
How to drink with the least loss? The most harmful alcoholic drink. Rating of alcohol by degree of harmfulness

How useful can such a seemingly bad drink like coffee - if you drink a little. So, a little alcohol can be useful! Or maybe ... very harmful if you drink a lot ..

Top leader: low alcohol

Fruit juice, sugar, some wine or liquor, and carbonate everything. Do you see the point in this? Well, except for the taste. Frankly, not only does it not make sense, but the phosphoric acid contained in this, let's not be afraid of this word, filth impairs the absorption of calcium. And this does not lead to anything good, especially for the heart or for diabetics! ..

Second place: sparkling wines, i.e. champagne

Wine is taken. regular wine. And gassed. At the same time, unlike low-alcohol cocktails, champagne contains polyphenols - and heart disease. Otherwise, it becomes so acidic when carbonated that it impairs digestion and damages tooth enamel ...

Bronze badness: beer

Beer is full of vitamins and minerals! For example, magnesium, selenium, potassium, biotin, phosphorus, B vitamins and folic acid! It is only necessary to take into account that light beer they are many times less than in the dark. And also - antioxidants that appear if you heat malt or barley. Due to this, beer helps with heart disease, menopause and kidney stones! But at the same time, you should not drink more than two glasses of beer a day under any circumstances.

In fourth place is wine.

The wine is almost nothing to blame, it is good! “And no one wanted to be guilty without wine” - a very correct line from Tsoi. Although it has fewer vitamins and minerals than beer, there are many times more potassium, iron, and even antioxidants! And a couple of glasses a day will help almost everything. At the very least, cancer prevention is great! And if we consider that cancer, according to psychosomatics, is often caused precisely by feelings of guilt, then how right Tsoi is - well, how can I be guilty without wine, I don’t want to. And with wine, it won't work too well!

The most harmless drinks are strong

Vodka, gin, tequila, cognac, rum, whiskey - they don't have nutrients but they are very helpful! The phenols in these drinks come from wooden barrels in which these same drinks matured. And phenols are very good at helping with heart disease! Otherwise, strong alcohol helps with very, very many things. Puts in place the "went" metabolism, for example. Adds tone, relieves stress. Just don't drink too much! A glass at a time is enough, and even then not every day, for every day we have wine, preferably red.

JoeInfoMedia journalist Diana Lynn recalls that when the Americans were conducting a study on which substances help with neurological diseases, they just said that you should definitely drink forty grams strong alcohol a day ... So if you have "nerves naughty", and this affects your health, you can drink a little. Just look, do not bring the case to addiction! ..

It's no secret that excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages is harmful to health. After alcohol toxins enter the body, they turn into a kind of poison that can significantly harm both individual bodies and the whole organism as a whole.

Of course, all alcohol is harmful, whether strong cognac or a low-alcohol martini. In any case, harm cannot be avoided. However, which of the existing alcoholic beverages is the most harmful?


Considering the classification of alcoholic beverages according to the degree of strength, it is also advisable to determine the volume of consequences (including negative ones) that occur immediately after consumption. At the same time, the volume of consequences does not always correspond to the strength of the drink.

Depending on the mass of ethyl alcohol contained in the drink, there are:

  1. High alcohol (from 65 to 96% vol.) - ethanol.
  2. Strong drinks (from 30 to 65% by volume) - as a rule, vodka, cognac, whiskey.
  3. Medium alcohol (from 8 to 30% vol.) - various wines, liqueurs.
  4. Low alcohol (up to 8% vol.) - beer, cocktails.

The consequences that occur after drinking drinks depend on many factors: the quality of primary raw materials, production technology, as well as the duration of exposure (if it is provided for in the recipe).

As already noted, the strength of the drink is not directly related to its harmfulness to human health (although it plays an important role), but it is important to determine the harmfulness, first of all, the quantity and quality of the drink.

TOP-8 - in ascending order of danger

Any alcohol, even in minimal doses, is harmful to health in one way or another. Someone feels negative changes, others do not notice any consequences for the time being. There are several alcoholic beverages that are considered the most harmful to the human body.


This intoxicating drink can look quite deceptive. On the one hand, beer is weak alcoholic drink, which makes it possible to drink a lot of it, but instead of heavy intoxication, get only a pleasant euphoria. But is it all that safe?

Beer is made from barley, adding hops (for taste) and, in most cases, yeast (to speed up fermentation) during the production process.

Beer is not the best high-calorie product like whiskey. But the feature foamy drink is that a person can drink it much more than any other alcohol-containing drink. That is, one glass of foam contains much more calories than, for example, a glass of whiskey.

Beer is a fairly high-calorie drink, which is why those who abuse this intoxicating product can develop obesity, and subsequently problems with the cardiovascular system.

White wine

White wine belongs to the group of medium-alcohol drinks, its strength rarely exceeds 18% vol. Wine production consists in the processing of overripe grapes, which are gradually peeled and pitted. White wine is far from the best high-calorie drink. One glass (175 ml) accounts for only about 140 kcal.

Important! The calorie content of white wine is quite simple to determine by its taste - the sweeter it is, the more calories the drink contains.

It is known that white wine producers use a special group of substances - sulfites - to preserve the color of the drink. Scientists have found that this substance can lead to a very painful hangover syndrome. In addition, sulfites can cause acute allergic reaction in people with intolerance.

Red wine

Like white wine, red wine is made from overripe grapes. The difference lies in the fact that in the production of red wine, both the peel and the seeds are used equally.

This drink is characterized by aging after production. At a minimum, it should be 2-3 years. After that, the wine, which had White color takes on a brownish or reddish tint.

Interesting! The calorie content of red wine is 10-15% lower than that of white wine.

The main disadvantage of drinking red wine is a painful hangover. This is due to the fact that, due to the peculiarities of production, two types of alcohol are present in red wine - ethanol and methanol. Ethanol enters the liver for processing after methanol and, as a result, is retained in it for long time.


Champagne is sparkling drink, which is made by repeated fermentation of wine.

An open letter from a reader! Pulled the family out of the hole!
I was on the edge. My husband started drinking almost immediately after we got married. First, a little bit, go to the bar after work, go to the garage with a neighbor. I came to my senses when he began to come back every day very drunk, rude, drinking away his salary. It really got scary the first time I pushed. Me, then my daughter. The next morning he apologized. And so on in a circle: lack of money, debts, swearing, tears and ... beatings. And in the mornings, apologies. Whatever we tried, we even coded. Not to mention conspiracies (we have a grandmother who seemed to pull everyone out, but not my husband). After coding, I didn’t drink for six months, everything seemed to get better, they began to live like a normal family. And one day - again, he stayed at work (as he said) and dragged himself on his eyebrows in the evening. I still remember my tears that night. I realized that there is no hope. And about two or two and a half months later, I came across an alcotoxin on the Internet. At that time, I had already completely given up, my daughter left us altogether, began to live with a friend. I read about the drug, reviews and description. And, not particularly hoping, I bought it - there is nothing to lose at all. And what do you think?! I began to add drops to my husband in the morning in tea, he did not notice. Three days later he came home on time. Sober!!! A week later, he began to look more decent, his health improved. Well, then I confessed to him that I was slipping the drops. He reacted adequately to a sober head. As a result, I drank a course of alkotoxins, and for six months now I didn’t have to drink alcohol, I was promoted at work, my daughter returned home. I'm afraid to jinx it, but life has become new! Every evening I mentally thank the day when I found out about this miracle remedy! I recommend to everyone! Save families and even lives! Read about the remedy for alcoholism.

The calorie content of champagne is related to the sweetness content, just like any other wine. Very often in the production process, manufacturers to improve taste sensations the drink is added to it with various syrups. They tend to be sweet, and, accordingly, their abundance can lead to an unpleasant increase in calories in the final product.

The main disadvantage of champagne is that, thanks to the bubbles, alcohol is very quickly absorbed into the bloodstream, thereby accelerating the process of intoxication, and, therefore, leads to all the consequences of this unpleasant effect.


Vodka is the favorite alcoholic drink throughout the post-Soviet space. On the one hand, this is relatively pure product. Vodka is made from pure alcohol and purified water. No flavorings, sweeteners and dyes are used in the production process.

On the other hand, you need to be careful, because vodka is a product that is often counterfeited. These fakes are often of low quality, so the chance of getting poisoned after drinking such a drink is very high.

In addition, vodka is a very strong alcoholic drink. Most cases of alcoholism occur as a result of overuse vodka.


Whiskey is a strong alcoholic drink obtained by malting different varieties grains, subsequently aged in oak barrels. The strength of whiskey is 60% by volume, which is much more than that of vodka.

There are 2 main disadvantages of drinking whiskey - a large number of counterfeit products on the shelves of Russian stores and a very unpleasant hangover with all the ensuing consequences.

The main problem of almost all lovers of whiskey abuse is the deterioration brain activity, because of which the functions of movement, speech and vision suffer.


Rum (according to legend, the favorite drink of all pirates) is produced by distillation of products sugar cane. After that, the resulting liquid is aged in oak barrels for a long time.

This is a very strong drink, which is why, as a rule, it is either consumed in small quantities or added to cocktails.

The harm of rum is especially noticeable when regular use V large quantities. Because of this, the nervous system ceases to function normally, and brain cells begin to die.


Cognac is a French variety of brandy, originally produced in the town of Cognac in the Poitou-Charentes region. Subsequently, Russian brandy manufacturers French recipe so impressed foreign gourmets that they allowed to call their products the proud name of "cognac".

On the one hand, the benefits of cognac can hardly be overestimated, because only 35 milliliters of cognac contains daily rate vitamin C. On the other hand, cognac is a drink that is usually aged for a long time before drinking. Because of this, various harmful substances, which, getting into the body, really poison it.

The nervous system of the body suffers, blood vessels begin to expand. Doctors strongly recommend drinking cognac in an amount of no more than 50 ml per day.

How to drink alcohol

Of course, the use of any alcohol is harmful to health, but Negative consequences You can still minimize if you follow a few rules:

  1. Before drinking alcohol, you need to eat a heavy meal, preferably high-calorie food. This will prevent the immediate absorption of alcohol into the walls of the stomach, and intoxication will occur smoothly.
  2. You need to alternate alcoholic drinks with plain water. This is due to the fact that alcohol dehydrates the body very quickly, which can cause unpleasant consequences in the form of premature nausea and a painful hangover.
  3. You can’t mix various alcoholic drinks, and even more so “lower the degree” - drink a stronger drink first, and then a less strong one.

By adhering to these simple rules, you can achieve a "softer" and more pleasant intoxication, and in the morning hangover syndrome almost no worries.

Video: what happens if you drink daily

Visual video about the effect of wine on the body.


Drinking alcohol in any amount and any strength brings extreme harm to your body. What is the best way to avoid consequences? If you want to preserve the health that nature has given you, try to switch to healthy lifestyle life, because there are many activities, in addition to drinking alcohol, that can cheer you up.

It is very difficult to determine which are the most harmful alcoholic beverages, since all alcohol contains ethyl alcohol, which creates a mortal danger to humans when consumed.

The disease of alcoholism can be divided into peculiar groups, whose members, when drinking alcohol-containing drinks, satisfy their needs and prefer certain drinks. The rating of the harmfulness of alcoholic beverages begins with cocktails.

Children become addicted to alcohol if they think that they are a burden in their family. Lack of parental attention, self-affirmation in the circle of peers, achieving a sense of relaxedness in order to join the world of adults or simply out of boredom - these are the reasons that a teenager starts drinking.

First used energetic drinks, canned cocktails, the taste of which is due to sugar and chemical additives more like harmless juices or soda. Sweet alcoholic drinks are drunk without snacks and often without measure, although in terms of vodka, they contain 50-100 ml of the product in one package.

The first sign that addiction begins comes when a person begins to like the state of intoxication. On a subconscious level, he seeks to prolong this pastime, interest in events is gradually lost. sober life- everything is replaced by alcohol waste. Teenagers become alcoholics within a year with regular drinking of intoxicating drinks.

Youth from alcoholic products more committed to the use of beer, which differs in different percentages of ethanol. Even soft drink contains 0.5% alcohol product.

Beer alcoholism is most common among the male population. After a busy day, many people prefer to “relax” with a bottle of beer, rarely limiting themselves to just one. Meanwhile, a liter of drink, depending on the strength, contains up to 120 g of alcohol. After the so-called evening alcoholism, the body tries to process ethanol all night, drawing oxygen from the rest of the cells. In the morning a person feels headache and brokenness instead good rest. In addition, beer contains vegetable substitutes female hormones that disrupt the balance in the body of a man. No less harmful diuretic effect, expressed after drinking low alcohol drink which leads to dehydration.

Many people consider strong alcoholic drinks to be the most harmful: vodka, cognac, whiskey, but the real trouble does not depend on the amount of ethanol, but on the frequency of its use.

Entering the body, alcohol of any strength and volume injures the organs and systems through which alcohol is transported:

  1. At first, alcohol has a burning effect on digestive system, contributing to the appearance of gastritis, ulcers, cancer of the esophagus, stomach, intestines.
  2. Being absorbed into the blood, ethanol has a detrimental effect on the elasticity of blood vessels, causing an increase in blood pressure.
  3. Significantly suffers from the brain, its cortex and blood vessels. The famous alcoholic "bliss", an increase in mood occurs due to oxygen starvation of brain cells.
  4. The lack of oxygen supplied with blood to the heart muscle causes its degeneration, the degeneration of the muscles into adipose and connective tissue.
  5. The defeat of the genital area entails the effect of alcohol on the male and female reproductive organs, leading to infertility.

It is believed that - 50 ml, but even such an amount with regular use can significantly impair human health. Liver cells affected by alcohol are capable of self-healing, but if the exposure continues for a long time, then the organ simply does not have time to recover from constant blows.

You can talk as much as you like about the benefits of red or white, dry or fortified wine for human body, about the high content of vitamins, antioxidants, tannins in the composition of wine products.

But you should remember:

  • vitamins are practically not absorbed along with alcohol, on the contrary, ethanol, even in small concentrations, helps to flush out nutrients from the body;
  • the calming effect of the components is completely depreciated by the influence of alcohol;
  • even if the initial exposure to wine normalizes arterial pressure, then with the systematic use of a solution of ethanol, hypertension develops, entailing irreversible changes in the body;
  • the composition of many wines is “enriched” with a bouquet of flavors and dyes that adversely affect gastrointestinal tract, causing severe poisoning;
  • sulfites, found in almost every wine drink, cause a severe hangover and headache the next day after ingestion.

Choosing which poison is better to poison, it is impossible to find a safe option. Alcohol causes irreparable harm human health, affecting imperceptibly, but consistently. It is impossible to determine which alcoholic drink is the most harmful, since each of them poses a certain danger to the body.

You probably know that it is good to drink red wine, and champagne intoxicates after the second glass. Nose strong drinks the situation is more complicated.

Alcohol is considered an essential attribute of any holiday. After all, it is simply impossible to imagine the celebration of the New Year without sparkling champagne. Well, a birthday without strong drinks will be more like a children's party than a solemn event.

However, in order to avoid alcohol poisoning and other unpleasant consequences, it is necessary to become more familiar with the properties of alcoholic beverages.

Rating of alcoholic beverages

According to research conducted in the UK by scientists from the Royal Society of Chemists, alcoholic beverages can be classified according to the degree of harm they can cause to health. In particular, scientists argue that there are 5 most dangerous alcoholic beverages for health:

5th place - Rum

The most harmless of this list is rum. This incredibly strong and tasty alcoholic drink contains potassium, phosphorus and zinc. Therefore, even in the case of the use of rum in large doses, they are almost impossible to poison.

4th place - Tequila

Used to make tequila natural agave, which has an incredibly high content of polysaccharides fructans. These substances have a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract, regulate the level of acidity and even heal the ulcer. Thus, drinking this drink in small doses can bring benefits to the body.

3rd place - Vodka

Even taking into account the notoriety of this drink, due to the absence of various dyes and other chemical substances, vodka is not considered the most harmful. However, if you drink the drink in large doses, you can easily get poisoned. Moreover, as a result of prolonged and systematic use of vodka, alcohol dependence may appear.

2nd place - Whiskey

Along with ethanol, this alcoholic drink contains ellagic acid, which effectively fights oncology and can even neutralize cancer cells. However, due to great content ethanol, after drinking whiskey in the morning, an incredibly severe headache and a hangover torment.

1st place - Cognac

In the first place was such an elite and noble drink like cognac. The point is that due to long-term storage in oak barrels, in cognac, substances harmful to the body are formed. Despite the fact that 35 ml of cognac contains the daily requirement of vitamin C and it has vasodilating properties, drinking a drink in large doses can cause irreparable harm to health.

Everyone knows that it is good to drink red wine, and champagne intoxicates after the second glass. But with strong drinks the situation is more complicated.

5th place - rum

The drink adored by pirates can be considered almost healthy. In him high content potassium, phosphorus and zinc. So, if you suddenly drink a large amount of this type of alcohol, the probability of poisoning is very small. Just keep in mind that we are talking about pure rum, and not about its presence in various cocktails.

4th place - tequila

"Licked, swallowed, bitten!" - this is the slogan of this drink. Yes, tequila is very strong, but it is very useful. Agave contains the polysaccharides fructans, which can regulate stomach acid and help with ulcerative colitis. So in small quantities it is even healing drink. In addition, the use of salt helps retain water in the body, so in the morning it will not be too dry.

3rd place - vodka

Although vodka is an infamous alcoholic drink, it is considered one of the least harmful. There are no dyes, flavors in vodka, and it undergoes thorough cleaning. But you should not abuse it, because vodka causes poisoning more than others, because it is most often faked. A frequent use vodka leads to addiction and alcoholism.

2nd place - whiskey

The alcoholic drink- a source of ellagic acid, which fights cancer. They say it can kill cancer cells without affecting healthy ones. But besides this, whiskey has a high concentration of ethanol, which is very quickly absorbed by the body, and after an hour of drinking, the world will float a little in your eyes.
And the next morning you will expect a nasty hangover. So think about whether it is worth paying so much money for this drink.

1st place - cognac

35 milliliters of cognac is daily dose vitamin C. But over the long years of storage in the drink, various harmful substances are formed that poison the body. Due to the vigorous cocktail of alcohol fractions, cognac in large doses is almost poisonous to nervous system. Although it also dilates blood vessels. Cognac is useful only in an amount of not more than 50 ml. And yes, a hangover after it on a ten-point scale, we will rate it at eight.

Here is such an unexpected first place! But remember that any alcohol in large quantities is harmful and can be addictive.
