
Ways to never drink alcohol: the rules of a sober life. Why not drinking is bad

Alcoholism is a terrible misfortune that destroys families and human personality. No one is immune from this misfortune. And it all starts with a harmless desire to relax and unwind after hard everyday life, to move away from heavy worries at work, worries. And gradually, without noticing it, a person begins to drink more and more often, being drawn into a deadly circle, from where it becomes very difficult to get out.

But probably. Thanks to modern methods of getting rid of alcohol addiction, many people have already managed to overcome addiction and live a sober and healthy life. For an addict to stop drinking is a very serious act, associated with poor health and negative symptoms. And what will happen if you stop drinking alcohol, how will the body react to the deprivation of its usual doping?

When a person stops drinking, he has to deal with a number of unpleasant symptoms.

It is very difficult to predict and predict what consequences a person will have to face after giving up alcohol (especially if you stop drinking abruptly). Each person is unique and all possible troubles depend on many factors, in particular:

  1. Heredity.
  2. Gender and age of the person.
  3. The quality of alcoholic beverages.
  4. Regular drinking.
  5. duration of alcohol consumption.
  6. Features of the body (psychosomatic and physical).

Experts, studying what happens to the body when you stop drinking, have divided the possible negative symptoms into two large groups. These are failures and problems occurring in the body itself (physical consequences) and troubles associated with psychological factors.

Alcohol harms all internal systems and human organs

If the feasts accompanied by alcohol were infrequent, the refusal of alcohol will be much milder and without any serious consequences for the body.

Physiological problems

In a long-term drinking person, all metabolic processes are already completely dependent on the presence of residues of alcohol compounds in them. Not receiving the next usual dose, the drinker is faced with big troubles that brings withdrawal syndrome.

Withdrawal can be compared to drug withdrawal, which torments a person for a long time. This condition is accompanied by:

  • nausea;
  • insomnia;
  • vomiting;
  • severe migraine;
  • tremor of the limbs;
  • indigestion;
  • sharp mood swings;
  • muscle and joint ache;
  • irresistible desire to drink.

Withdrawal syndrome can last up to 2-3 weeks. This is the consequences of non-receipt of the usual doping poison into the body. After all, alcohol not only adversely affects the functioning of internal organs and systems, but also becomes an integral part of their functioning.

Psychological symptoms

Alcohol dependence is not only manifested on the physical level. The human psyche also suffers from it. After all, being in a consciousness altered by alcohol, a person perceives the surrounding reality in a completely different way, is not able to adequately respond to the changing reality.

Alcohol lingers for a long time in the internal organs and acts destructively on them.

After giving up alcohol, the withdrawal syndrome, which manifests itself on the physical plane, is combined with manifestations of a mental disorder. Sometimes a person even loses the meaning of his existence.

The psyche and brain structures during the period of close "communication" with alcohol undergo irreversible changes. Unfortunately, the degradation processes that occur in the body of the drinker are irreversible.

The earlier the decision is made to forget about alcohol, the more likely it is to preserve the personality, its mind and level of intelligence. The one who decides to stop drinking will have to make a huge effort on himself, working in the following directions:

  • undergo social adaptation;
  • change habitual routine and living conditions;
  • completely part with the usual social circle;
  • change all the old habits that have already become familiar;
  • re-build a new life, where there is no place for drunkenness.

These steps are extremely difficult and they always go "on the edge". There is a very high risk of breaking loose and returning to the previous existence. Comprehensive support of relatives and close people who are not indifferent to the fate of this person will help to overcome these problems.

But the individual himself will have to make great efforts on himself. Find the strength to fight depression. To educate and root in oneself an internal setting for sobriety and instill the idea that alcohol is a terrible poison that breaks the whole person, destroying life.

Stop drinking calendar by day

To understand what consequences will follow, and what the person who quits drinking will have to face, there is a certain calendar. With its help, you can mentally prepare in advance for troubles and meet them fully armed..

How alcohol affects the body

Narcologists say that the most difficult in terms of negative symptoms are the first 2-3 weeks from the moment of parting with alcohol.

So, when you quit drinking, you can find out the consequences for the body by day using the following table:

Time since breaking up with alcohol Symptoms Notes
1 day

these days a person is visited by a hangover known to many, which is accompanied by:




increased excitability;


mood swings;

gastrointestinal disorders

according to observations, some people often have insomnia, but others experience the opposite effect - drowsiness, they literally "hibernate" and can sleep for days on end
2-3 day hangover symptoms continue, irritability and nervousness increase, but problems of the stomach and intestines recedesometimes hallucinations and seizures may develop
4-7 days

a person leaves an apathetic state and lethargy, energy appears, working capacity is restored (though not fully);

the skin returns a healthy color, the skin becomes more elastic, puffiness decreases;

restoration of the liver and pancreas continues, heartburn goes away;

sleep normalizes

the cause of favorable changes is the complete purification of the blood from toxic ethanol toxins
8-30 day

after a month without alcohol, a person recovers and works the brain, the result is the return of clarity of thinking and the return of a long-forgotten human personality;

there is also an improvement in the functioning of the heart and lungs (shortness of breath, arrhythmia passes)

the period of the first month without alcohol is the most difficult in the process of personality recovery, experts advise quitting drinking under the guidance of experienced doctors and using the necessary auxiliary medications

This calendar is appropriate in all cases of parting with alcohol, even if you quit drinking beer, the consequences for the day will be the same. After all, negative symptoms are based on a lack of ethyl alcohol in the body, which is present in all alcoholic beverages without exception.

Resuscitation of the body

Is it possible to alleviate the negative consequences that significantly worsen the life and condition of a former alcoholic? The recovery process of the body affects the entire body. Therefore, the first month, the most difficult after quitting drinking, passes against the background of problems in the work of almost all organs:

  1. The cardiovascular system. You will have to go through jumps in blood pressure, malfunctions of the heart. You will often feel dizzy and have a headache.
  2. GIT. Digestive problems are accompanied by long-term disorders (constipation / diarrhea), nausea, vomiting. Very often there is a sharp weight loss of a person.
  3. CNS. Disorder from the nervous system is based on a background of prolonged headache and sharp mood swings. In special cases, a person may visit auditory / visual hallucinations and develop a convulsive syndrome.

General negative symptoms in the form of fever, tremors, complete weakness usually leave the former drinker 5-6 days after breaking up with alcohol. But sleep problems will have to endure for several months.

Alcohol is especially dangerous for the liver, so it needs to be restored.

All negative symptoms will gradually go away as the body recovers and cleanses the accumulated toxic metabolites of ethyl alcohol.

Help with the gastrointestinal tract

Being constantly in drunken oblivion, a person practically does not eat normal and healthy food. Food replaces alcohol. By the way, ethyl alcohol is quite high in calories, but only it supplies the body with toxic and poisonous energy, where there are no nutrients and essential vitamins.

To establish the processes of digestion and restore the work of the gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary to include enzyme preparations in the rehabilitation program. These funds will improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, restore digestion systems. The weight lost in the first days will soon return.

Pressure recovery

Regular drinkers are constantly faced with jumps in blood pressure. In drunkards, complaints that often hurt and feel dizzy stop only after a complete detoxification of the body.

If a person suffers from severe headaches for a long time after parting with alcohol, a complete medical examination should be performed.

You should know and remember that no matter how bad it is, you can’t take alcohol to reduce unbearable pain. This is fraught only with a deterioration in the condition and the development of a prolonged binge. The best way out is to see a doctor and agree to hospitalization. After all, if you refuse alcohol, the load on the heart in the first days increases, which is fraught with the development of a heart attack.

Normalization of sleep

Alcohol deprives the possibility of a normal night's rest. Even if sleep comes to a person, it is restless, superficial and without dreams. Therefore, it is very important to restore normal rest. For the rehabilitation of a person in this regard, psychotherapy sessions and the use of medications are of great help.

How does ethanol affect the human brain

According to the observations of specialists, sleep disorders associated with nightmares are often based on the activation of subconscious fears. A man dreams that he has started drinking again. To relieve negative symptoms, doctors will prescribe a course of taking antidepressants, tranquilizers and sleeping pills. Therapeutic restorative treatment is quite long and can last up to 8-10 months.

Good help is provided by the creation of favorable conditions for a good rest. Evening walks, frequent airing of the premises, active sports. Try yoga, get carried away with an interesting hobby.

We remove irritability

By removing forever the natural and familiar stimulant of emotions - ethyl alcohol, a person runs the risk of falling into a protracted and prolonged depression. The ideal way out and natural treatment can be a passion for your favorite thing, an exciting activity. Very important is the personal attitude to the desire to become necessary to someone in this difficult period of life. You should not refuse the help of loved ones.

Prolonged use of alcoholic beverages makes the addict intolerant of others and extremely irritable. It is quite difficult to remove such acquired character traits. You should strictly control yourself, stop the manifestation of negative messages and emotions.

Here group sessions with a psychotherapist will be of great help. You should review and diversify your own diet by including protein-rich foods in the menu. It is necessary to exclude the consumption of black tea, coffee, replacing them with herbal decoctions / infusions with the addition of honey.

Six months without alcohol

The most responsible and difficult time is behind us. Six months is enough for the body to fully restore its strength and regain lost health.. But an important condition for well-being is the absence of various pathologies that often visit an alcohol addict:

  • gastrointestinal ulcers;
  • pancreatitis;
  • alcoholic hepatitis;
  • cirrhosis and liver failure.

Such problems will have to be dealt with under the supervision and guidance of an experienced physician. But the psychological background after six months of giving up alcohol was completely restored. And, despite the fact that friends have diminished, relations with the family, children and relatives have improved.

Improvement in financial condition will also be a pleasant surprise. After all, previously large sums were spent on obtaining an alcoholic dose for themselves, and the prices of alcohol tend to increase. The former drinker himself adds a lot of effort to this by increasing his ability to work and labor activity.

This is explained from the point of view of psychology. Quit drinking, as if trying to catch up due to long years of alcoholic passivity and rehabilitate in the eyes of loved ones. And it works out great!

American scientists led by professor of psychology Charles Holahan (Charles Holahan) from the University of Texas for 20 years in a row observed a group of 1824 people, approximately equally divided between men and women. The observed were divided into three groups: some did not drink at all, others drank, but moderately (from one to three servings of alcohol per day); others sour as if not in themselves.

By the time the study began, the volunteers observed were between 55 and 65 years old. Over the past 20 years, 60 percent of heavy alcoholics have died. And this, in general, is understandable: in this group, the risk of cirrhosis of the liver is high, they suffer from some forms of cancer more than non-drinkers. Another thing is striking: in the group of strict abstainers, 69% died out. And among those periodically applied - only 41%. Why teetotalers die first, scientists cannot say for sure. But they believe that the matter may be in social isolation. Research has proven that non-drinkers suffer more from depression and loneliness than moderate alcoholics like us.

He is surprised by the results of the study: maybe in America there are some alcoholics who are not as alcoholic as in Russia? I am sure: people who drink increase joy, and non-drinkers increase sorrow. Alexander Gavrilov notes that the study retells simple wisdom in the language of science: "Whoever is drunk, but smart - two favors in that." And Dmitry Borisov asks to tell the Texas scientists that the bottle is from him!

These results surprise me. Maybe there are other alcoholics in America than here? It seems to me that you need to drink the way you like it. My family and I love to drink good wine, we do it regularly. I do not drink beer, spirits and cocktails. Because I drive, I can't have a glass of wine at dinner. But on vacation - with pleasure. It's hard to drink when you're on a diet because alcohol promotes appetite, but I usually don't, and there are no other restrictions for me, except for the voice of reason. I don't like extremes. Some people fundamentally don’t drink or eat something, this can be understood. But I don't like it when people somehow specifically emphasize and stick out. This immediately sounds like a reproach to others. In matters of drinking, I advocate moderation, adequacy and pleasure.

My late father liked to repeat: everything that pleases, everything that brings joy is useful! To be honest, I don’t believe in health drinking, just as I don’t believe in health diets, diets, yoga, spas, fitness and other “positive nonsense”, if at the same time violence is committed against one’s own desire! You should always drink when you want, when for joy, and not for the purpose of prolonging life. By the way, the evil desire to live longer is a harmful idea that shortens life. We must not live longer, but longer and deeper!!! Why do drinkers live longer than non-drinkers? Because some increase joy, while others increase sorrow.

Alcohol addiction is a serious disease, and many doctors consider it incurable. Even if you do not drink alcohol at all, cravings can persist for many years. But long-term abstinence from a negative habit will have a positive effect on the condition of the body and the general well-being of the addict.

The main concentration of ethanol accumulates in the liver and brain - these are the organs that suffer the most. At first, the drinker can only expect a hangover and severe toxicity of the body, while the main troubles are of a delayed nature and appear gradually.

With regular use of alcohol, a person is expected to:

  • decrease in brain activity;
  • decrease in cellular excitability;
  • metabolic disorder;
  • fatty degeneration;
  • inflammatory diseases of the liver;
  • problems with the heart and blood vessels;
  • cerebral hypoxia.

Pregnant or breastfeeding women should not drink alcohol at all. Otherwise, toxic substances will be passed on to the child, which will lead to the development of numerous developmental pathologies.

Alcohol has a mild psychotropic effect on consciousness. A couple of sips are enough to feel the change: there is a slight feeling of euphoria. Under his influence, you want to drink more, and it can be very difficult to stop yourself. When pleasant sensations pass, the body is in a stressful state.

Permissible doses of alcohol

If an addict is going to live without alcohol for the rest of his life, it is recommended to give up a dangerous habit abruptly. Dropouts are often deceived by a long-term plan to gradually cut back on alcohol.

The acceptable “harmless” dose of alcohol has been determined by the World Health Organization. So, the daily norm for a man is 30 ml. pure ethyl alcohol (about 250 ml of beer), and for women - no more than 20 ml. In this case, the reaction of the body depends not only on gender.

It is necessary to take into account the weight of the drinking person and the amount of the enzyme that is responsible for the breakdown of ethyl alcohol. According to medical data, the male body copes with alcohol better.

What changes occur in life without alcohol

If a person decides to no longer drink alcohol at all, at first it may be difficult to do so. Giving up a bad habit is not too easy, and noticeable breaking is possible for several days. The physical desire to relax with the help of alcohol alternates with the psychological. But with each sober month, positive changes are more and more obvious.


Evening gatherings with beer are easily replaced by a gym, and a morning hangover fight with a run. To process alcohol, the body expends a sufficient amount of energy that could be spent on more useful purposes. Alcohol has a depressing effect on muscles, disrupting protein synthesis.

weight loss

A person who stops drinking quickly loses excess weight. Alcohol is made up of "empty" useless calories. The most popular snacks are heavy and fatty, with lots of spices and sauces. And it also contributes to fluid retention, which makes the drinker edematous and visually it seems much larger.

Normalization of blood sugar levels

Frequent alcohol consumption is one of the causes of diabetes. Such drinks have a toxic effect on the pancreas, which guarantees the release of insulin. Gradually, resistance to this hormone increases, a violation of carbohydrate metabolism starts, and the proper functioning of the liver is suppressed.

The liver can no longer cope with maintaining the level of glycogen - the substance responsible for the normalization of glucose levels. Additional problems arise if a person prefers to drink sweet drinks - wines, liquors, cocktails with sparkling water.

Good dream

If a person falls asleep while intoxicated, he does not receive the necessary rest. According to medical research, after alcohol, alpha brain activity is triggered. The body, which is trying to fight off toxic effects and stress, is unable to relax completely. The result is a state of weakness in the morning, even if the drinker slept for a long time.

Mental enhancement

Even a single alcohol abuse leads to an imbalance between the brain neurotransmitters responsible for the transmission of impulses and information in the body. It leads to:

  • violation of coordination;
  • forgetfulness;
  • speech problems;
  • irritability and lethargy.

It is enough not to drink alcohol at all for at least 2-3 months to start the process of restoring structural damage. The ability to analyze will increase to the previous level, memory and mood will return to normal.


Alcohol is a strong diuretic and quickly leads to dehydration. Not only the internal organs suffer from this, but also the appearance of the drinking person. If you stop abusing alcohol and introduce a sufficient amount of pure water into the diet, the changes will be “obvious”:

  • Thick hair;
  • healthy soft skin;
  • ringing voice;
  • strong nails;
  • shining eyes.

When alcohol, which prevents the body from absorbing vitamins, disappears, the quality of life will be completely different.

Immunity Boost

Violation of protein metabolism in cells leads to dysfunction of the immune system. The body's natural defenses are reduced. Regular drinking contributes to the rapid development of existing viral and infectious diseases, including HIV. If a person can remove alcohol from life, the systems of the body will begin to work in full force.

Many thought about such a question, how not to drink alcohol, when in general everyone around is so “hooked” on it? The answer exists. You just need to follow a few rules. As everyone knows, the first attempt to stop drinking is not entirely successful for many people. And the first failure of many simply unsettles and the person returns to his former way of life. Some quit drinking 5 times and still return to alcohol. Why does this happen and how to end it once and for all?

Alcohol addiction

The first thing a person should understand in general is that alcoholism is a disease and a peculiar system. This system does not allow a person to get out of alcohol addiction and constantly encourages him to make mistakes, for which he then pays. Of course, everyone understands that after a mistake a person simply gives up and starts drinking again. How does this whole system work and why is it so hard to quit if everything in life starts to turn out for the better? I am afraid that many people will still get an answer to this question and alcohol will become an enemy for them. I can say that a month without alcohol will lead to an increase in self-esteem, and the body will also recover.

In fact, the alcohol system consists of many subsystems that are tightly linked to each other.

For example, swings, many understand the properties of their work:

  • A man sits on a swing and swings.
  • In the process of swinging a person is lifted up and the earth's gravity acts on him.
  • Having reached the upper face, the same gravitation accelerates it in the other direction.

Why is the swing example given? Because it's the perfect example.

Inertia is another element of all systems. Of course, in childhood, many tried to stop at full speed. But who did it? That's right, in general, units. This is what alcoholism looks like. First, the first element of inertia slowly sways and begins to work, then the earth's gravity and other factors. When a person reaches the peak of alcoholism, he can no longer stop on his own, just like a child who has swung on a swing. Many try to quit right away, but the momentum does its job and the "swing" continues its movement.

“I can quit on my own in a month” or “To quit, I need an incentive and in a month I will be as good as new”, also “I will quit in a month, but not now” - these phrases help the system to progress and prevail over a person, it will continue to destroy personality and organism. To break the system, again, you need to remember the swing. To get off, a person needs to stop swinging, then the inertia becomes smaller and braking begins. Also in alcoholism, if not immediately, but a person will come to completely get rid of alcohol addiction.

Alcohol: a way to relax or a drug trap?

As mentioned above, the whole system is a pendulum that acts on a person until it completely prevails over him. Having shaken it at least a little, a person falls into an alcohol trap, in which he tries to fill every problem with alcohol. Of course, everything starts with a bottle of beer or a shot of vodka, but in the end the dose reaches the maximum possible for a person. And so every day a person simply begins to drink too much. The pendulum in this case works in the following way: the first intake of alcohol is like soaring up, then, when it comes back, it pushes the person to drink more and so on endlessly. Any of the people who fell under his influence drinks much more than they planned before, thereby rocking him more and more. It is worth noting that the state of a hangover, according to the proverb, is treated “with the same thing from which you fell ill,” and then the following saying follows: “the wrong hangover is the second booze.” In this case, the work of the pendulum is clearly observed, which more and more draws a person into an alcohol pit.

In the morning, when a hangover sets in, a person may experience incomprehensible feelings like “Why did I drink so much, what could I do, everyone drank and I drank” or “I can not drink at all anymore, but I’m afraid they won’t understand me”, all these thoughts are a reason to think further, it is quite possible that this is remorse. After such thoughts, a person feels inner dissatisfaction and again returns to alcohol as a joy. And the buzzer starts its work again, it sways more and more and brings the person more and more into the alcohol system. And when it reaches the final point, for a person it means death.

Having thought a little, everything that is written above, you can understand why it is worth it. Don't wait until you fall into a hole and you can't get out of it. Take care of yourself and your loved ones - after all, an alcoholic does not need anything other than alcohol.

Deferred function

Each of the people, even those who rarely use, used to have to deal with such a state as “went through”. Many interpreted this from the side of health or emotional state, but in fact alcohol has a delayed functionality. The state of intoxication does not occur immediately, and a person cannot determine the line, how much he really needs to relieve stress. Many people say “I can drink my norm” or “I haven’t drunk for a month, you can relax”, but they are deeply mistaken. Remember, no one knows their own norm. There is a saying among the people: "One person made a promise, but another did not fulfill it." In fact, she's a little vague. It is worth clarifying this saying with the help of the system of alcoholism again. A person, falling under the influence of alcohol, really becomes mentally different, if a person is closed and quiet, he can open up and start to “be weird”. That's the whole point of the saying, if a person said "I'll drink one and go home," but in the end he's in the "trash" in the morning. If you look from the side, then the saying is true, because the person was in a sober mind and made a promise that he wanted to fulfill in a normal state. But, having changed a little in the psychological sense, he is already a different person who promised nothing to anyone.

“I'm afraid to quit, because I have so many problems” or “I'm afraid to admit to myself that I'm an alcoholic”, these are the thoughts people sometimes visit. But, you need to understand that alcohol is primarily a poison that gradually destroys not only the body, but also the personality of a person. As with any poison ingested, the body begins to fight it. The more alcohol in the blood, the more intense the resistance, which is why a person needs to drink more and more each time in order to reach the state of alcoholic intoxication. It is this factor, in interaction with the postponement of action, that sets the pendulum in motion, followed by a hangover and all other conditions that drag a person into alcohol addiction.

But what can be done to get a person out of binge or addiction.

There are some psychological factors for this:

  • Family.
  • Job.
  • Lack of funds.
  • Automobile.
  • Health problems.

All of them influence the decision of a person “to drink or not to drink?”. At the same time, they violate the alcohol system, thereby destroying it. But what does "alcohol do in response"? The worst thing is that an alcoholic deceives himself that everything is fine with him, and he will never go to extremes. He ceases to succumb to the influence of close and dear people, thereby convincing himself that they are opposed to him. After that, the alcohol system is restored and continues its work on the personality of a person.

System destruction

In order to drink alcohol in rare cases or never return to it, you need to break the pendulum. Such a choice will provide an opportunity to return to normal life and begin to stabilize the influx of problems. Many people with a steel will quit smoking and alcoholism in 1 day and believe me, they are still horrified by what they did under the influence of alcohol. "I'm afraid to go back to it" is the words of any of them.

It is possible to destroy the alcohol system, like any other, with the help of a “hit” on the weakest link. And in this case, it is the psychological state of a person. It is with this aspect that you need to fight.

Many remember that parents were always against drinking at an early age and some even said, "I'm afraid that you will become an alcoholic." And this is a correct suggestion, but an explanation must be added to it, why exactly alcohol is so dangerous. But, how is the psyche of many children, listen and do the opposite. That is why such a judgment can lead to early use. We ourselves can inadvertently push children to the first glass or bottle of beer. Also, many say that alcoholism is not curable, and this thought sits quite deeply in the head, but more on that later.

Many have seen alcoholics on the streets, who are lying under porches or cowardly on benches. And then the question arises, why are they not being treated? The answer is simple, they just can't do it. It also happens to people who try to stop drinking on their own.

The first attempt to quit is quite difficult, and the first failure in this matter does not cause much emotion, because you can try again. But after 5 or 10 attempts, a person has a panic, and he begins to realize what a trap he has fallen into. That is why there are special narcological blades that provide an opportunity for a person to get rid of addiction and return to society again, a normal and balanced individual.

Let's return to the idea that alcoholism is incurable, leaving this, we get a vicious circle:

  • There is an idea about the incurability of alcoholism;
  • Getting into alcohol addiction, a person does not realize and does not understand the complexity of the situation;
  • A person is aware of the problem, but the thought of incurability brings him back into the circle.

Now let's return to the weakest link, and it is the thought of incurability. Now everything is falling into place.

It remains only to get rid of thoughts and tune in to treatment. The system has collapsed but will still try to pull the person back in by creating thoughts of alcohol.

If a person is strong enough in character and can get rid of this obsessive thought on his own, then others have to see a doctor and undergo inpatient treatment. I can say this, if after a month the craving for alcohol is gone, then you can immediately contact a drug treatment clinic, because it is very difficult to stop drinking on your own. If you do not apply, then in general, you will completely get drunk, and the month will simply pass in vain, without meaning in life, although no, the meaning will be - to drink.

Drink alcohol or give it up? Quite difficult, but possible. Take one month as a countdown and try not to drink at all. The word “generally” means a complete rejection of any alcoholic beverages, including products containing alcohol. If you last a month, you can last a lifetime. Pay less attention to people who incite to drink, so as not to be influenced. If you decide to drink to avoid addiction, do not drink a lot or you can pretend to take a sip. Be less in places where they drink alcoholic beverages, completely eliminate alcohol from your diet. Of course, not drinking at all is difficult, but if you use it once a month, then nothing terrible will happen.

Every Friday I'm in the shit, and every Monday I'm in the cucumber. Semyon Slepakov

Of course, everyone knows that it is better to stop drinking completely, but rarely does anyone do it. Where is the fine line between a healthy person who uses alcohol and an alcoholic who thinks he is a healthy person?

A little bit about drinking without alcoholism

So, on a weekday evening, a friend invited you to drink a glass of beer in your favorite bar, a friend invites you to visit and takes wine, after work to relieve stress, you drink a cup of coffee, pretty charged with cognac. Is it about you?

It's episodic drinking

You can’t even tell how often you drink, because it’s very irregular, and you can’t tell exactly how much you need to drink to get drunk, because when. If you drink too much, it will be bad in the morning, but the thought of alcohol in this state makes you feel nauseated.

It's too early to worry if your episodes don't recur too often.

Another type is ritual drunkenness.

Every second can boast of this. Family or state holidays are traditionally handled with alcohol, and you don't give up drinking. It is very fun to plan together what you will drink and eat, buy all this, then sit down at the table and, in fact, celebrate. On other days you do not touch alcohol.

This is also not very scary, but only serious holidays are considered, and not International KVN Day or Journalist's Day in China (of course, if you are not a KVN and not a Chinese journalist).

And so we got to the first dangerous level of drunkenness - the usual

If you can drink with or without a reason (well, of course!) or absolutely any event becomes a reason for you, for example, stress at work, or even just returning from work.

It doesn't mean that you're gorging yourself like a log every day, but you drink very often. Sometimes you can stop drinking (which helps you think you're not an alcoholic or dependent on it), but those periods of sobriety are becoming less frequent.

Attention! If you drink 2 times a week consistently and sometimes more, that's it. Habitual drunkenness is followed by the first stage of alcoholism, and in the meantime, this is what happens in the body.

How the body gets used to booze

Gradually, the balance of chemicals in the brain is disturbed: gamma-aminobutyric acid, glutamate and the hormone dopamine. The first substance is responsible for impulsivity, the second - for the stimulation of the nervous system, and dopamine in general for what it decides.

The metabolism of this hormone in the pleasure and reward centers changes so that you stop getting high from the simple things that non-alcoholics enjoy.

Of course, everything is not as critical as in advanced cases, when pleasure and a normal existence in general are simply unthinkable without alcohol, but the degree of joy from meeting friends, a festive event and everything else without alcohol is noticeably reduced.

When the body is accustomed

When drunkenness turns into light alcoholism, no events are needed to drink, you can do it just like that. You don’t want to get drunk yet, but you can force yourself. For example, if you need to go to work, and you feel very bad, or on Saturday morning, or on Sunday.

And here are a few more signs that you may call yourself an alcoholic in earnest:

  1. It’s also not bad for one to drink, and it doesn’t matter what - beer in front of the TV or vodka, because it’s sad and they got it at work.
  2. I just want a drink.
  3. You don’t know how to control yourself - you drink until you’re drunk, and then your friends drag you home.
  4. Memory losses. Large areas of dead neurons in the brain carry away with them memories of yesterday's fun.
  5. They have their own special rituals - walk after work with a bottle of beer to your favorite music in the player, celebrate Friday with a liter of vodka, or something else as regular.
  6. You score a lot. Favorite activities disappear, there is simply no more interest in doing something that has always brought pleasure, for example, playing sports or gluing airplanes.
  7. More quarrels with family and friends, friends. You rage over trifles, and constantly with someone at knives.

In fact, you are not alone in your mild alcoholism, a lot of people are at this stage, they can stay on it for a long time or quit altogether.

But how long does it take before the first stage passes into the third(standard alcoholic, about which no one doubts)?

It depends on your condition, character, health and gender. Maybe five or seven years, maybe a few months. If any problems arise: troubles at work, missing inspiration, many console themselves in the usual way, and this is already really dangerous.

Which exit? Throw at all.

The first stage of alcoholism can be checked like this: try not to drink for three months.

It seems to many that it is simple, but few cope. Eventually, in those three months, your body will recover, start producing enough dopamine again to get high without drinking. Who knows, maybe then you just don’t want to start again?
