
India women what to eat. Traditional food in India

India is a country with an incredible history and unique original culture. The special flavor of this nation has long fascinated and captivated the minds of Europeans. A separate place in the list of India's wealth is occupied by the fair sex, born in this state. look mysterious and mystical. From the inhabitants of any other countries, they are distinguished by a special become, some kind of inner strength and definitely bright and rich outfits. Let's try to figure out what we all should learn from them and what secrets "Indian beauty" consists of.

Traditions in clothes

Indian women pay special attention to their appearance. A knowledgeable person can determine the status, social status and religious affiliation of the fair sex in national dress standing in front of him only by her appearance. The basis of the wardrobe of any woman who respects traditions is the sari - a unique garment made from a large fabric that is fixed according to the figure. For Indian women, such an outfit has a deep meaning. The sari is usually made for a particular lady, the patterns on it tell about her life and worldview. Such clothes in themselves are quite practical - it is not difficult to take care of them, it is easy to store them. Usually, girls are taught the skill of wearing and winding a sari from the age of 12.

Bright details of the image

Indian women wear a lot of jewelry. Gold and precious stones are especially honored. Bracelets are worn on both hands, there should be a lot of them, and when moving, they should ring and shimmer in the sun. A popular decoration is a nose piercing. A ring is worn in the puncture, and by its location it is possible to understand from which region the woman is from. If the piercing is in the left nostril, we have a native of the north, and if in the right - a southerner. Rings for toes are considered another national decoration-amulet. However, today they are worn mainly in the villages. But ankle bracelets and necklaces around the neck are chosen by many ladies.

Appearance of an Indian woman and marriage

One glance at a woman from India is enough to understand whether she is married or not. Traditionally made and proudly worn usually after the wedding. We all know that Indian women should have a dot on their forehead. But in young girls it is located between the eyebrows, and in married women it is higher. Another important sign of marriage is the ring on the middle toe. However, this tradition is gradually fading into the past.

In addition, married women dye parting on their heads. There is another interesting tradition: during the wedding, the groom ties a special necklace around the neck of his chosen one - a thali. It symbolizes the unity of spouses and the magical protection that a woman gives to a man. However, it is not customary to wear a waist for show, on the contrary, for the sake of the well-being of her husband, a lady should hide him from prying eyes.

Indian beauty ideals

It sounds paradoxical, but not all Indian women are satisfied with their appearance. While we think that beauties in saris are the most beautiful women in the world, Indian women have their own ideals and strive to live up to them in every possible way. So, in the first place in the list of signs of "real" beauty for these ladies is white skin. Indeed, not all Indians are swarthy; residents of the northern regions can boast of a completely “Slavic” appearance. They have light eyes, white skin,

And it is precisely such external data that are considered signs of higher castes. And therefore, many natives of the southern provinces, who have swarthy skin, whiten it in every possible way with the help of modern cosmetics. Modern India in many ways remains true to its traditions. For example, despite fashion trends from European countries, a feminine figure with rounded shapes is held in high esteem here. A few folds at the waist for an Indian woman are a matter of pride, not extra centimeters. Provided that they do not interfere with graceful movement and walking with a perfectly straight back.

How do Indian women live?

In India, there is still a rigid social stratification, reinforced by the difference in observed traditions in different families and the diversity of religious beliefs in society. And yet, to a greater extent, patriarchy flourishes here. Marriages are still concluded by agreement of the relatives of the newlyweds. Often the bride and groom hardly know each other before the wedding. The attitude towards women is ambivalent, on the one hand, they are revered and surrounded by care from childhood, on the other hand, it is believed that the main task of the fair sex is to become a good wife and mother. In wealthy families, women are not supposed to work, and all their hobbies come down to raising children and communicating with relatives. But at the same time, housework and helping her husband in his professional activities are not considered serious work.

India today

Beautiful Indian women have long declared themselves to the world. Residents of this country win high-profile titles in world beauty contests, act in films and perform on stage. They are still far from European feminists, but today there are many Indian women who are striving to build a career or are engaged in creativity. Modern India provides its women with enough opportunities for self-realization. Often, the fair sex even receives the approval and help of their family if they want to go into business or politics. As for appearance - in large cities you can increasingly see girls in jeans and T-shirts or ladies in their prime in business attire. However, traditional saris and jewelry are always in the wardrobe of these “new” Indian women and are taken out of the closet on especially solemn occasions.

The most beautiful women in the world reveal their secrets

Each country has its own folk recipes for health and beauty, and they are in India. And thanks to the belated development of the local cosmetic industry, many of them have been tested for generations and are actively used today. Let's start with nutrition. A feature of Indian cuisine is the abundance of spices and spicy food. According to many local actresses and dancers, it is pepper that allows them to keep their harmony and beauty. And this interesting fact is confirmed by scientists. Indeed, this spice stimulates metabolic processes and prevents the accumulation of excessive body fat. But be careful - the abuse of spicy foods can lead to serious problems with the digestive system.

A simple and cheap secret for a beautiful face: accustom yourself to washing with cold water. This is an excellent exercise for blood vessels and a natural way to narrow down. Many Indian women use food in their personal care. Fresh fruits and vegetables, spices and herbs, as well as natural oils are the components of masks, homemade creams and skin scrubs that are popular in this country. This is one of the rules of Ayurveda - effective cosmetics are obtained only from what can be eaten.

The envy of many is caused by the chic curls of Indian beauties. The main secret is a daily head massage and the rejection of the use of chemical coloring agents. Indeed, many Indian women still prefer to prepare even decorative cosmetics on their own from natural products. If the hair does not grow well, and the skin begins to peel off, you should use coconut oil. It is simply applied with massage movements to areas of the body that need additional nutrition, or to the entire length of the curls.

Folk beauty recipes from India

Not only makes her so beautiful and charming. All the fair sex take care of themselves in the same way as their peers around the world. You can prepare a scrub for the face and the whole body from dry green peas. The grains should be ground with a coffee grinder, and then diluted with water to a creamy consistency. This composition is applied to the skin with massage movements, and then washed off with water.

Turmeric spice is found in many cosmetic recipes. However, it must be used with caution. The thing is that turmeric is a persistent natural dye and for this reason is only suitable for dark skin. Consider one emollient for the skin: bran is taken for a glass of milk. A pinch of turmeric is added to the mixture. The finished composition is applied to the entire body before the bath.

What should we learn from Indian women?

Indian culture is incredibly popular today. Often, outfits reminiscent of saris and national motifs of this country appear on the world's fashion catwalks, which are guessed in the jewelry and make-up of models. An Indian married woman has the right to draw or stick a special point on her forehead - a bindi. Today, many Russian women wear such jewelry at themed parties or just to create an interesting image.

Mehendi - henna drawings on the body, which last from several days to 2 weeks, have recently gained particular popularity in our country. Jewelry made in India is also popular with ladies all over the world and is often worn with the most casual clothing. Women of India for the entire period of the development of civilization have come up with many interesting and beautiful items of clothing and accessories. So let's say "Thank you" to them! and let's hope that the influence of European culture will not kill the national flavor, but will only improve and complement them.

I told you about what products not found in India. Perhaps, after reading my last post, you asked yourself - what do they eat there?, in this India? In my column today, I will try to answer this question.

I will try, because it is not easy to do this, but the thing is that the culinary traditions of India are very varied and in fact, it is simply impossible to talk about a single Indian cuisine. Rather, we can talk about the dishes or preferences of individual regions.

If you asked me what is mainstay of food in india I would answer without hesitation vegetables, rice, legumes and various flatbreads, such as roti, chapati, parathi, naan and popadam (crispy flatbread). Mixtures of spices are added to such food - masala, which is either prepared at home or bought in a store.

Many Indians are vegetarians, partly due to climatic conditions, but also by religious reasons. The climate of India is such that it allows you to harvest several times a year and at the same time it is so hot in most of its territory that it is not possible to store perishable products (for example, meat). There is still an opinion (which is followed, despite the fact that many have refrigerators) that food should be cook and eat on the same day without leaving for tomorrow.

By the way, you know How do you sell chicken on the streets, saving on the purchase of a refrigerator and electricity? You go to a nearby stall over there to the guy who stands next to the cages in which the chickens sit imposingly. What happens next? You say how much chicken you want to buy, and the seller chooses a chicken and wraps fresh meat for you in a couple of minutes.

So what do they eat common people of central india say in the state of Maharashtra? I chose 5 main dishes, each of which is necessarily present in the daily diet of the Indian of this territory.

1. Pohe or Poha

This quick dish is prepared by Indian housewives either on breakfast or afternoon snack, a few hours before dinner. Let's say you came after work, you want something light to eat, but at the same time satisfying - hold on!

Pohe is made from the so-called rice flakes(see image), onion and chili. If desired, vegetables are added, such as potatoes, then the name of the dish acquires the prefix “yam” and already sounds like “pohe sweet potato”.

On the left is flat rice, on the right is the finished dish

2. Biryani or Biryani

Biryani means non-vegetarian dish where rice is cooked with meat, chicken or egg (anda biryani). There is also a dish, something similar to pilaf and its name - "pulao", which means a vegetarian dish - rice with vegetables.

Biryani is prepared in different ways - mixing in one cauldron and covering its edges with dough (so that air does not get in), then this dish is called “dam biryani”; and separately - from the beginning, meat or eggs are stewed in a mixture of spices, and mixed with rice at the end, when serving.

On the left - rice with vegetables, on the right - anda biryani (rice with egg)

3. Pav baji (vegetables with bread)

pav badji- it's local fast food, which can be bought at street food stalls. Both here and there they sell mashed vegetables, which are served with lightly toasted bread. Of course, if you cook it at home, it will turn out much tastier.

To start, boil 4 potatoes, 1/2 or 1/3 cauliflower, 1 tomato, some green peas. Then it's all mixed with a blender or in a mixer. Onions are fried in a deep frying pan, spices (turmeric, pepper to taste), garlic, salt are added and stewed for some time with vegetables.

The resulting mass is laid out on a plate, lemon is squeezed on top, sprinkled with herbs (for example, parsley) and freshly chopped onions and eaten with pre-fried bread.

How to cook pav baji on the street and what it looks like if you cook it at home

4. Puren poly (or sweet chapatis)

This dish is consumed mainly during celebrating various Indian religious festivals, such as Ganesha Chaturthi(a festival dedicated to Ganesha, the Indian god with the head of an elephant) and Diwali(festival of lights). Puren poly is a flat bread filled with sweet lentils.

5. Gave

It is impossible to imagine a day in India without eating rice with dal and/or steamed vegetables.

Dal is made from various leguminous crops, including lentils, chickpeas, urda(similar to black peas) Masha(mung bean) and peas. It is prepared very simply, although every housewife probably has her own secrets.

You need to boil the beans, then fry the garlic in a separate pan, add spices - turmeric, mustard seeds, asafoetida and add the boiled beans. Now add water so that the dish resembles soup.

Food is usually drunk plain water, which is either bought, or filtered, or drunk directly from the tap, but in modern India this is already more of a rarity than a rule. By the way, Indians eat with their right hand, since the left is considered unclean.

Have you ever tried Indian food? What are your impressions?

The ancient Indian science of life, Ayurveda, is gaining more and more fans around the world. Perhaps because we are unconsciously more and more drawn to a healthy lifestyle. Or because Ayurveda treats all neophytes very carefully: there is no coercion, no strict requirements to immediately quit something familiar, but start something unusual right from Monday.

Many Ayurvedic remedies are quite compatible with the everyday life of a modern person. Those that we will talk about today, completely different in taste, in methods of application and in the form of release, they have one thing in common: they all balance the ratio of doshas in the body, help to establish the very balance without which good health is impossible.

If you ask a person who is in the subject what chyawanprash is, in response you will probably hear a whole lecture. Because this product in Ayurveda is considered a real panacea and a miracle cure for everything. The canonical recipe includes at least 40 natural ingredients. In essence, chyawanprash is an Ayurvedic jam made from healing Himalayan herbs, berries, fruits, ghee and honey, which is used to strengthen the immune system and normalize metabolism. It is a sweet, viscous, spicy product with a spicy aftertaste.

The original recipe for chyawanprash is set out in the sacred treatise Charaka Samhita, an ancient Ayurvedic text, but the formula of the remedy is by no means unshakable. Different manufacturers produce products with different additions, so chyawanprash from different companies may differ in taste, smell, color.

This jam is believed to strengthen the immune system and pacify all doshas. A rich supply of antioxidants and vitamin C inhibits cell aging and improves skin tone. It supports the proper metabolism, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart, lowers the level of glucose and cholesterol in the blood. Increases fertility, libido and sexual power in men and women. Normalizes blood pressure, calms the nerves, improving concentration and memory.

Chyawanprash is useful for everyone, it can be given to children from the age of five. It is dissolved in water or milk, spread on bread, toast or crackers. The dose should not exceed twenty grams per day (1 tablespoon).


If as a child you came across ghee, then it is likely that now you will grimace: ghee (or gi) is exactly ghee.

According to Ayurveda, cow's milk is a divine nectar that can heal and nourish the human body, and ghee is its concentrated and purified quintessence. It does not contain lactose, water and other impurities. It is considered one of the most useful products in Ayurveda, it is used in its pure form, as part of cosmetics, and food is cooked on it.

Ghee is considered to be the best conduit for healing and nutrients, which is why there are special ghee made with herbs.

From an Ayurvedic point of view, ghee has a beneficial effect on all three doshas. It balances dry Vata, kindles the digestive fire (remember, it is good digestion that is the basis of health!), without aggravating Pitta. It can be taken in its pure form, for cooking hot dishes and for frying. Ghee does not burn, does not emit carcinogens.

The effect of ghee on the body can vary depending on how it is consumed: for example, pure oil taken on an empty stomach will help detoxify and is good for the joints.

Ghee nourishes bone and nervous tissue, has a beneficial effect on the reproductive system, enhances natural immunity, relieves inflammation, rejuvenates and tones the brain and nervous system.


Triphala (trifla, triphala) is another Ayurvedic remedy often awarded the epithet "miraculous". This is a mixture of three components - the fruits of the trees haritaki, amalaki, bibhitaki, each of these plants has a beneficial effect on one of the doshas.

Triphala is used as an antioxidant. It is added to rayasayan complexes (rejuvenating agents), brewed and taken orally, instilled into the nose and washed in the ears. But triphala's most well-known property is colon cleansing, which promotes weight loss. The laxative properties of triphala are combined with the absence of toxicity and adverse reactions.

The effectiveness of the drug depends on the form of release: soluble powder acts much faster and stronger than tablets or capsules. It is added to oils, creams, infusions.


Indian ginseng is the name of this plant. It gives strength and endurance, sexual energy (the Sanskrit word "ashva" means "horse"). Ayurveda classifies ashwagandha as a rasayana, that is, anti-aging drugs, it is also an effective natural nootropic. And, perhaps, this action is no less important for a modern person than the ability to stimulate sexual energy.

Ashwagandha has long been considered more beneficial for men as it increases muscle strength and increases endurance in extreme circumstances. But who said that women don't need it? Moreover, clinical trials conducted in the United States have shown that taking ashwagandha normalizes estrogen metabolism and has a beneficial effect on women's health.

Ashwagandha relieves chronic fatigue, stress, tones, increases efficiency, strengthens the body and improves flexibility, therefore it is recommended for people who are actively involved in sports.

Products based on it are also useful for office workers and students: Indian ginseng stimulates brain activity, strengthens memory, increases attentiveness and learning ability.

May be an oil, jam with plant root extract, capsules, powder.


It is one of the most well-known components in many Ayurvedic preparations, it is included in the golden range of medicinal plants. Gugul resin is refined, mixed with powders, pastes, or extracts of other plants, and ghee is often added to form various gugul preparations.

Gugul is an excellent antioxidant and absorbent, removes excess cholesterol and fluid, endotoxins and toxins from the body, restores water-lipid balance, reduces swelling, cleanses the blood, and improves blood circulation.

Gugul is an effective remedy for cellulite, stimulates hair growth, prevents hair loss and hair loss.

Not surprisingly, gugul extract is included in many cosmetic products. It contains toothpastes, healing gels and balms, massage oils and creams, preparations for face and hand care. It is believed that it restores tissues, evens out and improves complexion, stimulates cell renewal, and makes the skin dull and velvety.

Do not use the drug with gugul during pregnancy and breastfeeding; with diseases that can cause hormonal failure; along with drugs that include estrogen.

Many Russian women, tired of the everyday difficulties of Russian life and instability, are looking for a better life for themselves and their children abroad. Many really find their happiness in another country, but not everyone will be able to calmly survive the time of adaptation to another culture, mores and customs.

The letter of our compatriot reveals a lot about the difficult living conditions of a Russian wife in India, who nevertheless managed to understand this country, come to terms with their way of life and feel very happy next to her husband.

Hello, dear readers of the site intdate.ru! I want to tell you about the life of a Russian wife in India, about the nuances that you should be aware of if you plan to marry an Indian and live in this country.

First and foremost is the climate of India.

Live in India in terms of climate, it is very difficult for me.

I have been married for two years, of which I spent all the months of the Indian summer at home. It starts here in March. It is so hot that I was constantly dizzy, the temperature on the thermometer was 49, and according to the sensations - all 59). I could not stand it and went to my relatives.

photo www.idi-k-nam.ru

If you think you can save yourself with air conditioning in the house, forget about it, even if you are lucky and your husband makes very good money to pay gigantic electricity bills and you have a new air conditioner that can withstand such heat, then in the very heat will turn off the light due to overloads.

The problem with power outages is relevant for the whole of India, somewhere - every day, somewhere - less often, but the power goes out all over India regularly. You have no chance to escape :-) and most likely the air conditioner will be in one of the rooms. I have never seen a house where air conditioning would be in the whole house or apartment.

In general, I choose to escape for 2-4 months, returning to India during the rainy season. But still it is difficult to breathe here because of the high humidity, there is not enough air all the time. Naturally, you are wet all the time, you wake up in the morning - you can wring out your T-shirt. Only now, at the end of October, the temperature is normalizing (like our traditional summer), but you still want a couple more degrees less.

Sun. Someone thinks that if you live in a sunny country, then you must be tanned. Unfortunately, I am paler than I was in Russia, there is a terrible sun here, I feel how dangerous it is, very strong, and I know that it is better not to go out on it. In addition, you won’t be able to walk in a T-shirt because of your clothes.

photo www.idi-k-nam.ru

Traditional national dress of women in India it is considered a sari or salwar suite, salwar kameez, etc. In large cities, everyone already dresses as they want, I was so unlucky.

My husband and I live in the capital of one of the states in the center of India, and this is not Delhi, Pune, Mumbai or Balglore.

The city is not small, but I would still call it a big village. Therefore, it is not permissible to open the legs above the knee - this is already erotic, of course, no skirts or shorts above the knee. No neckline, open shoulders, this is bad form. Jeans, of course, you can wear, but they are hot.

It’s better to wear a jacket and salwar (long shirt and wide pants), and on top of it is chunri (a long scarf), which only gets in the way and is even hotter from it. Because of these clothes and a sedentary lifestyle, I gained 15 kg in 5 months, now I am on a strict diet. You just don't feel like you're being blown away :-)

In addition, for all parties, I have to dress up in a sari.

It takes years of training to dress it beautifully, once I already tried to dress it myself, it fell apart in the car :-) So every time we call girlfriends, relatives of my husband, so that someone put it on me. Well, or the service dresses. It's annoying. In addition, walking in it is not comfortable.

A small digression on the topic of what a service is.

The service is the servants, or the uneducated local population, or those who, with education, could not find better jobs. Service is a girl (woman), there may be several different women who come every day or 5-6 times a week. They clean, cook, wash dishes. You can take a worker with accommodation, then she will completely manage the house, she will be able to dress you, she will give you a massage if your back is taken.

In the major cities of India, the service is brought from the villages, but it is not uncommon for them to be bullied. They even make films on this topic, I recently read about a family of doctors from Delhi who locked up a 13-year-old girl and went on vacation ...

As a rule, the service, which is only removed, is a hack. If you do not stand over them, they will only pretend that they are working.

At first I was not comfortable, and now sometimes I even yell at them, but all this also takes some getting used to. And the service does not speak English.

In India, it is not customary to walk in the house in shoes, everyone wants to be barefoot. You go to visit, you take off your shoes, to the temple, to the sari shop, to the jewelry store, to many small offices, such as air ticket offices, etc.

You also walk down the street in flip flops, which means your feet are constantly in the dust. When I first arrived, by the way, I could not understand why all Indians have such dirty feet? 🙂 They also have a habit of sitting on the sofa in a half-lotus position or simply lifting it up, showing their feet ...

Now understand. In general, you can imagine what kind of skin is on your legs now.

If you ride a scooter into the street, you are forced to tie a scarf like a hitjab to cover your entire face, long gloves on your hands, because there is a column of dust on the roads!

Streets walking in India

By the way, roads. More precisely, what should be called a road, in real life -

photo www.nevsedoma.com.ua

this is a piece of asphalt, which was somehow laid, the roadsides are earth and garbage. No one is repairing anything, because of the earthen roadsides, dust is a pillar.

There are no sidewalks. Trucks, scooters, rickshaws, cyclists, cars and pedestrians - all on a narrow strip of asphalt. And there are no rules of the road. Just take care of your car and do what you want!

Trucks rushing towards you in your lane on the freeway, cows standing, lying in herds in the middle of the streets and highways - it's all true.

It is better to demolish the rear-view mirrors yourself, otherwise they will demolish them, no one uses them. Turn signal, what is it? :-) And if, God forbid, you hurt a beggar, even if he deliberately throws himself under your wheels, they will start extorting money from the whole village :-) and many, many other delights. If someone drives into you, they immediately leave, they won’t even talk, and you sit and wonder how it’s possible ...

Everyone drinks while driving! It's funny to me when I read news from Russia about 0.2 ppm, here they can't stand on their feet, stoned, drunk at the wheel. But on the other hand, you can drive without documents, I drive like that, no documents for a car, no rights, the police just smile at me and ask where I live :-) And for an ordinary Indian, the issue price is 200 rupees ...


When I wrote about roadsides, I already said that there is garbage around. But not only there! India is a disgustingly dirty country. The urn for the Hindu is under his feet. All roadsides, all non-built-up places are garbage. Cows, pigs and dogs graze in the dumps. And this is not a joke and not a joke, and not my negative attitude - this is a reality!

photo www.idi-k-nam.ru

Yes, outside of the cities, India is a very beautiful country. But I repeat - only outside the city limits.

There is a virginally beautiful jungle in the area, where you can stay for a couple of days in a hotel and go on a safari. However, you will not be able to “get out into the forest for a barbecue”. There are no forests here in our traditional sense, if you come across a small forest belt, you can’t go there - there are snakes.

So if you want to see nature of india - then only in the jungle to look around from an open jeep. They don't walk in the jungle :-):-):-):-) But it's interesting, if time and money allow, you can travel often.

In addition, there is usually a dam or a reservoir near the cities, you won’t be able to swim, but it’s nice to sit on the bank, if you’re lucky, there will be a few people. In India, in general, there are a lot of people everywhere by our standards :-) You will not be able to stay alone anywhere. And in the parks, in general, the police are on duty, who monitor young couples so that they do not sit together and, God forbid, do not kiss :-)

Insects are another problem in India

You will never be alone, 10-15 species of insects will always live next to you. These are, first of all, small ants. They live absolutely everywhere. In all houses, I live on the 7th floor, I don’t know how to get rid of it, I bully all the time, but it’s useless, there are too many of them, they find a way out everywhere. They live in the walls and destroy them quietly...

photo www.idi-k-nam.ru

Cockroaches. Hindus are not afraid of cockroaches, it's normal for them. In the summer, huge cockroaches crawl into those who live in private homes. When I saw this, I jumped on the sofa with my feet right at the party, the Indians just laughed.

I have not seen a single house without cockroaches. I myself bully, but it seems to me that I do it alone in a house, a house for 3-4 years. Here, of course, the climate is also to blame, it is painfully blissful for all living creatures.

But the Indians are also to blame. What do we do after eating? That's right, wash the dishes. Here the dishes are collected all day, go out in the heat in anticipation of the morning service. And more than once I have seen that the Indians arrange a garbage dump for cleaning right in the corner of the kitchen, without a bucket, without a bag.

We also come across rats on the site, lizards regularly crawl into the house, after which you then run for half a day with a broom :-) In general, do not get bored. In the evening, mosquitoes overwhelm you, crickets fly in, etc., you can’t open the window, it’s stuffy at night, it’s hard to sleep. The exit is a mosquito net, but the air passes through it weakly.

Rest and work of Hindus

As for the wives of Indians, I can’t presume to say in numbers, but for all the time I have met only one married working woman - this is my mother-in-law, she works for 4 hours a day :-) Her position is good, the salary is not very :-)

photo www.ht.comments.ua

As a rule, women here work until marriage, and after that they become a housewife. Some get married right out of the parental home, without even knowing what working outside the home is.

As a rule, Hindus live in large families, the daughter-in-law is brought into the house, and now she is considered a member of this family. We live separately, because my husband himself wants this, he has a freedom-loving character, but there are not many who oppose the will of their parents. And I know that one day we will have to live together, in India they don’t leave their parents alone, they even return from America to live with them. Many unmarried women do not work, their brothers feed them, and so on.

In general, a woman is at home all day long, is engaged in or manages the service, or cooks and cleans herself.

On a day off, together with her husband, she can go to visit relatives, or maybe someone invited to a wedding, or a festival takes place, then festivities, or you can go to an exhibition-fair. All. There is no more entertainment.

The most favorite pastime is to visit each other and gossip. What else to do??? In the best case, a woman can go to a salon or a store accompanied by her mother or mother-in-law, sister, but by no means alone.

For walks. It is not recommended for foreigners to walk the streets, as the local population is wild, and they can do anything. For example, run up and grab your chest (it happened to me, people are just savages), or grab a bag, or throw something at you. It's not safe, so stay at home or ride a scooter or car. Gasoline is expensive, and salaries are small here, so you won't go far.

photo www.usconsult.ru

That is why the sale of vegetables and all sorts of small things from tables on wheels is common. This is when a man, having laid out vegetables on such a table, rolls it and shouts: “cabbage, potatoes ....”, then a woman can go out and buy what she needs. In general, such trade is very common, they will come to you with fabrics for the salwar suite, and with small things for the kitchen.

By and large, a man buys everything for the house when he goes home from work, with rare exceptions, they can take you to the supermarket, as if to an exhibition :-):-):-)

I will say to myself that it took me a lot of blood to bargain for the right to travel and buy products myself. If a woman tries and gets permission from her husband, she can attend yoga (we have it at 5 am) or a sports club. Just tell your husband about this before the wedding, otherwise yoga involves a moderate sex life, and Indians are very active people in this regard, it’s not for nothing that the Kama Sutra was written here :-)

All women watch Indian serials. They are of the same type and are dedicated to relationships in a large family, when everyone lives in the same house. There, events always develop in the same way, the beloved daughter-in-law, the unloved daughter-in-law, as a result, the unloved one turns out to be good.

In this regard, mothers-in-law are divided into good and evil, there are no neutral ones. My dear. They love me from the first second :-) It's hard to understand, right?) And they love me! Well, there are evil ones who poison the existence of the daughter-in-law, just like in their series. Well, they are also bored, they must somehow entertain themselves.

Food, groceries and shopping in India

The shops. If you think you can easily get out to the next

photo www.o-nevy.ru

shop and buy whatever you want, you are mistaken. Without a husband (read - without knowing the language), you can only buy vegetables, bread, milk, eggs, only if there is a tray nearby. My shop was opened a couple of weeks ago, but even then I can only buy what I know how it sounds in Hindi, they don’t speak English in street stores. Shops - not self-service, which makes it difficult to buy.

There are shopping centers that have a supermarket, but they still have to be reached, and that's where I do my main shopping. Prices are higher there, but you can stand, read, and if necessary translate what you need. The wait staff tries to speak English.

So, we forgot such products: sour cream, cottage cheese, yogurt, meat, cheeses, sausages, sausages, pickles, smoked meats, canned foods, any caviar, black and our white bread, butter without salt, dill, parsley, lettuce, bell peppers, millet, buckwheat, tasty fish in the usual frying and much, much more.

In fact, you can eat only Indian food and, so to speak, dietary Russian food :-) Because you will have borscht without meat, sour cream and dill, etc.

Getting used to Indian food is difficult: specific spices, tastes, and every day the same thing, rice, dal (local soup sauce), vegetables, flatbread. Only now I'm used to eating it, but I cook everything myself, only the service prepares the cakes, it's difficult for me. But at first it was to tears, very hungry. Don't even make a sandwich. But there are pluses, fruits are very affordable here, watermelons, apples, pomegranates all the time. Mango, sitafal seasonally.

Also, Indians eat with their hands. They put rice on a plate, fill it with dal, it turns out porridge and eat it with their hands, at these moments I stop eating or look clearly at my plate, because it looks terrible, and they will completely lick their fingers. At home, my husband eats with a fork, thank God.

Restaurants and cafes. I still can't eat outside the house: no

photo www.indostan.ru

tasty, spicy and everything tastes the same, either paneer (homemade cheese), or chicken - you can’t tell. Just a waste of money, for the whole city you have one expensive restaurant that cooks pasta and not very much.

Sometimes we eat there, just to get out of the house. In general, restaurants, of course, are beautiful, cozy, Indians are great here. But when they learn to bring dishes and glasses without sticking their fingers into the food, I will applaud.

I hope I have revealed to you the features of Indian life, I will write about the habits and character of the Indians themselves in the continuation of this article.

Elizabeth, letter to the editor of the site intdate.ru

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