
Pig recipes for the winter. Harvesting pigs for the winter: a recipe for spicy mushroom caviar

Even when it turned out to be a “non-mushroom” year, you can always find a lot of mushrooms in the forest, albeit not white ones, but of lower quality, but still fish for fishlessness and cancer. That is why, along with the mushroom elite, many also close pigs for the winter. Properly cooked, this mushroom also has excellent palatability. The only way he can earn dislike is the dark color they acquire after cooking. Now let's look at a few recipes for pickling pig mushrooms and preparing them for the winter.

Recipe number 1. How to close pigs for the winter in brine

Let's talk about how to pickle pig mushrooms in brine. First you need to clean and cut the mushrooms, if they are quite large. Besides, preparatory stage involves soaking pigs for two days, while changing the water every 6-7 hours.


  • peppercorns;
  • allspice;
  • Bay leaf;
  • salt;
  • horseradish leaves;
  • dill;
  • currant and cherry leaves.

After soaking in salted water, the mushrooms become tender and lose the bitterness inherent in them initially. Therefore, after this, you can start marinating pigs.

Cooking method:

  1. We cook pigs. To do this, take a large container of boiling water and boil for two hours. After that, the mushrooms are drained and washed well under running water.
  2. We wash the pan and put it on the fire again, bring to a boil, salt and put the half-boiled mushrooms there. We also add spices, herbs here and cook for another two hours.
  3. At this time, we sterilize the jars. As soon as the mushrooms are ready, they can be rolled up and put in a warm place to brew. Further, after the jars become room temperature, they are taken out to a cold place - a cellar, a closet or a refrigerator.

Pay your attention to the fact that salting pigs in this way occurs quite quickly, while they remain light and appetizing, acquiring light fragrance spices. So they are served on the table, washed with water and sprinkled with vinegar, some hostesses decorate them with onion slices and sprigs of greens, pouring vegetable oil.

Recipe number 2. How to marinate pigs for the winter in oil

Salting mushrooms with vegetable oil has its advantages. First of all, this way they are stored much longer and acquire a different, more spicy flavor. Therefore, if you are wondering how to salt pig mushrooms, write down the recipe.


  • allspice;
  • salt;
  • peppercorns;
  • a few cloves of garlic;
  • vegetable oil;
  • laurel

Cooking method

  1. As in previous recipe, pre-mushrooms must be boiled for two hours.
  2. After that, the water is replaced, and salted pigs are boiled for another hour. They are then washed in cold water repeatedly.
  3. Let the mushrooms drain well, after which they will be ready for further preparations.
  4. Boiled pigs are placed in a large frying pan and poured with vegetable oil so that the mushrooms are completely covered with it.
  5. Further, the preparation of pigs for the winter according to this recipe provides for their long frying, during which spices and salt are gradually added to the dish. Mushrooms should be salty, but not oversalted. Remember that they will not take much salt.
  6. On medium heat, the mushrooms are fried for 40 minutes, then rolled into sterilized jars.

Such pigs for the winter can be added to many dishes, including salads and soups. Thus, unlike the first recipe, butter pigs are not only an independent dish but also an excellent condiment.

Recipe number 3. Pigs for the winter in olive oil

This recipe has strict proportions based on 1 kg of mushrooms. At the same time, such pickled pigs for the winter are stored for six months or more. In addition, the recipe does not require long-term cooking and soaking of mushrooms, which is extremely convenient.


  • mushrooms - 1 kg;
  • wine vinegar - 500 ml;
  • olive oil- 700 ml;
  • slightly chopped bay leaf;
  • salt;
  • cloves - 5 pcs.;
  • white pepper - 2 tsp

Cooking method

  1. Prepare pigs by cleaning and rinsing big amount water.
  2. Take enamel pan, carefully put the mushrooms there, salt and pour vinegar. Bring to a boil and simmer for 10 minutes until softened.
  3. Drain the mushrooms and rinse them with water.
  4. Take a frying pan of a suitable size and pour olive oil into it, bring it to a boil and put the mushrooms in it. Fry them a little, add spices, garlic and spices.
  5. After that, fry for another 10 minutes and roll up in pre-sterilized jars.

This gourmet recipe marinating hogs gives them piquant taste with a slight olive-sour tint. It is perfect for lovers unusual combinations, and also for people who are not too fond of just mushrooms. Total pot recipe, as a rule, it turns out somewhere around 1.5 kg of product.

As you can see, there are many ways to prepare pigs for the winter. The recipes presented above are the most relevant, popular and fast, however, each hostess has a lot of amendments in this regard, adding unusual, often secret ingredients that make their home-style taste unique.

Pig - common gray-yellow mushrooms. Around the question of the possibility of their use in food to this day there are fierce disputes.

Some experts are strongly against their use, others describe incredible beneficial features mushrooms, believing that it exceeds all harmful qualities.

Many housewives have successfully made preparations, claiming that they are tasty and healthy. And nobody seems to have died.

This was until the moment when scientists received frightening research results on these mushrooms.

Indeed, immediately after their use, people did not die. It acts like a time bomb.

The pig is divided into two types: thick and thin.

The fat pig grows all summer on stumps, more often it forms on coniferous trees. This is enough large mushroom, its hat reaches 20 cm in diameter.

The leg is covered with small villi, yellowish in color. The hat itself has a dirty red hue.

Fat pig:

Important! They were eaten in times of war and famine, when there was not much to choose from. They were salted and marinated. Today it has been proven that the fat pig is poisonous.

A thin pig has always been considered a bad mushroom, among the people the mushroom was called "pig's ear".

It grows on stumps, near birches, conifers. Occurs frequently. It was also pickled earlier, but only in lean years of famine.

A thin pig is a low specimen, a hat no more than 10 cm in diameter. Color - yellow-brown, spotted. The flesh is yellow.

Thin pig:

Important! All types of pigs today are classified as poisonous.

For a long time it was not possible to identify exactly how the poison works, because people did not die immediately, but after a long time.

The black pig was originally considered poisonous, and the thin and thick pigs were added to the “black” list relatively recently.

How much to cook pigs

Since today we know for sure that it is impossible to eat pigs, we will describe the cooking method that was used by our ancestors.

Preparatory activities before harvesting:

  • My mushrooms.
  • Leave for 3 hours in cool water.
  • We cook for half an hour.
  • Drain the broth.

How to salt and pickle mushrooms: salting recipes for the winter

A wooden barrel has always been used to pickle mushrooms. This jar is the perfect container.

If you manage to get it, you will get the most delicious mushrooms in the world. Moreover, a wooden barrel is ideal for all varieties.

But let's be realistic: wooden barrels- not the most popular attribute today, not every housewife has it.

We replace the barrel with any ceramic vessel deep enough to contain all the products.

Important! The pig is an inedible species. The official conclusion of experts allowed it to be included in the list of poisonous ones.

The cooking method described below was used by our ancestors, at that time the poisonous properties of the pig were not revealed.

pickled mushroom recipe

  • Preparation time - 40 days.
  • Time preparatory work and the salting process along with cooking - 4 hours.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:


  • Mushrooms.
  • Salt.
  • Garlic.
  • Dill.
  • Allspice.


  1. Wash and soak the mushrooms in water for 3 hours.
  2. Cook for 30 minutes, drain the boiled water.
  3. Cool down.
  4. Arrange in a ceramic bowl in rows.
  5. Sprinkle each row with salt, crumble finely chopped pepper, add allspice arbitrarily. Sprinkle with dill.
  6. We leave at a temperature of about 5 degrees for 40 days.
  7. Periodically add boiled water. We do this as it evaporates and absorbs so that they do not turn out to be overdried.

Why was pork banned in the USSR

pig for a long time considered an edible product. Citizens of the USSR collected different types for myself.

There were points for receiving mushrooms for production. People brought there what they collected themselves. But since 1981, the pig has been removed from the list of food products allowed for production.

Citizens shrugged their shoulders and continued collecting pigs familiar to everyone, but for personal use.

Then the government decided to include it in the lists poisonous mushrooms prohibited for use.

This order had an impact on conscious citizens - the mass harvesting of red mushrooms was suspended.

Terrible facts about the pig - the reasons for being listed as poisonous:

  • The scientist Julius Schaeffer during the Second World War tried to prove that the pig contains a deadly poison.

    He died two weeks after eating mushrooms from kidney failure. The fact alerted experts, but the official ban came out only in 1981.

  • Today it is well known that deadly poisons, which contains thin and thick pork destroy blood cells, this leads to the gradual destruction of the liver and kidneys.
  • As a result of the use of pigs, a person develops anemia, jaundice.
  • Since the diseases that this variety provokes develop slowly, no one associated their occurrence with eating mushrooms.

    Many Soviet citizens continued to eat them even after the ban was released and listed as poisonous.

Interesting pig facts:

  • The poisonous substance is muscarine. It is also part of the most poisonous mushroom in the world - fly agaric. Even half a fly agaric can kill an adult.
  • The pig kills slowly: its poisons do not disintegrate even at very high temperatures. long boil. Muscarine is contained in small amounts, but it is not excreted from the body, accumulating, poisoning the organs and blood.
  • The organs responsible for cleansing are the first to suffer: the kidneys and liver.
  • A frequent consequence of eating is anaphylactic shock.
  • Pigs contain substances similar to radiation. According to unconfirmed reports, once in the body, they reduce tumors.
  • In addition to poisons, mushrooms contain substances that have a beneficial effect on the body: improve heart function, increase immunity.
  • An interesting fact about mushrooms: they are neither plants nor animals. But genetically they are closer to humans.

The benefits and harms of pigs are incomparable. Useful material can be obtained from edible mushrooms. You can cook pigs, marinate them.

Just don't do it - human life is priceless. Take care of yourself, eat only edible species mushrooms.

Useful video

Pigs are quite popular among mushroom lovers. And this is not surprising because they are different. rich taste And pleasant aroma. Some time ago, this mushroom was considered inedible. But now it has been proven that if it is properly prepared, then its use does not pose any health hazard. You can cook a lot of these mushrooms delicious meals. But the greatest interest among housewives is the question of how to cook pickled pigs. Such an appetizer, prepared for the winter, will decorate any table.

There are two main types of these mushrooms:

  1. The pig is fat. Such mushrooms are most often found on the stumps of coniferous trees. You can start collecting them in the first month of summer. They are characterized by a large hat, the diameter of which can reach 20 cm. As a rule, it has a reddish-brown color. Below you can see thin plates of a yellowish tint. If the hat is broken, then the place of the break in the air begins to darken. The pig's leg is short and dense. Often it has a curved shape. This type of mushroom is still considered inedible, so it is not recommended to eat it.
  2. The pig is thin. Such mushrooms can be found near spruces, poplars and birches. They are characterized by a large fleshy hat, the diameter of which can reach 10 cm. In young mushrooms, the hat has a flat shape. As the fungus matures, the cap becomes funnel-shaped. The stem of the mushroom is short and lighter in color compared to the cap. It is this type of pig that is best suited for pickling at home. The main thing is to choose the right recipe and strictly follow it.

How to prepare mushrooms for pickling?

The key to success in preparing snacks for the winter will be not only the correct recipe, but also the competent preparation of pigs. After you brought the mushrooms from the forest, they must be sorted out. Remove rotten and wormy specimens. Then the pigs must be thoroughly washed. If a lot of debris has stuck to them, then soak the mushrooms for a while in water before cleaning. After that, they can be easily cleaned.

Peeled pigs should be poured with cool water and soaked for about an hour. After that, cut them into pieces, transfer to a saucepan, cover with water and boil for 25 minutes. During this time, the mushrooms should acquire a black color.

With olive oil

There are several answers to the question of how to pickle pigs. One of them will be a recipe for preparing snacks for the winter with the addition of olive oil. Such mushrooms are especially tender and tasty.


  • 750 ml olive oil.
  • 500 ml of vinegar (it is better to give preference to wine).
  • 2 tablespoons of salt.
  • 4 leaves of lavrushka.
  • 6 buds of cloves.
  • 6 peas of black pepper.

Transfer the prepared pigs to a saucepan, add water, vinegar and a little salt. This mixture must be boiled for 10 minutes. After that, the liquid can be drained.

Arrange the pigs in pre-sterilized jars. Spread them in layers, alternating with spices. At the very end, pour olive oil into each jar. Seal jars tightly with sterilized lids. Store such a dish prepared for the winter in the refrigerator. This recipe will help you prepare a dish that your household and all guests will surely enjoy.

traditional recipe

Pickled pig mushrooms are a tasty and nutritious snack that you can enjoy all winter. It is best to use a simple traditional recipe for its preparation.

In addition to a kilogram of mushrooms, stock up on the following ingredients:

  • 2 cloves of garlic.
  • A couple of sprigs of dill.
  • 1 liter of water.
  • 1 tablespoon of salt.
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar.
  • 4 cloves.
  • 3 leaves of laurel.
  • 5 peas of black pepper.
  • 2 tablespoons of vinegar.

Place the prepared pigs in a saucepan with water, add a small amount of salt and cook for half an hour. After that, they must be washed and poured cold water. In this state, they should stand for about an hour.

To prepare the marinade, you need to boil a liter of water in a saucepan and add all the spices to it. Carefully move the prepared marinade and boil for a few minutes.

Pour the soaked pigs with the resulting marinade and bring the mixture to a boil. Cook mushrooms for 10 minutes. Put finely chopped garlic and dill into the pigs. Mix thoroughly. Arrange the pigs in sterilized jars and close the lids. Store such an appetizer prepared for the winter in the refrigerator. This recipe will allow you to cook hearty meal, which it is quite possible to treat guests.

With the addition of onions

Using this recipe, you can prepare a snack for the winter, which will appeal to all lovers of spicy taste.

To prepare it, stock up on the following ingredients:

  • 1 bulb.
  • 2 cloves of garlic.
  • 4 black peppercorns.
  • Vegetable oil.
  • 2 tablespoons of vinegar.
  • Salt.

Place the prepared boiled mushrooms in a saucepan again, fill with water and put on fire. Add a little salt and black peppercorns there. Bring the mixture to a boil.

Cut the onion into half rings, finely chop the garlic. In each sterilized jar, put a little onion and garlic. Then lay out the pigs. Add vinegar and vegetable oil. Close jars with lids and shake to mix ingredients. This snack needs to be stored in the refrigerator.

With cinnamon

If you want to cook a snack that will have a light oriental hue, then you should use next recipe.

For him, in addition to a kilogram of pigs, you will need:

  • Liter of water.
  • 2 tablespoons of salt.
  • Half a glass of vinegar.
  • 3 leaves of lavrushka.
  • 5 peas of black pepper.
  • 5 sprigs of dill.
  • Cinnamon to taste.
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar.
  • 10 cloves of garlic.
  • Vegetable oil.

Pour the prepared mushrooms with water and boil for 20 minutes. After that, throw them in a colander and let the liquid drain completely. At this time, boil water and add all the above spices to it, as well as vinegar. We lay out the mushrooms in sterilized jars and pour hot marinade over them. It remains only to add two tablespoons to each jar vegetable oil and seal tightly with lids. This snack is best stored in the refrigerator.

By choosing the recipe that suits you, you can quickly prepare a hearty and unusually tasty snack.

Salted pigs in Russia are loved by many, even despite the fact that mushrooms are classified as conditionally edible, and some species of the pig family are even officially considered poisonous .

The recipes below on how to salt pigs for the winter in jars, subject to all the recommendations, will help you cook these mushrooms correctly.

How to cook deliciously, or, you can also find out if you read our website in more detail.

The classic way of salting pigs will tell you how to properly process and prepare mushrooms for salting, in the future, when eating, without fear for your health. Compliance with all points of the recipe guarantees a delicious result.

You will need:

  • one kg of fresh pig caps;
  • 50 gr. non-iodized coarse salt;
  • ten sprigs of dill (umbrella);
  • three pcs. currant leaves (from blackcurrant);
  • five pcs. a clove of garlic;
  • 5 pieces. black peppercorns.

Salt pig recipes:

  1. Wash freshly picked pigs thoroughly in running water from forest debris and dirt, clean, remove suspicious places on the body of mushrooms, cut large specimens into several smaller pieces.
  2. Fold the processed mushrooms in a wide basin and pour plain cold water. Soaking will take 15 hours, and the water in the basin must be changed every five hours - this is a prerequisite, since we must not forget that pigs are officially classified as poisonous mushrooms.
  3. After soaking, place the mushrooms in large saucepan, pour salted water, put on fire and wait for boiling. Boil the pigs for five minutes after the water boils.
  4. Drain the boiling water into the sink, and rinse the mushrooms in plain water.
  5. Re-place the pigs in the pan, pour water and salt. This time, after boiling the liquid, cook for up to half an hour.
  6. pour out hot water from the pan, rinse the mushrooms again.
  7. For the third time, pour the pigs with fresh water, add salt, boil and cook for forty minutes.
  8. In the meantime, wash the currant leaves (black) and dill.
  9. Cut the peeled garlic cloves into slices.
  10. Sterilize jars with any convenient way and dry.
  11. Boiled last time Throw the pigs into a colander, let them lie down so that excess liquid is drained from them after cooking.
  12. Processed pigs are packaged in sterilized containers in dense layers, and currant leaves and dill umbrellas are placed at the very bottom of the cans, and mushroom layers are sprinkled with salt mixed with peppercorns and garlic slices.
  13. Boil in a separate bowl (pot or kettle) clean water, which then fill the mushrooms in jars.
  14. Put oppression in jars (for example, a glass filled with water).
  15. Containers with pickles should cool down at room temperature, then you should rearrange the workpiece in a cool dark place (5-8 ° C).
  16. After 45 days, the pigs will be salted and ready to eat.

How to salt pigs in a hot way

Cooking mushrooms according to this recipe is quite laborious, but in the end you will be sure that the processed different ways pigs will not harm your health. The preparation is interesting in that, in addition to boiling, there is also the process of frying in oil - this is not typical for the mushroom pickling procedure, but very original. At the exit, you will get delicious salted pigs, which will go well with other dishes of the table.

Need to:

  • fresh young pigs - 1 kg;
  • coarse salt without the addition of iodine - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • small head of garlic - 1 pc.;
  • oil (vegetable) - from 100 grams;
  • bay leaves - 5 pieces;
  • peppercorns (black and allspice) - 7-10 pieces.

How to salt pigs for the winter:

  1. When collecting pigs in the forest, pay more attention to young and small specimens, after all, young mushrooms have not yet absorbed much harmful substances from the environment. The collected pigs (they are also pigs, dunks, cowsheds) are thoroughly washed with cool water, cleaned. If large mushrooms are caught, cut them into two or four smaller pieces.
  2. Place prepared clean pigs in any large container, pour cold water over it to hide the mushrooms. Soaking will take two days. You don't need to put a yoke. The water must be changed three or four times every 24 hours.
  3. After the soaking time, drain the water, rinse the mushrooms in fresh running water.
  4. IN a separate pan put all the soaked pigs, pour enough water and put to boil.
  5. After boiling, cook the mushrooms from one and a half to two hours. The foam formed on the surface must be removed. The water in which the mushrooms are boiled can be salted.
  6. After the boiling time, rinse the mushrooms and put them back in a clean saucepan, pour fresh water over them. They should boil a second time - 1 hour.
  7. After the lapse of time, rinse the boiled pigs again and put in a colander to drain excess liquid after washing.
  8. Peel the head of garlic and grind all the cloves into a pulp.
  9. Take a capacious frying pan, put boiled pigs.
  10. Pour vegetable oil so that it covers the mushrooms. The recipe indicates the approximate amount of oil, its amount can be increased if necessary in a particular case.
  11. Sprinkle with salt, garlic gruel, add peppercorns and bay leaves. Mix the ingredients, put the pan on medium fire and fry the pigs for about forty minutes.
  12. Do not forget to stir them during the frying process so that they do not burn.
  13. Sterilize and dry jars and lids.
  14. Finally, carefully arrange the mushrooms in jars, close the lids.
  15. Containers with mushrooms should cool down and only then they can be put in a refrigerator or a cold cellar.
  16. A day later, chilled mushrooms can be tasted, as they have undergone enough heat treatments and soaked in salt in a pan for forty minutes.

How to salt pork mushrooms recipe

Although it is recommended for pigs to use hot method salting (boiling), many prefer cold salting these mushrooms (without heat treatment). With this method, the main thing is to pre-soak them in salted water. As a result, pigs turn out crispy and are a good basis for many dishes.

Required Ingredients:

  • freshly harvested pigs - one kilogram;
  • rock salt - 60 grams;
  • garlic cloves - 6 pieces;
  • black pepper - 6 peas;
  • dill with seeds - 3 sprigs;
  • blackcurrant - 5 leaves.

Salted pigs recipe:

  1. Do not store freshly harvested pigs for a long time, they deteriorate very quickly. Collect about medium-sized specimens, because the larger ones have looser hats and will fall apart during cooking. Mushrooms wash, peel, cut off the legs (they are not needed in salting), hats, if desired, can be cut in half or left whole.
  2. Pour prepared hats into a wide container (for example, a basin), pour cold salted water (two teaspoons without a slide per liter of water) so that they float freely in it.
  3. Soaking mushrooms is recommended in a room with t not higher than 8 degrees, the process itself will take a day. Every five hours, the water must be changed and do not forget to add salt. Only then will you get rid of the bitter taste of these mushrooms.
  4. After soaking the pig, rinse in plain water and leave to drain in a colander.
  5. chop the garlic small pieces, rinse the leaves and dill in water. It is better to salt the pigs in a ceramic container, but if there is none, take the usual glass jars Just sterilize first.
  6. Put leaves and dill branches on the bottom of the container, then put the mushrooms mixed with salt, black pepper and pieces of garlic.
  7. Cover with a clean cloth or gauze folded in three or four layers, put a weighty press on top of everything (for example, a clean large stone) and leave it in a dark place with a temperature of 5-8 degrees.
    After 45 days, the pigs will be salted and suitable for food.

How to salt pigs for the winter

The hot salting method is considered the safest, mushrooms are boiled, and all poisons are destroyed under the influence high temperatures. Pigs are boiled in several waters for known reasons. This recipe contains ingredients from strong smell- These are cloves and garlic, which are ideal for preserving foods, making them tastier and more aromatic.

You will need (for 0.7 kg pigs):

  • non-iodized salt - 40 grams;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • cloves - 3 dry buds;
  • laurel - 3 leaves;
  • blackcurrant leaves - 2 pcs.;
  • sweet peas - 4-5 pcs.

How to salt pig mushrooms for the winter:

  1. Pigs brought from the forest should be processed immediately. Clean off debris, remove all legs (they can be thrown away), rinse the hats thoroughly in water, cutting off all suspicious places from them.
  2. Put pig caps in any capacious dish, soak in salt water (calculation: ten grams of salt / 1 liter of water) for 24 hours. During this time, change the water in the container 4-5 times, not forgetting to dilute it with salt each time.
  3. After a day, boil the pigs in salt water for half an hour.
  4. Pour boiling water in which the hats were boiled, and rinse them.
  5. Pour fresh water into the pan again, put the pigs in it, bring to a boil.
  6. In boiling mushroom water, add salt according to the recipe, randomly chopped garlic, all the leaves, pepper and, of course, spicy cloves.
  7. So boil the ingredients for 15 minutes.
  8. After the cooking time has elapsed, put the mushrooms in a colander.
  9. Catch spices and leaves with a slotted spoon and distribute in pre-sterilized jars (lay on the bottom).
  10. Put the mushrooms tightly in containers and pour the brine in which they and spices were prepared.
  11. Cork with plastic lids, the jars should cool, and then rearrange to a colder and darker place.
  12. A month later, you can enjoy salted pigs with spicy aroma carnations.

How to salt pig mushrooms for the winter

This salting recipe will tell you how to make a large amount of salted mushrooms, if you are lucky enough to collect a lot of them in the forest. The number of mushrooms in this recipe is from ten kilograms, that is, of course, you can salt 20, 30 kg, but calculate the amount of products based on this recipe(for example, if ten kilograms of mushrooms / half a kilo of salt, then 20 kg / 1 kg, respectively, and so on, the same with spices.)


  • ten kg of pigs;
  • 500 g rock salt;
  • 1 bol. a bunch of overripe dill;
  • 30 pcs. blackcurrant leaves;
  • two heads of garlic;
  • 20 peas of allspice and black pepper.

Salting pigs for the winter:

  1. Process the collected mushrooms.
  2. Place the pig caps in large containers, fill with water (it should be slightly salted) and soak for 24 hours, changing the water four times.
  3. Then they need to be blanched for 20 minutes.
  4. Throw in a colander (sieve), let the water drain, at the same time the pigs will cool down.
  5. Prepare a capacious container for salting (barrel, bucket, tub): pour boiling water over and dry.
  6. Pour a layer of rock salt on the bottom of the selected container, then tamp the layer mushroom caps(about 4-5 centimeters), salt again and scatter some of the spices with chopped garlic, repeat the process until you put all the ingredients. Hats are stacked with the ribbed side up.
  7. Put on upper layer swine a clean cloth, put a wooden circle on it (a large plate, a lid) and put a press.
  8. Store the container with salting at a temperature not exceeding +7°C.
  9. Pigs will be ready in a month and a half.
  10. When salted, the pigs will settle and give juice, this will be a brine in which they must be completely hidden, if you find that the brine is not enough, then add boiled chilled water with this calculation - 20 grams of salt / one liter of water.

Salted pigs are non-traditional favorites on the table among mushroom snacks however, they are still popular today. Many who have tried them in salty form say that they are very tasty. The main thing in the process of cooking these, and indeed all mushrooms, is correct handling Otherwise, food that is tasty at first can cause sad consequences.

And we all childhood and youth ate pigs! Fried with potatoes - yummy! And everyone is alive! But, having been in intensive care with appendicitis, I saw terrible cases after ingestion of ROLLED mushrooms (All mushroom pickers were experienced and collected exclusively familiar mushrooms), - half of the fatal cases, the rest - loss of vision and paralysis ... since then I have not risked domestic I don't do rollovers. It is ONLY in industry that conditions can be obtained for the destruction of botulinum toxin. At home - under no circumstances is there such a guarantee, which means that this is our kind of Japanese fugue. Don't take risks, it's better to just pickle in a can or a barrel, even in a jar - you will be more alive!

We want to warn mushroom pickers: Dunka (piggy) is a time bomb!

It contains an antigen that, when it enters the human body, causes the formation of antibodies (agglutinins) in the blood that destroy red blood cells. Moreover, poisoning can occur after a very indefinite time, even after many years of eating duneki in food, it all depends on the susceptibility of the body. Remember! Dunka (pig) - poisonous mushroom. POISONOUS! Only if a person eats a pale toadstool, after a short time he ends up in intensive care and from there safely moves to the cemetery - then, having eaten duneks (pigs), he simply will not feel anything, and his condition does not seem to worsen. But - pig toxins accumulate in the body, while causing the formation of antibodies that destroy erythrocytes (red blood cells). Consequence: red blood cells disintegrate, hemoglobin comes out of them (hemolysis process), the liver and kidneys are affected. As a result, it is quite possible to earn anemia, jaundice, without knowing the root cause. heat treatment these toxins are not destroyed, so it is not possible to make these mushrooms edible by boiling.”

In this regard, in many areas it is considered a conditionally edible mushroom that can be eaten after prolonged soaking and boiling for 30-40 minutes. In fact, all this does not correspond to the true state of affairs.

Thanks to many years of chemical and toxicological research, scientists have been able to reliably establish the composition of the pulp of this fungus.

It turned out that one of the most insidious types of poisons is present in the thin pig. This is muscarine. It is heat-resistant, which means that even prolonged (more than 3 hours) boiling of the mushroom extract does not lead to its detoxification. In the course of numerous biological experiments, it was adopted that in the pulp in huge quantities contains a specific antigenic protein that is aggressive towards the red blood cells of the human body.

Penetrating into the blood, it forms stable compounds, on the basis of which the reaction of agglutination (gluing) of erythrocytes begins. A person can experience instant blood clotting with the formation of blood clots in the heart muscle, large vessels of the brain.

Signs of poisoning and characteristic symptoms
Eating a thin pig inevitably leads to the development of acute and chronic poisoning. Signs of the acute phase appear literally 30-40 minutes after eating. This is a typical muscarinic syndrome and may include:

increased separation of saliva;
weakness and dizziness;
weakening and decrease in the rhythm of the pulse wave;
lowering blood pressure.
In the future, vomiting and repeated loose stools join. Immediate health care. Death can occur upon ingestion a large number poison. In this case, swelling of the brain and lung tissue develops rapidly.
