
Salted tomatoes in a bag per day. Lightly salted tomatoes in packages with garlic and instant herbs

Enjoy delicious, tender and refreshing salted tomatoes possible at any time of the year. Cherry tomatoes are especially suitable for this treat. They have a thin skin and elastic flesh, which gives them priority in salting. They are very strong, beautiful and extremely tasty. A fragrant seasonings and herbs add a unique piquancy.

Here are some secrets and life hacks on the way to the perfect snack:

  1. Vegetables can be pierced in several places with a toothpick or cut with a knife so that they marinate faster. So the brine will quickly saturate the structure of the fetus;
  2. Tomatoes are best taken slightly unripe. Such fruits will keep their shape better and longer than their overripe counterparts;
  3. If you want a spicier result, add more garlic and horseradish. You should not overdo it, as their excess can adversely affect their elasticity. Usually, 3-6 cloves of garlic and 1 leaf of horseradish are enough for 1 kilogram of tomatoes;
  4. All the ingredients for the marinade are best chopped. For example, torn or chopped dill will fulfill its fragrant mission to the best extent than its whole sprigs;
  5. In the refrigerator, vegetables pickle longer, but the taste is richer. Therefore, if the meal does not require haste, you can pickle them in the refrigerator, if you are impatient to taste the treasured fruit, then leave them right on the kitchen table.

Garlic and greens are the main friends of salted snacks. It is they, in alliance with other seasonings or without them, that saturate wonderful aroma, sharpness and freshness. Therefore, almost every recipe for pickled tomatoes contains these two ingredients. We will not deviate from traditions, and right now we will prepare tomatoes with garlic and dill.


  1. 1 kilogram of slightly unripe cherry tomatoes;
  2. half a bunch of dill;
  3. half a bunch of parsley sprigs;
  4. a little cilantro;
  5. 1 liter of ordinary water;
  6. 4 peppercorns;
  7. 2 cloves;
  8. 2 laurels;
  9. 5 cloves of garlic;
  10. 1 tablespoon of granulated sugar;
  11. 2 tablespoons coarse salt;
  12. 5 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice.

Wash and dry tomatoes. In each tomato, make a puncture with a toothpick at the place where the stalk grows. Thus, the pulp of the vegetable will be soaked faster fragrant brine and you will be able to taste the appetizer sooner.

Put a saucepan on the stove and pour water into it. Add salt, sand, lemon juice, cloves and pepper. Lavrushka slightly wrinkle in the palm of your hand and also lower it into the water. Once the brine boils, boil it for about 5 minutes. Remove from the stove and leave to cool at 60 degrees.

Chop up all cooked greens. Garlic is best cut into slices or small sticks. Passing it through a press in the case of brine pickling is not worth it, as it can cloud the liquid externally.

In the prepared dishes (pan, jar, etc.), put the tomatoes and shift them with greenfinch and garlic. Pour over the cooled marinade and cover.

If you are lightly salting in a wide bowl and the vegetables are floating on the surface, put a saucer on top and oppression so that each vegetable is completely immersed in the brine.

Put the dishes in the refrigerator for 8-12 hours. I usually make a pickle in the late afternoon and remove the infusion at night. In the morning everyone runs to the refrigerator to try their favorite treat.

Such tomatoes are stored for a short time, no more than 2 days in the refrigerator. But I still do not remember a single case when they lingered on the table for more than 1 day.

Recipe for salted tomatoes in a bag

I just love this recipe. Tomatoes are unusually rich and fragrant. And the dry method is very easy to perform and does not require much storage space.


  1. half a kilo of cherry tomatoes;
  2. a small bunch of parsley and dill;
  3. 4 cloves of peeled garlic;
  4. coarse salt to taste (I use about 1 teaspoon).

The set of ingredients is minimal and in the summer they can all be found in the garden. Optionally, you can add your favorite spices and herbs. But even without them, it turns out to be a meal.

Rinse all the ingredients and get rid of excess liquid - put on a towel. Peel the garlic and crush with a garlic press. Finely chop all the prepared greens. In a separate bowl, combine garlic, herbs and salt. To stir thoroughly.

Cut the tomatoes a little with a knife so that they are better and more evenly saturated with brine.

In a bowl, mix the vegetables with the green mixture and put all this beauty in a strong plastic bag. If only ordinary packing bags are in service, then it is better to use two. After all, very soon the tomatoes will give juice and it can leak.

Let the pickle brew right on the table for a couple of hours. Then put it in a cold room for the night.

Serve the delicacy in a way convenient for you, with side dishes or in pure form. It will be delicious either way!

How to pickle cherry tomatoes in a saucepan

Now I will introduce you to another wonderful recipe that I cook very often. Such an appetizer turns out to be spicy, and the taste is very spicy and rich. For lovers of sharper - this is the most ideal option.

We will cook in a saucepan to make it easier to lay out the ingredients in layers.


  1. 2 kilograms of cherry;
  2. 1-2 hot peppers;
  3. 1-2 paprika;
  4. 6 cloves of garlic;
  5. half a horseradish root (if small, then use a whole one);
  6. 1 cap or 1 tablespoon dill seeds
  7. 2 pieces of currant, apple and cherry leaves;
  8. 4 tablespoons of salt (without a slide);
  9. 2 tablespoons of granulated sugar (without a slide).

All ingredients, of course, must first be washed and slightly dried. Put 1 part of all the prepared greens into the prepared pan. You can tear it slightly, or you can lay it whole. Pepper and garlic will also fall here.

Pierce each tomato a little with a skewer or fork in the growth area of ​​the stalk. Spread one part of the tomatoes on scented pillow from herbs. So repeat the layers one more time.

Cover the top layer of tomatoes with hot pepper and herbs. Prepare brine. To do this, boil water and stir it completely with salt and sand. Remove from heat and pour over a saucepan with vegetables, set oppression and leave to cool. Then clean in a cold room for 2-3 days.

The appetizer is simply enchanting and flies away with a bang! Try it yourself!

Quick Salted Tomato Recipe

This recipe is emergency. quick tomatoes always helps me out in an emergency. For example, guests descended, but there is nothing to put on the table. Or urgently wanted something salty and couldn't stand it. Then this wonderful method comes to the rescue.


  1. about 1 kilogram of medium-ripening cherry tomatoes;
  2. half a tablespoon of granulated sugar;
  3. 1 tablespoon of coarse non-iodized salt;
  4. 4 small cloves of garlic;
  5. greens to taste (I usually use dill, parsley and fresh cilantro).

Wash and dry all tomatoes. With the dry method of salting, we have absolutely nothing to do excess water. Cut off the tips from the side of the stalks for the fastest salting. On the other hand, it is better to make shallow cuts with a knife in the form of a cross.

If you have planned a more spicy dish, then the amount of garlic can be increased. It's also a great idea to add a horseradish root or leaf. Well, hot pepper in this case is not superfluous.

Peel the garlic and finely chop. You can pass through a grater or garlic press. Wash greens and lightly tear with your hands. Put everything in a bag and send prepared cherry tomatoes there. Sprinkle with salt and sand. Tie the bag and put it for insurance in another one of the same.

Gently, but as carefully as possible, shake the contents of the bags so that everything is evenly mixed in a fragrant union. Leave the workpiece on the table for a couple of hours. If you want to enjoy a cooler dish, remove after insisting in a cold place for another hour. It turns out simply excellent, very tasty and juicy snack!

It is impossible not to love pickled and salted tomatoes. Everyone in our family just loves them and always requires supplements. In winter, when our crop is no longer there, we do not infringe on our passions and prepare purchased vegetables. And in the spring and summer comes a real paradise for lovers of salty.

This dish goes well with potatoes in any form. In addition, we often cook it for meat, poultry or fish skewers. Yes, and it will come in very handy with cereal side dishes. And just freshen up with a salty tomato - it's worth a lot. The brine also does not go unnoticed. This wonderful drink Perfectly refreshing on a hot day or on a heavy post-holiday morning.

What are your favorite recipes and ways of light salting? Have you tried to cook tomatoes according to at least one of the above recipes? Did you like the result? If these recipes are a new discovery for you, then be sure to cook them for your family. The result is guaranteed to be 100%. Good luck and see you soon!

All those who are not alien to cooking indulge themselves with lightly salted cucumbers. But most housewives forget that tomatoes can also be cooked in the same way. Meanwhile, tomatoes in a bag - lightly salted, with garlic - are cooked very quickly, they turn out to be plump and appetizing and require very little effort on the part of the cook. In addition, they can be given the most different taste, satisfying the gourmet addictions of his family.

A few important rules

To salted tomatoes they quickly “ripe” in the package, you need to take small tomatoes, something like medium-sized “cream” or cherry tomatoes. You can speed up the process even more by incising the place where the stalk was attached. Just don't overdo it with the depth, so that the tomato does not become soft.

For uniform salting, all fruits should be approximately the same size. Sorting takes a few minutes, but guarantees the desired result.

The package must be found durable - it must withstand both the weight of the tomatoes and periodic shaking. If you are not sure about the strength of the package, put it in a couple more bags.

You can’t stuff the bag tightly: the tomatoes will release the juice, and there should be room for it.

Avoid storing tomatoes that have already been salted in the bag. First, if they are left tied, they may "suffocate". A mold taste qualities Well, it doesn't improve. Secondly, from overexposure, tomatoes can become lethargic and begin to spread under the fingers. Thirdly, they are elementary salted and bitter.

If the tomatoes turned out to be salted due to excess salt or overexposure, you need to add a little sugar to the bag, shake the bag and leave to lie down for a third of an hour.

How to cook salted tomatoes with garlic in a bag: the first recipe

The set of products listed below is designed for a dozen tomatoes. So, the tomatoes are prepared for pickling, that is, they are washed (no need to dry), pierced with a toothpick and folded into a strong bag. They fall in there: large spoon salt and a little sugar, five cloves of garlic, if desired - spices in the form of dill, horseradish leaves and peppercorns. Tie, shake - and warm until tomorrow.

Salted tomatoes in a bag in 5 minutes, of course, will not reach the standard. But if you want to get them faster, cross-cut the end of the tomato opposite the stalk and completely cut out the place with which it was attached to the stem - and after a couple of hours you can already try the pickles.

Let's add pepper

To make the tomatoes in the bag (salted, with garlic) even more interesting and varied in taste, you can add them bell pepper. Eight tomatoes usually put one or two medium pods. Tomatoes are prepared for shipment in a bag in the manner already described. The pepper is peeled and cut into narrow strips. Half a head of garlic is recommended not only to be freed from the husk, but also cut lengthwise into halves. In addition to vegetables, the package contains fresh dill with parsley and lemon balm, a full spoonful of sugar and salt, oregano, sage and rosemary (they can also be used in dried form). If you like it spicy, add some grain mustard. Shake - and forget about the package, this time for two days: unlike salted tomatoes with garlic, the pepper in the bag is salted longer.

Tomatoes plus cucumbers

So to speak, two in one: both favorite vegetables will be available. They are taken into equal amounts and (by eye) the same size. Let's say six. Tomatoes are pierced, cucumbers are cut off "butt" from both ends. Garlic in original recipe five teeth are indicated, you can adjust according to your own preferences. Again, it is recommended to chop it into slices, but if you do not like a pronounced garlic smell, put it whole. We put it in a package. Lightly salted and with garlic - your household will surely like them! From the greens are taken parsley, dill and carrot tops. The first two herbs are crushed, the tops are placed whole. Salt - a full spoon, sugar - with lack of sleep. The vegetables should lie overnight in the refrigerator in a bag, then they must be moved to a container along with the brine.

Vinegar Recipe

In recent years, it has become fashionable to appreciate salinity that lacks vinegar. Nevertheless, traditionalists remained who "respect" blanks with the presence of this component. Especially for them - a recipe for salted tomatoes in a bag, where vinegar is used as a preservative. Eight tomatoes leave a head of chopped garlic, chopped dill, three tablespoons of salt and 30 ml table vinegar. All ingredients are combined and poured into a bag. Tomatoes are already laid in the mixture, tied, shaken and placed in a dark place for two hours. It doesn't take long to wait for the tasting!

Flight of fancy approved!

If you're shy at first, try it basic version recipe for lightly salted tomatoes in a bag. Once you're sure the system works, invent your own. You can start the experiment by adding turmeric or basil. You can try cilantro, but be very careful, it still has too much strong smell. But with dry spices, you can behave more freely, although, again, without extremism. Some chefs successfully lightly salt stuffed tomatoes- here it would be appropriate to recall the filling from Armenian or Georgian cuisine. Do not forget about the note that gives pickles hot pepper- without it, supporters of spicy food are unlikely to do.

A very interesting option is when greens and garlic are put into cross-shaped cuts on tomatoes. But to get a successful result, you will have to buy hard fruits, brown, and possibly green: fully ripened tomatoes can turn into a slurred porridge by the end of pickling.

Cherries have several advantages over ordinary tomatoes. They are tastier, and there is no dispute, they are small and convenient to eat, and again, they are small, which means that they can be cooked very quickly. appetizer - salted tomatoes. I will present several recipes for salted cherry tomatoes, and you will choose for yourself which of these recipes you like best.

  • 1 kg cherry;
  • 2 tbsp. l. salt;
  • 1 head of garlic;
  • greens: dill, cilantro, cockerel, basil… any greens you like.

Wash the tomatoes and remove them from the stems. You do not need to dry them specially, it is absolutely superfluous.

Take a toothpick and poke a hole in the stalk of each tomato.

Fold them up tight plastic bag. Peel the garlic and squeeze it with a garlic press directly into the bag. Send chopped herbs and salt there.

Seal the bag and mix the contents well. Leave the cherry bag to lie down room temperature 2-3 hours, after which, put it in the refrigerator.

In 24 hours lightly salted cherry tomatoes will be ready.

Hot Cherry Ambassador

If you are in a hurry and you need a snack literally today, use this recipe. The composition of the ingredients is almost the same, only 1 tbsp is added. l. sugar and 1 liter of water. Sugar is added for mildness of taste, and it is up to you to add it or not.

Wash the cherry and pierce the “ass” with a toothpick in the same way.

Put the tomatoes in a saucepan and immediately sprinkle them with herbs and crushed garlic.

Optionally, you can add Bay leaf. Pour water into another saucepan and add salt and sugar. Heat the brine on the stove and bring it to a boil. When the salt and sugar are completely dissolved, pour the tomatoes with this boiling brine, and immediately cover the pan with a lid. When the brine with tomatoes has cooled, lightly salted tomatoes will be ready.

cold pickled cherry recipe

For cold salting, you need a wooden barrel, a plastic bucket, or a three-liter bottle. Since it is not necessary to speed up the salting process, it is not necessary to pierce the tomatoes, unlike previous recipes, where well-ripened cherry tomatoes are needed, it is better to take solid, or even slightly unripe fruits.

Wash the tomatoes. At the bottom of the bucket, make a "pillow" of horseradish leaves, cherries and dill stalks.

Put the tomatoes in a bucket and prepare the brine.

  • For 10 kg cherry
  • 5 liters of water;
  • 150 gr. Salt.

Dilute salt in water. To speed up, you can warm the brine a little, but do not need to boil it. Tomatoes should be poured with brine at room temperature, but in no case hot. The brine should completely cover the tomatoes, and if necessary, add regular cold water. As a disinfectant, you can add a few cloves of crushed garlic.

Leave the tomatoes in the body place for a few days. When the brine becomes cloudy and foam appears on top, then the process has begun and you can try the tomatoes, and take the rest to the cellar. Cover the bucket with a lid, but not tightly, so that the gases that are released during fermentation come out.

Each of these recipes is good, and it's hard to choose the best one.

Another recipe for making salted cherry tomatoes, see the video:

The cultivation of these tomatoes began to be practiced about 50 years ago. Today, the Cherry variety is grown by many gardeners. And this is not surprising. So much popularity vegetable crop received not only beautiful view, but also for the opportunity to cook many snacks from tomatoes. But the leading place is occupied by the harvesting of lightly salted Cherry tomatoes for the winter.

Cherries for pickling are selected slightly unripe. They will retain their shape throughout the entire process. But overripe specimens will turn into porridge.

For lovers of spicy dishes, it is better to add more horseradish with garlic to the preparation. But the main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise an excess of these ingredients will lead to a loss of elasticity of the tomatoes. It is estimated that 3 to 6 cloves of garlic and 1 leaf of horseradish are ideal for 1 kg of tomatoes.

Experienced housewives always pre-crush all the components of the future marinade. Chopped dill will saturate the brine better than whole branches.

In the cold, tomatoes soak in the marinade longer, but the taste becomes very pronounced. But if you can’t wait, you can leave them on the table for 24 hours and try daily tomatoes.

Selection and preparation of fruits

The fruits are used for pickling. good quality no dents or rotten spots.

Tomatoes are washed warm water. Do not leave them in water for more than 5 minutes. And even more so, soaking is excluded.

To preserve the integrity of the tomatoes after pouring the marinade, it is recommended not to lay them cold. It is best if they are left to lie on the table for 5 or 6 hours.

The most optimal ratio of salt and granulated sugar in the marinade is 1 to 2. If you increase the amount of sugar to 3 parts, then in the end the tomatoes will turn out to be sweetish.

cooking recipes

Over the years, a great number of them have been collected. It is impossible to give any recipe a greater preference. Below are the most popular and easy ways to pickle tomatoes of this variety.

Hot Ambassador Cherry

Having prepared tomatoes in this way, you can already eat them on the same day. The following ingredients are required:

  • 3 kg of tomatoes;
  • 100 g of garlic;
  • 2.5 liters of water;
  • 50 g of sugar;
  • 50 g of salt;
  • lavrushka leaf;
  • dill;
  • parsley.

In this recipe granulated sugar added only to give the taste a kind of softness. Therefore, if desired, it can be completely excluded.

Cherries are washed and pierced with a toothpick. Then they are put into a bowl, sprinkled with herbs, crushed garlic and bay leaves are added there.

Water is placed in another saucepan, salt is poured and, if desired, sugar. The brine is heated on a burner and brought to a boil. Then tomatoes are poured into it, and the dishes are closed with a lid. After cooling the workpiece, the tomatoes can already be tasted.

cold cured cherry recipe

To prepare this appetizer, take wooden barrel, plastic bucket or large bottle. According to this recipe, it is not supposed to pierce the tomatoes, because there is no point in adjusting the salting.

Cherries are selected firm and slightly unripe.

Salt Ingredients:

  • 10 kg of tomatoes;
  • 5 liters of water;
  • 150 g salt.

Horseradish leaves, cherries or dill stalks are placed at the bottom of the container. Vegetables are sprinkled on top.

Salt is diluted in water, the brine is slightly heated (if necessary) to room temperature and poured into a bowl with tomatoes. They should be completely under the marinade. If it is not enough, then you can add plain water. Crushed garlic is also added there.

Tomatoes are left warm for several days. When the brine becomes cloudy and foam appears on top, this means that the pickling was successful, and you can already try the workpiece. The container is covered with a lid and placed in a cool place.

With garlic and herbs


  • 1 kg cherry;
  • half bunches of dill and parsley;
  • cilantro;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • a pinch of black peppercorns;
  • 2 pcs. cloves;
  • 2 leaves of lavrushka;
  • 5 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 st. l. Sahara;
  • 2 tbsp. l. salt;
  • 5 st. l. lemon juice.

Cherries are washed and dried. In each of them, punctures are made.

A saucepan is placed on the burner, water is poured. Salt, sugar, lemon juice, clove, pepper, lavrushka. After the start of boiling, the brine languishes for 5 minutes. Then it cools down to 60 degrees.

All greens crumble, garlic is cut into slices. Tomatoes are laid out in another bowl, sprinkled with herbs and garlic. From above, everything is poured with marinade and covered with a lid. All vegetables should be completely submerged in the brine. If they emerge, then it is necessary to hoist oppression.

The container with salt is put in the refrigerator for the night. The next morning, the preparation can already be eaten.

Quick recipe for salted tomatoes in a bag


  • 0.5 kg Cherry;
  • bunch of parsley and dill;
  • 4 garlic cloves;
  • 1 tsp salt.

All products are washed and dried on a towel. The garlic is crushed under pressure. The greens crumble.

In a separate container, garlic is combined with greenfinch and salt. Everything is thoroughly mixed. Tomatoes are cut a little for better and even marinade impregnation and are added to the green mixture. Then the contents are laid out in a plastic bag and infused for 2 hours on the table and put in the refrigerator.

with grapes

For cooking you need:

  • 1 kg cherry;
  • 1 kg of grapes;
  • a bunch of dill;
  • 4 leaves of horseradish;
  • 100 g of sugar;
  • 2 tbsp. l. salt;
  • 2 tbsp. l. vinegar;
  • 4 bay leaves;
  • 10 black peppercorns.

The berries are cut off, washed thoroughly. Zelenushka and horseradish are laid out in a jar. Tomatoes and grapes are placed on top in layers to the top.

The contents are poured with boiling water, covered and infused for 10 minutes. Then the water is drained, boiled again, sugar and salt are poured, vinegar is poured.

Then the brine is sent back to the container with the future pickle. Banks are hermetically sealed.

without vinegar

This recipe helps to quickly pickle vegetables. To do this, you need to purchase:

  • 1 kg of tomatoes;
  • a bunch of dill and parsley;
  • 6 garlic cloves;
  • 2 tsp salt.

The greens are crushed, the garlic is crushed. Then both ingredients are mixed and sprinkled with salt. The resulting mixture is combined with Cherry. Everything is well mixed.

Vegetables are transferred to a bag that is tightly tied, shaken, placed in any container. The dishes are sent to the refrigerator for several hours.

Pickled Green Cherry Tomatoes

The recipe calls for the following:

  • 2 kg green cherry;
  • 10 leaves of blackcurrant;
  • 4 umbrellas of dill;
  • 2 heads of garlic;
  • 6 horseradish leaves;
  • 1-2 hot peppers;
  • 5 peppercorns;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 4 tbsp. l. salt.

The garlic is cut into slices, all the greens are washed.

A few leaves of currant, horseradish, pepper, dill are placed in a 3-liter jar. Tomatoes are stacked on top, then garlic cloves, bitter pepper, horseradish, dill. Layers alternate until the container is full.

Salt is diluted in water. The resulting cold brine poured over the tomatoes. The jar is closed and taken out into the cold. The pickle takes an average of 20 days to prepare.

Lightly salted tomatoes in a bag - the easiest and most fast way pickles, both red and green. Absolutely any variety of vegetables can be salted in this way, and as a result, tomatoes in a bag are obtained strong (dense) in consistency, moderately sweet, moderately salty and moderately spicy. In a word, pickled tomatoes with garlic in a bag are great snack for all occasions.

At home, pickling tomatoes in a bag is very easy. Right now we will present a quick and easy step by step recipe.

To make the tomatoes with garlic in the bag not only tasty and juicy, but also look aesthetically pleasing, we recommend that you select vegetables of approximately the same size. In addition, the fruits must be strong, without damage.

You will need:

  • red tomatoes (it is best to use fleshy varieties, you can "Cherry") - 2 kg .;
  • fresh dill in umbrellas and twigs - 1 umbrella and 1 bunch;
  • salt - 2 or 2.5 dessert spoons;
  • granulated sugar - 2 teaspoons;
  • garlic - 10 cloves (the less garlic, the less spicy the finished dish).

You can cook salted tomatoes in a jar, see.

How to pickle tomatoes in a bag, a detailed description of the cooking process

Tomatoes selected for salting mine, if it is a “plum” variety or the like, cut off the tip of the spout. If round tomatoes or cherry tomatoes are used, we make a small puncture at the tip of the vegetables with a knife.

We put the prepared vegetables in a regular plastic bag.

On a note! Today, especially for cases of pickling vegetables in bags and a number of others, hardware stores sell special bags with a lock-clip on top. We recommend using them.

Add finely chopped garlic, a finely chopped bunch of dill and one dill umbrella to the tomatoes (can be cut into pieces).

Dill seeds, located on the inflorescences, give the tomatoes a fragrant aroma, and therefore we recommend that you add at least one dill umbrella to the package.

Add sugar to the ingredients in the bag, salt and close the bag.

We shake the products well several times and leave them on the table or in any other place at room temperature for 3-4 hours. During this time, periodically, for example, every half an hour or an hour, shake the products.

If you are using an ordinary thin plastic bag for pickling, it is best to take two at once and put one inside the other. Special tight bags with a clip are enough for one.

After 4 hours, the products can be stored in the refrigerator. In this case, vegetables can be consumed in two days, they will be completely ready and pickled. If you leave the tomatoes to marinate for a day at room temperature, then you can try them immediately after 24 hours. Store pickled tomatoes in a bag in the refrigerator. Shelf life depending on the variety and maturity of tomatoes from 10 to 15 days.

Note. If you are pickling green tomatoes, then the period of pickling them at room temperature and in the refrigerator should be at least doubled. The readiness of the product can be checked by trying a tomato.
