
How to cook delicious crispy dough for chebureks. Very successful crispy dough for chebureks

Making dough for chebureks is a truly creative process. After all, how else to explain the presence of so many of its variations! Dough on boiling water, milk, kefir, vodka or even custard. And every time it turns out moderately soft, crispy, with an appetizing crust... We will tell you how to prepare dough for chebureks from different products so that your dish will please your loved ones.

Easy to cook

Chebureks today can be found on the menu of snack bars in all cities of Russia and Ukraine. But few people know that this is an original Crimean dish, or rather, a Crimean Tatar one. You can get acquainted with real chebureks only in the Crimea, where representatives of the Crimean Tatar people cook it in the best traditions. And they are happy to share the secrets of its preparation. Although if you ask several chefs the question of how to make dough for chebureks, you are unlikely to get a definite answer. Like many national dishes, this has passed the test of time and its own "evolution of the species." As a result, now we have the opportunity to choose our version of the test for chebureks. And please your relatives with delicious variations on the theme of the test.

Choux pastry for chebureks

This recipe is one of the most beloved by housewives, as it does not require special preparations or many products. Chebureks from choux pastry are very soft even after cooling. Custard or, as it is also called dough for pasties in boiling water, is prepared very simply and quickly.

You will need:

  • flour - 640 g,
  • water - 160 ml,
  • egg - 1 pc.,
  • vegetable oil - 30 ml,
  • salt - 1 teaspoon.

Cooking method

  1. Boil water until it boils, add oil and salt there. Immediately pour half a cup of flour into boiling water and mix thoroughly until the lumps disappear. Leave the mass to cool.
  2. Add the egg to the resulting mass, mix.
  3. Make a hill of flour on the table, enter the custard mass in the middle, knead a smooth, tight dough.
  4. Leave the dough for 30 minutes and knead again. Leave for another 30 minutes and you can start sculpting chebureks.

Dough for chebureks with milk

How to cook delicious dough for chebureks with milk? As simple and fast as custard. The use of milk in the dough recipe makes it possible to obtain a soft and plastic mass, from which it is very easy to mold chebureks later. The dough rolls out perfectly, and pasties are soft and puffy.

You will need:

  • flour - 450 g,
  • milk (non-fat) - 250 ml,
  • vodka - 75 ml,
  • salt - 1/2 teaspoon.

Cooking method

  1. Warm up the milk and mix it with salt.
  2. Sprinkle the flour onto a cutting surface, make a well and pour into the milk and salt.
  3. Lightly mix the mass, gradually adding vodka, until the dough thickens.
  4. The consistency of the dough should come out moderately steep. If the dough is too hard, pat it down with wet hands. If, on the contrary, liquid, add more flour.
  5. Wrap the dough in cling film and refrigerate for 30 minutes.
  6. The dough is ready!

Dough for chebureks with vodka

Following this recipe, you will learn how to make them as close as possible to the original Crimean Tatar cuisine. Thanks to vodka, attractive bubbles will appear on pasties during frying.

You will need:

  • flour - 640 g,
  • vodka - 30 ml,
  • water - 350 ml,
  • egg - 1 pc.,
  • vegetable oil - 30 ml,
  • salt - 1 teaspoon.

Cooking method

  1. Pour water into the pan, add vegetable oil, salt and put on fire.
  2. Sift 1 incomplete glass of flour and gradually pour into the pan. Stir constantly to prevent lumps from forming.
  3. When the flour is completely dispersed, remove the mass from the heat and cool. Add the remaining flour and knead the dough.
  4. Add the egg to the loose, not kneaded mass and begin to gradually (in several steps) pour in the vodka, constantly stirring the dough. Ideally, when the vodka runs out, you will have a tight, kneaded dough.
  5. Wrap the dough in cling film and leave it in the room for an hour. After that, punch down the dough and send it back to the refrigerator. The minimum cooling time for the dough is 1 hour, but it is better to leave it in the cold overnight.

Dough for chebureks on kefir

This simple recipe will allow you to get soft and tasty chebureks. And it's not hard to cook them.

Sometimes not very healthy food is still found in our diet. But instead of eating it in a cafe or on the go, it is quite possible to cook similar dishes at home. And for this you do not need any special ingredients or skills, just desire, a supply of the necessary components and ordinary kitchen appliances are enough. So chebureks are very popular among many. This is a great food for cold weather and can be easily prepared by yourself. Let's clarify how to cook dough for pasties with bubbles, we will give a proven recipe as in pasties.

Dough for chebureks like in a cheburek

To prepare custard dough for pasties with bubbles, you need to stock up on half a liter of water, three tablespoons of sunflower oil, five to six glasses of flour, a couple of tablespoons of vodka and a teaspoon of salt.

Send an enamel pot of water to the stove. Add prepared salt and vegetable oil to it. Wait until the water boils, and pour some of the flour into it in a thin stream. Keep stirring the mixture with a fork. In general, such a dough is prepared according to the same principle as a paste for pasting windows.
Pour vodka into the thickened dough - it will make the finished pasties crispy. Mix well.

Cool the thick mixture for ten minutes. Then continue kneading the dough on the table so that you get a fairly dense, soft and elastic structure.

The dough for chebureks is ready for further cooking.

Choux pastry for chebureks with egg

To prepare this version of the test with bubbles, you need to prepare six hundred grams of flour, three hundred milliliters of water, a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil and one egg. Also use half a teaspoon of salt and a tablespoon of plain vodka.

Pour water into a suitable container and send to the fire. Add salt with vegetable oil to it and bring to a boil. Add flour (a little less than one glass) to the boiling liquid, while constantly stirring the mass so that there are no lumps in it. Cool this mixture and stir in the egg with vodka. Next, add the remaining flour and knead the dough well. Before preparing chebureks from such a dough, it is better to let it stand: you can leave it for a couple of hours, or even all night.

Choux pastry for pasties with bubbles without vodka

To prepare this version of the dough, you need to stock up on six hundred grams of flour, three hundred milliliters of water, sugar and salt (one teaspoon without a slide). Also use a tablespoon of pork fat.

Combine all the ingredients (except water) with each other and rub well with your hands so that the flour absorbs all the fat. Then boil the water and brew the rest of the ingredients with it. Stir this mixture first with a spoon, and then, after some cooling, knead with your hands.
Send the finished dough in the cold for an hour, then use it to make pasties.

Another option for choux pastry dough

To prepare this version of the test, you need to stock up on nine hundred grams of flour, four hundred and fifty milliliters of water, one hundred and fifty milliliters of refined vegetable oil. Also use a teaspoon of salt and a tablespoon of sugar.

Combine half of the prepared flour with salt and sugar, mix well. Pour in water and mix again. This mixture must be liquid.
Boil vegetable oil and pour it into the prepared dough. Mix quickly and thoroughly. Add the rest of the flour to the mixture and knead the dough.
Shape it into a ball and wrap with cling film. Leave the dough for half an hour.
After that, start frying pasties.

Egg pastry dough

Pasties from such a dough will turn out really soft, but at the same time crispy. To prepare it, you need to stock up on four eggs, fifty milliliters of vegetable oil, three hundred and fifty milliliters of water, one hundred milliliters of vodka. Also use salt (about a teaspoon) and flour (as much as the dough will take).

This version of the test is prepared quite quickly and simply. You should simply connect all the components together, mix well and send in the cold for a couple of hours. Use enough flour so that the dough is not too sticky, but not tight.

Dough for chebureks as in cheburek with milk

To prepare this version of the dough, you need to prepare one chicken egg, half a teaspoon of salt, three tablespoons of vodka, a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil, one hundred and fifty milliliters of milk and a couple of glasses of flour.

Mix the egg with milk, vodka, butter and salt in a suitable container. Mix well. Gradually add flour to the mixture and knead the dough. It should be slightly softer than dumplings. If necessary, the amount of flour can be increased. Leave it under a towel for forty minutes to an hour, then use it to make pasties.

Thus, every housewife can make pasties with bubbles as in pasties from the above options. At the same time, she can choose the recipe that suits her.

Hot, fragrant and melting in your mouth chebureks are a favorite food for many. Mistresses cook chebureks at home, they sell this type of pastry in a variety of bakeries and specialty shops and cafes - chebureks. That is why the dough for pasties with bubbles is trying to find all housewives.

The recipe for chebureks came to world culinary from the traditional cuisine of Asia and the East - it was in these countries that they first began to cook delicious pies with an abundance of meat filling and spices. For such pies, the most ordinary dough was made - from water, flour and salt. Now there are a great many options for dough recipes for chebureks with bubbles - on mineral water, kefir and even with vodka. The dough is made ordinary and custard. Which recipe is better - you choose, we present in the article the most interesting options.

Choux pastry for chebureks with vodka bubbles

How to cook dough for pasties with bubbles, but not simple, but custard? Let's talk in detail. For the recipe, you will need a set of the following products:

  • Flour - four full glasses;
  • Pure water - three hundred grams;
  • Sunflower oil - two tablespoons;
  • Chicken egg - one piece;
  • Salt - half a teaspoon;
  • Vodka - one tablespoon.

Pour water into a saucepan, add oil and salt and bring to a boil over high heat. Pour a little flour into boiling water (a little more than half a glass) and stir the mass so that there is not a single lump in it. The mass must be allowed to cool, and then beat the egg into it and pour in the vodka. These ingredients should be absorbed into the dough, and only after that you can add the remaining flour. Knead the dough and then let it rest. The longer the dough rests, the tastier the chebureks will be. This recipe for custard dough for chebureks with bubbles is quite simple and at the same time the pastries come out both airy and crispy.

Recipe with kefir

Crispy pastry dough with bubbles will help you get a recipe using kefir. For the test, prepare the following ingredients:

  • Kefir of any fat content - a glass;
  • Chicken egg - one piece;
  • Salt - half a teaspoon;
  • Flour - four hundred grams.

Pour kefir into a container, beat in an egg and pour salt. Stir and then add the flour, which is desirable to pre-sift. The dough should not be kneaded too hard and be sure to give it time to rest after kneading - from fifteen minutes to an hour.

Delicious pastry dough with bubbles is obtained by replacing kefir with mineral water. Ready-made pastries will simply melt in your mouth! A few more options for making dough for pasties with bubbles, we suggest watching the video that completes the article and will help you get acquainted with the secrets of delicious pasties.

And the second video instruction for cooking pasties with bubbles:

Often, when cooking chebureks at home, the result does not always please the housewives. And the reason for this is improperly cooked dough. In order to prepare the most delicious dish, you need to know the exact technology of the entire cooking process.

You can complicate the task somewhat and prepare the dough, which, when cooked, will bubble and crunch. This will require the addition of vodka or mineral water.

The most extraordinary option includes hot milk, thanks to which the dough is brewed. Consider several options for preparing dough that are used in pasties.

Recipe for the right test

For the preparation of pasties in pasties, as a rule, the simplest and fastest recipes are used, which have their own secrets and nuances.

Test preparation steps:

Mineral water dough with bubbles

This recipe has its own special technology, which differs from the previous version. For cooking, you will need the following list of ingredients:

  • wheat flour of the highest grade - 650 grams;
  • mineral water - 280 ml;
  • refined vegetable oil - 100 ml;
  • salt - 1 teaspoon;
  • sugar - 1 teaspoon.

Cooking time - 2 hours 35 minutes.

Calorie content - 212 kcal.

Direct steps to prepare the test on mineral water:

  1. Pour mineral water into a container and heat it up a little on the stove;
  2. Add the required amount of sugar, salt and stir the liquid until the added bulk components are completely dissolved;
  3. Divide the prepared amount of wheat flour into two equal parts;
  4. Pour the first part of the flour very slowly into warm mineral water, constantly stirring the mixture. Set aside for 15 minutes;
  5. Bring vegetable oil to a boil on the stove and add to the liquid composition. To stir thoroughly;
  6. Then add the second part of the flour to the container at the same slow pace;
  7. Mix for five minutes;
  8. When the composition becomes thicker, you can start kneading the dough with your hands. The end result should be a soft and very docile dough;
  9. Cover it with a towel and leave for at least two hours, first place it in a plastic bag and additionally cover it with a towel;

Dough with vodka for crispy chebureks like in a cheburek

Thanks to vodka, the dough becomes very crispy, which makes pasties more tasty and unusual. For their preparation it is worth preparing:

  • refined vegetable oil - 8 tablespoons;
  • premium wheat flour - 4 cups of standard sizes;
  • sugar - 1 teaspoon;
  • salt - 2 small pinches;
  • vodka - 1 teaspoon;
  • purified water - 250 ml.

Cooking time - 2 hours.

Calorie content - 263 kcal.

Test preparation:

  1. Pour purified water into a container and dissolve the required amount of sugar and salt in it;
  2. Sift the flour through a sieve into a separate container and pour the prepared water into it in a thin stream;
  3. At the same time, add vegetable oil and vodka;
  4. Mix the composition with a spoon, and then put it on the table and knead a very elastic dough;
  5. Cover with a napkin and leave for 20 minutes;
  6. Then again knead the dough and again leave for the same time. This procedure must be done two more times;
  7. In the end, the dough will become more docile and stop sticking to your hands.

Recipe for custard dough with milk

Thanks to the use of milk in the preparation process, a rather plastic and soft dough is obtained. Pasties are obtained with a soft and puff shell. Here you will need the following list of components:

  • wheat flour of the highest grade - 450 grams;
  • milk with a minimum percentage of fat content - 250 ml;
  • vodka - 75 ml;
  • salt - half a teaspoon.

Calorie content - 244 kcal.

Necessary steps for preparing custard dough with milk:

  1. Heat the milk well on the stove and add salt to it. Stir until the salt is completely dissolved;
  2. Sift the flour on a clean table and make a depression in it, into which hot milk and salt are poured in a thin stream;
  3. Mix the composition, while gradually adding vodka. Gradually the dough should become thicker;
  4. If you get too hard a lump, you should moisten your hands and knead the dough with them. If, on the contrary, the mass is too liquid, it is worth adding the missing amount of flour;
  5. The finished lump of dough must be wrapped in a food-grade film and placed in the refrigerator for half an hour.

How to make a classic filling

To prepare the most common and classic filling for chebureks, you will need:

  • minced pork - 350 grams;
  • onions - 150 grams;
  • ice water (if desired, you can replace it with milk of the same temperature) - 30 grams;
  • fresh greens (any) - 1 medium-sized bunch;
  • spices - at your own discretion.

Cooking time - 40 minutes.

Calorie content - 366 kcal.

Direct preparation of the filling, as well as the subsequent process of molding and frying the dish:

  1. Free the onion from the husk, finely chop with a sharp knife or meat grinder (blender);
  2. Rinse the greens, dry, finely chop and mix together with chopped onions;
  3. Add this mixture to the minced pork and mix the composition very thoroughly;
  4. Add water and spices, mix thoroughly again;
  5. Now you can start sculpting chebureks. To do this, the dough is divided into small balls. After that, each of the balls is rolled into a thin round layer. It is important to note that the dough should be thin, but by no means transparent;
  6. Mentally divide the layer into two halves, and then put a thin layer of the prepared filling on one of the halves;
  7. Fold the layer in half and pinch the edges very tightly;
  8. Pour oil into the pan so that the cheburek can immerse in it completely and heat it as much as possible, and then lay out the prepared blanks;
  9. Set the fire to medium intensity so that the filling has time to fry;
  10. After both sides of the cheburek acquire a golden color, you can remove the finished fragrant dish from the pan.

Ideas for original fillings for chebureks

The classic recipe for pasties includes, of course, meat. But there are original options that include the most incredible, it would seem, ingredients. Consider the most interesting types:

  1. Pollock fillet, onion, margarine, spices. For cooking, it is necessary to chop the fish fillet with onions in a blender. Then add softened margarine and spices. Mix thoroughly and start sculpting chebureks;
  2. Feta cheese, hard cheese. Grind both types of cheese on a grater, mix and form pasties;
  3. Cabbage, onions, carrots, spices. Chop the onion and carrot, fry until golden brown, then chop the cabbage and send it to the pan as well. Simmer a little to get a soft state of the cabbage. Add salt and necessary spices;
  4. Canned beans, onion, coriander. To prepare, finely chop the onion, add crushed coriander and fry a little in a pan until golden brown. Then add there a little pre-softened beans and simmer;
  5. Hard-boiled eggs, cooked rice, fat sour cream, herbs. Finely chop greens, eggs and mix with rice. Add rice and sour cream, mix well.

  1. In the event that the finished chebureks turned out to be too hard, put them in a hot saucepan and cover with a lid. Leave for a while. After that, the dish will become soft;
  2. When frying chebureks, you should watch your hands - they must be completely dry, because if even a small drop of water gets into the pan, you can get a very dangerous burn;
  3. In order to make the dish more beautiful, you can pinch the edges with a fork, making a kind of ribs.

Chebureki is a very common dish that can attract every lover of fried meat. Cooking them will not be difficult if you know certain nuances and secrets. Sometimes pasties are cooked with a filling that does not include meat, which allows you to get a completely new extraordinary dish.

Fragrant, with a golden surface, with a delicious juicy meat filling - that's all about them. Many people love them, but they are afraid to buy in cafes and chebureks. It is not always possible to be sure that the test base is made according to the rules, they were cooked in fresh oil, the filling for pasties is fresh, it is not always possible. You can fry chebureks like in a cheburek, and even much better, at home. You will have the opportunity to make pasties with cheese, potatoes, lean, Crimean, bake in the oven, master the simplest recipe and build pasties from puff pastry bought at the supermarket, knead the dough on kefir. The recipe for pasties with meat at home is available even to novice hostesses. This simple dough is one of the easiest to knead.

So that this dish does not upset you, you will need to know some of the nuances of its creation:

  1. Traditional dough is unleavened, consisting of ordinary flour and water. It should be quite dense, but at the same time elastic. Usually per kilogram of flour there are 350 ml of water, one teaspoon of salt. The kneaded dough must be kept for approximately 1.5 hours.
  2. Any meat is suitable for the filling - lamb, pork and veal / beef. Often used and chicken. Mixed minced meat is even tastier. It is advisable to purchase fresh meat. When the meat is too lean, you need to report a piece of fat. The meat is minced in a meat grinder with large holes, or finely chopped with a sharp knife.
  3. Be sure to add carefully chopped onion, salt and a mixture of peppers.
  4. For the filling, fish, mushrooms, cheeses and vegetables are best suited.
  5. It is necessary to firmly fasten the edges of the product so that the juice of the meat cannot flow out during frying.
  6. It is necessary to fry in a large volume of oil, any refined oil is suitable for this. The addition of melted butter will improve the taste.
  7. It is convenient to fry in thick-walled cast iron dishes, using an electric fryer will save time.
  8. The dough is rolled out to a thickness of 3-4 millimeters.
  9. It is desirable that the frying process takes place at 180 degrees Celsius, lay out the products in small batches.
  10. Put the cooked products on a dry towel so that unnecessary fat is absorbed.

traditional recipe

The simplest recipe for how to cook pasties is a classic.

Remember this step-by-step recipe and fry delicious homemade pasties with meat in a pan.


The composition of the products is minimal:

  • flour - one and a half glasses;
  • water - a full glass;
  • any refined oil - 0.5 teaspoons;
  • salt to taste.

Cooking method

  1. Mix the sifted flour with salt, then with butter, rub with your hands and slowly pour in the liquid, knead until the dough stops sticking to your fingers.
  2. We cover it with a towel and leave it for one hour, it will become more plastic and soft, it will be easier to roll it out.
  3. Roll out into a thin sheet, cut out circles with a saucer. We spread the filling on half, cover with the second half, pinch. We press the edges with a fork so that our most delicious products do not fall apart when frying.
  4. Fry in well-heated vegetable oil.

In the same way, you can cook them on mineral water, use it instead of water.

The dough should be firm enough not to tear, but flexible enough to roll out easily. This is the most common way, chebureks on the water will remain crispy and rich.

on boiling water

Choux pastry for chebureks is extremely popular. If everything is done correctly, the dough will turn out delicious, crispy, it is very soft, it rolls out easily.


Yield - 12-13 pieces:

  • premium flour - half a kilogram;
  • 1 piece of egg;
  • boiling water - 1 cup;
  • sunflower oil - 50 ml;
  • salt.

Pour salt into the sifted flour and form a hill out of it, make a hole. Pour in boiling water, gently mix everything (it is better to do this with a wooden spatula, it does not heat up and the dough does not stick to it). Add the egg and oil and mix to the desired state. We send it under a napkin for one hour, the dough in boiling water is ready and it's time to cook crispy chebureks.

On vodka

If you fry pasties with meat, a rather pleasant crispy dough is obtained if you add a little vodka during kneading. Chebureks on vodka have a characteristic crunch, during the cooking process the alcohol will evaporate.


The recipe is for 6 pieces:

  • flour of the highest grade - one and a half glasses;
  • vodka - 25 milliliters;
  • water - half a glass;
  • sugar - 0.5 teaspoons;
  • some salt;
  • sunflower oil - 50 ml.

The recipe for dough with vodka does not differ from the classic version. Sugar is responsible for the appearance of a golden crust, thanks to vodka, the dough is kneaded for pasties with bubbles. It is soft and can be rolled out immediately.

Crimean variant

Everyone who has ever rested in the Crimea is convinced that the Crimean chebureks are the most delicious. Crimean hostesses know how to cook crispy dough for chebureks in such a way that they melt in your mouth.


You will need products:

  • wheat flour - 3 cups;
  • water - an incomplete glass;
  • salt - 1 teaspoon;
  • yolk - - 1 piece;
  • refined sunflower oil - 3 tablespoons.

Before making pastry dough, pour the yolk into a glass of water, add salt and mix. Pour flour in a slide, make a hole and pour water into it, knead. Gradually add vegetable oil. If it turns out cool, add some water. Cover with a towel, it should stand for about an hour.

It begins to delaminate, airy products are obtained from this puff pastry.

Chebureks with cheese are very popular in Crimea. Excellent Crimean chebureks will be obtained if you take hard cheese and brine (for example, suluguni) for the filling in a ratio of one to three and cut into thin strips.

The most delicious pasties with cheese mixed with meat, such as beef, have an excellent taste.

In the oven

We all love fried pies and belyashi, but this food cannot be called healthy, there is too much fat in it. An almost dietary option will turn out if you cook pasties in the oven. And if you take juicy minced chicken for the filling, the dish can be given to children.


For kneading, prepare products:

  • wheat flour - 600-650 grams;
  • water - a full glass;
  • sour cream - 5 tablespoons (of which 1 spoon for lubrication);
  • dry yeast - 1 tablespoon without a slide;
  • refined oil - 100 grams;
  • egg - 1 piece for lubrication;
  • table salt - 1 partial tbsp. spoon.

Cooking method

Let's start with the dough:

  1. Enter the yeast into the flour base or directly into the water, according to the instructions on the package. Mix all the ingredients and knead a soft dough. Give yourself some time to get up.
  2. Prepare the filling to your liking. You can cook pasties with cheese, make minced meat filling.
  3. Roll out a piece of dough, cut it on a plate, put one tablespoon of minced meat in half of the circle, cover with the second half.
  4. Press the edges well, go over them with a fork.
  5. Beat one tablespoon of sour cream with one egg, grease pastries.
  6. Cover a baking sheet with parchment paper and lay out the products.
  7. Preheat oven to 190 degrees Celsius, bake until browned.

Healthy diet baking is ready.

Even easier, you can cook chebureks from store-bought yeast-free puff pastry bought in a store.

On kefir

Incredibly popular dough for pasties on kefir, it always turns out flawless.


Prepare the following foods:

  • premium flour - about 4 cups;
  • kefir (you can whey) - 200 ml;
  • eggs - 1 piece;
  • pinch of salt .

Mix all the products until you get a homogeneous tender dough.

Pasties on kefir are delicious with any filling - meat, cheese, potatoes.

On beer

If you are wondering how to cook the dough in an unusual way, try making pasties, the recipe of which includes beer.


The test components are simple:

  • filtered light beer - 200 milliliters;
  • premium flour - 3.5-4 cups;
  • chicken egg - 1 piece;
  • a pinch of salt.

Mix all the ingredients, gradually adding flour, until a soft plastic dough is obtained. Place it in a plastic bag and let it stand for about an hour.

The dish made with beer is bubbly and crispy.


If you follow the tradition, then they should be stuffed with lamb meat and a lot of fat. But before we cook them, we often prepare another filling - from pork, beef or chicken. An unusually tasty minced meat for this dish is obtained by mixing different types of meat. There will be no tasty snack without onions, it is necessary that he let the juice go. Do not forget to add pepper, a little salt, your favorite spices. Before frying pasties, warm the oil well.

Very tasty lean chebureks, mushrooms are used as a filling, for example champignons, chebureks with potatoes, with feta cheese, with fish are good, chebureks with cottage cheese and herbs have excellent taste, Crimean chebureks are prepared with cheese according to the classic recipe.

If you use our advice, the question of how to make pasties will not arise before you. You can always make chebureks at home, master the recipe for choux pastry and the recipe for dough with vodka, prepare a variety of minced meat for chebureks, bake in the oven, fry chebureks with potatoes and enjoy their unique taste and aroma.
