
What is the difference between chum salmon and pink salmon. How to choose caviar in glass containers

The meat of red fish is very useful for the body and is in great demand. People who regularly eat this product are less likely to suffer from many types of diseases. The salmon family has many species, the most commercial ones are pink salmon and chum salmon. In order not to make a mistake in choosing, you need to know what is the difference between these types.

What does chum fish look like, how does it differ from pink salmon?

Species have the following distinguishing features:

  • fish size;
  • growth rate;
  • different color;
  • caviar size;
  • habitat;
  • spawning place;
  • meat calories.

Keta is larger than pink salmon, its length can reach a meter, and its weight is 14 kg. In terms of numbers, it is inferior to pink salmon and is in 2nd place. Her meat is not as fatty as that of pink salmon, but it is drier. Pink salmon prefers to winter in warm places where the temperature does not fall below +5 0 C.

Chum salmon can be summer and autumn, the fish that lives in the oceans has a silver color that changes during the spawning period, wide crimson stripes appear on the sides of the fish. At the time of spawning, chum salmon return to their native places and choose a quiet area.

Chum salmon caviar is slightly larger than that of pink salmon, has a more pronounced color, and is covered with a dense shell.

Pink salmon has a bluish tint with small spots on the back. During the spawning period, it acquires a silvery color with a yellowish or greenish tint, and a hump appears in males.

Pink salmon grows much faster than chum salmon, but when it grows to adulthood, it dies. Keta dies after spawning, which she has only once.

Chum salmon meat is very rich in vitamins B of different groups. Pink salmon meat contains many minerals. The calorie content of chum salmon is about 120 kcal, and pink salmon - 140.

What is chum salmon and pink salmon?

Both species belong to the salmon family, they have some similarities. The meat of these species is very healthy and its use is an excellent prevention for certain diseases. The production of these species is 80% of all salmon and is in great demand among consumers.

Keta - sea or river fish?

The chum salmon has a very wide range of habitats. Fish can be found in the Arctic and Pacific oceans, various seas and rivers. Keta begins to enter the rivers at the time of spawning, depending on the habitat, its color changes.

Chum salmon prefer to spawn in the following Siberian rivers:

  • Lena;
  • Kolyma;
  • Inligirka.

Difference between chum salmon and pink salmon

The most common commercial fish is pink salmon. It is small in size with small scales. Its main difference is small dark spots located on the tail and back.

The fish living in the oceans has a light blue color, and at the time of spawning, its color changes to gray and the belly acquires a mute yellow or green tint. During this period, a hump appears on the back of the males.

Slightly larger than pink salmon, the salmon is a fish that lives in the oceans and is silver in color. Going to spawn, it changes its shade and becomes darker, acquiring crimson stripes on the surface of the back.

Pink salmon goes to spawn in rivers with a strong current and chooses places with large pebbles. This type can spawn not only in native backwaters. Fish caviar has a lightish tint, and its diameter does not exceed 8 mm.

Chum salmon, for spawning, constantly returns to their native river spaces. For these purposes, the fish prefers quiet rivers with small pebbles. The caviar of this species is slightly larger in diameter - about 9 mm, its color is brighter, and the shell is much denser.

Chum salmon fry, immediately after birth, keep their way to the sea. Pink salmon cubs, on the contrary, remain in the open spaces of the river for a long period of time and go to the sea after they increase slightly in size.

Pink salmon prefers to eat plentifully and high-calorie, so it grows much faster than chum salmon. The nutritional quality of pink salmon big influence for meat. It is for this reason that it is slightly fatter and higher in calories than chum salmon.

The eggs of both species also differ from each other in terms of appearance, as well as in composition. Chum salmon caviar is slightly larger and has a brighter color than pink salmon caviar, it also contains a lot of proteins, minerals and vitamins, which are almost completely digestible.

Doctors claim that human body meat and caviar of chum salmon are much healthier than pink salmon.

Differences in appearance

The chum salmon has rather large scales, on the sides, its quantity does not exceed 150 pieces, she also lacks dark spots on fins and body. Pink salmon has much more pronounced sexual characteristics.

During spawning, male pink salmon develop a hump, and chum salmon have crimson stripes on their backs. In males during this period of time, large teeth appear, the jaw lengthens significantly and becomes like a hook. When pink salmon just goes to spawn, it has large oval spots on its tail.

How to catch pink salmon?

Pink salmon is best caught in June and July, it prefers to be close to the shore. The location of schools of fish can be determined by the characteristic splashes of water. The standard fishing area is at a depth of 0.8–1.4 m. To find shoals of pink salmon, it is advisable to use a boat.

A good bite is obtained on spinners bright color, it should have a decent weight and an elongated shape.

Fish need to be caught until its color has changed, into baubles of bright colors. The best biting is obtained on a lure with red or orange hues. All types of salmon move in jerks, they prefer to swim fast enough and settle in those places where the river is much quieter.

To catch pink salmon with a spinning rod, you need to cast in such a way that the lure is near the bottom. As soon as the cast is completed, the fisherman needs to wait a bit until the lure reaches the bottom. If fishing is carried out in deep places with a strong current, then the casting is carried out a little obliquely.

After the throw, it is necessary that the bait play for some time near the bottom of the river. In no case should the bait be dragged along the bottom.

In the case of a bite, pink salmon females begin to rush from one side to the other and jump out of the water, for this reason, they often break. Males, hitting the hook, very quickly begin to lose speed, pulling the line continuously with great force.

Pink salmon bites well on artificial flies, they should be bright and large, to attract the attention of fish, you can use multi-colored decorations. The fly should go along the bottom in short jerks or continuously, but slowly.

How to catch more fish?

I've been doing it for quite some time now active fishing and found many ways to improve the bite. And here are the most effective ones:
  1. . Attracts fish in cold and warm water with the help of pheromones included in the composition and stimulates their appetite. It is a pity that Rosprirodnadzor wants to ban its sale.
  2. More sensitive gear. Reviews and instructions for other types of gear you can find on the pages of my site.
  3. Lures using pheromones.
You can get the rest of the secrets of successful fishing for free by reading my other materials on the site.

How to catch chum?

The best time for catching chum salmon is from the end of August to October. The extraction of chum salmon can be carried out in its habitats. To spawn, the fish goes into the rivers in shallow water. The chum salmon spawns only once, after which it dies. It is better to catch fish before the start of the spawning period or during spawning.

Many anglers prefer to use a class 9 rod.. The fisherman may not feel the beginning of a bite at all, and the fish will break the line and quickly leave no less than 40 m downstream. To simplify fishing, you need to have about 100 meters of fishing line on the reel.

Some miners use a front sight (sea). To do this, you need to throw tackle, downstream to the very bottom. If the chum salmon does not behave actively, then it is advisable to use a light fly. The fish can start to resist very sharply, it is for this reason that the fisherman must always be ready for this and always take additional gear and fishing line with him.

Catching chum salmon requires a certain skill and a lot of patience.

All types of salmon are very useful for the body. The most common of them are chum salmon and pink salmon. Not every person can distinguish one species from another, but it is not very difficult. Chum salmon are slightly larger, during spawning they form bright stripes on the back. In males of pink salmon during spawning periods, a hump appears, the nose lengthens and bends.

How long have you had a really BIG CATCH?

When last time caught dozens of HEALTHY pikes / carps / breams?

We always want to get results from fishing - to catch not three perches, but ten kilogram pikes - this will be a catch! Each of us dreams of this, but not everyone knows how.

A good catch can be achieved (and we know this) thanks to good bait.

It can be prepared at home, you can buy it in fishing stores. But it is expensive in stores, and to prepare bait at home, you need to spend a lot of time, and, to be honest, homemade bait does not always work well.

Do you know that disappointment when you bought bait or cooked it at home, and caught three or four bass?

So maybe it's time to use a really working product, the effectiveness of which has been proven both scientifically and in practice on the rivers and ponds of Russia?

It gives the very result that we cannot achieve on our own, all the more, it is cheap, which distinguishes it from other means and there is no need to spend time on manufacturing - ordered, brought and go!

Of course, it is better to try once than to hear a thousand times. Especially now - the season! When ordering, this is a great bonus!

Learn more about bait!

Relatively recently, salmon fish were considered elite, but today they are quite affordable for every Russian, they love this tasty meat with a reddish tinge in other countries. Meanwhile, a person often faces a choice, and one has to decide what salmon is healthier or chum salmon, other varieties are also compared, but this fish is considered one of the most common. It is necessary to compare, first of all, taste qualities, however Lately we are increasingly thinking about healthy eating, therefore, the composition of the fish interests us no less.

Compare external signs and taste

The main advantage of both types is great content polyunsaturated Omega 3 and Omega 6 acids, in the content of which salmon are superior to other "waterfowl". The pink salmon is the most affordable in terms of price, while you rarely see a large specimen, since after spawning, as a rule, the fish dies. Throughout her short life, she eats food with great content calories, so her meat is hard, and even somewhat “dry”, according to some housewives. If you look from the point of view of taste and look for the answer to the question, what pink salmon is better or chum, then, most likely, many will prefer the second.

It was not in vain that we began to compare these salmon varieties, because it is chum salmon that occupies the second place among salmon in terms of numbers and popularity. This fish is larger, and even though its meat is even drier, but it is not so fatty, but if you want to know what tastier than chum salmon or pink salmon, you should be guided by your own taste. You can talk about taste qualities for a long time and, probably, you won’t be able to come to a common denominator - how many people, so many tastes. We will spend a small comparative analysis, and consider the fish "under the microscope"

Chemical composition

It is the comparison chemical composition will help us to understand what is more useful. You should start with the amount of polyunsaturated acids, and in terms of their amount, keto meat is somewhat ahead of its competitor. Concerning vitamin composition, then it also leads in some positions - in particular, it contains more nicotinic acid (vitamin PP). It also leads in the content of vitamin D, but to replenish its reserves, it is enough to periodically go out into the air. The competitor has more vitamin E, but this difference is also insignificant.

To be completely objective, and to say that better than chum or pink salmon, let's look at mineral composition, and it practically does not differ, at least in terms of the content of potassium and magnesium, but there is more phosphorus in keta, so it is more suitable for improving brain activity. According to experts, it contains more representatives of B vitamins, but the pink salmon is a “storehouse” of iodine, fluorine and cobalt. Caloric content will help to draw certain conclusions and decide which is better, and according to this indicator, “more high-calorie pink salmon wins (about 150 kcal per 100 grams of product), while the second test subject has about 125 “kilograms”.

Many of us prefer to festive table put a dish with caviar of salmon or other fish species. In this regard, more valuable is chum caviar, as it contains more useful protein, and it is well and completely absorbed by the body. Pink salmon caviar, meanwhile, has a more attractive appearance, but this is not for everyone, and you will have to decide what to choose.

The chum fish is famous for excellent meat and caviar. Refers to industrial, so it is often found on the shelves in the very different form: fresh, frozen, smoked, salted. It is an excellent ingredient for many dishes, although fish has other health benefits as well.

Included in the order Salmonidae, family Salmonaceae. Sometimes in everyday life it is called red fish for the color of the meat. The same simplified name was given to other salmon, for example, pink salmon or trout. In fact, red fish are representatives of another family - sturgeons.

Keta has always been of industrial value, especially for the peoples of the Far East. In the second half of the last century, the number of red chum salmon has greatly decreased due to uncontrolled hunting. The state took it under protection and now the situation has changed dramatically for the better.

The life of a fish is divided into two main stages: before and after puberty. Young individuals live in the seas, often near the shore.

When a fish becomes an adult, its habitat and behavior change greatly. She becomes more aggressive and gathers in big shoals. To lay eggs, she needs to make a difficult path to the mouths of the rivers, and then to their upper reaches. Usually you have to move against the current. After spawning, the chum salmon dies.

The fry for the first time are in fresh water. When forces appear, they go to sea, and the cycle repeats again.


What a chum looks like depends on its age. Its appearance changes greatly after maturation. Until that time, it has an elongated shape, a massive body, and a silvery color, for which another name for the chum salmon is received - silverfish.

After maturation, the color of the scales becomes already brown-yellow. Other changes to the keta include:

  1. Purple spots appear on the body.
  2. The scales become rougher, the skin becomes thicker.
  3. The body becomes wider.
  4. The shape of the jaw changes. The teeth increase in size, become curved.
  5. At the moment of spawning, the color of the fish turns black. It is no longer suitable for fishing.
  6. This big fish. As a rule, adults are 0.5-0.7 m. The largest known specimen is 1 m with a weight of 16 kg. However, this is official data. In the Khabarovsk Territory, local residents claim that from time to time in the Okhota River they come across specimens about 1.5 m in size.


Lives in a pool Pacific Ocean. Chum salmon goes to spawn in fresh rivers:

  • Far East;
  • North America: from California to Alaska;
  • Asia.

For moving from salty sea ​​waters in freshwater fish is called anadromous. Prefers the northern part of the ocean near the Kuro-Sivo Current. The range includes the seas:

  • Beringovo;
  • Okhotsk;
  • Japanese.

The fish is found at a depth of up to ten meters. In the spring, it huddles and moves towards fresh water bodies of Canada, the USA, South Korea, and Japan. It can often be found, for example, in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk basin, in the following rivers:

  • Lena;
  • Indigirka;
  • Kolyma;

spawning process

Schools are divided into sexually mature individuals and those who are not yet ready for reproduction. The latter are sent back to the coast. Salmon ready to spawn move on.

The fish reaches sexual maturity at about four years of age. Keta can spawn in summer and autumn. In warm weather, this occurs from August to September. River places are selected by fish very carefully. Usually there is a weak current and pebbles at the bottom.

If the water freezes to the bottom, the fry will die. Autumn chum also takes this into account, so it chooses places where there are underground springs nearby. Moving water does not freeze to the bottom.

Caviar - large, about 7.5 mm in diameter. Females carefully prepare the place, level the bottom. After throwing, the caviar is carefully closed on top with pebbles and gravel. It turns out hills 2-3 meters in length, 1.5-2 - in width. At this time, the males drive away the fish so that they are not tempted to eat caviar.

Feeding chum salmon

After spawning, the chum salmon dies and becomes food for its fry. Juveniles that have emerged also feed on insects. . Then the diet includes:

  • shellfish;
  • more small fish, for example, smelt or herring;
  • crustaceans.

During the last trip to the spawning site, the chum does not eat anything. digestive tract does not work and atrophies. It is believed that she thereby protects offspring from potential threats. At this time, conventional baits do not work. An exception is live bait or artificial lure.

industrial value

Compared to other salmonids, there are a lot of Far Eastern chum salmon. In terms of catch, it is second only to pink salmon. It is mined by networks:

  • at or near river mouths;
  • in other areas where commercial mining is permitted.

Often, seasonal enterprises appear near the place of fishing. They allow you to reduce costs and better preserve the product.

Beneficial features

Keta is a fish whose beneficial properties have long been known. Some other salmon, such as whitefish or nelma, have White color meat. In chum salmon it is bright red, dense. Has a good composition:

Meat is considered dietary, as it has low fat. In 100 g - only 125 kcal, in caviar there are more - 250. Fish is not cheap, but nutritionists believe that it is enough to eat about 200 g per week to get benefits. There is little cholesterol here: 100 g - 80 mg.

Possible harm

Usually few people are forbidden to eat ketu. It is recommended even for children, pregnant and lactating women. Perhaps the only common reason for exclusion from the menu is intolerance to the product.

The fish has pleasant taste. Red caviar is familiar to everyone. The list of chum salmon dishes is very rich, for example:

  • chum "under a fur coat";
  • weakly salted fillet;
  • fried in batter;
  • marinated with spices and herbs.

Purchase and storage

Cheaper pink salmon is sometimes given for chum salmon. In order not to be mistaken, you need to remember what differences there are between them:

  1. Keta is larger than pink salmon. The average carcass of the first is 5 kg, the second - only 2. The usual length of the chum is about 0.5-0.7 m, so the pieces should not be small.
  2. Pink salmon, as the name implies, has a hump - a good distinguishing feature.
  3. The color of the meat is also not the same. You need to make a cut. The meat of the salmon is bright pink. In pink salmon, it is much paler and has white streaks.

It is not enough to choose a chum salmon, you should also check its quality. For this you should:

At home, it is advisable to cook ketu immediately. It is kept in the refrigerator for no more than eight hours. Fish can be frozen for preservation.

Keta - useful and delicious fish. It is desirable to include it in your diet. This fish does not belong to cheap products, but it is not necessary to buy a lot.

Attention, only TODAY!

Keta and pink salmon are two different kind salmon fish. Pink salmon is the most common type. Keta is in second place. In Russia, red caviar is mined Far East. Pink salmon behaves a little differently. The red caviar of these fish species also has its own differences. There is this delicacy you need in optimal amount, which does not exceed one or two sandwiches with caviar within one week. Caviar is not just delicious treat. The color should be natural for this type of salmon caviar. Red caviar is not only exquisite, but also very useful product.

Keta stands out for its special value, because it does not breed and does not live in captivity. This species has a wide halo of habitat: it is found both in the oceans and in the seas and rivers. In terms of prevalence, this fish has no equal among the Salmon. Large flocks enter the river waters for spawning, while others, on the contrary, are melted from the river into the seas and oceans.

Appearance of chum salmon and difference from pink salmon

Pink salmon is 25 cm shorter than its congener. Chum salmon and pink salmon are representatives of the Salmon family. Pink salmon, or Pink salmon, is also a species from the Salmon family. Eating Preferably high-calorie food Therefore, pink salmon meat is fatter and more nutritious. When choosing a fillet, pay attention to the shade - pink salmon is faded pinkish. Pink salmon got its name because of the hump that appears on males during spawning. Caviar also varies: chum salmon eggs are larger, they look brighter, with a dense shell.

The benefit of chum salmon lies in the content of amino acids, such as methionine, for example, which aids in digestion. Also to useful properties chum can be attributed high content fatty acids that are easily absorbed by the body. On the contrary, the fish of this family is extremely useful, it can be consumed without any fear.

Keta fish benefit and harm

Salmon caviar, including chum salmon caviar, helps prevent atherosclerosis and improve immunity. But won't it bring salmon caviar harm due to its salinity and fat content? Salmon caviar, including chum salmon, can harm the body when overconsumption. The caviar of coho salmon, unlike other types of salmon fish, is quite small and has a rich dark red color. Its taste is slightly bitter, but in terms of useful properties, it ranks first among other types of red caviar. The meat of the chum salmon is white, and the coho salmon is rich red. If we talk about which fish is better than chum salmon or coho for weight loss, then we need to compare their energy value.

The taste qualities of coho salmon will be the best, then chum salmon, pink salmon is the most tasteless. In my opinion pink salmon is the least oily fish and it has the most bones. Coho salmon is by far the most delicious, it is more fatty and fleshy, in my opinion, chum salmon and pink salmon are drier and more boney.

Also included in this product there is vitamin D. It prevents bone fragility. This component contributes better assimilation calcium.

pink salmon caviar photo

Coho salmon caviar is smaller, but is valued higher. In general, you should read at least on Wikipedia what salmon is. Answer from KatyaIn terms of usefulness, capelin caviar is no worse than red caviar. In both, the future living organism is a fish. A tastier caviar produced where the fish are caught. Answer from Oksana Beluga is the largest of the sturgeons, and her caviar is the largest. Then it goes into bitterness, like coho salmon caviar.

The taste and color. . . delicious product from salmon! This incredibly valuable and useful product is obtained from fish belonging to the salmon family, which are represented by pink salmon, chum salmon, sockeye salmon, trout, coho, chinook salmon. Therefore, each person decides for himself which red caviar is the best and most delicious, because some people like small caviar, and someone is a lover of grains large sizes. Those who decide for themselves which red caviar is the best should definitely try this delicacy, because many people consider the taste of such caviar to be excellent.

Because of the specific taste, less pink salmon is valued. Regarding the cost, sockeye caviar is much more expensive than pink salmon. Pink salmon caviar is better in taste, in addition, the size of its grains is larger. If we compare all types of caviar, then undoubtedly caviar of chum salmon and pink salmon wins. Trout caviar is considered the smallest. The caviar of coho salmon and sockeye salmon is distinguished by a bitter aftertaste. But sockeye caviar is common in America.

But the most useful among these three species is the coho fish product. Her grains are small, about 2.5 mm. They contain more vitamins and minerals.

How should caviar be eaten?

Today, one of the most common types of salmon is a fish that has a light blue color. In this case we are talking about pink salmon. But, despite this, it grows faster than chum salmon. Which caviar is better: chum salmon or pink salmon? But in size it is larger than pink salmon. Ketu can be distinguished from pink salmon not only by size and color, but also by scales. In the first species, it is larger. Caviar of chum salmon or pink salmon: which is better? You can find the answer to this question in the next section.

As a rule, this product is consumed with sandwiches. Some people eat it separately. And how much caviar can you eat in total? The norm is about three teaspoons. This is how much you can use this product per day. And then the benefits of it for your body are provided.

It is believed that they go well with the taste of caviar grains. There is another option for serving an omelet. Remember that this product is not only exquisite, but also useful. Caviar of chum salmon or pink salmon, coho salmon or sockeye salmon? It just depends on your taste preferences.

The product is distinguished by small eggs, which have a beautiful red color. As for the taste, it is slightly bitter, but not much. The sizes of eggs are larger than those of sockeye salmon and are very similar in appearance to pink salmon. But keep in mind that caviar contains enough a large number of calories, most of of which these are fats, so consume the product in moderate amounts. But still, most people prefer to choose pink salmon or chum salmon, as their caviar is not bitter.

I would take chum salmon or sockeye salmon. Bake trout deliciously with mushrooms and sour cream, and pink salmon is a bit dry. If there are a lot of fish, I freeze already salted and chopped in foil, it does not lose its qualities. I will definitely try the part. salted fish to freeze. I salt all these fish.

In Kamchatka, they only feed pink salmon to pigs, they take caviar from it ... Chum salmon and pink salmon are one and the same. Only chum salmon lives in the sea, and when it goes to spawn in rivers, it changes shape and color and is called pink salmon. Pink salmon is the most numerous representative of the Pacific salmon genus. Keta is the second largest species of Far Eastern salmon.

How to catch pink salmon?

For caviar today ... Virgin, which is less dry - chum sticks or pink salmon? They brought a bucket of chum salmon (not as gigantic as before NG) and a bucket of pink salmon. I would like it to be not as dry and insipid as cod, but not as oily as salmon. Here. I choose between: catfish, pike perch, chum salmon, haddock and trout. For us, catfish is greasy, I really liked hake and cod, well, river trout, but my red varieties of fish are not very favored, halibut is still awesome, but the last time large fat carcasses came. There are also whitefish and nelma, whose meat is the color of freshly boiled milk. In fact, the "red fish" is sturgeon, stellate sturgeon, beluga and other sterlet. 8 kg of ketova is as tasty as pink salmon, only large (but not hard), tender and tasty!

Fish need to be caught until its color has changed, into baubles of bright colors. In the case of a bite, pink salmon females begin to rush from one side to the other and jump out of the water, for this reason, they often break. Pink salmon bites well on artificial flies, they should be bright and large, to attract the attention of fish, you can use multi-colored decorations.

Which red caviar to choose? Keta or pink salmon? At the time of buying loose caviar note that the grains should be round and practically all the same size. If you feel sharp fishy smell, and also, having tried it, felt the unpleasant taste of rancid fat, then do not buy such caviar. From it should come a slight smell of freshness.

The salmon family has many species, the most commercial ones are pink salmon and chum salmon. In order not to make a mistake in choosing, you need to know what is the difference between these types. The most common commercial fish is pink salmon. To spawn, the fish goes into the rivers in shallow water. It is better to catch fish before the start of the spawning period or during spawning. Many anglers prefer to use a class 9 rod. The fisherman may not feel the beginning of a bite at all, and the fish will break the line and quickly go no less than 40 m downstream.

Fatty fish meat is rightly considered healthy and important product nutrition. All types of salmon fish belong to fatty varieties containing useful trace elements, And fatty acid. To answer the question of what is better than chum salmon or pink salmon, you need to consider the differences between these types of fish.

What is the difference between chum salmon and pink salmon?

Pink salmon is the most numerous species of salmon fish, which is quite modest in size compared to other relatives. The maximum weight of pink salmon is 5.5 kg, length is 75 cm. Adult fish often die after spawning, this is partly the reason why pink salmon does not grow to large sizes. Pink salmon hibernates in warm waters with a temperature not lower than +5 degrees, it eats abundantly with high-calorie food, therefore the meat of this fish has a dense texture and contains more fat than the chum salmon pulp.

Chum salmon is the second largest species of the salmon family, it is larger, differs in the composition and energy value of meat. Keta can reach 1 m in length and up to 14 kg in weight. Compared to pink salmon, chum meat is drier, but less fatty. A feature of this species is that the chum salmon does not breed in captivity, so when buying fish, you can be sure that it does not contain artificial growth accelerators and antibiotics.

Chum salmon and pink salmon - differences in composition

Chum salmon meat contains a more extensive composition of B vitamins, including B5, B6, B9, B12, has a richer mineral composition, including iodine, manganese, chromium, cobalt, fluorine. The calorie content of pink salmon is 145-147 kcal, the chum salmon meat is more tender and has a lower energy value - about 125 kcal.

What is the difference between caviar of chum salmon and pink salmon?

Just as the fish itself has differences, so the caviar of these species differs visually and in composition. Chum caviar has more large size and beautiful orange red color. Pink salmon eggs are much smaller in size, light orange in color with a denser outer shell. Both types of caviar have excellent palatability. The caviar of chum salmon is richer in composition, it contains more protein, which is almost completely absorbed by our body, it also has more vitamins and minerals.

ABOUT taste preferences It is not customary to argue, but experts believe that chum meat and caviar are a more useful and dietary product.
