
How to cook custard dough for dumplings. Choux pastry for dumplings - a universal step-by-step recipe with photos and videos

See the recipe for the dish with a photo below.

At the height of summer, it's so nice to treat yourself to delicious homemade strawberries! When in fresh you have already had enough of a berry, try to cook juicy dumplings stuffed with fresh strawberries. Cooked in a double boiler, these dumplings do not lose a drop of taste and do not boil soft.

Today I will share with you a new hot water dumpling dough recipe. Varenichki are very tasty and tender, I recommend!

Not sure what else to make with strawberries? Try to bake sweets on a soft yeast dough yummy!

Dough for dumplings / dumplings on hot water

This dough can be used both for making dumplings and for homemade dumplings. Prepared on the basis of hot water, the dough rolls out very easily and thinly, does not tear. You can roll out the layer as thin as a piece of paper!

Proportions of products for dough preparation:

  • hot water (temperature ~ 50 ° C) 1 glass;
  • 1 egg;
  • salt ½ tsp;
  • vegetable oil 2 tbsp;
  • flour 3-4 cups.

How to cook dough for dumplings in hot water

Pour water into a cup, add salt, break an egg and beat with a whisk until foamy. Gradually add flour and pour vegetable oil, knead the dough. The dough for dumplings should be moderately tight, elastic, easy to lag behind the walls of the dish. Wrap the dough in cling film and let it rest in a warm place for 30-40 minutes.

Dough on hot water turns out so soft and easy to roll due to the more complete swelling of the gluten contained in the flour.

We roll out the rested dough into a thin layer and cut out circles with a glass or any other container that is suitable in diameter.

Wash fresh strawberries, dry with a towel. Put 2-3 strawberries on a circle of dough, sprinkle with sugar. You don’t need to put a lot of sugar, otherwise the filling will “float”. I put in less than ½ tsp. sugar for 1 dumpling.

We form dumplings, pinch the edges with a fork or “pigtail”. Grease the trays of the double boiler with butter or vegetable oil, lay the dumplings not too close to each other. We cook steam dumplings with strawberries (2 floors) for about 30 minutes.

Transfer the finished dumplings to a dish, pour over the melted butter. Serve with sour cream and fresh berries strawberries. Bon appetit!

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Today I will share with you the recipe. universal test. We will prepare excellent custard dough for dumplings, dumplings, manti and pasties. It turns out just amazing - it's successful plastic dough not only is it easy and quick to prepare, but it also rolls out wonderfully to a super-thin state. In addition, even children can sculpt homemade dumplings and dumplings from this dough - the dough does not tear, the edges are easily fastened together, and when boiled or steamed, the products do not stick out.

Prepared for further preparation Dumplings and dumplings can be frozen - after boiling, the choux pastry does not crack, but finished goods come out as if they were just glued together. By the way, you can use the filling for dumplings and dumplings both sweet and unsweetened - after all, the dough is universal. And also try pasties on custard dough - it is just great for this business!

From the indicated amount of products, enough dough will be obtained to make about 50 medium-sized dumplings. As you understood from the photo, I cooked homemade dumplings with cherries - amazing delicacy for the whole family.


Cooking step by step with photos:

The recipe for making custard dough for dumplings, dumplings, dumplings and pasties includes the following ingredients: Wheat flour(I have premium), boiling water, salt, refined vegetable (I use sunflower) oil and egg. By the way, you can cook such a dough in lean version- and without adding an egg, then you need less flour.

We make a deepening and pour odorless vegetable oil into it. Mix everything with a spoon or fork (or hands if you prefer).

Now pour boiling water into the flour. It is through the use of cold water, and boiling water improves the swelling of gluten, which, in turn, improves the quality ready dough- it becomes more obedient and elastic. Then let the brewed flour cool to a slightly warm state.

Lovers of dumplings are well aware that the dough plays almost a decisive role in the taste. ready meal. And perhaps it is the custard dough for dumplings that can be called the best and most delicious. It is surprisingly tender, light, you can use any filling with it - both sweet and unsweetened. Cottage cheese, cherries, strawberries, potatoes, cabbage, meat - all these traditional options goes well with custard dough.

This recipe can be called universal: the dough is suitable not only for making dumplings, but also for making dumplings, and even for chebureks and manti. And what is important, the custard dough is very pleasant and easy to work with: soft and supple, it rolls well, and thanks to its elasticity, sculpting dumplings and dumplings will not cause any trouble.

If the name “choux pastry” itself is associated with something difficult to prepare, which a beginner is unlikely to cope with, we can assure you that this is not at all the case. It is not difficult to prepare regular test for dumplings, and the main difference is that hot water is added to the dough (and not just hot, but boiling water) to brew flour. And it is brewing that creates all the “magic”, improving the characteristics of the dough.

In general, if you are not the owner of a family recipe good test for dumplings and dumplings and are in search, be sure to prepare choux pastry. Most likely, you no longer have to go through all the new and new options, the result will be so tasty!


  • 1 egg
  • 1/3 teaspoon salt
  • 1 glass boiling water
  • 3 cups flour (plus more for dusting the table)
  • 1 tablespoon sunflower oil

How to cook custard dough for dumplings

First, we will prepare the dough in a bowl, so choose a bowl wide enough to make the dough easy to knead. Crack one egg and add salt to it.

Beat the egg with a fork until more or less homogeneous.

We introduce one glass of flour into the bowl and stir the ingredients already in the bowl with a fork. Sift flour before adding.

We boil the kettle and measure out one glass of boiling water. Add boiling water to the bowl and quickly stir the dough.

Then we introduce the remaining two cups of flour in parts and knead the dough first in a bowl for 2-3 minutes, using a fork or spoon. Then we move on to kneading it on the table.

Sprinkle the work surface a small amount flour and spread the dough. With both hands, gently but rather intensively knead the custard dough for 4-5 minutes.

You will notice how the dough will change its structure throughout the kneading process. At first it was knotty and uneven, then it became more even, but still not very elastic. In the end, the dough will turn out perfectly smooth and incredibly soft and elastic. But for this, one more manipulation should be done with the test, for which we need a clean package. We form a ball from the dough, put it in a bag and close it tightly.

Leave the dough in the bag for 10 minutes, then take it out and knead it for another 30 seconds. Everything, the choux pastry is ready and can be further used for its intended purpose - for making dumplings or dumplings with your favorite fillings.

Or you can freeze the dough, it is perfectly stored in the freezer until required. So if you want, you can immediately prepare a double portion. Although, of course, it is more convenient to freeze not the dough itself, but the products molded from it, but if you are limited in time, then freezing the dough is a good way out.

Upon returning home with the street dank from the cold autumn rain, there is nothing more desirable than a portion of “ears” smoking fragrant steam. We propose to master the method of cooking the “correct” base, namely, homemade choux pastry for dumplings and dumplings, which is usually made on water without eggs. In composition, it is almost the same as the usual one, but it turns out to be more tender and does not tear, and products from it are cooked faster than usual.

We will take only running products - those that are always in the bins. It is better to use the finest flour from wheat grains, because it is it that makes homemade choux pastry for dumplings and dumplings soft and at the same time quite elastic. Working with him is a real pleasure!

Choux pastry for dumplings: a universal recipe


  • - 3 glasses + -
  • - 1 PC. + -
  • - 1 glass + -
  • - 1 tbsp. + -
  • 2 pinches or to taste + -

How to cook the best choux pastry for dumplings at home

Mastering this recipe choux pastry for dumplings and dumplings, which can rightfully claim to be the best, we will forever get rid of the difficulty of finding suitable option the basics not only for these favorite dishes, but also for manti, chebureks and other goodies.

  1. We release the egg from the shell, add some salt and beat for a few minutes until slightly foamy.
  2. Gradually add flour and mix in. You need to do this non-stop to prevent lumps from forming.
  3. Flavor the mass with oil, and then pour boiling water into it. You don’t need to worry about it turning into a paste - this can be avoided if you add hot water without stopping interfering.
  4. To get a truly delicious custard dough for your favorite homemade "ears", you need to knead it with your hands, because only there you can feel when it becomes perfect.

If the mass is glued to the hands, then there is not enough flour. It should be added as little as possible so as not to spoil the product. It will be enough 1-2 tbsp.

  1. Before forming dumplings, you need to let the flour base “rest” for 20-30 minutes. The cling film will keep it from drying out.

Choux pastry for dumplings according to this recipe turns out to be what you need - elastic and at the same time soft. It can be used even for dumplings, even for pasties, and dumplings from it are so tasty that you will definitely need an additive!

Traditional recipe for custard dough on water

IN fast days many products from the table and refrigerator fall under the taboo. But even without eggs, you can cook excellent dumplings and other flour goodies. And the meat in them is easy to replace, for example, with fungi.


  • Wheat flour - 3 full glasses.
  • Sunflower seed oil - 1 tbsp.
  • Fresh boiling water - 1.5 tbsp.
  • Salt - 2/3 tsp

How to easily make custard dough for dumplings with your own hands

  1. We take the container deeper and sow flour there, and then add it.
  2. The next ingredient that we put in the common “cauldron” is oil. We add it to the salted flour.
  3. It is necessary to introduce freshly boiled water very carefully, pouring it in a thin stream. At this time, the main thing is not to stop mixing everything well. To get just such a custard dough for dumplings, as you want and not miss any important little thing, we offer a video recipe.

Before forming the final products, you need to allow the dumpling base to cool. It would be nice to knead it again on a floured board or countertop before that.

Favorite family recipe for custard dumplings

Even a man who is far from kitchen tricks can risk cooking treats of all times and peoples in this way. It is so simple that you even wonder! The main thing is to observe the food ratio and not to overexpose the "ears" on the fire, because according to this recipe, the custard dough turns out to be tender, and the dumplings are cooked instantly.


  • White wheat flour - 3 tbsp.
  • Medium chicken egg - 2 pcs.
  • Boiling water - 1.5 tbsp.
  • Vegetable oil without aroma - 2-3 tbsp.
  • Salt - about 0.5 tsp

How to quickly knead custard dumplings with your own hands

Pass dry flour through a sieve. In the flour slide, which we got at the bottom of the vessel, we make a “crater” and pour oil into it. We pour water (boiling water) only at this stage, slowly, we interfere.

When the dough base has cooled slightly, it remains to introduce salted egg mash. Immediately the dough will not be homogeneous - this is normal. We do not give up and knead it, sparing no effort. Literally in a few minutes we will get an elastic and slightly shiny “bun”. We leave it under a film or towel to “rest” for 30 minutes. Then you can do with it what your heart and stomach want!

Homemade dumplings and dumplings are a wonderfully tasty and profitable dish, but, alas, not all housewives like to cook it. One of the reasons is that the dough is not elastic enough, and sometimes it breaks during the cooking process. Our recipes will help you avoid these problems and prepare dumplings and choux pastry very quickly and efficiently. They are also suitable for making homemade noodles.

Choux pastry for dumplings and dumplings: a universal recipe with eggs

eggs as an ingredient dumpling dough make it possible to obtain a dense consistency of the product. The egg, as it were, “glues” all the components together. Working with such a dough is a real pleasure, the product is very plastic.

For cooking, you will need such products.

  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Water (heated to a boil) - 250 ml.
  • Vegetable oil - 250 ml.
  • Wheat flour - 0.5 kg.
  • Salt - 0.5 tsp.


  1. Break the egg into a bowl, add salt, mix well.
  2. Add the oil first to the mixture, and then the flour, without ceasing to mix.
  3. Pour hot water into the resulting mixture (in a thin stream!) And knead the dough with a spoon, and then manually. If the mass does not come out elastic and smooth enough, add flour.

Wrap the dough in cling film and leave for about half an hour. After that, you can start cooking dumplings, manti or dumplings. The dough does not break during cooking, so you can put more fillings.

Recipe without eggs

This recipe for choux pastry for dumplings can be called lean or “anti-crisis” - whatever you like. The costs are minimal, and the result is impressive.


  • Water heated to a boil - 0.25 liters.
  • Lean oil - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Salt - a teaspoon without a slide.

Cooking order.

  1. Heat the water to a boil, add oil and salt to it, add about a third of the flour.
  2. Thoroughly knead the dough with a mixer using hook attachments. At first, the mass is obtained with lumps, but gradually acquires the desired uniformity.
  3. Add flour while continuing to stir the dough.

The dough is smooth and elastic. If it doesn't seem soft enough, wrap it in cling film and let it thaw for 40-60 minutes. The mass rolls out perfectly, even in the thinnest layer. At the same time, the dough is strong, does not tear and does not spread. You don't need to use flour for dusting. By the way, according to this recipe, dumplings are boiled for only 2-3 minutes, since the dough is rolled out very thinly.

milk dough

Another "dumpling-varenichny" option. Such a dough has an elastic texture, rolls out perfectly, does not spread during cooking. And the egg gives it a very beautiful yellowish tint. Especially beautiful colour obtained by using domestic eggs.


  • Butter - 40 g.
  • Flour - 2 tbsp.
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Milk - 0.2 l.
  • Salt - a pinch.

The step by step algorithm is as follows.

  1. Mix milk with butter and salt. Boil.
  2. Remove from heat, add a glass of flour to the milk mixture. Stir constantly with a wooden spatula.
  3. Add an egg. Continue stirring until it is completely mixed.
  4. Continue kneading the dough, adding flour gradually, until you get an elastic soft mass.
  5. Keep the resulting dough in cling film 0.5 h

You can use!

Dough in a bread machine

This is a universal test. It is great for making chebureks or manti.

So, the products that you will need.

  • Wheat flour - 700 g.
  • Water (heated to a boil) - 0.35 l.
  • Lean oil - 5 tbsp. l.
  • Salt - 2 tsp (no slide).

Dumplings custard dough is prepared according to this algorithm.

  1. Sift the flour.
  2. Pour boiled water into the baking dish of the bread machine.
  3. Add vegetable oil to the water, salt.
  4. Pour in the flour.
  5. Set the program for kneading unleavened (without adding yeast) dough. Depending on the brand of bread machine, the process will take from 10 to 15 minutes.

wrap up ready dough V cling film, leave to stand until completely cooled. Such dough is a suitable basis for preparing dishes during Orthodox Lent.

Choux pastry for dumplings and dumplings with added sugar

This option is more suitable for "summer" dumplings (for example, with berries or plums).


  • Boiling water - 1 cup.
  • Flour - 0.4 kg.
  • Salt, sugar - 0.5 tsp each.
  • Butter - 40 g.

Step by step procedure.

  1. Pour the flour into the pan, pour salt and sugar into it.
  2. Dissolve the oil in hot water.
  3. Pour the water with the oil dissolved in it into the flour in a thin stream and stir so that no lumps form.
  4. When the mixture has cooled, knead it with your hands.
  5. Wrap the dough in cling film and leave for half an hour.

Now you can start cooking.

We comprehend oriental cuisine

This recipe is great way cooking dough for dumplings in Chinese. Rice flour is the main ingredient here.

We need these products.

  • Rice flour - 200 g.
  • Rice flour with a high concentration of gluten - 80 g.
  • Salt - a pinch.
  • Water - 0.4 l.
  • Potato starch - 50 g.

Mix both varieties of rice flour with salt in a saucepan, gradually pour in water and mix well. Put on slow fire and cook, stirring constantly. The dough acquires a dense texture and lags behind the walls of the dish. Put the resulting mass in a bowl, cool, and then mix with starch. Form a ball from the resulting mass, wrap it in cling film. Place the dough in the refrigerator for about an hour. When cutting, the mass turns out to be elastic, but somewhat sticky, so you have to add rice flour"in process", but without fanaticism. These dumplings need to be steamed.

Some Japanese food

It is not a fact that fans of traditional Ural-Siberian dumplings will like Japanese dumplings - gyoza, but it turns out to be very original. The dough for this dish is also prepared according to the custard method.


  • Wheat and rice flour - 1.5 and 0.5 cups, respectively.
  • Salt - a pinch.
  • Hot water - 0.5 cups.

Mix both types of flour, add salt. Make a small well in the flour. Add boiling water while constantly stirring the mass. When it has cooled, continue kneading by hand until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Then wrap in cling film and refrigerate for half an hour.
