
Soft-boiled eggs - how and how much to cook? How to cook a poached egg at home in cling film, bag, slow cooker and microwave with and without vinegar? Recipe for salad, soup, sandwich, broth with poached egg.

Eggs are regulars on our table. But, unfortunately, the menu is more often made up of fried or boiled eggs, while such a simple product can be used to make an exquisite poached egg - a real delight for a gourmet.

Remember the famous song of the group "Disco Crash" about eggs? And after all, the guys were right - this is an indispensable product in our diet. Delicious, useful.

How many dishes can you cook with eggs?- an uncountable number. This product is also interesting as an independent dish and there are many options for its preparation. Fried eggs, scrambled eggs, soft-boiled eggs, poached, Benedict. In this article, we will take a detailed look at what is a poached egg and with what it is eaten.

What is a poached egg?

A beautiful name hides an equally beautiful and delicate dish. Poached eggs came to us from France, where in a short period of time they gained popularity, both among the nobility and among ordinary people. Ease of preparation and minimum time spent - these are the main advantages of this dish.

A poached egg is an incredibly delicate product that can be a standalone dish or wonderfully complement others.

We believe that a poached egg is the perfect breakfast. But the inhabitants of France are accustomed to adding it to sandwiches and lunch snacks. In French, the name of this dish sounds like "scalded eggs with boiling water." We can hear another name - eggs in a bag. But for their preparation, no bag is required. Just break the egg into boiling water and wait a couple of minutes- and, voila, a tender delicacy is ready.

Perhaps the name "in a bag" is associated with the appearance of an egg cooked using this technology. Delicate white petals wrap around the yolk like a bag. And in this bag is the creamy consistency of the yolk. So it turns out: the protein bag is completely cooked, and the yolk is only a little stuck. Before serving the protein is slightly cut so that the yolk flows out from this kind of bag.

Video: How to cook a poached egg?

What is the difference between a poached egg and an egg Benedict?

One of the legends origin of eggs benedict says that they were prepared quite by accident. One day, a guest named Benedict stopped in one of the French hotels.

The day before, he had a good walk in a local restaurant. And early in the morning, in order to overcome an unpleasant hangover, he ordered for himself hearty breakfast, which included toast with butter, ham, eggs and hollandaise sauce. This marked the beginning of the journey of eggs Benedict throughout Europe.

Egg Benedict is a poached egg with a delicious addition of ham, bread and sauce

There is another legend, this time from America. In one of the restaurants in New York, regular visitors, a married couple named Benedict, wanted to eat something new. And then the chef of this restaurant did poached egg, put it on ham toast and drizzle with hollandaise sauce.

So what is the difference between a poached egg and a Benedict? Only in additional ingredients. This dish is based on a poached egg, only to it toasts with ham and necessarily hollandaise sauce are added.

Video: Egg Benedict Recipe

How to cook a poached egg at home?

There are several ways to prepare this wonderful dish. But for all recipes the main thing is that the egg is fresh. And real gourmets say that poached from an egg just laid by a chicken is especially tasty. So, here are a few ways to cook eggs in a bag.

Method number 1

  1. Eggs must be washed thoroughly.. Prepare slotted spoon, plate and vinegar
  2. Bring the water to a boil, but it should not boil much
  3. Add a little vinegar, about a spoon
  4. Carefully break the egg onto a plate so that the yolk remains intact.
  5. Stir the water well with a spoon or whisk and slowly lower the egg into it.
  6. After one and a half to two minutes, get it and prepare for serving

Method number 2

  1. Lubricate the cling film with any oil
  2. Let the water boil
  3. Break the egg into the film and tie it with a bag
  4. We lower our creation into the water so that it boils no more than four minutes
  5. We take it out, let it cool a little, and cut the film

How long to cook poached eggs

Opinions regarding the time of cooking a poached egg among cooks often differ. In different recipes you can find a different number of minutes. But basically it says that optimal cooking time - 2-3 minutes.

Do not boil poached eggs for too long, otherwise the yolk will also boil and you will get an ordinary egg boiled without a shell

But experts say that the most correct way is to boil the egg in boiling water for one minute, and then it should walk in hot water for at least ten minutes.

Poached egg poachers

There are several devices that help to easily cope with this dish and make beautifully shaped egg. Of course, if you are a master professional, then it will not be difficult for you to cook such an egg without tools. And with various tricks to make this process more enjoyable.

A poacher is often used to boil poached eggs.

So, some cooks use in this process oiled parchment, cling film or plastic bag. For those who love all kinds of kitchen stuff specially came up with plowing. It resembles a skimmer that follows the contours of the egg. The people affectionately nicknamed her "hedgehog".

Also, to prepare a perfectly even egg, you can apply a sieve through which the protein is passed in order to achieve a homogeneous consistency.

But in Japan invented the technology with which you can cook poached eggs in shell. With the help of a vacuum container, where a constant temperature is maintained, such eggs remain fresh for a long time.

If you do not have a special device, then do not despair - and without it you can cook poached eggs

By the way, the Japanese go to rest in hot springs without fail with a basket of eggs. They dip them into the hot natural element and get amazing poached eggs. Why not a useful device that nature itself gave ?!

poached egg recipe in slow cooker

In order to cook poached egg in a multicooker we will need silicone molds that are used to make cupcakes.

  1. Grease the molds with oil and set in a multi-form mold.
  2. In each cell we place one egg without a shell
  3. Pour 2 cups of hot water into the multicooker
  4. Cover the molds with foil to prevent condensation
  5. Set the mode to "Paired". 4-5 minutes will be enough
  6. Then we take out the molds and let them cool down a bit.

The poached eggs are ready. Can be served at the table.

How to cook a poached egg in a bag?

This method was invented by the Spanish chef Azark. He was of the opinion that, since poached eggs are devoid of a shell, it means that it needs to be replaced with something that is equivalent in structure.

  1. We take the usual plastic bag And oil it inside
  2. Crack an egg into it gently the yolk is intact
  3. We tighten the edges of the bag with an elastic band. This should be done as close to the egg as possible. In this case, he will have a chance to keep his form.
  4. Cook in boiling water for 4 minutes. The main thing that the package did not touch the bottom or walls of the container

This cooking method cannot be called ideal, because, despite the presence of fat on the walls of the bag, the egg still sticks slightly. And it is very important to get it without damaging it.

Vinegar poached egg recipe

Some cooks cook poached egg without vinegar. But it is believed that this ingredient contributes to the fact that the protein folds faster and takes on a more regular and attractive shape.

Many cooks actually use this trick in the cooking process. But here it is important not to overdo it with vinegar as the egg may become sour. That's why No more than one tablespoon should be used per liter of water..

The recipe itself is as follows:

  1. Bring water to a boil in a saucepan
  2. Gently crack an egg into a bowl or bowl.
  3. When the water boils, add some salt and vinegar to it.
  4. Carefully pour the egg into the water and cook for four minutes over low heat.

To make a poached egg close to ideal, you can whisk in boiling water make a funnel and pour the egg into it.

Poached egg without vinegar: recipe

Can cook poached egg without using vinegar. For this, we must take fresh egg preferably well chilled. When lowering into boiling water, avoid letting the egg "hit" the surface. AND the water layer must be at least one centimeter.

In order to cook delicious and beautiful poached eggs, you need to know a few tricks:

  1. First of all it is necessary to pay attention to the freshness of the egg. The fact is that from stale eggs this dish will not work for you. Protein keeps its shape well only in the first few days. Freshness can be checked with water. We lower the egg and observe: if it stands on a blunt end, then you can doubt the freshness. And if it lies on its side, then you can safely use it for cooking
  2. To make a poached egg look attractive, use large, and preferably homemade, eggs that have the yolk has a rich color
  3. For cooking, it is best to use slightly boiling water. Steam should come out of it, and small bubbles should appear at the bottom of the container.
  4. If you would like to receive perfectly flat surface of a poached egg, then it is recommended to strain protein through a sieve so that it acquires a uniform consistency

Salad with poached egg

Tender poached eggs can be used in a wide range of dishes. Salads with their addition acquire a unique, incomparable taste.. Here are some salad recipes.

Light salad with poached eggs - a gourmet treat

Recipe #1

This salad combines interesting textures: crunchy croutons, springy lettuce and tender poached eggs. Such the combination is very lively and unusual. Light salad is perfect for a summer snack:

  1. Cut the bread into small cubes. You can take rye or white bread - to your taste
  2. Heat the oil in a frying pan, add the chopped chili. Then put the cubes of bread into the oil and fry them well.
  3. While the bread is frying, prepare the poached eggs.
  4. Arrange lettuce leaves on plates. Put hot crackers on top of them.
  5. We're getting ready to ship. Add finely chopped garlic to the olive oil and fry for about a minute in a hot pan
  6. Drizzle warm dressing over salad lay poached eggs on top

A poached egg goes well with many products, so your imagination can tell the salad recipe.

Recipe #2

This salad must be eaten warm.. It warms up perfectly on cold winter evenings:

  1. Chicken liver cut into cubes and fry in oil. Salt, pepper and set aside to cool
  2. We tear the washed lettuce leaves with our hands into a plate. Small tomatoes cut into slices
  3. Sweet pepper cut into strips and pass. You can also roast peppers in the oven.
  4. Cooking poached eggs
  5. For dressing, mix olive oil, mustard and balsamic. You can add some honey
  6. Put pepper, warm liver, poached egg on lettuce and tomatoes and pour over prepared sauce

There are a lot of recipes for various dishes that use a poached egg. The main thing is not to be afraid to experiment!

Soup with poached egg

The famous Pokhlebkin described in his book poached egg soup making process. To date, there are many recipes using this ingredient.

Green cabbage soup with poached egg

  1. We cook meat broth. If you want a vegetarian option, then just put the water to boil
  2. Place chopped potatoes in salted water.
  3. At this time, we are preparing dressing from carrots and onions.
  4. When the potatoes are almost ready, add chopped sorrel and ready-made dressing
  5. Cook on low heat for five minutes
  6. Add tomato paste as desired
  7. When serving in each plate add one poached egg and sour cream

garlic soup

This soup is classic french dish. Its creamy structure is perfectly combined with the tenderness of a poached egg. The recipe is extremely simple:

  1. Peel the garlic, crush it lightly and fry for a minute in olive oil
  2. We cut the peeled potatoes arbitrarily, put them in a saucepan, add garlic and broth
  3. While the potatoes are cooking how to cook a poached egg
  4. Beat the finished soup with a blender, then flavor it with cream and mix lightly
  5. When serving soup in a bowl lay out the poached egg and cut it lightly

How to cook cutlets inside with a poached egg?

Do you want to surprise your guests? unusually interesting dish? Then take note of these unusual meatballs:

  1. First, boil four poached eggs
  2. Half a kilogram of minced meat, salt, pepper and beat well
  3. We divide the whole stuffing into four parts. From each ball we make a cake and put a poached egg on it
  4. Carefully form a cutlet, roll in egg and breadcrumbs and fry
  5. When serving, you can cut the cutlet so that the yolk flows out.

poached egg to serve with

Poached eggs can be a separate dish. They can be eaten, for example, for breakfast with toast and coffee. But why not dream up and cook simple but so original dishes?

For breakfast: Quickly fry the garlic in oil, then put the slices of bread in the pan and fry too. We spread the croutons on a plate, and put the tomatoes cut into rings into the pan and lightly brown them. Lay on top of the croutons. Place the poached eggs on a makeshift sandwich and cut slightly.

Most traditionally, poached eggs are served on a wholemeal bread sandwich, combined with vegetables and herbs.

For lunch: Fry slices of ham, onion and garlic. Add cream to the pan, salt and pepper and simmer a little. Boil the pasta, pour it with the resulting sauce, and place a poached egg on top, cut it and sprinkle with cilantro.

Dinner: Lightly sauté the asparagus in butter, then arrange on a serving platter. Drizzle with a little lemon juice, add salt and pepper. Put the finished poached egg on top, cut slightly and sprinkle the finished dish with parmesan shavings.

poached egg calories

In terms of calories, a poached egg is no different from a boiled egg. There are 143 calories in one hundred grams of the product.. But the chemical and vitamin composition is really rich.

It's interesting that poached eggs can act as an antidepressant and uplift the mood. And also they have a positive effect on metabolic processes and are beneficial for the liver.

Poached egg sandwich

Here, every chef has room for imagination. There are countless variations of sandwiches. Everyone cooks this quick dish to their taste. You can use regular bread, you can toast it and make croutons or toast.

A poached egg sandwich is a quick meal, but far from a boring everyday snack.

The choice of additional ingredients is also very rich. These are various vegetables and herbs. You can make a vegetarian version, or you can add ham or pieces of meat. For fish lovers, slightly salted fish slices are perfect.

Sauces can also be customized to your liking. Someone likes it spicier, someone cannot imagine a sandwich without mayonnaise, and someone prefers tomato dressings.

But the main "highlight of the program", of course, is the poached egg. Just place it neatly on top of your sandwich, cut slightly and enjoy the unique taste.

Directly under the shell of a chicken egg is a thin white film. This is the shell shell. It has a lot of nutrients: calcium, magnesium, protein. As for the protein, it contains arginine, glutamic acid, methionine, histidine, cystine and proline.

Hyaluronic acid (HA), which I mentioned in the preamble to the article, gives elasticity to the joints, stiffness of the spinal discs and is very important for the eyes. Has a high water content. Scientists believe that it is this quality of HA that allows some tissues to resist compression. HA also acts as a kind of shock absorber in some parts of the body.

Since the eggshell film contains all the nutrients needed to create healthy connective tissue, scientists have developed a drug made entirely from the shell membrane. This product is known as Natural Eggshell Membrane (NEM ®, Natural Eggshell Membrane). It is taken orally or by injection to protect, lubricate, relieve pain, and hydrate certain cartilage and tissues in the treatment of arthritis.

Studies conducted with this product have shown that people with bone and joint problems begin to experience comfort and pain relief when moving as early as 7 to 10 days of use. Well, how does traditional medicine use the shell membrane?

Eggshell shell for health and beauty. Seven Recipes

Break the egg and make whatever you want out of its contents: we will not need it for medicinal purposes. Then, instead of throwing away the shell, peel off the thin white film and use it as a medicine.

1. Heal the wound after an unsuccessful manicure. Trimming the skin near your nails, often referred to as a quick manicure, can be very painful, especially if the skin has been pulled or torn off.

Take the shell pieces and place them, wet side down, on the problem areas. Leave it there until they dry. Check the condition of the sore the next day and, if not everything has healed, repeat the treatment. Quite often, one procedure is all that is needed.

2. Use shell casings if cut or scratched. Lay the wet side of the film on the cut and leave it there until dry. Tie it up if necessary. The wound will heal quickly, and there will be no scar in the healed place.

3. Get rid of blackheads and clear the skin of acne. The procedure is the same as in other councils. Drying, the film will pull out everything superfluous and at the same time treat the area of ​​​​skin damaged by acne or pimples.

4. Use the shell to remove a splinter or glass shard that is difficult to pull out with tweezers. It's a bit like extracting blackheads. As the film dries, it will tend to pull the splinter out and the tip will show and you can pull it out.

5. Treat an ingrown nail with a shell membrane. Try wrapping the film with the wet side on sore nails and leave overnight. Use a bandage if necessary to keep the application in place.

6. Try using a wet shell film to get rid of boils. Put pieces of film on them until you knock out the boil core like a splinter.

7. Use egg shells for burns, including sunburns. As in other cases, it is applied with the inner, wet side to the burned area.

The shell membrane contains antimicrobial substances. It is bactericidal: it does not let germs through, but allows air to pass freely. This is part of the reason for her success in healing. The terms of wound healing when using the shell membrane always decrease, and the scars remain much less or do not remain at all.

Poached egg cooked in cling film

Many different tools are used to make poached eggs. Usually these are special plowing houses. But there is an option in which ordinary cling film is used.

By the way, with this method of cooking, the result is a bit like khinkali in appearance.

Poached eggs - recipe, with photo, with film

The dish is classified as French. The product is prepared without a shell. The result is an egg, the protein of which has become dense, and the yolk has acquired the consistency of a cream.

The dish is considered a restaurant, although it is also usable at home. To prepare a poached egg in a film, you will need:

  • Eggs;
  • food film;
  • Thread and scissors;
  • Salt and spices optional.

Cooking time is 20 minutes. Poached eggs in film - recipe:

  1. Cut out from cling film, using scissors, n squares with a side of 15 cm, where n is the number of eggs.
  2. Grease each piece on one side with sunflower or olive oil.
  3. Place the cling film in a deep dish with the greased side up. Break the egg into it, being careful not to break the yolk. Add salt and spices if desired. Gather the edges of the film, creating a bag, secure them with a thread. Repeat for each egg.
  4. Boil water in a large container. Turn off the fire. Place the eggs in boiling water for 240-300 seconds, then check the consistency at a glance. If necessary, cook for 1-2 more minutes.
  5. Alternatively, boil the eggs for only 60-90 seconds, then send them to water heated to 70 degrees for 7 minutes.
  6. Remove the eggs at the end of cooking, remove the film and serve.

The recipe is briefly described in the following picture:

Poached egg cooked in film, step by step recipe

Poached egg in cling film - video

The recipe for poached eggs in cling film is described in detail in the following video. The author analyzes the cooking method, preparing the dish step by step.

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Poached egg - this dish came to us from French cuisine. This egg is perfect for a light and tasty breakfast. It can be served on toast. Also, such poached eggs are used in so many dishes as an addition. In fact, this is a boiled egg, but it is boiled without a shell and the yolk must remain liquid. These are the most important features of this dish. There are several methods for preparing such a dish, but I want to introduce you to the simplest and easiest recipe - a poached egg in cling film or a bag. This method ensures that you get the French sophistication the first time. We will cook a poached egg using a baking sleeve, cling film or a regular bag, which we will tie with a thread. Of course, it is better to use special food materials. The dish is very tasty. I highly recommend trying this poached egg recipe!

Ingredients for making poached eggs in cling film or bag:

  • Egg - 2 pcs.
  • Ground black pepper - a pinch
  • Salt - to taste
  • Vegetable oil - for lubrication
  • Water - for cooking
  • Parsley or dill greens - optional
  • Additionally, you will need a sleeve for baking (food wrap) and a thread

How to cook a poached egg in cling film:

1) Take a small bowl, place the baking sleeve in it, cut in such a way as to make a square. Part of the film from the sleeve, which is inside the bowl, grease quite a bit with vegetable oil.

2) Then crack the first egg into the bowl. We will boil the eggs one by one.

3) Now you need to tie the sleeve so that the egg is in it, as in a bag. You can tie with a regular thread.

4) Water should boil. We place the egg in water so that it completely covers it. Boil the eggs in boiling water for three minutes.

5) The last stage is the most difficult. You need to carefully remove the egg from the film. If we had not lubricated the film with vegetable oil, then this would have been very difficult to do. We shift the egg on a plate, salt a little, pepper and sprinkle with chopped herbs.

Poached eggs are a French dish that requires skill to cook. There are many ways to cook it. The two easiest to learn are classic and cling film.

Cooking poached eggs in molds

A poached egg is properly cooked if:

  • it looks like soft-boiled, has a similar density;
  • when cutting the protein, the yolk pours out;

Poached eggs are a dish with a beautiful appearance. Therefore, you should cut off the excess protein remaining after cooking. Eggs are served as an independent dish, or as part of others.

How long to cook poached eggs in a film

Cooking time depends on the specific recipe. Boiling poached eggs in a film takes from 3.5 to 5.5 minutes. The duration is affected by the temperature of the water at which cooking takes place. Recipe for cooking in cling film:

  1. Cut out a square from the cling film (the minimum side length is 15 cm, there is no maximum, but you should not make a too large square);
  2. Lubricate one side of the film with oil to taste;
  3. Place the cling film in the bowl;
  4. Wash the egg;
  5. Break the egg into a bowl, salt and add spices to taste;
  6. Collect the film in a bag, tie the ends or tighten the bag with a thread so that the egg remains in the smallest possible volume;
  7. Boil water in a saucepan;
  8. Cool boiled water to 70-80 degrees;
  9. Trying to keep the temperature of the water at the same level, place an egg bag in it;
  10. Boil the egg for about 4 minutes;
  11. Remove the bag from the water, cut and serve the egg to the table.

How long to cook poached eggs after boiling

Cooking time for poached eggs depends on the cooking method. The classic one involves boiling peeled eggs in water to which vinegar can be added. The last factor directly affects the duration of cooking. Poached eggs are boiled.
