
Adding soda to moonshine before distillation. Recipe for cleaning moonshine with a mixture of baking soda, caustic soda and potassium permanganate

Making homemade alcohol has long been a fairly popular activity. This is not only cost savings, but also confidence in the use of a quality product. However, this process requires clear rules. Only under this condition, the result will be really good drink. One of milestones for its manufacture is the actual cleaning process. You should consider the procedure for cleaning the most common home-made alcohol - moonshine.

Cleaning necessary for separation fusel oils and toxic impurities. Their presence in the composition of the drink causes:

  • unpleasant taste and smell;
  • danger to human health.

The easiest way to filter it from the listed components is to use salt and soda. These are natural antiseptics that neutralize unnecessary components.

Cleaning moonshine with soda

Clear homemade moonshine salt, possibly with an alcohol strength of 30-40 degrees. For this process, only regular baking soda is used. For achievement right effect you should do the following:

  • 10 g of soda is calculated per liter of moonshine, it must be diluted in advance in 100 ml of drinking water;
  • the appropriate proportion is prepared depending on the amount of alcohol-containing liquid;
  • soda is introduced into alcohol;
  • the container is tightly closed, vigorously shaken. This mixture settles for about 50 minutes;
  • after the time has elapsed, it is shaken again, and then again settled in a dark place for 14 hours.
  • the next step is filtration, when the settled liquid is filtered through a homemade filter. For this, folded and rammed cotton wool is used.

For best effect you can put crushed powder on top of cotton wool activated carbon. Carefully strain the liquid, then overtake again.

How to clean moonshine with soda and salt: a sequence of actions

These two components neutralize toxins, so their use gives a fairly effective result. In addition, salt affects the taste of moonshine, gives it softness.

Purify moonshine better soda and salt at the same time. The procedure is appropriate when the drink has a strength of no more than 30 degrees. Therefore, before this, a strong drink is diluted with water to the required degree. Next, the sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Add salt and soda with the calculation - one tablespoon per liter of drink.
  2. Pour the mixture into the drink, leave to stand. This will take approximately a few hours.
  3. At the next stage, the liquid will change properties. There will be sediment at the bottom. This will actually be a signal that moonshine can be filtered.
  4. After filtering, the drink is again put on a distillation.

This method is absolutely perfect option for the cleaning. However, it is important not to overdo it, because the wrong technique and the presence of soda in the drink will ruin it. And this is not the best way to affect the taste.

To bring alcohol to the desired taste characteristics, often use citrus peel, cinnamon and other aromatic additives.

Purification of moonshine with soda is required in order for the drink to become more palatable for those who
uses it. The solution of domestic issues or festivities has never done without this drink. Recipes for its preparation have been passed down from generation to generation since ancient times, so moonshine is especially popular in our time.

The demand for drink recipes is due to the possibility of cleaning moonshine with soda, the benefits and harms of which depend on compliance technological process. fusel oils, acetaldehyde and others harmful components contained in moonshine are a great danger to human health. cleaning alcoholic drink at home requires compliance with the relevant instructions to prepare a quality drink.

Many people do not trust moonshine, considering moonshine an alcoholic drink that has an unpleasant smell and low quality. If finished product made from low-quality raw materials on a primitive distillation device, then it cannot be consumed. Compliance with the technology of competent preparation, as well as cleaning moonshine with potassium permanganate and soda, will protect your own health from the harm of this drink. It must be remembered that it cannot be taken in large quantities.

A high-quality alcoholic drink can only be obtained using safe cleaning methods: chemical and mechanical. Combined methods of purification of an alcoholic beverage are used.

As a result of such procedures at home, neutralization occurs harmful substances that have a detrimental effect on human health. Their list includes:

  • acetic aldehydes;
  • ethers;
  • isoamyl alcohol;
  • fusel oils.

Once in the human body, they cause poisoning, suffering from a hangover, seizures
headache, depression, intoxication of internal organs.

Unnecessary impurities can be removed through complex processing different products and substances:

  • manganese;
  • salt;
  • charcoal;
  • soda.

If all cleaning steps are followed, then the output will be created pure product without smell.
The following methods are popular: processing raw soda and potassium permanganate, cleaning moonshine with soda and salt. You will need to take both substances in the required amount or combine both cleaning methods. It is easier to perform the procedure after diluting the alcohol with water.

To detect the presence of fusel oils and other substances hazardous to health in moonshine, it is enough to use a proven method. The liquid collected in a spoon should be set on fire. The main product burns out, and the remains of the oily liquid are fusel oil.

The process under consideration is rather laborious and time-consuming. It is carried out using sodium bicarbonate (sodium hydroxide). For this purpose, alkali or caustic soda is suitable, used simultaneously with other substances. This component cannot be used as an independent component for cleaning an alcoholic beverage. Its aggressive effect can harm human health.

The benefits and harms of baking soda

Despite the effectiveness of cleaning moonshine with soda, these ingredients, as a result of interaction
form by-products that are harmful to human health. Important property component lies in the ability to form a precipitate when harmful compounds are absorbed. This feature is the basis of the raw material purification process. If the technology was observed exactly, then the use ready drink will not cause poisoning of the body with harmful components.

At first it will be noticeable flawlessly transparent view moonshine, lack of it bad smell. Even secondary filtration of this composition will not lead to changes in its strength. Carrying out the procedure at home is popular due to the cheapness and availability of raw materials, and the ease of the procedure.

Potassium permanganate can be bought inexpensively at any pharmacy. Soda has been used for decades to eliminate fuselage and other harmful substances from alcoholic beverages. Some people tend to consider this method of purification harmful and useless. In the process of its implementation, careful filtration is required. Sometimes additional distillation is carried out.

  • If a person consumes alcohol along with impurities, then this causes irreparable harm health.
  • The method of cleaning with potassium permanganate and soda should not be ignored if their interaction leads to the appearance of harmful compounds.
  • Having eliminated their sediment from the composition, a person may not be afraid of the consequences of taking an alcoholic drink.
  • Moonshine should be filtered after the initial distillation.
  • In the process, various impurities begin to precipitate, which can be removed after a more thorough secondary distillation.
  • This will ensure the effectiveness of the procedure, since all residual impurities will disappear.

Cleaning moonshine with potassium permanganate alone does not allow you to achieve the maximum effect, since the benefits of this process will be minimal.

Combined cleaning methods, i.e., the use of soda with potassium permanganate have always been effective. If a high-quality apparatus is used, then the interaction of soda and manganese will not be harmful. The material from which the equipment is made must not react with the substances used for the procedure.

Combined method: soda and potassium permanganate

To speed up the cleaning of moonshine allows the removal of harmful substances in a combined way,
including the following components:

  • potassium permanganate;
  • caustic and baking soda.

The proposed method is effective, since the active cleansing properties of all ingredients
allow you to achieve a favorable result:

If you want to purify 10 liters of alcohol, then you need to take manganese (15 g) and add water (1 glass).
A soda solution is prepared by mixing it and a drink at the rate of 10 g per 1 liter of liquid. Application caustic soda must be careful:

  • 20 g of the component are poured into 20 ml of water;
  • 1 liter of moonshine is mixed with an alkali solution.

The solution is aged for 30 minutes in a tightly closed container. After careful mixing, the composition is infused for 14 hours. During this time, a precipitate is formed.
Each purification method requires filtration of the drink. For this, a funnel is used, a hole
which is closed with cotton wool or charcoal.

You can filter using gauze folded in several layers. A water filter will also work. Redistillation adds strength to the resulting drink. The above method is common among home winemakers.

After using this complex, the quality of alcohol increases significantly.

soda and salt

Also great way is the purification of moonshine using salt and soda.

  1. The drink should not be too strong. The cleansing process can slow down significantly if the liquid is stronger than 40 degrees. In this case, it is worth diluting the mash with water in order to achieve indicators of 25-30 degrees.
  2. For 1 liter of prepared moonshine, a tablespoon of salt and a teaspoon of soda are taken.
  3. All this should be added to alcohol and let it brew. Then it is worth carefully draining the liquid without sediment and repeat the procedure. Such actions can restore the former strength of the product and purify it.
  4. Improving the taste in one moment is easy, you should add a little honey, cinnamon or nut peel.

Soda quite easily cleans the liquid and forms by-products, and they precipitate. Of course, they are very harmful to human life and health. They must be filtered without fail, as well as to make a subsequent distillation.

Experts believe that cleaning moonshine with soda and salt is the most gentle method. The fact is that these components can make it softer and more tasty. If you do not decide to do the subsequent distillation, then the drink may not be so strong and clean.

Stages of purification of an alcoholic beverage from fusel oils

Cleaning moonshine at home should be done in stages:

  1. Prepare 10 g of soda for 1 liter of drink. If the dosage of soda is small, then it is better to add a little water.
  2. Stir the resulting composition and insist it for 10-14 hours in a dark room.
  3. Strain the solution, giving filtration Special attention, which will allow both distillations to be made without the formation of a precipitate.
  4. The stage of cleaning moonshine with soda is considered intermediate in the process of preparing this drink.
  5. It is necessary to carry out its purification between the first and second stages. If you do not adhere to this rule, then the moonshine may be spoiled.

Soda in large quantities increases the sediment in a drink containing alcohol and gives it an unpleasant taste. Water must be mixed with baking soda equal proportions. If moonshine is strong, then such a composition of the liquid can slow down the reaction. You will need to dilute the resulting raw material with water.

Usually raw has a strength of 40% vol. If its second distillation is required, then the strength of the composition should be reduced to 20-30% vol. After filtering the drink through gauze folded in layers, the moonshine should be filtered. If necessary, this procedure is carried out 2 times. The purified distillate is then sent to fractional distillation, the result of which is nice drink without fusel impurities.

It is not easy to prepare a high-quality alcoholic drink at home, for this you need to know and strictly follow the technology of home brewing at all stages. Moreover, it is important not only taste qualities but also the safety of the drink. Unfortunately, homemade alcohol can be harmful due to poor-quality cleaning of harmful components.

It is known that moonshine consists of water, ethyl alcohol and harmful impurities formed during the fermentation of yeast. They consist of substances hazardous to life and health. That is why manufacturers are trying to reduce the amount of impurities in alcohol, using good raw materials, strictly observing the technology of preparation, exposing alcohol to high-quality purification and double distillation.

Read our other articles on how to clean moonshine from impurities:

It also helps to clean the moonshine with the Panchenkov nozzle -

How to use a steamer to clean moonshine -

Because strong moonshine badly gives off harmful impurities, it is usually diluted to 35-40%.
For better purification of moonshine from fusel oil and other harmful components, specialists who are engaged in moonshine are looking for more effective ways by combining several substances. For example, cleaning with a mixture of baking soda and caustic soda and manganese.

If sodium bicarbonate “pulls out” acids, manganese fights fusel and essential oils, alkali eliminates other impurities. The combined components do not form harmful compounds, it is only necessary to subsequently properly and thoroughly filter and filter the liquid and subject it to re-distillation.

Moonshine cleaning process:

1. For 10 liters of moonshine, you need to take potassium permanganate - 15 g, dilute it in 200 g of water and pour it into the liquid to be cleaned.
2. Dilute sodium bicarbonate in water in a ratio of 1:1. For 10 liters of moonshine soda, take no more than 100 g.
3. Mix a solution of soda and manganese with a drink and mix well. Stir again after half an hour.
4. Pour in the caustic soda solution. 20 g of alkali goes to 10 liters of liquid.
5. Close the lid tightly, shake the jar, put it in a cold place to infuse overnight.
6. Filter through several layers of cotton wool and charcoal.
7. Repeat the distillation of moonshine.
These proportions were selected for a long time and carefully, so you should not change or supplement anything, because an excessive amount of soda is also unacceptable.

Cleaning with baking soda and potassium permanganate

The process of moonshine is not very complicated, but in order for the quality of the product to be high, so that harmful impurities do not exceed allowable norms, it is necessary to clean the product well. One of the methods is potassium permanganate. The effectiveness of cleaning is debated, but some prefer it.

Potassium permanganate is a dark-colored fine-crystalline substance that, when it enters a liquid, turns it into crimson or purple depending on the concentration. But potassium permanganate cannot completely clean moonshine, so it is used for cleaning in combination with other substances, in particular soda.

Ingredients per 1 liter of moonshine:

1. Potassium permanganate - 1.5g;
2. Drinking soda - 10g.

Cooking method:
Dilute potassium permanganate in a glass of water, dilute soda in 100 g of water. Pour the alkaline solution into moonshine, stir, then pour in the manganese solution, mix again and give
stand for half an hour. Then close the container and leave in the dark cool place for 12-14 hours, then filter and re-distill.

The harm and benefits of cleaning soda with potassium permanganate

Potassium permanganate is not able to completely purify moonshine from all impurities formed during distillation, so it is used in combination, for example with soda. Some scientists believe that potassium permanganate will not purify the drink, but may be harmful.

Why might this happen? As a result of the reaction of potassium permanganate and moonshine, it brightens and a precipitate forms at the bottom, but these are not harmful impurities that can be cleaned by filtration. In fact, potassium permanganate reacts with alcohol itself, with ethanol, and in the process, substances are formed that are detrimental to health.

On what is this assertion based? Chemists believe that during the oxidation reaction, harmful substances are formed in the finished product:

  1. Potassium hydroxide;
  2. Sediment - manganese oxide;
  3. Acetic aldehyde is the most hazardous component, may be the cause of alcohol addiction. It can also lead to oncological diseases with prolonged use of alcohol.

These components are detrimental to health, this is the undoubted harm of using potassium permanganate.
The benefits of cleaning - potassium permanganate removes some harmful impurities and fusel oil from moonshine, and in combination with soda, a sufficiently high-quality cleaning is carried out.

Cleaning with baking soda and salt

The recipe for cleaning homemade alcohol with salt and soda has been known since the second half of the 19th century. The methods of great-grandfathers are successfully supplemented, for example, they use soda in combination with ordinary table salt.


  1. Moonshine (40%) - 1l;
  2. Table salt - 1 tablespoon;
  3. Sodium bicarbonate - 1 tablespoon.

Cleaning method:

sodium bicarbonate and table salt dilute in a drink, shake, let stand for half an hour, mix the liquid, put in a cold place for the night. A precipitate should appear in the drink, which is removed by filtration through several layers of cotton wool with the addition of charcoal.

It has long been known that unrefined alcoholic beverages contain, in addition to fusel oils, other harmful substances, but they are quite successfully removed from moonshine. After cleaning the drink with soda and re-distilling it, you can start tasting. Moonshine is already transparent, without a specific smell. By the way, after the second distillation, it becomes stronger.

The harm and benefits of cleaning moonshine with soda and salt

Cleaning with soda - is considered a fast and reliable method, no more than a day is required for the process. The problem is that a do-it-yourself drink cannot be cleaned of all harmful impurities with soda alone, so it is used in a mixture with other products, for example, salt.

With its low cost, this composition is effective, removes most of the unnecessary impurities and excess fusel oil. The unpleasant smell of moonshine almost completely disappears. Salt is added to soften the water, while the taste of the finished drink becomes softer. And since salt is not a harmful and aggressive substance, it will not harm alcohol.

What experienced manufacturers of moonshine warn about is not to exceed certain standards of substances that are used for cleaning. This can backfire and bring more harm than good.

Russian moonshine surpassed the best European ones in quality strong alcohol, even scotch whiskey and french cognac, since for its preparation they used the most quality products: the purest spring water and Russian frost-resistant rye.

Drinking was very expensive, 100 times more expensive than the most expensive scotch whiskey. Catherine the Great sent such moonshine as a gift to Frederick the Great, Voltaire, Carl Linnaeus. Russian traditional drink consistently enjoyed great success.

Moonshine requires a careful approach, quality ingredients, filtration, purification and re-distillation. If all stages of production are done correctly, taking into account proven technologies, then alcohol will only please and will not harm

IN Lately moonshine in our country is gaining popularity. This is easy to understand. After all, an alcoholic drink, properly prepared at home, unlike store-bought surrogates, will never harm human health. But distillation alone is not enough to get tasty and high-quality alcohol. Cleaning moonshine with soda is an indispensable condition for obtaining a truly worthwhile product.

Of course, there are other methods of cleansing. But it is the use of baking soda that is considered one of the most effective. This method perfectly cleans homemade alcohol from harmful impurities, as well as fusel oils.

What soda to choose?

This is not an idle question. After all, soda is different. And not all of it is suitable for cleaning moonshine. Be extremely careful and attentive, because the use of an inappropriate substance can adversely affect the quality of the drink, and subsequently the health of people.

Also, many practitioners advise cleaning moonshine with a prefabricated composition of alkali (caustic soda), potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) and baking soda. However, note that this method has mixed reviews. Many people who used it in practice complained about the foreign smell and taste of alkali.

Remember, alcohol cannot be purified with caustic or soda ash alone. Such actions can turn an alcoholic drink into a virtually poisonous and dangerous substance. You cannot drink such moonshine. Otherwise, you can cause enormous harm to health.

Now let's move on to practice at home and understand how to clean moonshine with soda.

Classic way

You can get a good purified product only if you strictly adhere to the technology described below. Correct sequence action is as important as correct proportions.

1. First, dilute the moonshine (or raw alcohol) to 40-43 degrees. This is considered the optimal fortress for this procedure.

2. For 5 liters of alcohol, you should take 50 grams of soda and 50 ml clean water. Combine both components, mix and get a soda solution.

3. Add the required volume of the prepared solution to the moonshine and mix well. Do not be afraid of the precipitate that has fallen.

4. Hermetically close the container with an alcohol lid and take it to the pantry to settle. After an hour, shake the container intensively for 1-2 minutes. Then leave it to settle for another 12 hours.

5. final stage The technology under consideration is the moonshine filtration process. Upon completion, the drink should be clean. All soda residue must be removed. For high-quality filtration, use a funnel and 5-6 cotton pads. Ideally, a layer of charcoal should be placed between them. Additionally, get acquainted with the publication "".

Benefit and harm

When we add soda to moonshine, a characteristic precipitate forms in the jar. It is this property that allows such cleaning. Soda molecules interact with fusel oils and other harmful impurities of alcohol. going on chemical reaction which results in the formation of a precipitate.

Please note that this sediment is harmful to health, so it must be carefully filtered out. I recommend the procedure cleaning soda between the first and second distillation of moonshine. In this case, you won't have any problems.

Properly carried out cleaning of moonshine with soda, no doubt, will benefit alcohol prepared at home. This is understood immediately after the start of the tasting.

Purification of moonshine with soda is required in order for the drink to become more palatable for those who
uses it. The solution of domestic issues or festivities has never done without this drink. Recipes for its preparation have been passed down from generation to generation since ancient times, so moonshine is especially popular in our time.

The demand for drink recipes is due to the possibility of cleaning moonshine with soda, the benefits and harms of which depend on compliance with the technological process. Fusel oils, acetaldehyde and other harmful components contained in moonshine are a great danger to human health. Cleaning an alcoholic drink at home requires following the appropriate instructions to prepare a quality drink.

Many people do not trust moonshine, considering moonshine an alcoholic drink that has an unpleasant smell and low quality. If the finished product is made from low-quality raw materials on a primitive distillation device, then it cannot be consumed. Compliance with the technology of competent preparation, as well as soda, will protect your own health from the harm of this drink. It must be remembered that it should not be taken in large quantities.

A high-quality alcoholic drink can only be obtained using safe cleaning methods: chemical and mechanical. Combined methods of purification of an alcoholic beverage are used.

As a result of such procedures at home, harmful substances that have a detrimental effect on human health are neutralized. Their list includes:

  • acetic aldehydes;
  • ethers;
  • isoamyl alcohol;
  • fusel oils.

Once in the human body, they cause poisoning, suffering from a hangover, seizures
headache, depression, intoxication of internal organs.

Unnecessary impurities can be removed through complex processing with various products and substances:

  • manganese;
  • salt;
  • charcoal;
  • soda.

If all purification steps are followed, then a clean, odorless product will be created at the output.
The following methods are popular: processing raw soda and potassium permanganate, cleaning moonshine with soda and salt. You will need to take both substances in the required amount or combine both cleaning methods. It is easier to perform the procedure after diluting the alcohol with water.

To detect the presence of fusel oils and other substances hazardous to health in moonshine, it is enough to use a proven method. The liquid collected in a spoon should be set on fire. The main product burns out, and the remains of the oily liquid are fusel oil.

The process under consideration is rather laborious and time-consuming. It is carried out using sodium bicarbonate (sodium hydroxide). For this purpose, alkali or caustic soda is suitable, used simultaneously with other substances. This component cannot be used as an independent component for cleaning an alcoholic beverage. Its aggressive effect can harm human health.

The benefits and harms of baking soda

Despite the effectiveness of cleaning moonshine with soda, these ingredients, as a result of interaction
form by-products that are harmful to human health. An important property of the component is the ability to form a precipitate when harmful compounds are absorbed. This feature is the basis of the raw material purification process. If the technology was observed exactly, then the use of the finished drink will not cause poisoning of the body with harmful components.

At first, the impeccably transparent appearance of moonshine, the absence of an unpleasant odor will be noticeable. Even secondary filtration of this composition will not lead to changes in its strength. Carrying out the procedure at home is popular due to the cheapness and availability of raw materials, and the ease of the procedure.

Potassium permanganate can be bought inexpensively at any pharmacy. Soda has been used for decades to eliminate fuselage and other harmful substances from alcoholic beverages. Some people tend to consider this method of purification harmful and useless. In the process of its implementation, careful filtration is required. Sometimes additional distillation is carried out.

  • If a person consumes alcohol with impurities, then this causes irreparable harm to health.
  • The method of cleaning with potassium permanganate and soda should not be ignored if their interaction leads to the appearance of harmful compounds.
  • Having eliminated their sediment from the composition, a person may not be afraid of the consequences of taking an alcoholic drink.
  • Moonshine should be filtered after the initial distillation.
  • In the process, various impurities begin to precipitate, which can be removed after a more thorough secondary distillation.
  • This will ensure the effectiveness of the procedure, since all residual impurities will disappear.

Cleaning moonshine with potassium permanganate alone does not allow you to achieve the maximum effect, since the benefits of this process will be minimal.

Combined cleaning methods, i.e., the use of soda with potassium permanganate have always been effective. If a high-quality apparatus is used, then the interaction of soda and manganese will not be harmful. The material from which the equipment is made must not react with the substances used for the procedure.

Combined method: soda and potassium permanganate

To speed up the cleaning of moonshine allows the removal of harmful substances in a combined way,
including the following components:

  • potassium permanganate;
  • caustic and baking soda.

The proposed method is effective, since the active cleansing properties of all ingredients
allow you to achieve a favorable result:

  • neutralization of acetic acid due to baking soda;
  • elimination of fusel oils and esters by means of potassium permanganate;
  • cleaning of harmful impurities with caustic soda.

If you want to purify 10 liters of alcohol, then you need to take manganese (15 g) and add water (1 glass).
A soda solution is prepared by mixing it and a drink at the rate of 10 g per 1 liter of liquid. The use of caustic soda should be careful:

  • 20 g of the component are poured into 20 ml of water;
  • 1 liter of moonshine is mixed with an alkali solution.

The solution is aged for 30 minutes in a tightly closed container. After careful mixing, the composition is infused for 14 hours. During this time, a precipitate is formed.
Each purification method requires filtration of the drink. For this, a funnel is used, a hole
which is closed with cotton wool or charcoal.

You can filter using gauze folded in several layers. A water filter will also work. Re-distillation adds strength to the resulting drink. The above method is common among home winemakers.

After using this complex, the quality of alcohol increases significantly.

soda and salt

Also a great way is to clean moonshine using salt and soda.

  1. The drink should not be too strong. The cleansing process can slow down significantly if the liquid is stronger than 40 degrees. In this case, it is worth diluting the mash with water in order to achieve indicators of 25-30 degrees.
  2. For 1 liter of prepared moonshine, a tablespoon of salt and a teaspoon of soda are taken.
  3. All this should be added to alcohol and let it brew. Then it is worth carefully draining the liquid without sediment and repeat the procedure. Such actions can restore the former strength of the product and purify it.
  4. Improving the taste in one moment is easy, you should add a little honey, cinnamon or nut peel.

Soda quite easily cleans the liquid and forms by-products, and they precipitate. Of course, they are very harmful to human life and health. They must be filtered without fail, as well as to make a subsequent distillation.

Experts believe that cleaning moonshine with soda and salt is the most gentle method. The fact is that these components can make it softer and more tasty. If you do not decide to do the subsequent distillation, then the drink may not be so strong and clean.

Stages of purification of an alcoholic beverage from fusel oils

Cleaning moonshine at home should be done in stages:

  1. Prepare 10 g of soda for 1 liter of drink. If the dosage of soda is small, then it is better to add a little water.
  2. Stir the resulting composition and insist it for 10-14 hours in a dark room.
  3. Strain the solution, paying special attention to filtration, which will allow both distillations to be made without the formation of a precipitate.
  4. The stage of cleaning moonshine with soda is considered intermediate in the process of preparing this drink.
  5. It is necessary to carry out its purification between the first and second stages. If you do not adhere to this rule, then the moonshine may be spoiled.

Soda in large quantities increases the sediment in a drink containing alcohol and gives it an unpleasant taste. Water must be mixed with soda in equal proportions. If moonshine is strong, then such a composition of the liquid can slow down the reaction. You will need to dilute the resulting raw material with water.

Usually raw has a strength of 40% vol. If it is required, then the strength of the composition should be reduced to 20-30% vol. After filtering the drink through gauze folded in layers, the moonshine should be filtered. If necessary, this procedure is carried out 2 times. Then the purified distillate is sent for fractional distillation, which results in a pleasant drink without fusel impurities.
