
Pancakes in a cast iron pan stick. The first pancake is lumpy: why do they stick to the pan

Everyone knows the proverb that the first pancake is always lumpy. But in fact, this assertion is easy to dispel.

To understand why pancakes stick to the pan, you should read my article to the end. I decided to give a summary of tips to help you understand how to avoid force majeure in this situation, which apply to both the dough and the pan.

When preparing pancakes for breakfast, both on kefir and water, every hostess had a nuisance when the cakes burned in the pan, turned over badly and began to tear, stick.

The situation can become even more tense if you need to feed the guests, but you can’t make pancakes. In order not to sob from a culinary failure in your own kitchen, I propose to find out for yourself why pancakes stick to the pan and what to do in this situation.

In this article, I tried to collect numerous tips, systematizing them together with personal experience. I must admit that I have it really solid.

I would be glad if you not only read the article to the end, but also decide to use it on your own experience in the kitchen. Let's start dealing with everything in order. These rules will apply to pancakes on kefir, water.

Choosing the Right Cookware

If pancakes stick, then many people advise choosing only a separate frying pan. Understanding why this happens, it can be noted that the advice is indeed true, but only in part.

The thing is that you need to pay attention to the material of the work of your dishes. If it's cast iron or aluminum cookware, then the advice can be put into practice.

In other cases, it should not be used. This is justified by the fact that in the above pans, during heating, a special film of fat with solid characteristics is formed.

Such a film is able to prevent situations when pancakes stick to the surface of a cast-iron pan. Similarly, it works when you need to protect the surface of cast iron cookware from rust.

Having prepared pancakes on kefir or water, each housewife washes the dishes. After one washing process, the protective fibers of the film are not removed, and therefore the next time you should count on the successful baking of pancakes, because often they do not burn.

In the event that you wash the pan several times after cooking other dishes, then there may not be a trace of the film.

As a result, subsequent baking will be accompanied by questions about what to do if the pancakes stick to the surface of the pan, burn and how to deal with it.

Preheating dishes before baking

You need to bake pancakes on kefir, milk, water in a well-heated pan. This advice really answers reality and is useful.

It is important to heat the pan with rast. oil, when it is well heated, smoke will appear. Cases in this situation, when pancakes stuck, were not recorded in my experience.

This time again, the situation will not do without mentioning the very film that protects the dishes. During the baking of pancakes, the dishes need to be heated, otherwise the question will come to the surface: why pancakes stick to the pan.

In this case, you will definitely remember the famous saying about pancakes and a coma, no matter how sad it may sound. Experienced housewives they can immediately understand when to start cooking pancakes, while others check the temperature of the dishes with the same cruel rule “the first pancake is lumpy”.

Greasing the pan

Some cooks advise making homemade pancakes using a dry frying pan. If you are familiar with such people, then know that they are cooking in a pan with Teflon or they are lying. In such a pan, the dough will not burn, but you need to add rast to it. oil.

If you cook pancakes without adding rast. oil, then it must be admitted that they will be tough, you can compare them with the sole of a soldier's boot.

Decide, of course, for yourself which pancakes to eat, but I would advise you to follow the folk wisdom that says that pancake cannot be spoiled with butter.

Kneading the right dough

A rare dough for pancakes will not bring the desired result. It is necessary to understand correctly what is perfect dough for pancakes. If it is too thick, then the cakes will become like buns, and this effect is certainly not needed by anyone.

Another important fact is to add soda to the dough. In the event that there is a lot of this white component in the composition, then the pancakes will turn out loose, they will tear. During the coup in the pan, only shreds will remain from them. You can add soda, but just a little bit.

Dough Ingredients

A big role in the success of baking homemade pancakes is the composition of the dough. If your pancakes burn, what to do first is to add oil. Be sure to add to the mixture. oil.

This is due not only to the fact that pancakes will not burn, but their taste will be special. This procedure does not take much time at all, but a positive result will be immediately visible.

In the case when there is a lot of dough, then during frying you need to mix it. The thing is that the decision to add vegetable oil to the mixture will cause it to accumulate on the surface. It is important to shake the mixture well.

Don't skimp on oil

When frying pancakes, you should not save vegetable oil. Of course, forget about the sense of measure in this case Not recommended. If the pan is dry, then, as I said above, the quality of baking will decrease significantly.

The oil should be evenly distributed over the surface of the dish. It is worth pouring it before baking the next pancake. But I beg you, without bigotry. Too greasy pancakes will also not be excellent.

You won't find a better old pancake pan

Do not use a new pan for baking pancakes. Even if you bake it, steam it, etc., there is a good chance that the pancakes will not work. If the pancakes begin to tear, stick, then the fault is precisely new dishes.

In no case do I advise you to use a new pan, no matter how good it is, pancakes stick to it all the time. Based own experience, I can safely say that nothing good can be expected from this manipulation.

You can continue this article for a long time, because there are a lot of tips for baking pancakes.

An excellent mood will be transferred to each pancake if the hostess fries in a great mood. In the event that something doesn’t work out for you in the kitchen, then you don’t need to get upset, become discouraged.

In fact, happiness is not in this, try not to take everything too close, but rejoice and smile more. And in general, it must be admitted that even a pancake can seem very tasty and ideal to your family.

At the end of the article, I would like to present you small recipe how to make perfect pancakes at home.

Easy quick pancake recipe

Components: 4 tbsp. flour; 0.5 l of water and milk; 5 tbsp rast. oils; 2 tbsp sugar sand; 5 pieces. chickens. eggs; 0.5 tsp salt; 250 ml of boiling water.

Action algorithm:

  1. The components are heated to room temperature. I get milk and chickens. eggs in advance.
  2. I sow flour to saturate the composition with oxygen, from this pancakes, and all pastries, become even tastier. I'm slaughtering chickens. eggs, salt, milk, sugar. For these purposes, I advise you to beat with a mixer or work with a whisk.
  3. The next step is to add flour. The dough will be thick, and therefore it is worth introducing water into it little by little, interfering with the components. The sequence of adding products is important to follow in order to avoid lumps.
  4. I add boiling water and mix well. This is necessary for the dough to cook. In this case, pancakes will be lacy and thin.
  5. I pour rast. oil, I interfere.
  6. I start frying each pancake in a well-hot pan.

You can make pancakes not only with the addition of milk, but also on kefir, just on water. The choice is entirely yours. I hope that you won’t have any more “why can’t you bake pancakes”.

My video recipe

Housewives have an ambiguous attitude towards pancakes, or rather, their baking. Some people think that baking pancakes is easy. Others do not even undertake this troublesome business.

And all because pancakes are an unpredictable dish, and sometimes they tend to burst. And the “lump” is obtained not only the first pancake, but also subsequent ones.

In fact, even a novice hostess can learn how to bake pancakes. The main thing is to remember only a few simple rules cooking this dish, as well as get acquainted with the reasons why pancakes do not work out. For example, they are torn when turning over.

Incorrect amount of flour

The taste of pancakes depends on the ingredients that are added to the dough. Pancakes are made with milk and kefir. They are yeast or on soda. Sometimes instead of water, kefir or milk they add mineral water, beer or even pickle.

But in each of these recipes, the main place is given to flour. The thickness of pancakes and their strength depend on it.

If you put a lot of flour, the dough will be thick. This means that it will not be able to quickly spread over the pan, and the pancake will come out thick. Such a pancake will eventually turn out to be heavy and, possibly, unbaked. It can be easily turned over to the other side, removed from the pan. But when folding, it will most likely tear.

If you put a little flour in the dough, then during baking it does not seize, it remains liquid, and such pancakes cannot be turned over or removed from the pan without consequences.

Therefore, you must strictly adhere to the recipe, adding as much flour as indicated in it.

But most often the hostess does not rely on the recipe, but kneads the dough for pancakes from the ingredients that are available.

In this case, you first need to combine the eggs with sugar and salt, add half the norm of liquid, mix well. While stirring, gradually add flour. Then dilute the thick dough with the remaining liquid to desired consistency. It should turn out so that it flows viscous from the ladle, but the trickle should not be thick.

Poor ingredient ratio


It is believed that pancakes are torn due to the small number of eggs in the dough. But this is not a completely correct conclusion. There are many recipes with only 2 eggs, but the pancakes are perfect.

It all depends on the stickiness of the flour, thorough mixing of all the ingredients.

And in some recipes, eggs are completely absent. Eggs can not be added to the dough on kefir. But in this case, the dough is recommended to be brewed with boiling water. It becomes elastic, and pancakes do not tear when turned over.

The dough for pancakes on kefir is made a little thicker than on milk or water. Because you need to take into account the density of kefir. So that such pancakes do not turn out to be dense, soda or another baking powder must be added to the dough.

Soda should be mixed with flour, and not quenched in a spoon, as many housewives do. If the soda is quenched with vinegar separately from the flour, then all the gas bubbles that make the dough airy will evaporate before combining with the flour. And then there will be little sense from soda.

If pancakes tear when turned over, you can add 1-2 eggs to the dough. But it must be remembered that due to a large number egg pancakes are hard.

Particular attention should be paid to the preparation of pancakes from yeast dough.

Because of the foam, it is difficult to determine the density of the dough. If little flour is added to such a dough, then pancakes from it will break.

IN yeast dough eggs are necessarily laid, and they are thoroughly beaten and only then combined with a dough prepared from half the norm of liquid and full norm flour. The dough is kneaded until the lumps disappear completely.

The rest of the liquid is added at the very end of the batch. Such pancakes are baked only after the dough has risen well. It is not stirred before baking, so as not to destroy air bubbles.


Sometimes pancakes are torn due to a large amount of sugar. The underside of a pancake made from such a dough quickly begins to fry, and the top remains still raw. It is very difficult to flip such a pancake entirely.

But you should not completely give up sugar, since pancakes without it turn out pale. Therefore, it is enough to put 1-2 tbsp. l. sugar so that the pancakes are moderately sweet, but not burnt.


To make pancakes easily turned over and removed from the pan, vegetable oil is poured into the dough.

Sometimes housewives believe: the more oil you pour into the dough, the easier the pancakes will be removed from the pan. But it has the opposite effect. When baking pancakes, the oil begins to boil, the dough bubbles, its integrity is broken, and as a result, the pancakes are torn.

Therefore, it is enough to pour no more than 40-50 g of oil into the dough - just enough so that the pancakes turn out to be moderately fatty and do not stick to the pan.


The quality of pancakes depends on the right pan.

An ideal option for baking is a pancake pan. It has low sides, it heats up well and cools down quickly. It is enough just to first lightly spread it with butter, and then calmly bake pancakes.

If there is no such pan, you need to take a cast-iron or old "grandmother's" pan with a thick bottom. No wonder grandmothers make pancakes perfect.

To prevent pancakes from tearing when turning over, before each new batch of dough, grease the pan with a piece of bacon, chopped on a fork, or vegetable oil with the help of a brush.

It is not recommended to pour oil into the pan from a bottle, because then the dough does not stick to the surface of the pan, but rather “flows” to one edge. At the same time, the oil begins to bubble, dilutes the dough, and the pancake breaks when you try to turn it over.

Note to the owner

  • To make pancakes perfect, a personal frying pan must be allocated for them.
  • Before pouring the first portion of the dough, the oiled frying pan must be heated to a barely noticeable haze, then removed from the stove for 5-6 seconds. And only after that pour the dough. Bake pancakes over medium heat.
  • Do not be upset if the first pancake turned out to be “lumpy”. Usually it is used to judge how much dough to pour into the pan. If necessary, add more flour or, conversely, make the dough thinner. By the way, you can not add flour to the whole dough, as it will be difficult to get rid of lumps. It is necessary to pour a little dough into another bowl, mix thoroughly with flour and only then combine with the rest of the dough.

And the last. Having scraped off a sticky pancake from a frying pan, it is not enough just to wipe it. It must be washed well, calcined, and then re-greased with oil. And, most importantly, to believe that everything will work out!

Making pancakes may seem simple process, but actually create good dish Not everyone succeeds the first time. The process of baking thin and fragrant pancakes has a lot of nuances and details, without knowing which the result will be unsatisfactory. The most common difficulty is the dough sticking to the pan and tearing when trying to turn it over. There are several reasons.

Poorly heated frying pan

The saying about “the first pancake is lumpy” went because of the insufficiently heated surface for baking. During the heating of the oil, a protective film forms on the surface, its uniform distribution does not allow the dough to stick. If the pan is not too hot and the oil does not have enough temperature, then the pancake will definitely stick to it and tear when turning over.

The reason for a poorly heated surface is haste or lack of experience. It is important to start preheating the pan in advance, and wait for the first haze from the greased oil - both the first and subsequent pancakes will easily leave the pan.

Problematic dish coating

If the pancakes are constantly sticking and falling apart, you should pay attention to the coating of the pan. For pancakes, there should be a separate frying pan, preferably made of cast iron or aluminum. Constant cooking of the dough on the surface of such pans forms a fatty film that prevents sticking. If you cook something else in the pan, then in the process of constant washing, the film will gradually be washed off, and the pancakes will not turn out. It is not recommended to fry pancakes on a new cast iron pan- Requires pre-heating.

Cooking pancakes is also possible on non-stick and ceramic coatings. Only first it is necessary to lubricate the surface with a piece of lard or a potato dipped in vegetable oil. On too thin aluminum frying pan cooking is not worth it - it easily overheats and the pancakes begin to burn.

Non-compliance with the recipe

To prevent pancakes from sticking, it is important to follow the right recipe test. Many housewives make the same mistake - a lot of water, lack of eggs and fat. In addition, there are other reasons for an unsuccessful dessert.

  1. Too much oil has the opposite effect - it begins to boil when the pancakes are baked, as a result of which they do not turn over due to integrity violations.
  2. Excess sugar. Pancake quickly blushes from below, and remains raw on top - it will be very difficult to turn it over.
  3. Lots of soda. If your recipe calls for the use of soda, then you must clearly follow the description. Excessive amount soda can spoil the taste of pancakes, saturate them with unnatural yellow and destroy the stickiness of the dough.
  4. Adding spices. If you put a lot of cinnamon, vanilla and cardamom into the dough, the strength of the dough may decrease, as a result of which it will not be possible to bake whole cakes.

Advice: When the pancake sticks strongly and breaks, it is worth adding another egg to the dough, as this is a kind of “cement” that holds all the components of the pancake batch together. Also add vegetable oil (no more than 40 ml of oil per standard recipe). If this does not eliminate sticking, then it is better to redo the dough completely, preparing it clearly according to the recipe.

Incorrect dough consistency

It doesn’t matter what you cook pancakes on (milk, water or kefir), since the main role in the recipe is given to flour, which forms its consistency.

  1. With an excess of flour, the pancakes will turn out to be undercooked, and due to the thickness they will fall apart.
  2. Not enough flour will cause the pancake to stick to the surface.

The correct consistency implies a viscous runoff of the dough from the ladle, but not too thick a stream. This state can be achieved only when the batch stands for half an hour. During this time, the dough will have time to release the gluten, which will give the pancakes more elasticity.

Why do pancakes stick to the pan despite your best efforts, and how do you stop it? Change pan? Find another recipe? Or maybe come to terms with the fact that pancakes are not yours and, as in a joke, continue to bake lumps? Calmly! There is a solution for every problem, and even more so for a culinary one. You have on your side the centuries-old experience of housewives who have been cooking ruddy round "suns" in Rus' since time immemorial. They already knew what to do!

The first pancake is not lumpy

Why do pancakes stick? Most likely, you made a mistake in one of five points:

  • did not guess with the choice of a frying pan;
  • they warmed it up badly;
  • incorrectly lubricated;
  • messed up with the recipe;
  • forgot to be patient. Also, by the way, an important thing when baking pancakes!

Shall we start troubleshooting?

The subtleties of choosing a pancake pan

IN old times every self-respecting housewife kept an old great-great-great-grandmother in the kitchen cast iron pan for pancakes. It was never washed, wiped clean with a piece of paper or a cloth, and under no circumstances was it used for cooking other dishes. And there were reasons for this.

  1. A pan for baking pancakes should quickly and evenly warm up, and also keep heat reliably. And cast iron meets these requirements 100%.
  2. It is desirable that it be made of a porous metal that can absorb and accumulate oil during the frying process, which reduces the likelihood of burning the dough. And again, cast iron is out of competition here.
  3. Over time, an invisible oil film forms on the bottom of the dish, which makes it easier for the hostess to do her job, and prevents the cast iron from rusting. That is why pans that wander in the family from generation to generation are especially respected by true cooks, and for the same reason they try not to wash them once again. But pancakes are one thing, and scrambled eggs and potatoes are another. Here you can’t do without Fairy and a hard brush, which means goodbye to the protective film.

What to do so that pancakes do not stick to new frying pan if mom and grandmother didn’t save a cast-iron rarity for you? Densely fill the bottom of your purchase with salt, ignite it over medium heat until the grains become dark creamy, carefully shake the salt into the sink with a napkin and start baking - the metal will be perfectly calcined and ready to show its best.

In addition to cast iron, which has no competitors in baking, cooks are recognized by:

  • titanium- according to the properties of the native "twin brother" of cast iron;
  • aluminum, the only drawback of which is fragility;
  • teflon coated steel, comfortable, but requiring delicate handling;
  • ceramics, environmentally friendly, although poorly tolerated by temperature extremes;
  • marble- almost perfect material if not for the outrageous cost.

Why do pancakes stick to the pan, although you seriously approached her choice and were not too lazy to ignite a bowl of salt? Perhaps the point is the high side, which prevents you from freely wielding a shovel. In a professional pancake pan, it does not exceed 2, and sometimes even 0.5 cm.

Light up

Why does the first pancake often come out lumpy? Because inexperienced housewives they begin to bake it in an unheated frying pan, while true craftswomen determine with their sixth sense when it is time to tip the first ladle of dough onto a hot bottom.

Put a couple of drops of water on the bottom and see how they behave. If they evaporate with a hiss, it's time to move on to the second stage and grease the pan with oil. As soon as a characteristic transparent "smoke" begins to rise from it, it's time to take on the ladle. Well, if you use lard instead of butter, wait until the piece that touches the hot metal begins to heat up from the heat and get down to business.

Nuance: it is the smoke that should be expected, and not the children, so do not try to make the fire bigger. Medium flame is more than enough.

Butter oil

If, afraid of talking about carcinogens, you diligently save on oil, do not wonder why pancakes stick to the pan and tear.

  • First, vegetable oil must be included in the recipe. good pancakes. And if it is not included, without a shadow of a doubt, add it yourself - 1-2 tablespoons.
  • Secondly, the pan must also be lubricated with oil. At a minimum, before baking the first pancake, and more often before every 3-4. It is recommended to lubricate even the Teflon coating - for fidelity and more good taste ready meal.
  • Third, forget about butter and margarine, they are not your helpers. The only alternative to vegetable oil can only be lard.
  • Fourth, do not be too lazy to coat the sides of the pan. They are often forgotten, but meanwhile, the dough can stick to the sides no worse than to the bottom, thereby ruining all your pastries.
  • Fifth, know the measure. Pancakes floating in a simmering pool of oil turn out little better than those tried in a dry frying pan.

Rely on the recipe, but don't make a mistake yourself

But what if the pancakes stick to the pan not because of its material or lack of oil - what to do in this case?

  • Check the density of the dough. It should resemble liquid sour cream or cream, otherwise burning cannot be avoided. And do not nod at the recipe, where the ratio of all products is written in black and white! You and its author could use different types flour, so there was a small error. If the dough turned out to be thick and viscous, add water or milk to it, if it is too liquid, thicken it with flour.
  • Don't go overboard with sugar. It will settle to the bottom, brown and stick tightly to the metal.
  • Measure soda accurately. Its excess reduces the stickiness of the flour, which is why the pancakes begin to fall apart right on the shoulder blade.
  • But don't feel sorry for the eggs. They will serve as a link and make baking stronger.
  • If you knead the dough with kefir or milk, be prepared for additional difficulties, since such a delicacy turns out to be very tender and turn over worse. You can help the cause by replacing some of the dairy products with water, adding another egg to the dough and armed with a thin and wide spatula. Plump silicone, of course, will not scratch Teflon, but it is more difficult to pry a pancake with them.

Hurry up - make people laugh

You will need patience at least three times. The first time you collect ingredients for pancakes: you need to leave them on the table and let them warm up to room temperature. It is undesirable to knead the dough from cold milk and eggs.

The second time you have to lose 15-30 minutes to give ready dough"rest" on the table under the towel. During this time, the gluten will swell, and the pancakes will become more magnificent and will not tear during baking.

The third time you will need patience to wait until the pan is hot. But we have already talked about this.

If all the rules are followed, the chances of eating rich and ruddy pancakes will increase significantly.

Video: 7 secrets of pancakes not lumpy

It seems we forgot to mention the main baking condition right pancakes: good mood mistresses. Tune in combat and get down to business with a smile, without this, both the cast-iron pan and the oil will be powerless.

cook delicious pancakes under the power of every housewife, if at hand are the right ingredients and a stove with a frying pan. But we must admit that no matter how skillfully you bake, you can run into trouble at any time when the dish stops working out.

Now I would like to pay attention to this particular point and give answers to all your questions regarding why the dough sticks to cast iron skillet, breaks, pancakes crumble, and also what exactly should the hostess do in such a case.

If you read this article, you will be able to understand true reason happened force majeure situation, when pancakes are torn and stick.

To date, many recipes are known. Even recipes that have been proven over the years can play a cruel joke with every housewife. During frying, the dough may stick to the pan, tear when turning.

Someone likes cakes more magnificent, someone loves those that glow in the sun with a lace base. If the pancakes are torn, then the first thing you should pay attention to is the kneading of the dough.

It's time to reveal the secrets that you no longer had questions: why failure awaited you in the kitchen.

Pancakes stuck to the bottom of the pan

First of all, you need to indicate that there are many reasons why pancakes stick. Basically, it is worth highlighting these nuances: 1 Incorrect selection of dishes. 2 An ingredient is missing from the dough mix. 3 The baking method does not correspond to the correct solution. 4 There are too many ingredients in the mix.

It turns out that in order to make this treat at home successfully, you need to eliminate negative factors and correct them. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

Where to begin?

Baking dish

The main reason, if the pancakes are torn or sticky, will be objectionable dishes. In principle, it is best to bake them in a cast-iron or aluminum skillet. It is not recommended to use new Teflon or ceramic pans.

The main reason is that on newfangled pans, a fatty film can form during heating, which prevents the pancake from sticking.

A heated cast iron pan does not need to be lubricated with vegetable oil or fat. Bake ruddy and delicious tortillas- pure pleasure.

Therefore, if the question arises: why do pancakes stick to the pan and tear, what to do - pay attention to the quality of the dishes.

heating process

Pancakes may stick, tear, or not come off when flipped if the pan is not suitable for baking. Wash the pan only with a soft brush, you should not use an iron brush, because the fatty surface will be erased.

To return the fat layer, you need to put a dry frying pan on the stove and heat it up. You have to wait until the smoke comes out of it.

New frying pan

Why do pancakes tear when turned over if new dishes are used? Here it is worth paying attention to the process of running the pan. Fry the first time scrambled eggs on it, and then start baking pancakes. This will keep the cake from sticking.

The fault in culinary failures will be the wrong kneading of the dough. If you do not follow the correct indication of the recipe, then you can harm the quality of the finished product.


We have dealt with dishes. Before baking, they calcined the dishes, prepared them for frying, but starting to bake, do you understand that the cakes are still torn? Here it is worth understanding what to add to the dough so that the pancakes do not tear.

For thin pancakes

The desire to bake thin pancakes causes many housewives. Some bake them on kefir or water. Batter on kefir or another dairy product You should not knead by eye, because this is the first reason for failure in the kitchen.

On a hot frying pan from a thin layer of dough, moisture will be corrected in a short time, and the cake will lose its elasticity and elasticity. In this case, the pancake will be fragile, it will quickly tear and begin to stick to the cast-iron base.

In this case, I advise you to correct the situation by adding a little bit of flour to the kefir dough. It is important to bring the mass to uniformity.

Do not hurry

Do not rush to prepare the dough for pancakes on kefir. Dilute the mixture, let it stand for about 30 minutes. Thus, you will simplify your task of baking. The dough will be pliable.

The thing is that the flour will release gluten, the pancake will become stronger, more elastic and will bake well in a pan. If it is indicated in the kefir test recipe to use this particular product, it is worth doing so. Otherwise, replacement is not recommended.

Adding eggs

The recipe includes chicken. eggs. Although it is important to note that there are lean options cooking, when this product is excluded altogether. In this case, there is a high chance that you will fail. The quality of the dessert will be significantly lower than we would like.

Chickens are a kind of emulsifier of the composition. eggs. They are able to hold all the ingredients in the batch together into one strong whole. It is worth adding 2-4 pieces. chickens. eggs per 1 liter of liquid. For such an amount of liquid of one chicken. eggs will be too small.

To make the dough more docile for baking, you need to add a couple of chickens to it. eggs. It is important that the composition is homogeneous, there are no lumps. Kur. eggs will also help ensure that the pancakes acquire a beautiful ruddy color, and they bake very quickly.

In the event that you want to make pancakes with a thin base, I advise you to add more eggs to the dough. Then the lack of flour will not be negative.

The absence of eggs in the mixture or their lack is fraught with problems with baking on kefir or any other fermented milk product. To figure out why the dough is torn when turning over, it is worth reading my article to the end.

Vegetable oil in the dough

Adding dough to the batch, we put flour and chickens. eggs, but the result is still the same - does it tear and stick to the dishes? Then I advise you to add 5-7 tablespoons to the mixture. rast. oils.

This move should help rectify the situation. Such a measure will help soften the dough, create a fat barrier between the dough and the pan. Plus, it's foolish to deny that pancakes take on a special flavor.

They will not be dry, and flipping the cakes in a pan will not be a problem.


The recipe may indicate the use of soda. In this case, it is worth strictly observing the prescribed amount.

If there is an excess white powder, then the taste will be in danger, the treat will become unnaturally yellow, and it will lose its stickiness during kneading. Pancakes will stick 100%, and even disintegrate during cooking.


If added to pancake dough sugar is in excess, then there may be a problem with the pancakes sticking or falling apart. Plus, they can burn, because sugar will create a caramel effect.

Sweet tooth can sweeten the treat, but only when the cakes are served to the table. I advise you to take jam, honey, sugar. powder or condensed milk. Sax. sand can be put into the dough, but in a minimal amount.


The dough can be flavored with cardamom, you can put cinnamon or vanilla. Feel free to add other spices too, but know when to stop. Too much will ruin the taste, but that's not the only problem. The strength of the batch will decrease, the cake will no longer be complete. A sense of proportion must always be remembered.

Proper frying of pancakes that do not stick to the pan

It seems that everyone can cook pancakes, but there are some housewives who try to avoid this dish, believing that it is simply impossible to cope with the dough sticking to the pan.

Kids, on the contrary, like it when moms do different pancakes and serve them with tea for breakfast. So that cooking does not lead you to complete horror, you should get the hang of handling the dough correctly, learning how to fry it and how to grease the pan.

All this will allow you to bake your favorite pancakes that will not stick. This is a really important skill that will not be superfluous for any hostess.

warm up

The basic rule for cooking pancakes is: so that the dish is not lumpy, it is worth pouring a couple of tablespoons into the pan. rast. oils. It is important to heat the pan so that the first smoke appears, and then only pour the dough.


Many people think that baking is not worth it in cooking oil, cl. butter or margarine. These products contain water. When the liquid boils away during heating, the dough begins to stick to the pan.

Pancakes in this case may begin to burn. It is important to know how to grease the pan. This is what I propose to talk about right now:

  1. Grease the bottom of the pan only once. This must be done before baking the first pancake. All other bake exclusively in a dry frying pan. Only as needed lubricate the dishes with a brush smeared with rast. oil. You can do the same with a piece of lard.
  2. To make thin and medium pancakes for breakfast, I advise you to choose medium or above medium heat.

If you bake lush and openwork pancakes, it is worth setting medium or less than medium fire. A similar rule works if you bake liver pancakes.

Summing up

This article comes to an end. All the secrets of successful pancakes are presented by me above. I hope that my tips will be useful to you, and you will remember me with a kind word. You can bake any kind of pancakes in accordance with them, including liver, sweet, thick, thin, etc.

Summing up, let's clarify once again what is needed so that the pancakes do not stick to the pan during baking:

  1. Observe the exact amount of ingredients according to the recipe for kneading the dough.
  2. The dough is kneaded until it becomes even in color and homogeneous in composition.
  3. Remove lumps from the dough, knead flour, chickens. eggs until thick, only then bring to the desired structure.
  4. Heat the dishes before baking, greasing the rast. fat or oil.
  5. Oven only on medium heat.
  6. Flip the pancakes, lifting the edges in a circle. For these purposes, a spatula or a knife will be useful.

By following the above tips, you can bake at home for breakfast. perfect pancakes, both hepatic and honey, as well as a host of others. Questions why the cakes stick or tear when you need to turn them over will never arise again. After all, there are no more reasons for this.

My video recipe
