
The best herbal tea: recipes. How to make medicinal tea at home

Cleansing the lungs of nicotine is a long process that requires considerable effort. When a person quits smoking, the state stress and emotional lability due to the lack of tobacco combustion products, which constantly entered the body. To make it easier to survive emotional stress, it is proposed to use soothing herbs: valerian, motherwort. After quitting smoking, it is recommended to avoid places where a large number of smokers, otherwise addiction may develop again.

Why is it necessary to cleanse the lungs

Cleansing of the smoker's lungs begins with the movement of epithelial cilia, which produce a special mucus. It is she who contains components that are alien, and at the same time removes them from the lungs with mucus discharge. But do not forget that cigarettes contain resins in their composition, which lead to gluing of cilia in the bronchi. This can cause a decrease in oxygen content.

It is quite difficult to clear the lungs on your own. For efficiency, it is recommended to carry out many procedures, sometimes even with the use of drugs. It will also take a long time to remove toxins from the lungs.

Lung cleansing time for each smoker is individual. It depends on how long a person smokes, on the number of cigarettes per day, and also on lifestyle. If a person completely refuses smoking, then the purification of the lungs occurs from 3 months to 1 year. During this time, the activity of epithelial cilia is restored.

For a long time, there may be a paroxysmal cough with sputum.

Ways and methods of purification

The following will help clear the lungs of pollution:

Nessesary to use a whole range of measures to improve the efficiency of lung cleansing.

Traditional medicine

Usage traditional medicine for the restoration of the pulmonary system confirmed by pulmonologists. It should be remembered that even herbal preparations have their own indications and contraindications, and it is best to consult a doctor before using them. The following remedies will help clear your lungs:

Bath procedures for sputum removal

Bath procedures with great efficiency remove sputum from the lungs. It is recommended to visit the steam room once a week. It is best to additionally use oak or Birch broom, containing in its composition herbs that have an expectorant effect.

Whole food mode

To restore normal functions in the lungs, an important factor is the diet, it should include:

Eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, berries and various kinds porridge

Physical activity and breathing exercises

In the first month after quitting smoking, activities such as running, swimming, cycling, and fitness are recommended. These species physical activity contribute to the strengthening of the heart muscle, improve gas exchange in the lungs, and also normalize the damaged ciliated epithelium.

Breathing exercises are used for the development of lung tissue, as well as cleaning. The yoga system is best suited for gymnastics, as it, among other things, helps to cope with mental experiences, and also reduces the occurrence of colds.

Inhalations and drug treatment

The use of inhalation helps to expand the bronchi, and also makes the sputum less thick, which facilitates its exit from the lungs and faster elimination. harmful substances, as well as the restoration of the cilia of the epithelium in the bronchi.

Recommended for inhalation use nebulizers and special inhalers. Substances that are used for inhalation include: various medicinal herbs (for example, fir and juniper), salts, oils and mineral water. Inhalations are best done for about 2 weeks for 10-15 minutes a day.

Sometimes drugs with a mucolytic effect help to clear the lungs, which thin and remove sputum from the bronchi. These drugs, first of all, include: Ambroxol, Ambrobene, ACC, Lazolvan and many others. In the complex, you can also use vitamins that will only strengthen the body. It is important to remember that before taking the drug, you need to consult a specialist.

The process of release of harmful substances

The release of harmful substances from smoking occurs over a long period of time. To say exactly what it is process started, there are several symptoms:

If you mark full list symptoms or some of them, no need to be scared, this is a normal reaction of the body to cleansing. To make it easier to cope, you can walk more often, play sports, in some cases you can take sedatives, antidepressants (after consulting a specialist).

Clearing the lungs after years of smoking is possible. This has been proven both by specialists in the field of pulmonology and practical experience a large number of ex-smokers. But it should be remembered that this process is long, it requires patience, willpower and a desire to improve your standard of living.

Normal in the airways healthy person there is always some amount of secretion produced. This is a constant process aimed at cleansing them, preventing infection from entering them and renewing the cells of the inner lining of the bronchi.

Usually no significant problems with the excretion of mucus are found. Difficulties arise when a disease develops.

In the presence of pathological conditions, sputum begins to be produced in a very large quantities, stagnates in the bronchi, becomes too viscous and, as a result, hardly comes out.

Its accumulation often attracts infection, often bronchitis, causes significant congestion in the pulmonary circulation, and provokes pulmonary insufficiency.

As a result, the patient develops severe malaise or even a pronounced disease state.

It is necessary to get rid of the accumulation of mucus in the bronchi. For this, it is advisable to consult a doctor for advice. He will conduct bronchoscopy, clinical and biochemical blood tests, ultrasound, histological and microscopic examination.

These studies will determine the reasons for the increased accumulation of secretions in your airways.

They may be:

  • Flu.
  • SARS.
  • bronchitis.
  • laryngitis.
  • pharyngitis.
  • pneumonia.
  • bronchial asthma.
  • malignant neoplasms in the lungs.
  • tuberculosis.
  • allergic reactions
  • heart failure.
  • years of smoking.
  • fungal infection.

These diseases cause inflammation respiratory tract, bronchial edema, changes in their structure mucous membrane, as a result, a large amount of sputum begins to be produced. Sometimes it becomes too much and it causes a strong cough.

The secret is divided into serous, mucous, purulent, interspersed with blood, vitreous, etc. Its color is different, depending on the disease that has arisen.

There are the most different ways how to get rid of phlegm, often used for bronchitis. This must be done, as its accumulation significantly disrupts the work of the cardiovascular, pulmonary and circulatory systems. In addition, a large amount of sputum strongly irritates the mucous membrane.

When sputum comes out, the bronchi are completely freed from its accumulation and the patient's well-being improves markedly.

It is especially important to get rid of the accumulated secret in time and promptly if wheezing, whistling, are heard in the chest. This indicates that the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract can no longer cope with its sharply increased volume, which also contains toxic substances and cell decay products.


It is necessary to deal with the accumulation of sputum with the approval of the attending physician. He will examine the patient, collect a detailed history, conduct a laboratory and instrumental examination.

After the diagnosis is clarified, it will be possible to influence the main cause of increased production and its accumulation in the respiratory tract.

It is very important to distinguish between dry and wet cough. Measures to combat them will be different.

Dry cough is an unfavorable symptom, as mucus does not leave the respiratory tract. Therefore, the main method of treatment is to transfer it to wet, when the patient is already able to independently excrete sputum from the body.

For this, medications are used folk methods treatment.

They operate in two main areas in two directions, using:

  1. Mucolytics(contribute to the thinning of mucus, turning it into a semi-liquid state and making it easy to leave the respiratory tract)
  2. Expectorants(activate the muscular layer of the inner lining of the bronchi, helping to remove accumulated sputum)

The main drugs also include:

  • bronchodilators;
  • anti-inflammatory substances;
  • antibiotics;
  • antiviral medicines;
  • antihistamines, etc.

They allow you to completely dissolve the secret in the respiratory tract, bring it out, eliminate the causes of increased sputum formation in the bronchi. These medicinal substances help the bronchi to significantly expand their lumen, push sputum out, and also destroy the infection that provokes a relapse of the disease.

There are many ways to get rid of mucus in the lungs. The tested remedy in this case is honey and its derivative products. They are prepared in a variety of ways and perfectly activate the lymph circulation in the lungs, completely thin the sputum, and have a significant expectorant, anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect. In addition, they increase defensive forces organism.

Find out more:

herbal remedies

  • Chamomile;
  • nettle;
  • lavender;
  • St. John's wort;
  • blooming Sally;
  • thyme;
  • licorice;
  • immortelle;
  • ivy leaf;
  • coltsfoot;
  • succession;
  • aloe;
  • marshmallow.
You need to take one tablespoon of dried raw materials, pour it with a glass of boiling water. Then this solution should be infused for about forty minutes. Then it is filtered and taken at fifty milliliters three times a day. This effective remedy It will perfectly allow you to relieve inflammation, completely remove the accumulation of sputum, soften the throat.

To avoid drying out the throat, you should actively humidify the air in the room. It is advisable to arrange water containers around the room, or purchase a humidifier.

  • Milk with the addition of pine parts also helps well.. You should take 3 cups of hot milk, add a few crushed cones with resin to it. Then you need to insist this drink in a thermos for at least two hours, strain and take two hundred milliliters twice a day.
  • Inhalation helps to clear the bronchi of mucus. You can carry them out using dry steam, a decoction of potatoes, medicinal herbs, essential oils. They have antispasmodic and reflex action, stimulate blood circulation and help get rid of mucus in the lungs.
  • It is advisable to drink more liquid. It dissolves the secret, helps to evacuate it from the respiratory tract, promotes detoxification of the body. Fruit drinks, milk with honey are especially useful, soda solution, green tea or lemon juice.
  • You must completely stop smoking and drinking alcohol.. Nicotine and alcohol stimulate blood flow to the respiratory tract, cause swelling of the bronchi, which contributes to dehydration. In addition, they significantly weaken the immune system. When these are abused bad habits serious complications may develop, requiring long and complex treatment.

Drugs that remove mucus from the bronchi

For effective treatment and achieve a quick effect, you need to know the basic medicines, which will help get rid of the accumulation of sputum in the lungs. They can only be used after the approval of the attending physician, since each of them has a number side effects and contraindications.

With a dry cough, mucolytics come first. They translate a dry cough into a wet one and relieve congestion in the airways.

These most often include:

  • Lazolvan;
  • Glaucine;
  • Codeine;
  • Tusuprex;
  • Libeksin.

Often in these cases, Ambrobene And ACC. They are drugs of complex action, completely eliminating cough, greatly facilitating breathing and significantly increasing the body's defenses.

Expectorants are more commonly used for wet coughs in bronchitis. They directly regulate the separation of sputum from the bronchi into the external environment.

Some of them act on the centers of the brain, others - on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. For this, such effective pharmacological agents are used as:

  • Thermopsol
  • Codelac
  • Herbion
  • Pertussin
  • Bronchicum
  • Ambroxol
  • Bromhexine

Syrups potion extracts

A good result is provided by various syrups and extracts, which contain plant substances of reflex action. These include

  • marshmallow
  • barberry
  • thermopsis
  • Dill seeds
  • licorice
  • coltsfoot
  • thyme
  • sage
  • chamomile

Aromatherapy with eucalyptus oil, menthol, tea tree. They actively act directly on the patient's bronchi, providing positive influence on them. Usually they are used for a wet cough, when you need to quickly facilitate the removal of sputum that is already gradually leaving.

The pharmaceutical industry produces special syrups, potions and solutions to get rid of coughs and remove excess secretions. These include Gedelix, Doctor Mom etc.

All these drugs have an effective effect in the fight against accumulations of sputum in the bronchi. They differ in their purpose, dosage and duration of treatment.

These funds have different intensity of impact on the human body and its pulmonary system. Also, all of them make it possible to cough up, remove the secret from the bronchi and relieve their inflammation.

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Breathing exercises to expel mucus

Stimulates the withdrawal of accumulated mucus also special gymnastics. It allows:

  • Completely remove swelling of the bronchial mucosa;
  • significantly restore respiratory function;
  • ensure an active flow of oxygen to the cells of the body;
  • stimulate blood circulation in tissues;
  • create the necessary load on the muscle layer of the bronchi;
  • help to expel mucus;
  • relieve cough.

These measures make it possible to make the work of the respiratory system, associated tissues and structures more intense.

The exercises are quite simple and even a child can perform them. They actively help get rid of sputum in bronchitis and activate the body.

Here are the most effective examples:

Gymnastics can have an even more pronounced effect than taking medications.

In addition, it can help those who are deprived of the opportunity to take pharmacological agents due to contraindications.

The patient needs to lie on his back, while the surface should be flat. After that, he leans to one side at an angle of five degrees. He breathes deeply, spitting out sputum into a specially prepared basin. Then he turns to the other side. Must be done ten times.

Kneel on a bed or rug and lean forward. If the secret from the bronchi leaves, get rid of it. If there is nothing, then after a short break, repeat the exercise ten times.

Lie on the very edge of the bed, the surface should be flat. Hang out of bed as far as possible. Then do the same on the other side. Spit the outgoing mucus into prepared containers. Run ten times.

Lie on your back. The legs should be in an elevated position, so it is better to put something under them. Stay in this position for half an hour. After that, get up, clear the bronchi from the released secret and repeat the exercise three more times.

These movements enable the natural cleaning of the airways. They allow you to very fully evacuate the secret, make the work of the lungs more intense, and activate lymphatic drainage. In addition, they affect the entire system, including the smallest alveoli..

There are many ways to remove phlegm and you should use them all in order to get rid of the disease and regain your lost health.

How to remove phlegm from the bronchi at home?

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The formation of mucus respiratory system happens to a person all the time. It is produced exactly in such quantity as is necessary for timely removal. However, the formation of inflammatory foci, smoking and living in ecologically polluted regions lead to the fact that the mucus becomes more viscous, and bronchial cleansing is required. In this article, we will consider effective medicinal and folk remedies get rid of the accumulation of mucus.

When should the bronchi be cleared?

Mucus in the bronchi can accumulate for the following reasons:

  • contaminated air;
  • smoking;
  • bronchitis;
  • being in dusty areas.

A person usually feels when he needs to clean the bronchi. Normally, mucus should be liquid and free to stand out. However, against the background of inflammatory processes, sputum becomes too viscous, thick and sticks to the walls of the bronchi in a dense layer. As a result, with a normal cough, independent expectoration of mucus does not occur, and the person suffers from a painful cough, but does not feel relief after it.

It is necessary to think about cleaning the bronchi from mucus when the following symptoms appear:

  • dry, hacking cough;
  • dyspnea;
  • swelling of the face;
  • secretion of mucus from the nose;
  • frequent yawning;
  • vein diseases;
  • eczema on elbows.

There are various ways in which you can relieve and remove phlegm. Some are based on the use of drugs, while others can be used without leaving home.

Clearing the bronchi with drugs

Many medications effectively help to get rid of mucus and restore purity to the breath. Consider the most popular means:

A drugPhotoPrice
from 131 rub.
from 172 rub.
from 367 rubles
from 13 rub.
from 235 rub.

« » used for bronchitis and other conditions when there is an accumulation of sputum. The drug is produced in the form of tablets or powder. The composition contains active substance acetylcysteine. The medicine not only actively dilutes sputum, but also neutralizes toxic substances. It is used both for oral administration and in the form of inhalation.

« » and analogues ("") also reduces the viscosity of mucus and normalizes metabolism. The drug is produced in the form of syrup and tablets. Efficiency does not depend on the type of drug.

« » made on a natural basis. The main active ingredient is . The drug dilutes sputum and contributes to its speedy removal. It is more effective in bronchitis than in clearing the airways after smoking.

A very powerful drug for removing mucus. It is prescribed before surgical interventions and at the stage of rehabilitation. The medicine removes phlegm and soothes.

« » operates in a complex manner. The drug is suitable for clearing the bronchi of mucus, has antibacterial effect, relieves, making coughing fits not so painful and more short-lived.

In addition to drugs, you can purchase that will help clear the airways of mucus. With bronchitis and the consequences of smoking, you can give preference to herbal formulations based on.

Effective use of inhalation

You can clean the bronchi with the help of inhalations. This effective method getting rid of sputum, since the medicinal formulations fall directly into the problem area.

Apply steam and "cold" inhalations. During steam procedures, only the upper respiratory tract is exposed to the action of drugs. When to use a nebulizer cold method), the smallest particles medicinal composition penetrate deep into the respiratory tract, thoroughly clearing them of mucus.

For inhalation in a nebulizer, the following drugs are used:

A drugPhotoPrice
from 47 rub.
from 34 rub.
from 231 rub.
from 148 rubles

In diseases of the upper respiratory tract, steam inhalations will also be effective. For them, decoctions are used from such means:

  • linden flowers;

Many successfully use a decoction for bronchitis pine buds and leaves. Of the essential oils for removing sputum, coniferous species are most suitable: fir, cypress or cedar.

The effectiveness of breathing exercises

Purification of the bronchi from sputum fast process. It takes time and smart action. With bronchitis, performing special breathing exercises will help to cope with mucus, but others are also needed. additional methods treatment.

For former smokers, it is imperative to perform such gymnastics, as this will help free the breath from accumulated sputum. Classes should be held in rooms with clean and humid air. To successfully remove sputum during the day, repeat the following steps from 7 times:

  • alternate deep breaths with intermittent short exhalations;
  • when inhaling air, the stomach must be stuck out, and when exhaled, squeeze;
  • inflate balloons;
  • when breathing, use not the stomach, but the upper respiratory tract so that the collarbone comes into motion.

When performing breathing exercises with bronchitis, it happens that during the first day a cough may worsen. This does not indicate an aggravation of the condition, but only the beginning of the removal of mucus.

Therapy with folk remedies

It turns out that you can remove mucus with bronchitis with the help of conventional products available to everyone! Consider the most effective methods fight against mucus.

You can relieve the condition of bronchitis by eating a clove of garlic in the morning. It is not necessary to grind thoroughly. You can bite into several parts and drink acidified water.

with milk. Use a juicer to squeeze half a glass carrot juice and add the same amount of milk. A spoonful of honey should be added to the composition and left for half an hour. Then you can drink half of the composition, and the rest over the next 5 hours.

To prepare the product, you will need a large onion and sugar. The root crop should be chopped with a grater, blender or knife. Sprinkle with sugar. Let it brew for 2 hours. Take a tablespoon 4 times a day after meals. Sometimes such a syrup is prepared using equal proportions and garlic.

To prepare the composition, you will need 0.5 liters of vodka, beet juice, and carrots. The total volume of vegetable juices should also be 0.5 liters. All ingredients should be mixed and closed so as to prevent air from entering. Place in the oven for an hour and a half. Take three times a day for 30-50 g. The duration of therapy is usually a month. After a break, the treatment can be repeated.

Milk with. This remedy is more suitable for getting rid of mucus in bronchitis and for cleansing the respiratory tract after many years of smoking. A glass of oats and half a glass of milk must be mixed. Place over low heat and boil until the composition is reduced in volume. After that, grind the oats. The resulting slurry is taken at a time before meals. Cannot be stored in the refrigerator. Treatment should continue for at least a week. Coughing fits are possible.

Phytotherapy for clear bronchi

Phytotherapeutic methods can be effective in ridding the bronchi of mucus. Consider the most effective.

This natural product used to loosen phlegm and treat coughs. It is necessary to collect a glass of fruit, pour a liter hot water. Boil 5 minutes. When it cools down a little, add 3 tablespoons of honey to the composition. Let it brew for 5 hours. Take up to 4 times a day, 100 ml.

Violet and oregano. These pharmaceutical herbs, usually used simultaneously, stimulate the epithelium of the bronchi and promote the excretion of sputum. It is necessary to take a tablespoon of each composition and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. After insisting, you can drink in the form of tea during the day. This method does not stimulate coughing, so the quality of sleep does not deteriorate in patients and they are not bothered by painful coughing fits.

Motherwort and. Then, pour 2 tablespoons of the resulting herbal mixture into a liter of boiling water. After a few minutes, turn off the fire, let it brew. Drink 100 ml three times a day before meals. The total duration of the course of treatment is 3 months.

Bath use

For better sputum discharge, some recommend taking. It effectively helps to clear mucus from bronchitis and other problems. However, it should be borne in mind that this method is contraindicated in heart disease and a tendency to increase blood pressure.

As a rule, after consulting a doctor, you can choose the most best method treatment.

Recipes healthy food: Kashayam is ayurvedic tea, boiled with spices, to increase immunity, fight dyspepsia and have anti-inflammatory effects

Ayurvedic tea with spices is the best cure for any autumn cold!

Kashayam is an Ayurvedic tea brewed with spices to boost immunity, fight indigestion and have anti-inflammatory effects.

There are many versions of this drink, according to some of them you can grind all the spices and mix with a glass warm milk and not brewed as a tea.

Each component of this drink has an incredible useful properties. Black pepper removes phlegm from the bronchi. It also helps the body get the most out of food. useful components and digest them.

Fennel has an anti-inflammatory and soothing effect, cleanses the body. Thanks to its expectorant, bactericidal and antiviral properties, it helps in the treatment of bronchitis, asthma, and pulmonary tuberculosis.

Cumin strengthens the immune system, treats respiratory diseases, relieves insomnia and suppresses coughing. So if you are coughing a lot, add an extra spoonful of cumin to your tea.

Coriander has an antifungal and antimicrobial effect, reduces arterial pressure, stops the development of cataracts and glaucoma, has a positive effect on reproductive functions. It is used to normalize the digestive and cardiovascular systems.

Rice is not the ingredient you are used to seeing in drink recipes. But rice contains starch, which "feeds" the good bacteria, which in turn helps maintain gut health and even relieves irritable bowel syndrome. The carbohydrates in rice will also provide you with the energy you need when you're sick.

Ginger has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant properties, helps with nausea, relieves muscle pain, improves digestion, lowers blood sugar and is known to relieve menstrual pain.

Home remedies are simply food used as medicines. As such, feel free to increase the amount of one or two ingredients in the recipe based on what worries you the most. If you have body aches, add another piece of ginger, and if you have a cough, add an extra spoon of cumin, for a sore throat or nasal congestion, increase the amount of pepper used.


  • 2 tbsp. l. black pepper
  • 1 1/2 tsp fennel seed
  • 1 tsp cumin seeds
  • 1 tsp coriander seed
  • 1 tsp rice
  • 1 st. l. ginger
  • 3 glasses of water


In a saucepan, toast all spices (except ginger) until dark brown and rich in aroma.
Add water and ginger, bring to a boil, continue to simmer over medium heat until liquid is reduced by half. Strain the drink. Serve hot. Enjoy!

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consumption, we are changing the world together! © econet

1. Accelerating blood circulation in the intestinal walls and improving functioning.
2. Increased secretion in the digestive glands.
3. Reducing the viscosity of bile.
4. Choleretic effect.
5. Decreased fermentation processes directly in the intestines.
6. Anti-inflammatory property in the areas of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract.
7. Liver detoxification.
8. Strengthening the immune system.
9. Diuretic action.
10. Sweating effect.
11. Acceleration of lipid metabolism.
12. Reduce cholesterol levels.
13. Acceleration of blood circulation in the brain.
14. Lymphotropic action.

Action features

For several decades, humanity as aids uses herbal tea. As a rule, these are Siberian herbs that have undergone special processing. Unlike conventional teas and herbal teas, herbal tea is distinguished by a high degree of efficiency and digestibility by the body.

In addition, it has a comprehensive effect. For example, tea drink(aka herbal tea) "Wellness" contains corn silk, blackcurrant and other useful herbs. When harvesting, they are dried without exposure to the sun, which allows you to save a lot of useful substances.
Modern tea drinks are made on the basis of classic Russian recipes and innovative technologies.

Be sure to take into account the basic principles of compatibility of herbs, and this in turn enhances the effect of the drink. Because herbs reinforce each other's effects. A health tea drink can be used as an independent remedy, but can also be used along with other herbal teas.
Important! It is recommended to use the Healthy Drink as a means for drinking natural dietary supplements from the Nutrikon line.

What's in

. tea Kuril;
. corn stigmas, etc.

In what cases does it apply

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract:

1. Cholangitis.
2. Cholecystitis.
3. Hepatitis.
4. Acute and chronic gastritis.
5. Gallstone pathology.
6. Ulcerative manifestations in the stomach and duodenum.
7. Colitis.
8. Dyspepsia.
9. Flatulence.

Diseases with disturbed metabolic processes:

1. Diabetes.
2. Obesity.
3. Atherosclerosis.

Urinary system:

1. Glomerulonephritis.
2. Pyelonephritis.
3. Urolithiasis, etc.

Other deviations:

1. Colds.
2. Reduced immunity.
3. Neurotic state.
4. Cardioneurosis.
5. Insomnia.

Instructions for use

Tea "Healthy" consumed cold or hot. To do this, take 1 sachet and dilute it in a glass of hot water (150-200 ml). Insist from 10 to 15 minutes. You can use it without restrictions, but it is permissible from one to three times a day, about 20 minutes before meals.

Release form, storage conditions and expiration date

Tea "Healthy" for the intestines Available in powder form in sachets-filters of 2 grams. The package contains 30 sachets. total weight one pack of 60 grams. The powder has a brownish tint. The shelf life is 12 months, and you need to store at a temperature of 5 to 25 degrees in a dry place.
