
Recipe for envelopes with puff pastry cheese. How to make delicious puff pastry cheese puffs

wonderful recipe baking from dough stuffed with cheese, herbs, ham, minced meat, mushrooms is worth mastering for every housewife.

Cheese envelopes will help out when guests are on the doorstep or you need to quickly prepare an express breakfast (dinner) option.

This great option hearty and delicious snack at school or at work.

For cooking cheese envelopes perfect puff pastry, although you can take a simple yeast, shortbread, kefir dough and even thin ready-made pita bread.

Almost any filling can be wrapped in envelopes with cheese: ham, meat or minced mushroom, cottage cheese, eggs, fish, greens. Very tasty, for example, puffs with fish and cheese or pita bread with cheese and herbs.

Cheese Envelopes - General Cooking Principles

Dough envelopes can be fried or baked. Cooked in a pan, they turn out to be more high-calorie and crispy. Roasting in the oven will slightly reduce the calorie content of the dish. The average baking temperature for puff pastry products is 180-190 degrees, the time is about 20 minutes (if the dough is rolled out very thinly, then 10-15 minutes is enough). For yeast dough, denser in consistency, a mode of 200-210 degrees is suitable, the baking time is about half an hour.

The ingredients for the filling should be finely chopped. Fry mushrooms, onions and meat, boil potatoes. Cheese is better to grate, although for fast option can be cut into thin slices. Delicious to mix various varieties cheese, add cottage cheese to the filling, processed cheese taste.

Envelopes with cheese fried from a simple dough on kefir

A simple dough on kefir is a real salvation for the hostess. It is prepared in minutes, it turns out tender and very tasty. Novice housewives should definitely take note of the recipe for delicious crispy envelopes with cheese. A cup of coffee makes for an amazing breakfast, and a cup of green tea makes for a delicious afternoon dessert.


A glass of kefir;

Two or three glasses of white flour;

Half a teaspoon of salt;

A teaspoon of sugar;

A teaspoon of soda or baking powder;

Two hundred grams of semi hard cheese or suluguni;

Two tablespoons of cottage cheese (optional);

One egg;

Four tablespoons sunflower oil.

Cooking method:

Pour kefir into a mixing bowl.

Add salt with sugar, soda or baking powder, mix.

Gradually stir in the flour. Ready dough should be soft, non-sticky, stretch well. During kneading, you need to monitor the amount of flour, as the quality of the gluten affects the result. You may need less or more than the three glasses indicated in the recipe.

Shape the dough into a ball, cover with cling film and leave to rest for 40 minutes.

Grate a piece of cheese on a medium coarse grater or cut into small cubes.

Mix cheese crumbs with cottage cheese.

If desired, fresh chopped herbs can be added to the filling to taste.

Drive in curd cheese filling egg, mix well.

Salt if the filling seems fresh, and the cheese is taken unsalted. You can add your favorite spices.

rested soft dough Place on a floured work surface and roll out into a 1cm thick sheet.

Divide the dough into two parts, roll each into a roll, then cut into small pieces.

Kneading a piece of text with your hands, form a circle, put a spoonful of cheese filling in the middle.

Blind the edges with an envelope.

Heat the oil in a frying pan, reduce the heat to medium and fry the envelopes with cheese on both sides.

Share on paper towel, in order to get rid of excess fat.

Envelopes with cheese and salmon from puff pastry

Gives an incomparable taste cheese and fish filling pies-envelopes from ready-made puff pastry. Especially if this fish is fatty salmon, and the cheese is lean feta. Instead of salmon, you can take any red fish, for example, trout or salmon, and replace feta with suluguni or other young cheese.


Half a kilo of ready-made puff pastry;

Half a kilo of chopped salmon fillet;

Two hundred to three hundred grams of feta;

One bell pepper;

Half a tablespoon of dried thyme (or two sprigs of fresh);

Ground pepper taste;

Tablespoon olive oil;

One yolk.

Cooking method:

Cut the flesh from the washed piece of salmon, remove the bones and cut into large pieces.

Melt the butter in a frying pan, fry the salmon over medium heat for five minutes. At the end, salt and sprinkle with pepper. Pour into a large bowl.

bell pepper cut into small cubes, after cutting off the stalk and removing the partitions with seeds. Fry in the same pan, adding a spoonful of olive oil, for five minutes.

Fried salmon mash with a spoon or fork and mix with pieces of roasted pepper and dried thyme (wash fresh sprigs and pick with your hands).

Cut a piece of cheese into small pieces.

Roll out the puff pastry on a floured work surface to a layer no thicker than half a centimeter.

Cut the layer into fairly large squares (12-15 cm), prick each 2-3 times with a fork.

Put the fish filling on the dough square, put a piece of cheese on top.

Pinch the edges to form an envelope.

Separate the yolk from the protein and beat a little, dropping a spoonful of water.

Lubricate the envelopes with cheese and place on a baking sheet lined with baking paper.

Bake for about half an hour at a temperature of 200 degrees.

Lavash envelopes with cheese and herbs

Thin Armenian lavash allows you to cook wonderful envelopes with cheese filling. They are especially delicious when cheese is mixed with seasonal herbs. Fried in butter, lavash envelopes with cheese and herbs will crunch appetizingly on the outside. Two sheets of pita bread are enough for two adults.


two sheets of thin Armenian lavash;

One hundred grams of cheese;

One egg;

Two tablespoons of starch;

One hundred grams of mixed greens;

Spoon of mayonnaise;

Vegetable oil for frying.

Cooking method:

Wash the greens, dry with a napkin and finely chop.

Cheese cut into thin slices.

Cut thin lavash into four pieces with kitchen scissors.

Sprinkle each piece of pita bread with herbs, put a piece of cheese in the center and roll it up in the form of an envelope.

Mix the egg with starch and mayonnaise.

Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan.

Dip the envelopes of pita bread with cheese and greens in batter and fry on both sides until crispy.

Lavash envelopes with cheese, herbs and tomatoes

Another great option delicious breakfast especially good in the summer-autumn season. To prepare envelopes from pita bread with cheese and herbs, you will need meaty sweet and sour tomatoes.


Two sheets fresh lavash;

One hundred grams of low-melting cheese;

Two eggs;

A bunch of greens;

two small or one big tomato;

Pepper and salt to your taste;

Vegetable oil for the pan.

Cooking method:

Lavash sheets cut into squares or rectangles.

Wash the tomatoes, pat dry with a paper towel and cut into slices.

Grate a piece of cheese on a coarse grater.

Finely chop the greens with a knife.

Spread cheese, tomato, greens on the middle of the pita bread.

Glue the envelopes with cheese, moistening the edges of the dough with water.

Salt the egg, add pepper and beat.

Dip the envelopes with cheese and herbs in egg mixture and fry in a skillet.

Puff envelopes with cheese in the oven

The simplest recipe instant baking will help out when there is no time for breakfast at all. The main thing is that the puff pastry should not be frozen. Quick envelopes with cheese are very tasty and do not cause trouble.


Half a kilo of yeast puff pastry (you can take ready-made yeast-free);

Three hundred grams of cheese (you can take different and mix);

One yolk;

Tablespoon of sesame.

Cooking method:

Grate the cheese coarsely.

Roll out the dough and prepare the base for puff envelopes with cheese - squares with a side of 10 cm.

Turn on the oven.

Put the filling in the center of the puff pastry squares and pinch the edges in the form of envelopes.

Lubricate the tops with beaten yolk, sprinkle each with a pinch of sesame seeds.

Put envelopes on a greased sheet and bake for ten to twenty minutes.

Puff pastries with cheese and ham

You can pamper yourself and your family on Sunday morning with simple but very tasty puff envelopes with cheese and ham. Easy preparation and great results!


Half a kilo of puff pastry;

Three hundred grams of ham;

Two hundred grams of cheese;

Two tablespoons of flour.

Cooking method:

Grate a piece of cheese.

Cut the ham into fairly small cubes or thin sticks.

Sprinkle the table with flour and roll out the puff pastry very thinly.

Turn on the oven to preheat to 180-190 degrees.

Cut the dough into rectangles.

Place on the edge of the rectangle ready stuffing, cover with the free part of the dough and make tucks around the perimeter.

Lubricate puff envelopes with cheese with a beaten egg, bake for ten to fifteen minutes.

Puff pastries with cheese and minced meat

hearty breakfast can be prepared by supplementing a simple recipe for puff envelopes with cheese minced meat. It is convenient to cook such pastries if left small piece stuffing and it is not clear what to do with it.


Half a kilo of any (yeast or yeast-free) puff pastry;

200-200 grams of minced meat;

150 grams of semi-hard cheese;

Two tablespoons of sour cream;

Medium bulb;

Two cloves of garlic (or half a teaspoon dried, granulated);

Two tablespoons of dried parsley;

Chicken yolk;

One or two tablespoons of oil for the pan.

Cooking method:

Finely chop the peeled onion, crush the garlic and chop with a knife.

Fry the onion in a well-heated pan, after three minutes add the minced meat.

Fry the minced meat for seven to eight minutes, add pepper and salt, chopped or granulated garlic.

Place on a plate to cool quickly.

Grate cheese.

Mix cheese crumble with minced meat, sour cream, egg and dried parsley.

cook from cheese and meat filling and puff pastry envelopes as described above, and bake until a pleasant blush.

Puff envelopes with cheese, potatoes and mushrooms

This recipe for puff pastries with cheese can be used as an on-duty option for a hearty dinner. The filling of cheese, potatoes, mushrooms gives pastries incomparable taste. The envelopes are opened, which gives the dish a very appetizing look.


Half a kilo of puff pastry;

Four medium potatoes;

One hundred grams of cheese;

Two hundred grams forest mushrooms or champignons;

A clove of garlic;

A mixture of peppers;

Spoon vegetable oil.


Boil potatoes, cool and cut into small cubes (you can grate coarsely).

Chop the onions, chop the mushrooms.

Heat the oil in a frying pan, fry the onion and mushrooms.

Finely grate cheese and a clove of garlic.

Mix mushroom fried with cheese, garlic and potatoes.

Form envelopes by filling them hearty stuffing, and bake.

    Puff pastry can be frozen ahead of time. It won't affect the taste in any way.

    You do not need to defrost the envelopes. They should immediately be sent to the oven, increasing the baking time by half an hour.

It is always convenient for me to buy puff pastry in the supermarket and when I come home in a matter of minutes I can cook a large variety of dishes from it. It happens that I cook pizza from such dough with different types toppings, baking, strudel. Also, my favorite dish, or rather an appetizer, are envelopes with ham and puff pastry cheese. I cook them for sure puff pastry. It is worth noting that puff pastry is quite inexpensive in stores, so you can easily feed your family with all sorts of goodies. Envelopes with ham cheese are quick to cook and quick to bake. I usually do this: when I come home from work, I immediately turn on the oven at 200 degrees. That is, the oven should be well warmed up. Then, while the oven is warming up, I begin to prepare the dough. It is advisable to defrost it quickly. If I have a frozen pack of dough at home, then I just ask my husband to get it 30-40 minutes before my arrival. In this case, I can cook the envelopes even faster. I also want to say that I cook such envelopes not only for dinner. I can cook them for the arrival of my friends, if they are going to watch football with my husband, I can bake them and take them with them to nature. I just wrap them in foil and put them in a thermal bag. In nature, such envelopes are still warm, and they are eaten instantly. The main thing is that everyone is full and happy, and I spent a minimum of effort on preparing such a dish, but what's the use!

Required products:
- 500 grams of puff pastry,
- 300 grams of ham,
- 200 grams of cheese,
- chicken yolk for lubrication.

How to cook with a photo step by step

I put the defrosted puff pastry on a floured board, lightly roll it out with a rolling pin, then cut it into rectangles to fit the ham and cheese. Each rectangle is approximately 14x9 cm in size. This size is needed so that the filling fits, and also so that there are edges for pinching.

I put a piece of ham on one edge of the dough, and I place pieces of cheese on top.

I wrap the envelope, cover it with the remaining dough and pinch the edges first with my hands, and then, for reliability, press down with a fork.

I shift the envelopes onto a baking sheet covered with baking paper.

Lubricate the envelopes with whipped yolk. I only grease the top.

I put it in the preheated oven and bake for 15 minutes. It turns out beautiful and very appetizing envelopes.

Wait until the envelopes are not scalding, and then serve.

This is what they look like in cross section. And if time permits, then you can cook

Indulge in it) with sour cream, and cheese sandwiches are good things, but sometimes there is an irrepressible desire to treat yourself, and at the same time your loved ones, with something tasty and unusual. I want homemade and hot. For example, puff pastry envelopes, which, with the above products in my refrigerator, will have both salty (cheese) and sweet (cottage cheese with sugar) fillings. They are prepared in one fell swoop and similarly gobbled up by all family members. It remains only to ask them who prefers what, in order to maintain the proportion in quantity, and you can proceed. Puff envelopes with cheese and cottage cheese - it's fast and appetizing homemade baking, which can adequately replace the usual breakfast or become a "victim" of a daily snack.

  • Ready puff pastry - 450 gr (2 sheets),
  • hard cheese - 100 gr,
  • cottage cheese (preferably fatty) - 200 gr,
  • sugar - 50 gr (two tablespoons),
  • sunflower oil.

How to cook puff envelopes according to recipes

With cheese

Let's start with the preparation of salted cheese envelopes. A sheet of puff pastry should be cut into 8 rectangles.

Hard cheese is similarly cut into the same number of pieces.

We take a rectangle from the dough, stretch it a little with our fingers and place a piece of cheese on one of the edges.

We turn the second edge of the dough and pinch the edges.

Now we form the envelopes themselves. It is important to make sure that the dough is tightly held together, otherwise, as the cheese melts, it may leak out.

Having poured sunflower oil into a dish for baking, lay out the products with the filling, avoiding their contact.

We bake them for 12 minutes on each side (otherwise they will remain pale on top and burn on the bottom), maintaining 180 degrees in the oven. It turns out such ruddy cheese envelopes.

With cottage cheese

Now let's prepare pastries with sweet cottage cheese filling. This time we divide the sheet of puff pastry with a knife only into 4 rectangles.

To prepare the filling, you need to mix sugar and cottage cheese.

If the latter is too liquid, add the yolk and a little starch (flour). So the filling will become denser and will not leak out.

Envelopes with cottage cheese are formed in the same way as with cheese. Only they will be a little longer.

The time they are in the oven, at the same temperature, is the same. Here is the homemade puff pastry with sweet stuffing ready. The only thing left to do is eat it.
