
Why doctor's sausage? Who and when tried to swim on a submarine with a sail? Who Hitler considered his main enemy in the USSR.

We all love Doctor's sausage. However, not everyone knows why this meat product is called that way. In this post, you will learn the origin story of " Doctor's sausage».

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In the 30s of the twentieth century, the young Soviet country, after the abolition of the NEP policy, felt serious problems with food, which negatively affected the health of workers. Then the People's Commissariat of Health instructed the specialists of the meat processing plant named after. Mikoyan to develop a recipe for a "folk" sausage, which would be affordable for both the peasant and the proletariat. New Product it was decided to call it "Doctor's", since it was intended for "sick people who undermined their health as a result of the Civil War and tsarist despotism."

On April 29, 1936, A. I. Mikoyan signed a decree on the start of the production of several varieties of sausages, a special place among which was occupied by a sausage intended to “improve the health of people who had poor health as a result of the Civil War and suffered from the arbitrariness of the tsarist regime.” It was assumed that this type of sausage would be intended for those treated in sanatoriums and hospitals.

The first loaf "Doctor's" boiled sausage came off the assembly line in 1936. In those days, she was absolutely dietary. The composition of 100 kg of sausage included:

25 kg beef premium;
70 kg of bold pork;
75 pcs. (3 kg) eggs;
2 l cow's milk.

Basically, just what the doctor ordered. Doctors boldly prescribed such a product to patients with various ailments: diseases of the liver and stomach, anemia or poor health after illnesses and injuries.

There is a legend that initially they wanted to give the name “Stalinskaya” to this sausage. However, the authors of the recipe quickly realized that the combination "Stalin's sausage" could be misunderstood by the all-powerful NKVD and came up with a name that remained in history and well reflected the quality and purpose of this product.

Until the 1950s, the recipe and quality of the sausage was unchanged according to the standard. Of course, the sausages produced by different meat processing plants varied. It also depended on the quality of the raw materials supplied to the plant and on the experience of the employees. The sausage of the Mikoyanovsky Meat Processing Plant became an ideal and a model - the metropolitan giant, which supplied the nomenclature in the first place, purchased the most expensive and high-quality raw materials. At the same time, the sausage was by no means integral part special rations of representatives of the party and state elite - it could be bought in almost any grocery store.

In 1974, the composition of "Doctor's" for the first time changed - it was allowed to add up to 2 percent of starch or flour to it. And in the future, the recipe for the once dietary sausage deviated so much from the original composition that today nutritionists are unlikely to call it "medical".

Interestingly, the cost of "Doctor's" was significantly higher than its retail price. In the shops "Doctor" was sold at 2 rubles 20 kopecks. With this money in the mid-70s, you could buy, for example, 220 boxes of matches, 11 ice creams in a waffle cup, 10 packs of Belomorkanal cigarettes, i.e. the price of this sausage was quite acceptable for ordinary citizens.

Cardinal changes in the fate of sausages - like all countries - will begin in the mid-80s. The composition of the feedstock will change, in 1997 a new GOST will appear, in accordance with which the name “doctoral” will turn into a brand.

trimmed beef*;
pork trimmed bold;
chicken eggs or melange;
cow's milk powder whole or skimmed;
sodium nitrite;
table salt, granulated sugar or glucose, ground nutmeg or cardamom;

Part 1. 20s - 40s

What was called subbotnik before the advent of Soviet power?

Before the advent of Soviet power, the word "subbotnik" had a different meaning. So the high school students called the collective flogging, which was arranged for them by the authorities for misconduct committed during the school week. Corporal punishment itself was used in Russian schools until the second half of the 19th century.

Which Russian city in the 1920s lived in two time zones at once?

In the early 1920s, Novosibirsk consisted of two parts on different banks of the Ob, between which there was no automobile bridge. And since the hour meridian passed right along the river, there were two times in the city. On the left bank, the difference with Moscow was 3 hours, and on the right - 4. Although this situation did not cause much inconvenience to Novosibirsk residents, because each half lived apart, and even marriages between residents of different banks of the city were rare.

When were attempts made to translate Russian into Latin?

In the 1920s, a large-scale campaign began to translate the written language of the peoples of the USSR into Latin. By the end of the 1930s, 66 languages ​​had been romanized, including even those that were already written in Cyrillic - Yakut and Komi. Several schemes for the Latin notation for the Russian language were also developed, but the plan did not come to fruition. And then they reversed the solution for other Soviet languages, and by 1940 almost all of them received writing based on the Cyrillic alphabet.

Where were experiments on crossing chimpanzees and humans carried out?

In the late 1920s, Professor Ilya Ivanov conducted experiments on crossing chimpanzees and humans, but did not achieve results "for" or "against" this hypothesis. The experiments were to be continued at the Sukhum Zoo, and there were even female volunteers for insemination with monkey sperm. However, due to Ivanov's arrest in 1930 and his subsequent death in 1932, the experiments were interrupted.

When and where did the Red Army and White Guards fight on the same side in the same uniform?

In 1931, an uprising of the Turkic-Muslim population broke out in the Chinese province of Xinjiang. Russian emigrants were mobilized into government troops - both the White Guards, who had lived in Xinjiang since the time of the Civil War in Russia, and those who fled from hunger and collectivization in the USSR. Two years later, the governor-general of the province, Sheng Shicai, managed to negotiate with the Soviet Union for help in suppressing the uprising. The 13th Alma-Ata regiment of the OGPU was transferred to China, the soldiers of which were dressed in White Guard uniforms. In addition, the USSR directly financed units that were already fighting, made up of Russian emigrants. Thus, the "reds" and "whites" participated in this conflict on the same side.

Which Soviet city was the capital of two republics at the same time?

The city of Vladikavkaz from 1924 to 1934 was the capital of two autonomous republics within the USSR - North Ossetian and Ingush. At the same time, the city itself was an independent administrative unit outside the composition of these republics.

Where did the word "zek" come from?

Labor armies were created in the young Soviet state. The military who committed crimes were called "prisoners of the Red Army", and in the documents this phrase was abbreviated "z / k". Later, during the construction of the White Sea Canal, this abbreviation began to be deciphered as “prisoned canal soldier”. From "z / k" the word convict came from.

What is the blue ball spinning overhead in the popular song?

In a popular song that sounded in the 1934 film Maxim's Youth, there are lines: "The blue ball is spinning, spinning, spinning overhead." The obvious illogicality of the text (what kind of ball can spin overhead?) is easily explained. In the original version of this song, which arose back in the middle of the 19th century, it was not “ball”, but “scarf” that was sung. But since the letter "f" at the junction of words at a fast pace was very difficult to sing, it was subsequently reduced.

Who was originally going to be treated with doctor's sausage?

In 1936, a new variety of sausage was developed - doctor's. The name of the sausage was explained by a special honorary "mission" - it was intended "to improve the health of persons affected by the arbitrariness of the royal court.

Why was Stakhanov forced to change his name after setting a record for coal production?

The famous Soviet miner-record holder Alexei Stakhanov was not actually called Alexei. Just right after his record for coal production, an article in the Pravda newspaper mistakenly called him that, and he had to urgently change his name and passport. What was the real name of Stakhanov, it is not known exactly - some researchers believe that Andrei, others - that Alexander.

What happened to the parents of the girl who was photographed in Stalin's arms?

The parents of Geli Markizova, who was sitting in Stalin's arms in the famous poster "Thank you Comrade Stalin for our happy childhood!", were repressed.

Why did the T-28 tank, according to the terms of reference, have to overcome lunar landscapes?

In the terms of reference for the T-28 tank, which was created in the 1930s, there is a clause according to which the tank must overcome lunar landscapes. There is no mysticism and fantasy here: the fact is that at that time the lunar landscape was called the area affected by bombing and artillery strikes. (from me - you need to think about the drawing)

Where and when was the flying tank designed and tested?

During the Second World War in the USSR, work was underway to create an aircraft based on the A-40 tank. During flight tests, the tank glider was towed by a TB-3 aircraft and was able to climb to a height of 40 meters. It was assumed that after uncoupling the towing cable, the tank should independently plan in desired point, drop wings and immediately join the battle. The project was closed due to the lack of more powerful tugs that were needed to solve more important tasks.

How did the Molotov cocktail come about?

During the Soviet-Finnish war of 1939, Foreign Minister Molotov said that Soviet troops were not dropping bombs, but food supplies for the starving Finns. In Finland, such bombs were dubbed "Molotov bread baskets", and then they began to call devices with incendiary mixture against Soviet tanks "Molotov Cocktail". We have shortened the name of such a weapon to simply “Molotov Cocktail”.

How were Soviet tractors used in World War II as combat units?

At the beginning of the Second World War, the USSR experienced a large shortage of tanks, in connection with which it was decided to convert ordinary tractors into tanks in emergency cases. So, during the defense of Odessa from the Romanian units besieging the city, 20 similar “tanks” sheathed with armor sheets were thrown into battle. The main emphasis was placed on psychological effect: the attack was carried out at night with headlights and sirens on, and the Romanians fled. For such cases, as well as the fact that dummies of heavy guns were often installed on these machines, the soldiers nicknamed them NI-1, which stands for "Fright".

When was the childlessness tax introduced?

In the USSR, since November 1941, there was a tax on childlessness, which amounted to 6% of the salary. It was paid by childless men from 20 to 50 years old and childless married women from 20 to 45 years old.

Why is the story of the feat of 28 Panfilov heroes just a legend?

In Soviet literature and textbooks, the story of 28 Panfilov heroes was widely presented, who, during the German offensive on Moscow in 1941, performed a feat, destroying 18 enemy tanks at the cost of own lives. Later, the military prosecutor's office of the USSR recognized this version as a literary fiction, since not a single documentary evidence of such a battle was found, although the fact of heavy battles of the 316th rifle division against two enemy tank divisions in this sector of the front is beyond doubt. The legendary phrase of political instructor Klochkov, who was one of the 28 Panfilovites - “Russia is great, but there is nowhere to retreat - behind Moscow” - also turned out to be an invention composed by a journalist from the Krasnaya Zvezda newspaper.

Who and when tried to swim on a submarine with a sail?

In 1942, the Soviet submarine Shch-421 was blown up by a German anti-submarine mine, losing its course and the ability to dive. So that the ship would not be blown to the shore of the enemy, it was decided to sew a sail and raise it on the periscope. However, it was no longer possible to sail to the base, just as it was not even possible to tow the submarine with the help of other ships. After the appearance of German torpedo boats, the crew was evacuated, and the submarine was flooded.

Why did Stalin give Roosevelt a copy of the film "Volga, Volga"?

In 1942, Stalin invited the US ambassador to watch the film "Volga, Volga" with him. Tom liked the film, and Stalin gave President Roosevelt a copy of the film through him. Roosevelt watched the film and did not understand why Stalin sent him. Then he asked to translate the lyrics. When a song dedicated to the Sevryuga steamer sounded: “America gave Russia a steamship: / Steam from the bow, wheels behind, / Both terrible and terrible, / And terribly quiet running,” he exclaimed: “Now it’s clear! Stalin reproaches us for a quiet move, for the fact that we still have not opened a second front.

Who did Hitler consider his main enemy in the USSR?

Hitler considered his main enemy in the USSR not Stalin, but the announcer Yuri Levitan. For his head, he announced a reward of 250 thousand marks. The Soviet authorities closely guarded Levitan, and misinformation about his appearance was launched through the press.

On which side in World War II, besides the Third Reich, did Hitler fight?

The Red Army machine gunner Semyon Konstantinovich Hitler, a Jew by nationality, took part in the Great Patriotic War. The award sheet has been preserved, according to which Hitler was presented to the medal "For Military Merit" for the accomplishment of a feat. True, the database "Feat of the People" reports that the medal "For Courage" was awarded to Semyon Konstantinovich Gitlev - the surname was accidentally or intentionally changed, it is not known.

Why did St. Isaac's Cathedral almost not suffer in the war?

During the years of the Great Patriotic War, St. Isaac's Cathedral was never subjected to direct shelling - only once a shell hit the western corner of the cathedral. According to the assumptions of the military, the reason is that the Germans used the highest dome of the city as a reference point for shooting. It is not known whether the city leadership was guided by this assumption when they decided to hide valuables from other museums in the basement of the cathedral, which they did not manage to take out before the blockade began. But as a result, both the building and the values ​​were safely preserved.

Why at the Victory Parade on June 24, 1945, one dog was carried in the arms on a Stalinist overcoat?

During the Second World War, trained dogs actively helped sappers clear mines. One of them, nicknamed Dzhulbars, was discovered when demining areas in European countries in the last year of the war, 7468 mines and more than 150 shells. Shortly before the Victory Parade in Moscow on June 24, Dzhulbars was wounded and could not pass as part of the military dog ​​school. Then Stalin ordered to carry the dog across Red Square on his overcoat.

How did the gift of Soviet schoolchildren to the American ambassador in 1945 help our special services?

In 1945, Soviet schoolchildren presented the American ambassador with a wooden panel made of precious woods depicting the US coat of arms. Neither the schoolchildren nor the ambassador knew that the panel contained a listening device, the design of which was developed by Lev Theremin. The "bug" was so well hidden that the American intelligence services did not notice anything, and the Soviets listened in on conversations in the ambassador's office for another 8 years. After the discovery, the device was presented to the UN as evidence of the intelligence activities of the USSR, but the principle of its
actions remained unsolved for several years.

Which village is the birthplace of two marshals and twelve generals?

The Armenian village of Chardakhli, located in Azerbaijan, is the birthplace of two marshals, twelve generals and seven Heroes of the Soviet Union.

What military leader was the marshal of two different states?

Konstantin Rokossovsky, a Pole by nationality, had the ranks of Marshal of the USSR and Marshal of Poland.

Original- http://polemika.com.ua/news-105141.html

In the territory where once existed Soviet Union, they were very fond of doctor's sausage (and now they eat it with pleasure). She was appreciated in the Baltic States, and in Kazakhstan, and in the poor post-war years, and in the prosperous seventies. But few consumers knew why the sausage is called "Doctor's". Everyone is accustomed to this name of the product, although for some reason it shocked foreigners. If “Language” or “Chicken” sausages were made from offal and poultry meat, then one could only guess what was included in the “Doctor's” and “Children's”. The meaning of these names has been forgotten over time. And let's remember the history of the doctor's sausage. To do this, we have to go back to the thirties of the last century.

The more nutritious, the healthier

The village physician often dealt with patients whose ailment was rooted in poor diet. After all, the peasants ate meat only on holidays, and their daily diet consisted of cereals and lean cabbage soup. To cure anemia and similar ailments, the doctor ordered the patient to eat more fatty meat. Maybe this is the secret of why doctor's sausage is called "doctor's"? On a doctor's prescription? Partly yes. Doctor's sausage is very nutritious. And, indeed, doctors believed that it was good to eat it with anemia or after a long fast. But doctor's sausage can hardly be called fatty. It is truly dietary. And it wasn't just some doctor who came up with it. The composition of the sausage was approved by the People's Commissariat of Health. Why did the Country of Soviets so need a special "medical" prescription?

Where did the name "doctor's sausage" come from?

The thirties of the last century… The NEP policy was cancelled. Collectivization, coupled with the seizure of crops from the peasants, led to famine. Huge masses of the population experienced a lack of food. Prolonged starvation led to outbreaks of various diseases. Around the same time, the politician Anastas Ivanovich Mikoyan visited the United States in 1930. During his visit, he also visited Chicago, where he got a firsthand look at how the American meat industry works. Returning to the USSR, Mikoyan created the First Moscow Sausage Factory based on the experience gained. This factory was later named after its creator. VNII nutritionists have developed and submitted for approval to the People's Commissariat of Health a recipe for a new sausage product. It, as stated in the documents, was intended specifically for "healing nutrition of the sick, whose health was undermined by the Civil War and tsarist despotism." It is not difficult now to guess why the doctor's sausage got such a name. Even according to the documents, she was a medicine prescribed by a doctor.

Doctor's sausage according to GOST

The government, of course, was disingenuous about the reasons for the mass starvation of the population. But a medicine that quickly restores strength was nevertheless found. The doctor's prescription was verified to the smallest detail. To cook one hundred kilograms of doctor's sausage, it was necessary to take 25 kg of trimmed beef meat(pulp of the highest grade, without connective tissues), 70 kg of pork (also first-class quality, lean, without fat), two liters of whole cow's milk and seventy-five chicken eggs. But from the spices it was allowed to add only salt, sugar, a little cardamom and nutmeg. Why is doctor's sausage called "doctor's"? Yes, because it was prescribed for patients with stomach ulcers, colitis and other ailments. gastrointestinal tract. This nutritional product was really dietary. He could rightfully be included in the diet of children. By the way, at the Moscow plant named after Mikoyan, where in 1936 the first Doktorskaya stick rolled off the assembly line, other no less popular brands sausages: "Amateur", "Brunswick", "Tea".

Gradual surrender of positions

Recipe meat product was approved by GOST, which was strictly adhered to until the seventy-fourth year. Why was it necessary to change the recipe during the "general prosperity"? When the country moved from building a bright future to a stage, it suddenly became clear that the number of livestock is not as large as we would like. In addition, pigs began to be fed with waste from the fishing industry, which is why animal meat acquired bad smell. Already GOST 1974 allows the use of starch and flour in the preparation of doctor's sausage. But this was only the beginning of the fall of the once high standard of quality. GOST 23670-79 allowed melange to be used instead of eggs, powdered milk And pig skins. Soon, flavor enhancers and antioxidants came into play. The loaf was wrapped in cellophane. That is why gourmets began to ask in bewilderment: “And why is doctor’s sausage called “doctor’s”?”


In the early 2000s, a myriad of businesses emerged exploiting the popularity of the brand. They cooked their sausage in such a way that they called it dietary product it was impossible. The current State Standard (2011) allows the use of flour, starch, sodium nitrite in the preparation of the product, and instead of natural eggs and milk - dry substitutes. But there are manufacturers who offer the TU product. This abbreviation stands for "Specifications". They have nothing to do with GOST and are developed by the enterprise itself. And it is no longer known why doctor's sausage is called that - after all, it contains smoke flavor, antioxidants E 300-306, addictive monosodium glutamate, stabilizers and acidity regulators. It is unlikely that such a dubious cocktail of all kinds of E-additives can be considered a dietary product.

Why sausage is called "doctor's"

We have already told the origin of the name of this product. The question should be put differently: does it have the right to continue to be considered "medical" food? About her dubious quality folk art has already begun to compose jokes. For example, in one of them, which is very revealing, the answer to the question of why doctor's sausage is called "doctor's" is given: because after eating it, you need to urgently consult a doctor.

Since time immemorial, mankind has introduced into its diet sausages How universal product, which had the properties to keep the human body in good shape with all the necessary nutrients. Sausage gradually became a permanent fixture dining table. It was a product that was available to everyone, from high society, ending with a simple shoemaker of a provincial town.

Sausage "Doctor" for "patients with poor health as a result of the Civil War and tsarist despotism"

In 1936, the All-Russian Research Institute of the Meat Industry received an assignment to develop a new variety of sausage. According to "rumors" I.V. personally gave the order for development. Stalin. At first glance, the task is simple - to develop a sausage recipe for the masses with a strong satisfying quality. The product was originally intended for "sick, with undermined health as a result of the Civil War and royal despotism." A strange task, if you remember what events 1936 carried in itself. But, in spite of everything, on April 29, 1936, following the direct instructions of the people's commissar of the meat industry A.I. Mikoyan, a new variety of sausage was put on the production line. This is how the story of the popularly beloved Doktorskaya sausage begins.

It would be interesting to see the recipe. new sausage. So, Sausage "Doctor" consists exclusively of natural ingredients: 70% semi-fat pork, 25% premium beef, 3% chicken eggs, 2% cow's milk, must have nutmeg or cardamom.

The question arises, why was such a powerful nutritious product created or for whom? If for the highest echelons of power, then why did this type of sausage hit the shelves of almost all the stores in the country? Theoretically, if “for persons who suffered from the despotism of tsarism”, then this product should have been produced in limited quantities and supplied exclusively to elite establishments.

In the case of the "doctoral", it turned out the opposite. Sausage quickly won the recognition of the masses, with its palatability. A new variety of sausage won the hearts of a simple consumer. So where to look for the key to solving the task of I.S. Stalin? It is unlikely that this was a product for those who had the misfortune to suffer from tsarism. Under the tsar, they also fought, but the factories did not receive an order for a new type of sausage or other products. After all, it’s hard to imagine sausage for “persons affected by negative impact Swedish side.

Initially, Doktorskaya sausage consisted exclusively of natural ingredients.

Most likely, the answer lies not in those mysterious persons who suffered from the influence of tsarism, while also having poor health. If you look from the other side, almost the entire population of the country was brought under this article. 1936 Not even 20 years have passed since the tsar was overthrown. Half of the country's population lived under the tsar, knew the tsar's system and, it turns out, was subject to "detrimental influence."

So where is the key to the mystery? Who was originally going to be treated with "doctor's sausage"? The answer, most likely, should be sought in a simple layman, a simple resident of a vast country. If the bulk of the country's population got the opportunity to eat this sausage, then it was originally planned that way. Let's agree, because red caviar and american whiskey the consumer was not served in the public domain? Only a select few had such a delicacy.

In 1936, a huge country, a huge flywheel began to work with a vengeance. Labor was needed. Good work could only be given by a worker who had a good rest, including a hearty meal. Many workers were needed. Lots of work, lots of energy. Sausage "Doctor" had unique dietary properties. It was a product that had all the fats and calories needed for a healthy worker's body. This is where lies the essence of the saying "to the sick, having undermined health due to the Civil War and royal despotism."

The population survived the famine, people are exhausted. What can a emaciated worker do? That's right, practically nothing. If everyone is sent for treatment, there will not be enough places, and who will work? Raise the country from ruins? Therefore, a new variety of sausage was created - "Doctor's". The clue is in the title. “Doctoral”, which means medical, is what the doctor ordered.


"Doctor's" sausage for many years was one of the symbols of the well-being of the Soviet family. Queues lined up behind it, it was added to the Olivier salad, beloved by everyone, the recipe for hodgepodge was unthinkable without Doctor's, sandwiches with this sausage flaunted in obkom buffets.

How did this truly legendary sausage variety come about?

Just what the doctor ordered

The exact date of the birth of the Doctor's sausage (GOST 23670) is well known. This is April 29, 1936, it was then, by order of the People's Commissar Food Industry Anastas Mikoyan began her mass release. The sausage recipe was developed by the All-Russian Research Institute of the Meat Industry, and differed reduced content fats despite the fact that the composition of the sausage included a lot of protein.

The reason for the start of production of such a product was a sharp deterioration in the health status of the country's population. After the abolition of the NEP policy and collectivization, a famine began in the country, which affected entire regions. Lack of food, starvation - all this led to outbreaks of various diseases.

In the early thirties, Anastas Mikoyan visited the United States, where he also visited Chicago meat processing plants. Returning to the USSR, Mikoyan initiated the creation of the First Moscow Sausage Factory, which now bears the name of Mikoyan. It was here that the production of sausages began, intended, as it was said in the documents of that time, for diet food people with somatic signs of the consequences of prolonged starvation - "... patients with undermined health as a result of the Civil War and royal despotism." The wording, of course, is somewhat crafty, but the sausage recipe is quite honest, containing only natural products of the highest quality.

In accordance with GOST, it was supposed to take 25 kilograms of beef for 100 kg of sausage highest quality, 70 kilograms of lean pork, 3 kilograms of fresh chicken eggs, 2 liters of milk, salt, sugar, nutmeg or cardamom. The shelf life of this sausage was 72 hours.

It turned out to be a great dietary product, very tasty, fragrant and healthy. Its task - to restore the strength of a person with poor health - this sausage performed remarkably. She was appointed as medical nutrition doctors, that's why she got the name "Doctor's".

Doctorate? No, "ham-chopped"

During the period of Soviet power, such an anecdote was walking in the academic environment. Two candidates of sciences meet, one drags a bag in which something heavy lies. "Doctoral?" his comrade asks respectfully, meaning, of course, scientific work. "No," chopped ham!

The anecdote quite accurately reflects the realities of that time. This sausage was not easy to find in stores, and it acquired the status of a scarce product. They struggled with the deficit in a simple Soviet way: by simplifying the recipe.

People of the older generation remember that back in the 70s, the old people grumbled, cutting into slices a loaf of sausage bought with great difficulty: “Is this the Doctor's? That used to be "Doctor's"! And this is nonsense, not sausage. And they were right because classic recipe dietary sausage, which remained unchanged until the end of the 50s, then began to degrade. The number of livestock in the USSR turned out to be not as large as we would like. In addition, they began to feed the pigs with the waste of the fishing industry, because of which the meat acquired an unpleasant smell and taste. Gradually, flour, melange instead of eggs, and powdered milk instead of whole milk were allowed to be added to the Doctor’s. By 1979, they also allowed pork skin, egg powder and starch. The loaf began to be wrapped in cellophane. By reputation loved by generations Soviet people product has been dealt the final blow. "Doctor's" sausage was equal in quality to other sausages that sometimes appeared in Soviet stores, such as "Tea", "Language" and the same one, "Ham-chopped".

Why Doctor's? Because I ate - and to the doctor!

Nowadays, GOSTs of the Soviet era have been safely forgotten. The Doctorskaya brand is exploited by all and sundry, producing sausages with a monstrous content of flavor and aroma enhancers, acidity regulators, antioxidants, stabilizers, emulsifiers and color fixatives. At the same time, many enterprises produce products based on TU - specifications, which allow to produce a product without meat at all, based on soy and corragenes. Corragenes are called thickeners, imitators food products. It is a red powder seaweed. It is poured meat broth, mix and allow to harden. It turns out "almost real" minced meat. Nevertheless, even today there are enterprises that produce goods strictly in accordance with GOST. At the same time, it must be remembered that GOST 2011 allows the use of flour, starch, sodium nitrite in the Doctor's sausage recipe, and dry substitutes instead of natural eggs and milk.

The current "Doctor" is no longer the dietary product that was developed in 1936 for Mikoyan's enterprise. Therefore, apparently, a joke was born: “Why is the sausage called “Doctor's”? Because I ate - and to the doctor!
