
Universal choux pastry for dumplings. Boiled dumpling dough

Lovers of dumplings are well aware that the dough plays almost a decisive role in the taste. ready meal. And perhaps it is the custard dough for dumplings that can be called the best and most delicious. It is surprisingly tender, light, you can use any filling with it - both sweet and unsweetened. Cottage cheese, cherries, strawberries, potatoes, cabbage, meat - all these traditional options goes well with custard dough.

This recipe can be called universal: the dough is suitable not only for making dumplings, but also for making dumplings, and even for chebureks and manti. And what is important, the custard dough is very pleasant and easy to work with: soft and pliable, it rolls well, and thanks to its elasticity, sculpting dumplings and dumplings will not cause any trouble.

If the name “choux pastry” itself is associated with something difficult to prepare, which a beginner is unlikely to cope with, we can assure you that this is not at all the case. It is not difficult to prepare regular test for dumplings, and the main difference is that hot water is added to the dough (and not just hot, but boiling water) to brew flour. And it is brewing that creates all the “magic”, improving the characteristics of the dough.

In general, if you do not own family recipe good test for dumplings and dumplings and are in search, be sure to prepare choux pastry. Most likely, you no longer have to go through all the new and new options, the result will be so tasty!


  • 1 egg
  • 1/3 teaspoon salt
  • 1 glass of boiling water
  • 3 cups flour (plus more for dusting the table)
  • 1 tablespoon sunflower oil

How to cook custard dough for dumplings

We will be preparing the dough in a bowl first, so choose a bowl that is wide enough so that the dough can be easily kneaded. Crack one egg and add salt to it.

Beat the egg with a fork until more or less homogeneous.

We introduce one glass of flour into the bowl and stir the ingredients already in the bowl with a fork. Sift flour before adding.

We boil the kettle and measure out one glass of boiling water. Add boiling water to the bowl and quickly stir the dough.

Then we introduce the remaining two cups of flour in parts and knead the dough first in a bowl for 2-3 minutes, using a fork or spoon. Then we move on to kneading it on the table.

Sprinkle the work surface a small amount flour and spread the dough. With both hands, gently but rather intensively knead the custard dough for 4-5 minutes.

You will notice how the dough will change its structure throughout the kneading process. At first it was knotty and uneven, then it became more even, but still not very elastic. In the end, the dough will turn out perfectly smooth and incredibly soft and elastic. But for this, one more manipulation should be done with the test, for which we need a clean package. We form a ball from the dough, put it in a bag and close it tightly.

Leave the dough in the bag for 10 minutes, then take it out and knead it for another 30 seconds. Everything, the choux pastry is ready and can be further used for its intended purpose - for making dumplings or dumplings with your favorite fillings.

Or you can freeze the dough, it is perfectly stored in the freezer until required. So if you want, you can immediately prepare a double portion. Although, of course, it is more convenient to freeze not the dough itself, but the products molded from it, but if you are limited in time, then freezing the dough is a good way out.

The name speaks for itself: the dough is "brewed", as boiling water is added to it - necessarily boiling, and not just hot. It is valued for its excellent working properties: it is malleable, rolls thinly, and almost never dries. And for delicious taste it is often preferred not only with regular, but also with sweet fillings. We will talk about all this further.

Important: before kneading with your hands, you can use a mixer with a special kneading attachment. You can knead from beginning to end in a combine to prevent the mass from cooling too much.

classic proportions

Suitable for anyone who is interested in how to make choux pastry for dumplings without using eggs. The ingredients are the simplest, and the result is impressive.

You will need:

  • flour - 400 grams;
  • salt - 0.5 teaspoon;
  • vegetable oil - 50 milliliters;
  • boiling water - 250 milliliters.


  1. Add oil, salt, 1/2 volume of flour to boiling water, stirring with a spoon at the same time.
  2. Start kneading with your hands when the temperature of the mass becomes acceptable, adding flour every now and then.
  3. Achieve uniformity (lumps should disappear) - the texture should be dense, soft, smooth, similar to plasticine.

You can start sculpting right away, but if the mass seems very “cool” to you, it’s enough to put it in a bag for 30 minutes - the necessary plasticity will appear.

The dough recipe for boiled dumplings is also suitable for other dishes. Even chebureks or cakes similar to pita bread are made from it (they are baked on a hot dry frying pan).

Option with milk

Another interesting recipe choux pastry on dumplings - using boiling milk instead of water.

You will need:

  • milk - 1 glass;
  • flour - 3 cups;
  • salt - 1 teaspoon.


  1. Mix 2 cups flour and salt in a large bowl.
  2. Pour in hot milk, start stirring with a spoon until smooth.
  3. Add the rest of the flour little by little, kneading with your hands.
  4. Form a ball, pack into cling film, leave for half an hour.

Elasticity is the main quality of the test for dumplings brewed with boiling water (you may not use all the indicated amount of flour). The quality of the mass for comfortable modeling: not very dense, but not too liquid.

Vareniki with different fillings

Choux pastry is good for dumplings with potatoes, but the recipe allows us to experiment with other fillings as well. Let's try different ways. By the way, the dough can be cooked in a slightly different order - see below.

with potatoes

You will need:

  • boiling water - 250 milliliters;
  • flour - 2 cups;
  • salt - 0.5 teaspoon;
  • potatoes - 700 grams;
  • onion - 1 piece;
  • vegetable oil - to taste.


  1. Dissolve the salt with boiling water in a cup or glass.
  2. Pour 2 cups of flour into a large bowl, pour in the hot salt solution while stirring constantly.
  3. Sprinkling flour, knead the dough for dumplings with potatoes in boiling water.
  4. Put the dough on the table, cover with a bowl and let rest.
  5. Fry the onion in oil, mash the potatoes and mix both ingredients.
  6. Divide the whole mass into four parts, remove one part from under the bowl, roll it into a thin layer on a table powdered with flour.
  7. Dipping the edges of the glass in flour, squeeze out the circles in the layer (roll the scraps into a ball and send under the bowl).
  8. Blind dumplings.
  9. Spread the products in small batches in boiling salted water and cook for 1 minute.

Watch to potato filling was warm - then it does not crumble, it is convenient to work with it.

with cherry filling

Cherry dumplings are a wonderful treat that will decorate and festive table. They are made in a special way - so that the dough remains soft even under the influence of cherry juice.

You will need:

  • flour - 300 grams;
  • water - 250 milliliters;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons;
  • soda and salt - 1/3 teaspoon each;
  • sugar - 3 tablespoons;
  • starch - 1 tablespoon.


  1. Combine flour, soda, salt in a deep bowl.
  2. Pour the butter into a glass, add boiling water, pour into the flour mixture and stir with a spoon.
    Continue kneading the dough with your hands.
  3. Remove the pits from the cherries (if any) using a hairpin or special tool.
  4. Spreading the berries on the circles of dough, sprinkle with a pinch of the sugar-starch mixture and sculpt the dumplings.
  5. Cook finished products in the usual way.

With cottage cheese filling in a bread machine

Don't want to knead by hand or don't have a food processor? But there is a bakery. The machine will do everything for you, while you have time to think about filling your products. For example, about cottage cheese. By the way, the finished dish can be both sweet and salty (with a neutral taste of the dough) - it all depends on your imagination, and we will just give an example of how to cook custard dough for dumplings and curd filling.

You will need:

  • flour - 3 cups;
  • water - 1 glass;
  • egg - 3 pieces;
  • salt - 1 teaspoon;
  • cottage cheese - 250 grams;
  • sugar - 2 teaspoons;
  • raisins - 1 tablespoon.


  1. Break 2 eggs into the container of the apparatus, add salt, pour boiling water.
  2. Sift flour, pour into a container.
  3. Select the program "Dumplings" / "Dough kneading" (depending on the type of machine).
  4. Roll up a ball, put in a bag and refrigerate for an hour.
  5. Thoroughly mix the cottage cheese with the remaining egg, salt, sugar, add raisins - and you can sculpt.

The method of cooking depends on what kind of filling is in the dumplings. If it is salty, add more salt to the water, and if it is sweet, add quite a bit of salt.

No wonder they praise choux pastry for dumplings with potatoes, or with cottage cheese, or with berries, or with mushrooms. Whatever filling you choose, choux pastry will be an excellent “company” for her, and ready dumplings will delight you with excellent quality and unforgettably delicate taste.

Today I will share with you the recipe. universal test. We will prepare excellent custard dough for dumplings, dumplings, manti and pasties. It turns out just amazing - it's successful plastic dough not only is it easy and quick to prepare, but it also rolls out wonderfully to a super-thin state. In addition, even children can sculpt homemade dumplings and dumplings from this dough - the dough does not tear, the edges are easily fastened together, and when boiled or steamed, the products do not stick out.

Prepared for further preparation Dumplings and dumplings can be frozen - after boiling, the choux pastry does not crack, but finished goods come out as if they were just glued together. By the way, you can use the filling for dumplings and dumplings both sweet and unsweetened - after all, the dough is universal. And also try pasties on custard dough - it is just great for this business!

From the indicated amount of products, enough dough will be obtained to make about 50 medium-sized dumplings. As you understood from the photo, I cooked homemade dumplings with cherries - amazing delicacy for the whole family.


Cooking step by step with photos:

The recipe for making custard dough for dumplings, dumplings, dumplings and pasties includes the following ingredients: Wheat flour(I have premium), boiling water, salt, refined vegetable (I use sunflower) oil and egg. By the way, you can cook such a dough in lean version- and without adding an egg, then you need less flour.

Make a well and pour into it vegetable oil without smell. Mix everything with a spoon or fork (or hands if you prefer).

Now pour boiling water into the flour. It is through the use of cold water, and boiling water improves the swelling of gluten, which, in turn, improves the quality ready dough- it becomes more obedient and elastic. Then let the brewed flour cool to a slightly warm state.

Quite often dumplings are molded from dumpling dough. meat stuffing it goes very well, but for melting cottage cheese or potato you want something more pliable, so as not to drive the dumpling around the plate in an attempt to crush it with a fork.
Dumplings are softer, more tender and ideally combined with the same soft dough, which at the same time does not boil into porridge and in no case becomes watery. Therefore, we will prepare the dough for dumplings in custard - in boiling water. It's perfect!


  • 250 ml boiling water,
  • 300 g flour
  • 1/2 tsp salt,
  • 1/3 tsp soda (during cooking, soda boils slightly and adds splendor to the dough),
  • 2 tbsp vegetable oil.

This amount of dough takes about 1 kg of filling.

dough recipe

  1. Sift flour and mix thoroughly with baking soda and salt.
  2. Mix boiling water and butter and pour into flour.
  3. We knead the dough. It will be a little greyish, this is normal due to the fact that the flour is brewing. We work the dough properly when kneading, achieving a homogeneous, smooth, elastic consistency and almost complete cooling. The dough should be only slightly warm at the end of the kneading.
  4. Leave for 40 minutes in the film to lie down. If you put the dough in a film hot, then the accumulation of condensate will moisten the dough and make it sticky.
  5. We roll out the dough with a thickness of about 2 mm and make dumplings. As a filling, there can be potato, cottage cheese, and berry. The dough turns out to be quite elastic and is rolled out with a rolling pin, and is not kneaded by hands. Perfectly cut round cutting and well removed from the surface of the table. You do not need to dust the table with flour, otherwise the dough will become denser.
  6. After boiling during cooking, reduce the heat so that excessive gurgling does not violate the integrity of the dumplings, and cook for about 5 minutes. The dough quickly becomes soft and boils while practically not changing appearance stays neat and smooth. So don't overcook.

With cool sour cream, these dumplings are gorgeous without too much modesty!

Potato Stuffing:
1 kg potatoes
150 g onions,
1.5 tbsp vegetable oil,
50 g butter.

Boil the potatoes until tender in well-salted water and mash in a puree, adding butter. Do not use a blender to puree, the knives break the potatoes, releasing the starch, and the puree is sticky and gooey instead of crumbly and fluffy. You can pound with your hands, do it with a cupcake dough mixer attachment (a paddle that just gently kneads everything into a single mass), pass through a potato crusher or rub through a sieve if a kitchen machine has such a nozzle.
Cut the onion into small cubes and fry very well, until a confident dark golden color and a characteristic sweet smell. Mix puree and onion. Let the filling cool down.

Fruit filling:
1 kg of fruits or berries (including frozen),
100 g sugar
20 g starch.

Cut berries and fruits in small pieces. We fall asleep with sugar, shake it slightly so that the fruit does not wrinkle, and the sugar is more or less evenly distributed and leave to give juice for 10 minutes. Then put on fire and bring to a boil. Transfer the filling to a colander over a bowl. We give the juice to drain properly and measure out 250 ml. If not enough, then add water to the desired volume, if too much, then remove the excess. Let the juice cool down a bit. In 4 tbsp. of these 250 ml, carefully dissolve the starch. Bring the rest of the juice to a boil, remove the pan from the heat and pour in the starch while stirring constantly. Return to heat and bring back to a boil, stirring constantly. The mixture should change from cloudy to clear and bright. Now we mix our "jelly" with berries and let the filling cool down.
If there is a desire or need to use canned fruits (pineapples, peaches, lychees, etc.), then we simply skip all the points with sugar, cut the fruits and immediately take 250 ml of the syrup liquid in which they were. Further, everything is as in the recipe. We heat part of it, dilute starch in part, and so on.

Dear comrades-in-arms of the culinary front, I am publishing a long-promised recipe for choux pastry for dumplings and dumplings. First of all, I want to thank the culinary specialist Vodoleika for her recipe for choux pastry for dumplings, which became the starting point in my research. Taste it fine dough delighted me, but over time a serious drawback was revealed: frozen products from it were torn during cooking ... Having tried other recipes for custard dough on the site and not being satisfied with the results, I thought a little and quickly found correct solution. I hope you enjoy this custard dough too. I never tire of apologizing for the "beauty" of the photos...

Ingredients for Choux pastry for dumplings and dumplings:

Recipe "Custard dough for dumplings and dumplings":

I cooked dumplings with cabbage. Everything is clear about the filling: sauté the chopped onion and grated carrot, rinse the cabbage, squeeze, chop and stew with carrots and onions.

So, dough. Sift one and a half cups of flour with salt, make a well and pour vegetable oil into it.

Pour the boiled water into the oil and mix until a homogeneous substance. Allow to cool slightly, my dough cooled down for 5 minutes.
Beat the egg lightly in a separate bowl, just to mix the protein with the yolk. Pour the egg into the hot, but not fiery, dough and begin to mix. First, the dough will be divided into fragments, merrily sliding in a bowl with the help of an egg, but after a minute you will get a homogeneous custard dough.

Sift the second half of the flour onto the work surface, make a small depression, lay out the custard and knead the dough of the usual dumpling consistency.
This dough is very soft and docile, kneading it is a real pleasure.
We send the finished dough back to the bowl to ripen, covering with a damp towel. He should ripen for at least half an hour, mine rested for an hour, because I was preparing something else. Can be left for more long time if you are busy, but keep the towel dry.

Sprinkle the working surface with a little flour (the dough has gained moisture from the towel, now it needs to get flour), somewhere on the edge, where it is convenient, pour a tablespoon of flour separately, we will need it in a couple of minutes. We divide the dough in half, roll out one piece, the second continues to rest under a towel.
From the rolled out layer we cut out circles, everything left from cutting light dough with a movement of the hand, turn it into a small bun and return it under the towel. YES! The scraps of this dough remaining after rolling out are instantly formed into a perfectly uniform piece, soft and tender.

We additionally roll each circle with a rolling pin to the desired thickness, this method is much more convenient than masochistically trying to roll out a huge layer of dough up to 2 mm. This dough almost does not shrink after rolling !!!, and the thickness of the layer you have chosen is preserved.
Put a filling on each circle.

Now attention, that small hill of flour that lies on the edge of the table, we really need it now. The hand with which you stick the dumpling should be well dipped in flour. The dough has a plasticine effect, the edges stick together perfectly, but when squeezed, the outer part of the seam can reach for the fingers. To avoid this, dip your fingers in flour each time. So we sculpt all dumplings or dumplings. Those that are intended for freezing on NZ, I immediately spread in batches on a lightly floured cutting board (I have one that fits exactly into the freezer), slightly freeze and put in a container for storage.
About the amount of stuffing. I had about three tablespoons left, but I quickly sharpened it while my dumplings were cooking.

We put water! Bring 2 liters of water to a boil, add a teaspoon of salt, WAIT until the water boils again, and throw dumplings into it. In my 2.5 liter saucepan I cook them in batches of 10 pieces. Difficult to determine exact time cooking, I like everything well cooked, no al dente, so I probably cooked for about 10 minutes.
I think the vast majority of culinary experts know this very well even without me, but if young housewives or men suddenly joined us ... As soon as you throw all the dumplings into the water, immediately mix them carefully, otherwise they may stick to the bottom of the pan. Frozen will stick for sure!

We express the water well, throw a rather large piece of butter on top, and gently grease the dumplings with a fork. Leave for 2-3 minutes to cool slightly, iiiiii…..
We return to the test.
1) Very soft, pliable when rolled out, cuttings merge completely with each other.
2) Very soft in ready-made, but nevertheless holds the fillings well, does not tear, cooked frozen products completely retain their taste.
Hope you find it useful! Bon appetit!
