
Vietnamese alcohol with a snake how to use. Chinese vodka with snake

China, Thailand or Cambodia are well acquainted with such a drink as snake tincture, or, as it is also called, snake wine. This exotic drink for us in Asia is very popular! Few people know that they started preparing medicinal snake tinctures in Vietnam many centuries ago, and only then the recipe spread among the countries of Southeast Asia. And each manufacturer of the “serpentine” subsequently supplemented and changed the recipe, based on their traditions. Therefore, now there are many types of tincture - geckos, seahorses, scorpions, salamanders, ginseng and all kinds of medicinal herbs. Sometimes there are options that are quite creepy in our understanding - with baby rats, chicks and other animals.

Vietnamese beliefs say that the tincture protects a person from evil spirits, promotes longevity and gives wisdom.
In the European sense, snake tinctures can be divided into three categories:
1. “drinking” snake - quite nice drink, which can be drunk without paying attention to supplements. Usually it is a drink made from the snake's natural liquids in a jar of alcohol, infused for about a day, then they are treated to guests.
2. “medical” snake is disgusting, like any medicine. Its locals use it for almost all diseases. It is known that snake venom, dissolving in alcohol-containing liquids, is neutralized, while maintaining the desired beneficial properties. These miraculous potions are prepared as follows: poisonous snakes are poured into a glass jar rice vodka or wine, where they subsequently infuse for about six months. Both one snake and several can be placed in a jar, and the quality of the tincture increases from the quantity, which, according to its users, can cure both myopia and oncological diseases. It is believed that the use of tincture contributes to the normalization of metabolism, pressure, helps to thin the blood, dissolve blood clots and cholesterol plaques. Thanks to the snake tincture, human immunity increases, the cells of the body are renewed, and its rejuvenation as a whole occurs. The tincture is especially useful for men, as local healers prescribe a drink for the treatment and prevention of prostatitis and increase potency. It is recommended to drink this tincture no more than 50 ml per day. In addition, it can be used not only internally, but externally, making lotions for diseases of the joints, sciatica, osteochondrosis, as well as other diseases of the spine.

3. "souvenir" kite - sold in tourist shops and at any collapses. Maybe someone drinks it, but I would not risk it. Good, in my opinion, only as a present to a friend 🙂

Of course, it takes some courage to drink snakes, but it's definitely worth a try!

Tinctures on a snake are one of the most popular souvenirs among tourists who have visited the countries of Southeast Asia. However, this product should be taken seriously - the tradition of treatment with them has more than 2000 years. Local doctors claim that the use of a certain tincture internally or externally, in accordance with their recommendations, cures any disease.

some classic recipe does not exist - depending on the region and manufacturer, the number and specific types of snakes, the proportion of medicinal herbs, ginseng and other additives change.

The history of tinctures on the snake

According to the legend, for the first time a case of healing after drinking a tincture on a snake was noted in China. It happened a long time ago - even before our era. The treatise "Healing Canon of Shennong" tells a beautiful story.

A famous winemaker lived in China, and he had a beautiful beautiful daughter. But a misfortune happened - an 18-year-old girl fell ill with leprosy - a disease that they could not treat then. First ugliness awaited her, and then death.

However, there was a popular belief that a girl could be cured at the cost of her fiancé's life by passing the disease on to him. The father decided to arrange the marriage of his daughter as soon as possible. But she sincerely fell in love with the young man destined for her husband and did not want to save her life by destroying him.

Refusing to marry him, the girl went to her father's distillery, deciding to drown her sadness from the loss of her lover and longing for a life that had not really begun yet in wine. Drunk drunk, she slept there until the morning. After a while, it became obvious that the girl had recovered.

When that vat of wine from which she drank was drained to the bottom, the reason for the miraculous healing became clear - a poisonous snake was found there. Since then, the belief in amazing healing properties tinctures on poisonous snakes. If a patient with such a terrible disease as leprosy has already been healed, then this remedy will help all the more with other diseases.

Types of snake tinctures

Based on the purpose, snake tinctures are divided into three types.

According to the method of preparation, all snake tinctures can be divided into two groups

  1. A live snake is infused in alcohol entirely for some time. Then drink the resulting infusion.
  2. The snake is killed right in front of the patient. He must drink blood, bile, poison and other liquids, which are immediately stirred in a glass of alcohol.

Healing properties and indications for use

If you believe the Vietnamese and Chinese souvenir sellers, then this product is a real panacea. Whatever diagnosis you may be given, drinking tinctures, you will be miraculously healed - you just need to pick up right snake and dosage. Especially emphasize the fantastic results in the field of increasing potency for men and rejuvenation - for women.

It is obvious that all these stories, to put it mildly, are not true. Their goal is the same - to force gullible tourists to purchase a miraculous elixir.

But the opposite view is also wrong. Local residents resort to this drug for any disease. In Vietnamese legends, viper tincture is mentioned as a remedy for protection from evil spirits.

spirits and snake bites, it also prolongs life and gives wisdom.

Modern research has proven the effectiveness of snake tinctures. This product stimulates tissue renewal at the cellular level, normalizes metabolism, arterial pressure, cleans blood vessels from blood clots and cholesterol plaques (and prevents their occurrence in the future).

There are results when applied externally. Chinese medicine actively uses lotions and compresses from tinctures for diseases of the bronchi and lungs, migraines, neurasthenia, rheumatism, sciatica, any diseases of the joints and spine, muscle weakness and numbness of the extremities.

What is important for women, stories about miraculous transformation and rejuvenation also have a scientific basis. Viper tincture has been proven to stimulate the regeneration of skin cells, regulate the activity of the sebaceous glands and have an antioxidant effect, protecting against free radicals. As a result, the skin becomes calmer, smoother and more tender. The complexion is evened out, age spots, redness, acne marks disappear, wrinkles are smoothed out.

Students and knowledge workers will appreciate the increase in the overall tone of the body and performance, getting rid of the syndrome of increased fatigue.

If you decide to try this treatment, you are not in danger of poisoning yourself. Snake venom has a protein base, which completely dissolves under the influence of ethanol - only useful substances remain.

Please note that tinctures are consumed only as a course, as directed and under the supervision of a physician. You should not get carried away with them either - you can drink up to 50 ml per day. tinctures, and not immediately, but in 2-3 doses.


The snake tincture is alcohol, and quite strong (45-60°C). Therefore, like all alcoholic beverages, it should not be consumed by persons under the age of 18, pregnant and lactating women, those who suffer from diseases of cardio-vascular system(especially for hypertensive patients) and gastrointestinal tract. There are those who suffer from individual intolerance to ethanol.

Other contraindications include epilepsy (and in general any convulsive seizures), neurasthenia and neurosis, acute infectious diseases, accompanied by the use of strong antibiotics.

If you follow the traditions of Chinese medicine, then only men can use the tincture to enhance the yang energy. For women, it will not bring any benefit, weakening the yin energy. In addition, the same Chinese claim that women have their own poison - why do they also need snake?

And, of course, this treatment is not for the faint of heart.

How are tinctures prepared?

Each tincture is prepared strictly following the recipe and technology, perfected over the centuries. Depending on this, one or several different snakes are used, adults or newly hatched cubs. Other ingredients are also added - ginseng, herbs, insects and arachnids. The most popular tinctures with vipers, but also come across cobras, asps, snakes. It is believed that the more poisonous the snakes, the better the product.

Snake tincture is prepared in two ways.

Cooking at home

In preparation snake tincture there is nothing difficult. The main difficulty is to get main ingredient. Various shops specializing in oriental medicine offer dried snakes.

Two or three (depending on size) snakes need to be broken into small pieces or grind into powder in a coffee grinder or blender, pour into a bottle and pour alcohol or ordinary vodka (about 0.5 liters). The bottle is tightly closed and left in a dark place at room temperature for 12-14 days. When the alcohol has evaporated by half, it is added to the previous volume.

Before use, the resulting infusion is filtered and drunk in 20 ml. once a day. When it runs out, the kite can be filled with alcohol again.

July 25th, 2017

One of exotic species alcoholic beverages common in the world is snake wine. Feature of this low alcohol drink it is considered a poisonous snake that is in a bottle.

Let's take a closer look at this topic...

Vietnam is considered the birthplace of snake wine, it was there that the tradition of its preparation arose. The first information about the use of the drink was recorded during the reign of the Zhou Dynasty. Since then, this wonderful recipe has spread throughout Southeast Asia, where it reached the peak of its popularity.

As a raw material for the manufacture of this unusual wine use poisonous snakes. The drink is prepared by infusing "creeping" in solvents such as alcohol or rice vodka. Depending on which of them is taken as a basis, the wine acquires its aroma and taste. The price of wines is also different, it is easier to buy a drink for alcohol than to get one infused with rice vodka from delicate aroma and mild taste.

Snakes, being the main ingredient of this unique drink, are valued not for their meat, but for snake venom, which dissolves in alcohol. The poison, which is part of the drink, is denatured with ethanol, so it is considered safe for health.

Wines with snakes are divided into two types. The first is used in fresh(within 24 hours, the natural fluids of poisonous snakes insist on alcohol). Second, long time insist in well-corked bottles and serve only on special occasions.

An interesting fact is that in addition to the snake, several scorpions or lizards can be found in this wine. Such an unusual “interior” of a bottle of wine is decorated with various medicinal herbs and roots.

The use of poisonous snakes in the drink is not carried out for the sake of their meat, the main role is played by their smell, taste and poison, which dissolve in alcohol over a certain time. Ethanol neutralizes the poison and the latter becomes safe.

By the way, in a container with wine there may be not one snake, but several small snakes at once, accompanied by a lizard or a scorpion. As an "interior" are various healing herbs and roots, which are selected specifically to enhance the healing effect of wine. Depending on the herbs chosen for the infusion, the drink can acquire antibacterial, tonic, vitamin or strengthening properties.

Herbs in a drink can only be selected by specialists, because their role in palatability the guilt is quite significant. The tonic, therapeutic and antibacterial effect this soft drink.

It is very important to know how to use this exotic drink, otherwise they can be severely poisoned. It is best to drink the tincture with a teaspoon at the rate of one every few days.

For those who have a desire to try the drink, but are not entirely sure of its safety, experts recommend diluting the wine with tea. This option is suitable for a drink infused with the addition of herbs and roots, otherwise the wine diluted with tea will acquire a strong specific smell.

You can buy snake wine only in Vietnam. You won’t have to look for it for a long time, since bottles with this drink act as a souvenir. They can have different sizes, be the smallest and contain one, but very poisonous snake inside, and the largest inside which you can count about a dozen snakes.

Snake wine, according to manufacturers, can be used in the treatment of many ailments, but still experts believe that many of its medicinal properties are exaggerated to attract potential buyers.

There are two varieties of snake wine:

* Fermented: A large venomous snake can be placed in glass jar with rice wine, often with many small snakes, turtles, insects and birds, and left in this form for several months. Wine is consumed in small piles.

* Mixed: The body juices of the snake are mixed with wine and consumed directly, preferably in small shots. Snake blood wine is made by pouring snake blood from an incision into a glass and then mixing it with rice wine or alcohol.

The tradition of making and drinking snake wine originated in Vietnam and spread throughout the region of Southeast Asia and southern China. It is widely believed that such wine has medicinal properties and are often advertised for treating everything from farsightedness, to hair loss, as well as to increase sexual potency. However, many of these claims appear to be exaggerated in order to attract buyers. Today, snake wine is illegal to import into many parts of the world, including the United States, as cobras and many other snakes are often endangered.

Why is wine with snakes, scorpions and lizards so useful in Vietnam? Maybe the fact is that the snake is considered a symbol of wisdom and longevity, and drinking snake infusion means getting its strength.

The healing properties of snakes, especially poisonous ones, have been known for centuries. So, for example, in France until the 18th century, viper meat was very popular due to beneficial effect on health and appearance. The notorious Madame de Sevigne, who received the title of Marquise from Poitou and is described in The Adventures of Angelique, advised her daughter to sit on a "viper diet" for one month a year. The viper can be skinned and gutted, after which, if desired, boil with herbs, stuff the capon with it, cook broth from it, make aspic, cook oil, etc.

Snake meat is believed to relieve rheumatic pains and nourish the blood, while boiled snake skin is a panacea for sore eyes.

By the way, almost everywhere Chinese bartenders (they are also cobra tamers) add snake blood to their signature drinks. You can buy a half-liter bottle of real cobra wine for $40, or if you're lucky, you can buy a bottle of twice the volume for much less. The price range for snake wine is wide.

The wine is believed to have medicinal properties and is often advertised for treating everything from farsightedness, to hair loss, to increasing sexual potency. However, many of these claims appear to be exaggerated in order to attract buyers. Today, snake wine is illegal to import into many countries around the world, including the United States, because cobras and many other snakes are often endangered.

It is also interesting that in addition to one large snake, a couple of small snakes, a scorpion, can be in the wine. Or even a lizard that a snake holds in its teeth. At the same time, the interior, so to speak, is a variety of medicinal roots and herbs.

Do not think that herbs are taken at random, in fact they play a very important role in wine. They may depend healing effect wine, it can be tonic, firming, vitamin or antibacterial. Lovers pick a few different wines and use them for different purposes.


Let me remind you about some more interesting drinks: For example . In pursuit, here you are: or here, and of course

When I served in the GDR, I happened to visit the famous Leipzig Fair. What was not there! Eyes darted. But the bottles of Vietnamese rice vodka made the biggest impression on me. The bottles were different shapes, and a snake was placed inside each. It was located in the form of a spiral, its head rested on the neck. I haven't been able to see this yet. My wife was also shocked by what she saw.
Why is there a snake there? – she asked me in a kind of frightened way.
- What do you mean why? You don’t have to take a snack with you, I joked. - They figured out, for example, drunks for three, immediately around the corner of the store they drank and ate a snake. The wife nearly vomited at those words.

Later I learned that the Vietnamese consider this vodka to be medicinal. Snake venom gradually dissolves in vodka, alcohol neutralizes this poison, making it harmless, and vodka becomes a cure for various diseases. Among Asians, this tincture is very popular.

They say that for the first time snake vodka appeared in Vietnam about two thousand years ago, and soon gained popularity in many Asian countries.
According to one legend, a girl fell ill with leprosy. Out of grief, she went to the distillery, drank plenty of wine and fell asleep. The next morning she felt that she was completely healthy. It turned out that the reason for the sudden healing was wine, into which a poisonous snake fell and drowned in it. Since then, they allegedly began to infuse vodka with poisonous snakes.

To prepare such vodka, you need to catch a snake and starve it for thirty days. During this time, she will get rid of excrement. Then it is washed and placed in a bottle of vodka. The bottle is sealed well. Such vodka is infused for a long time, from three months to a year.

Moreover, vodka must be made from high-quality rice alcohol. The snake is a living creature, it dies for a long time. If the vodka is of poor quality or not aged enough, then when the bottle is opened, the snake may “resurrect”. Cases have been recorded when the bites of such snakes led to death.

One Chinese woman living in the town of Harbin was bitten by a rattlesnake that had been steeped in vodka for 3 months. After 3 months, when the woman was sure that the snake was definitely dead, and opened the bottle, the reptile stung her. But everything worked out, the woman survived. But the other Chinese were not so lucky. In 2011, he was bitten by a cobra that was pickling in a bottle. whole year, after which he died.

According to statistics, about 100-150 people die from such accidents in China alone every year. That's how tenacious these creatures are. They may well live in a bottle of vodka for up to a year or more. So that such vodka does not harm the body, you can drink it no more than 50 ml per day and in small sips.

It’s good that they don’t make such vodka in Russia. A Russian peasant cannot drink 50 grams, and even in small sips. A bottle for three is the minimum norm.


Thank you Seraphim for your feedback.
But there are bottles different sizes. I remember in our post-war years vodka was sold in "quarters" - such big bottles, you can't carry more than one. A boa constrictor will climb into such a bottle)
Wishing you success

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The countries of Southeast Asia are quite in demand in terms of tourism, and those who have visited Vietnam or China at least once are most likely familiar with such an alcoholic drink as a snake. This exotic product used by residents different countries in great demand.

The basis of the drink is a poisonous snake placed in a bottle, the poison of which dissolves in alcohol. It is believed that the venom of the cobra (this snake is often used for cooking) brings health benefits.

Useful properties and dosage

A bowl with a snake has long been a symbol of medicine. Doctors and healers of the East have always known that many diseases are healed with snake bile and blood. Asians claim that the use of tincture increases tone and sexual desire. For smokers, especially those with a long history, this drink is also useful, since snake bile is good for coughing.

Outwardly, some versions of Chinese vodka with a snake may not look very attractive and even cause rejection: a liquid with a yellowish tint in which there is a poisonous snake. Bottles may contain scorpion, salamander, gecko, seahorse, ginseng, others medicinal plants and components. It is actually a traditional vodka made from rice and infused with reptiles.

It is believed that the drink helps with various health problems:

  • in the treatment of arthritis and arthrosis (they drink or rub the sore spot);
  • in the restoration of the central nervous system;
  • increases testosterone levels;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • relieves fatigue;
  • has an expectorant effect;
  • accelerates cell growth;
  • promotes regeneration and gives a rejuvenating effect.

Snake venom dissolves and neutralizes when infused in alcohol. At the same time, medicinal substances are preserved. Snake venom has a protein base, so a sufficiently long contact with ethylene completely deactivates the dangerous substance.

Features of Chinese and Vietnamese tincture

Depending on the region or country, the tincture recipe may vary, but the principle itself is the same. The reptile is first placed in a separate container. The snake is aged for several weeks to get rid of excrement. After that, they wash it, put it in glass containers and filled with vodka. Sometimes they use . After 5 days, the bottle is opened, the snake crawls out, trying to breathe air. At this moment, you need to have time to put the royal scorpion in her throat.

While the reptile is alive, its organs produce active substances with double strength. As a result, bile and poison are thrown into the tincture, which are subsequently neutralized by alcohol. Beneficial features these substances are preserved and the drink becomes a drug.

Vodka from China has a not very pleasant specific smell, rich texture and yellow. Used for tincture different types snake, most often it is a cobra. The reptile can be either alone or with small snakes. In addition, the drink is prepared with berries, ginseng root and other medicinal plants. There are options with insects. For example, in Harbin they put autumn flies in the tincture, in the central regions of the country - wasps.

The most quality vodka, which is even recommended by the Chinese Ministry of Health, is made in Jilin Province. All ingredients and the recipe are kept in the strictest confidence. The drink is quite in demand among the inhabitants of the Middle Kingdom. It has been made for more than a century. Snake extract has always been highly respected and loved by all Chinese emperors.

There is another version of the drink - bile, snake blood and other components are simply added to or vodka. Such a cocktail is drunk in one gulp. Components from the reptile are taken while it is alive.

In Vietnam, an exotic drink is insisted on snakes, and they also make soft, fragrant, palatable cane rum with cobra. Apply remedy for various diseases internal organs. The recipe for vodka, in addition to snake venom, includes all kinds of ingredients for aroma and aftertaste: insects, young mice, lizards, barberry, spices. The salamander is used to make rum.

Snake tincture with leaves, roots and flowers of plants has a pleasant delicate aroma. Dried or fresh medicinal plants make the tincture even more useful, endow it with antibacterial and tonic properties. Drinks are infused for several months in a warm, dry room. The product has valuable medicinal properties. Chinese, and vietnamese tinctures sold in pharmacies of producing countries.

Instructions for use

Drink tincture on the snake 30-50 ml per day in small sips, focusing on the taste. The dosage is obligatory, otherwise the medicine may turn into poison. The taste of the drink may be different, depending on the method of preparation.

There were times when a snake in vodka for a long time remained alive. Therefore, it is recommended to be attentive and careful when opening the bottle. When the product runs out, the container can be refilled with vodka and the contents are infused for 1 month.

Contraindications and possible harm

A drink with a snake and a scorpion must be infused for a long enough time so that the poison in them has time to neutralize. If the preparation technology is violated, neutralization may not occur, and the effect of taking such a medicine will not be entirely pleasant. Death from the drink will not occur, since the gastric juice will surely dissolve the poison, but the state of health can deteriorate greatly. To avoid such troubles, you should purchase goods from trusted sellers.

Snakes are tenacious reptiles, able to remain viable for several months, despite being completely immersed in liquor.

A poisonous snake, waking up from hibernation, can bite a person who opens a bottle, as a result of which a fatal outcome is not ruled out. Snake extract is a potent remedy, take it in large doses is strictly prohibited. The remedy is contraindicated for children and pregnant women. Do not use snake extract during breastfeeding.
