
Kutya for Christmas: barley recipe with step by step photos. Delicious kutya formula

January 6 - the evening before Christmas - is called Christmas Eve (novel). This name is connected with the ancient custom of Orthodox Christians to eat sichovo on this day - grains soaked in water - porridge. Sochi can be not only cereals and vegetables, any lean food, as well as juice - lean milk from different seeds: almond, nut, poppy, hemp, which is used to season porridge on Christmas Eve.

On the eve of Christmas, it is strictly necessary not to eat until the first star appears in the sky. Evening meal on Christmas Eve begins with kutya. This is a special, ritual porridge. It is cooked from barley, wheat, rice, peas, seasoned with honey, raisins, poppy, almond or other lean milk. Grain symbolizes the resurrection life, and honey and other sweet seasoning- the sweetness of the blessings of the future blissful life.

Kutya is served not only on Christmas Eve (which is also called “lenten kutya”), but also on the second day of Christmas: for women - woman's porridge, at christening - baptismal porridge, at commemoration - memorial kutya- Kolivo; under New Year(old) on Vasiliev evening - " rich kutia"And at Epiphany - ("hungry kutia").

Rice kutya

Sort rice, rinse, pour water, bring to a boil. Throw on a sieve, pour over cold water put back into the pot and cook in in large numbers water until soft. Throw back on a sieve and cool. Scald almonds, peel, chop and grind in a bowl intended for kutya. Add granulated sugar, slightly dilute with water, stir, combine with rice, raisins and sprinkle with sugar. Served with lean milk.

Christmas puff

For the dough, mix a glass of boiled cream and flour, add 1 tsp each. butter or margarine and salt. Cover with a napkin, let stand for a while, you can put it in the refrigerator overnight. Peel the apples, remove the core and pour sugar into it. Cut the dough into squares of such a size that you can wrap an apple.

Explosions(uzvar, vzvarets)

This is the name of various broths: beef onion, cabbage, cranberry, which are prepared on Christmas Eve and served to kutya. But at Christmas, Kutya is served and vzv | from fruits and berries, sweetened with sugar, honey or raisins.

With starch

Take a mixture of different dried fruits and berries, stuck with water, add 1 tbsp. starch, cook until soft. Lay on a peureroj, place on a deep dish, sprinkle with sugar, pour strained sshksh | napkin fat and cool.

with rice

Boil the rice, put it on a sieve, pour cold water over it. Boil various dried fruits with sugar, put on a sieve, mix with rice. Put on a deep dish, pour over the broth.

2 cups rice, 400 g dried fruits, 2 cups sugar.

lean milk

It is prepared from walnuts or other nuts, or from a mixture of them, poppy seeds, almonds. Accordingly, nut, poppy or almond milk is obtained. Nut milk is prepared as follows: pound 200 g of nuts in a mortar, gradually adding 3-4 cups of cooled boiled water. Strain. Put sugar to taste, cool and serve to kutya. In the same way, lean milk is prepared from poppy seeds and almonds.

Wheat kutya

Pour the wheat into boiling water, bring to a boil, put it on a sieve, pour cold water over it, put it in a saucepan or pot, pour water over it, boil it, close the lid tightly and put it in the oven to ripen until soft. After that take out and cool. Rinse, pour over with boiling water, then with cold water, crush, add sugar or honey, a little salt, mix with wheat. If the kutya turns out to be thick, add a little cooled water in which the wheat was cooked.

2 cups wheat, 1 cup poppy seeds, 1/2 cup sugar, 3 tbsp. honey, salt.

Kutya with sultanas

Cook crumbly rice, mix with sugar, cinnamon and scalded raisins, bring to a boil. When serving, drizzle with almond milk.

1 cup rice, 1 cup granulated sugar, 1 cup sultanas, cinnamon.

« Christmas cookies»

Chop the butter together with part of the flour with a knife, pour in the sour cream, knead into a homogeneous dough, roll out part of it into a layer. Then add the sifted flour with sugar and grated lemon peel to the remaining dough, knead again and roll out the second layer (both 1 cm thick). Bake in oven over medium heat until light brown. Put plum jam on another hot layer, cover with another layer and cut into oblique pieces. Top the cookie slices with candied fruits, plum marshmallow strips.

200 g margarine, 3 cups flour, 1/2 cup each sugar and sour cream, grated lemon peel, 1 glass plum jam. Fold the edges with an envelope, pinch so that the juice does not leak out, brush the egg, place on a greased baking sheet. Bake until the puff is browned, sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Kutia is a traditional Christmas food served on Christmas Eve, the eve of the great Christian holiday. My Christmas kutya is different, I cook it from wheat, rice or barley. Whatever it was at Christmas festive table- rich or modest, a dish consisting of cereal porridge with poppy milk and honey, has long served as its invariable decoration.

Christmas kutya

They used to believe: the tastier the kutia, the more generous, the richer the year will be. Today, the recipe for a real Christmas kutya necessarily includes poppy seeds, raisins, walnuts, and honey. The dish is sweet, high-calorie, not at all dietary, but a holiday is a holiday, the main thing is not to get carried away with food, then the figure will not suffer!

Traditional Christmas kutya

Kutya from whole wheat grains turns out to be healthy, golden, fragrant and crumbly. In general, kutia can also be made from barley (barley) and oats, so don't be upset if you can't buy wheat, because it can be easily replaced with other cereals. But usually, shortly before Christmas, shops and markets start selling special polished wheat, from which kutya turns out to be very tasty!

Decorate ready meal can be nuts, raisins, dried apricots, prunes, marmalade, cranberries, orange peel. My family really likes any kutya, including those cooked according to this recipe, I often cook such cereals (as well as) not only for Christmas, but at any time of the year.

Christmas kutya from wheat (sochivo)

What to cook Christmas kutya from

  • water - 3 glasses;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon;
  • poppy - 100 g;
  • raisins - 100 g;
  • walnuts (roasted) - 100 g;
  • honey - 4 tablespoons.

How to cook Christmas kutya from wheat:

  • We sort the wheat, wash it. We put the cereal in a saucepan with thick walls, fill the wheat with water, add vegetable oil, salt, cook until our future Christmas kutya becomes soft. Transfer the cooked wheat to a bowl and set aside.

Knot for Christmas

If you have unpolished wheat, then it is better to soak it for several hours (even better - from evening to morning). Polished wheat is cooked quickly (half an hour, forty minutes is enough for it), and ordinary wheat, without soaking, will have to be boiled for an hour and a half or two.

  • Pour poppy seeds with boiling water for half an hour.

The recipe advises for an hour, but I noticed that for a good Christmas kutya, the poppy is steamed and infused in hot water already in 30 minutes. This is enough to make it easy to rub.

As soon as the poppy swells, we filter it through a strainer or gauze, remove all excess liquid (the drier the poppy, the easier it will be to grind). We put the poppy seeds in a blender, coffee grinder, meat grinder, mortar, twist or grind until a white "milk" is formed.

So your Christmas wheat kutya is ready, if you wish, you can decorate it with nuts, candied fruits, small colored marmalade.

Christmas rice kutya

Christmas rice kutya

The preparation of this dish differs little from the previous one, the Christmas rice kutya is cooked and cooked even faster due to the fact that the cereal itself is cooked faster. If you decide to cook kutya from rice, then you will need:

  • long-grain or brown rice (so that the kutia does not stick together, but turns out to be crumbly) - 1 cup;
  • poppy - 1 glass;
  • almonds (chopped) - 0.5 cups;
  • raisins - 0.5 cups;
  • sugar or honey - to your taste.

Boil the rice, drain all excess water, add steamed raisins, grated poppy seeds (as well as in the recipe for Christmas wheat kutya), almonds. Then pour kutya with sweet syrup of sugar and water or add uzvar - this is also a matter of taste. By the way, you can add dried apricots, prunes, passed through a meat grinder, you get a delicious, unusual Christmas kutya!

Christmas barley kutya (kolivo)

What to cook Christmas kutya from:

  • barley groats - 2 cups;
  • water - 3 liters;
  • milk - 200 ml;
  • honey - 6 tablespoons;
  • jam (any) - 4 tablespoons;
  • poppy - 150 g.

How to cook Christmas kutya from a cell

Christmas kutya from pearl barley

Traditionally, kutia is cooked from wheat or rice, but pearl barley makes an equally tasty, beautiful and healthy Christmas dish!

Products for Christmas kutia:

How to cook Christmas barley kutya

Choose any recipe, cook delicious Christmas kutya, feel the atmosphere of the holiday.

Merry Christmas!

Kutya is a traditional Christmas dish. By tradition, Western and Eastern Slavs cook kutya (or kolivo) on the eve of such important religious holidays as Christmas, Old New Year and Epiphany. Kutya (kutya) is a porridge cooked from whole wheat, barley, rice or other grains, and seasoned with honey.

Kutya is not only tasty dish but also useful. Kutya recipe for Christmas may also include raisins, nuts, poppy seeds.

Rice kutya for Christmas


  • Raisins - 0.5 cups
  • Dried apricots - 0.5 cups
  • Poppy - 0.5 cups
  • Almonds - 0.5 cups
  • Walnuts - 0.5 cups
  • Rice - 0.5 cup

Cooking method rice kutya At Christmas:

Rinse dried fruits well, pour boiling water over them. In separate containers, pour boiling water over almonds and poppy seeds. Leave everything except the almonds to swell for 2 hours.

After 15 minutes, rinse the almonds, pour boiling water again, then rinse with cold water. This procedure will allow you to easily remove the skin from the almonds. Peel almonds.

Drain water from dried fruit a separate pan, dried fruits set aside.

Rinse the rice and transfer to a saucepan with drained liquid from dried fruits. Half a cup of rice should have one and a half cups of liquid. Cook rice over medium heat, do not cover the pan with a lid. Cook the rice until the liquid evaporates cooked rice condemn.

Drain the water from the poppy seeds, grind them with a blender.

Grind nuts and dried apricots.

Heat honey in a water bath, mix honey with poppy gruel.

Add the rest of the ingredients to the rice, mix, spread over portion cups, decorate with dried apricots and nuts.

Wheat kutya (recipe)


  • Walnuts– 50 g
  • Raisins - 50 g
  • Poppy - 50 g
  • Honey - 100 g
  • Wheat (whole) - 200 g

Cooking method wheat kutya:

Rinse wheat grains, soak in water for 2 hours.

Boil the wheat until cooked, put it in a colander and let the excess liquid drain.

Soak poppy seeds in boiling water. Grind the swollen poppy in a blender until a slurry is obtained.

Soak the raisins in boiling water for a few minutes. Cut nuts into medium-sized pieces. Optionally, you can add any dried fruits, candied fruits.

Combine grated poppy with raisins, nuts and wheat, season with liquid honey. Mix everything well. Pour the mixture into the boiled wheat porridge and mix again gently.

The best chef Andrey Makhov - the best recipes

One of the main symbols of the Nativity of Christ is kutya. There are many options for its preparation. We offer to consider the most basic, as well as learn the subtleties and secrets of this ritual dish.
Recipe content:

Kutia is an indispensable dish on Christmas days, as well as during Great Lent and on the days of commemoration of the dead. This ritual porridge has many names: eve, kolivo, juicy, sat. Kutya is served as a memorial dish on the eve of the Old New Year, on Christmas Eve and at Epiphany. It is also cooked on other Orthodox holidays. Conventionally, kutya can be divided into several options:

  • rich lean porridge with many different components. They cook it on Christmas Eve.
  • Generous kutya- quick dish with milk, cream and butter. Served before the New Year.
  • Hungry kutia comprises grain base and sweetener. They cook it for Epiphany.

You can cook kutya from different cereals and grains. It is considered correct from grains of wheat, which are previously pounded in a mortar with a small amount of water and separated from the chaff. However, in different regions barley, and barley, and rice, and oats, and buckwheat are used. Cereals languish in the oven for a long time, sometimes about 3 days. IN modern conditions not everyone succeeds in sticking to the tradition, so they use the usual stove or oven. To speed up the cooking process, the groats are pre-soaked, because. it should be soft and well boiled.

How to separate the wheat from the chaff?

Freeing the grain of wheat from the shell can be done in 2 ways. First - fry the wheat in a pan, place it in a fabric cut or mitten and beat it off, then sort it out, freeing it from the husk. Second - crush the wheat in a mortar with a wooden pestle, adding water. After clean, sift and rinse.

Additional components

Shredded steamed or boiled dried fruits, frozen fruits and berries, jams, compotes, uzvars, nuts, poppy seeds, spices and spices are put in kutya. Sometimes lollipops, candied fruits, sweets and marmalade are added, but this is already a departure from tradition.

How to cook knot for kutya?

Most often, kutya is filled with knots. To prepare it, you will need 200 g of dried apricots, apples, pears, prunes, cherries and raisins. Rinse the ingredients, pour 2 tbsp. water and bring to a boil. Boil for 10 minutes small fire. Infuse the knot, cooling it to a warm temperature. Drain the liquid through a sieve and put honey in it. Stir until dissolved. Dried fruits are consumed on their own. When using uzvar for ritual porridge, you should put less sugar and honey in kutya.

Traditional gas stations

On Christmas Eve, milk from poppy seeds or almonds, forest, Greek or a mixture of nuts is served with lean kutya. To prepare poppy milk, you need to grind the poppy in a mortar and steam it, you can turn it through a meat grinder several times so that a white liquid stands out. nut milk it is cooked in the same way: the nuts are doused with boiling water, ground in a mortar or minced with a meat grinder until a white liquid is released.

Skoromnaya porridge is seasoned with milk, butter, cream. The traditional dressing for porridge is liquid honey or sat. To prepare the latter, dissolve honey with warm boiled water. If desired, kutya is also poured with jam, sugar syrup or diluted water.

  • According to the Orthodox calendar, Christmas comes on January 6, so kutya should be cooked on the eve of this day. Have time to cook ritual porridge need before 5 am, before sunrise.
  • Cooking kutya in the house should be quiet and calm. Selected wheat is used, spring water is used, clothing is clean.
  • The right kutya consists of 3 components: base, dressing and additives.
  • To prevent the cereal from burning, use thick-bottomed cooking utensils, and preferably cast iron.
  • Having connected all the components, they need to be heated for 10 minutes, best of all - in clay pots.
  • Dilute thick kutya with boiled chilled water, decoction of cereals or uzvar.
  • Raisins in porridge swell and lose their taste, so add it as you eat kutya.
  • Do not store porridge for a long time, since honey has the property of fermentation. Therefore, it is not recommended to put fresh fruits. It is better to add honey to the food before serving the dish on the table.
  • Do not throw away the rest of the kutya. She can remember the dead at the next meal.
  • Usually ritual porridge is consecrated at the morning service. But forgetting to do this, sprinkle it with holy water at home. If not, then pray and God will hear you.

Nowadays, not many housewives cook Christmas kutya, and some do not even know what it is. We revive the ancient traditions of our ancestors and cook the most mysterious and amazing dish for our relatives on Christmas Eve.
  • Calorie content per 100 g - 232 kcal.
  • Servings - 4-6
  • Cooking time - 3-3.5 hours (of which 2.5-3 hours for steaming poppy seeds)


  • Wheat - 2 tbsp.
  • Water - 4 tbsp.
  • Poppy - 200 g
  • Raisins - 150 g
  • Walnuts - 200 g
  • Honey - 3 tablespoons
  • Sugar - to taste
  • Dried apricots, dried figs, prunes - to taste

Step by step preparation:

  1. Place the wheat in a cooking pot, cover with water and simmer until cooked and soft. If necessary, add boiling water. The porridge should come out crumbly.
  2. To prepare poppy, steam it in boiling water for 2-3 hours. Drain the water, and carefully rub the poppy seeds in an earthenware bowl (makitra) or manual coffee grinder until white poppy milk is released. To make the poppy crumble faster, knead it with a small amount Sahara.
  3. Put honey into the crushed poppy seeds, add sugar, crushed nuts, raisins and fill everything with water, and preferably with dried fruits. Hold for 5 minutes and season the boiled porridge.

Rice kutya (funeral)

Kutya or Kolivo - Orthodox memorial dish, which symbolizes the faith of the living in the kingdom of heaven, eternal life and resurrection. Kutia is cooked from rice for wakes, but it can also be cooked on Christmas Eve and other Orthodox holidays. Today it is very popular.


  • Rice - 1 tbsp.
  • Drinking water - 2 tbsp.
  • Salt - a pinch
  • Raisins - 150 g
  • Honey - 2 tablespoons
  • Marmalade - 100 g
Step by step preparation:
  1. Rinse the rice under several waters to wash out the starch. Then it will become crumbly.
  2. Fill it with water, close the lid tightly and put on gas. Boil the cereal for 3 minutes big fire, after 6 minutes on medium and again 3 minutes on low.
  3. Then leave the grits for 12 minutes under the lid for a couple. Rice should be soft and fluffy.
  4. Pour raisins with boiling water and leave to swell for 10 minutes. Then turn it over on a sieve to glass the water.
  5. Cut marmalade into 1 cm pieces.
  6. Add raisins, marmalade and honey to the cooked rice. Mix and serve.

    Note: Rice can be boiled with steam or milk. However, it should be remembered that cereals in milk can be poorly boiled soft. Cooking generous kutya using a mixture of water and milk.

Christmas kutya - one of 12 traditional dishes Christmas feast. No less tasty it is obtained from millet groats, raisins and almond milk.


  • Millet groats - 2 tbsp.
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp.
  • Raisin kishmish - 1 tbsp.
  • Ground cinnamon - 2 tsp
  • Almonds - 1 tbsp.
  • Honey - 4 tablespoons
Step by step preparation:
  1. Pour boiling water over raisins and soak for half an hour. Drain the water.
  2. Rinse dark millet under cold water, cover with water in a ratio of 1:2 and cook for 10 minutes until half cooked. Drain the excess liquid and fill it again with cold water, but with less water. Cook it until done over low heat. The water should evaporate completely, while the porridge does not burn.
  3. Prepare almond milk. Soak almonds in 3 tbsp. cold water for 4 hours. You can pre-peel the nuts and pour over boiling water, then the milk will beige colour. But this option is not required.

Rozhdestvenskaya porridge is a Russian kutya, which is traditionally served on Christmas Eve, as well as on the second day after it, on the eve of the Old New Year and Epiphany. A real Christmas kutya is made from wheat, walnuts, poppy, uzvar, raisins and honey. In the old days, it was believed that the tastier the kutya on your table, the richer you will be. next year. Christmas porridge is also prepared from other cereals, but original recipe kutya is considered to be made from wheat. Prepare Christmas porridge according to our recipe and you will be pleasantly surprised by the result. The porridge turns out incredibly tasty and fragrant!

List of ingredients

  • wheat - 200 g
  • water - 4-5 glasses
  • vegetable oil- 1 tbsp. spoon
  • poppy - 100-125 g
  • raisins - 100 g
  • walnuts - 100 g
  • honey - 4 tbsp. spoons
  • dried fruits - 200 g
  • salt - 1 pinch
  • candied fruits- For decoration

Cooking method

Soak the wheat in advance for several hours in cold water. Rinse the swollen grains of wheat and pour 2-3 glasses of water in a saucepan. Add a tablespoon vegetable oil and salt. Cook until soft.

Poppy pour water and leave for an hour. Place the swollen poppy seeds on a fine sieve and allow the liquid to drain completely. Grind the poppy seeds with a blender or grind in a mortar until whitened. Pour boiling water over raisins and let stand for 20 minutes. Then drain the water and rinse the raisins.

Rinse dried fruits thoroughly, pour 2 cups of water and heat to a boil. Cook for 10 minutes, over low heat. Then cool the uzvar, drain the liquid from it and mix with honey so that it dissolves completely. Save dried fruits.

Transfer the cooked wheat to a bowl and set aside. Add poppy seeds, raisins and chopped dried fruits from the uzvar. Fry the walnuts a little and also put them in porridge. Stir, decorate the porridge with pieces of candied fruits and serve.

Bon Appetit and Merry Christmas!
