
Learning how to drink Mexican tequila correctly. Ways - how to drink Tequila

For Mexicans, it is not as important as drinking tequila, but in Western culture it is a popular ritual that requires certain knowledge and skills. Next, I will talk about five right ways in the understanding of Europeans and Americans, anyone can repeat them.

1. In one gulp (salt, lemon, tequila). Sprinkle some salt on the outside of the palm between the thumb and forefinger. Next, with the same fingers, take a slice of lime (you can use an ordinary lemon). Then lick the salt from the palm of your hand, drink a glass of tequila and bite with a slice of lemon. The scheme is called “Lick! Topple! Bite! It is repeated as many times as desired, depending on the experience of the drinker. More on video.

Recently, an extravagant version of this method has appeared - salt is licked not from the palm of the hand, but from parts of the body of a loved one, for example, from the shoulder. At this point, the partner is holding a lemon in their teeth. Many go even further ... In general, drinking tequila from the body is at least unusual and unforgettable.

2. With orange and cinnamon. The drinking procedure is the same as in the first version, only the lemon is replaced with an orange slice, and a pinch of salt with ground cinnamon. It turns out an interesting incomparable combination. This method is very popular in Germany, where soft taste alcohol. Women also like to snack on tequila with orange and cinnamon.

German serve

3. Tequila with beer (Mexican ruff). You need to mix 33 grams of tequila and 330 grams of good light beer. The resulting drink is drunk in one gulp. In the US, this mixture is called "Fog" because it intoxicates very quickly.

4. Margarita cocktail. One of the most popular cocktails in the world, over 750 million servings are drunk annually in America alone. The recipe was invented by the Texas aristocrat Margarita Sames in 1948, and the drink was named after her.

The recipe is as follows: mix three parts of tequila in a shaker with one part orange liqueur"Cointreau" and one part lemon juice, then add a few ice cubes. Ready drink best served in a glass with a salt rim.

Cocktail Margarita

5. Cocktail "Tequila Boom" (Rapido). This way of drinking tequila is most liked by young people, it is common in nightclubs. The drink instantly invigorates, allowing you to continue the fun. To prepare, mix equal proportions any kind of tequila and sweet sparkling water. Next, cover the glass with a glass holder or hand and hit the bottom on the table (the main thing is not to break it). Strong foam appears from the blow, the cocktail is drunk in one gulp.

6. Sangrita (Sangrita) and Banderita. It's traditional mexican cocktails, the recipes of which only recently came to Europe. Sangrita is somewhat reminiscent of our " bloody mary”, for its preparation you need: six tomatoes without skins, juice of two lemons and three oranges, one finely chopped onion and one teaspoon of pepper, sugar and salt. Next, add 0.5 liters of tequila and mix all the ingredients in a blender. You can also add some crushed ice.

Incendiary rhythms, cheerful company and tequila cocktails are the main components of a hot party. The history of this famous alcoholic drink made from agave juice began more than 500 years ago, it is not surprising that during this time a lot of ways to use it have been invented. Modern tequila is used not only in pure form but also as numerous cocktails.

In the article:

With what and how they drink tequila

"Cactus vodka" has gained popularity due to its taste and extravagant manner of use. Compliance with a special ritual gives bright colors to the holiday.

There are several methods of using the "gift from the agave":

"Licked - drank - ate"

A very common technology that does not require special skills and knowledge. It is enough to follow the sequence of the process:

Licked - drank - ate

  • rub lime on the back of the hand in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe index and thumb;
  • sprinkle the part smeared with lime with salt;
  • lick the salt;
  • drink alcohol in one gulp (recommended 50 g);
  • dine on a lime slice.

"Rapido" - tequila with sprite

The Spanish version, which in the United States received worldwide famous name. The name of the cocktail is associated with rapid motion - a method of accelerated filming. Combination strong alcohol with soda is a sure way to bounce back very quickly. Prepare like this:

  • alcohol is diluted with tonic;
  • cover the container with your hand;
  • provide a sharp fluctuation of the drink (you can forcefully hit the table with your hand or lightly tap the bottom of the glass on the surface);
  • in one gulp drink the "boiled" mixture.


The cocktail is poured into a special glass with a thin stem:


  • moisten the rim of the container with lime juice;
  • immerse the wetted edge in salt;
  • alcohol, lime juice and orange liqueur are mixed in a shaker in a ratio of 1: 1: 0.5;
  • pour the mixture into a container garnished with lime and drink in small sips.

Tequila with sangrita juice

With sangrita juice

The basis of the drink is tomato juice with the addition of various spices, chili peppers and lime juice. This juice is recommended to drink "cactus vodka";

Erotic notes:

  • lick salt from the shoulder of a lying girl;
  • to drink alcohol from a glass standing on her navel;
  • take the lime squeezed in the girl's lips.

Erotic notes

"Cactus vodka" - a drink that allows you to fantasize and experiment. The list of methods of its use is regularly updated.

mexican ruff

The Mexicans themselves use the "gift from the agave" in undiluted form, in small sips, washed down with beer. At first glance, a dubious combination is in a good way quench your thirst on a hot day. A mixture of "cactus vodka" and beer was called "Mexican Ruff" in Russia:

  • tequila of any type - 30 g;
  • light beer - 300 g.

People who consider themselves true connoisseurs prefer to use the “gift of agave” slowly, in small sips from stacks with a dense bottom.

Tequila based cocktails

Agave Gift can be considered a versatile drink. A variety of cocktails with a drink, the recipes of which include several ingredients, are the decoration of the bar card.

Combinations can be classic and the most unexpected. The classic use of "cactus vodka" includes cocktails "Sangrita", "Margarita", "El desierto", "", etc. It can also be added to tea, coffee or mixed with cognac.

This is a real find for people loving experiments, so it’s impossible to say unequivocally how to drink “cactus vodka” correctly.

IN classic combination Agave Gift is compatible with all kinds of citrus fruits, salt, beaters, tomato, spices and coffee liqueur.

Before you start mixing the ingredients to create tequila cocktails at home, you need to study the label of the drink used.

A mixture with cola will pleasantly surprise lovers of weak alcoholic beverages. Do not be deceived, the sweet, pleasant-tasting drink has quickly intoxicating properties and should be treated with caution.

"Tequila Batanga"

For example, the Batanga mix will help reveal the source of sensuality and energy:

Tequila Batanga

  • Gold - 50 ml;
  • Cola - 150 ml;
  • ice (cubes) - 200 g;
  • juice of half a lime.

Mix all ingredients.

A pleasant-tasting combination will provide a mix of 1:2 (1:3) "cactus vodka" and juice: tomato, apple, lemon, orange.

ForBlancoLemon or orange juice is more suitable. ForGold- apples and tomatoes.

"Cactus vodka" or cocktails with its addition will be the highlight of a hot party, romantic evening, friendly conversation. The use of an alcoholic product can be turned into a whole action. Show ingenuity, creativity and the desire for something new.

The availability of "cactus vodka" makes it possible to feel like a professional bartender at home. Treat friends classic cocktail or create an original recipe.

What to mix with tequila is a matter of individual preference.

How is it customary to drink tequila in Russia, Mexico and Europe? What to serve with tequila? How do you drink tequila like Sauza Gold and Olmeca Chocolate?

Tequila is a popular alcoholic drink all over the world, originally from Mexico. In our country, little was known about this "cactus" vodka until a certain time - almost all the information came to us from the plots of foreign films. Today the situation has changed radically. Tequila managed to fall in love with many residents of our country. However, despite this, most consumers of agave vodka have not learned how to drink and eat it properly. This material will help them.

How to drink tequila with salt and lemon or lime?

A classic of drinking tequila in our nightclubs is its combination with lime (lemon) and salt. It is worth noting that in the homeland of this drink it is rarely combined with the products mentioned.

The way to drink tequila with lemon and lime: “Lick! Topple! Bite!”

Here detailed procedure drinking tequila with salt and lemon:

  • Pour tequila into a glass.
  • Cut the lime or lemon into quarters - you can cut into slices.
  • We drip a couple of drops of lemon juice on the hollow between the index and thumb of the back of the left hand.
  • Sprinkle a little salt on the hollow.
  • We take a slice or a slice of lemon in the same hand.
  • In the right hand we take a stack of tequila.
  • We take a breath and lick the salt from our hands.
  • We drink the contents of the stack in one gulp.
  • Snack on the pulp of a lemon.
  • We exhale.

This way of drinking tequila is called: “Lick! Topple! Bite!

There is another way to drink tequila with lemon and salt:

  • Cut a lime or lemon in half.
  • We clean all the pulp from half of the citrus, thus obtaining an unusual container for a drink.
  • Flatten the bottom of the lemon stack a little.
  • Sprinkle the edges of the stack with salt.
  • Pour tequila into a lemon glass.
  • We take a breath.
  • We drink tequila.
  • We bite it with a citrus pile.

How do they drink tequila in Mexico, what do they drink and eat?

How do they prefer to drink and what to eat tequila in Mexico?
  1. It’s worth mentioning right away that native Mexicans prefer natural taste Don't spoil your favorite drink. In most cases, they drink it clean, without washing down and snacks. To facilitate the process of drinking tequila, Mexican bartenders keep special tequila shots (caballitos or horses) in the freezer. When the glass is completely ice cold, it is taken out and tequila is poured into it. Chilled in this way, agave vodka is drunk in one gulp or savored slowly, without drinking or snacking.
  2. The second popular method of drinking tequila in Mexico is washing it down with "sangrita". "Sangrita" is a non-alcoholic, spicy drink, translated into Russian as "blood" or "blood". There are quite a few recipes for making sangrita - every Mexican has his own favorite recipe. Some make it from orange, lemon, pomegranate juice and hot sauce, others prefer to use tomato and orange juice seasoned with salt, chili and your favorite spices (sometimes even Tabasco sauce). Ready sangrita is poured into caballitos, chilled tequila is poured into the second caballitos. You can drink vodka in one gulp, or you can slowly, feeling every note of it. Any Mexican prefers to savor sangrita.
  3. The third method is called Banderita or Flag. For the Flag, you need to fill three piles-horses to the top - with sangrita, tequila and lime juice. The combination of colors red, white and green gave the name to this way of drinking tequila. When the stacks are full, they must be drunk one by one in the same sequence.

What is usually served with Mexican tequila: what appetizer?

  • If you take into account the preferences of the Mexicans, then the dish itself is not as important for them as the sauce for it.
  • Most often, the natives of Mexico bite tequila meat dishes(fried pork, beef or lamb).
  • As sauces for these dishes, they prefer salsa and guacamole.
  • Tasty, spicy harmonizes quite well with tequila mexican dish- burritos, which is a filling wrapped in pita bread (fried pork, beans, corn, onions, chili peppers, garlic and other spices).
  • In restaurants mexican food It is customary to serve tequila with a salad of champignons, pineapples and shrimp. Dressing for this salad is mayonnaise-sour cream sauce with black pepper.

How do they drink and what do they eat tequila in Russia?

In addition to the methods of drinking pure tequila described above, in Russia today they have become very popular cocktails based on tequila - Tequila Boom and Margarita.

Tequila boom

Cocktail Tequila Boom
  • Pour 50g of tequila into a glass
  • Add 50-100 g of tonic to vodka
  • Cover the glass with the palm of your hand so that its contents do not splash out.
  • Hit the glass on the table
  • We drink a foamy drink in one gulp


Cocktail Margarita

This cocktail is considered a classic of tequila-based cocktails. Americans have long popularized this drink - no American party is complete without it. Thanks to this popularization, this cocktail has many different interpretations and options. But let's look at the classic recipe:

  • Pour two parts of tequila, one part of Cointreau liqueur and two parts of lime juice (you can use lemon) into a shaker.
  • Add ice.
  • Thoroughly mix all ingredients in a shaker.
  • We take a special glass for Margarita, which is called Margarita.
  • Decorate the rim of the glass with salt.
  • Pour the cocktail into a glass, filtering it through a strainer.
  • Place a lime wedge on one side of the glass.

In addition to these tequila-based cocktails, a lot of other equally popular and delicious cocktails are being prepared, such as Long Island Ice Tea, Tsunami, Paloma Light, Tequila Martini, Tequila Sunrise.

As for snacks, in our country tequila, like any strong alcoholic drink, it is customary to eat either fruit or cold cuts or fatty meat.

How do you drink tequila cold or warm?

  • Mexicans prefer to drink tequila chilled with an ice glass.
  • On rare occasions, a native of Mexico can afford to tip a glass of medium-temperature tequila.
  • drink it warm tequila in the country of cacti it is considered simply disgusting mockery of oneself.

What to eat tequila at home, except for lemon, lime?

  • At home, under tequila, you can set the table, under which it is customary to drink vodka. In terms of strength and other indicators, these two drinks practically do not differ from each other.
  • Goes well with cactus vodka fried potatoes and meat (any), spicy sauces, pickles and cold appetizers.
  • The fair sex, watching the figure, can cook for themselves with tequila fruit cutting of pineapples, lemon, oranges and grapefruit. Top cutting can be crushed with grated cinnamon.
  • Unsuitable snacks for tequila are desserts and other sweets.

How to drink tequila with cinnamon and orange?

Europeans, or rather the Germans, introduced the fashion for the use of tequila with oranges and cinnamon:

  • Cut the orange into rings or half rings.
  • In a small bowl, mix sugar and grated cinnamon.
  • Pour tequila into a glass.
  • Take an orange slice and roll it in a mixture of cinnamon and sugar.
  • We drink tequila in one gulp and bite it with fragrant orange.

How to drink and eat golden tequila Sauza Gold?

  • Sauza Gold Tequila is a variety of tequila from the Sauza brand, characterized by a light brown tint and an agave flavor with caramel.
  • This type of cactus vodka is recommended to drink in its pure form in order to feel it. delicate fragrance and rich aftertaste.
  • Tequila Sauza Gold will be more to the liking of the fair sex, who loves caramel at any age.
  • Ladies will be able to eat her favorite fruits and berries.
  • Also golden tequila Can be used in a variety of cocktails ranging from Margarita to Macho Man.

How to drink and eat Olmeca chocolate tequila?

How should you drink and eat Olmeca chocolate tequila?
  • Olmeca Chocolate is an outlandish variety of tequila. This drink is made on the basis of agave, yeast, cane sugar and flavoring "Chocolate". The strength of chocolate tequila is 35%. Its taste, softened with chocolate, is suitable for both gentlemen and ladies.
  • Olmeca Chocolate tequila can be served both in horses and in shot glasses. This sweetened drink does not need to be garnished with salt. Lemon on the edge of the glass will not be superfluous.
  • Olmeca Chocolate can also be crafted delicious cocktails. The combination of this drink with milk or cream, vanilla, prunes, coffee liqueurs or vodka has proven itself very well.

Summing up, it is worth saying that tequila is a fairly self-sufficient drink and in order to appreciate it unique taste, it is best to use it in its pure form. Well, if you have already enjoyed enough of its natural taste, then you will definitely never get tired of cocktails with it.

Among the mass variety of alcoholic beverages, it is extremely difficult to follow all the innovations. However, there is an alcoholic drink that came to us through many centuries. It's a classic called tequila. That is why every person is simply obliged to have an idea of ​​​​how to drink tequila, even if he cannot be an active fan of this alcohol.

The traditions of the agave drink found the times of the Old, as well as the New World. Along with this, various methods of drinking it and endless disputes about how to drink tequila appeared.

Here are a few popular drinking methods that you can use, all of which are considered correct. Because each of them will correspond to a particular country in which it is located. The drink is quite strong, so do not delay drinking. And if this is your first time trying this alcohol, try to stretch the pleasure in a few sips and feel everything. taste qualities. Thus, you will be able to determine for yourself what you really need and finally understand how to drink tequila correctly.


  • temperaturetequila should not be too cold, room temperature- fits just right.
  • initially it is necessary to feel the flavor bouquet, not the aroma, which is why it is not recommended to warm it in your hands.

How to drink tequila

« International". Or as it is called in another way “Lick! Topple! Have a bite! In this method, the important thing is to perform the correct circle, consisting of tequila, a pinch of salt and a piece of lime. Thumb pushed aside and reverse side palms, in the area between two fingers (thumb and forefinger), a pinch of salt is carefully poured.

The meaning of this option is that you will need to drink tequila in one gulp, then lick off the salt, and then have a bite of a lime wedge, which can be replaced with lemon. The process must be fast enough. In addition, this method has modifications. For example, if you came with a lady, you can sprinkle salt on her bare shoulder or on another part of her body if she doesn't mind. Another variation - combining salt and pepper, will be relevant for thrill-seekers.

« Rapido". Another name for it is tequila boom. How to drink tequila - boom? Very simple, all you need is tequila and tonic. These two alcohols are mixed in a glass with a closed hand, thanks to a sharp blow to the table. However, do not overdo it, the glasses are fragile and can crack.

« Spicy". Before ingesting a glass of alcohol, you should chew, and it is best to swallow hot chili peppers. For those who can not stand too hot, you can take a miniature pepper.

« Original". In the implementation of the planned process, you will need a lemon. We cut it into 2 equal halves, take out the core from there and get the shape of a glass. Next, fill it with tequila and put ice. Guests are served such a masterpiece right at the doorstep of the house.

« Submarine". Its other name is "ruff" (on the territory of Russia). He is "fog" in the American version. There are no performance difficulties. In a glass of light beer(330 grams) pour about 33 grams of tequila. This combination will make you quickly get drunk, which is why the name "fog" appeared.

« Gold» The favorite cocktail of charming females. One condition - you need caramel to win the hearts of the ladies.

« New Year". This method has German roots. You will need: sugar, cinnamon powder and oranges. ground cinnamon and sugar is stirred, then orange slices are dipped in the resulting mixture. And snack on this delicacy alcohol to your pleasure.

In cocktail ingredients Sangrita and Banderita. Cooking technology has recently appeared in European countries however, in Mexico they are quite popular. Sangrita is reminiscent of Bloody Mary. It contains: tomatoes (without skin), juice of 2 lemons, fresh orange juice, finely chopped onion, 5 grams of sugar (about a teaspoon), hot pepper, salt and ice cubes. Banderita differs from Sangrita in that it is drunk differently.

One shot is filled with tequila, another is filled with sangrita, and the third is filled with lime juice. And gradually everything is drunk. This cocktail symbolizes the colors of the Mexican flag, and "banderita" is translated as a flag.

In the famous margarita". The recipe is named after Marguerite Samees in the 20th century in 1948. You will need a shaker to combine the ingredients. Mix three equal parts of tequila with a small amount of orange liqueur and freshly squeezed lemon juice. Chill contents with ice. Served in a glass, the edges of which are decorated with fine salt.

How to drink tequila is really difficult to say. Many people ask the question: “What do they drink tequila with?” Most often in Europe, it is generally customary to use alcohol as an ingredient in cocktails. The Mexicans are a little different.

How tequila is consumed in Mexico

We reveal the secrets of how Mexicans drink tequila. The Mexican three-in-one approach can surprise any European. Since the 19th century, the habit of drinking in one gulp and almost without a snack has remained. One condition - alcohol should be well chilled. Glasses are chosen narrow and high. And if you need a snack - their National dishes will come in handy. However, lemons are beyond competition in this matter.

What do Mexicans drink tequila with? Mexican people just love to drink it down various drinks. For example, one of these Sangrita cocktails is a mixture of tomato and citrus juice With hot pepper.

Why is tequila often drunk with salt?

The answer lies in an old Mexican story, during the terrible flu in hot Mexico - the country of heroic cowboys and hot tequila. There was no modern medicine then, so doctors took the initiative and prescribed tequila and lime salt to sick patients.

Today there is an opinion that salt in such a composition plays the role of a neutralizing component. In addition, it allows you to fully enjoy taste properties agaves.

Tequila with lemon and salt is an indispensable component of a hot party. But this is not the only way to use this drink. Learn how they drink tequila in Mexico.

In the article:

Tequila: a short digression into history

blue agave fruit

Tequila - strong alcoholic product. Its production is based on blue agave juice. This plant is widespread in the vicinity of the city of Tequila (Mexico).

  1. The history of the emergence of tequila is noted by Pedro Sanchez de Tahle, at whose plant at the end of the 17th century it was launched mass production this drink.
  2. The rapidly increasing level of popularity of tequila led to the cultivation of the blue agave (since 1758), a plant whose juice is the basis of the drink. The debate over how tequila is drunk dates back to this time.
  3. In the XVIII century, the production of tequila comes under royal control.
  4. 1795 is marked by the issuance of a license for the production of the Jose Cuervo line of alcohol, which still exists today.
  5. The Olympic Games in Mexico City (1968) brought tequila worldwide fame.
  6. Modern and cocktails based on it are an integral part of the bar menu.

Tequila - how they drink in Mexico and here

The popularity of tequila is due to the quality of taste and extravagant manner of use. Compliance with the ritual of how to drink tequila gives a certain zest to a simple action.

Tequila is a drink that does not recognize rules and restrictions. There is no unambiguous definition of how to use it. And yet, there are several common options for ingesting a drink, both in its pure form and:

The combination of the resulting colors is reminiscent of the flag of Mexico. Take turns drinking all the drinks.

The manner of drinking alcoholic beverages and the complex composition of cocktails are governed solely by individual preferences.

The best appetizer for tequila

As a rule, tequila is not drunk with meals, that is, it is not eaten in the conventional sense. It is often used as a flavored addition to tea or coffee.

If you are planning a feast, the star of which will be tequila, you should still think about an appetizer.

A light snack is an orange slice sprinkled with cinnamon. Grapefruit or pineapple would also work.

To prevent the effect quick intoxication you can use cold snacks. The only exception here is sweets. . This alcoholic product does not mix well with dessert dishes . The following appetizers are suitable:

  • soft cheese;
  • mushrooms;
  • olives;
  • smoked meats.

It is advisable to season the appetizer with sauce or hot pepper.

salsa sauce

Mexican natives prefer salsa sauce:

  • finely chopped tomatoes;
  • olives;
  • garlic;
  • chilli;

Grind everything in a blender. Season to taste:

  • salt;
  • lemon juice;
  • pepper;
  • olive oil.

The amount of ingredients is determined based on the desired degree of spiciness of the dish.

Mix of champignons and shrimps

Often in restaurants, an appetizer is served as a mix of champignons and shrimp:

  • champignons (raw) of medium cut sprinkle with lemon juice;
  • cut shrimp and pineapple into cubes;
  • you can mix all the ingredients, or you can lay out in layers;
  • dress the salad sour cream mayonnaise sauce, hot pepper and herbs.


And, of course, the Mexican delicacy - Burrito (a mix of meat and vegetables in pita bread). You should try this mix:

  • meat;
  • beans;
  • corn;
  • chilli;
  • garlic.

Everything is fried with the addition of salt and spices, then wrapped in pita bread.

If a long feast is planned, it is worth taking care of hot dishes.

Here's what else to eat with tequila:

  • fried poultry and pork;
  • pickles;
  • mashed potatoes and other snacks served with traditional vodka.

The percentage of strength of tequila and vodka is approximately the same.

It must be borne in mind that hot and dense dishes dull the taste of the drink.. Therefore, in order to assess the quality of alcohol, the first couple of glasses should be eaten. classic slice lime or lemon.

Tequila glasses are traditionally narrow, tall with a dense bottom. If we are talking about a cocktail, then the capacity is selected accordingly.

Good mood, warm company, suitable environment and tequila - everything you need to feel the real Mexican heat.
