
Through what coal to filter moonshine. Simple and proven ways to clean moonshine

This method cleaning will completely rid the moonshine of fusel oils, aldehydes and other harmful impurities. Coal is an excellent adsorbent, because its use will allow not only to process an alcoholic beverage homemade, but also completely eliminate the unpleasant odor. As a rule, activated carbon is most often used to clean moonshine, You can buy it at any pharmacy.

Many are interested in whether it is possible to purify alcohol with barbecue charcoal, or is it better to use activated carbon? For an accurate answer to this question, it is necessary to understand what type of the indicated substance can be used to eliminate fusel oils from the drink, and also to look in more detail at the very method of using charcoal to clean moonshine.


The choice of coal for cleaning moonshine

There are three methods for filtering moonshine:

  • using activated charcoal tablets sold through the pharmacy network;
  • using high quality charcoal;
  • use of coals for barbecue.

The absorbent components of activated carbon in tablets have micropores, it is through them that large molecules of fusel oil and other harmful substances do not pass. Therefore, activated charcoal tablets are recommended for use only for cleaning moonshine that has already passed two distillations.

Such filters do not clean the mash well, resulting in alcohol solutions still remain harmful substances, they have to be eliminated by other methods. At the same time, the composition of tableted activated carbon includes various additional ingredients, including starch, and they contribute to bringing bitterness to the taste of moonshine.

Charcoal for cleaning moonshine

It is best to filter alcoholic beverages using charcoal , obtained as a result of the decomposition of wood through high temperatures. You can get a similar substance at home, but the process of obtaining it is rather complicated and time-consuming. Some people manage to get components from the filters used in old gas masks, but they should not be used as an alcohol filtering agent. Required material can be purchased at specialty stores, in addition, it is used in water filters.

Birch stakes are used when kindling a brazier, therefore, when cleaning moonshine, it is often used charcoal left after grilling kebabs. In addition, for these purposes, mixed with wood is sometimes used. coconut charcoal. Some distillers use the coals left over from a burnt-out fire to filter the mash, but with this method of filtration, moonshine will have a slight smell of smoke, which is almost impossible to get rid of completely. However, re-distilling the drink will help reduce the smell of smoke.

For successful filtering, you must use a homemade filter. To make it, take a watering can made of metal or plastic, and put several layers of gauze or cotton wool on the filter hole. Pour charcoal on top so that its particles form a layer two to four centimeters thick. Next, you need to pass the mash through the resulting filter, to improve the quality of cleaning, these actions should be repeated five or six times, after each filtration, be sure to change the carbon in the filter to a new one. The drink will turn out transparent, and will not contain harmful components in its composition only if high-quality charcoal is used.

If the manufacturer is not in a hurry, then he can increase the effect of using a charcoal filter. To this end, it is necessary to finely grind the coal and put it in a saucepan with a layer of three to four centimeters, and then pour moonshine. The ratio of absorbent and moonshine should be as follows - about fifty grams of adsorbent per liter of drink. Then the pot is covered with a lid and left to infuse. within three days, after which the liquid is drained from the sediment so that a little moonshine remains at the bottom. If you find small particles of coal in the filtered drink, then remove them by driving the resulting moonshine through several layers of gauze.

Wash cleaning with coconut charcoal

When using a mixture of coconut charcoal with charcoal, the cleaning effect will be the highest. To make such a mixture charcoal and coconut charcoal are taken in a ratio of 3: 1. In the process of mixing the components, you can grind them - in this case, the quality of purification of moonshine will improve significantly.

  • Not recommended long time insist moonshine on charcoal, since part of the harmful components already absorbed into it can again return to the drink.
  • When using a household filter, you need to know for sure if it contains components that are not needed to filter moonshine. They will not harm the taste of the resulting drink in any way, but the best option- their complete absence.
  • When cleaning, use as much as possible large quantity adsorbent - this will not spoil the moonshine, but only improve the quality of the cleaning. Do not forget that you cannot reuse one portion of the absorbent.
  • If charcoal-cleaned moonshine acquires an unwanted smoky or burnt wood smell, you can get rid of it by using redistillation. Remember, charcoal cleaning of grain-based spirits causes these drinks to lose their inherent grain smell and taste.
  • After the purification of alcohol carbon filter it will lose not only the harmful substances contained in its composition, but also its own peculiar smell. If the manufacturer does not want to lose this, then optimal solution for it will be the use of other methods of filtering moonshine, for example, using potassium permanganate or milk.
  • Before filtering, be sure to check the quality of the charcoal, why you need to pass through it a small amount of alcohol. If, as a result of the check, the drink acquires a brown tint, or a clear smell of burning begins to emanate from it, refuse to use this coal.

Moonshine by taste properties and the quality is not inferior even to expensive strong alcoholic beverages, if it is fully cleaned. One of available ways get rid of alcohol home cooking from unpleasant odors and harmful substances is cleaning moonshine with activated carbon. It removes most of esters and fusel oils formed during distillation.

Why is charcoal filtration necessary?

Mass is formed in the distillate by-products, worsening not only taste qualities drink, but also making it dangerous to use. These are fusel oils, all kinds of aldehydes, esters, etc. Not all harmful impurities are removed with activated charcoal, but the use of the latter is still necessary. Filtering allows you to remove:

  • up to 86% fusel oils
  • up to 92% esters

Purification of moonshine with coal gives such an effect due to the presence of pores on its surface, which determine the excellent adsorbing properties of this material.

What charcoal can be used for cleaning

Not all grades of coal are suitable for filtering your moonshine with them. For example, you should not buy pills from a pharmacy, since the effect described above will not be fully achieved. The pores of the tablets are too small and not suitable for absorbing large molecules of fusel oils.

Therefore, it is advisable to clean moonshine with activated carbon at home:

  • With the help of BAU-A (birch activated carbon). You can buy it at specialized stores for distillers or make your own
  • Using KAU-A (coconut charcoal). We give preference to this particular adsorbent, considering its cleaning ability to be the highest.

Fans who are just starting to delve into the intricacies of home brewing often wonder if it is possible to clean moonshine with charcoal for barbecue. It's actually not recommended to do this. To filter moonshine, you need to use only an activated adsorbent, which, of course, is not ordinary charcoal for barbecue.

Its activation occurs at a temperature of 1000 degrees. If the conditions are not met, a lot of harmful substances and carcinogens remain in the product, and it is simply dangerous to eat moonshine, which was used to clean ordinary charcoal. Therefore, even cleaning moonshine with activated charcoal in tablets, and not with specialized birch charcoal or coconut charcoal, will be much more effective.

The mentioned brands BAU-A, KAU-A are already initially made for use in the alcoholic beverage industry. Also note that the "A" in the name means the highest degree of activity of the material. If you purchase grades BAU-B or BAU-V, then please note that they are actually rejected coals in terms of activity during the production of BAU-A. The same should be taken into account when purchasing KAU, when it is planned to clean the moonshine with coconut charcoal.

How to make your own activated charcoal

We will describe how to make activated charcoal with our own hands, using wood raw materials for this, which will be a birch log peeled from bark and finely chopped (into chips about 3 cm long). Charcoal must be prepared with minimal access to oxygen, for this:

  1. Prepare a flat jar in which you will cook birch charcoal
  2. Punch about 20 holes in it, place raw materials in it and close it tightly
  3. Put the jar on the fire, where organic gases will come out through the holes from the hot coal and immediately burn
  4. When the degassing stops, remove the jar from the heat and let it cool.
  1. Activated charcoal is wrapped in gauze and placed over large saucepan half filled with water
  2. Place the container on the stove, where the resulting water vapor will activate our filter material
  3. Next, transfer the wet charcoal to tin can with holes, which was previously used for degassing, put it on fire to remove moisture

After you prepare the activated adsorbent for moonshine with your own hands, store it only in a dry, tightly closed jar without air access. Otherwise, coal will begin to absorb various organic molecules from it, losing its properties.

Nevertheless, it must be understood that such a method of preparation is significantly inferior to the industrial one, where the material is calcined at a temperature of 1100-1200 degrees and processed not with simple saturated, but with superheated steam at a pressure of about 2.5 atm. Naturally, its activity is an order of magnitude higher than that of coal prepared at home for cleaning moonshine.

Our advice to you, do not save and do not waste your precious time, but just buy high-quality coal, it is not at all expensive.

Recipe for filtering moonshine with coal

The charcoalization of moonshine should be carried out correctly before the second distillation, since for high-quality purification of alcohol it needs to be diluted to 15-20%. This requirement is due to the fact that fusel oils are perfectly soluble in concentrated alcohol and it is almost impossible to catch them by filtration in this case.

On the contrary, if alcohol is diluted, the solubility of this harmful impurity drops significantly, which makes it possible to adsorb up to 86% of this component on the surface of the filter element, for example, cleaning moonshine with activated carbon in tablets.

As already noted, it is better to use coconut charcoal for cleaning moonshine, although birch charcoal is also good for these purposes. The process can be carried out in two fundamentally different ways:

  • flow cleaning of moonshine through a carbon filter element
  • by filling coal directly into the medium to be cleaned

Purification of moonshine by flow filtration

The first recipe will require some improvised materials, for example, a jug for filtering water, where you will need to fill the adsorbent. The filter can also be made independently, for example, from a plastic bottle. For this, the bottom is cut off for this, holes are made in the cork, and the neck is laid with cotton wool.

The filter material should be laid out in the proportion:

  • homemade coal requires about 50 g per liter of filtered solution;
  • BAU-A should be put about 12 g per liter of moonshine.

Moonshine can be passed through the filter element made up to several times, but the result will be worse each time, so it is better to change the coal after each filtered batch. The amount of filter material required for the process is recommended to be washed with water to remove coal dust, which will subsequently also have to be removed from the filtrate.

Filtration by filling coal into moonshine

If moonshine is cleaned with coal in the second way, that is, by pouring it into alcohol, then the filter element is taken with the calculation of 50 g per 1 liter of distillate. Drink manufacturers with many years of experience often recommend infusing the resulting mixture for 1-2 weeks to filter moonshine at home, shaking it periodically. Then the drink settles for another 5-7 days and is filtered through a dense cotton filter.

However, this approach to cleaning alcoholic drink contradicts scientific facts, indicating that only during the first 15-20 minutes of such treatment, the content of aldehydes hazardous to health decreases, reaching a minimum value by the 20th minute.

Therefore, it is better to use coal for half an hour, then you need to remove it or, if necessary, repeat the procedure with a fresh portion of the adsorbent.

Coal dust removal

Next, we will consider how to clean moonshine from coal dust in order to make the distillate clouded after filtration as transparent as possible. We note right away that this procedure is not mandatory, since the mentioned dust is not harmful to health and in no way affects the taste of the drink. However, to improve the appearance of an alcoholic beverage, a good ashless filter can be used.

These elements are made from 95% pure cellulose and are filter paper cut in the shape of circles. For example, a "White Ribbon" filter can be used, which has a high filtration rate and a good ability to screen out coarse particles in solution like coal dust.

Filter reuse

Those who are just beginning to learn the intricacies of making a homemade alcoholic drink often do not know if the same cleaning element can be used to filter different batches, and also how many times this is allowed.

In fact, this should not be done, if only because when the pores of coal are saturated with harmful substances, it loses activity. Moreover, with further use, the adsorbent begins to give these substances back, that is, after its use, you will no longer receive a filtrate, but a solution saturated with aldehydes and fusel oils.

But if you already use used coal, then before cleaning moonshine, the material must be reactivated. To do this, it is treated with a 2% hydrochloric acid solution, washed thoroughly with water, dried and re-calcined. However, for high-quality filtration, it is still desirable to use fresh, manufactured in industrial conditions.

Good time.

Found on one of the forums

The use of BAU-A is repeated.

At home, I carry out regeneration in the following way: after filtration, I immediately rinse in warm water several times, then I boil it in water for 10 minutes, decanter it and dry it in the oven at 200 ° (it is possible in a frying pan) when it dries, the stench is terrible, the coal is already inactivated, but the fuselage and tadpoles completely disappear and are suitable for intermediate filtration, adsorption works. Thus, I regenerate twice,

from the Soviet filter "Rodnichok", there was an instruction for the regeneration of coal.


3.1 Main parameters and technical characteristics of the filter:

the weight of the equipped filter is up to 1 kg.

water filtration rate - 1.5-2 l / min.

the service life of activated carbons until their first regeneration (with a daily water consumption of not more than 20 liters) - 6 months.

the resource of activated carbons with the condition of their regeneration is 24-36 months.

water temperature before entering the filter, not more than - 50°C.


activated carbon BAU-MF or DAR-MF...


8.2 ... pour into enamelware(aluminum is not allowed). Rinse the charcoal 2-3 times tap water while stirring. Let the water settle, then drain it and strain the charcoal on cheesecloth.

8.3 Place the washed coal in an enamel bowl. Pour three liters of a 3% solution of bicarbonate of soda (three tablespoons per 1 liter of water). Heat to a boil and simmer for 20-30 minutes.

8.4 Pour off the hot solution, wash the coal 4-5 times with tap water, then drain on gauze.

8.5 The number of possible coal regenerations is 3-4, after which it must be replaced with fresh.

  • Rain35 and MiF like this.



  • Memel city

Good time.

Actually, I clean moonshine with activated carbon (I take coal in specialized stores). By the method of falling asleep-infusion, then - I pass it through the column in series, then - a cotton filter.

I don’t throw away coal, but I wash it with water and store it in a dry form, until it is clarified ..

Is it possible to somehow "activate" it again?) Or is it only for ejection?

And this is from another

For a long time I use BAU-A coal repeatedly, that is, several times. Well, I don't throw it away. I use it to refine the final product by infusing 40% alcohol.

At the beginning, he played with bulk filters, passed back and forth, "poured from empty to empty", served from above, from below, but the result was not pleasing. Then I read in a book how the housekeeper used to make vodka and began to insist on BAU-A coal. This is birch charcoal.

I insist for at least a week on the basis that 10-15% of the volume should be occupied by coal. I do not shake the mixture, but only occasionally stir. The end of the process is determined by taste and smell.

And now, the most important thing. Don't miss ON-ON technology...

After the coal has worked its way, I put it in a stainless bowl. And as it is, I put it on a gas burner, set the flame to maximum and turn on the household hood. I set fire to the residual alcohol vapors, bringing the match to the surface of the poured coal, so that there is less fumes and, consequently, smell. This is beautiful, among other things. However, it requires compliance with elementary fire safety. It is impossible to set fire to the apartment, for example, in a large basin a large number, etc. It is necessary to leave this economy under supervision. At the same time, the coal itself does not ignite, but first the alcohol burns out, and then everything, or almost everything, that the coal retained in itself.

Then the flame goes out and the process proceeds quite calmly. 100-200 grams I undergo such an execution in a stainless steel bowl for about one and a half - two hours before the appearance of a light ashy coating.

I don't mix charcoal. Burns out about 20%, just did not notice. To replenish from the waste on last stage pour into a bowl fresh coal and continue to heat until light ash appears.


All this rigmarole, despite my long description, is not complicated, and most importantly, it gives good results. I even subject new (not used) coal to such processing and the result was not long in coming.

  • Rain35 and MiF like this.



  • Bot protection: 2820-3861-54-922

Somehow I did not think about the secondary annealing of fusel coal. Think. that everything is not so simple, and not so effective. Probably easier to replace with a new one.

The very idea of ​​recycling is attractive. - No need to travel - buy, or order - wait ..

He acted like this; collected all the used coal in a saucepan and cooked for 20-30 minutes (without any soda). Then, overcooked in a large enameled bowl, like seeds, until smoke appeared)

The smell was definitely there!

Let's see how it works again .. Or, I will continue to do so, or I will definitely throw it away if it does not work.



Good time.

Actually, I clean moonshine with activated carbon (I take coal in specialized stores). By the method of falling asleep-infusion, then - I pass it through the column in series, then - a cotton filter.

I don’t throw away coal, but I wash it with water and store it in a dry form, until it is clarified ..

Is it possible to somehow "activate" it again?) Or is it only for ejection?

That's just what I found on another forum. Found the literature - corresponds.

"If anyone is interested in the source :

“Shitov A.M.

Preparation of medicinal alcoholic beverages.

Getting charcoal

Charcoal for purification of alcohol is prepared from birch and oak firewood.

Firewood is sawn into small dies 3-5 cm, split into logs, dried in

for 2-3 weeks in a warm room, then put in a cast-iron or iron pot with

lid and heat up intense heat in an oven or on a fire until completely burned out,

which lasts 1.5-2 hours. The burnt coal is cooled together with the kettle at a tight

closed lid. After cooling, the coal is used to process alcohol and

filter manufacturing. Store in a tightly closed container.

Before use, the coal is crushed to the size of pieces of 5-7 mm, sifted through

sieve and separate the dust that is not used. Charcoal can be reused

if before use restore its properties. For this, it is necessary to process

coal with 2% hydrochloric acid solution, rinse with water and dry, and then re-ignite

coal in a closed pot on fire.
As far as I understand, judging by the writing, this old-fashioned way is taken from pre-revolutionary books.
By the way, a very useful little book, I advise you to download it - it is still available. For its compilation, old literature was used, which should be trusted. "

  • Rain35 likes this.

Among all methods for cleaning moonshine, the most simple and environmentally friendly is the use of activated charcoal, which absorbs unpleasant odors and harmful substances well. From this material you will learn how to clean moonshine with charcoal at home.

Thanks to the pores, charcoal absorbs molecules of a certain size, so it is very important to choose the right type of charcoal. For example, coal obtained from animal bones consists of micropores and can only absorb small molecules, while fusel oils and other harmful impurities consist of large molecules, it is not suitable for our purposes.

Attention! To clean moonshine, you need coal obtained by pyrolysis of wood (decomposition at high temperature without air). Ordinary activated charcoal tablets, sold in pharmacies, are often made from animal bones with the use of binding additives (starch), its ability to absorb harmful impurities is extremely low.

Where to get coal for moonshine

The most suitable brands are BAU-A and BAU-LV - activated birch charcoal, and KAU-A - activated coconut charcoal, designed specifically for the alcoholic beverage industry.

Due to the presence of third-party impurities, coal from gas masks and other industrial devices is not suitable !!!

Large pore charcoal can be found in water filters. The main thing is that it does not contain third-party impurities - ion-exchange and other substances that, during a chemical reaction with moonshine, begin to dissolve in it.

From my practice of home brewing, I can say that birch charcoal is best suited for cleaning fusel oils. It is not difficult to buy it, as it is often used in hookahs and for kindling barbecues. When choosing, carefully read the label, the composition should not contain third-party impurities.

birch charcoal the best

Technology for cleaning moonshine with coal

Everything is very simple here: coal is crushed as much as possible in a saucepan, then added to moonshine (40-55 degrees) at the rate of 50 grams per 1 liter. Next, the mixture is infused for a week in a tightly closed container, shaking 1-2 times every day. Then it is drained from the sediment and filtered through a layer of cotton wool. By the way, even official vodka can be purified in the same way.

A slightly different method is shown in the video.

As you can see, the cleaning technology is very simple, you just need to choose the right activated carbon itself. Entorosgel and ordinary pharmaceutical tablets are of little use for this purpose, I recommend using the brands BAU-A, BAU-LV and KAU-A.

In order to properly carry out the carbonation of moonshine, it is necessary to strictly observe the proportions of the introduction of the substance and try not to violate the mode of keeping the liquid together with the absorbent. Then you can achieve the desired result.

Effective cleaning of moonshine with coal at home

From fusel components and other impurities, they began to clean moonshine with coal in our country for a long time. The most accessible types of absorbent were usually used for filtration. Their absorbency is better at eliminating the problem than other methods, since they collect heavy unsaturated organic compounds in the pores as much as possible.

Purification of moonshine from fusel oils is allowed different types adsorbent:

  • special black granules for winemakers are in demand;
  • moonshine is cleaned with charcoal of various types;
  • moonshine is cleaned with activated charcoal;
  • coals for cleaning moonshine are often taken from gas mask filters;
  • purification of moonshine with coconut adsorbent is allowed;
  • some experts recommend using substances from water filters to clean moonshine.

Coconut firebrands can be used as an absorbent - they are champions in absorbing speed

Filtration of moonshine with coal consists in the accumulation of foreign chemical compounds in the space between the pores of the main absorbent. For maximum efficiency, the pore size must be larger than the format of the accepted molecules in order to be able to retain excess oils and impurities.

In most cases, pharmacy black tablets are industrially made from different types materials, including wood, BAU, coke absorbent or animal bone meal (the most common method). The micropores in such a product are small enough to accept large molecules of impurities, so moonshine is unlikely to be purified. activated absorbent effectively.

If you want to take substances from a gas mask, you should know that they are additionally designed for deactivation using "chemistry". She is able to enter chemical reaction with ethanol, not always having a positive effect on the final taste.

More experienced professionals suggest using natural remedies such as birch charcoal. Natural product, which is almost any charcoal, will cope with the task as constructively as possible while observing the technology.

VIDEO: Bau coal and how to work with it

Independent production of material

To prepare coal for cleaning moonshine yourself is a rather painstaking and costly undertaking. For such a process, it is necessary to provide certain oxygen-free conditions for the combustion of certain types of wood - pyrolysis.

The step-by-step algorithm includes the following actions:

  • prepare birch firewood and let them burn out in an open flame;
  • when receiving smoldering firebrands at the finish, move them to a closed metal sealed container;
  • wait until the process of their combustion is completed and the prepared mass has cooled down.

There are many cooking videos on the net that demonstrate this process. Subject to the parameters, the final product will correspond to store products.

Correct regulations

To achieve results quickly and with a high degree of efficiency, you need to know how much coal is needed for cleaning. In different sources, there is a flow or bulk cleaning method. In the first case, raw alcohol is slowly shed through the absorbent layers. In the second, a certain amount of coal is poured per liter of liquid.

Proportions are selected empirically. It depends on the freshness of the filtrate and its quality. Usually, the calculation is based on the fact that about 50 grams are added per liter of moonshine. prepared product. It is not worth reducing this level, but it is possible to increase it, since no matter how much coal you add, it will not hurt.

The proportions of the absorbent are chosen by eye - usually at the rate of 50 grams per liter of distillate

There is a limit to the performance of the absorbent medium. For each type of absorbent, it is personal, so a certain volume is able to hold a finite number of molecules. The volume of removed contaminants depends on what kind of coal is used, and in what quantity.

Various factors influence the flow rate of the filtrate. Primary purification forces you to change the substance with each new portion of the liquid.

In order not to spoil the moonshine, you need to try to meet the deadlines for the process. With a minimum operating time of absorbent substances, not all oil molecules can get into the pores. When you overexpose the cleaner in the liquid, then it will begin to break down and return everything back. The optimal period for small granules is an interval of five to seven days.

How to clean moonshine with charcoal

When insisting, the following algorithm of actions is used:

  • the strength of the processed drink should be in the range of 40-55 °;
  • in a prepared container with a wide mouth of chemically neutral materials, pour the liquid and pour the granules at the rate of 50-60 g per 1 liter;
  • mix the composition thoroughly, close it hermetically and put it in a dark place;
  • after 5-7 days we take out the container and filter the suspended particles through cotton wool, repeat the process if necessary.

Other proper cleaning Moonshine by the flow method is carried out in a slightly different way. A special case with a filter is being prepared for it. It is often made from plastic bottle for 2 liters with a cut bottom.

The neck part of the container is closed with cotton wool wrapped in gauze. The volume of granules, which depends on the type of absorbent, is poured into the body of an inverted plastic bottle. For the usual one, 50 g is enough, and for the special material of the BAU-A type, it is recommended to do with reduced portions of 12-15 g per 1 dm3 of the liquid being cleaned.

It will be possible to improve the quality of the final product by regularly changing the filter with each new portion.

Resuscitation of black granules

There are options for restoring an activated or wood filter on the net. However, it is better not to attempt such attempts, as it is unsafe for health. Malicious elements accumulate inside the pores, which are problematic to remove from there. The right decision it will be easy to throw out the used material and replace it with a fresh one.

There is no need to save on health, since impurities from moonshine remaining in the absorbent are not washed out with water. At reuse they can permeate back into the liquid.

You should definitely not listen to the advice on processing black granules with aggressive acids, followed by high-temperature calcination. The risk of penetration into the liquid of such substances increases.

Application of coconut adsorbents

Wondering how to properly remove homemade alcohol harmful oils, you can refer to the coconut porous absorbent. He absorbs these well. Only the KAU-A brand is suitable for the procedure. Distillers should not experiment with coconut hookah tablets. They can ruin the whole taste of the drink.

Fusel oils are removed with coals in the following proportion: a couple of spoons of black granules are poured into 1 liter of liquid, which is approximately 10 g. This is a more economical expense in comparison with other means.

After falling asleep particles in a bottle, we remove the container for 3-4 days in a closet. Stir the dissolved substances two or three times a day. At the end of settling, we filter through gauze and cotton wool.

VIDEO: How to make the simplest column
