
Pancakes are torn what to add to the dough. Why do pancakes tear when flipped and stick to the pan when frying? Cooking tips to fix the situation

Why do pancakes tear and stick to the pan? Almost every novice hostess is looking for the answer to this question. Bake beautiful and - it's almost an art. But you can get the hang of it pretty quickly. You just need to remember a few important rules for preparing this dish. It is about them that we are talking in this article.

Having studied the information offered here, each hostess will understand the causes of the problems that arise when baking the national Russian dish - pancakes.

Reason #1: Not enough eggs

Why are pancakes bursting? Maybe the recipe was broken during the preparation of the dough? When kneading it, you must strictly follow the description. As a rule, pancakes stick and tear if there are few eggs in the dough. Protein and yolk is the link of all other ingredients. The deficiency of these ingredients leads to the fact that the structure and density of the dough are violated. It is possible to save such a workpiece. Add 1-2 eggs to the dough. Mix the resulting mass and add a little flour to it. Once again, mix everything thoroughly. The dough should be of a uniform consistency.

Reason #2: Not enough flour

The reason why pancakes tear when turned over may be a lack of flour in the batch. Moisture quickly drains from a very thin dough in a hot pan. It leaves a very thin and porous cake. It is very difficult to turn it over, and sometimes it is simply impossible. If such a nuisance happened to your dough, add a little flour to it and mix until all the lumps are broken.

Do not rush to bake it immediately. Leave the workpiece to brew for half an hour. During this time, the flour will release the gluten, which will make the structure of the dough more dense.

Reason #3: Lack of Fat

Be sure to add a couple of teaspoons of vegetable oil to the dough during the kneading, because the lack of fat in the dough can be the reason why the pancakes are torn. The taste of the dish will only benefit from this. And the cakes themselves will easily turn over and be removed from the bottom of the pan.

In addition, it is recommended to lubricate the mold itself with fat. This can be done with a piece of unsalted lard or any vegetable oil. But with the latter, the main thing is not to overdo it. Fat, a thin layer, should be greased only the bottom of the pan. It is convenient to do this with a napkin dipped in oil or a brush.

Reason #4: Too Much Sugar or Spices

When making pancake dough, try not to overdo it with spices. Vanilla sugar, pepper, coriander and other seasonings change its strength. As a result, thin pancakes will both burn and tear. And even the most common granulated sugar in the composition of the dough can cause a violation of the integrity of the cakes. Therefore, it should be kept to a minimum. Additional sweetness can be given to pancakes after cooking, anointing them with jam or honey.

Reason #5: Bad frying pan

In order for the process of baking an old Russian dish to bring you pleasure, it is important to choose the right frying pan for this business. Ideally, it should be cast iron. The walls and bottom of this form are quite thick, which contributes to uniform baking of the dough. You can also use modern ones to make thin cakes. Experienced chefs recommend having separate dishes for baking this dish, that is, it should only be used for pancakes, because those forms in which meat, fish, vegetables are fried can have small scratches and notches. An uneven bottom surface can also be the reason why pancakes tear when baking.

Such a modern unit as an electric pancake maker has proven itself very well. It is advantageous in that it can bake several thin pancakes at once. The temperature program, set according to the instructions, allows the hostess not to worry that the pancakes will burn or not bake. Even a novice cook with the help of such an assistant as an electric pancake maker will be able to cook ruddy and delicious cakes.

Learn how to bake pancakes the right way. Tips for Beginners

You have already learned the main reasons why pancakes are torn. Next, let's talk about the rules of the baking process of this dish. If you follow all the rules described below, you will no longer have problems with making thin cakes.

  • Knead the dough clearly according to the instructions, lay the amount of products. which is indicated in the recipe.
  • Knead the dough until it has an even color and a uniform consistency. In order not to form lumps, you must first stir the flour with a small amount of liquid (milk, water, kefir), and then add more.
  • Before pouring the dough into the pan, it must be heated and then greased.
  • It is recommended to bake pancakes on moderate heat.
  • Turn the cakes over with a spatula, initially lifting the edges in a circle.

Why do pancakes tear when frying? Now this issue is no longer relevant. You know all the secrets of cooking this dish.

Why do pancakes tear and stick to the pan? The answer to this question is found by virtually any novice hostess. Baking wonderful and savory pancakes is practically an art. But you can get hold of it pretty quickly. It is only necessary to understand a few fundamental rules for the manufacture of this dish. Specifically, we are talking about them in this article.

After examining the information offered here, any hostess will learn the prerequisites for the problems that arise when baking the state Russian dish - pancakes.

Reason #1: Not Enough Eggs

Why are pancakes bursting? Maybe the recipe was broken during the preparation of the dough? When kneading it, you must strictly follow the description. Usually, pancakes stick and burst if there are not many eggs in the dough. Protein and yolk is the connecting link of all other ingredients. The lack of these ingredients leads to the fact that the structure and density of the dough are violated. It is possible to save such a workpiece. Add 1-2 eggs to the dough. Stir the resulting mass and add a little flour to it. Mix everything thoroughly again. The dough should be a homogeneous mixture.

Reason number 2: the missing amount of flour

The reason why pancakes tear when turned over may be a lack of flour in the batch. A very watery dough in a hot frying pan quickly loses moisture. It leaves a very thin and porous cake. It is very difficult to turn it over, and sometimes it is simply unrealistic. If this problem happens to your dough, add a little flour to it and mix until all the lumps are broken.

Having made the dough for pancakes, do not rush to bake it right away. Leave the workpiece to brew for half an hour. During this period of time, the flour will release the gluten, which will make the dough structure denser.

Reason #3: Lack of fat

Be sure to add a couple of teaspoons of vegetable oil to the dough during the kneading, since the lack of fat in the dough may be a prerequisite for why pancakes are torn. The taste of the dish will only benefit from this. And the cakes themselves will simply turn over and be removed from the bottom of the pan.

In addition, it is recommended to lubricate the mold itself with fat. This can be done with a piece of unsalted lard or any vegetable oil. But with the latter, the main thing is not to overdo it. Fat, a narrow layer, should be greased only the bottom of the pan. It is comfortable to do this with a napkin dipped in oil or with a brush.

Reason number 4: excess sugar or spices

When making pancake dough, try not to overdo it with spices. Vanilla sugar, pepper, coriander and other seasonings change its strength. As a result, thin pancakes will both burn and tear. And even the most ordinary granulated sugar in the composition of the dough can serve as a prerequisite for violating the integrity of the cakes. Therefore, it must be kept to a minimum. Additional sweetness can be given to pancakes after cooking, anointing them with jam or honey.

Reason #5: Bad frying pan

So that the process of baking an ancient Russian dish brings you pleasure, it is important to choose the right frying pan for this business. In the standard, it should be metal. The walls and bottom of this form are quite thick, which contributes to the uniform baking of the dough. You can also use modern non-stick pans to make thin cakes. Experienced cooks advise to have separate dishes for baking this dish, in other words, it should be intended only for pancakes, since those forms in which meat, fish, and vegetables are fried may have small scratches and notches. An uneven bottom surface can also be a reason why pancakes tear when baking.

Such a modern unit as an electric pancake maker has proven itself perfectly. It is profitable in that it can bake several thin pancakes at once. The temperature mode program, set according to the annotation, allows the hostess not to worry that the pancakes will burn or not bake. Even a novice cook with the help of such an assistant as an electronic pancake maker will be able to cook ruddy and savory cakes.

Learning to bake pancakes correctly. Tips for Beginners

You have already learned the main prerequisites for why pancakes are torn. Next, we will talk about the rules of the baking process of this dish. If you follow all the rules described below, you will no longer have problems with making thin cakes.

  • We knead the dough correctly according to the annotation, we lay the number of goods. which is indicated in the recipe.
  • Knead the dough until the time until it acquires a uniform color and a uniform consistency. In order not to create lumps, you must first stir the flour with a small amount of water (milk, water, kefir), and then add more.
  • Before pouring the dough into the pan, it must be heated, and then greased.
  • It is recommended to bake pancakes on moderate heat.
  • Spin the cakes with a spatula, first lifting the edges in a circle.

Why do pancakes tear when frying? Now this issue is no longer relevant. You understand all the secrets of making this dish.

Almost everyone loves delicious pancakes, supplemented with some kind of filling or just with jam (jam, condensed milk ...). It’s good when they turn out ruddy, well-baked, with a crispy crust. Such that for the joy of the hostess herself, and for her household - for a treat. It's just that they aren't always like that. Sometimes pancakes burn on the pan and burst, even if you turn them over very carefully. What's the matter here? Why do pancakes stick to the pan and tear? What to do with it? These are the three questions we will try to give an exact answer today.

Why do pancakes burn on the pan?

In fact, there are a lot of reasons why this pastry can tear. These include:

  • non-compliance with the recipe;
  • problems with the pan (poorly heated, does not have a special coating ...);
  • too thin or thick dough;
  • Wrong choice of dishes for baking pancakes.

Let's break them all down in a little more detail.

Non-compliance with the recipe. Our hostesses sometimes like to do everything “by eye”. At the same time, the risk of putting something superfluous (for example, pouring in more milk than necessary) greatly increases, as does the chance of forgetting something. To prevent this from happening, try to always stick to the recipe!

Poorly heated frying pan. It often happens that the hostess, just putting the pan on the fire, immediately hurries to pour the dough into it. This is absolutely impossible to do! Let the dishes warm up well, and then bake pancakes on it.

Too liquid or thick dough. In the first case, you need to add more flour, in the second - pour milk. A good dough in its consistency should resemble thick sour cream.

Wrong choice of dishes. It is best to bake pancakes in milk or kefir in a cast-iron or aluminum pan, preferably specially designed for this. When choosing other dishes, they will stick and spread, so that you do not take it - this has already been verified.

Why else can pancakes stick to the pan?

Pancakes made with kefir or milk can also stick to the pan, simply because you didn’t let the dough rest for half an hour. You need to let it brew even if this was not indicated in the recipe. And also if you poorly lubricated the pan with vegetable oil, or even use new dishes. In the latter case, it is recommended to pour a mixture of 3-4 tbsp into the pan. tablespoons of salt and 1 tbsp. tablespoons of baking soda and ignite it until it becomes creamy. Then pour the ingredients into the trash can. Rinse the pan under the tap with water using a soft cloth (not a sponge!).

What to do so that pancakes never stick and tear?

  • Make friends with your frying pan! Yes Yes exactly. Even experienced housewives, when using someone else's dishes, will complain that pancakes burn and tear.
  • Do not use enamel pans. Pancakes are torn on them, despite any attempts to somehow fix it.
  • Use a peeled half of a potato or a good cooking brush to coat the dishes.
  • Try to evenly distribute the pancake layer over the pan, turning it over in a circle to do this.
  • Bake only on medium heat. In order for the pancakes to be ruddy, it is very important to choose the right heat.
  • Flip the pastry exclusively with an iron spatula with thin edges. If you use a wooden one, the pancake will either be wrinkled or torn.​

Follow these simple rules, and your pancakes will always turn out thin, tasty, sweet, like “to order”.

Bon appetit!​

The ability to bake smooth, light, beautiful and mouth-watering pancakes comes with experience. Few of the young housewives can invite relatives to pancakes without hesitation: at first they turn out to be very unsightly. I want to figure out why pancakes stick to the pan and tear. It is also interesting to learn how to make pancakes not burn, and what to add to the dough to make it lush and tasty.

Below we will try to explain what causes problems when baking pancakes, and give recommendations on how to prevent and solve them.

Why do pancakes stick to the pan and tear

  • Saving eggs. If you are kneading the dough for the first time, you must strictly follow all recommendations regarding the amount of ingredients. So, if you want to save on eggs, pancakes will not be elastic enough. They will tear and stick to the pan, as it is the eggs that provide the dough with elasticity. However, you can still fix it! To make the dough more pliable and dense, add 1-2 more eggs to it and give it a uniform consistency.
  • Lack of flour If there is too little flour, the dough turns out to be liquid, and the pancakes formed from it are torn when you try to turn them over. From a very thin pancake (and what else can be made from batter?), Moisture evaporates instantly. A thin and loose layer remains, sticking to the surface of the pan.

    The batter can be thickened. Add flour to it and stir it very carefully, breaking all the lumps.

    And one more tip: do not rush to bake pancakes from freshly prepared dough! Let it stand for half an hour so that the flour releases the gluten. Thanks to this, the dough will become more dense and viscous, and it will be easier to bake pancakes.

  • Lack of oil. When kneading the dough, flavor it with vegetable oil. Firstly, it helps to improve the taste of ready-made pancakes. Secondly, thanks to the oil, they are easily turned over and removed.

    In addition, the pan in which you plan to bake pancakes should be greased with oil or lard (unsalted). You can do this with a paper towel. Please note that only the bottom needs to be lubricated! Excess oil will not benefit the pancakes.

  • Too much sugar and/or spices. When preparing dough for pancakes, do not get carried away with spices. Vanilla, cardamom, pepper and other exotic spices make the dough fragile. The same "sin" and granulated sugar. So if you want to give your pancakes a sweet and quirky flavor, flavor them with honey/syrup/cinnamon/vanilla sugar when they're done. The dough should be as fresh as possible.
  • Wrong pan. Pancakes are a capricious product. No pan is suitable for their preparation. For this purpose, it is best to take a thick-walled cast-iron pan, the bottom and walls of which will warm up evenly.

    If you prefer thin pancakes, consider getting a non-stick pan. The main thing is that you have separate dishes exclusively for pancakes. You can't fry or bake anything else on it. The fact is that in the pans that we use daily, scratches or chips appear every now and then, and any mechanical damage leads to the fact that pancakes are torn during the baking process.

    Lovers of modern "smart" kitchen appliances can recommend an electric crepe maker. She can bake several pancakes at the same time. Even an inexperienced hostess can cope with this unit: it is enough to set the desired mode, and the crepe maker will do everything herself. Pancakes cooked "automatically" turn out beautiful and ruddy.

In order for your pancakes to come out “like grandmother’s”, they need to be baked according to all the rules. How exactly? - we'll tell you now.

  • While kneading the dough, make sure that it acquires an even color and becomes uniform in consistency. To prevent the formation of lumps, first mix the flour with some kefir or milk. Add fluid if necessary.
  • Heat the pan well and quickly brush with oil. Only after that you can pour pancake dough on it.
  • To spread the batter evenly across the pan (i.e. form a round pancake with smooth edges), tilt the pan in different directions.
  • The fire must be moderate.
  • Use a wooden spatula to flip the pancakes. Grip the edges of the pancake first, then flip it over. The pros flip the pancakes by tossing them in the pan. You will be able to repeat this trick only if the dough is thick enough.
  • If you can't flip a pancake that's too thin, tilt the pan so it's perpendicular to the surface of the stove. The pancake will come off easily.
  • Be careful not to let the pan get too hot or the pancakes will burn. It is believed that the pancake is completely baked in half a minute. In fact, the cooking time depends on the thickness of the dough and the temperature of the pan. The moment when you need to turn the pancake can only be determined empirically. If you see that small bubbles have begun to form on the surface of the dough, and the pancake has begun to brown around the edges, feel free to turn it over.

Now you know why pancakes are torn and how to avoid it. Get a separate frying pan and a wooden spatula to it, find a suitable recipe and start honing your skills. Do not neglect the recommendations of professionals, do not save food (you don’t need so much for pancake dough), knead the dough correctly, do not overheat the pan and be sure to use oil. After some time, you will be surprised how easy it turns out to bake delicious and beautiful pancakes, which diverge with a bang.

Successful experiments!

Novice hostesses ask - why do pancakes tear when turned over? When preparing this hearty Russian dish, you want the perfect shape, but it doesn’t always work out. Do not worry, you can fix things right in the process of cooking, and some tricks and rules will help you stop worrying about this at all.

Let's start with a technical issue - frying pans. For baking pancakes, heavy cast iron is ideal. Not everyone has it, choose an alternative among the highest quality ones. If not only pancakes, but also other dishes stick to the selected pan, then it is not suitable for baking. Find a replacement.

Another important point is intensity. Before baking, set a good fire and heat a dry frying pan. Visually check that there are no water droplets on the surface of the dishes. If the pan is not preheated, then flipping the pancakes is harder. This is one of the reasons why the first pancake is always lumpy.

Check the oil

Pour a teaspoon of vegetable oil into a heated pan. You may find out from some recipes that they use different fats, such as margarine or butter, but this is not correct. Butter is added to ready-made pancakes for satiety, but they are baked only in vegetable oil.

There should also be oil in the dough itself, usually they write about it in recipes. Don't miss this moment.

Check the recipe

What to do if everything is in order with the pan, it is hot and there is enough oil, but all the same, the pancakes are torn when turning over? Then check the recipe. There are several reasons for this.

Few eggs

Add an extra egg to the batter. It will serve as a link for the rest of the ingredients. If the ratio of flour - liquid - eggs of the latter is small, then the pancakes will break. Although there is, but it has its own specifics.

Little flour

A small amount of flour is easiest to check: if the dough is too watery, then there is just not enough flour in the batch. The dough for pancakes should be liquid, but not water, it should spread, but not pour out. If you cook with water, then use it. He is the best.

Remember that when adding each additional ingredient, the dough is well kneaded until smooth. If you add too much flour, then you need to add an egg.

A lot of sugar

If you have already checked everything, and the pancakes stick to the pan and tear, what should you do? Check the sugar in the dough. There are usually two problems with him - there is too much of him or he is poorly mixed. Try to mix the sugar with the eggs well so that it has time to dissolve in the structure. Make sure the mix is ​​even and uniform.

As for the large amount of sugar, it is enough to follow the recipe. Don't try to make pancakes sweeter by adding more sugar. If there is too much of it, the consistency of the dough will be broken and it will be more difficult to bake pancakes. It is better to add sugar or sweet toppings to ready-made pancakes.

Strictly follow the recipe

Pancakes are easy to make, but if you do not follow the correct sequence, you can break the consistency. It is not for nothing that water, milk or kefir are added to flour sequentially. Follow the step by step instructions and you will be fine. This is especially important for kefir pancakes, recipes, etc.

Use a wide spatula

Finally, to make pancakes perfect, take a wide wooden or silicone spatula. In some cases, it is convenient to turn over by hand. There are many individual nuances here, so you just need to get used to it and the process of turning over will be easier.

Now you know why pancakes tear when turned over and you can avoid problems during the preparation of the next culinary masterpiece. 😉

Almost every housewife knows how to bake delicious and beautiful pancakes, but sooner or later each of us is faced with pancake force majeure. And today we will try to give all the answers to the pressing questions of pancake makers: why do pancakes stick to a cast-iron pan, fall apart and tear, and what to do in such situations. After completing our course for a young kitchen "fighter", we will surely be able to find and correct that hidden cause of failures and failures in the culinary field.

The history of pancakes has an incredible number of recipes. Someone likes lush cakes, while someone prefers the finest lace glowing in the sun. Surely every family has its own successful and most delicious version of kneading for pancakes, however, just like on our website.

But be that as it may, even recipes that have been tested over the years can periodically play a cruel joke with us - when frying, pancakes stick to the pan, and when turned over, they tear. Common situation? Let's reveal the secret of the rebelliousness of these cakes and pans.

There are quite a few reasons that provoke pancake failures. Basically, if the pancakes stick to the pan and tear, then the whole problem may be hiding in the following:

  • in the wrong dish,
  • wrong way of baking,
  • or something is missing in the test,
  • or vice versa, some components in excess.

As a result, in order to get the most delicious and most beautiful dessert cakes at home, you need to individually and in more detail review all possible negative factors in pancake cooking and correct them.

Pancakes stick to the pan and burst! What to do?


The most important reason for the pancake lawlessness is, in fact, objectionable dishes.

What is the catch here?

The thing is that in pans made of these materials, during the heating process, a thinnest fatty film is formed, invisible to our eyes, which protects the pancake from sticking.

You probably noted that a heated cast-iron does not even have to be lubricated with oil, and pancakes on such dishes come out ruddy and very tasty.

More details in the article of the same name.


However, in relation to such baking bells and whistles, sometimes unpleasant situations happen - pancakes stick, do not turn over and tear. Here the whole snag is in the improper handling of dishes.

If the pan was washed with an iron brush before baking pancakes, then the protective fatty layer was also erased.

You can return this layer as follows. We put a dry frying pan on the fire and heat it until smoke begins to come from its surface.

New crockery

Another common problem for pancake makers is the use of a new, never used pan for baking pancakes. This cannot be done, since the “virgin” vessel needs to go through a preliminary “break-in” to start uninterrupted operation.

Well, fry at least scrambled eggs on it before that, and only then you can bake pancakes on it, and they will not stick.

Also, the dough itself plays a special role in culinary failures when frying pancakes, because the quality of the finished product depends on compliance with all recipe standards.

Pancakes are bursting! What to add?

So, we chose the right pan, calcined it, prepared it for frying pancakes, but pancakes still stick. In this situation, the wrong recipe may be to blame, or it may not be followed.

How to dilute the dough for pancakes so that they do not stick, and what should be added if the naughty dough is already mixed.

Thin pancakes

In an effort to bake delicate, thinnest pancakes, some housewives often knead excessively batter, hoping "at random". This is the primary reason for an unsuccessful dessert.

In a hot frying pan, moisture evaporates very quickly from such a thin layer of dough, which deprives the cake of even the slightest elasticity and elasticity. As a result, the pancake turns out to be fragile, it breaks and strives to stick to the hot surface of the cast iron.

In this case, add a little more flour to the dough and mix everything again until smooth.


Another popular reason why pancake batter sticks to the pan is haste. Having spread the dough, we just want to start baking as soon as possible, which is fundamentally not true.

The pancake batch likes to stand for half an hour, then it becomes more "compliant". The thing is that during this time the flour releases gluten to the maximum, which will eventually make the pancake more dense and elastic.


Undoubtedly, there are lean options in the database of pancake recipes, but it is the lack of eggs in the dough that can adversely affect the quality of ready-made desserts.

Eggs are a kind of culinary "cement" - an emulsifier that holds together all the binding components of the pancake mix.

Definitely, 1 egg will not be enough for 1 liter of liquid, but 2-4 eggs will already be very effective.

You can save the recalcitrant dough by adding a couple of eggs to it and whisking the composition well until smooth. In addition, it is thanks to eggs that pancakes acquire a beautiful ruddy color and bake faster.

Also, thin pancakes will not tear if more eggs are added to the dough, then the flour deficiency will be invisible in this light.

The absence of eggs or their small number lead to some more problems in baking, we have proposed their solution in the following articles.


If, having added flour and eggs to the pancake batch, the pancakes continue to behave not in the best way, then the introduction of 5-7 tbsp. vegetable can save the day.

Such a measure will help soften the dough, create an additional fat barrier between the pan and the cake, and give the finished pancakes a special flavor effect.

In addition, such pancakes will no longer be dry, and will turn over without any problems.


If your recipe requires the use of soda, then put in the composition of this white powder should be exactly as much as shown in the description.

Excess soda can not only spoil the taste of pancakes, give them an unnatural yellow tint, but also destroy the stickiness of the dough. Here, even without sticking, pancakes will fall apart when turned over.


Who would have thought, but if you add too much sugar to the pancake dough, then such cakes will strive to stick and burn - the effect of caramel.

That is why those with a sweet tooth should sweeten pancakes ready-made with the help of powder, condensed milk, jam or honey. And in the batch itself, granulated sugar should be poured to a minimum.


You can flavor the dough with cinnamon, vanilla, cardamom and other spices, but be careful, since the excessive use of such flavors will lead to depressing consequences.

The strength of the dough is reduced, the integrity of the cake is broken. There must be a measure in everything.

It would seem that pancakes are the easiest and most favorite breakfast option for many. However, some cooks are so unfriendly with these cakes sticking to the pan that even such an innocent childish request to make pancakes for breakfast turns into a nightmare for the hostess.

It seems that I have already mastered the dough, but it is also important to know how to fry them correctly and how to grease the pan so that the pancakes do not stick.

First heating

The first rule says that so that the pancakes do not come out “lumpy”, pour a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil into the pan and heat the dishes to the first haze, and only then pour in the dough.


These ingredients contain water, which when heated begins to boil away, which causes the dough to stick to the pan and burn the pancakes.
How to process a frying pan can be found in a detailed article on this topic.

  • The best grease for a pan is a piece of lard strung on a fork.
  • Lubricate the bottom of the cast iron should be only 1 time, before the first pancake, and it is recommended to bake the rest in a dry frying pan. However, as needed, you can slightly lubricate the surface with a latex brush dipped in oil, or with a piece of lard.
  • For baking thin and medium pancakes, select medium or slightly more than medium temperature. For yeast, lush, as well as for openwork pancakes - medium or slightly less than average temperature.
    Read more here…

Why do liver pancakes fall apart

Not only dessert pancakes need special attention. A very popular snack liver cake also requires the preparation of liver pancakes as cakes.

This dish is very tasty, but the pancakes themselves can skillfully fray the nerves of the housewives when frying, because liver pancakes almost always fall apart when turned over, if there is no proven recipe in the arsenal.

Usually liver cake layers fall apart if the composition is too liquid.

For 0.5 kg of twisted liver, ½ cup of milk will be more than enough.

You can save the situation if you add flour to the dough, which will make it more dense and elastic.

What to do if thin pancakes are needed for an appetizer? You just need to take more fresh chicken eggs for kneading, then at the exit we will get soft and thin cakes. A pound of liver will require at least 3 eggs.

  • Starch will also help add strength to the test. Only 1 tbsp. of this powder can save a dish from total failure.
  • Another common problem of pancakes from the liver is, oddly enough, the liver, or rather its overabundance in the test. The liver completely deprives the dough of its adhesive ability, which is why you should not neglect the prescriptions of the recipe.
  • To prevent liver pancakes from sticking and falling apart, they need to be baked in a hot cast-iron pan, greased or oiled.

Conclusion: what to do if pancakes stick and tear

So we looked at all aspects of pancake failures. They also suggested ways to solve them.

Summing up, we recall that in order for the pancakes not to stick to the pan, you need:

  1. Adhere to the recipe and knead the dough exactly following the instructions in the recipe.
  2. Knead the dough until it takes on a uniform consistency, even color.
  3. To get rid of lumps, for which eggs, flour and a little liquid are kneaded to a thick uniform mass, and only then we bring the rest of the liquid to the desired consistency.

    Why do pancakes on kefir tear and stick to the pan?

      If the dough is watery, then add flour to it, but do not overdo it) and so that the pancakes do not stick, add about 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil to the dough. Pancakes can also stick because of the pan, perhaps it is already old and everything sticks to it.

      Most likely, it’s not about kefir, although the proportions when preparing dough for pancakes are also important, but basically it’s not about the dough, but that the pan is not heated enough, this allows the dough to stick to it and tear, it’s not for nothing that they say that the first pancake is lumpy .

      For me, pancakes on kefir are the most delicious. And they can stick to the pan or tear for several reasons, they are easy to eliminate:

      Add a little flour to the dough, the dough should not be too liquid,

      the pan should be perfectly clean, preferably thick, and well warmed up, if the pancake is stuck, then before pouring the dough for a new pancake. clean the pan, then just start baking again,

      add a little vegetable oil to the dough,

      you can break another egg into the dough.

      By themselves, pancakes on kefir are tender, so you need to turn them over carefully, that is, they require patience in baking, but they are really tasty.

      Since I bake on kefir, the pancakes have never been torn or stuck. I bake on a thin pancake, and before each new pancake, I grease the entire pan with an oily silicone brush. And I also add a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil to the dough.

      Perhaps there is not enough egg that would bind the dough. Add another one and see if it works. You can also add more flour for a thicker consistency.

      Do not use a cast-iron pan for frying, it is better to take with a non-stick coating, pancakes perfectly glide over it and do not stick.

      Most recently, for the first time in my 26 years, I successfully turned out pancakes on kefir, before that I had a bitter experience at school and somehow turned me away from such pancakes. But then I gathered the advice of all my acquaintances and friends, plucked up the courage and started. I will give a recipe, focusing on the rules for sticking pancakes:

      Ingredients: Kefir (I have sour-milk Agusha) - 1 l, water - 1 tbsp., eggs - 3 pcs., 1 tsp. salt and soda, vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons, flour - 3.5-4 tablespoons, vegetable oil or lard for frying and butter for greasing ready-made pancakes. The right pan is a thick and heavy cast-iron or modern pancake pan.

      Preparation: We heat the mixture of kefir, salt and eggs to a temperature of about 40 degrees ( hot, but no signs of boiling), add flour to the consistency of liquid sour cream, it took me 4 full glasses of McFa ( different flours require different amounts), add soda diluted in a glass of boiling water and vegetable oil. We mix. We bake pancakes very hot frying pan(I have cast iron) with a drop of vegetable oil. As soon as the pancake fried from without problems unsticks from a frying pan. Grease the finished pancakes with butter.

      Pancakes on kefir are softer and more tender than on milk or water, which is why they tear more easily. Add more eggs (for 2 pieces) and the dough will be more elastic.

      And so that they do not stick to the pan, you need to heat the pan and grease it with vegetable oil before the first pancake.

    Hi all! Shrovetide is just around the corner, which means that soon the smell of pancakes will soar around the house. Of course, that doesn't mean it shouldn't happen on another day. After all, the Russian people are very fond of these suns in all variations. And with stuffing and just dip in sour cream or jam. For breakfast, lunch or dinner. We can eat them in any quantity and anytime!

    I don’t know about you, but in our family it’s customary to bake them on weekends. Therefore, you will not have time to get out of bed in the morning, and the children are already waiting for this wonderful meal for tea.

    Any housewife knows that there are just a huge number of recipes for this dish. After all, the dough for pancakes can be kneaded on, sourdough and even beer. And if you use yeast, it will turn out no less delicious. But not everyone loves to bake them. For some, they simply do not work out, so they simply do not please their loved ones with this dessert.

    Even the most experienced hostess or cook knows that there is a whole set of rules that will help make pancakes perfect. But even knowing them, the first pancake can still come out lumpy. What to do to prevent this from happening, and your pancakes do not stick to the pan? This is exactly what you will learn from our today's article.

    What to do so that the pancakes do not tear when turning over?

    So, the dough is kneaded and we are going to start the baking process itself. Pour some of the mass into the pan, wait. We start to turn over and here it is! As always, the first pancake flies into the trash, the second ...

    To prevent this from happening, you need to understand the reason. What's wrong? Often this is due to the wrong ratio of dough components or the wrong pan. Let's pay attention first to the pancake mass. If you used the wrong amount of products, then obviously this will lead to a break in the product, for example:

    • Flour. The amount of this main ingredient affects the density of the dough. When there is a lot of it, the mass becomes thick and slowly spreads. The product will not bake well and will be heavy. If this product is not enough, then the mixture will turn out to be liquid and hard to set when frying. The product most likely will not roll over and will not be removed.
    • Sugar. It can also cause the product to break. A large amount affects the fact that the bottom side is fried and burnt, and the top is still raw. If you do not use it at all, then the pancakes will be white, not golden. Therefore, 1 - 2 tablespoons will only decorate your products, and will not harm them.
    • Eggs. Someone thinks that the reason is their lack. But there are recipes in which they are not used at all. And, nevertheless, pancakes are not torn. The main thing is to have the right ratio of flour and eggs.
    • Oil. It is necessary that the products are easily removed from the pan. But this does not mean that you need to pour it from the heart! The fat will boil and the dough will bubble. Bottom line: the pancake will break. The norm is 40 - 50 gr.

    Now let's take a look at the pan. It also affects the strength of products. It is better to use a special pancake. She has low sides, she easily heats up and cools down. If there is none, then you can use cast iron or with a thick bottom.

    Before baking the first pancake, the pan must be heated to a slightly noticeable haze, and then removed from heat for a few seconds. Even before pouring in the dough, it is smeared with fat or oil planted on a fork. With the help of a culinary brush, it is distributed along the bottom. Just do not pour it into the pan! otherwise the dough will accumulate from one edge and will not adhere to the bottom. Thus, we will only dilute the flour mass with butter, make it liquid. As a result, this will lead to a break.

    To make pancakes thin and not torn, bake them on medium heat, and yeast pancakes on low heat.

    Don't be in a hurry to flip the pancake. First, a golden crust should appear along its edges. If you try to take it off earlier, you will tear it. Learn to do it right. To do this, carefully run a spatula around the entire product (as if detaching it from the pan), leave it in the middle and only then turn it over.

    Remember that you always need to follow the recipe, use quality products and the right utensils. Then your pancakes will not break, and you will even love the process!

    Why do pancakes stick to the pan? What is missing in them

    It often happens that even the most experienced housewives fail in making pancakes. Smooth and beautiful turn into lumps, burn, stick and tear. Why does this happen? There are many reasons that lead to this. It may be the dough of the wrong consistency, the wrong dishes, and the process itself is wrong. Therefore, in order for the pancakes to be smooth and tasty, it is necessary to get rid of the factors that affect the process.

    • Pan. As I wrote above, the wrong choice of dishes can ruin everything. For pancakes, try to take cast iron or aluminum. it’s just that during frying, a barely noticeable film of fat forms on such, which prevents the products from sticking to the surface.
    • Warm up. Pancakes can even stick to an aluminum or cast iron pan. But only if you washed it with detergents and a brush. In this case, the protective layer from the surface simply disappeared. To restore it, heat the pan to red, so that a light smoke appears.
    • Dough. Even in the right and heated pan, unsuccessful pancakes can turn out. It's all about the cooked dough. It is thin products that stick more often than thick pancakes. It has to do with the liquid base. To fix this, add 2 tablespoons of flour. Eggs can also help. If you used only one per liter of liquid, then add another one and see what happens. But if even now pancakes stick, then add vegetable oil (1 - 2 tablespoons).
    • Fat. To avoid sticking, it is better to grease the bottom of the pan with vegetable oil. To do this, put dry dishes on a strong fire, brush the surface with a brush and heat it up to red. When a light smoke comes out, you can start the process. You can also use lard. It will tell you that it's time to bake, when it will hiss and melt when lubricated. But it is better not to use cooking oil, butter and margarine. They contain water. When boiling, pancakes will burn and stick.

    • New frying pan. If you recently purchased it and have never used it, then our products will also stick to it. To begin with, cook something in it, and only then use it for pancakes. Or prepare it for the process properly. Put on a strong fire and add salt. Let it warm up properly for a few minutes. Then wash and start the process. But old granny pans are best for this!

    As you can see, there are many reasons why pancakes stick to the pan. If you remove all of them, then the dessert will turn out not only very beautiful and appetizing smelling, but also very tasty. But the most interesting thing is that even the first pancake, which, as they say, is always lumpy, will turn out smooth and easily move away from the pan. Before serving, grease them with butter or stuff them and treat your family and friends. And I say goodbye to you, see you soon!
