salt, add ground peppers and mix.

Divide each type of dough into pieces, which are thinly rolled out on a floured surface and, using a special mold or just a glass or glass, cut round blanks.
Dough scraps can be joined and rolled out again.
Normal white dough do not exclude from the color composition in order to ready dish There were more different colors.
Place a portion of about 1.5 teaspoons of filling on each circle of dough and pinch first with a crescent, and then with a circle, i.e. giving a traditional or some kind of branded dumpling shape.

Place the finished dumplings on a flat wooden surface sprinkled with flour. Dumplings can be cooked immediately or frozen for later.

Dumplings are cooked by throwing them in portions with stirring into boiling water with spices to taste: bay leaf, peppercorns, etc. Then, at the next boil, the fire is reduced and after the dumplings float, they are boiled for another 2-3 minutes. If the dough is already salted, then salting the water is optional.

Serve dumplings with sauces to taste: sour cream, mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard, etc.
Bon appetit!

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Bocai Simian, or Unleavened dough with spinach. Most often this option unleavened dough used in the cuisine of Shanxi province. This type of dough is curious in that spinach is added to it, which colors the dough in green color. From green dough they make not only noodles - wrappers for dumplings are obtained from it no less original various kinds(open and closed). According to the method of preparation of green dough dumplings, they can also differ, for example, steamed or boiled. Even pies are made from such dough. Below we will tell how to do green dough .

INGREDIENTS (for 320 g of dough):
spinach (dried) or ice cream) - 2 tablespoons,
wheat flour - 200 g (plus an additional 50-60 g),
water (cold) - 90 ml (for soaking dried spinach, if dried is used),
salt - Β½ tsp

This dough turns green because a natural dye, spinach, is added to it. There are at least three options for using spinach - either it's leaves fresh spinach, blanched and then ground to a puree state ( convenient way- knife or blender). The second option is frozen spinach that has already been shredded. The third is dried ground spinach, then diluted with water. In our case, it is frozen spinach. For noodles, we need the usual unleavened dough, i.e. wheat flour, water and salt.
When using any kind of spinach to obtain an elastic homogeneous dough, the main thing is the ratio of water and flour. Fresh and frozen spinach have about the same liquid content. Dried spinach, on the other hand, will require additional water, as it needs to be soaked (soaked in water) before being added to the dough.
The recipe for unleavened green dough differs little from the recipe for regular unleavened dough. The only difference is that spinach mass is added to the dough, which acts not only as a dye, but also as a liquid component.
Add to sifted wheat flour salt, spinach mass, if necessary, water, and mix until smooth. Cover with cling film and let rest for 20 minutes. After that, knead the dough again and again hide it in a bag of food film. And so two or three times, or until the dough becomes a homogeneous elastic mass. It is impossible to give an exact recommendation on how many times to knead, since the result depends on the amount and ratio of liquid and flour. By mixing the dough again, you will see by the degree of its readiness what and how much to add - flour to thicken the mass or water to thin it, so that in the end the dough turns out to be dense, but elastic.

The finished dough can lie in a cling film bag in the refrigerator for several days. Well, during this time you will decide how to use it - for green noodles or dumplings.

In general, these are ordinary dumplings with the filling you are used to, your favorite. But their unusualness is that they are molded from colored dough! πŸ™‚ It looks like New Year's, beautiful and appetizing, and it tastes great. πŸ˜‰ However, it is worth telling about everything in order ...

For the filling, you can take any options: potatoes with mushrooms or cabbage with mushrooms (as I had), cottage cheese or minced meat and fish. After all, from this test you can sculpt both colored dumplings and colored dumplings. Therefore, I will not paint the filling - it is a matter of taste and habits of each family. But the dough is a separate song. πŸ˜‰

Let's take:

for one type of test

  • 1 egg;
  • 0.5 tsp. spoons of salt;
  • bunch of basil green dough OR medium sized raw beets for burgundy pastry;
  • flour about 1 kg.

Of course, the ratio of water to flour is approximate. The main thing is the very principle of preparing colored dough for dumplings.

if you want to try orange dumplings, you can squeeze juice from carrots, and instead of basil, try chopping spinach

Prepare green dough for colored dumplings

To do this, you need to wash a few branches fresh basil, put in a container for whipping, pour dessert spoon water and beat thoroughly with a blender.

In general, if my son were less picky about food, I would start the dough right on such a mass, with pieces of greens. 😳 But I decided that colored dough is already a solid experiment for a child who is used to traditional food, and therefore strained the juice through a tea strainer and diluted it with water to half a mug (about 180 ml).

This made it possible to make the dough more uniform, a beautiful pale green hue. Inclusions of green pulp could have their own specific effect. πŸ˜‰

If you want to make the dough brighter, then you just need to use more basil to dilute the juice in a smaller proportion. In my photo, the ratio of basil juice and water is approximately 1: 2.

Add flour and start kneading the dough: first in a bowl.

Then knead it on the table until elastic.

the dough for dumplings and dumplings becomes more plastic and smooth if, after kneading, it lies down for at least an hour in the refrigerator; before you start sculpting dumplings, take out the dough and let it warm up a little at room temperature

Burgundy dough for dumplings

Think, experienced chefs you already guessed that burgundy dough is obtained from beet juice. For anyone like me who doesn't have a juicer, the process won't be much more difficult than making basil juice. πŸ˜€

We rub fresh beets on a fine grater, after which we squeeze the juice directly with our hands. If the beets are juicy, there will be a lot of juice and you will get it without problems.

Like a true culinary specialist, my products are not thrown away and do not disappear, and therefore the beet pulp turned out just wonderful lean meatballs, the recipe of which I will share in the New Year πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜›

It is better to dilute beetroot juice with water quite a bit - because beets lose color a little when cooked.

In my photo, the juice has not yet been diluted with water, because I rubbed a part of a large beetroot, squeezed it out, and then, making sure that there was not enough juice, I rubbed another piece of beetroot. Went to the dough beetroot juice which is diluted 5:1.

Frankly, working with such a colored dough is a great joy and pleasure!

Unusual dumplings - colored!

I peeped the very idea for preparing a colored dough on the blog of an Internet friend. True, she used to create color food colorings. But I am wary of adding colorants directly to food. It's one thing to paint eggs in them for Easter, and quite another to add to the dough for dumplings.

That's why whole year I "nurtured" the idea of ​​​​preparing colored dough. And now, finally, it happened.

The most difficult thing was to make three types of dough and three combinations of dough and toppings. 😳 Initially, I planned to make green ones with potatoes and mushrooms, and burgundy ones with cabbage and mushrooms. Everything is simple and clear. πŸ˜€ But His Majesty intervened in the matter ... No, not the case. Son. πŸ˜€ He said that he doesn’t like dumplings with cabbage, and therefore he also wants burgundy dumplings with potatoes. 😳

In addition, since there were doubts in general that he would eat colored dumplings, I did not make a lot of colored dough, and therefore I had to start the usual, β€œwhite” one. But I had a lot of fun - three colors came out with potatoes and two colors with cabbage. πŸ˜€ Now, the main thing is not to confuse them in the freezer! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜‚

The most interesting thing is that these dumplings differ, by and large, only in color - the taste of the dough is not too different from the traditional, white one. Although, of course, basil dough has a very thin and light fragrance greenery. Beetroot dough does not have a pronounced taste.

When cooking green dumplings practically did not change their color, but the beet ones faded a little. And if you cook them too long, they will color the filling. That is why I do not advise you to cook colored dumplings in the same water - it is best to cook white ones first (if you decide, like me, to cook three types of dumplings at once πŸ˜€), then green, and only then burgundy.

What else did you want to say? And the fact that now, while there are still a couple of weeks before the New Year, it's time to sculpt unusual colored dumplings, it's better with the whole family (my son helped me roll out rounds πŸ˜‰), freeze on the balcony, and then shift them into packages and for New Year's table enjoy delicious, unusual dumplings. πŸ˜‰

And my son and I decided to stick a little more colored dumplings - green ones. πŸ˜› It's a pity there is no natural product that would color the dough in Blue colour- My son really likes it.

Everyone pleasant hassle in preparation for the New Year!

Unusual colored dumplings

Published: 2017-12-15
Total time: 1H
Calories per serving:
Fat per serving:

Ingredients: Thinly-sliced egg, water, flour, beets, fresh herbs


How to cook unusual colored dumplings that will decorate the New Year's table...

The dough for dumplings and dumplings can be tinted in more bright color. Agree, yellow, red, green and purple dumplings in a plate look very unusual, the perception of the dish changes dramatically, both mood and appetite instantly increase. The kids love it.

How to color the dough for dumplings? No chemistry! As dyes are used exclusively natural products and spices. For example, to color dumplings green, spinach or parsley can be added to the dough. Orange hue gives carrot juice, saffron and turmeric. Beautiful red color gives tomato paste. IN purple you can color the dough if you add freshly squeezed beetroot juice to it.

If you still don’t know how to properly prepare colored dough for dumplings, step by step recipe with a photo will help you easily deal with the task.

Ingredients for each dough batch

  • wheat flour 3 tbsp.
  • water 200 ml
  • chicken egg 1 pc.
  • vegetable oil 1 tsp
  • salt 0.5 tsp
  • tomato paste 2 tbsp. l. for red dumplings
  • turmeric 1 tsp for yellow dumplings
  • parsley 1 bunch for green dumplings

Filling Ingredients

  • pork tenderloin 700 g
  • onion 2 pcs.
  • salt and pepper to taste

How to cook colored dumplings

The semi-finished product can be sent to freezer or boil immediately after sculpting. If you will freeze, then it is most convenient to spread the dumplings on a board sprinkled with flour, freeze in portions, and then pour into a bag and tie tightly. Cooking dumplings is as easy as shelling pears: I pour a portion into boiling, well-salted water and cook for 2 minutes after they float to the surface. Then I take it out with a slotted spoon and immediately lubricate butter.

It is best to serve colored dumplings with sour cream, you can sprinkle with a mixture of ground peppers and herbs. They turn out bright, very tasty, with juicy stuffing. Bon appetit!

Pelmeni recipe Β© depositphotos

Who among us does not love? The recipe for their preparation is very simple, and even a novice hostess will master it. In general, dumplings are a family dish, it’s fun to sculpt them together and then eat them together, barely cooled down.

You are probably familiar with the classic. Delicious, simple, but boring. Few people are surprised by these.

Editorial tochka.net invites you to cook dumplings, the recipe of which is slightly different from the traditional one - they turn out to be colorful, positive and cheerful. Do not be afraid, the recipe does not use dyes - only natural and healthy vegetables and spices, so you can safely treat even children with such dumplings.


Multi-colored dumplings - ingredients:

for stuffing:

  • 1 kg of meat
  • 1 onion
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • black ground pepper taste,
  • salt to taste

for the green test:

  • 2 cups of flour,
  • 1 egg
  • 100 ml milk
  • 100 g spinach
  • 70 ml of water
  • a pinch of salt,

for red dough:

  • 2 cups of flour,
  • 1 egg
  • 100 ml tomato juice (or diluted tomato paste)
  • 1 teaspoon vegetable oil
  • a pinch of salt,

for the yellow test:

  • 2 cups of flour,
  • 1 egg
  • 3 carrots
  • 100 ml of water
  • 0.5 teaspoon of turmeric,
  • 1 teaspoon vegetable oil
  • a pinch of salt.

Multi-colored dumplings - recipe:

  1. Prepare green dough for dumplings. Chop the spinach and squeeze the juice out of it. Mix the sifted flour with salt, egg, water and spinach juice. Knead the dough, add vegetable oil and knead well. Cover the resulting dough with a towel and leave to lie down for 30 minutes.
  2. To prepare the red dumpling dough, combine and mix the sifted flour, salt, egg and tomato juice. Knead the dough, add vegetable oil and knead well. Cover this dough as well and set it aside to rest.
  3. For the yellow dough, rub the carrots on fine grater and squeeze the juice. Next, by analogy, mix the sifted flour, salt, turmeric, egg, carrot juice, water and vegetable oil. By the way, the more you put turmeric, the richer the color will turn out. Knead the dough and cut it last so that it also has time to rest.
  4. Minced meat for dumplings is better to cook from different types meat, such as pork and beef or chicken and pork. Pass the meat, onion and garlic through a meat grinder, add spices, salt and mix well.
  5. Now you can start cutting the dough for dumplings. Roll out each colored dough into a thin layer, cut out circles with a mold or a glass, fill them with minced meat and blind the edges.
  6. Cooking dumplings according to the recipe involves throwing them into salted boiling water for 5-7 minutes. Multi-colored dumplings are ready. Serve them with butter, sour cream or your favorite sauce.

Bon appetit!
