
Quick compote of grapes. Grape compote with pears

1. Pour the pot, in our case 2-liter, with cold spring water and bring to a boil.
2. Rinse the bunches of grapes, the berries can be separated from the twig. Select and discard spoiled or bursting berries so that our compote does not turn sour. When the water boils, put the berries in the water and bring to a boil again.
3. Then add sugar. If you are preparing compote from homemade sour grapes, add 5 tablespoons of sugar or to taste, if the grapes are already sweet, less. Bring the compote to a boil and turn off the stove. I have an electric stove, so after turning off the compote, it still continues to boil for about 5 minutes. If the stove is gas, let the compote with sugar boil for 5 minutes and turn it off. Leave the pan with compote under a closed lid for about half an hour. When the berries settle to the bottom, the compote is ready. Thus, the compote is saturated with berry flavor and aroma and acquires a very beautiful, more intense color.

If you roll grape compote into jars for the winter, you need to fill the jars with compote several times, then drain it and boil it, and pour it again, that is, sterilize it well.

Homemade can be served with such a compote, the recipe options for which you will find on this site.


Grapes are a healthy and nutritious berry, they contain glucose, pectin, beta-carotene, etc., in addition to other vitamins and minerals. From grapes are obtained delicious jams, jams, compotes. The latter will be discussed - grape compote is fragrant, but very high-calorie drink, so for losing weight and dieting, it is not suitable! To always have grapes available, freeze them for the winter in the freezer.



1. We choose ripe and juicy grapes, you can cook compote from any variety of these berries: dark, pink, white, etc. Remove the berries from the bunch into a deep bowl and rinse them in water, removing spoiled and damaged ones. Then pour them into a saucepan or saucepan, in which you are going to cook compote.

2. Pour sugar and a few pinches of citric acid - it neutralizes the sweetness of the grapes and the drink will turn out to be moderately sweet and fragrant. Pour into container hot water and put it on the stove. Bring to a boil and reduce the heat to a minimum, boiling the compote for 10-15 minutes. More time for heat treatment not necessary, otherwise the drink will lose some of its vitamins and minerals.

3. As soon as the grapes sink to the bottom, the compote is completely ready. You can serve it hot, pouring it into cups or glasses, or you can cool it on the balcony or in a basin with cold water for 20-30 minutes, serving it cold.

Fragrant compote from grapes is important to cook from homemade fruits or in the season when berries are offered on the market at the most attractive prices. A properly prepared drink is perfectly stored all winter and pleases guests and family members. bright taste. You can roll it into jars even without sterilization.

Classic grape compote with sterilization

Ingredients: half a three-liter jar of dark grapes, 2 liters of water, 720-740 g of granulated sugar.

  1. The proportions of products can be slightly changed to your liking. For example, by increasing or decreasing the amount of berries and / or sand. The more grapes in the composition, the brighter and richer the drink will turn out.
  2. The fruits are well washed and get rid of the stalks. This must be done carefully so as not to crush the berries.
  3. A 3 liter glass jar is sterilized in advance. Grapes fall into it.
  4. From above, the fruits are poured with water boiled with granulated sugar.
  5. A jar of grapes and syrup is placed in a saucepan with liquid heated to 60 degrees. In this case, the water in the container should only reach the shoulders of a three-liter jar.
  6. Under the lid, the compote is sterilized for 20-25 minutes.

How to cook without sterilization?

Ingredients: half a three-liter jar of dark grapes, 2 liters of water, 720-740 g of granulated sugar, a pinch of citric acid.

  1. The first step is to prepare the berry clusters. They are moved, spoiled or overripe parts are removed. The grapes are laid out in a colander and washed very thoroughly with ice running water.
  2. The fruits are not left for some time to drain excess liquid from them, then they are separated from the branches and laid out on the bottom of a pre-washed and sterilized jar (3 l).
  3. Syrup is boiled from the amount of water and sand indicated in the recipe. Prepared berries are poured into them, after which the container is tightly closed with a sterile lid and left for 20-25 minutes.
  4. Then the syrup (without grapes) is returned to the pan, brought to a boil and boiled for 2-3 minutes. At the very end, a pinch of "lemon" is poured.
  5. Berries are poured again.

  1. Apples get rid of everything superfluous and cut into large pieces. The grapes are washed, stripped from the branches.
  2. Syrup is boiled from water and sugar, after 4-5 minutes prepared fruits fall into it.
  3. After boiling, the mass is left on the stove for another 3-4 minutes under the lid.

Ready compote from grapes and apples should be infused and cooled, after which you can take the first sample from the drink.

With the addition of oranges

Ingredients: 220 g of dark grapes, half a large orange, 170 g of granulated sugar, 720 ml of purified water, 2 sprigs of fresh mint, cinnamon stick.

  1. Grapes are removed from the branches, moved and washed.
  2. Orange pulp without zest and white layers is cut into arbitrary slices.
  3. Prepared fruits are laid out in a clean sterilized jar.
  4. Water is brought to a boil, grapes with an orange are poured with it. After 5-6 minutes of infusion of the contents of the jar, the liquid is again drained into the pan and brought to a boil. Then the remaining components are added to it, which should boil for 2-3 minutes.
  5. The hot drink is returned to the jar (no cinnamon!).

The container is hermetically sealed with a lid, turned over, wrapped in a blanket and left for a day.

Compote from grapes - recipe "drink immediately"

Ingredients: 720 ml of purified water, 330 g of grapes of any color, 160 g of granulated sugar, a pinch of "lemon".

  1. The grapes are taken off the branches and washed.
  2. Syrup is boiled from water and sand for 7-8 minutes. Berries are immersed in it.
  3. After the next boil, the mass is cooked for 6-7 minutes on minimum heat.

The drink cools to a comfortable temperature for drinking and is served at the table.

With strawberry

Ingredients: 3 liters of purified water, 4 tbsp. l. with a slide of sugar, 170 g fresh strawberries, 220 g white grapes. How to cook compote from grapes with strawberries, we will consider in more detail.

  1. Washed grapes and sugar are placed in boiling water. The mass is cooked for 5-6 minutes at a medium boil.
  2. Next, prepared strawberries without sepals are poured. Together, the components are cooked for only a couple of minutes, otherwise the berries will soften excessively.
  3. Ready compote should be infused for 15-17 minutes.

The drink is served with ice and fresh mint leaves.

With cloves and cinnamon

Ingredients: 260 g dark grapes, ½ tsp. ground cinnamon, cardamom and cloves, 4-5 tbsp. l. with a slide of granulated sugar, 2 liters of water.

Compote from grapes for the winter: methods of preparation and popular recipes from the site magazine

What could be tastier in winter than do-it-yourself grape compote? This unpretentious drink is one of the most beloved among the people. It is so easy to cook it that even inexperienced hostess everything will surely work out. cold winter evening, having delivered bunch of grapes from a jar, you will remember the warm sunny summer. A thin dessert taste, rich cherry color and amazing aroma will fill your home with a sense of celebration.

How to cook grape compote: tips

grape compote can be cooked in several ways: individual berries, with twigs or whole bunches, with and without sterilization. Tasty compote can be made from almost any grape, but it is better to use dark varieties- Isabella, Kishmish, Dove, Lydia, Moldova. You can even cook compote for the winter from green grapes, for beautiful color you can put cherry leaves or red apple slices in each jar. For piquant taste cinnamon, lemon zest, vanilla, cardamom are added to the compote, nutmeg, cloves. If desired, homemade preparations can be diversified by putting grapes in jars interspersed with peaches, pears, plums, raspberries, apricots, chokeberry- any seasonal fruits and berries: it will be both tastier and healthier. And for devoted fans of grapes, we have selected interesting recipes its preparations in the form of compote for the winter.

Grape compote for the winter: recipes

Recipe 1. Grape compote without sterilization

You will need: half or a third of a three-liter can of grapes, water, granulated sugar, citric acid.

Sort out the berry clusters. Remove spoiled and overripe grapes, put in a colander, rinse well under running cold water and leave for a while to drain excess liquid. Then carefully separate each berry and put it on the bottom of a pre-washed and sterilized three-liter jar. Boil about 2 liters of water in a saucepan (it all depends on the number of berries in the jar). Boil syrup from water and granulated sugar (calculated as 350-400 g per 1 liter of liquid), pour berries over it, cover the jar with a sterile lid and leave for 15-20 minutes. Then you need to return the syrup, but without the berries, to the pan. The easiest way to do this is by putting on a jar nylon cover with holes drilled in it. berry syrup bring to a boil and boil for a couple of minutes, at the end add a pinch of citric acid, pour the grapes a second time, immediately roll up a jar of boiled metal lid, turn neck down, wrap and leave to cool completely.

Recipe 2. Sterilized grape compote

You will need: a third or half of a three-liter can of grapes, granulated sugar, citric acid.

As in the previous recipe, the proportions of the ingredients are selected individually. If you want the compote to be more saturated, use more grapes. The amount of sugar can also be adjusted to your liking. Rinse the grapes, free from the stalks, sterilize the jars in advance. Boil water with sugar. With the resulting syrup, pour the grapes laid out on the bottom of the jar to the very neck. After that, place the jar in a container with water heated to 60 ° (just put it on a wooden grate so that the water in the pan reaches the shoulders of the jar), cover with lids and sterilize for 20 minutes. After this time, immediately roll up the jar with a lid, turn it upside down and leave to cool, wrapped in a blanket.

Recipe 3. Grape compote with honey (without sterilization)

You will need: 3 kg of grapes, 4-5 stars of cloves, 1.5 kg of honey, 50 ml of natural grape vinegar, 1 coffee spoon of ground cinnamon, 2 three-liter jars, about 3 liters of water.

Rinse the grapes, separate the berries from the stalks and place them in prepared jars. From water, lemon juice, cinnamon, cloves and honey, boil the syrup. Can be used in place of honey if desired Brown sugar or plain white refined sugar, and grape vinegar replace lemon juice. And then everything is as in the previous recipe: the grapes are poured with syrup, allowed to brew, then the liquid is drained through the lid with holes, boiled for two minutes, returned to the jar, rolled up, wrapped in a blanket and allowed to cool.

Recipe 4. Compote of white grapes with apples

You will need: 2 kg of white grapes, 1 lemon, 2 kg of sour tart apples, 6 cups of sugar, about 3 liters of water.

Wash all fruits. Squeeze out the juice from the lemon. Remove the core from the apples and chop with the skin into long slices. Sprinkle lightly with lemon juice to prevent browning. Carefully remove the grapes from the brushes and dip for 2 minutes in boiling water in a saucepan, then transfer to a colander and pour cold water over. Put apples with grapes in dry sterilized jars so that they fill them about halfway. After that, fill the fruits with hot syrup boiled from water and granulated sugar to the edges of the jars. Leave for 6-7 minutes. Now, as in previous recipes, you need to return the syrup to the pan again, let it boil, pour it into the jars again to the very top, cork, turn it upside down, wrap it tightly and leave it like this until it cools completely.

Recipe 5. Whole grape compote

You will need: 4 kg of grapes in brushes, 2 three-liter jars, 2 liters of water, 700 g of sugar.

Rinse grape brushes in several waters. Remove damaged grapes. Make syrup from water and sugar. Put the bunches in jars, pour over the chilled syrup, close tightly and sterilize for 20 minutes at a temperature of 80º or 10 minutes in boiling water. You can put a pinch of citric acid in each jar, it will guarantee that the jars will not explode, and will give the compote an original, pleasant taste. have a positive effect on taste qualities ready drink and the remains of twigs: their presence in the compote will contribute to the appearance of a tart aftertaste. And to make the blanks beautiful, you can pour boiling water over the bunches at the very beginning of cooking: thanks to this simple technique, the berries will not burst even after cooking.

- a delicacy is very useful, because it is natural product without dyes and preservatives. In summer, it perfectly quenches thirst, and in winter it cheers up with its beautiful pink tint and pleasant sweet taste. Grapes are one of the most useful berries, its lovers this delicious drink definitely will not leave you indifferent. Having prepared it at home, you will see for yourself. And the variety of grape varieties will allow you to try a new compote every time - with original taste And unique aroma. Yummy home cooking!
