
How to make natural icing dye. Yogurt cake with colored icing

On the shelves there is a wide range of synthetic dyes that help create rich color Dessert.

It is very easy to work with coloring compositions of synthetic origin, they are stored for a long time, and do not deteriorate under the influence of external factors (humidity, sun rays and temperatures of different indicators).

However, if you prefer to use exclusively natural compounds as dyes, even if it turns out a more faded color, but 100% there will be no allergic reaction in children, then you should learn how to cook them from different natural products familiar to the body.

Dyes natural origin isolated from animals and vegetable sources in a physical way. Such coloring compositions are not actually subjected to chemical modification, only in exceptional cases when it is necessary to keep the product longer (under factory production conditions). Root vegetables, leaves, and other products are often used as raw materials for obtaining the natural origin of food coloring. plant origin.

Under mass production conditions, dyes of natural origin are produced in the form of granules, powder formulations, liquids or oils.

The brightness of the coloring compositions with a similar manufacturing process depends on the time of year of collection of products, the conditions of its growth and other things. The main advantage of coloring compositions of natural origin is the fact that they can be prepared independently at home. Take a look around, because for sure in the refrigerator or on the shelves in the pantry you will find a whole set of everything you need.

Natural dyes: a list of primary colors

For coloring culinary products natural food formulations The primary colors used are yellow, red and blue. Yes, they are not as bright and saturated as products of synthetic origin, but they are clearly safer for the human, and especially the children's body.

Shortcakes are baked like regular biscuit bases until done. And here we have such beautiful ones.

Now consider in more detail the origin of each natural color:

getting ready food coloring very simple: finely chopped selected ingredient is poured with acidified water into a small amount. The mass is put on fire and brought to a boil, after which the composition is filtered. Another option for obtaining red juice: the product is finely rubbed or kneaded in a mortar, filtered from the pulp.

IN pure form Blue colour obtained from indigo paste mixed with starch. In scale food production Indigo carmine paste (black-bluish in color) is used, which forms a pure blue solution. The indigo dye is isolated from certain types shellfish.

Although orange colors for coloring culinary products can be obtained from a number of products, both familiar and familiar to us, and inaccessible. Consider all types of ingredients presented in the photo, you will recognize each of them, only not everyone will have to find it on the shelves of retail outlets.

When it comes to creative culinary inspiration, you can experiment and try to make new colors for coloring desserts.

We have all heard about the dangers of synthetic dyes. But not everyone knows that you can get natural food colors at home.

And now let's take a closer look at the cakes from the store - multi-colored acid-colored curls, gold and silver-colored beads, and many more completely unimaginable decorations.

What is it made of? What is added as dyes? But you can decorate the cake with your own hands, using natural food coloring.

It may not be as bright and beautiful as on cakes from a pastry shop, but it will be no less tasty and safer for health.

Here are some tips about how to make natural dyes without harmful additives.

In order to receive yellow cream take a strong juicy carrots(1-2 pieces), cut it into rings 0.5-0.7 cm thick and fry in butter over low heat until carrots are soft.

Then knead it or rub it through a strainer and mix with softened butter. Take as much oil as you got a mass of grated carrots. Add paint to the rest of the cream and you can decorate the cake.

Also to get yellow color you can also take juicy yellow pepper, juice yellow boiled beets (light color), juicy pineapple carrot juice, mix turmeric powder with a spoonful of warm water.

green coloration can be obtained by mixing freshly squeezed spinach juice into the cream.

Also green color gives: cabbage, parsley, lettuce, cucumbers, Bell pepper, watercress, boiled green vegetables.

If you have cherries or raspberries - you can get red or pink natural dye for cream. Suitable and cranberries, as well as a decoction of beets.

Beets should be cut finely and placed in a saucepan with acidified water. Do not pour a lot of water, let it cover the beets by 3-4 fingers. Bring beets to a boil, remove from heat, let stand for 1-2 minutes and strain. Environmentally friendly dye is ready. Cool and add to cream.

For getting pink/red also suitable: red pepper, tomato, choose dark red tomatoes, boiled pomegranate juice, sweet paprika powder.

To get Orange color , mix yellow carrot and red beetroot (or berry).

If there is an orange, you can get a bright dye orange color, rubbing on a grater orange peel and squeeze the juice out of it.

Purple / Blue the color is obtained from: blueberry juice, fresh or boiled red cabbage juice, frozen eggplant skin juice, blackberry juice, and black or purple grape juice.

Cocoa powder will give your cream a pleasant chocolate color.

Natural dyes deteriorate quickly from the action of light and air, so they must be kept closed, in dark glass bottles, in cool place and use it as soon as possible.

Colored glaze can safely be called an invention in the field of cooking, which has become unique in its kind.

You will be surprised how colored glaze, because this is an incredibly simple process, despite the fact that the product is in confectionery business irreplaceable.

Colored glaze covers gingerbread, it is applied to marshmallows, cupcakes, cakes and pastries. All in all, sweet mass is able to make desserts even more delicious and beautiful, and even has the ability to increase energy value.

Glaze is a combination of sugar and protein. In order for it to have a bright color, you need to tint it and bring it to a certain consistency.

As additives, it is customary to use different products. It can be vanillin, juices, cocoa, cream (low fat), cl. oil, etc.

They make the surface of the glaze matte or mirror, the taste is sour or sweet, and they differ in color. Professional confectioners do not hide the recipe for colored glaze.

It is for this reason that every hostess in her kitchen can master the recipe. This is exactly what I propose to do after reading my article.

Basic principles of cooking

There are several ways to prepare colored glaze. It could be icing heat treatment and deprived of it.

Confectionery does not always require a baking process. The taste of the glaze, depending on the method of preparation, will be slightly different.

The difference lies in the cooking process and ingredients.

If the icing is made without heat transfer, you need to take a vegetable or fruit juice, chickens squirrels, lemon and sugar. powder. Latest Product I recommend sifting before mixing with lemon juice and protein.

Fruit juice should be added to the mixture, depending on what color of glaze you want to end up with. The components must be mixed well with each other.

That's all - color homemade icing is ready, it remains only to cover the pastries with it.

If you are processing glaze, you need to take water, sugar. sand, juice First of all, I mix sugar and water and put it on fire so that the mass boils.

When you get the syrup, you need to remove it and pour in the juice. As the mixture cools, it will begin to harden.

There is another option on how to prepare colored icing to paint desserts. It must be admitted that this option is in unprecedented demand.

Often, you can see it on pastries, on which decoration elements are painted in color. One gets the impression that the colored icing is similar to the one that covers Easter cakes, but in fact this is not at all the case.

It is necessary that the colored mass is dense, does not crumble, and even has an even structure.

Below is a recipe for how to make such a colored icing at home.

Colored home glaze

Components: 1 piece chickens. protein; 200 gr. sugar powders; 1 tbsp lemon juice; food dye.

The proportions of sugar powders are indicated for 1 pc. chickens. squirrel.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Kur. the protein must be poured into a bowl, but before that, remove all the fibers. Otherwise, the glaze will be spoiled.
  2. I sow sah. powder through a sieve. I mix with chicken. protein. I beat the mass to get a white color.
  3. I add lemon juice and continue beating. It is necessary that the glaze be thick, because only such a mixture will be able to draw thin lines. It is for this reason that a little more sah may be needed. powder.
  4. I bring in the dye. Coated with confectionery syringe. But if you don’t have one, you can take a bag made of polyethylene or parchment.

Bright glaze with vanilla for gingerbread

Gingerbread glaze is translucent. Looking at it, you can see a lot of white stains. Thanks to her, the last step in the preparation of delicious gingerbread is taken.

Its composition is simple, but it is important to follow the cooking algorithm exactly as the recipe indicates.

Components: floor art. water; vanilla powder; 1 st. sugar sand.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. I boil water together with sugar. sand. Need to appear on the surface big bubbles. As a rule, this process begins when the syrup is heated to 100 gr.
  2. I remove the broth from the fire, let the mass cool. I introduce vanilla or another flavor.
  3. I cover the gingerbread with icing when it becomes room temperature(from 32 to 40 gr.). It is not worth working with hot mass, because you can get burned, and ruin all the pastries.
  4. I put the finished gingerbread cookies on the wire rack and leave them aside for a couple of hours. During this time, the excess glaze will drain, the mass will harden.

My advice to you: if you are icing small gingerbread cookies, you should put them in the mixture and take them out using a slotted spoon. But glaze large gingerbread with a kitchen brush.

Professional glaze color

Color glaze is used by professional confectioners. This type characterized by a dense structure, it amazingly retains its brightness, does not break, does not exfoliate and hardens well.


half tsp almond extract; corn syrup; 2 tbsp. sugar powders (you can use sugar sand); 4 tbsp milk; dyes.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. I mix sugar. powder with the specified amount of milk. The mass will look like a viscous mixture.
  2. I introduce extract and syrup. Whipping. The mixture will become shiny.
  3. I lay out the mass in forms. I bring in the dye. You can take the same fruit juice. To draw small drawings, I take a simple syringe, and to cover a large surface, I advise you to use a brush.

Creamy glaze colored

It will turn out to make at home not hard, but not soft glaze, which can be tinted in different colors. Also feel free to use it in its original form.

Components: 2 tbsp. sugar powders; 1 st. cream; 1 tbsp sl. oils; van. powder.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. I pour the cream into a bowl for cooking. I put sl. oil and heat. The mass needs to melt.
  2. I bring sah. powder and vanillin.
  3. I beat the mass with a mixer, I reach desired consistency. I add dyes.

Pink frosting

The cooking algorithm is simple, you can make bright raspberry icing at home Pink colour. Only in fact you can make it any color and taste.

Introduce carrot juice, beetroot, cranberry or apple, orange or strawberry. The choice is entirely yours. Just know that you need to use only natural juice!

Ingredients: 500 ml raspberry juice; 700 gr. Sahara.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. I grind raspberries with a sieve, if there is a juicer, you can use it. The juice will turn out clean, without a single bone.
  2. Boil by adding sugar. You need to make a syrup that will be thick.
  3. I pour into a bowl. The glaze will thicken. I use it for baking.

It is important not to miss the right moment to cover the pastries beautifully.

orange yellow icing

Components: 1 tbsp. sugar powders; 2-3 tbsp orange juice; zest.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. I squeeze juice from an orange. I take the zest.
  2. Mixing juice, sah. powder and zest together. The mass will turn out thick, like sour cream. With the help of sah. powder, adjust the density.
  3. I use a spoon for dessert. In a couple of minutes, the icing will dry out and the dessert can be served with tea.
  • It is important that the glaze has the right consistency - not thick, but not too liquid. In this case, it will not roll off the baking. It is very easy to control this feature. You need to watch the sugar, water or women's juice.
  • The thick icing can be used to paint or glue the dessert together, for example when making a gingerbread house.
  • I advise watering with flowing glaze fresh donuts, pies or cookies.
  • To make the icing lie evenly, grease the surface of the dessert with jam.
  • It is possible to diversify the glaze in color, and even without harm to the body, if you enter delicious jam into its composition. It will turn out very tasty and beautiful icing.

Create real culinary masterpieces in your kitchen, delighting loved ones not only on holidays.

Get your kids involved in making the frosting and have fun cooking treats together! Bon appetit!

My video recipe

The right dessert pleases the eye and awakens the appetite with its very appearance - just add a few bright colors. This is where colored creams for cakes without dyes come to the rescue.

From scratch

To decorate homemade cakes, pastries and other pastries, you can use a variety of. Looks impressive and holds its shape well protein cream. For its preparation egg whites separated from the yolks, add a pinch of salt, a little citric acid and beat into a strong foam. Sugar or powdered sugar is gradually introduced into the resulting mass. Very popular variety oil creams. The simplest is prepared from butter with the addition of egg yolks, powdered sugar and water. You can replace the eggs with condensed milk, and you get an equally appetizing decoration. Very tasty and quick cream made from sour cream with a fat content of at least 35%, powdered sugar and vanilla.

How to prepare a cream without dye for decorating a cake, or rather, without synthetic coloring additives? To do this, you need to explore the stocks of products available in the kitchen, which will serve as natural dyes for us. By processing them in a certain way and mixing them with cream, you will get original colored cake decoration, tasty and absolutely harmless.

sun on the cake

Bright yellow you can get the most different ways. The easiest is to add some fresh to it carrot juice or raw egg yolk. Saturated yellow has saffron and turmeric. To make a natural dye out of them, you need to carefully grind the seasoning, dilute it in water and insist for a day. After that, the mixture can be added to the cream. Iridescent yellow hue gives lemon peel. To do this, finely grate it on a grater, wrap it in gauze and squeeze out the juice. Juice from yellow fruits buckthorn can also be used as a natural dye.

All shades of red

The persistent coloring properties of beets are well known. By adjusting the saturation of its juice, you can easily prepare an excellent dye-free cake at home, from pink to deep red. To do this, grate a small beetroot, pour water over it and cook for an hour. To make the color intense and beautiful, add a pinch of citric acid to the broth. Do not forget about all kinds of red berries: raspberries, strawberries, lingonberries, currants, cranberries, dogwood. By the way, jams, jams and syrups based on them can be used to create creams of red shades with the same success. cherry and pomegranate juice they also do a great job. And red wines will give the cake cream not only a pleasant color, but also exquisite aromatic and flavor notes.

orange joy

Carrots not only have a rich orange color, but also generously share it with others. To do this, grate it and fry a little in butter in a ratio of 1: 1. As soon as the carrots soften enough and the butter turns orange, remove the pan from the stove and let it cool. Next, we transfer the resulting mass to gauze and carefully wring it out - the natural dye is ready. You can resort to the help of an orange and color the cream with fresh citrus juice or chopped zest. You can also experiment with the already mentioned yellow and red dyes and mix them together.

sweet coolness

How to make cream for a cake in a cold color scheme? Blue and purple hues give rich blueberry, blackberry and grape juice dark varieties. Leaf decoction red cabbage will produce light blue shades. Eggplant can be used as a dye. First you need to freeze them a little, carefully cut off the skin and squeeze the juice out of it.

There are many green vegetables, and spinach has the best coloring properties. Pass it through a meat grinder or wrap it in clean cheesecloth and wring it out well, and you will get a natural dye of a delicate green color. Want to achieve a more intense shade? Squeeze the spinach juice and boil it for half an hour.

Chocolate palette

The easiest way to get a noble brown color is to mix the cream with regular coffee, cocoa powder or melted chocolate. However, you can resort to a more sophisticated method - using burnt sugar. For this granulated sugar diluted in water in a ratio of 5: 1, pour the mixture into a pan and put on small fire. We stand the mass on the stove until it acquires a rich brown color. Then remove it from the heat and pour in a little more water in a thin stream. Then carefully filter the resulting dye. The main thing is not to overdo the sugar, otherwise hard lumps will form in it.

As you can see, making a cream without dye for a cake is quite simple. And most importantly, you can do without harmful artificial additives. This decoration is sure to please all your household members, especially the little ones with a sweet tooth.

When decorating cakes, pastries, cookies and other sweets, color plays a huge, one might even say a key role. Therefore, thinking about what will be appearance, for example a cake, you need to move on to coloring the cream. You must immediately decide how many flowers you will use and divide the pre-prepared cream into this number of parts. We have already written about the fact that there are dyes of plant origin and synthetic ones. It is much easier to use synthetic ones, and often, it is with the help of them that confectioners give the cream a particular color.

So, on the tip of a toothpick, dial meager amount dye, because it is in a very concentrated state, and immerse it in the cream. Stir the cream with a pastry spatula or a regular spoon. If you need some complex color that requires the addition of another dye, then you need to introduce it with a clean (new) toothpick to avoid contamination of one dye with another. Next, you need to stir the colored cream very carefully until the color heterogeneity disappears.
Now very important point - cook enough cream (you can even with a small margin). You must be sure that the prepared colored cream is enough to decorate your cake or other confectionery. Remember that it is very difficult, almost impossible, to prepare exactly the same shade as the one you made before, even if you are sure that you remember the proportions of the dyes added to the cream.

To give the effect of natural light, or iridescence to your decorative elements, you can use a fairly simple technique. Using a brush, apply concentrated dye of the desired colors to the walls pastry bag, from the end to the level of filling the bag with cream. Then, using a spatula, fill the bag in the usual way, which we discussed in the last lesson. Now, when you deposit the cream, the decorations will turn out to be very interesting and attractive. Be sure to experiment with this technique and you will see how ingenious it is.

To get any color, it is not necessary to have many jars with different shades. You just need to have three primary colors. With only three colors - blue, red, and yellow, you can get the whole variety of colors. This palette clearly shows what colors are obtained by mixing the main ones. Red+blue=purple. Red+yellow=orange. And so on. You can also easily achieve different color saturation by varying the amount of dye added to the cream.

In conclusion, I would like to remind you of harmony. Color must be used very wisely to prevent frivolity and to avoid bad taste. If you have any doubts about which color combinations are harmonious and which are not, you will always find the answer simply by looking around. Everything in nature is harmonious and beautiful. Nature is an eternal source of inspiration not only for artists, but also for confectioners, because confectionery is not called art for nothing.
