
Why is palm oil harmful? Palm oil

Fats, along with proteins and carbohydrates, are an indispensable part of our diet. But it turns out that not all fats are equally useful, and there are those that can cause serious diseases. This article focuses on dangerous trans fats. But first, let's figure out what kind of fats are needed to nourish the human body and where to look for them.

Fats: solid and liquid - what's the difference?

It turns out that from a chemical point of view, they have the same composition, but the structure of the molecules is different. It's like making a pie. The composition of the cake and the ingredients from which it is made are the same, but the appearance and taste of the finished dessert will differ from the original milk, eggs and butter.

Fat or oil is a mixture of fatty acids. To maintain the vital activity of the body, it is recommended to eat a certain norm of fat per day - 1 g of fat per 1 kg of body weight.

If the concentration of saturated acids predominates in the composition of fat, then the fat, according to the state of aggregation, solid. If unsaturated acidic residues are fat liquid. Thus, if you have an oil that remains liquid even in the refrigerator, you can be sure that it has the highest concentration of unsaturated fatty acids.

Saturated fats

Saturated fats and are called so because, according to the structural structure, their carbon chain is completely "saturated" with hydrogen atoms. They do not react with other chemical compounds, leave the bloodstream more slowly, and reduce sensitivity to cholesterol. In this regard, the risk of deposition of cholesterol in the walls of blood vessels is also obvious. However, saturated fats have their benefits.
The role of saturated fatty acids in the body
participate in the synthesis of hormones and the construction of cell membranes
are a source of energy for the body
promote the absorption of vitamins and trace elements
beneficial effect on the reproductive system

Therefore, it is impossible to completely refuse the consumption of saturated fats. There is a norm of consumption of saturated fats - 15-20 grams per day.
Besides, it is recommended to eat easily available foods with saturated fats:
bitter chocolate

unsaturated fats

Palm oil is a semi-solid fat

Palm oil from a chemical point of view is a mixture of esters of glycerol and fatty acids. It is obtained from the fruits of the oil palm growing in hot countries. We often see palm oil on the packaging of cookies, chips, chocolate, ice cream, and we believe that since the product is of natural origin, it is safe. But this is far from true.

The World Health Organization (WHO) in 2005 recommended reducing palm oil consumption to reduce the risk of heart disease. Further studies have shown that people who eat foods that contain palm have an increased content of bad cholesterol - LDL cholesterol. The blame for everything is, firstly, the state of aggregation of palm oil and its composition, as well as its improper processing in the process of preparing products on an industrial scale.

Let's go back to the composition of palm oil. It contains 50% unsaturated fatty acids and 50% saturated fatty acids. Thus, initially, it is semi-solid, which means that it is 50% usable.
But it just so happens that it is more convenient for manufacturers to work with solid fat, or bring it to a solid state. So the appearance of the product becomes more attractive and its shelf life is extended.

Just imagine that you go into the store, and there is a spread cake or butter! You probably would have bought it.
In industry, they came up with a method that turns liquid oil into solid - this method is called hydrogenation. This is how manufacturers “finish” palm oil to a solid state.

The simplest and cheapest hydrogenated fat product is margarine. Many articles and books have been written about its harm.
The process of hydrogenation (hydrogenation) occurs when hydrogen is passed under pressure through oil heated to a high temperature.
The process of fat hydrogenation itself is a complex chemical process, as a result of which fats pass from unsaturated to saturated, which means that they lose all their beneficial properties and acquire new ones that store a danger to the body.

It turns out that palm oil reaches the consumer already in a hydrogenated form, that is, it contains saturated fatty acids. At the same time, it loses all its useful properties.

Another effect of the hydrogenation reaction is worth mentioning here. Manufacturers never complete the hydrogenation process. Therefore, some of the unsaturated fats do not have time to turn into saturated fats and acquire a new configuration - the so-called "trans - configuration", which is thermodynamically more beneficial than "cis".

From the point of view of manufacturers, for example, the more "trans-isomers" or otherwise trans fats a product contains, the higher its melting point, which means that it will keep its shape well.

How do trans fats affect health?

Assuming a "trans-configuration", the molecule has a straight shape, not a curved one. Such a configuration is considered incorrect, since the human body is simply not able to perceive it at the cellular level. But fatty acids are the building material of our body, and, in fact, by consuming trans fats, we kind of consciously introduce defects into the structure of the cell and the whole organism.
This naturally leads to a violation of the exchange between cells and, as a result, to the development of many pathologies.
Consumption of trans fats and saturated fats, such as palm oil, increases the risk of developing atherosclerosis and other vascular and heart diseases, which, according to the World Health Organization, are the most common causes of death on the planet. (Food and Chemical Toxicology, V. 78, 2015, Pages 170).
Researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health estimate that eating trans fats leads to 72,000 of the 228,000 heart attacks a year, including about 50,000 deaths.

In addition, since trans fats lead to metabolic disorders in tissues, the development of chronic inflammatory processes and obesity is possible. There is even such a thing - inflamed fat. In the last 20 years, it has become known that human adipose tissue can become inflamed - the so-called panniculitis is formed. This is due to changes in the connective tissue partitions, directly between the areas of subcutaneous adipose tissue under the influence of the inflammatory process. The consumption of trans fats directly leads to the spread of such dangerous processes.
There is some information about the development of cancerous tumors under the influence of trans fats (Am. J. Epidemiol 167 (11)).

From the history…

It is worth noting that mankind has been eating trans fats for a long time. In 1902, the German chemist Wilhelm Normann patented the technology for the hydrogenation of fats. And since 1911 in Germany it was already possible to buy the first Crisco margarine. First of all, the buyer was attracted by the low cost of the product. No one thought about the safety of its use. But in the last twenty years, studies have emerged showing how dangerous trans fats and saturated fats can be for our bodies.
One such dangerous trans fat is palm oil, which is added to almost all confectionery products, including cakes and pastries.

Trans fats are especially harmful to children. There is an official report of the Institute of Contemporary Development, read in 2010 by academicians of the Russian Academy of Sciences and leading cardiologists of Russia. In this report, scientists emphasized that the consumption of trans fats affects the development of the child. According to studies, 90% of children aged 5 to 14 years have fatty spots in the aorta. However, many manufacturers still add palm oil to infant formula.

How is the world dealing with dangerous trans fats?

Researchers recently compared the trans fat content of foods typically made with margarine and palm oil from 25 countries. It turned out that Denmark is in last place.
In 2004, Denmark became the first country to ban the use of partially hydrogenated oils and artificial trans fats from the diet. The law governing this states that the content of trans fats must not exceed 2% of the total fat found in the product.
Since 2006, a law has been passed in the United States, according to which the packaging of the product must indicate how much trans fat it contains.
According to a study published in 2013 in the WHO Bulletin, policies implemented in Brazil, Canada, Denmark, the Netherlands, the Republic of Korea and the United States) over the past two decades have been successful in eliminating trans fats from food.
By 2018, the US plans to completely eliminate trans fats from products.
Considering this, as well as the fact that in Russia the content of trans fats in products is not regulated by law in any way, and manufacturers do not indicate it on the packaging, it is likely that trans fats that are not in demand on the American market will flood into our country.

Therefore, be vigilant! It is possible and necessary to reduce the consumption of trans fats. First of all, read the composition of the purchased products. If any hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oil is listed as an ingredient, the product contains trans fats.

Foods that contain dangerous trans fats

  • margarine
  • cream
  • butter
  • mayonnaise and sauces based on it
  • any fast food
  • breaded fish sticks or cutlets
  • chips
  • popcorn
  • cakes with icing
  • chocolate candies
  • whipped vegetable cream cakes
  • gingerbread
  • cookie
  • ice cream
  • puff pastry products
  • fast food (cubes, noodles)

As already mentioned above, domestic manufacturers and some foreign ones do not indicate the content of trans fats on the package. Now, going to any store or fast food chain, it is almost impossible to independently distinguish the presence of harmful trans fats in products.
However, there are components whose names are encrypted that they contain trans fats.

Names of trans fats on packaging

confectionery fat
cocoa butter substitute
vegetable fat and vegetable oil (vegetable oil, vegetable fat);
hydrogenated oil (hydrogenated oil)
milk fat substitute
powder hydrogenated fat (powdered hydrogenated fat)
"dairy, curd or cheese product with vegetable fats"

Are there alternatives to trans fats that can be eaten?

It is virtually impossible to eliminate all trans fats from the foods you buy. But there is a norm for their consumption according to WHO - less than 1% of the daily intake of fat, or about 2 grams.
In addition, many dangerous trans fats can be replaced. For example, for cooking, use not margarine and butter, but olive oil.
To avoid the temptation to use mayonnaise - use low-fat sour cream, olive oil and wine vinegar, lemon juice. If you can not deny yourself the use of mayonnaise - use mayonnaise made at home.
As a light snack that replaces chips, you can make a tasty alternative - pita bread or pita, which is wrapped in vegetables, cheese and lean chicken.
It is worth remembering that it is impossible to give up fats by 100%, since they are involved in the construction of cells. And only a balanced diet allows you to maintain or improve your health.

In conclusion, a few tips when choosing an oil.

When choosing an oil, keep the following in mind:

Always check the expiration date of the oil (6 months from the date of extraction)
Shelf life of oil without preservatives is 4 months. Longer time oil is stored only with the addition of artificial antioxidants
in open form, the shelf life for refined oil is 4 months, for unrefined - 2 months.
make sure that the oil is in a dark container (if in a transparent plastic one, then pour it into a dark glass one)
the smaller the bottle you buy, the better
Linseed oil oxidizes the fastest
if smoke appears above the surface of vegetable oil when heated, then the formation of toxic compounds harmful and dangerous to the human body has begun in it. Therefore, vegetable oil cannot be heated above 160 - 170⁰С.
salt does not dissolve in vegetable oil, so first the salad is salted and waited for the vegetables to give juice, and only then seasoned with oil.

Good day, my dear readers! Today we'll talk about palm oil and find out what is harm of palm oil to the human body, and why next to the phrase " harm of palm oil» you can hear the opposite opinion about benefits of palm oil? Who is right anyway? Let's figure it out.

So, when it comes to palm oil, then you need to understand what kind of palm oil is meant.

There are several of them:

- raw;

- refined and deodorized;

- technical.

And depending on which oil contains a particular product, the degree of its usefulness and harmfulness depends.

And now let's take a brief look at each type of palm oil and its beneficial and harmful properties.

Raw palm oil

This oil has a number of positive characteristics, but there are also plenty of negative ones.


I won’t talk about the benefits for a long time, since palm oil is one of the few oils that does not have super useful and healing properties. Let me just say that palm oil holds the record for the content of vitamin E, which gives this oil antioxidant properties in the fight against free radicals that provoke the development of cancer.

It is also rich in carotenoids, which are also antioxidants and have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and hair.

Still unprocessed palm oil contains a sufficient amount of provitamin A, which has a beneficial effect on vision.

Most Helpful raw palm oil considered red. In its production, sparing technologies are used that allow you to save the maximum amount of vitamins and beneficial properties of this oil.

Well, this is where the beneficial properties of palm oil end, and we move on to its negative sides.


First place among harmful properties of palm oil takes high content of SATURATED FAT, the use of which in large quantities leads to diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

The second place of honor that positions palm oil as harmful is its refractoriness. Palm oil due to its high melting point (40 degrees), it is poorly processed and not completely excreted from the body. Its main part remains in the human body in the form of slags that clog up the vessels, stomach and intestines, preventing them from performing their main functions. This sticky mass envelops the vital organs and thereby disrupts the normal functioning of the whole organism as a whole.

The third place is palm oil carcinogenicity which increases the risk of cancer.

Also in palm oil linoleic acid content is very low. This is more likely not harm, but a lack of this oil. But it is the presence and amount of this acid in vegetable oils that indicates how much this or that oil is valued in the market. On average, vegetable oils contain 70-75% of this acid, and the more it is in the composition, the more expensive and healthier the oil is considered. And palm oil contains about 5% of it. This figure speaks for itself.

We are done with raw palm oil, now we are moving on to other types of it.

Refined and deodorized palm oil

This type of oil is already much more widely used in the food industry than unprocessed. I would even say that it has become almost impossible to find unprocessed palm oil in our modern food industry, it is too expensive ... And it is simply unprofitable for manufacturers to use it in the production of their products.

And refined palm oil is already much cheaper, but at the same time, there are at least 2 times less useful substances in such processed oil. And it was not so dense, and now there was nothing to see there at all.

Therefore, about the benefits refined palm oil, I think everything is clear: it is approaching zero.

The dangers of this palm oil remains somewhere at the same level as the raw one, so we move on. And next in line is technical palm oil. Get ready to be shocked here.

Technical palm oil

I must say right away that this type of palm oil does not have any useful properties, except for its cheapness (it is 5 times cheaper than all other oils) and a long shelf life, but this positive fact remains such only for manufacturers, so we immediately proceed to consider all harmfulness, which is so rich in this oil.

Technical palm oil in general, it should be used exclusively in the production of soaps, cosmetics and other household chemicals, but nowadays almost all manufacturers (with the exception of the most conscientious, the percentage of which in most countries is no more than 5-7%) use this type of oil in the FOOD INDUSTRY!!! Yes, technical oil, which is absolutely unsuitable for ingestion, is on the shelves of supermarkets in those products that we used to buy from childhood. These include:

- mayonnaise, margarine, butter;

- sausages;

- fast food products that have a long shelf life, etc.

This is only a small part of the products in which manufacturers like to add palm oil, and all because it:

  1. Extends the shelf life of this product.
  2. Gives products a “special” taste, after which the hand reaches out again and again for this yummy.
  3. It is a very cheap raw material.


This type of palm oil has all the same harmful properties as its predecessors, but with significant amendments, not for the better. It is different from its counterparts. completely different acid-fat composition. Due to its poor purification, it contains a lot of harmful oxidized saturated fats. That is, you understand that saturated fats in themselves already belong to the item " harmful properties of palm oil”, and here they are OXIDIZED! This fact leads to the fact that in the body of a person who regularly uses products containing technical palm oil, free radicals accumulate, which destroy the body from the inside, causing oncological diseases, as well as the formation of cholesterol plaques.

When talking about the dangers of palm oil, then first of all they mean technical palm oil, which is very dangerous for the human body. And if you see palm oil in the composition of the product, then do not risk your health and put this product back, since with 99% probability it was used in the composition technical palm oil, and not refined, I'm not talking about raw.

Sad as it sounds, but the personal benefit of the manufacturer in our time is in the first place ... In order to extend the shelf life of products and save on their costs, they are ready to do anything, even such a terrible strategic move as use of industrial palm oil in food production!

I hope now you will carefully study the composition of the products you buy and choose only those where there is no inscription "Palm oil". The most recognizable characteristic by which you can immediately determine whether palm oil is in the composition or not is the price of the product. For example, a lower price for hard varieties of cheese from a Ukrainian manufacturer (less than 65 UAH) indicates that the composition definitely contains Palm oil, and this is most likely technical palm oil. Therefore, be careful when choosing food and do not be fooled by too low a price. As the saying goes: “It’s better not to save on health, otherwise it will be more expensive.”

All useful shopping without a "palm tree" and good health!

Sincerely yours, Yaneliya Skripnik!

Having thoroughly studied the topic of palm oil (numerous articles, research results with evidence from scientists and doctors, as well as nutritionists - nutritionists, including children), I simply cannot leave it without publicity! So, in my article, I, summarizing all the data obtained, will give reliable facts, statistics and evidence, talk about numerous myths and misconceptions and try to convey to you, why is palm oil harmful and is it really so?

Why palm oil is harmful: THE MOST ABSURD MYTHS

As we all know, palm oil is obtained from the fruit of the oil palm. Its main area of ​​application is the food industry. By the way, it has been known for a long time and has been used for more than one millennium.

Despite the fact that palm oil is well studied in terms of medicine and its effects on the human body, as well as not banned in any country in the world, in our latitudes there is an opinion about its undoubted harm. Why is palm oil harmful and why? - Here the opinions of "specialists" (read journalists and "well-wishers" from competing areas of the same food industry) diverge:

  1. Due to the high melting point, it is allegedly not digested in the human body.
  2. Harms the cardiovascular system.
  3. Contains trans fats.
  4. Palm oil is carcinogenic.
  5. It is added to infant formulas to reduce the cost of the product.

I propose to sort it out point by point (*do not be lazy and read this article to the end; perhaps this information will really be useful for you and your loved ones*).

1. Probably the most common misconception about palm oil is that it not digested in the human body, but directly "pieces" are deposited in the stomach, on the walls of blood vessels and in other places.

This statement is unequivocally incorrect, I am sure Oleg Medvedev, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of Moscow State University. Lomonosov, founder and head of the board of ANO "National Research Center "Healthy Nutrition". Indeed, palm oil has a higher melting point than most other vegetable oils. But at the same time, it is known that many animal fats have a similar refractoriness. Agree, a piece of lard will also not melt at 36 degrees, but no one says that lard should be banned, because. it is "poorly digested".

Cheese also melts with difficulty, but this product is not considered dangerous. The doctor of medical sciences explains that the melting point does not play a decisive role in the process of digesting fats. There are completely different principles and laws.

Palm oil is a common fat, which, like any other fats (butter, beef tallow, mutton fat, vegetable oil, etc.), is digested with the help of the lipase enzyme located in the intestines. This enzyme recognizes fat and breaks it down into small pieces that are absorbed into the intestinal wall. At the same time, any fat is absorbed absolutely normally, even with high melting points, with the only difference being that in one case the process is faster, and in the other slower.

2. With regard to damage to the cardiovascular system, I will present the following facts.

As you know, cholesterol is harmful to the cardiovascular system. It is contained exclusively in animal fats. Its increased amount leads to the development of atherosclerosis, which provokes blockage of blood vessels and, as a result, strokes.

I repeat, in palm oil fats(and other vegetable oils), unlike animal fats, which most people prefer, does not contain cholesterol.

By the way, I propose to compare the composition of 1 tablespoon of natural palm oil and butter.

So, 1 tablespoon of palm oil contains 14 g of fat (=126 kcal). Of these 14 grams:

  • 8 g are saturated fats (their amount should be limited in the diet, more precisely controlled);
  • 4 g - monounsaturated (super useful, help get rid of "bad" cholesterol and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease);
  • 2 g - polyunsaturated (say, neutral).

Now compare with butter. One tablespoon of butter contains ~100 kcal and only 11 g of fat (it also has some water), of which:

  • 7 g - saturated fat;
  • 3 g - monounsaturated fats;
  • 1 g - polyunsaturated.

As you can see, palm oil is close in composition to butter, but it would be appropriate to say that the former is somewhat healthier, due to the greater amount of unsaturated fats (mono- and polyunsaturated).

Therefore, the conclusion from the above can be drawn as follows: vascular health depends on many factors, in particular on the total amount and quality of fats in your diet. Of course, both saturated and unsaturated fats are important for the correct functioning of all organs and systems, maintaining the necessary hormonal levels. The most important thing is BALANCE. According to the American Heart Association guidelines, 25-35% of daily calories should come from the “right” fats: cold-pressed oils (the healthiest with the best ratio * Omega-3 and Omega-6 - olive, linseed, cedar, mustard), avocado, fatty fish, nuts and seeds. And 7% of daily calories are saturated fats (meats, butter, cheeses).

So, for example, if your daily allowance 2000 kcal, That 7% - 140 kcal(this is ~ 16 g fat).

Control the amount of incoming fats (especially saturated ones!), And you will not be afraid of problems with the cardiovascular system.

* Useful polyunsaturated acids Omega-3 and Omega-6 cannot be produced by the human body on its own, they must be supplied in sufficient quantities with food. Moreover, in a certain ratio (this is fundamentally important!), Optimally - 1:4. This is why not all oils are the same. For example, the ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acids in sunflower oil is greatly increased in favor of omega 6 (1:200), which will lead to disruption of the optimal level of omega-6 in the lipid layer of cell membranes, to disruption of cell metabolism, to the development inflammatory processes. More information about Omega 3 .

3. Dispel another myth: palm oil contains trans fats.

Trans fats are the "bad" isomers of healthy unsaturated fats. They are formed during the hydrogenation of vegetable oils (in other words, when vegetable oil is converted from a liquid state to a solid state). So, during this process, liquid vegetable oils become thick and opaque. A well-known example of this is margarine!

Also (surprisingly nearby!) Trans fats are also part of natural products: meat, milk, butter (they are formed during the digestion of ruminants and are stored in meat and dairy products in the amount of 5-8%), from this, alas, there is no way get away.

Trans fats are also formed during deep-frying, especially if one serving of oil is used repeatedly.

Palm oil, due to the content of saturated fatty acids with double bonds, naturally has a denser consistency and does not need to be hydrogenated, as, for example, sunflower and other liquid oils.

Thus, palm oil does not contain trans fats! But the latter is really worth fearing and avoiding. At the moment, there is hardly anything more dangerous in the food industry. Be sure to remember this and tell your loved ones: all products containing margarine (it is also indicated by the manufacturer as “confectionery fats”, “vegetable fats”, “hydrogenated fats”, “special purpose fats”, “spreads”) are very dangerous for humans!

Enzymes in the body do not recognize the "stranger" which is the converted fat molecule. Such molecules displace useful fatty acids from cell membranes, interfering with the proper nutrition of cells and the release of waste products. The result of this is a violation of metabolic processes in cells, which leads to various pathologies (obesity, diabetes, arterial hypertension, atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, visual impairment, oncology).

The liver, in turn, reacts to trans fats in the same way as to stress - it produces more cholesterol, which accumulates on the walls of blood vessels. Well, then you yourself understand ...

I summarize:

  • Palm oil does not require hydrogenation (because its state is not initially liquid, but semi-solid), and does not contain trans fats.
  • In order to use vegetable oils in the food (confectionery!) industry, they need to be "transferred" from a liquid state to a solid state - i.e. hydrogenate. After that, the seemingly harmless vegetable oil becomes a trans fat.

I will not exaggerate if I say that now 90-95% of confectionery is on store shelves (all cakes and creams, cookies, waffles, sweets, nut butters, glazed curds, etc. contain trans fats). It’s easier to say which confectionery products this did not affect: chocolate and ice cream (check the composition!), marshmallows, halva, marmalade, some types of sweets and, possibly, derivatives of these sweets.

Therefore, decide for yourself: palm oil in the composition or “confectionery fats”.

I avoid store-bought sweets, but obviously natural palm oil is safer than hydrogenated (=trans fat).

4. Many claim that palm oil is carcinogenic.

But this hypothesis has no basis and evidence base.

Perhaps the claim is due to the fact that unlimited fat intake in general increases the risk of cancer. This is the case, therefore, as I said, fat intake must be controlled (especially when it comes to saturated fats).

If you want to use palm oil for frying ** , you can do it. The conducted studies confirm that it contains only one unsaturated bond, and peroxides (carcinogenic substances) are not released during heat treatment.

** When frying in oil with a low and medium smoke point, peroxides are formed - dangerous carcinogens. They are formed when vegetable oils with several unsaturated bonds are heated. This also applies to sunflower oil, which is common in central Russia. First of all, you need to remember that you should not fry in cold-pressed oil (Extra Virgin) in any case! Read more useful information about frying.

5. It is widely believed that palm oil is added to baby food in order to reduce the cost of the product.

What is harmful palm oil here, I also propose to figure it out, so I give the facts and opinions of scientists.

This hypothesis is refuted by many doctors and nutritionists. Natalia Shilina, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Leading Researcher at the Laboratory of Age-Related Nutrition of the Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Sciences, member of the European Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (ESPGHAN), comments on the situation as follows: palm oil in baby food is used for one single purpose - bring the fatty acid composition of the artificial mixture closer to breast milk. After all, no other vegetable oil (and cow's milk even more so!) Has a unique composition so close to mother's milk!

Breast milk contains many fatty acids: palmitic, oleic, stearic, myristic, linoleic, etc. Palmitic acid is considered the most important component, its share in breast milk reaches 25%. Thanks to her, the baby receives energy for development, intensive reproduction and cell growth occurs. It has been proven that palm oil is the champion in the content of palmitic acid in it, so necessary for newborns.

One of the main requirements for palm oil in infant formulas is the percentage of its content. This is really something that palm oil in baby food can be harmful. It has been established that if the proportion of palmitic acid does not exceed 20%, the child will not have any problems with the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

The myth about addiction and allergies is also dispelled by Maria Gmoshinskaya, Doctor of Medical Sciences, pediatrician of the highest category, senior researcher at the Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Sciences: palm oil used in baby food (and the food industry in general) does not have taste and smell. Therefore, it cannot influence the formation of taste habits. For the same reason and It cannot be a flavor enhancer!

Unfounded accusations about the involvement of palm oil in the development of allergies. “Only a protein substrate can cause an allergic reaction, but not fat,” says Maria Gmoszynska.

Worldwide, palm oil intended for baby food is subject to serious requirements. Oil production is a high-tech process that allows you to maximize the useful properties of the product. Oil palms are fertilized with special humus obtained from old palms. After harvesting, the fruits are sterilized and pressed, and the resulting oil is refined and purified. Moreover, all these stages, unlike the production of many other oils, take place without the addition of chemicals.

Thus, the special requirements for the preparation of palm oil for the baby food industry indicate the failure of the myth about the cheapness of this raw material.

What is harmful palm oil actually: conclusions

First of all, palm oil is a fat, so you need to use it in food (including as part of finished products) with caution: strictly controlling the amount, not exceeding the daily allowance(I wrote about it above).

The main harm of palm oil is that it contains, as mentioned above, a significant percentage of saturated fats. I note that exactly the same fats are found in butter (which, moreover, being a fat of animal origin, contains a considerable dose of cholesterol).

According to many scientists, consuming saturated fats along with cholesterol-containing foods leads to the development of cardiovascular disease . This applies to a greater extent to the same butter, BUT it will equally apply to products that contain both palm oil and sources of animal fat (buns, ice cream, etc.)!

In general, having shoveled a lot of scientific and journalistic articles, I came to only one conclusion: all the harm of palm oil to the body is in saturated fats. And in fact it is not more harmful than butter.

Why is his "danger" so actively exaggerated in society, and we thoughtlessly and so willingly "eat" this information? Here, I think, the conclusion is obvious: this is due to the unfair competition of manufacturers. After all, it makes no sense to subject palm oil to such a chemical treatment as hydrogenation, and therefore it allows you to avoid the appearance of trans fats in products.

Moderate consumption of palm oil could reduce the number of cardiovascular diseases, which are provoked by the action of trans fatty acids, as well as animal fats.

Now you understand why competing manufacturers so "advocate" for the ban on the "harmful" palm oil? Everything is on the surface: by banning palm oil, the food industry will need solid fats, and hydrogenated vegetable oils (trans fats) will be used as an alternative, and at best butter (which is unlikely, because its cost is much higher).

You ask how I feel about palm oil and am I ready to buy products with it in the composition? I will answer simply: when buying, say, dairy products (cheese, butter, cottage cheese), I make sure that there are no “foreign” ingredients in the composition. After all, cheese / butter / cottage cheese are products whose composition does not imply the presence of vegetable fat, why should it be there? Their composition must be “pure”, without additives!

As for store-bought confectionery (which I would not recommend buying for many reasons: excessive sugar, fat in general, additives and preservatives), if you buy, I will pay attention first of all to the absence of hydrogenated fats, numerous E additives, dyes / enhancers taste.

Be careful and don't let yourself be fooled ! Today there is so much information available in the public domain that it is a sin to believe everything that was "said in the news"! Study, check - because your health and the health of your loved ones depends on it!

Palm oil is a vegetable product made from the fruit of the oil palm. The birthplace of culture is Western Guinea. It is ideal for the manufacture of confectionery products intended for long-term storage. Interestingly, since 2015, the production of palm oil on an industrial scale has surpassed the production of other vegetable oils (sunflower, soybean, rapeseed) by 2.5 times. In terms of quantity, this is a record holder among food products, ahead of even fish oil. Does not contain .

Currently, the Swiss company Nestlé purchases more than 420,000 tons of palm oil per year for the manufacture of food products. The debate about its benefits and harms has not subsided so far. The abundance of carotenoids, the strongest, have a therapeutic effect on the human body. They reduce the likelihood of cancer, provide energy, participate in the structuring of bones, the production of visual pigment in the retina of the eye, and are useful for joints and skin. The harm of the product is due to the high content of saturated fats, which are processed and remain in the form of slags. These refractory substances seal the intestines and blood vessels, increasing the risk of developing heart disease.


The following types of oils are extracted from the fruits of the oil palm: raw palm, palm kernel. This is the most common and cheapest product among vegetable fats. Because of this, it is widely used in food production.

Currently, oil palm is cultivated in South America, West Africa, Indonesia, Malaysia and Southeast Asia.

Crude oil is obtained by processing the pulp of the fruit, which contains up to 70%. Only the product that has gone through several stages of refining is suitable for food. Otherwise, crude oil is used only for technical purposes - for the manufacture of candles, soap and lubrication of spare parts.

Production principle

On the plantations, fruits are harvested, which are transported to the plant for further processing. The collected clusters are treated with dry hot steam to separate them. After that, the pulp of the fruit is pre-sterilized, then subjected to pressing. The resulting raw material is heated to 100 degrees and placed in a centrifuge to separate the liquid and impurities.

Stages of oil refining:

  • elimination of mechanical impurities;
  • hydration (extraction);
  • neutralization (removal of free fatty acids);
  • whitening;
  • deodorization.

Palm kernel oil is a product obtained by extracting or pressing kernels from seeds. The degree of its digestibility is 97%.

Varieties of palm oil used in the food industry:

  1. Standard. Melts at a temperature of 36-39 degrees. Scope of application: baking and frying. In the process of cooking does not create smoke and burning. Foods prepared with standard palm oil should be consumed warm. Otherwise, the dish will harden and become covered with an unaesthetic film.
  2. Olein. The melting point of the product is 16-24 degrees. Used for frying meat and dough. Has a creamy texture. Widely used in the cosmetic industry.
  3. Stearin. It has the highest melting point among the three oils. It is 48-52 degrees. It is the hardest fraction of palm oil. Industries of application: cosmetology, metallurgy, food industry. Included in margarine.

A distinctive feature of palm oil from other vegetable oils is its solid consistency. The longer the product is stored, the higher its melting point becomes. So, for fresh palm oil, it is 27 degrees. And for a product with a weekly aging period, it increases to 42 degrees.

Butter is a source of fat-soluble vitamins A,. A freshly produced palm product has a light orange color due to the high content of beta-carotene. In the food industry, only decolorized oil is used. To do this, it is heated in an oven to 200 degrees, cooled. Under the influence of ultraviolet and oxygen, the natural dye beta-carotene is destroyed, as a result, palm oil becomes discolored, partially losing its value.

Chemical composition

100 ml of palm oil contains 884 kcal, while fat accounts for 99.7 g, and 0.1 g. The chemical composition of the product is represented by vitamins E (33.1 mg), A (30 mg), (0.3 mg), K (0.008 mg) and (2 mg). The share is 100 mg. In addition, traces of lecithin, squalene and coenzyme Q10 were found.

According to the results of studies, it was found that the oil contains palmitic acid, which enhances the natural generation of cholesterol. As a result, the human body begins to intensively produce an organic compound in an uncontrolled amount, which in turn increases the risk of blockage of blood vessels and the development of heart disease.

The World Health Organization strongly recommends reducing fatty acid intake. Dangerous foods include palm and butter, chocolate, meat, eggs. According to the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), the maximum allowable intake of fatty acids is 10% of human energy consumption, including alcohol. In other words, with an oil of 884 kcal per 100 ml and a content of 44% palmitic acid in it, a safe daily dose of palm fruit pomace is 10 ml, provided there are no other sources of fatty acids in the diet.

Impact on the body of infants

Clinical studies have shown that infant formulas containing palm olein reduce absorption when compared to non-food formulas. And digestibility decreases from 57.4% to 37.5%.

In addition to lowering calcium absorption, stool fat loss increases. It becomes denser and less frequent.

Malabsorption of the macronutrient is due to the special location of palmitic acid relative to the palm olein fat molecule. Under normal conditions, it is in the lateral position. After starting the process of digestion of baby food in the intestines, it is split off, binding calcium in a free state. As a result, insoluble salts are formed: calcium palmitate. In fact, this is a soap that is not absorbed in the digestive tract, but is excreted in transit with the stool.

In order to avoid blocking the absorption of the mineral, the position of palmitic acid is artificially changed in olein. This product is called beta palmitate. As a result, structured oil with palmitic acid is in the central position in the composition of milk fat, does not split, does not form soap with calcium, and is absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract unchanged.

Myths or reality

Palm oil is a product that causes a lot of controversy and misconceptions about its benefits and harms. Some argue that it is a natural source of tocopherols, beta-carotene, others insist that it is transformed into plasticine in the human body and clogs the intestinal patency. In addition, there is an opinion that raw materials for oil production are transported in oil tankers, as a result, it poses a threat to human health and causes cancer.

Let's consider the main guesses about oil and fat products, and whether they have a reasonable basis for existence.

Myth #1: "Palm oil contains dangerous trans fats"

It is not true. These compounds are not part of the product. What is the danger of trans fats? They replace beneficial fatty acids at the molecular level from cell membranes, disrupting cell nutrition and blocking. As a result, metabolic reactions slow down, which leads to the development of chronic diseases of the endocrine, digestive, cardiovascular, and genitourinary systems.

Myth No. 2 “For production, industrial palm oil is used, brought in tanks from oil products from Indonesia and Malaysia.

Lie. The raw materials used for the manufacture of butter must meet the requirements for food products, otherwise it is prohibited for use at the legislative level of the country. In addition, it is additionally cleaned, subjected to deodorization, as a result of which it loses its color, smell and taste.

Transportation stories are nothing more than an invention of competitors. For the transportation of palm oil, specially equipped tanks are used that meet all safety requirements. Before loading raw materials, tank containers are thoroughly cleaned (steamed, washed, dried) from the remnants of the previous product. In addition, it is forbidden to transport palm oil in containers that previously held non-edible, toxic cargo. Transportation of products is controlled by international organizations.

Myth #3: “Palm oil is of no value to the human body”

Wrong statement. It is a source of coenzyme Q10, carotenoids, tocotrients, tocopherols, polyunsaturated fatty acids (,), vitamins B4, F.

In the process of choosing oil for food purposes, remember that refined and deodorized products are free of impurities and partially devoid of nutrients. Therefore, it is recommended to give preference to unrefined species. Such oils should not be subjected to heat treatment, they are best used as a food additive to salads. These products include red palm oil. It fully retains all the useful properties listed above.

Myth #4 “Palm oil comes from the trunk of a palm tree”

This is an erroneous opinion. The product is obtained exclusively from the fruit of the oil palm by squeezing it out of the kernel or pulp. The main feature is a solid consistency from nature. Interestingly, the further south a tree grows, the more saturated fatty acids are contained in the fruits, and the further north, the more PUFAs. Because of this, the oil obtained in the southern tropical countries has a hard structure. This property of the product provides the desired shape of ready-made food and confectionery.

Myth No. 5 “Palm oil, when it enters the stomach, behaves like plasticine - it does not melt, but is a sticky mass that sticks to the body from the inside”

An absurd conclusion. When it enters the digestive tract, the product acquires the consistency of an emulsion. Palm oil is absorbed in the body in the same way as other foods. In moderate amounts (10 ml), it does not pose a risk to human health. According to the postulates of a healthy diet, the recommended amount of fat in the diet of an adult should not exceed 30% of the total amount of energy consumed. Of which MUFAs and PUFAs account for 6-10% each, saturated fatty acids - up to 10%.

Myth #6 “Manufacturers prefer palm oil because of the cheapness of raw materials”

Indeed it is true. The cheapness of the oil is due to the high productivity of the plantations of the main suppliers of raw materials (Indonesia and Malaysia). In addition, it is very technologically advanced. The solid structure of the product makes it attractive for use in the food industry (confectionery and bakery). Previously, liquid oils were used, which were hydrogenated to compact and harden. As a result, they accumulated dangerous trans fats and harmed the body. A modern alternative to them is palm oil. It is safe and of high quality by nature.

Myth #7 “Food products with palm oil are banned in developed countries”

It is not true. No country has banned palm oil. Moreover, he owns 58% of the consumption of vegetable fats in the world market.

health hazard

Palm oil is an essential ingredient in biscuits, sweets, chips, cheese, ice cream, and french fries. At the present time, it is difficult to find a product without this ingredient. However, the "passion" for overseas fat poses a danger to human health.

Harm of palm oil.

Is deposited in fat as quickly as possible

Although palm oil is of vegetable origin, it is similar in composition to animal triglycerides as it contains predominantly monounsaturated, saturated fatty acids. The most dangerous component of the product is palmitic acid, which causes diseases of the cardiovascular system. In addition, the oil accelerates the rate of deposition of fat in the "fat depot", which contributes to the rapid weight gain. , cheeses, ice cream, cream, chips, french fries, chocolate, sweets, cookies - products that already lead to weight problems, and they are further "enriched" with palmitic acid and palm oil.

Causes type II diabetes

Palmitic acid, which is part of the product, promotes the deposition of fat in internal organs and tissues.

Causes addiction

Fatty acids "hit" the brain, as a result, the body's susceptibility to hormones that report satiety (insulin and leptin) decreases. Thus, he does not give a signal that you need to stop eating. Palmitic acid suppresses the ability of insulin and leptin to activate, which explains the dependence of a person on fatty foods.

Harms the liver

Palmitic acid is not completely eliminated from the human body. Accumulating in the pancreas, thymus, liver and skeletal muscles, it replaces healthy organ cells with fat. In addition, ceramides, which are part of palmitic acid, provoke the rupture of nerve cells and the occurrence of Alzheimer's disease.

Raises "bad" low-density lipoprotein cholesterol

With the regular intake of these compounds from the outside, they turn into biological "garbage" in the circulatory system. As a result, the immune cells of the body regard them as foreign bodies, which increases the risk of formation of atherosclerotic plaques in the vessels that are prone to rupture and the formation of blood clots.

Palm oil should not be used by persons over 50 years of age, children under 18 years of age, people with ailments of the digestive tract in the acute phase, osteopenia and osteoporosis, heart disease.

Remember, with regular intake of the product, fatty acids begin to accumulate in cell biomembranes. As a result, their transport functions are disrupted, which contributes to sexual dysfunction, the development of vascular and heart diseases. The most dangerous combination of palm oil with, which leads to obesity and atherosclerosis.

Beneficial features

Palm oil is one of the most affordable plant products, widely used in cosmetology, food industry and in the production of soaps, candles, powders, medicines. The latter, in turn, are aimed at eliminating problems with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, blood vessels, heart, and eyes.

Characteristics of palm oil: reddish-reddish color, solid consistency, resistance to oxidation processes. The natural product exhibits pronounced antibacterial and wound-healing properties, prevents the occurrence of inflammatory reactions.

Palm oil health benefits:

  1. Fights free radicals. It is the strongest antioxidant rich in carotenoids. Improves the condition of hair and skin. Prolongs youth, reduces the likelihood of developing cancer. In addition, antioxidants resist skin aging, slowing down age-related changes in the body.
  2. It supplies the body with energy due to its high fat content, fights fatigue syndrome, psycho-emotional disorders, improves memory, attention and mental abilities of a person.
  3. Reduces the risk of blockage of blood vessels and the development of heart failure, stroke, heart attack, hypertension, atherosclerosis, coronary disease, respectively.
  4. Improves the work of the vision analyzer (due to provitamin A), makes it possible to produce a pigment located in the retina and responsible for the visibility of the eye. Normalizes intraocular pressure, protects the cornea and lens, improves blood supply to the visual organ. It is used for the prevention and treatment of "night blindness", glaucoma, conjunctivitis, tired eye syndrome.
  5. It prevents inflammation of the digestive organs, stimulates the secretion of bile, accelerates the healing of erosions on the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. Recommended for use by people suffering from colitis, gastritis, ulcers, cholecystitis, cholelithiasis.
  6. Regulates the hormonal background in women, maintains normal estrogen levels, relieves inflammation of the ovaries, breasts, uterus (vitamins A, E). Used to relieve symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, menopause. For medicinal purposes, a palm oil tampon is inserted into the vagina to eliminate cervical erosion, vaginitis, and colpitis.

PUFAs, which are part of the oil, are involved in the structuring of the skeletal system, increase joint mobility.

With the regular use of natural red palm oil, starting from the age of 30, osteoporosis, which in 60% of cases develops in women during menopause, and diseases of the musculoskeletal system can be avoided. Otherwise, a restructuring of the bone structure is observed, it becomes thinner, calcium is washed out, the mineral strength of the skeleton is lost, and fractures occur with minor loads. The main danger of osteoporosis is a slow but progressive disease, which as a result leads to vertebral injury, disability and even death among the elderly.

Application in traditional medicine

For medicinal purposes, red palm oil is used, which is characterized by a high content of provitamin A (carotenoids), which exhibit powerful antioxidant properties and neutralize saturated fatty acids (50%) in the product, which cause an increase in low-density lipoproteins in the blood. Useful properties: inhibits platelet aggregation, reduces the likelihood of heart attack and cataracts, lowers blood pressure, activates liver enzymes, reduces oxidative stress, scars stomach ulcers. The oil has neuro- and cardio-producing effects, nourishes the skin, heals the liver, prevents hypovitaminosis, and maintains visual acuity. The recommended daily intake of natural raw red palm oil for an adult is 10 ml. To avoid phosphorus-calcium metabolism, it is allowed to use it from 18 to 50 years. Do not heat treat.

Health Recipes:

  1. In case of skin damage (from burns, cuts). Apply palm oil to the problem area twice a day for 14 days.
  2. To relieve inflammation in the oral cavity and treat periodontal disease. Soak a sterile gauze pad in oil, apply to the gums. Therapy is carried out for 2 weeks.
  3. From cracked nipples. To heal wounds during breastfeeding, palm oil is heated in a water bath (for the purpose of disinfection), nipples are lubricated with it every time after the baby is applied to the breast. Repeat the procedure until the cracks heal.
  4. From erosion of the cervix. From a sterile gauze pad or cotton wool, form a swab, soak in warm palm oil, and insert vaginally. The course of treatment is 10 days. The procedure is carried out one day after consulting a doctor.
  5. For the treatment of lichen, eczema, psoriasis. Composition components: walnut oil (20 ml) and red palm fruit oil (80 ml), birch tar (3 g). Combine ingredients, mix. Apply the ointment 2 times a day for 2 weeks.
  6. For diseases of the joints. To relieve the pain of gout, problem areas are massaged by rubbing the therapeutic composition. Ingredients of the ointment: 15 ml of palm, 25 ml of stone grape, 5 drops of lemon and pine, 10 drops of lavender oil. To relieve pain in arthritis, the joints are rubbed using the following composition: 5 drops of pine essential oil, 3 drops of lemon and lavender, 15 ml of olive and palm.

The greatest value for the human body is provided by the oil of the first cold pressing. It is characterized by a rich fatty acid composition and a low degree of oxidation. For eating and preparing medicinal recipes for external use, it is recommended to give preference to red palm oil with a maximum content of beta-carotene, which is 15 times higher than that of this substance in.

Application in cosmetology

The product, obtained from the fruits of the oil palm, has a strong softening effect, therefore it is recommended for the care of flaky, rough, dry and fading skin. In addition, manufacturers use it as a component to give a solid consistency to cosmetics. Palm oil tones, nourishes the dermis, increases its firmness and elasticity, smoothes shallow wrinkles, providing anti-aging properties.

Use in home cosmetology:

  1. To moisturize the face. Mix palm oil in a ratio of 1: 1 with olive oil, apply to damp skin with patting movements. Apply the composition in courses for 2 weeks with a 10-day break.
  2. For skin rejuvenation. Mix palm and apricot oils in equal proportions, apply to washed skin in the evening, for a quarter of an hour. Do not remove excess with a napkin, leave until completely absorbed. The procedure is carried out regularly for 14 days.
  3. For hair nutrition. Apply the oil on the scalp and wet curls, leave for 1.5 hours, rinse thoroughly. Repeat the procedure twice a month. Remember, palm oil is poorly washed off the hair, so the mask is made before washing your hair.
  4. To relax the body. Oil massage normalizes sleep, soothes, improves blood circulation, smoothes wrinkles.
  5. To eliminate cellulite, geranium oil (7 drops) is mixed with palm (15 ml), olive (5 ml), lemon and dill (5 drops each), the resulting mixture is rubbed with massage movements into problem areas twice a day. In addition, during the period of struggle with orange peel, it is important to exercise, eat right and drink more than 2 liters of water per day.
  6. For smoothing postoperative scars. Composition components: clove, mint (2 drops each), lavender, rosemary (4 drops each) and palm oil (15 ml). Apply to an uneven area 1-2 times a day for 10 days, then take a break for 1-2 weeks, resume the procedure.

Palm oil is a product that has a wide range of effects on the human body. It is used externally for body shaping, improving the condition of the skin and hair, relaxing the body, quenching pain in the joints, healing cracks and wounds. And inside to fortify the body with antioxidants A and E, lecithin and coenzyme Q10.


Palm oil is a useful and very expensive product until the multi-level purification of raw materials. After the strongest processing, it oxidizes, loses its nutritional value for the human body. Don't put your loved ones at risk. Introduce only uncooked red palm oil (maximum 10 ml per day) into your diet. Otherwise, palmitic acid, which is part of the product, worsens the mineralization of bones in children, disrupts metabolic processes, causes intoxication of the body, impairs the functioning of the brain, liver, and provokes the appearance of diabetes and obesity.

It is recommended to minimize or completely eliminate the consumption of palm oil, which is included in fast food products (chips, french fries, fast foods, cheeseburgers), processed cheeses, yogurts, infant formula and confectionery. As part of this food, it is the strongest carcinogen that is dangerous to human health. In addition, children and adolescents under 18 years of age, as well as people over 50 years of age, should eat products without palm oil, otherwise problems with phosphorus-calcium metabolism may occur.

In order not to fall into the "trap" of manufacturers, carefully read the label of the purchased product. Refuse to buy products that, according to the production technology, should contain only butter, but it has been replaced with palm oil or stearin. These include: cheese, ice cream, condensed milk, cream, cakes, cakes, cookies, sweets.

Good afternoon dear friends!

Today we will look at 19 facts about palm oil that you didn't know. Opinion about him is ambiguous. There is information that palm oil is useful and you should not worry if you see that palm oil is included in the composition. Other articles trumpet the great dangers of this product. So where is the truth? And the truth, as always, lies in the middle.

Palm Oil Facts


Palm oil is a very useful product if it is raw pressed oil from the fruits of the oil palm. This oil is extremely difficult to find and purchase. The product is stored for a short time and it is eaten immediately after cooking in countries where palm plantations grow.

Purified, refined and deodorized palm oil does not contain any beneficial substances. It can only be used in the creation of cosmetic products.

But worst of all is industrial cheap palm oil with a peroxide index of 10. In the food industry, it is banned in many countries. Except Russia.

Draw your own conclusions, dear readers, to buy or not to buy products containing palm oil.

We in our family have long abandoned confectionery, mayonnaise, margarine. We bake ourselves. We buy farm produce. Although they are more expensive, there are more benefits.
