
Fried chicken with apples in the oven. Chicken with apples in the oven is no joke! Recipes for fragrant chicken with apples in the oven: whole and in pieces

Festive and everyday, healthy, very tasty dish - chicken with apples in the oven. Despite the simplicity, the dish looks delicious, has its own unique aroma and taste. There are many recipes currently available. Poultry is prepared by stuffing various fillings, baked in a sleeve and foil, cooked whole or in parts. Each of the recipes has its own zest, but at the same time it is easy to prepare.

Recipe 1. Stuffed chicken with prunes and apples

chicken recipe with dried prunes and apples has already become a classic. The dish is perfect for holiday table And regular lunch. Such a chicken is distinguished by its peculiar and rich taste. The carcass can be stuffed various fillings: mushroom, potato, rice.


  • chicken carcass (gutted) about 1.5 kg;
  • 3 or 4 apples;
  • mayonnaise;
  • 150 g prunes;
  • olive oil;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • half a teaspoon of pepper (grind just before use);
  • salt to taste.

Step by step recipe:

  1. Make a marinade from minced garlic, pepper and olive oil mixed with salt.
  2. Cut apples into large pieces.
  3. Wash prunes, scald with boiling water, dry.
  4. Mix crushed almond nuts with prunes and apples, fold into the belly of the chicken and fasten it with toothpicks, as in the photo, or just sew it up.
  5. Lubricate the carcass with mayonnaise (this will ensure the appearance of a beautiful golden crust during the baking process).
  6. Cook in the oven at 180˚ C for about 80 minutes.

Advice! To whole chicken looked beautiful when served, tie the legs and wings together before baking.

Do stuffed chicken you can not only with prunes, apples and almonds.

How to stuff a carcass:

  • mushrooms with cheese and onions;
  • apples with rice or dried fruits;
  • buckwheat with carrots and onions;
  • seasoned potatoes.

Recipe 2. With potatoes

Chicken cooked with potatoes and apples in the sleeve, it turns out immediately with a side dish, it looks very appetizing, beautiful, very tasty.


  • 1 chicken carcass of medium size;
  • 1 kg of potatoes;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 2 or 3 sweet and sour apples small size;
  • 2 medium-sized onions;
  • 2 tbsp mayonnaise;
  • 1 tsp red or black pepper (ground);
  • seasoning for chicken;
  • 1 tsp salt.

Step by step recipe:

  1. Peel the potatoes from the skin, small tubers can be left whole, large ones - cut in half.
  2. Wash the apples, cut into slices, remove the core with seeds.
  3. Cut the carrots into rings, about 4 mm wide.
  4. Mix potatoes, carrots and onions, add salt, a spoonful of mayonnaise and pepper, mix everything.
  5. Grate chicken carcass inside and out, first with salt, then with mayonnaise and at the end with chicken seasoning and pepper.
  6. Push the apples inside the carcass.
  7. Put the chicken itself in a sleeve tied on one side, spread a mixture of carrots, potatoes and onions on the sides of it (inside the sleeve).
  8. Tie up the sleeve, but leave room for air as it high temperature it will expand.
  9. We bake the carcass for 50-60 minutes at a temperature of 200˚ C.

Advice! You can also cook chicken in foil, as they did in the recent past, until sleeves specially designed for baking appeared on sale.

When the dish is completely ready, let it cool and put it on a large plate covered with lettuce.

Recipe 3. With oranges

Notes of rosemary and orange give a special taste to the dish. Chicken baked in the oven with these ingredients is very tender in taste, with crispy appetizing crust. This recipe will take some fiddling, but the end result will be worth the effort!


  • 1 chicken carcass;
  • 1 orange;
  • 1 apple;
  • 3-5 garlic cloves;
  • 1 tbsp soy sauce;
  • 2 tsp mustard;
  • 1 tbsp vegetable oil;
  • 40 g butter;
  • 1 tsp seasonings for chicken;
  • half a teaspoon of rosemary (dried);
  • ground ginger;
  • adjika (at the tip of a knife);
  • ground black pepper and salt to taste.

Step by step recipe:

  1. Wash the chicken, cut off the tail and skin on the neck.
  2. Separate the skin on the breast and rub the carcass on all sides with coarse salt.
  3. Make a marinade: mix mustard, ginger, rosemary, minced garlic, chicken seasoning, adjika, soy sauce and vegetable oil. Pepper everything.
  4. Lubricate the carcass inside and out with marinade, under the skin on the breast too. Place in the refrigerator to marinate for 2 hours, preferably overnight.
  5. Immediately before cooking, cut the washed orange and apple into slices.
  6. Put the chicken in an oiled dish, place the butter under the skin on the breast.
  7. Put apple and orange slices inside the carcass.
  8. Fasten the chicken at the cut with toothpicks (they are easier to remove later than threads).
  9. Tie the legs, this will help to avoid burning them.
  10. Cut holes in the carcass with a knife and hide the wings in them.
  11. Preheat the oven to 190˚ C and send the chicken into it, after pouring a little water into the mold.
  12. After 40 minutes, pour over the chicken with the secreted juice, turn over and bake for another half hour.
  13. Remove from the oven, pour over the juice again and place in the oven for 10 minutes to form a crust.
  14. Remove, flip and return to the oven for about 10 more minutes to brown on the other side.

Advice! Roasting time may decrease or increase depending on the size of the chicken.

Recipe 4. With honey

When cooking, you can use not only a whole chicken carcass, but also its parts: drumsticks, wings, legs, fillet. Such a dish cooks faster and is already divided into portions, which is much more convenient.


  • 5 chicken thighs;
  • 1 onion;
  • 2 apples;
  • sunflower oil (for frying).

Marinade Ingredients:

  • one and a half tablespoons of honey;
  • 1 tbsp mustard;
  • 2 tbsp soy sauce;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • pepper and salt (to taste).

Step by step recipe:

  1. Chop garlic and mix with mustard, soy sauce, salt and pepper.
  2. Rinse the thighs with cool water, pat dry and marinate for 60 minutes.
  3. Peel the onion and cut into half rings, fry in oil until golden brown.
  4. Wash the apples, cut into 4 parts and remove the core with seeds.
  5. Lay out fried onion at the bottom of the form in which the dish will be baked, put a piece of apples on top.
  6. Remove the thighs from the marinade and place them on top of the layer of apples, with the remaining apple slices in between.
  7. Add 1 teaspoon of honey to the marinade and mix well.
  8. Rub the marinade over the meat three times during the roasting process.
  9. Bake in the oven for 40-50 minutes at a temperature of 190˚ C. Check the readiness of the dish with a fork.

You can serve such a treat to the table with any side dish, watering it with marinade.

The chicken will turn out to be especially tender, juicy and tasty if you marinate the whole carcass before baking, dip it in the marinade and put it in the refrigerator for 6-8 hours. Chicken pieces, such as fillets, legs and drumsticks, are marinated for 2 or 3 hours.


  1. Basil, black pepper (ground), coriander, 2 tbsp. soy sauce, 2 tbsp. honey, 3 tbsp. vegetable oil.
  2. Half a liter of kefir, 5 cloves of garlic, 4 tbsp. vegetable oil, 2 tbsp. mustard, black pepper (ground), basil.
  3. Provence herbs, black ground pepper, 4 tbsp. olive oil, 3 tbsp. lemon juice, 1 tbsp. mustard (in grains).

Servings: 2
Cooking time: 1 hour 10 min.

Recipe Description

Chicken with apples in the oven - traditional autumn dish when the fruits of the new harvest are sold at every turn. My whole house was saturated with apple smells - we cook jam, compotes, bake almost every day. Therefore, it is not surprising that we will also bake the chicken with these delicious fruits.

Chicken with apples is baked both whole and in pieces, like the fruits themselves, which are added whole, chopped, with or without a peel - in every way. Today I use a simplified version: instead of a whole bird, I will take half - so that it is guaranteed to be fried, and I will cut the apples into thin slices so that those who consider this combination too spicy can safely push them aside and enjoy only the smell and light apple smack.

By the way, we choose sour fruits for this dish, and the proportions are very different, depending on your taste, as well as the size of the fruits themselves. You can mix them with potatoes, or you can limit yourself to only small slices laid out around the bird.

To cook chicken with apples in the oven, you need:

  • half a chicken carcass (cut lengthwise);
  • 1-2 potatoes;
  • 1-2 sour apple;
  • 1 onion;
  • a small bunch of parsley;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of mayonnaise;
  • 1 teaspoon of liquid honey;
  • 1 teaspoon of mustard;
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper;
  • 1/2 teaspoon of salt;
  • 1/2 cup kefir;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of vegetable oil.

Cooking step by step:

Prepare all foods. Pick up a small heat-resistant form or a small baking sheet, grease it with oil. I just took an old frying pan without handles.

Wash the chicken, pat it dry with paper towels, and then rub all over with salt. Place it on a baking sheet cut side down and skin side up.

In a small bowl, mix 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise, honey, mustard, ground pepper.

Using a kitchen brush, generously coat the chicken with this marinade.

Peel the potatoes and cut them into small cubes. Also finely chop half of the apple without peel, cut the other half (with peel) into thin slices. Wash and finely chop the herbs. Mix together the chopped potato, apple and parsley.

Spread the mixture on a baking sheet around the chicken, lightly salt and pepper it.

Arrange apple slices on top.

Pour all the ingredients in the form of kefir, and then cover the baking sheet with food foil.

Bake chicken with apples in a preheated oven at 190 degrees C for about half an hour. Then remove the foil and cook for another 20 minutes.

After this time, turn the chicken carcass cut side up and bake for another 10 minutes.

Under such delicious dish as several recipes imply. It can be either a whole baked chicken with apples, or stuffed with them, or different parts of a chicken baked with apples - most often chicken legs.

By changing the marinade in which apples will also be marinated, you can get a new dish to taste each time. Today I want to offer you several recipes for cooking chicken with apples in the oven. In any of the recipes, in addition to apples, other products can be added that go well with them. It can be oranges, dried apricots, potatoes, pumpkin, oranges, prunes.


  • Spices: paprika, turmeric - 1 teaspoon each,
  • Mustard - 1 tbsp. spoon,
  • Natural honey - 1 tbsp. spoon,
  • Mayonnaise - 4 tbsp. spoons,
  • Salt - 0.5 tsp,
  • Apple cider vinegar 6% - 2 tbsp. spoons,
  • Apples - 4-5 pcs.,
  • Chicken legs - 1 kg.,

Chicken with apples in the oven - recipe

In the bowl in which you will prepare the marinade, pour paprika and turmeric.

Add table mustard for spice.

Put required amount natural honey.

Add mayonnaise.

Pour in the salt.

Pour into marinade Apple vinegar. Instead, you can use ordinary vinegar or lemon juice.

Mix all marinade ingredients with a spoon until combined. uniform consistency sauce.

Sweet and sour sauce for cooking baked chicken with apples in the oven is ready. Wash the apples. Cut each apple into two pieces. Cut each half into two or three more pieces (depending on size). Cut out the cores.

Wash chicken legs cold water. Wipe them paper towel or napkins. Put in a bowl.

Pour mustard honey sauce, while leaving a third of the marinade for pickling apples.

I recommend pickling apples separately from chicken, because if we put both chicken and apples in one bowl, and then mixed them in the marinade, it is most likely that some apple slices would break. So, thoroughly mix the chicken legs in the sauce.

Pickle the apples.

IN mustard honey marinade put in a baking dish. Arrange apples on top.

Bake chicken with apples in the oven at 175C. for 30-35 minutes.

Serve by transferring to a plate. Chicken with apples in the oven step by step recipe which we examined, turned out to be very juicy, sweet and sour in taste and at the same time with golden brown.

Chicken with apples in the oven. Photo

I offer you other chicken recipes in the oven.


  • Apples - 4-5 pcs.,
  • Onions - 2 pcs.,
  • Chicken carcass - 1 pc.,
  • Garlic - 3-4 cloves,
  • Spices: ground black pepper, curry, paprika, coriander,
  • Salt - 0.5 tsp,
  • Olive oil - 50 ml.,

Chicken stuffed with apples in the oven - recipe

Wash the carcass inside and out. Pat it dry with a paper towel. Peel the onion and garlic. Onion cut into half rings. Pass the garlic into the bowl through the press. Add salt and spices to a bowl with garlic. Pour in the olive oil. Mix the mass. received spice mixture brush the chicken inside and out.

Cut apples with skin into slices. Mix them with onions. Sprinkle with spices and salt. Vegetable oil you can not add, because in the process of baking, the chicken will release juice, which will soak the filling. Stuff the chicken with apples and onions. To prevent the filling from coming out, sew the belly of the chicken with a thread.

Place the chicken on a baking sheet, on its back, legs up. Place in oven preheated to 170C. Bake for about one hour. Check the readiness of the chicken with the tip of a knife or needle. If appeared at the puncture site clear juice, Means chicken, stuffed with apples in the oven ready.


  • Chicken legs - 1 kg.,
  • Apples - 500-600 gr.,
  • Honey - 1 tbsp. spoon,
  • Soy sauce - 50 ml.,
  • Spices for chicken - 10 gr.,
  • Wine vinegar - 1 tbsp. spoon

Chicken with apples in the sleeve - recipe

Wash chicken legs. Prepare marinating sauce. Mix honey, soy sauce, chicken spices and vinegar. Slice the apples. Marinate apples and chicken in sauce. For the best impregnation you can leave to marinate for 1 hour.

Fold the chicken legs with apples into a roasting sleeve. Tie the ends of the sleeve tightly. Bake for 30 minutes at 180C. After that, cut the sleeve at the top. And let the chicken brown. In total, this will take about 10 minutes.

French meat lovers will love it chicken breast with apples and cheese, baked in the manner of meat in French. This oven baked chicken recipe with apples very original and can be used as a festive dish.


  • Chicken breast - 1 pc.,
  • Mayonnaise - about 100 ml.,
  • Salt - to taste
  • Black ground pepper - to taste
  • Onions - 2-3 pcs.,
  • Apples - 3-4 pcs.,
  • hard cheese- 200 gr.,

Chicken breast with apples in French - recipe

Wash the chicken breast and pat dry. With a sharp knife breast, cut lengthwise into two parts. Cut each piece across. If the breast is large, you can cut it into three pieces.

Beat the resulting lightly with a hammer. Salt and pepper. Cut the onion into half rings. Wash the apples. Peel them off. Cut into thin slices. Grate hard cheese. Chicken fillet place on a baking sheet covered with parchment. Lubricate with mayonnaise. Lay the onion over the chicken. Pour again with mayonnaise. Put apples on the onion. Sprinkle hard cheese on top. French-style chicken breast with apples is baked at 180C for 35 minutes. Enjoy your meal.

With apples and many more. Honestly, chicken with apples in the oven is my favorite recipe, because such a chicken turns out to be very tasty. And for a festive table, such a dish will come in handy. Looks bright, grandiose - in the center big dish beautiful baked chicken, and around fresh vegetables and greens! The chicken according to this recipe is very fragrant, with golden crispy delicious crust and tender and juicy meat.

The chicken in the oven is perfectly baked and perfectly cut. Baking chicken with apples in the oven is very simple - it will take a minimum of active time - further, as they say, is a matter of technology. When serving, apples can be taken out and laid out on a dish - they are not just edible, they turn out to be very tasty. If you don't want to, just take them out and put them away. Apples give the meat a special juiciness, softness and unique flavor. I am sure that chicken with apples in the oven deserves to be signature dish family, or at least everyone's favorite Sunday treat.

Ingredients for cooking chicken with apples in the oven

  • Whole chicken - 1.8 kg;
  • Onion - 1 pc.;
  • Garlic - 4 cloves;
  • Small apples - 3 pcs.;
  • Salt;
  • Ground black pepper;
  • Spice mix For chicken - 3-4 tablespoons.

Recipe for chicken with apples in the oven

Thoroughly clean the whole chicken carcass from the insides and remnants of feathers. Rinse thoroughly both outside and inside with cool running water.

Large table or sea edible salt rub the carcass inside and out.

Now we do the same with black pepper - pepper well and then distribute the pepper with our hands over the inner and outer surfaces of the chicken.

Then you can add your favorite spices. I like to use in this recipe ready mix spices for chicken. For those interested, the composition is as follows: salt, sweet red pepper, garlic, turmeric, coriander, ginger, fenugreek, chili, white mustard, cinnamon, Roman cumin, cloves, nutmeg. Spices must also be carefully rubbed into the chicken both inside and out.

To give chicken with apples in the oven amazing aroma, peel the garlic. We cut one clove into fairly large pieces, and pass the remaining three through a garlic press or grind into fine grater into a bowl. With this gruel we rub our chicken well on top.

We put the garlic that we cut into the inside of the chicken.

Now you need to peel and rinse the medium-sized onion. Cut it into 4 parts and send it inside the chicken.

Wash the apples well, first cut in half and remove the core and cut the stalks. Then cut each half in half again - however, this depends on the size of the apples. We also put apples inside the chicken.

The process of stuffing the chicken is over - now it needs to be sewn up so that nothing falls out during the baking process. To do this, you need a thick thread or several ordinary threads folded together. Using a large needle, sew up the chicken, and tie the thread at the ends.

Now you need to tie the legs. To do this, they need to be slightly lifted, connected and wrapped with a thread crosswise. Tie the ends.

Wings must be turned back. To do this, we wind the extreme part of each wing behind the membrane and thereby the wing is pressed against the carcass more strongly. See how I do it in the photos.

This method of wrapping the wings prevents them from burning during the baking process. And lovers chicken wings can fully enjoy this tasty part chicken baked with apples in the oven.

Take note of the impeccable selected recipes for chicken with apples from the workshop's collection culinary masterpieces website. Check out the options with various varieties apples, add raisins and prunes to the filling, fill the dish with colors with spices. Or create a light and spicy salad. Create your own unique culinary style!

To prepare a whole chicken with apples, it is best to choose a fresh, chilled carcass with intact skin. After all, it is she who will become the calling card of the dish. The bird can be baked portioned pieces. To enrich the taste before cooking, the chicken can be rubbed with various seasonings or marinated. From apples, it is preferable to choose sour and sweet and sour hard varieties.

The five most commonly used ingredients in apple chicken recipes are:

Interesting recipe:
1. Grind the garlic, combine with mustard and honey, add soy sauce, pepper, salt, refined vegetable oil to them and mix thoroughly.
2. Grate the washed and dried chicken with sauce. Lubricate the breast generously under the skin, separating it from the meat.
3. Let it brew for half an hour.
4. Mix chopped apple slices, crushed garlic, lemon zest. Sprinkle whiskey (any alcohol to taste).
5. Let the filling absorb the flavors for about 5 minutes.
6. Stuff marinated chicken apple filling. Sew up the belly.
7. Place the carcass in the form. Scatter around with the remaining apples.
8. Bake at 200° for the first thirty minutes. Then lower the temperature to 180°.
9. Bake for another 15-20 minutes.
10. Remove the finished chicken and wrap with foil for ten minutes.

Five of the fastest chicken recipes with apples:

Helpful Hints:
. In the filling for a change, you can add raisins, prunes.
. To make the chicken breast perfectly juicy, it is recommended to place a little butter under the skin. And if you mix butter with garlic and aromatic herbs, then the result is simply amazing.
