
Recipe for lean okroshka in variations. Okroshka with salted mushrooms and bean and eggplant puree

In fasting and for unloading, we eat lean okroshka with mushrooms with our family. Mushrooms go into it any that you have at home or that you buy. A simple option - with champignons, royal - with white.

Servings: 3-4

simple recipe lean okroshka with mushrooms of Russian cuisine step by step with a photo. Easy to cook at home in 30 minutes. Contains only 143 kilocalories.

  • Preparation time: 19 minutes
  • Cooking time: 30 min
  • Amount of calories: 143 kilocalories
  • Servings: 12 servings
  • Reason: For lunch
  • Complexity: simple recipe
  • National cuisine: Russian kitchen
  • Dish type: Soups, Cold soups

Ingredients for ten servings

  • Mushrooms - 200 Grams (of your choice)
  • Kvass on bread - 1 Liter
  • Beets - 1-2 Pieces
  • Pickled cucumbers - 2-3 Pieces
  • Green onions (bunch) - 1 piece
  • Horseradish - - To taste

Step by step cooking

  1. Okroshka with mushrooms is very spicy. Mushrooms and pickled cucumbers go well together. And beets and green onion give freshness. Mushrooms can also be used dried, after soaking them. It seems to me that okroshka with mushrooms is different from all its other options. I share the recipe and strongly advise you to try it.
  2. So, how to cook okroshka with mushrooms?
  3. Boil the beets, peel and grate on coarse grater.
  4. Boil mushrooms. Then they need to be thrown into a colander and squeezed a little. Chop pretty finely.
  5. Peel the pickled cucumbers, select the seeds and cut into cubes.
  6. Mix everything in one bowl, pour kvass and mix again.
  7. Add horseradish to taste, I usually add a couple of teaspoons. Horseradish okroshka will add spice.
  8. Rinse and chop green onions, sprinkle them with okroshka with mushrooms.
  9. Our dish is ready.
  10. Bon appetit!

Those who love lean and vegetarian food, like to try something new and diversify their diet will definitely like this dish. Mushroom okroshka is not prepared often, but the taste is simply extraordinary, therefore hardened meat-eaters will also appreciate it. Moreover, the recipes for preparing this first one are so diverse that they allow you to vary the products, choosing those that you like.

Okroshka mushroom traditional

Let's start with classic okroshka with mushrooms.


  • Mushrooms - 150 g;
  • Boiled sausage (without bacon) - 150 g;
  • Chicken egg - 3 pcs.;
  • Potatoes - 4 pcs.;
  • Radishes - 6 pcs.;
  • Cucumber - 2 pcs.;
  • Sour cream 20% - 2 tablespoons;
  • Green onion - 1/3 bunch;
  • Greens - ½ bunch;
  • Salt, pepper - to taste;
  • Kvass natural - 1.5 l.


  1. We set the potatoes to boil in their uniforms, you can also put eggs to it - this is very convenient.
  2. IN separate saucepan boil water, salt it and spread the thoroughly washed mushrooms whole.
    It is better to take champignons, but oyster mushrooms and sandpipers are also suitable. If desired, add a few peas to the water allspice, pinch nutmeg And Bay leaf- this will make the taste of mushrooms more intense.
  3. When they are cooked, after about 35 - 40 minutes, we throw them into a colander - let them cool, and leave the broth, it will still be useful to us. We also drain and cool the potatoes and eggs.
  4. When everything cools down, we start cooking. Peel and finely chop potatoes and mushrooms into cubes. We clean the eggs, you can use them at your discretion - chop with a fork and add to the rest of the ingredients or cut into quarters and arrange on plates right before serving - it's up to you.
  5. Finely chop the sausage and radish. The latter can be completely grated on a coarse grater. This advice is also relevant if we use radish instead of radish.
  6. We chop greens and onion feathers, chop cucumbers. The main thing is not to forget to check the latter for bitterness, in which case the skin must be peeled off.

Filling preparation

Now it's time to start preparing the filling for okroshka. We remove the cut products in the refrigerator and take out the kvass, the broth left over from the mushrooms and sour cream. You can use a mixer, or you can stir directly with a spoon.

  • First we take the broth and kvass in equal proportion in order not to overdo it with the liquid, dissolve the sour cream and start trying.
  • Salt, pepper and, if something is missing, add.
  • Perhaps you need to mix in a little mustard or horseradish, or maybe add a spoon lemon juice or a few grains of citric acid.

When the broth is ready, we take the filling out of the refrigerator, lay it out on portioned plates, and only then, fill each one individually with dressing. So the soup will turn out more aromatic and tastier.

So our okroshka with mushrooms is ready for the table!

Sausage in this recipe is easily replaced with boiled meat or chicken fillet.

Those who prefer to eat only products plant origin we recommend trying next recipe. The first cooked according to it turns out to be light, but, thanks to mushrooms, hearty.

  • Boil the medium beets until cooked and cool.
  • 200 g of mushrooms cook much faster, so we put them later in already salted water. We also cool the finished ones in a colander or in a large sieve, do not drain the broth.
  • Cut 2-3 pickled cucumbers into small cubes and leave to drain excess brine.
  • We clean the cooled beets and cut them into small cubes, mushrooms can also be cut, or you can cut them lengthwise into slices, leaving the shape of a mushroom.
  • We combine all the ingredients in a deep bowl and pour a mixture of unsweetened kvass and mushroom broth adding both in turn.

You can also fill okroshka with tan or fat-free kefir. In this case, you can add a little lemon juice so that the taste acquires a piquant sourness.

Sprinkle with herbs when serving.

The same recipe can be supplemented by adding 2 chopped potatoes in their skins and 1 apple to the indicated amount. You can serve such okroshka simply with kvass, and with the addition of sour cream.

  1. Boil 3 medium potatoes in their skins, cool and finely chop.
  2. We also grind 200 g of any salted mushrooms. To avoid excess moisture in them, let them drain first.
  3. Cut ½ bunch of green onions with kitchen scissors and send to the tureen.
  4. We also put potatoes and mushrooms there.
  5. We fill all 2-3 tablespoons of low-fat sour cream, salt, mix and pour unsweetened kvass. It is better to add it a little bit so that you can control the consistency.
  6. Sprinkle the finished okroshka with chopped parsley and serve.

When adding spices, remember that mushroom okroshka goes very well with mustard and horseradish. But you need to add these ingredients in small portions or in individual serving bowls.

You see how many mushroom okroshka recipes you can cook! With mustard and pickles, with beets and pickled mushrooms - among such a variety, there will surely be exactly “your” taste.

Some of us do not eat meat in principle, someone prefers to arrange unloading vegetarian days. But refusing it does not mean that you should forget about your favorite dishes, because there is always an alternative - for example, lean okroshka, the recipe of which you will find in this article. This light, refreshing first meal made without eggs or meat will become real wand lifesaver and for losing weight, it is always easier to keep a diet with a varied diet.

Lean okroshka can be very diverse both in terms of ingredients in the composition and filling, because it is not necessary to fill it with kvass or kefir. What else? We will tell about this!

But first, let's deal with classic recipe this dish.


  • — 2-3 pcs. + -
  • - 1 PC. + -
  • - 1/4 bunch + -
  • - 1/4 bunch + -
  • - 2-3 branches + -
  • - 1/4 tsp + -
  • - at the tip of a knife + -
  • — 500 ml + -
  • Radish or radish- 150 g + -


  • Boil the potatoes in their skins, letting it boil for at least 30 minutes. Drain the water, cool and clean. We cut into small cubes.
  • We check the cucumber for bitterness, if necessary, clean and also finely chop.
  • My radish, remove the tails and grate or chop. Cut green onions with kitchen scissors.
  • We combine everything in a deep bowl, salt, pepper and pour kvass.
  • Pour chopped greens into the finished okroshka, if necessary, additionally cool in the refrigerator and serve. Bon appetit!

As you can see, cooking lean okroshka is even easier than meat okroshka, because you don’t have to mess around with sausage or boil beef. Moreover, such a first can be done for the future.

Cook's advice
If you want the lean okroshka to stand in the refrigerator for several days, chop the vegetables, but do not salt or fill them with dressing all at once. Do it separately portioned plates- this will allow, without compromising quality, to cook the first 2-3 days in advance.

As a rule, this root vegetable is not added to okroshka, but in this recipe its appearance is justified, because in addition we will also add tofu.

Even if you categorically do not like this product for its tastelessness, do not refuse immediately! In okroshka, it will be almost invisible, and it will bring a lot of benefits - vegetable protein is especially useful for women.

  • So, boil, as usual, or steam 2 medium potatoes and 1 medium-sized carrots and cool them.
  • We cut 1 cucumber into cubes, and 3-4 medium radishes are three on a grater or also chopped with a knife.
  • We can chop 1/3 of a bunch of greens, or we can crush it at the bottom of a tureen with salt. So it will give more taste, and will not pop up.
  • 180 - 200 g tofu cut into cubes.
  • Now that the potatoes and carrots are not only cooked, but also cooled down, we clean and cut them too.
  • We combine everything, fill with 2 tbsp. lean mayonnaise, salt, add a little (1-2 tsp) mustard, stir again and slowly pour in cold boiled water. It is better to do this in batches to control the resulting consistency.

We keep the finished lean okroshka with carrots and tofu in the refrigerator for another 20-25 minutes and serve!

Lenten okroshka with beetroot dressing

The first one according to this recipe is not only tasty, but also very beautiful!


  • Raw beets - 1 pc.
  • Potatoes - 1-2 pcs.
  • Radish (radish) - 5-6 pcs. (1 small)
  • Cucumber - 1 pc.
  • Green onions - 1/3 bunch
  • Fat-free kefir or lean mayonnaise - to taste
  • Vinegar - ½ tsp
  • Sugar, salt, black pepper - to taste


  1. To begin with, we set the potatoes to boil, as usual. We clean right here raw beets and cut it into slices. Fill with water - 1 - 1.5 liters, depending on the size of the root crop and also put on fire.
  2. We cook the beets until they become completely soft, then filter the broth, add 9% vinegar, a little sugar and salt to taste. We leave to cool.
  3. We proceed to prepare the rest of the ingredients: we clean and finely chop the cooled potatoes, chop the cucumber, three on a grater or chop the radish (radish) with a knife. We chop green onions.
  4. We combine everything, salt, mix and only then cut the tomatoes into slices and add them to the rest of the vegetables. If you do this earlier, they will wrinkle and look ugly.
  5. If desired, we fill everything with 1 tbsp. lean mayonnaise or pour 100 ml of fat-free kefir.
  6. And now, when everything is ready, we fill our okroshka with beetroot broth. We add it a little bit so as not to make the first one too liquid.

We put everything in the refrigerator and serve after half an hour. Okroshka will turn out with pink broth and tender unusual taste. Try it!

Light okroshka with bread

This recipe is good for a snack - an afternoon snack or a second breakfast. Prepares instantly and does not contain meat - just what you need!

  • We take 200 g of rye bread, preferably Borodino or any other with a rich taste. We cut off the crust from it, we only need the crumb.
  • Finely chop 100 g of green onions and 50 g of basil, cilantro, parsley and dill.
  • Three horseradish root fine grater, take 1-2 tsp. for sharpness. Instead of a fresh vegetable, you can take shop seasoning, add it to taste.
  • In a separate deep bowl or measuring cup mix 500 ml mineral water with gas and the same amount of kefir, curdled milk or matsoni. Salt.
  • We mix chopped greens, bread cubes, horseradish and fill everything with sparkling dressing.

Lenten okroshka with bread is ready!

In this recipe, we will meet only fresh green vegetables, which makes it incredibly healthy and dietary. A real detox for the body.

  • Cut into cubes 250 g Chinese cabbage.
  • Peel and chop 2 cucumbers, wash 6-7 radishes thoroughly and cut into half rings or three on a coarse grater.
  • 1 ripe avocado peel off the skin and chop the flesh. If the fruit is very ripe and soft, it is better to cut into large pieces, since the small ones will choke, if the density allows, we chop more finely.
  • If desired, greens can be crushed with salt at the bottom of the pan for a richer taste.
  • Pour okroshka with a liter of fat-free kefir.

You can cook another version of the dressing. Stir with a mixer 200 g fat-free cottage cheese per liter boiled water. If desired, you can replace it with a mineral one with gas. We salt and pepper everything.

Such okroshka will turn out light and crispy, just what you need in the midst of a hot day! If you want to make it a little spicier, add mustard to the vegetables before pouring. A couple of teaspoons is enough, the main thing is that the spice is well dispersed.

Lenten okroshka with nuts

We will make the first according to this recipe if you want to get more hearty option vegetarian okroshka.

Let's cook right away walnuts do best with them.

  1. Grind the nuts in a mill, blender or chop with a knife - we need 3 tbsp.
  2. 2 cucumbers, peeled and cut.
  3. Dill and basil, chopped 20 g each.
  4. We combine everything, mix, salt, pepper and pour in the tan. This lightly carbonated drink goes well with this composition. It is best to take it from the refrigerator, then okroshka can be eaten immediately without cooling.

As you can see, the lean okroshka, of which there are enough recipes to choose from, turns out to be very tasty! Try any or suggest your own in the comments, most importantly, cook and eat with pleasure, friends!

Step 1: prepare the mushrooms.

The mushroom component can be taken at will. Perfect for okroshka and champignons, and chanterelles, and oyster mushrooms. If you decide to cook soup with the addition of dried mushrooms, then first of all you need to soak them overnight right in a pot of water. And the next day, boil them in the same water. The cooking time of such mushrooms depends on their type and the drying process. So taste it dried mushrooms while they are still cooking. In the second case, if we use fresh ingredient- just boil them in a saucepan over medium heat, from time to time checking the degree of readiness of the mushrooms. After - put the mushrooms with a tablespoon in a colander so that water is drained from them. We do not pour out the mushroom broth - we still need it.

Step 2: Boil other ingredients.

Now boil hard boiled eggs in another pan. And in the third - boil potatoes in their uniforms. After all the ingredients are ready, the first is cooled under cold running water, and the second - lay out on a cutting board, let it cool.

Step 3: Grind the okroshka ingredients.

So now the fun begins. The potatoes are already cold. With the help of a knife, we clean it from the peel. After - on a cutting board with a knife, cut it into small squares and put it in a deep bowl. Then we remove the protective film from the sausage and then we perform the same operation with it as with the first component. Now grind the eggs in the same way and also put them in a bowl. Next Ingredient- radish. After - chop green onions, parsley and dill. And last fresh vegetables are cucumbers. We also cut them into squares and add to all other components in a bowl. Mushrooms have already dried up. Therefore, we also lay them out on the board and chop them with a knife, in the way that you like best. You can leave the shape of the mushroom or make mushroom squares. That's all! We already have all the ingredients of okroshka in one container. While we prepare the liquid for the soup, place the bowl with the filling in the refrigerator.

Step 4: prepare the dressing.

A mixture for a soup like Okroshka should always be made to your liking. There are no restrictions, respectively - there are no special proportions. In the process of cooking, try the dressing, and if any component is missing, feel free to add it to the liquid. So, in a deep bowl we make a mix of kvass, mushroom broth, sour cream and horseradish. I always pour in more kvass and sour cream. Mix everything well with a spoon until uniform consistency. Put in the refrigerator to cool.

Step 5: serve Okroshka mushroom.

When all the components of the soup are well cooled, you can get them out of the refrigerator and distribute them in portions. First of all, mix all the crushed ingredients with a spoon. Then put the ingredients in a bowl with a spoon, portion by portion, salt to taste and fill everything with dressing. We mix everything well and only after that we pour the okroshka into a deep plate or bowl for serving. You can additionally either add a spoonful of sour cream to the okroshka and sprinkle the dish with chopped herbs, or put it on the table so that everyone can add as many ingredients as they want. Enjoy your meal!

- - Okroshka should be poured only with unsweetened bread kvass. If you can't find it in the store, then you can make it yourself. The only thing is that it will take more time than cooking okroshka! cut into small pieces Rye bread and dry it in the oven until dark brown. The main thing is not to overcook the bread! Otherwise kvass will be bitter. After the croutons, pour hot boiled water in a deep bowl and insist for several hours. After the infusion, we filter through cheesecloth into a bottle and add sugar and previously diluted with water there. fresh yeast. According to the proportions for 1 liter of kvass, it is necessary: ​​rye crackers - 50 grams, sugar - 1 tablespoon, fresh yeast - 2-3 grams, purified water - 1 liter 200 milliliters. And you can also add a handful of unpeeled raisins, because on its surface there is also wine yeast. We insist kvass for about 8 hours in a warm place. And after that we filter it again and only then put it in the refrigerator.

- - Instead of kvass, you can add kefir, yogurt, and cucumber pickle and even beer.

- - Instead of boiled sausage, you can put pieces in Okroshka boiled meat chicken or pork.

- - Do not fill all the crushed components with liquid at once. If you do this before serving, the soup will be fresher and more aromatic.

Warm days have come and I want to cook okroshka with mushrooms. Because in this heat okroshka with mushrooms as a kind of cold soup - that's it! I recommend cooking this okroshka with salted, barrel mushrooms. Because they have more rich taste, but the taste of okroshka will not be the same at all.

To prepare okroshka with mushrooms, you will need following products:
Salted mushrooms (honey mushrooms, boletus, etc.) - 120 g.
Potatoes - 2 pcs. medium size
Kvass - 400 g.
Sauerkraut - 0.5 cup
Chicken eggs - 2 pcs.
Green onion - 8-10 feathers
Dill - 1 bunch
Horseradish with vinegar ready (sauce) - 1 tsp
Sour cream - 1 tbsp.
Salt - to taste

How to cook okroshka with mushrooms:

We cut potatoes

We cut the onion

Before proceeding with the preparation of the okroshka itself, it is necessary to prepare the products included in its composition. Namely, boil potatoes (you can wear uniforms), peel and cut into cubes. Together with potatoes, you need to cook a couple of hard-boiled eggs.

Cool the boiled eggs, peel and separate the yolks from the whites. Cut the egg whites into cubes, also cut the mushrooms into cubes.

Rub the onion

Slicing mushrooms

We take three to five green onion feathers, finely chop and simply grind with salt in a saucepan. You need about half a teaspoon of salt - don’t get carried away right away, it’s better to add salt to the finished okroshka later. Pour the grated onion with salt with kvass.

Grind the egg yolk with sour cream, add to the pan and mix. We put mushrooms, potatoes there,

Rub the yolks with sour cream

half a glass of sauerkraut and a teaspoon of prepared horseradish with vinegar. We mix everything again and now ours is ready for use.
