
How to cook kutya on January 13, what are the ingredients. Recipe for rich kutya for the old new year

In the Orthodox faith, kutya, or kolivo, symbolizes eternal life and resurrection. Therefore, it is customary to cook sweet rice porridge for a wake. It is placed in a common deep plate and placed in the middle of the table. Each guest scoops one spoonful of kutya from the plate and sends it immediately into the mouth, remembering the deceased.

Traditions of cooking kutya

There is no single traditional recipe for kutya. In families, the recipe for this dish is passed down from generation to generation, and everyone considers their version to be the most correct. Despite this, all recipes use similar principles and similar ingredients.

The taste of kutya varies depending on the additives and dressings of the funeral porridge. It can be prepared on the basis of pearl barley, millet and rice, and flavored with sugar, honey or sweet syrup. A pleasant combination of neutral cereals and sweet dressing give the funeral dish a specific taste and unique aroma.

Kutya recipe for a wake

Kutya is supposed to be served for a commemoration on the 9th, 40th day, for six months and for a year. She also opens a memorial meal and on special dates.


  • 0.5 cup long grain rice
  • 2 glasses of water
  • 100 g white raisins
  • 50 g candied fruit
  • 1 tbsp honey

Put the raisins on a plate, remove the tails. Rinse and leave in water for 20-30 minutes. Then rinse and dry again. So that honey is well absorbed into rice and gives the desired sweetness to kutya, melt it in a water bath. Chop the candy. Since the fruits added to kutya symbolize the heavenly fruits bestowed on humanity by the Almighty, not only raisins, but also dried apricots, prunes, cut into pieces, and poppy seeds can be put in kutya.

Before cooking rice, soak it in water for at least 2 hours to remove excess starch and gluten. Drain the water. Immerse the rice in fresh cold water and bring to a boil over the fire. Bring to a boil and after 2 minutes reduce heat to low. Rice should not be stirred with a spoon. On a slow fire, the porridge will not burn, but will slowly gurgle, absorbing water. When the rice is completely boiled and there is no water left in the pan, pour honey into it and add raisins with dried fruits and other ingredients as desired. Stir and let stand for another 2 minutes.

Transfer the hot kutya to a deep bowl, smooth the surface and garnish with raisins. Cover with a saucer and leave to cool slowly. Kutya should be consecrated before serving on the memorial table, it is better to do this in advance by visiting the church during the morning service.

On the night of January 13-14, I celebrate the Old New Year. There was a belief that a rich table would provide the owner with prosperity for the whole year. The main dish of the Holy Supper - it is supposed to start dinner with it - this is kutya. Kutia is so nutritious and rich in trace elements and vitamins that it can be safely used as an independent dish for the daily diet, and not only on the Old New Year holiday, because it is very tasty. On St. Basil, which is marked red in the January calendar, it is recommended to cook a generous, rich kutya, taking into account all traditions and prescriptions.

Traditionally, kutya is made from wheat, but earlier, according to tradition, it was also made from barley and even rye. Nowadays, the modern analogue of kutya, made from rice, is gaining more popularity. Porridge is cooked from pure grains. The next step in the preparation of kutya is the addition of honey or sat (honey diluted with water). Later, they began to add poppy milk, prepared from grated steamed poppy. It turns out very tasty kutya with the addition of nuts, raisins, dried fruits.

For our ancestors, the ingredients of Rich Kutia were not just a tasty addition. Each product had a special meaning: grain is a symbol of resurrected life; honey represents health and well-being (sweet life); poppy symbolizes prosperity in the family. All ingredients for kutya are prepared separately: crumbly porridge is boiled from cereals, raisins and poppy seeds are steamed, nuts are crushed. Combine already finished products, which are heated for 10-15 minutes. Kutia should turn out watery - it is so juicier, according to an old recipe, try to cook it with honey.

Wheat kutya with poppy seeds and nuts

We will need:

1 glass of wheat
100 g poppy
100 g shelled walnuts
2-3 tbsp. spoons of honey
sugar to taste

How to cook: Sort the wheat, rinse and boil in water until cooked. Rub the poppy thoroughly until milk is formed. Add honey and mix well with porridge. The last chord is a handful of chopped walnuts.

Kutya wheat

We will need:
1.5 cups wheat
200 g honey

How to cook: Pour the peeled wheat grains with cool water for 2-3 hours, then boil them until cooked, then drain them in a colander. Dilute honey with hot water, pour boiled wheat over it, bring to a boil and cool.

Wheat kutia with jam

We will need:

400 g wheat or 250 g rice
1 cup berries (you can use fruit jam instead)

How to cook: Sort the wheat, wash and boil. Throw the finished grain in a colander, cool and add berries / fruits. If the rich kutya is thick for a generous evening, dilute it with sweet water or syrup. For rice, the same recipe.

Wheat kutia with candied fruit

We will need:

2 cups wheat
50 g candied fruits
½ cup walnuts

How to cook: Wash the wheat. Boil in water over low heat for 2 hours. In 4 tbsp. l. water, stir honey to taste, pour wheat with honey syrup for 30 minutes. Chop the nuts a little and fry. Add candied fruits, nuts to wheat and mix well.

Rice kutya

250 g rice,
100 g raisins,
100 g almonds

Cooking: Rinse the rice, add water and cook until cooked, without stirring. Drain in a colander and rinse with boiled cold water. Scald the almonds and raisins with boiling water, chop the almonds a little. Dilute sugar in a small volume of water, mix rice, almonds, cinnamon, raisins and pour over sugar syrup.

Kutia from barley groats with poppy seeds

2 cups barley groats,
3 liters of water
1 glass of milk
0.5 - 1 glass of poppy,
2-3 tbsp. honey spoons,
2 tbsp. spoons of cranberry or currant jam.

Preparation: rinse the grits, boil in water over moderate heat, removing the foam. As soon as the cereal begins to secrete mucus, drain the excess water, transfer the porridge to another bowl, add milk and cook until the cereal is ready, stirring all the time. Pour poppy seeds with boiling water, leave for 5 minutes, then drain the water, rinse the poppy seeds, pour boiling water again and, as soon as droplets of fat begin to appear on the surface of the water, immediately drain it. Grind the steamed poppy in a mortar, adding 1 teaspoon of boiling water to 1 tbsp. poppy spoons. Mix prepared poppy seeds with porridge, add honey and, stirring constantly, heat over low heat for 5-7 minutes. Then remove the porridge from the heat and season with jam.

Cooking a rich kutya is not at all difficult. It is good to eat it in the family circle, with friends, in the kitchen, in the evening, with a seagull or drink it with a home-made uzvar, Bon appetit! Happy holiday of the Old New Year!))

Photos are taken from open sources

We have published previously).

Traditions of cooking Rich kutya

Rich kutya (tasty, satisfying) is a good harvest and high prosperity for the whole year. That is why all Ukrainian housewives try to make it rich and varied, and each family has its own signature recipe. Such rich kutya, made with milk, cream, butter, was eaten on Christmas Eve, at Epiphany, at the wake. But ritual significance still has to a greater extent precisely.

Traditionally, kutia is made from wheat, but earlier, according to tradition, it was also made from barley and even rye. Nowadays, a modern analogue of kutya, made from rice, is becoming very popular. Grains of cereals need to be crushed in a mortar in order to tear off the husk without damaging the integrity of the grain. Then the husk is separated by sifting the grains and washing. Well, then porridge is cooked from pure grains.

The next step in the preparation of kutya was the addition of honey or saty (honey diluted with water). Later, they began to add poppy milk, made from grated steamed poppy seeds. It turns out very tasty kutya with the addition of nuts, raisins, dried fruits. Pay also attention to the recently published by us for the ceremony.

Interestingly, for our ancestors, the ingredients of Rich Kutia were not just a tasty addition. Each product had a special meaning: grain is a symbol of resurrected life; honey represents health and well-being (sweet life); poppy symbolizes prosperity in the family.

All ingredients for kutya are prepared separately: crumbly porridge is boiled from cereals, raisins and poppy seeds are steamed, nuts are crushed. Combine ready-made products, which are heated for 10-15 minutes. Kutia should turn out to be watery - it is so juicier, according to an old recipe, try boiling it with honey. Below we present classic recipe Generous kutya with poppy seeds, which must be prepared according to these recommendations.

Wheat kutia with poppy seeds and nuts

Kutya from wheat with poppy seeds and nuts recipe

What we need:

1 cup wheat
100 g poppy
100 g shelled walnuts
2-3 tbsp. spoons of honey
sugar to taste

Kutya from wheat with poppy seeds and nuts: how to cook

1. Go through the joker, rinse and boil in water until tender.
2. Rub the poppy thoroughly until milk is formed.
3. Add honey and mix well with porridge.
4. The last chord is a handful of chopped walnuts.

Other kutya recipes

Kutya wheat

What we need:

1.5 cups wheat
200 g honey

Kutya wheat: how to cook

1. Pour the peeled wheat grains with cool water for 2-3 hours, then boil them until tender, then drain them in a colander.
2. Dilute honey with hot water, pour boiled wheat over it, bring to a boil and cool.

Wheat kutya with jam

What we need:

400 g wheat or 250 g rice
1 cup berries (you can use fruit jam instead)

Kutya from wheat with jam: how to cook

1. Sort the wheat, rinse and boil. Throw the finished grain in a colander, cool and add berries / fruits.
2. If the Rich Kutia is thick for a Generous Evening, dilute it with sweet water or syrup. Same recipe for rice.

Wheat kutia with poppy seeds

What we need:

400 g wheat
1 glass of poppy
1/2 cup sugar or honey

Kutya from wheat with poppy seeds: how to cook

1. Carefully sort and clean the wheat from the tares. Pour it into boiling water and bring to a boil. Boil until cooked, then fold on a sieve and irrigate with cold water. Then put back in the pot, cover with water and heat. As soon as the water boils, close the lid and put in the oven to melt the cereal.
2. Take care of the poppy: rinse it and pour boiling water over it. Drain the boiling water and again pour cold water over the poppy seeds. Pound in a mortar until milk is formed. Add honey or sugar, if desired - a pinch of salt, mix with wheat. Fans of rich liquid kutya will have to add a little water, it is better to take the one in which kutya was cooked.

Wheat kutya with honey, raisins and nuts

What we need:

200 g wheat
100 g honey
100 g seedless raisins
50 g shelled walnuts

Wheat kutya with honey, raisins and nuts: how to cook

1. Traditionally, we sort out the wheat and wash it. Boil together with washed raisins, put on a sieve.
2. Pour honey, sprinkle with crushed nuts, mix well, put on a dish.

Kutia from barley groats with poppy seeds

What we need:

2 cups barley groats
1 st. milk
3 liters of water
2-3 tbsp honey
0.5-1 st. poppy
2 tbsp any jam

Rich barley groats with poppy seeds

1. Rinse the cereal and cook it over low heat. Make sure to remove the foam in time.
2. The secretion of mucus from the cereal means that it is time to drain the excess water, after which the porridge should be transferred to another saucepan and boiled with milk until tender. Stir all the time to avoid burning.
3. Poppy will have to be cooked separately, traditionally pouring boiling water over it and insisting for 10-15 minutes, after which the water is drained. Steam the poppy and grind it in a mortar with the addition of boiling water in the proportion of 1 tsp. water for 1 tbsp. poppy.
4. Ready ingredients: mix poppy seeds, raisins and cereals, add honey and, stirring constantly, heat over low heat for another 5-7 minutes. Then turn off the heat and add jam to the porridge.

Cooking Rich kutya is not at all difficult. It is good to eat it with family, with friends, in the kitchen, in the evening, with tea or compote. Bon appetit!

Hello dear readers. For many of us, Christmas is associated with a rich festive table, at which the whole family gathers to celebrate the birth of Christ. Ideally, all prepared meals should be lean, but today, not everyone adheres to these traditions. But there is one lean dish, which even now few people can refuse. As you already understood, we are talking about the famous kutya, which we diligently prepare for every Christmas. Before starting a meal, you need to taste a spoonful of kutya prepared by the hostess of the house. After such an important ritual, you can already taste the rest of the dishes.

Traditional kutya is made from wheat grains, but today many people prefer to use rice for cooking. Thus, the cooking process takes much less time than in the case of wheat.

Although many of us today try to adhere to long-standing traditions formed by our ancestors. Everyone cooks kutya in their own way, but few people know the correct recipe for this unusual dish. How to cook kutya for Christmas - from rice, from wheat?

Well, in order to cook the “same” kutya, you will have to plunge a little into the history of the formation of this tradition.

Why wear kutya for Christmas - where did the tradition come from

As we all know, according to tradition, godchildren are supposed to wear a "supper" to their godfathers and mothers. Parents introduced us to this tradition from childhood, giving us a jar of kutya and sending it to our godparents. Since childhood, we know that it is customary to do this, but few people know where this tradition came from.

This custom originated at the time of the Baptism of Rus'. Godparents and godchildren carried each other's supper in order to celebrate this bright holiday together. Some time ago, only blood relatives could baptize children, and therefore only relatives wore the supper.

It is the children who should wear kutya to their godparents, as if in gratitude for the fact that they were present at their baptism. After all, the godparents took on the responsibility of helping the child in everything throughout their lives.

Over the years, traditions began to fade into the background, and therefore, now even family friends can become godparents for a child.

There is another reason for the formation of this most interesting tradition. Some time ago, well-to-do peasants would bring dinner to poorer families who were in need of such a show of mercy.

In fact, it was the church that dictated its own rules about helping one's neighbor. Helping the poor, rich people tried to atone for their sins.

But over the years, such a ceremony quickly turned into an established tradition that many people followed.

Later, kutya was prepared from the best grain, which was supplemented with other delicious ingredients, turning into a delicious dish.

The grain used as the basis for kutia symbolizes fertility. Honey symbolizes prosperity, and walnuts will speak of power.

Therefore, now bringing such a dish to your home will indicate that you and your family wish well-being and prosperity.

The very process of preparing a traditional dish (based on wheat) cannot be called simple, and this suggests that the achievement of any benefits will not be possible without effort.

Kutya is prepared before Christmas, and carried by children on the evening of January 6th. Children personify purity and innocence, so the most sincere wishes can be heard from them.

Today, the tradition of wearing the supper still exists, but in a somewhat distorted form. Indeed, today kutya can be worn not only by blood relatives, but also by family friends. In addition, few people already wear kutya on Christmas Eve, as before.

Traditional kutya recipe for Christmas

This lean dish may include various ingredients that give it a completely unusual taste. Someone even manages to add sweets to kutya, but here it all depends on your tastes and imagination.

We will consider the traditional recipe, according to which kutya was prepared for Christmas. Since this dish is festive, it will consist of only the most delicious ingredients.

On these holidays, it was impossible to skimp on kutia, so people cooked it only from the best products.

To prepare a "real" kutya, we need certain products in such proportions.


  • A glass of wheat.
  • 100 g raisins.
  • Half a glass of poppy seeds.
  • 100 g walnuts.
  • Two spoons of honey.


Wheat must be sorted out by hand, as it may contain garbage, the presence of which in the dish is unlikely to be to your liking.

Pour the sorted wheat grains with cold water for about three hours so that they swell properly. If this time was not enough, then you can leave the grains in the water all night.

If you opted for polished wheat (and you did it right), then you don’t have to soak it at all.

As soon as the structure of wheat has noticeably changed, then you can safely put it to boil. For this amount of wheat, we need about three glasses of purified water. Cook the grains until they are soft.

The process of cooking poppy will take no more than ten minutes, after which it should be sure to strain through a fine colander. In this case, you should wait until all the water has drained.

We thoroughly wash the raisins and pour boiling water so that it acquires a more elastic shape. In fact, it must, having gained moisture, turn into the same grapes. The swelling process will take no more than 20 minutes.

Roast the peeled nuts in a pan, then peel and cut into smaller pieces.

Actually, the cooking process ends with the combination of all the ingredients that we season with honey. So the festive kutya is ready, which is distinguished by its unique taste.

What to fill with kutya or what to fill

Almost every recipe for preparing a festive kutia involves the addition of some kind of liquid base. Someone adds plain water, and someone prepares a syrup based on water and sugar. We offer the traditional version of dressing kutya with uzvar cooked on dried fruits.

In fact, this is the same compote, then it is prepared not from fresh fruits and berries, but from dried ones. In winter, we are unlikely to be able to find fresh fruits, so we will cook the uzvar from the available blanks.

In general, a dried fruit drink will taste much brighter than a simple compote, so try to prepare in advance as much drying as possible from a variety of berries and fruits.

To prepare the uzvar, we need several types of dried fruits (to your taste). We wash the drying and fall asleep them in a pan with cold water. We put the dish on the fire, and from the moment of boiling we detect 20 minutes. We filter the finished drink and add it to the mixture for kutya, which already includes honey.

By the way, if you are not indifferent to dried fruits, then you can supplement kutya with chopped dried apricots, for example. The taste will turn out quite unusual, so it's worth a try.

Many are interested in the question “What exactly should be added to kutya, honey or uzvar?” Well, it all depends on your taste. Of course, kutya without honey is not kutya. Therefore, this ingredient will be mandatory in any case, but adding a knot or not is up to everyone.

How beautiful to decorate kutya

Due to the variety of the main ingredients of the dish, it looks quite interesting in itself, which means that it does not require additional decorations.

Randomly placed accents in it will be dried fruits, which are distinguished by rather bright colors, as well as honey, which will give the kutya a golden hue.

In general, the color scheme will turn out to be quite warm, so you should not disturb it with any additional ingredients. Honey can be added just before serving the dish so that neither its appearance nor taste is spoiled.

If you want to present such a dish in an original way, then you can decorate it on top with pieces of nuts and dried fruits, creating a rhythmic composition from them. The usual kutia will take on an unusual look that will attract the attention of guests.

Christmas kutya. Recipes TOP - 3 from rice, wheat, barley

If earlier kutya was prepared strictly according to the rules, today there are a lot of alternative options that differ in completely different components.

In fact, some of them may even surprise you. We will look at the most interesting recipes that you may not have heard of yet.

1. Wheat kutia with candied fruit

This cooking option is close to the traditional recipe, but there are still some differences.

We prepare the following ingredients:

Two glasses of wheat.

Candied fruits (any).

100 g walnuts.


Cooking process:

Wheat must first be soaked, but if you are lucky enough to get polished grains, you can immediately start cooking them.

The amount of honey that will be added to kutya, everyone determines for himself. We dissolve a certain amount of honey in warm water, after which we fill it with ready-made cereals.

Roast the peeled nuts, then grind them into smaller pieces. Add chopped nuts and candied fruits to the wheat. Stir kutia, decorate to your liking, and serve.

2. Almond kutya with rice

Such a kutya will bear little resemblance to the traditional version, because it contains completely different ingredients.

Rice kutya is increasingly found on the festive table on Christmas Day, but few people cooked it in this form.

Such an interesting version of kutya involves the use of the following ingredients.


300 g of rice.

100 g raisins and almonds.




First of all, we need to rinse the rice groats several times so that at the end of cooking the porridge does not stick together into one layer.

So, fill the rice with water and cook until fully cooked, while stirring it during the cooking process. It is necessary to cook porridge over low heat, as rice can stick to the bottom of the pan and simply burn. Rinse boiled rice under cold water.

It is advisable to scald raisins and almonds with boiling water, after which we cut the almonds into smaller pieces. We add sugar to water and put on a slow fire until it completely dissolves in the liquid, turning into syrup. You can decorate the finished dish with whole almonds.

Mix all prepared ingredients and pour sweet syrup. Here, in fact, almond kutya is ready.

If the option with rice is quite common, then barley kutya will become something completely new for you.

The main feature of this recipe is that before serving, kutya is poured with cream. Really unusual, right?

We will need the following ingredients:

200 g pearl barley.

150 g poppy.

10 shelled walnuts.

50 g raisins.

50 ml of medium fat cream.



Boil the groats over low heat for about an hour. Poppy pour boiling water and boil for about 20 minutes. Soft poppy rub manually with a mortar. And we also steam the raisins in boiling water for about 15 minutes.

Add poppy seeds and nuts with raisins to the cooled groats. We fill the finished mixture with honey and mix. And just before serving, add cream. You definitely have not tried such a kutya yet.

How to cook kutya for Christmas from wheat

Wheat has a fairly dense structure, so it must be soaked in advance, otherwise it will cook for an indefinite amount of time.

Therefore, fill the grains with water and leave overnight. The next morning, you will notice that the grains have increased in size, and there is much less water in the pan.

Add the missing amount of water and put on fire. It is necessary to monitor the cooking process so that the wheat does not completely boil, since we need whole grains. This is a matter of aesthetic presentation.

There are a lot of cooking options for kutya, so there is plenty to choose from. Although in different recipes their components may change, but the proportions will remain approximately the same.

You can even develop your own version of the kutya recipe from the products that you love the most.

Kutya is considered a traditional Christmas dish, so do not deny yourself the pleasure of preparing such a delicious meal yourself.

Now we know some cooking secrets that will help answer the question "How to cook kutya for Christmas - from rice, from wheat?"

How to cook kutya for Christmas with rice

In general, this variant of cooking kutya is much simpler than a recipe using wheat. The fact is that rice is cooked much faster, and it also does not require pre-soaking.

As a rule, two glasses of water are necessary for a glass of rice. After several washings, rice is immediately filled with water and put on fire.

In order for the water to boil faster, set the fire to maximum, and only after the moment of boiling, reduce it to medium.

On average, rice takes about 20 minutes to cook, so try to keep track of the time. After all, it may also happen that the rice is completely boiled, turning into mashed potatoes. And for cooking kutya, we need whole rice grains.

Traditionally, Christians prepare kutya for various occasions, but first of all, it is still associated with the Christmas holidays. There is no single recipe for kutya. How to cook delicious kutya is told by mothers and grandmothers. In kutya, both wheat and barley or rice can be used. Poppy, nuts, raisins, honey, sugar, jam are traditionally added. In general, cooking kutya is not so difficult. And to make it really tasty, you need to know a few secrets.

1. Wheat for kutya is prepared as follows: first, the grain is crushed in a wooden mortar, adding warm water a teaspoon so that the grain shell completely falls apart. Then the kernels are separated from the chaff, sifted in the wind and washed. Or they buy wheat prepared for kutya in a supermarket or in the market.

Kutia is boiled in water with the addition of a small amount of salt (believe me, this significantly improves the taste). If there is a lot of liquid and mucus in the boiled kutya, it can be put on a sieve and washed with cold water.

If in your house kutya is traditionally prepared not from wheat, but from rice or barley, then just boil these cereals as usual, but do not add too much water - the porridge should come out crumbly.

2. Any honey is suitable for kutia - linden, flower, buckwheat - depending on your preferences. It is the taste of honey that sets the taste of kutya. However, it should be remembered that it can be diluted with water no more than 40 degrees, otherwise all useful substances in it are destroyed. If honey is contraindicated for you or someone from your family due to allergies, replace it with sugar.

3. Before adding poppy seeds in the corner, it should be steamed with boiling water, boiled over low heat for 5-6 minutes. and leave covered until completely cool. Pass the cooled steamed poppy twice through a meat grinder or grind well in a blender until white.

4. Raisins for kutya need to be sorted out, washed well and scalded with boiling water. You can pour washed raisins with cold water for 20-30 minutes, drain the water, and put the raisins in kutya.

5. Peeled nut kernels (the most traditional walnuts for Ukrainian kutya, but possible options with almonds, cashews or hazelnuts) are best chopped with a knife so that they do not turn into a very small “crumb”.

And now we turn to the recipes for Christmas kutya.

Kutya wheat with honey (classic)

Ingredients: 1.5 cups of wheat, 200 g of honey.

Recipe. Pour pure wheat grains with cold water for 2-3 hours, cook until tender, drain the liquid. Dilute honey with warm water, pour boiled wheat over it.

Kutya wheat with jam

Ingredients: 400 g of wheat, 1 glass of berries or fruit from jam.

Recipe. Sort the wheat, rinse and boil in salted water until cooked, put in a colander, cool and mix with berries or fruits. If the kutya is too thick, you can add a little warm water with sugar or honey.

Kutya wheat with poppy

Ingredients: 400 g wheat, 1 cup poppy seeds, 1/2 cup sugar or honey.

Recipe. Sort the wheat, wash it, pour it into boiling water, bring it to a boil, put it on a sieve, pour cold water over it, put it in a saucepan, pour water over it, bring it to a boil, close the lid tightly and put it in the oven so that it becomes soft. Rinse the poppy seeds, pour over with boiling water, grind in a mortar until white or grind in a blender, add sugar or honey, mix with chilled wheat.

Wheat kutya with poppy seeds and nuts

Ingredients: 1 cup wheat, 100 g poppy seeds, 100 g peeled walnuts, 2-3 tbsp. spoons of honey, sugar to taste.

Recipe. Sort the wheat, rinse and boil in salted water until tender. Grind the poppy until milk is formed, add honey and mix well with wheat. Lastly, add chopped walnuts.

Wheat kutya with honey, raisins and nuts

Ingredients: 200 g wheat, 100 g raisins, 100 g honey, 50 g peeled walnuts.

Recipe. Sort the wheat, rinse and boil in salted water, put on a sieve, rinse. Transfer to a bowl, pour over honey diluted with a little water, mix with crushed walnuts and prepared raisins

Wheat kutia with raisins and dried apricots

Ingredients: 250 g of prepared wheat, 150 g of pitted raisins, 150 g of dried apricots, 100 g of honey.

Recipe. Boil wheat grains until softened, but that they remain intact. Rinse raisins and dried apricots well, pour cold boiled water over them and let them swell. Drain the water, put it on a sieve, chop the dried apricots. Combine everything, add honey and mix.

Rice kutia with almonds and raisins

Ingredients: 250 g rice, 100 g almonds, 100 g raisins, cinnamon and sugar to taste, powdered sugar.

Recipe. Sort rice, rinse, pour cold water, bring to a boil, drain in a colander and rinse with cold water. Then pour the rice again with plenty of cold water and cook until tender. Drain water, cool rice. Grind almonds scalded with boiling water in a blender, add sugar, dilute with a little water and mix with rice, then put raisins, cinnamon scalded with boiling water and mix again. Place on a large plate and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Rice kutia with dried fruits and candied fruit

Ingredients: 200 g of rice, 200 g of dried fruits, 200 g of candied fruits, 100 g of walnuts or other nuts, 1 cup of sugar.

Recipe. Boil rice in a small amount of water, put it on a sieve and pour cold boiled water over it. Pour dried fruits with water, bring to a boil, mix with sugar, strain and mix with rice. Put in a deep bowl, put the candied fruits, pour over the syrup in which the dried fruits were cooked.

Kutya barley (barley) with raisins, honey and cinnamon

Ingredients: 1 glass of pearl barley, 1 glass of raisins, 1 teaspoon of cinnamon, 100 g of honey.

Recipe. Sort the barley, rinse, boil in plenty of water until tender, put it on a sieve and cool. Add honey (if thick, dilute with warm water), cinnamon, washed and scalded with boiling water raisins and mix.
