
Meringue without powdered sugar. Meringue - recipes with photos

So, meringue, comrades!

It seems that I have already given here all the possible and impossible educational programs on the most frequent confectionery fakap: about the biscuit, a lot of waste paper has already been written, cheese cakes have been written for you here and baked, and chocolate, and dietary, pancakes and pancakes, all the most ideal recipes have been painted in all details and with step by step photos.

What else do we have in the first places in terms of the number of culinary fakups? Only meringue remained without attention. Moreover, you also ask me to tell you how to cook meringue so that it is beautiful, persistent, tasty and crispy. Well, let's do some work on the bugs, shall we?

You have probably seen, tried, or cooked a scary brown meringue yourself. This is a catastrophe. Natural classic meringue should be snow-white. I myself often find on the Internet a lot of recipes for the so-called "meringue" with a slight brown tint. Don't trust them. It's not meringue. It's already a cookie. The moment the meringue changed color, it ceased to be a meringue and became a cookie.

Remember the main rule of the oven: the meringue is not baked, the meringue is dried.

Meringue is a French crunchy pastry made from meringue. Meringue is whipped egg whites with sugar. Meringue can be made from any kind of meringue. There are three main varieties:

  1. French is the easiest and most common way to beat egg whites. Just beat the whites, gradually adding sugar.
  2. Swiss - more resistant meringue. Here the proteins are whipped in a water bath.
  3. Italian - the most stable and most labor-intensive type of meringue. Prepared with sugar syrup.

For meringue I prefer to do Swiss meringue. Such a meringue keeps its shape perfectly, it is more stable compared to the French one, but the process is not as energy-intensive as in the Italian one.

The main thing

What to do to make the meringue white, crispy and beautiful? Here are my 10 commandments.

  1. The ideal ratio of sugar proteins in meringue: 1 part protein to 2 parts sugar. That is, ideally, you need to weigh the proteins and take exactly 2 times more sugar.
  2. Separate the whites from the yolks while still cold, immediately after the refrigerator (so they are easier to separate). And then leave the whites for 30 minutes at room temperature covered with cling film.
  3. In order for the proteins to whip into a steep foam, all the utensils that are involved in whipping the proteins must be crystal clear and dry.
  4. For a water bath, it is desirable to use a metal or glass heat-resistant dishes .
  5. To stabilize the meringue, confectioners use cream of tartar. If you can't get it, you can replace it with a few drops lemon juice.
  6. The temperature of the oven with this method of cooking meringue should be maximum 100º. If the oven is powerful, then in order to avoid darkening, it is better to lower the temperature to 80º and increase the drying time to 2-3 hours.
  7. Meringue drying time directly depends on their size.. As a rule, this process takes from 1 hour or more.
  8. During the first hour of drying don't open the oven! Otherwise, the meringues may crack or lose their shape.
  9. The easiest way to check the doneness of the meringue is to tear one bezie from the baking sheet, if it comes off easily, then the meringue is ready. And if it sticks, then he needs a few more minutes.
  10. Once the meringues are cooked, don't take them out of the oven right away. Leave them in the oven overnight or until completely cool so that they dry properly inside.

And the meringue recipe on Swiss meringue

We will need:

  • egg whites, room temperature - 125 gr. (3-4 pieces)
  • sugar - 250 gr.
  • * cream of tartar or lemon juice - ¼ tsp
  • a few drops vanilla extract (optional)
  • a few drops food coloring (optional)

*To get a perfectly stable meringue, I advise you to purchase cream of tartar. This is the best stabilizer for proteins, cream, etc. It is difficult to find in ordinary supermarkets. But he available on iHerb . Discount code - POR7412.

Before proceeding carefully read the 10 rules for making meringue ⇑


  1. We heat the oven to 100º. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper or a silicone mat.
  2. In a heat-resistant bowl, put the proteins, sugar and essence, and place it on water bath. The water must not touch the bowl!
  3. Constantly stirring with a whisk, heat the proteins until the sugar is completely dissolved for about 4 minutes (wipe protein mass between the fingers - you should not feel the grains) - this is very important!
  4. After the sugar has dissolved, remove the whites from the water bath, add lemon juice or cream of tartar and start beating with a mixer at low speed for 4 minutes.
  5. Then increase the mixer speed (to the maximum if the mixer power is less than 500 W, and to the penultimate scale if the mixer power is more than 500 W) and beat for another 3-4 minutes or until the mixer bowl cools down to room temperature.
  6. If desired, add a couple of drops of essence or food coloring and beat for another 1 minute.
  7. Transfer the meringue to pastry bag and place the meringue on the prepared baking sheet.
  8. We dry the meringue from 1 to 4 hours (depending on the size), after which we turn off the oven and leave the meringue to dry all night.

Now look at a small video review on cooking the right meringue:

Swiss meringue meringue is crispy on the outside and soft on the inside.

But here I thought well and decided that for the especially lazy you need to write down and the easiest french meringue recipe. Such bezeshki are crispy both inside and out, but the taste is in no way inferior to the above))

Here is my perfect meringue recipe on a simple french meringue


  • egg whites - 115 gr. (4 things.)
  • lemon juice - a few drops
  • sugar - 115 gr.
  • powdered sugar - 115 gr.

Cooking method:

  1. In a clean, dry bowl, at medium mixer speed, beat the whites to soft peaks, i.e., the mass should turn white and be held on the whisk when raised. Add a few drops of lemon juice.
  2. Then increase the speed of the mixer and, while continuing to beat, gradually introduce the sugar, adding 1 tablespoon at a time and beating for 3-4 seconds after each serving of sugar.
  3. When the mass becomes shiny and glossy, and the peaks hold their shape firmly, turn off the mixer and sift in 1/3 proteins powdered sugar, mix gently and mix in the remaining two parts of powdered sugar in the same way.
  4. Everything else is as in last time: put the meringue with a pastry bag on a baking sheet and bake at 100ºС for 1 hour.
  5. After an hour, try to remove one bezie from the baking sheet: if it comes off easily, then you can turn off the oven, if it sticks, leave it for another 30-45 minutes, or even for 1 hour (this will depend on the size of your particular bezek).

    Another surefire way to test meringue for readiness is to break it in half: if it breaks and crunches, then it’s ready.

  6. Finished meringue french meringue You can leave it in the turned off oven all night, or you can take it out immediately and cool.

We store ready-made pies in an airtight container (not in the refrigerator!) At room temperature for a week, or even more. To be honest, I keep them for months.

If you still have any unresolved questions, ask in the comments below. ⇓ Let's decide together.

Good luck, love and patience.

Such a delicacy as meringue, the French called "kiss". And indeed, airy, tender, snow-white, this cake is fraught with many surprises. Especially often surprises arise during the preparation process, because a short list of ingredients does not guarantee an easy and simple way to prepare them. To avoid all the trouble and enjoy the airy cake, read our article, from which you will learn how to cook meringue in the oven at home according to the classic recipe.

Classic meringue in the oven at home

For the first time, they started talking about air meringue in the 17th century, when he visited Switzerland italian confectioner Gasparini and treated everyone to small cakes that simply melted in your mouth. And despite the fact that not a single century has passed since that moment, snow-white meringues could not lose their popularity.
Many people think that only professional confectioners can make meringue, but in fact, any housewife can handle such a dessert, because the recipe includes only two ingredients - sugar and eggs.


Three squirrels;
150 g of sugar;
a pinch of vanilla.

Cooking method:

1. The most important thing in meringue is the cleanest dish in which the proteins will be whipped.

If there is at least one drop of fat on the walls of the bowl, then they simply will not rise. Therefore, it is necessary to separate the proteins from the yolks very carefully, since the latter also contain fats.
2. So, beat the proteins, gradually add sugar and vanillin. We achieve a state of homogeneous mass. If, by turning the bowl over, you did not have to catch the white mixture flowing along the walls, then you managed to beat the ingredients correctly.

If you want to make multi-colored meringue, then just mix the composition with food coloring.

3. We cover the form with oiled paper, spread the sweet snow-white mass with the help of a dessert spoon or a pastry bag. We send portions to the oven for one and a half to two hours (the oven temperature does not warm up above 100 ° C)
4. Do not rush to remove the finished cakes from the oven, open the door slightly and let the dessert cool down.

With powdered sugar

Quite often, when buying a particular dessert in a store, we doubt the quality of its preparation. So why torture yourself with doubts if delicious air meringues Can I make it at home with powdered sugar?


115 g of powdered sugar and sand;
four eggs.

Cooking method:

1. We drive the proteins into a clean bowl and at medium speed we begin to froth them with a mixer.
2. As soon as the mixture turns into a lush "cloud", add sweet sand and increase the whipping speed.
3. Now sift the powdered sugar and gradually introduce it into the egg mass. Stir with a metal spoon instead of a mixer.
4. Put on a baking sheet with parchment dessert spoon cakes and bake them at 100 degrees for about two hours.

Ready meringues should easily lag behind the paper. You can also knock on the dessert - cakes should make a characteristic, "hollow" sound.

How to cook with nuts

Meringue - favorite treat both children and adults. Airy cakes can be prepared according to the classic recipe, or you can diversify the dessert with the help of other ingredients. For example, it is not difficult to bake meringue with nuts.


Eight egg whites;
a glass of sugar;
140 g of powdered sugar;
a glass of syrup;
160 g walnuts;
25 g starch.

Cooking method:

1. Carefully divide the egg into components, put the squirrels in the bowl and, together with granulated sugar, begin to beat until a dense mass.
2. Sift the sweet powder together with the starch and carefully add it to the egg mass.
3. Spread on a baking sheet with parchment, sprinkle with chopped walnuts, bake for 50 minutes at a temperature of 100 degrees.
4. Pour the finished cakes with sweet syrup.

Meringue in an electric oven

Such an airy cake is made to create the most different desserts. To cook it at home, it is important to follow simple but important recommendations.

Eggs should be taken fresh and chilled.

Proteins and yolks must be carefully separated, since any foreign ingredient will not allow the proteins to be whipped until desired consistency.
As the speed of beating increases, add sweet powder and foam the composition until the mass becomes snow-white, and most importantly, stable.
Now it remains to lay out with a spoon or confectionery syringe the resulting mass on a baking sheet with baking paper. We bake dessert electric oven one to two hours. It all depends on the size of the cakes, as well as whether you want to cook wet meringue, or crumbly (temperature 120 degrees, maximum 150). Ready-made cakes should cool directly in the oven.

Recipe from Grandma Emma

Famous culinary video blogger grandmother Emma shares her cooking recipe airy dessert with a surprise.


Five proteins;
240 g white sugar;
a spoonful of vanilla sugar;

Cooking method:

1. Pour a pinch of salt into the chilled proteins and beat the composition into a steep foam at low speed.
2. Without stopping the mixer, add sugar granules (regular and aromatic), increase the speed. As soon as the mass has obtained the desired consistency, turn off the device and gently mix the mass again with a spoon.
3. On a baking sheet covered with parchment, lay out the cakes, send a piece of walnut to each.
4. Bake for about two hours at 100 degrees.

Meringue in the cake oven

Quite often, meringue is prepared to assemble other desserts. It can be arranged in the form of beautiful little cakes that will serve as a decoration, or baked in the form of a whole cake for a layer between dough pieces.


five egg whites;
a sachet of vanillin;
320 g of granulated sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Cover the bottom of the mold with baking paper.
2. We begin to beat first some proteins, and then at high speed we continue to beat them together with a sweetener and vanillin until a stable mass.
3. Ready composition put in a form, level and put in the oven for an hour. The temperature is 100 degrees. It is necessary to monitor the baking process so that the cake does not darken.
4. We cool the workpiece and separate it from the paper.
Making meringue from proteins and sugar is often called the French way. There is also Italian, where instead of sugar they use sweet syrup and Swiss with lemon juice.

If you don't know, I'll teach you. If you just forgot how to make meringue - I will remind B-) . The recipe is simple: egg white and sugar. That's all. Almost.

Remember, yesterday I boasted that after eating a wonderful morning, I redid a bunch of things, including piled two pans of meringue, a bowl of vinaigrette and? Uh-huh, you guessed it - I recorded all these actions in the photo and will certainly share the recipes with you. Forcibly. Then: yes: . For now, everything is in order. And I started my yesterday's workday with meringue.

On this wonderful January thump (the Internet promised -27 outside the window, I didn’t check it with a thermometer, because militant cats tore it off the window in the heat of the last year) I ended up at home alone. At all. Even the cats went for a walk. Rare case. No one fumbled with a hairy paw on the table hoping to throw off something tasty, no one tried to shout over the mixer and force me to brew tea, no one asked me to pour the pot at the moment when my hands were elbow-deep in kneading dough, etc. I will keep this day in my memory forever, because I have done a lot of things. That's it, I finish lalyakat and return to the description of the meringue preparation algorithm. The face is serious and stern. So.

To create a meringue, we need: mail: :

  • 6 medium egg whites
  • 1.5 cups sugar (mine is 250 ml)
  • Quarter of lemon (optional)
  • A pinch of salt (IMHO, more of a ritual than a necessity)

Comrades, from the indicated number of products, I get two large baking sheets of meringue. If you do not need so much, reduce the dose by a third. Then you get one large baking sheet and one small one - they can be stuffed into the oven at the same time. Or reduce the dose by half - then you get one baking sheet. For my priests (in the sense, lovers of food) this is not enough. Therefore, I knead the meringue of 6 proteins. Where I successfully attached the yolks this time - I will tell you soon, you can subscribe to the newsletter so as not to miss the heartbreaking details: yes: .

How to make meringue, step by step recipe:

  1. Thoroughly wash the eggs (chicken, of course). So that, separating the proteins from the yolks, do not fasten any rubbish from the shell into your meringue.
  2. Carefully separate the whites from the yolks. Don't be stingy and try to separate all the protein - it's impossible. But piercing the yolk is easy. The ingress of the yolk into the protein part has a detrimental effect on the whipping process, so we act thoughtfully, without rushing.
  3. A bowl for whipping meringue according to the legends of great culinary experts: wacko: must be dry and fat-free. It is considered very cool to grate it with a slice of lemon and, for greater whipping, first add a pinch of salt to the proteins. Crap. In the pre-Internet era of my life, I had not heard of either lemon or salt, and the meringue was excellent. But for the superstitious, these signs can be observed - they will not harm.
  4. So, add a pinch of salt, pour the squirrels into a bowl and start working with a mixer at the highest speed.
  5. When the squirrels are whipped into lush foam, gradually, in small portions, add granulated sugar. If you use powdered sugar instead of sugar, the whipping process will end faster. I managed in 20 minutes - but this, as you understand, is a very conditional guideline. Proteins must be converted into thick cream, which is not going to fall off the spoon if it is turned over. "Beat until stiff peaks" means that when you remove the beaters from the egg whites, they leave firm, sharp protein cones.
  6. We plant meringues on baking paper or foil using a pastry bag, if your soul irresistibly gravitates towards impeccable forms. My soul likes the quick and easy, so I used a teaspoon and my own index finger. It turned out to be amusing protein stalagmites.
  7. Gently place the baking sheet (or baking sheets) in a warm oven and be patient. For it takes 2 hours to dry all this luxury in the oven at 100 degrees. The larger your bezovin, the longer they will dry. After an hour and a half at the indicated temperature, no one forbids you to drag out of the oven (one by one!!!) with a smart face supposedly for examination 😉 .

Friends, good afternoon! Let's cook French delicacy from beaten egg whites with sugar baked in the oven. As you may have guessed, this dish is called "Meringue", which is translated from French as a kiss. Who tried it wonderful dish agrees that it can be compared with a gentle kiss. We will cook it at home in the oven and attach detailed step by step photos so that you can do everything.

For housewives who often cook, the question sometimes arises of what to do with the proteins that remained after cooking any dishes where only yolks were needed. Prepare the meringue, you won't lose, these tender cakes melt on the lips of satisfied loved ones. Everyone is happy and the squirrels are not gone.

Made from meringue different types desserts, each of which has its own characteristics and secrets of preparation. We advise you to carefully study the issue of preparation, since the details are very important, literally one wrong step and the dessert may not work out.

There are different types of meringues from different ingredients, in this recipe we will show how to make meringue from simple products that are in every home. So, we are preparing a classic meringue recipe in the oven at home.

Required products:

  • Egg whites - 5 pieces;
  • Sugar - 250 grams;
  • Salt - 1 pinch.

Detailed cooking method:

1. Chicken eggs take good, fresh. First of all, we will separate the proteins from the yolks, we only need proteins. It is important that the yolk is not damaged, otherwise the whites will not whip well. The utensils in which we will beat the proteins should be glass or metal, in plastic utensils proteins whip a little worse.

Not a drop of water, oil, fat should get into the protein, otherwise the meringue will not work.

2. Add a pinch of salt, and in order for the mass to beat well, the eggs should be slightly chilled.

3. We begin to beat with a mixer and add a little sugar. Beat until formed lush mass about 10 minutes.

4. We shift our mass into a pastry bag or you can spread it straight with a spoon on a baking sheet. We use a file, it's quick and easy, then you don't need to wash anything, just throw it away and that's it. We cut off the tip of the bag and squeeze the mass onto a baking sheet, previously covered with baking paper.

5. We form beautifully and accurately our future meringues.

6. We put the baking sheet in the oven, heated to 100 degrees for about 1 - 1.5 hours, if there is a fan in the oven, then turn it on, since our dessert should be dried and not baked.

This meringue recipe in the oven is very simple and does not require much effort, we hope you enjoy it.

According to this recipe, very tasty meringues are obtained, and in this example we will share with you the main secrets of preparing such yummy. Now we will tell you in detail how to make meringue at home.

Meringue - at first glance, a simple dish, it would seem that it could be easier to beat the eggs, add sugar and that's it.


  • Chicken egg - 5 pieces (protein);
  • Sugar - 240 grams;
  • A pinch of salt;
  • A pinch of citric acid or lemon juice - 1 teaspoon.

There are certain rules and subtleties that must be followed for a 100% good result:

1. Mandatory for Beze needed fresh eggs. To determine the freshness of an egg, drive it into a bowl and observe. If a chicken looks at you from a bowl, then meringue will not work out of such an egg 🙂.

Now seriously, if the protein keeps its shape and the yolk flows around in a tight ring, then the egg is fresh. If the protein is not dense, but spreads strongly, then this egg is not suitable for meringue and you should definitely not cook this dish from such eggs.

2. Exist different opinions what temperature should the eggs be, someone says they should be at room temperature, someone specially cools them. We make meringue quite often and use regular chilled eggs from the fridge, we don't put them in the freezer or anything else.

3. For meringue, we need a completely dry pan, any one except aluminum will do, in it the protein loses its color, elegance, becomes gray.

4. Carefully separate the protein from the yolk, not a drop of yolk should get into the protein. We recommend that each egg be divided over one dish, and the separated protein should be poured into a separate bowl. The yolk is not useful to us, we remove it.

5. Approximately 50 grams of sugar is spent on one egg. We have a glass of about 240 grams, so let's take five eggs.

6. In order for our proteins to beat successfully, we will literally add a pinch of salt and start beating with a mixer or blender at low speed until foamy. Then increase the speed and continue to beat for five minutes.

7. Small portions at low speed, add sugar in 2-3 tablespoons and continue to beat the protein, gradually increasing the speed for 10 minutes. The protein was whipped until dense peaks formed, the mass should be quite thick, even if you turn the dishes over, they should not flow out, in the literal sense, you should not turn the dishes over, suddenly they were not beaten well enough 🙂.

8. Add a few citric acid granules, literally a small pinch, or a teaspoon of lemon juice and whisk another drop to dissolve everything.

9. We must spread the meringue in a preheated oven up to 100 degrees, it is important not to use a high temperature. You need to spread the meringue on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper for baking. You can use a special pastry bag, after placing the mass there. We spread it with two spoons so that the meringues turn out in the form of lush clouds than more spoon the more dessert.

10. We bake for about 1-1.5 hours, be sure to closed oven which we do not open. Next, slightly open the oven, turn it off and let the dish reach and cool for a couple of hours.

So we prepared a recipe for meringue in the oven, it did not burn, it easily moves away from the paper, it turned out quite plump and airy.

Do you watch your figure and constantly count calories? Do you think such sweetness as meringue is not for you? We hasten to please you and offer an amazing meringue recipe without sugar and eggs, namely dietary vegetarian dessert. main ingredient of our dessert is very unusual, called aquafaba - it is a viscous liquid that is obtained after boiling chickpeas or other legumes, the liquid that we usually pour out after cooking. And the whole secret of it is that thanks to high content protein, combined with starch, it beats as well as egg white. And this means that you can cook Musa, soufflé, meringue, air biscuits and even coffee foam.

Cooking meringue, in classic recipe use egg white and sugar, but we will cook from a decoction of chickpeas and maple syrup.

For aquafaba (150 ml):

  • Water - 700 ml.
  • Chickpeas - 200 grams;

For meringue:

  • Maple syrup - 100 ml;
  • Aquafaba - 150 ml;
  • Salt - 1 pinch;
  • Citric acid - ⅓ tsp;
  • Beetroot juice - optional;
  • Vanillin - ½ tsp;

Cooking meringue without sugar:

1. We prepare aquafaba, wash the chickpeas, soak them for 8-10 hours or leave them overnight. We drain the water.

2. Add 400 ml clean water and put on fire. Cook until soft, about 2 hours, covered. In the process of cooking, water will boil away from us, so we add another 300 milliliters.

3. At the end of cooking, there should be some water left in the pan, just as much as we need, about 150 milliliters. The broth is ready, and from the chickpea itself you can cook delicious or meatballs.

4. Pour the liquid into a deep container and beat in a mixer at high speed until white foam. Five minutes and the foam is ready.

5. Now add hot maple syrup continuing to beat until soft peaks form.

6. Adding citric acid, salt and vanillin.

7. Whip to stiff peaks.

8. We shift the resulting mass into a pastry bag or into a bag with a cut off tip.

9. We squeeze the cream onto a baking sheet covered with baking paper, we added a little to part of the mixture beetroot juice, For beautiful color. If the mass spreads, then you have not whipped it enough.

10. We put our bezeshki in a preheated oven to 100 degrees for one hour.

11. If the meringues are firm and well behind the paper, then they are ready, but it is important to leave in the oven until completely cooled.

By the way, 100 grams of the product contains only 154 kcal.

Alexander Khoroshenkikh

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Cooking instructions

1 hour 10 minutes Print

    1. Separate the proteins from the yolks. The main thing is to carefully separate them, otherwise the proteins will not whip well and nothing will come of it. I take two cups, carefully pour the whites into one, the yolks remain in the other (you can cover them with foil, put them in the refrigerator and then make something out of them too). Crib How to separate whites from yolks

    2. In beaker Pour sugar, up to the mark of 150 grams. Add 2 teaspoons (but you can do more, so the smell will be on the whole house) vanilla sugar.

    3. We preheat the oven, but very weakly. I turn on 120 degrees. Tool Oven thermometer How the oven actually heats up, even if you set a specific temperature, can only be understood with experience. It is better to have a small thermometer on hand, which is placed in the oven or simply hung on the grate. And it is better that it shows degrees Celsius and Fahrenheit simultaneously and accurately - like a Swiss watch. The thermometer is important when you need to strictly observe temperature regime: let's say in the case of baking.

    4. We take some bowl in which we will beat the squirrels (I have a special plastic bowl for this, you can beat anything in it), a mixer, and go! It is important, of course, that the mixer is powerful. If everything is in order, then 3-5 minutes should be enough to get a strong foam that will not fall out even if you turn the bowl upside down. Tool Mixer Beating egg whites, as well as kneading other substances like minced meat or dough, is convenient not by hand (as it takes time and effort), but with a mixer like KitchenAid. For example, the Artisan model has ten speed settings and three different attachments to work with any consistency, besides, it is also a versatile food processor.

    5. Pour the sugar out of the glass, beat for another 5 minutes. Until the sugar more or less becomes one with the foam. It is done! To check how perfect everything is, you can run the whisks of the mixer over the surface of the foam, and if motionless traces remain, then everything is ok!

    6. Put a sheet of baking paper on a baking sheet so that it fits in size.
    Tool Baking paper open pies and quiches for even baking are best sent to the oven on a wire rack, and so that the sauce boiling from the heat does not drip between the rods, baking paper will help. For example, the Finns produce a good one - it is quite dense and is already divided into sheets that are easy to get out of the box. And more from paper is not required.

    7. Well, we put future meringues on it in any form! I make magic tricks with a bag of different nozzles (something like a pastry syringe, only simpler). You can make small meringues or large ones. Smaller ones, by the way, bake faster. Tool Cone confectionery It is convenient to squeeze the filling onto the dough, like the cream, with a pastry cone. Then the portions are even and neat, and the hands do not get dirty with minced meat. The horn does not have to be bought, it is easily twisted from cellophane or some other waterproof material. For confectionery purposes, it is better to use cones with a variety of nozzles - usually several pieces are included in the set at once.

    8. That's almost it! We put in the oven at 120 degrees, for 50-60-80 minutes, you can periodically check. If the outside is hard, then it's time to take it out.
