
What to do if the dough hasn't risen. How to store leftover yeast dough? What to do to make the dough rise

Yeast dough is called unpredictable by many. Today, it turns out lush and air buns and pies, and tomorrow it does not rise at all, remains flat, like a cake. How to increase the germination of the test? What to do if the dough does not rise? There are a few simple recommendations, following which, you can get an excellent basis for delicious homemade buns and bread.

What affects the quality of yeast dough?

In order not to correct mistakes already in the process of kneading the dough, you need to check the expiration date in advance and pay attention to the features of using products that are among the ingredients.

How the quality of the test is influenced by the following factors and products:

  1. Yeast. Pressed or dry (active and instant) yeast can be used for the dough. Fresh or pressed yeast and active dry yeast must be dissolved in a glass before kneading warm water or milk with the addition of a tablespoon of sugar. As soon as foam appears on the surface of the liquid, you can proceed to the next step in preparing the dough. instant yeast can be immediately mixed with flour. The expiration date of the yeast is the main condition for a good raising of the dough.
  2. Liquid temperature. Almost all recipes indicate that the yeast is dissolved in warm water, without specifying a specific temperature. In order for the yeast to become active, the temperature of the liquid must be at least 28 and not higher than 38 degrees. In too cold water Yeast does not multiply, but dies in hot water. In any case, if the temperature regime of the liquid is not observed, the dough does not rise.
  3. flour quality. Like other dough ingredients such as eggs and butter, flour should also be room temperature. A prerequisite is its preliminary screening, during which it is enriched with oxygen. The best dough is made from white wheat flour. Bread made from flour coarse grinding or whole grain will never turn out the same lush and airy.
  4. Observe the amount of salt and sugar in the recipe. Too much salty dough rises very poorly, and sweets are not always well baked.

If the dough has not risen: what to do with it?

Even if the above conditions are met, force majeure sometimes occurs in the form of an unraised dough. But don't throw it in the trash. Even from it it can turn out good foundation for pizza. However, first you can try bring it to life recommendations specifically designed for if the dough has not risen.

What to do in such a situation can be described in three tips:

  1. Raise the ambient temperature.
  2. Add yeast.
  3. Knead the dough again, adding a little flour or liquid, depending on their ratio.

Let's take a closer look at each of these points.

In order for the yeast to become active, it is important to observe the temperature regime of the water, and in order for them to continue to multiply and contribute to the further growth of the dough, this temperature must be maintained. A cold room with dry air is not the best environment for its growth. So don't be surprised if the dough doesn't rise. What to do in this case?

  1. At the bottom of the oven, preheated to 40 degrees, put a baking sheet with hot water. At the same time, place the container with the dough on the rack at the middle level of the oven. A moist and warm environment will help the dough rise.
  2. cook water bath on the stove. Heat up high temperature and immediately put out the fire. Put the container with the dough in a water bath until it rises.
  3. Cover the container with the dough with polyethylene and place it near the battery or on the burner. Polyethylene will create the necessary moist environment, and from the outgoing heat, the dough will begin to grow rapidly.

If, after creating the optimal temperature and sufficient humidity, the dough still rises poorly, it means that the yeast has not been activated. In this case, you can try to start the process again.

To do this, a teaspoon of dry yeast is dissolved in a glass of warm water or milk and a tablespoon of sugar is added. When foam appears on the surface of the liquid, you can pour the dough into the dough and mix with the rest of it.

After adding a new dough, a situation may again arise when butter dough does not rise. What to do in this case with temperature regime, everyone understands. But besides this, you may have to add other ingredients, such as flour.

The optimal ratio of flour and liquid as a percentage is 60:40. This means that flour should be approximately 60% and liquid 40%. The dough after kneading should be elastic, slightly sticky to the hands. It is important not to hammer it with excess flour. But sometimes this ingredient can save the situation if the dough has not risen. What to do and how much flour to add depends on the consistency of the dough.

If you add extra yeast dough, the dough will turn out to be too sticky and liquid. In accordance with the optimal ratio of ingredients indicated above, it will be necessary to add flour again and knead well. After that, the container is placed in a warm place, create optimal conditions temperature and humidity and are waiting for a rise.

The dough does not rise in the bread machine: what to do?

Many housewives bake homebaked bread not in the oven, but in the bread maker. But even in this case sometimes rises badly yeast dough.

What to do with the dough in the bread machine to increase its germination, and why it does not rise:

  1. Not enough liquids. In order for the dough to rise, it must be elastic and soft. It won't help to fix the situation. a large number of water added to the dough bowl during kneading.
  2. It is possible that the lid of the appliance was opened during kneading and warm air escaped.
  3. Expired yeast or incorrect handling conditions (medium too hot).

In any case, the dough can be reanimated. To do this, you need to get it out of the bread machine and knead it with your hands, using the lifting methods suggested above.

It would seem that you are ready for mutual friendship. Every time you give him another chance to prove himself. But again and again you are disappointed. How to be? I assure you, by the end of the article, you will understand why your attempts to “make friends” with yeast dough were sometimes unsuccessful. Together we will conduct a small debriefing!

Why won't yeast dough rise?

Everything is important in yeast dough: the temperature of the ingredients, the quality of the products, the sequence of preparation, the excess or deficiencies of ingredients. All this will affect exactly whether the dough will rise or not. And one moment! Your mood, the volume of music or conversations, the draft and slamming doors - all of this also affects. But first things first.


Everyone knows that yeast must first be diluted in warm water, potato broth (vegetable broth), tea or milk. If the water is cold or hot, you can “kill” the yeast, they will not multiply and the fermentation process will not start. Ideally, the water temperature should be 30-38°C.
Just as important is the temperature of the other ingredients: eggs, butter or flour. Everything should be at room temperature or slightly higher than room temperature.


It does not matter which yeast (pressed or bagged) you use, you should carefully check the expiration date on the package. In addition, yeast from open bags loses its strength, so if you have not used the entire volume of yeast, wrap the foil package as tightly as possible (you can use a paper clip, clothespin).

I have shared information many times about what yeast I use, I will write and show it again.

If we talk about pressed ones, then this is Yeast-Lux (you can buy it in large chain stores in the refrigerator departments)

Among dry yeast brands, I have two favorites “Saf-moment”, “Pakmaya Cristal”


Even if you cook without dough, and mix the yeast into the flour, the first thing to do after you knead the yeast is to pour it with water. It takes at least a little time for the yeast to begin to multiply. And yet, do not forget to immediately create a favorable atmosphere and “feed” them with sugar.
With dough, everything is simple: water + sugar + yeast + a little (a couple of spoons) of flour. Combine all this, cover with a towel and let stand warm for about an hour.

But salt stops the action of yeast, so it can not be added at the stage of sourdough. Salt is poured at the very end of the dough kneading, when the rest of the ingredients have already been added.

Quantity of ingredients

If there is more oil than normal, the dough will become heavy. Or, on the contrary, if sugar is not added or it is not enough, then the yeast will not be activated (but it is better not to add sugar more than the norm, otherwise the fermentation process will slow down). Also, if the yeast itself is not enough, this can also be the reason that the dough does not rise.

Mood. Yeast feel.

Have you heard this phrase? Indeed, they are alive. And they are “transmitted” to the energy of a person and the atmosphere that is around. so do not start kneading until you smile. Do not rush, do everything smoothly and enjoy yourself.
And the volume of music and cold air- this is what prevents yeast from developing.
And yet, by kneading the dough well, you not only achieve the desired density, but also allow the dough to highlight carbon dioxide. After that, it will be easy for him to rise.

Becomes hard after baking

Again, there may be several reasons:

  1. It's in the oven itself. My very first oven did not bake, but rather dried everything. And I thought I didn't know how to cook. Until I realized that it was the stove, she had such a character. Then, for all the dishes that I cooked in it, I was looking for my own baking mode (both in time and in temperature). Try baking at a higher temperature, or for a shorter time. An option to save pies is a bowl of water at the bottom of the oven.
  2. Let stand after baking. Lubricate the pastries with syrup, butter or just water and cover with a towel for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Deviated from the recipe and put the wrong amount of ingredients. More than you need flour or eggs can lead to such consequences.
  4. Cooking technology not followed. Perhaps the dough didn't rise enough, or you didn't let it rise properly.

Sticks to hands: what to do with it?

Lubricate your hands with oil. Sometimes not only hands, but also a rolling pin should be moistened with oil or flour to roll out the dough. The dough can also stick because you initially put less flour than it should.

Why is it rubbery

It's all about the punching, or rather, the lack of punching. If the dough is prepared with muffin (eggs, fats), it must be kneaded 3-4 times, depending on how much muffin or how the dough behaves. Otherwise, a large amount of acid is formed in it, which is not distributed evenly over the dough. It also helps to maintain the same temperature throughout the entire volume of the dough, and saturates it with oxygen. Then the growth of yeast will be uniform.
Another one possible reason- the dough has rested, fermented.

Why is it dry

Perhaps the dough is “clogged” with flour. To prevent this from happening, you need to stir in the flour gradually until the desired consistency is obtained.

Another reason is that the dough is simply not kneaded to the end.
Perhaps you did not let him stand and restore the structure after the next batch?
Insufficient amount of muffin can also cause dryness of the dough.

Why does it tear after kneading

The structure of the dough directly depends on how and how much it was kneaded. And how long it "roams". The dough will not have a stable structure if the yeast has not fermented to the end. That is why it is worth giving time to proofing test.

Why does it stick to parchment paper

Let me give you 4 reasons:

  1. Too liquid dough;
  2. Too dense, heavy dough;
  3. There is not enough oil in the dough. In this case, it would be correct to grease the paper with oil or even sprinkle flour on top of the oil.
  4. Bad quality parchment, change manufacturer.

In the oven, it first rises and then settles

Most often, such a test reaction to temperature changes. You often open the oven door, pull it out and check what happens ... And in the end - subsidence. And if, in addition to this, you also slam the oven door, this is definitely a sure sign of the future subsidence of the product.
But unfermented dough can have a similar effect. If it hasn't rested long enough, or the temperature at which the dough has stood was insufficient for yeast to develop.

I confess, I always considered this dough the best option for many dishes: it's easy to make and it won't let you down, it's sure to rise without any tricky ingredient or magic. But sometimes this theory was destroyed due to some of the above reasons. But my mother, on the contrary, insisted that the yeast dough has a character, and it should be treated with respect. And you know, she always gets the best delicious buns in the world, as if the dough reciprocated the proposal of Mommy to be friends with him.

So, I wish you to make friends with yeast dough and understand its character, so that you get only excellent quality pies and pies! Share your exploits and talk about both successes and problems. And I will always try to help you!

When adding a photo to Instagram, please indicate the tag #pirogeevo or #pirogeevo so that I can find your photos on the network.

Many hostesses who try to diversify and decorate as much as possible dinner table, begin to engage in yeast dough. From it you can safely cook pizza with greens, and a pie, and many other pastries. But often scrupulously mixed from dry yeast does not rise.

Causes of the problem

To understand the cause of the "breakdown", you need to remember a few basic rules while working with the test:

  • plane and difficult process dough molding can be a sign of excess water;
  • slow fermentation process and stiffness already finished products means lack of water;
  • the salty taste of finished products and the insidious pale crust are the surest sign of the excessive presence of salt;
  • vagueness and lack of taste is the opposite - there is not enough salt in the existing dough;
  • if the crust of the product treacherously burns, and the middle remains liquid, then there is a large amount of sugar in the dough;
  • the product is of insufficient height, the middle remained watery and tasteless - lack of sugar.

Yeast dough is quite capricious, and it needs increased attention during kneading. If the dough does not rise, how to fix the occasion, grandmother's advice will help to understand:

  • Emergency help can be a new portion of yeast, scrupulously dissolved in a small amount water and kneaded into dough.
  • Doesn't fit and check yeast. To do this, take one pinch of them, combine with sugar and pour a tablespoon of warm water. If within 12 minutes the foam did not go, the yeast was clearly overdue.

Why doesn't it rise?

How much the dough should rise always determines the amount of yeast and its quality, as well as the presence of concomitant factors. The normal process of the “approach” of the dough is considered to be 3 hours, overstaying can lead to the formation of a rich sour taste. The dough can stay in place for several reasons:

  • low-quality (unverified) yeast;
  • excess fat ingredient (oil);
  • low quality or insufficient amount of sugar;
  • too basics (milk or water);
  • low room temperature for the approach of the dough.

When working with yeast dough, you should not allocate a time frame, quality product must rise at least two times. Due to the enrichment with oxygen, the products will become soft and melt in the mouth. Excessive amount yeast can lead to an unpleasant taste and aroma. It is not worth increasing the amount of the base, the result will be a significant time saving, but the products will acquire a cottony taste.

Cooking notes

When preparing yeast dough from dry yeast, it is worth considering a few proven remarks:

  • Yeast should be used only proven, fresh. In this case, the packaging must be intact. Why? Yes, because contact with oxygen impairs their effectiveness.
  • In the case of manual kneading, dry yeast should be mixed with flour; a bread machine does not require such scrupulousness.

In order for the yeast dough to please with splendor and softness, it is necessary to start with the process of mixing dry ingredients.

The flour should be sifted slowly (2 times is possible), then the products will be amazingly airy. Some housewives sift it after mixing with yeast. Then the effect of airiness is enhanced. Due to the haste of mixing, the dough does not rise for many. How to fix this incident, advice will tell experienced housewives. All ingredients must be warm. If the yeast was previously open and became less active, you can heat the saucepan in which the dough will be kneaded, and then the fermentation process will return to normal.

Tricks of housewives and bakers

There are also variants where everything is done according to the recipe, but the dough still does not rise. How to fix the situation, the notes of experienced bakers will tell you. A bowl with dry yeast can help disperse the dough. warm water. It is necessary to place a container with a "harmful" composition in it and let it stand there for at least 30 minutes. A basin of water can be replaced with a preheated oven, only this method requires constant attention so that the dough does not overheat.

Other hostesses act differently when the dough does not rise. How to fix the situation, they know exactly. Craftsmen add an incomplete tablespoon of vinegar to the dough. It will definitely react and rise. But you should not put the dough in the oven after adding vinegar, then it will get bright taste yeast and the baked goods will spoil.

When preparing yeast dough, it is worth using a little trick. It is necessary to start the dough in 150 ml of warm (not hot) milk, into which you need to pour 1 tablespoon of sugar and the same amount of sifted flour, a pack of yeast comes last. The mixture must be carefully mixed and hidden in a warm place, wrapping the container with heated towels. After 15-17 minutes, a foam cap should form in the mixture. It is in it that in the future it is necessary to interfere with the rest of the ingredients. Then the dough will be soft and pleasantly airy. This is how yeast dough is prepared step by step. We hope you understand everything.

The biggest fear of a housewife before any baking is that the dough will not rise.

If you often bake homemade bread or buns from yeast dough, then you probably paid attention to the fact that it does not always fit the way you would like. Why does it happen that once the dough is obedient, and sometimes capricious, like a child?

Yeast dough is whole process in which yeast lives, reproduces and dies. Remember, dear hostesses, yeast dough does not tolerate fuss, and if you understand that you have little time for baking, then you should not even start preparing it. It must be kneaded with love, putting your soul into it. While working with yeast dough, do not open windows or a window, as it is afraid of drafts.
Remember that how you react to kneading yeast dough depends on its rise and fermentation.
And yes, by the way, it may not work if you mix all the ingredients in one bowl at once. But this is optional. Some recipes allow you to do this.


For yeast dough, dry or pressed yeast is used. Remember that for you to succeed, the yeast must be fresh, not expired.

There is one more nuance: different type yeast has its own mixing order with flour.
Pressed, for example, need to be fed before kneading. This is done simply:
Dissolve the yeast in a glass of warm water or milk, after adding a teaspoon of sugar there. When you notice a bubble cap on the surface of the liquid, you can start kneading the dough.

Dry yeast is mixed immediately with flour.


Any hostess knows that to breed yeast “you need to take a warm or heated liquid” (usually milk or water). The temperature should not be lower than 28 - 30 degrees, but not higher than the temperature of the human body.

Cold or cool liquid is bad for yeast growth, your dough just won't rise. Hot liquid adversely affects the yeast, they brew and die. There is no fermentation and the dough does not rise.


Often in yeast dough you need to add butter, and very often melted. So here there is one subtlety. Before you add oil to the rest of the ingredients, it is a MUST! cool to room temperature so as not to disturb the fermentation process. Hot oil will kill the yeast!


For yeast dough, it is highly desirable to use only warm flour. Before use, it should be sieved to better saturate with oxygen. This will positively contribute to the work of the yeast.

Yeast dough kneading

For sweet dough, where there is a lot of fat, eggs and sugar, use a dough that is made from the full volume of liquid, yeast and half the norm of flour. The dough should turn out viscous, like on pancakes. Put the dough in a warm place - it will rise faster.

When you see that your dough has doubled or tripled in size, add the rest of the ingredients and flour to it. The dough should be well kneaded, then it will actively rise.
Just do not make it tight, as it does not rise well, and baking from it turns out to be dense, low and stale quickly.

Rising yeast dough

Yeast dough rises well in a warm place for 1.5 - 2 hours. If you don't want a thick, weathered crust to form on it, cover it with a thick towel, lid, or plastic bag.

The room is cold - you will wait a long time until the dough wakes up and rises. If there is no warm place in the house, then put it in a bowl, and the bowl on a pot of hot water. Just make sure that the bottom of the bowl does not come into contact with water, otherwise the yeast will brew and die, and you will not succeed.

To make the pastries fluffy, in the process of raising the dough, you need to knead it once or twice, in this way you will release carbon dioxide from it. After this procedure, let it rise again.

You can not overdo the yeast dough. After some time, fully ripe, it will eventually fall off. If it fell off - feel free to throw it away, the second time it will not rise. Baking will be flat, sour and tough.

Do not take too large a pan for kneading the dough, in it it will spread and will not rise. Therefore, choose the right dishes.

If you knead a large amount of dough at once, it will ferment actively and well.

How to store leftover yeast dough?

Do you have leftover yeast dough? Take it boldly plastic bag and fold it there, leaving a little room for lifting, tie it well and put the bag in freezer. This storage method will not affect the quality of the dough, and in the refrigerator it can peroxide.
Although, if the dough does not need to be removed for a long time, for example, until the morning, then it can safely wait for you in the refrigerator, just give it a bag more spacious, because. the processes will not stop and the yeast will continue its work. I know for myself how unpleasant it is to find out in the morning that all the dough has spread all over the refrigerator and now you have to wash it all.

How to bake products from yeast dough?

Do you want to get lush and high baking? Then put the formed products from the yeast dough for proofing for 20 minutes. In order for the dough to rise and not burn, bake the products at 190 - 210 degrees (patties, buns, bagels, etc.). Less rich dough (for example, pizza) is baked at a temperature of 220 - 240 degrees.

Yeast dough for pies (recipe)


  • milk: 250ml
  • dry yeast: 9g
  • chicken eggs: 2pcs
  • sugar: 3 tbsp.
  • salt: 1 tsp
  • flour: 650g
  • vegetable oil: 50ml


IN warm milk Pour in the yeast until a foamy cap forms.

Crack 2 eggs into a large bowl.

Add salt and sugar.

Add vegetable oil.

Pour milk-yeast mixture into bowl.

Mix everything well.

Add flour, knead a soft, non-sticky dough. Leave it to rise in a warm place. At the same time, it should double in size.

Use any filling for pies, the main thing is that it is not liquid.

Bake the product at a temperature of 220 degrees (10 - 15 minutes, until browned).

Try! No need to be afraid! At one time, I was also very afraid that the dough would not work. This, firstly, served every desire to bake something, and secondly, it often turned out that way - the dough remained the same as I kneaded it and did not want to rise. Now, knowing a few rules of behavior with the dough, I am not at all afraid of it, and for many years there has not been a case that it did not work out.
Good luck in the kitchen!

Surely many of you during baking at least once encountered a problem when the dough stubbornly did not want to rise. Hoping to see fluffy pie, who are not ashamed to show off to their friends, what looked like a flat cake was peeking out of the oven. As they say, the first pie is a pancake ... How to make sure that the dough does not fall and the pastries turn out to be lush and ruddy?

According to Gay-Lussac's law, at constant pressure, the ratio of a gas to its temperature is constant. talking in simple words if the temperature rises, then the volume of the gas increases and thus the cake rises. If this does not happen, most likely there was not enough gas in the test. It sounds strange, but it happens in practice.

What should I do to make the dough rise?

So, here are a few tips to help you "lift" your dough.

  1. The oven must be well preheated before you start using it for baking.
  2. There must be enough gas in the test. And this means that the dough to be beaten must be very well and thoroughly beaten. Puff pastry, in turn, is rolled out in the cold so that the butter does not melt.
  3. There should be enough flour in the dough. If the dough is too liquid, the cake will immediately settle in the oven and cooking masterpiece will be corrupted.
  4. Bake at the temperature indicated in the recipe. Surely whoever wrote it knew what he was talking about.
  5. Do not open the oven too often. When checking the readiness test, try not to open the oven wide and for a long time. After each such check, add 30-40 seconds to the cooking time.
  6. Do not check if the dough is ready until it has risen evenly. If the dough has risen only at the edges, but not in the middle, this means that the air in it has not warmed up yet.
  7. Check the readiness of the dough with a wooden stick or a toothpick, sticking it into the center of the pie. There the dough is always baked more slowly.
  8. After cooking, leave the cake in the oven for a while, or take it out and cover it with something on top, such as a towel.
  9. Sift the flour well through a sieve. Better twice.
  10. Do not change the temperature during cooking.

So, if you follow at least a few of these tips, your future culinary products will decorate your table, and friends and relatives will want to know your secrets.
