
How to sculpt pies from yeast and yeast-free dough. How to make pies from dough? Simply and easily

Many hostesses have been taught to cook by their mothers since childhood. But all secrets cannot be passed on. And when you want to please yourself and your family with an original dish, then the question arises of how to make it right. This article will discuss how to properly sculpt pies. The most basic secret of easy sculpting of pies is an impeccable dough. Then everything will work flawlessly.

The secret to making pies from yeast dough

Yeast pies are not only lush, beautiful, but also very tasty, and in order for them to turn out beautifully, you need to mold them correctly.

Here are some little tricks for making yeast dough pies:

  • Firstly, so that the seam does not diverge and keeps well throughout the baking, it should be twisted a little. You can do this with your fingers, as if wrapping the edges on top of each other.
  • Secondly, if the dough sticks to the hands during modeling, then they can be greased with sunflower oil.
  • Thirdly, if the edges do not fit well and do not fit tightly, then you can additionally press them with a fork, so the seam will turn out not only strong, but also figured.
  • Fourthly, before sculpting the cake for the future pie, be sure to sprinkle it with flour and let it lie down for 5-10 minutes.
  • Fifthly, yeast pies must still come up before they are baked or fried, so after this time it is necessary to check if the seams have come apart and, if necessary, fasten them.

The main secrets of how to sculpt pies for baking

The most important secret for the seam of the pie, which will be baked, is that it does not diverge. If the hostess is not sure about the reliability of the joint, then it is better to bake the pie with the seam down. You just need to press such a seam well with your palm, and it will not disperse. Well, if it is planned to make pies with an artistic seam, then it is better to process it with a mixture of eggs and water, this will not only additionally fasten the scar, but also add ruddiness to the baking.

How to mold pies of different shapes

Classic - boat. This is a favorite option for many housewives. The seam of such baking can be up or down. Virtuoso housewives make a beautiful upper scar in the form of a pigtail - this makes the pie very appetizing. To properly make a seam with a pigtail, you need to practice well. You will need a round or oval-shaped cake and a filling. First you need to pinch the edges by simply pressing, their friend
to friend. The seam must be high so that the pigtail turns out to be magnificent. Now it’s better to put the pie on the table and start “weaving” the pigtails. You need to start from one end, gradually moving towards the other. It is necessary to wrap the dough, placing the next layer on top of each other with your fingers. Bake braid side up. For beginner cooks, it is better to hide the seam under the bottom. So it will not be visible that it is not even, and even if the scar opens up a little, then this is not noticeable from above.

Triangular pie. There are two options for such pies - seam up or with a side scar.

For pies with a side scar, you will need square blanks. The filling lies a little closer to one edge. And the filling is covered with a free edge, so that an equilateral triangle is obtained. The seam in such a pie can be pressed down with a fork or passed through with a special curly tool.

Triangular pies with a seam up are obtained from round blanks. The filling must be put in the very middle and visually divide the cake into three parts. Sculpt better on the table. It is necessary to fasten the three parts in the middle, and then fix the seam itself. The scar in such a pie can be made figured or in the form of a pigtail and put flat side on a baking sheet for baking.

Square pies in the shape of an envelope. You will need a square blank and the filling must be placed in the middle. Fold each corner up so that they meet in the middle. To make it easier to sculpt, you need to fix all the corners, and only then fasten the edges. You can also make a square pie with side seams, for this you need two identical squares. On one of them they put the filling and cover it with the other. The edges of such a masterpiece can be ordinary - pinch with your fingers, or decorative - cut off with a special roller knife with wavy edges.

Round decorative pies. You need to sculpt them from two identical circles. It is better to make them with a glass, so the workpieces will be perfectly even and the same. Put the filling in the center of one circle and cover with the second piece of dough. The scar can be fastened with your fingers, you can press it with a fork, or you can make it curly with sushi chopsticks, so you get an openwork paradise.

Pies - manti. As a rule, such a baking dish is chosen if the filling has a liquid form (jam, jelly). Need a round piece. The edges of the future pie need to be lifted so that the filling does not leak out. Pies-manty are fastened with a bunch, as if collecting dough in a tail. In order for this form to bake better, you need to open the beam a little.

There are many more different forms, but these are more likely not pies, but buns.

The secret to properly fastening pies for frying in a pan:

  • You need to start frying the pie from the side where the seam is.
  • So that the scar does not disperse during frying, you need to press it with a fork and roll out the pie a little.
  • If the seam does not want to be fastened in any way, then you can slightly moisten it with water, but do not overdo it.

Puff pastry pies

As a rule, puff pastries are made for baking and their filling is sweet. Here are a few basic rules for sculpting such pies. Novice housewives need to know that puff pastry does not like to be kneaded and sculpted for a long time, so it is better to conceive pies from it in the simplest form. It is better not to roll out the blanks before sculpting, but to stretch them a little to the desired size. Fasten the pie quickly and put on a baking sheet to grease all the pastries, paying special attention to the seam - beaten egg yolk.

It is worth noting that in order to facilitate the modeling of pies of various shapes, it is important that the dough is of the correct consistency. Not too cool and not too hard. In this case, the hostess will get beautiful and very tasty pies.

Yeast Dough Pies - A Quick Dough Recipe from My Mother-in-Law

Most of all I remember the small open sweet pies that I wanted to bake today. By the way, my grandmother also did something very similar.

My mother-in-law often used home-made jam or apples as a filling, and in my family, along with jam, or marmalade, as they said then, the filling for open pies was also made from dried fruits.

It is the dried fruit filling that is most suitable for open pies, since it does not flow out at all and the pies are clean and beautiful.

This yeast dough is simple and quick, it does not need to be insisted, after kneading, you can bake immediately. And if there is no time, then you can hold it in the refrigerator overnight. I tried that and it didn't get worse.

So let's get started.

Yeast dough pies - ingredients

I will give two options for proportions, as my mother-in-law had, and mine, a smaller version. My recipe makes about two baking sheets of pies.

From mother-in-law:

  • Milk - 1 glass
  • Vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons
  • Butter - 150 grams
  • Eggs - 2 pieces
  • Yeast - 50-60 grams fresh or dry sachet
  • Sugar and salt to taste
  • Flour - about 500 grams, the dough should be soft, not steep

My smaller version:

  • Milk - half a cup
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons
  • Butter - 50 grams (soft)
  • Egg - 1 piece
  • Yeast - half a packet of dry, about 5-6 grams
  • Sugar - dessert spoon (without a slide)
  • Salt - a teaspoon (without a slide)
  • Flour - about 300 grams

I saw similar recipes on the Internet, but only with vegetable oil, it’s probably possible that way, but I used both vegetable and creamy, as was in the mother-in-law’s recipe.

In this case, I recommend preparing the filling first. Any dried fruits that are used for compote will do. I had two types of dried apples, home-made pitted prunes, and store-bought dried apricots, which turned out to be very sweet and tasty.

You will also need any liquid jam. In my case, it was a pureed assortment of red and white currants. A little sour, it seemed to me, it even came to taste with dried fruits.

Dried fruits should be washed well, draining the water several times. Then pour boiling water and let stand for a while. Drain the water and scroll through all the dried fruits in a meat grinder. Add a few tablespoons of jam and stir. How much to put jam, look at the consistency. The filling should be thick so that it does not flow out during baking.

Whether or not to add sugar is up to you. It seems to me that the dried fruit filling should not be too sweet, I did without sugar.

Dried fruit filling is ready, you can start preparing yeast dough for pies.

Quick yeast dough for pies - the cooking process

Milk needs to be warmed up a little so that it is warm, but not hot. Dilute yeast and sugar in milk.

Part of the flour, approximately 200 grams, sift into a bowl and add milk with yeast and sugar. Let it sit for a while, 10 minutes.

In the meantime, mix the soft butter with vegetable oil, egg and salt well. Pour the butter mixture into the flour and knead the dough, gradually adding the flour.

Knead first with a spoon or spatula, and then with your hands.

I always do not put all the flour that is indicated in the recipe, but add it gradually, since exactly how much flour the dough will take will depend on the quality of the flour. You need to look at the consistency of the test. As I wrote above, the dough should be soft, not steep.

The advantage of this recipe for yeast dough is that you can not stand it, but immediately start sculpting pies. But I'll tell you honestly, I always let the dough lie down for half an hour, then I interrupt it. Then you can already see for sure whether you need to add more flour.

So, she told about the dough, and now the most interesting thing is that we will sculpt pies from yeast dough.

How to sculpt pies from yeast dough - open

Here, it seems to me, everything is clear from the pictures. In the first variant, we roll the dough into a sausage, then cut it into pieces, roll it into a circle, put the filling and make two cuts on the sides.

Then we pass one incision into the other and press it a little to the opposite side of the pie. Everything is very simple.

The second option is more openwork and beautiful. Cut off a piece of dough and roll it into a circle. The circle is divided into four sectors. We also roll out each sector a little, put the filling, as shown in the photo, make three cuts on each side and close the filling one by one.

Before baking, pies should be greased with an egg. You can use one yolk, or you can beat a whole egg with a little milk, like I have here.

We bake our yeast dough pies in the oven at a temperature of 180 degrees for about 15 minutes. The pies are not quite ready yet, then I lower the temperature to 160 degrees, raise the baking sheet one rail up, turn on the blower so that the pies are browned, and leave for another 5-7 minutes.

The baking time will depend on the size and thickness of the dough in your pies, and of course the oven.

Yeast dough pies are ready! Serve with good tea and enjoy.

I specially show one pie in the section, as you can see, the dough is not very thick. In general, I really like this version of yeast dough pies with dried fruit filling, and I recommend it to you!

I can also offer kefir yeast dough pies, with other fillings, a recipe or dough for sour cream pies, read.

With such a dried fruit filling, cottage cheese dough bagels also work well.

And I say goodbye to you until the next recipes. In order to get rid of the consequences of eating pies, I'm going to switch to vegetables, so subscribe to the mailing list, suddenly my recipes will come in handy for you.

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Of course, there is no consensus, they say, you can only make pies this way and no other way. You can wrap the pie so that it is oval, triangular, square. You can roll the pie into a snail, into a tube, make a pigtail, etc.

Making patties is not based on how skillfully you manage to change the configuration of the dough. Initially, it will be correct not to train with wrapping / folding, but with the correct dough kneading. Exactly what will then allow you to mold the perfect pies.

Mixing rules:

  • The main thing is to make moderately steep dough. It is necessary that it does not stick to the hands, nothing more. There is such a joke of confectioners - if you get your hands dirty while kneading the dough, you did something wrong. First, you pour out the right amount of flour in a slide, make a hole inside and pour the individual ingredients into it. And then knead.
  • So that the dough does not stick to your hands, spread your hands with vegetable oil.
  • Even the strictest instructions often warn - do not cook the dough in a bad mood. Oddly enough, even culinary pros talk about the importance of this item. So - cook with pleasure and pleasure.

Each housewife adapts how to wrap pies, as they say, for herself. You can consider modeling pies using the example of a specific recipe.


  • Yeast - 30 g;
  • Flour - ½ kg;
  • Rust. oil - 3-4 tablespoons;
  • Milk - 250 ml;
  • Chicken egg. - 1 PC.;
  • Sugar - 1 tsp;
  • Salt - a pinch.

Modeling pies step by step

So, you start making pies from yeast dough. They also make pies from puff pastry, but still the yeast pie is the most beautiful and delicious.

Cooking steps:

  1. Warm the milk a little, pour sugar into it. Add yeast there, mix well.
  2. Sift the flour onto a board or into a bowl. Make a hill out of flour, in the center of which is a recess.
  3. Pour in milk with dissolved yeast, leave to ferment for 20 minutes. The mass during this time will rise, covered with bubbles.
  4. After that, add the oil, beat the egg with salt. Start kneading the flour from the center to the edges. This can be done with a wooden spatula.
  5. You will get a soft mass, which you need to knead well with your hands, then beat it on the table, form it into a ball, and then sculpt the pies.

Usually pies are made with fillings - meat, cheese, sweet, vegetable, etc. You can also make triangular pies - you first make a round cake, into which you put the filling, and on three sides of the circle you need to twist the dough to the center.

How beautiful to wrap buns with sugar

Modeling buns also requires some skills. Before frying or baking, you can make a sausage out of the dough, on which there will be small cuts. Roll the sausage into a ring, you get such a beautiful wheel.

You can also mold the dough according to the principle of brushwood. Cut the dough into rectangles, make an incision in the middle, into which one of the edges of the rectangle is passed through the tip.

Inspiration can come right in the cooking process. From the dough, you can form birds, leaves, roses, an accordion, etc. Experiment, and buns and pies from an unusual look will be even tastier.

Modeling pies step by step with a photo

There are several ways to make pies

  • Cooking time: 1.5 hours;
  • Servings: 8;
  • Kcal: 185;
  • Proteins / Fats / Carbs: 5g / 7g / 24g

Of course, there is no consensus, they say, you can only make pies this way and no other way. You can wrap the pie so that it is oval, triangular, square. You can roll the pie into a snail, into a tube, make a pigtail, etc.

Making patties is not based on how skillfully you manage to change the configuration of the dough. Initially, it will be correct not to train with wrapping / folding, but with the correct dough kneading. Exactly what will then allow you to mold the perfect pies.

  • The main thing is to make moderately steep dough. It is necessary that it does not stick to the hands, nothing more. There is such a joke of confectioners - if you get your hands dirty while kneading the dough, you did something wrong. First, you pour out the right amount of flour in a slide, make a hole inside and pour the individual ingredients into it. And then knead.
  • So that the dough does not stick to your hands, spread your hands with vegetable oil.
  • Even the strictest instructions often warn - do not cook the dough in a bad mood. Oddly enough, even culinary pros talk about the importance of this item. So - cook with pleasure and pleasure.

The quality of pies depends on the correct kneading of the dough.

Each housewife adapts how to wrap pies, as they say, for herself. You can consider modeling pies using the example of a specific recipe.

  • Yeast - 30 g;
  • Flour - ½ kg;
  • Rust. oil - 3-4 tablespoons;
  • Milk - 250 ml;
  • Chicken egg. - 1 PC.;
  • Sugar - 1 tsp;
  • Salt - a pinch.

So, you start making pies from yeast dough. They also make pies from puff pastry, but still the yeast pie is the most beautiful and delicious.

  1. Warm the milk a little, pour sugar into it. Add yeast there, mix well.
  2. Sift the flour onto a board or into a bowl. Make a hill out of flour, in the center of which is a recess.
  3. Pour in milk with dissolved yeast, leave to ferment for 20 minutes. The mass during this time will rise, covered with bubbles.
  4. After that, add the oil, beat the egg with salt. Start kneading the flour from the center to the edges. This can be done with a wooden spatula.
  5. You will get a soft mass, which you need to knead well with your hands, then beat it on the table, form it into a ball, and then sculpt the pies.

Making buns also requires some skills.

Usually pies are made with fillings - meat, cheese, sweet, vegetable, etc. You can also make triangular pies - you first make a round cake, into which you put the filling, and on three sides of the circle you need to twist the dough to the center.

Modeling buns also requires some skills. Before frying or baking, you can make a sausage out of the dough, on which there will be small cuts. Roll the sausage into a ring, you get such a beautiful wheel.

You can also mold the dough according to the principle of brushwood. Cut the dough into rectangles, make an incision in the middle, into which one of the edges of the rectangle is passed through the tip.

Inspiration can come right in the cooking process. From the dough, you can form birds, leaves, roses, an accordion, etc. Experiment, and buns and pies from an unusual look will be even tastier.

First, prepare a moderately steep dough so that it does not stick to your hands.

Each housewife has her own ways of wrapping pies.

It is very easy to wrap triangular-shaped pies, your pies will not only be delicious, but will also become original in appearance.

You can make squares of dough that are wrapped in an envelope

From what kind of fantasy you have, you can wrap the pie. You can make it any shape and type

Most feasts simply cannot do without fresh hot pies. For this reason, the question of how to wrap pies is very relevant. The look of this appetizer is just as important as the great taste. Taking into account the specifics of the filling (meat, mushrooms with onions, fish, potatoes, cabbage or jam), a different form of baking is allowed.

Forms of patties: varieties

Slavic cuisine is unimaginable without fresh pastries. For a long time, more and more new tips on how to sculpt have been appearing. The main requirement for good pastries is at the same time a delicious filling, high-quality dough and the skill of a cook. Patties can be called a unique dish, as they can perform a different function on the table:

Snacks (stuffed with mushrooms, onions or vegetables);

Main course (filled with fish, meat or potatoes);

Dessert (with cottage cheese or jam filling).

In order for baking to have a pleasant appearance, a number of certain rules must be observed. In order for the dough not to stick to your hands, you need to grease your palms with sunflower oil. In order for the edges of the pies to be well fastened, you can lightly coat them with egg white or water. Before frying or baking the pies, leave them at room temperature for 15 minutes, covered with oiled plastic wrap. This will allow the dough to become fluffy and soft. In order for a golden crust to form on top of the baking, you should grease the products with egg yolk.

How to cook pies correctly?

To make pies not only tasty, but also attractive, it is important to follow the technique of their preparation. The shape of the product may also depend on what type of filling you prefer. The cooking process begins with kneading the dough. To make yeast pies, you will need eggs, yeast, milk, sugar, salt, flour and the chosen filling. The amount of filler in the finished baking will be determined by the size of the products. When the dough is rolled out, it must be divided into equal parts. If you do not follow this rule, the pies will not be the same size. The size of the test pieces is also important. If you make them too big, they will not look very nice, and it will be inconvenient to eat them.

The originality of this product depends not only on the huge number of fillers, but also on the various forms available. Cake modeling techniques include several types available - round, square, oval, triangular.

The connection between the filling and the shape of the products is expressed as follows. If you use fish, meat or vegetables, it is better to make pies closed. This will keep the filling juicy. Jam, cottage cheese and other similar fillings can be used in

Round pies

These cookies evoke nostalgic memories of childhood. Round-shaped pies are usually made with fruit fillings, more often with apples. This is due to the ability to keep the melted juice inside the products.

In order to make beautiful round pies, you should roll out small cakes from the dough. Their thickness should be no more than 5 mm. The filler is laid out in the center, and the edges are folded towards the middle. Then the edges must be fixed, giving them the shape of a bag. On a baking sheet, such pies are laid out with a clamp down to avoid their unfolding in the oven.

In addition, if you intend to bake products, and not fry, you can make pouches with an open top. To do this, the dough is rolled into a thin layer, then even circles are cut out on it using a glass or cup. Approximately one tablespoon of filling is applied to the center of each circle, and then the edges are tucked up and glued together, while a small hole remains at the top. Such pies can be made with any filling that does not spread.

Oval-shaped pies

The most popular type of yeast dough pies is an oval shape. They can be made with sweet fillings, as well as with cabbage, liver, onions and eggs, and so on. To make such pastries, the dough must be divided into pieces, each of which should be rolled into a roll. These rolls must be cut into small pieces (about 4 cm each), then each of them is rolled into a thin oval-shaped cake. The filler is placed in the center. After that, one edge of the cake is superimposed on the other, after which the dough should be molded so that the product resembles a semicircle. On a baking sheet or pan, such pies are laid out with a seam down. Such forms of pies can also have their own varieties.

In addition, if you intend to fry, you can fold the edges of the dough into a crescent and fasten well along the edge. You will get a pie that resembles a cheburek in shape.

Triangular pies

Such pastries most often have an open filling. The filler is often potatoes, chicken fillet, meat or fish. Triangular pies are made as follows: you need to roll out a thin (not thicker than 0.5 cm) rectangle from the dough. The filler is folded in the middle, after which the edges of the dough overlap each other obliquely and are well fixed. In this case, the seam can be either tucked up or made in the form of a pigtail.

Square shaped pies

To make square-shaped pastries, you need to roll out the dough with a rolling pin into a thin layer and then cut into identical rectangular fragments. The filling is laid out in the middle, after which the dough is folded like a postal envelope. To do this, you need to blind two edges diagonally at an angle of about 45 degrees. Fasten the remaining 2 edges in the same way. Lastly, the center is closed, and the seams are glued together in the form of dense bundles. These can be made not only with yeast pies, but also products from different types of puff pastry.

How beautiful to wrap products?

Regardless of the shape of the blanks, the issue of proper bonding of the edges is of great importance. How to wrap pies beautifully? There are several common ways. When sculpting the seams, it is necessary to exert some effort so that the fastened edges do not diverge during baking or frying.

The first way is that the filling is laid out on the workpiece from one edge in the form of a sausage. The product is wrapped on the same side to form a rolled tube. Thus, you will get a beautiful oval-shaped pie with neat, even edges. A rectangular product folded in an envelope can also be closed up in different ways. You can make a large seam, which will subsequently be folded down and pressed by the weight of the product, but it is also possible to make it in a beautiful design. There are also options with a partially open top of the pie, but in this case it must be taken into account that the filling does not fall out during frying or baking.

How to wrap pies with an original seam?

There are several types of baking designs.

To make a pigtail seam, hold the workpiece with your left hand, and use your right thumb to twist the edges so that a twisted rope forms. At the edges of the product, extra tips are formed, which should be pinched off.

To make a seam with a hedgehog, fasten the edges of the dough so as to form small triangles. You can also make cuts along the entire edge at a distance of about one centimeter from each other and fold each piece diagonally.

Embossed pies

How to sculpt pies from yeast dough in a relief form? This is a slightly more complex form of baking. Such pies can be a good decoration for the festive table. You can use any filler - both sweet and salty. The main thing is that the filling does not spread. How to wrap pies of this type? To do this, the dough should be rolled out with a layer and cut out of it into oval-shaped pieces. In the center of each of them with a sausage, you need to spread the filler. The lower and upper parts of the dough are tucked in by about a quarter. The corners of the workpiece are fastened crosswise from the side of the wide edge (this is similar to swaddling).
