
How much to cook yogurt to make cottage cheese. How to cook cottage cheese in a microwave, slow cooker or oven? Homemade cottage cheese from curdled milk - fermentation of milk

Probably, this product is in any house. Especially if there are children or elderly people in the family, those who care about their and their family's health, or who are trying to lose weight. But sometimes we, buying this product in a store and trusting it, do not think about what it is made of and how it is made. Meanwhile, the contents of store packs and packages are very doubtful. And therefore, the desire of many to make cottage cheese at home is understandable. Because it is not only simple, but also useful, and so delicious. And everyone knows what the curd was made of and using safe technology.

What products to make cottage cheese: rules for making homemade cottage cheese

People who are accustomed not to deny themselves anything natural, striving to lead healthy lifestyle life, came up with more than one way. After all, cottage cheese is made from different dairy products. This is either milk, or kefir, go curdled milk, sour cream or even fermented baked milk.

IMPORTANT: If you want cottage cheese to turn out delicious at home and retain all its usefulness, take ONLY FRESH milk or products from it and only from a trusted brand. Better yet, straight from the cow!

Cottage cheese at home from curdled milk - a step by step recipe with a photo

But, whatever base product, the rules for preparing any of them are approximately the same. The main thing in this process is the timely and correct separation of whey. After all, excessive overheating will make the cottage cheese hard, and underheating will make it more difficult to separate the cottage cheese, and indeed, it will be sour. So let's get ready!


  • 750 ml curdled milk

How to cook homemade cottage cheese - my grandmother's recipe

Yogurt is fermented milk. I got it randomly. I forgot about the bottle of milk I started. It soared. I kept him warm all day. I got sour milk. But it can also be done in another way. Leave the milk in a closed container in a dark place in the kitchen. A day is enough. Or put a tablespoon of sour cream per liter of milk, and continue, as in my situation. But I got this beauty.

Step 1. Curdled milk

Yes, curdled milk turned out to be noble, dense. As I was convinced later, such a consistency is just perfect ... Now the curdled milk should be gently transferred to the pan, where the cottage cheese will be prepared.

Step 2. Curdled milk in a saucepan

I’ll just warn you right away - you will need two pans. One is small, in which we already have curdled milk, and the second is larger, so that the first fits into it. Pour water into the larger one (so that the smaller one does not reach the bottom).

IMPORTANT: You can do without a water bath, that is, put a saucepan with yogurt directly on the fire, reducing it as much as possible. But in this case, you need to carefully monitor the process, because the cottage cheese can turn out rubber, that is, inedible.

Step 3. Serum on a steam bath

So, in order to avoid overheating, which is real on direct fire, we put a small bowl in a large one. Then we send it to the fire. Bring water to a boil. This will be a water bath. After a few minutes, you will see how a yellowish tint of serum begins to appear.

Step 4. Watching the Serum Separation

IMPORTANT: You must not allow the yogurt to boil!

But that is not all. It is important to wait for a certain moment. We need to turn up the fire a bit. Then, without leaving for a second and without taking your eyes off the curdled milk, wait until such curd clots appear. They will gradually sink to the bottom.

Step 5. Cottage cheese clots

Let's take the pot off the fire. Let the whey cool down. And then there are several ways. The first is to filter the cottage cheese through a thick towel or through a strainer.

Step 6. Strain through a sieve

But to get the desired mass, you still need to do some manipulations. Let's say you did with a strainer. Hold on longer curd in it, and you can also press down with a spoon on top. And I did it with a strainer, and then threw it all on a towel to wring it out.

Step 7. Wring out the whey

IMPORTANT: If after the first attempt with a small amount of curdled milk you decide to make a larger portion, then this process will be facilitated by hanging a towel (gauze). Just hold on until the whey separation stops.

And you will get such a beauty!

Step 8. Curd is ready

How to cook cottage cheese from kefir

Kefir should only be fresh. And another piece of advice - take the one that is not liquid, but the one that is thicker, with a consistency reminiscent of my curdled milk. Pouring a liter of kefir into an enameled bowl, send it to water bath. Keep on low heat for at least 30 minutes. Cover with lid, let cool. And after the same algorithm - gauze or strainer. Or both.

Delicious homemade cottage cheese recipe

Yes, and it happens. Someone loses weight, someone is contraindicated excess fat, someone's liver or pancreas does not allow such a luxury. Therefore, I advise you to buy non-farm milk - it has a high percentage of fat content. And for fat-free cottage cheese, you need low-fat milk. In the store you can take one percent milk or, if you take from someone homemade milk, ask - they will make you skimmed milk. You can defend the milk and skim the cream several times.

Then you need to ferment the milk. But get ready for the fact that the process will go on for more than one day, as with yogurt. Therefore, put a couple of tablespoons in a liter of raw materials fat-free kefir. And then everything is the same as in previous recipes. By the way, fat-free homemade cottage cheese will turn out not as loose as with regular milk, but everything useful will be preserved in it!

Cottage cheese is a product containing milk protein separated from whey. It is produced by lactic acid bacteria or by calcium chloride. But the latter is not a fermented milk product in the strict sense of the word.

The process of making cottage cheese at home is different from the factory one, but as for taste, homemade cottage cheese is devoid of spiciness and seems more dietary. Therefore, for example, with a stomach ulcer, it is recommended not to shop cottage cheese, but homemade.

Cooking cottage cheese at home - recipe number 1

What you need:

  • For 0.5 liters of raw or pasteurized cow's milk- 25 g lemon juice. Calorie content 100 grams 60 kcal.

How to cook: Pour the milk into a bowl, squeeze the cooked lemon juice and stir. Cover the container with a lid and leave it for about 8 hours. After receiving the curd, pour off the whey, squeeze out the curd mass and cool it.

The disadvantage of this method is that milk is suitable only natural. It is available in stores, but it is expensive.

Alternative recipe for cottage cheese at home No. 2

This method is fast.

What you need: For 0.5 liters of milk, you will need a few tablespoons of kefir (you can use sour cream or yogurt).

Cooking method. Pour milk into a saucepan, add kefir and put on fire. When the milk boils, it will begin to curdle. Stir it with a spoon until the curdling process is complete and you can see the curd. Put the curd in a colander to drain the whey. Place the mass in gauze and squeeze it properly. The curd is ready.

What happens during the preparation of cottage cheese

Classic cottage cheese is prepared as follows: milk is fermented with a special streptococcal sourdough. At home, as you can see, a tablespoon of an "improvised" oxidizing agent is added to milk as a starter. Bacteria begin to multiply rapidly and form an acidic environment in which the protein precipitates into a curdled sediment. This process takes place at a temperature of approximately 20 degrees Celsius and lasts approximately 6-8 hours. (method 1st). After separating the whey, the curd must be cooled so that the reproduction process stops and the curd does not turn out too sour.

Method number 3 for making homemade cottage cheese (using hot water)

Making cottage cheese at home can have some nuances. To speed up the separation of whey, the clot is boiled by pouring hot water at a temperature of 60-65 degrees. Pour in slowly, in a quiet stream, constantly stirring the clot, and then leave it alone for 15 minutes. During this time, he pops up.

If you are preparing a small amount of cottage cheese, you can not add water. Instead, heat the product in a water bath. If you add water, observe temperature regime: hot water should not be more than 40 degrees, otherwise the cottage cheese will turn out to be too dry. Put the mass that has separated from the whey on cheesecloth in a colander and leave for 10 minutes. After that, the cottage cheese can be put in the refrigerator.

The unique composition of cottage cheese

In its composition, cottage cheese is unique. It contains up to 17%! protein, this is more than in some varieties of meat. In addition, a wide variety of microorganisms live in very concentrated quantities in cottage cheese. For this reason, it is considered difficult for digestive system product and cannot be stored for a long time.

Shelf life of cottage cheese: no more than 3 days and no higher than 6 degrees.

We can say that cottage cheese has a poorly controlled microflora, it contains not only extremely useful, but also pathogenic microorganisms. This does not allow using it in the diet of people suffering from dysbacteriosis. Nevertheless, cottage cheese is a product of extraordinary value and is indispensable in diet menu with many diseases.

If acidophilus is added to cottage cheese, it turns into food with medicinal properties, which is prescribed for anemia, exhaustion, diarrhea and dysentery.

The article used the materials of the book. Boytsov and Liflyandsky "How to defeat dysbacteriosis".

How to cook cottage cheese at home © Magic food.ru

If you are a fan of homemade dairy recipes, then this article is for you. Delicate homemade cottage cheese - perfect breakfast, the basis for baking and desserts, while it should be prepared from sour milk (curdled milk), which helps to dispose of the spoiled product in time.

To prepare curdled milk and cottage cheese, only homemade milk should be taken from it, there are reasons for this: firstly, cottage cheese from such milk turns out to be fatter and tastier, and secondly, homemade milk turns sour correctly, forming a jelly-like mass (curdled milk), in contrast to purchased milk, which quickly peroxides and acquires an unpleasant odor.

A simple recipe for cottage cheese from curdled milk

So, after acquiring 3 liter jar homemade milk, it's time to figure out how to make cottage cheese from yogurt. After your milk has turned sour to a state of curdled milk (it takes about a day in summer and up to two days in winter), you should put the jar in a saucepan with hot water on the stove. At the same time, make a cross-shaped incision in yogurt to the very bottom so that the product sours more evenly. As soon as the contents of the jar warm up to a temperature of about 35-40 degrees (it is better to use a thermometer to determine), the fire can be turned off, and the curdled milk should be left to warm up evenly.

We rearrange the heated product into a new pan, the bottom of which is covered with a rag or a special rug used during conservation. Pour into a saucepan warm water and put the yogurt on the fire. Now it remains only to wait, because it is impossible to judge exactly how much homemade curd from curdled milk is cooked - it all depends on milk and heat. Serum will serve as a sign of readiness, which is very clearly separated from curd mass. As soon as the cottage cheese separates, let the mass cool completely, and recline it on cheesecloth. Usually, 6-8 hours in limbo is enough for the curd to get rid of excess whey without losing softness, but if you like drier curd, extend the time for another 4-6 hours or put curd from yogurt under pressure.

How to cook cottage cheese from yogurt in a slow cooker?


  • milk - 3 l;
  • sour cream - 200 g.


In order to speed up the process of souring milk, it should be mixed with sour cream and left warm. As soon as the milk has curdled and curdled milk has formed, pour it into the multicooker bowl and set the "Heating" mode for 30 minutes. After the time has elapsed, we discard the curd mass on a colander covered with gauze, tie the ends of the gauze and leave to drain from excess whey. The time that the curd mass should spend in limbo, everyone calculates for himself: if you want to get more moist curd, leave it for 4-6 hours, drier curd will be ready in 8-12 hours.

How to make cottage cheese from curdled milk?

There is also a less time-consuming process of making cottage cheese. IN this case you can take ready-made store-bought yogurt and leave it to drain in the evening. In the morning, tender cottage cheese will be waiting for you.

For cooking, we only need a bag of half a liter - a liter, depending on how much product you want to get at the exit. Homemade curdled milk can be poured into a simple plastic bag. So, before preparing cottage cheese from yogurt, we freeze the yogurt itself right in the package, and transfer the resulting lump into a gauze bag. We tie the edges of the bag and hang the contents over a saucepan into which the whey will drain. After 8-10 hours, the excess whey will drain completely, and you will have a tender curd mass for breakfast or an excellent base for sweet dishes.

Most delicious cottage cheese It is obtained only from homemade milk with a good fat content. It is very easy to independently adjust the level of moisture, friability, softness of cottage cheese, depending on personal preferences. In addition, you can be completely confident in his high quality. The by-product of production will be whey, which is very useful for the body in itself, and is also used in some dough recipes or as a base for okroshka instead of kvass. In this article, we will tell you how to make cottage cheese from milk, how to choose the right milk, how to ferment it, how to work with yogurt and how to get delicious homemade cottage cheese from sour milk.
The process of preparing cottage cheese, of course, takes a lot of time, but in fact, at each stage, one or two simple manipulations are required, the rest will be done by lactic acid bacteria and time.
For the preparation of cottage cheese, we will use homemade fresh cow's milk. good quality without any impurities or additives. If you don’t have the opportunity to buy homemade milk, then you can use store-bought milk, but you also need to choose it correctly, so store-bought milk for making cottage cheese:
milk should be high fat content of 3.2%;
milk should not contain preservatives or antibiotics, very often they are found in milk with an increased shelf life.

Taste Info Dairy desserts


  • gauze or linen/cotton towel

How to make cottage cheese from milk

Stage 1: Working with milk
First you need to evaluate the quality of milk. If a layer of cream is clearly visible on the surface of the milk in a jar or bottle, then the yield of cottage cheese will be greater.

Such milk must be poured into glass, clay or ceramic dishes where the souring process will take place.

Metal containers are not suitable! Place the jar with milk for about two days in a dark place, preferably closer to a heat source, for example, in a cabinet next to a working refrigerator or stove. In the refrigerator itself, milk will not turn sour, but will only spoil! After a couple of days, you need to check the container in which you can already see not milk, but good rustic yogurt.
If you put milk for souring in an open sunny place, it can turn sour very quickly, you need to carefully monitor it, as it peroxides milk in the sun very quickly.

Properly sour milk turns into a dense thick mass, which exfoliates from the whey. This moment needs to be controlled, because. from unsour milk, a smaller amount of cottage cheese will be obtained, and from peroxidized milk, the cottage cheese will turn out not so tasty, it will turn out more sour.

In order for milk to sour faster, you can add to it:
a piece of black bread;
a spoonful of sour cream or kefir;
lemon juice or citric acid.
Stage 2: Working with curdled milk
Yogurt needs to be heated in a saucepan over low heat, I cook cottage cheese on an electric stove and use the most minimal fire. You can warm up in a water bath, i.e. in one pot bigger size put a smaller saucepan with yogurt.
In order to make cottage cheese, sour milk needs to be warmed up, and not brought to a boil, i.e. temperature should be around 40 degrees.

During cooking, the heating of the product is easiest to check with your finger. If a pleasant warmth is felt, and not a burning temperature, then everything is in order. The process takes about 15-20 minutes. The longer the curdled milk is heated, the tougher the cottage cheese will come out. It is advisable to constantly stir the curdled milk, or rather, distribute the jelly-like mass throughout the entire volume of the product.

Large parts of sour milk warm up worse, and cooking will go unevenly.

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Stage 3: Working with cottage cheese
We practically talked about how to make cottage cheese from milk, in fact, after heating, the cottage cheese is ready. It remains only to separate it from the serum. For this, a sieve and a clean kitchen towel or gauze folded in several layers are used. The sieve must be placed over a deep container and lined with a cloth.

After the curd mass was poured into such a structure, most of whey is strained into a bowl, and the cottage cheese itself remains inside the sieve on the fabric.

But such cottage cheese still contains a lot of whey, so it must be hung in the same towel for the final decanting of the liquid. Under the makeshift bag of cottage cheese, of course, you need to place a plate or cup, where some more whey will accumulate.

In this form, the cottage cheese "hangs" for several hours. The longer the whey is decanted, the drier the curd is.
Wonderful, tender, healthy homemade cottage cheese from milk is ready!

Making cottage cheese at home is not at all difficult. It is prepared from milk, store or farm, with a fat content of your choice. Also, cottage cheese can be prepared from ready-made kefir. For children, you can cook cottage cheese from baby milk and kefir.

What is the advantage of home-made cottage cheese over industrial cottage cheese and why cook cottage cheese yourself, spend time on it, if you can just go in and buy it, choosing curd products in the store to your liking? Everything is simple here: you do not add additives and preservatives unnecessary to our body. In addition, at home you can cook as much cottage cheese as you need at the moment. If your family has children, then, owning simple technology, you can always have fresh cottage cheese.

You can also make various dishes from homemade cottage cheese.

How to cook cottage cheese from curdled milk

Curdled milk is the easiest fermented milk product to prepare. In order to get curdled milk, you need to take only milk and put it in a warm place. To speed up the formation of curdled milk, you can add to milk: for 1 liter - 100 ml of kefir or 1 tablespoon of sour cream or yogurt.

After the milk turns into curdled milk, you need to separate the curd mass from the whey. To do this, it is necessary to drain the curdled milk into a bag of several layers of gauze or other linen, then hang it up. This will separate the curd from the whey, which will take about half a day.

To speed up the process of making cottage cheese from curdled milk, it must be heated. Do not bring the product to a boil and do not boil! Then you should cool the mass and put it in a colander with gauze or other fabric. Put oppression (press) to get a drier curd. You can also hang it in a gauze or linen bag.

The longer the curd is left to hang or is under pressure, the denser and drier it will be.

How to cook calcined cottage cheese

It is very easy to prepare such cottage cheese at home. Curd prepared in this way has low acidity and is especially well suited for dietary and baby food.

We will need:

  • Milk - 2 liters,
  • Lactic calcium - 3 teaspoons (12 g).


Calcium lactate is sold in a pharmacy in the form of a powder. It must be dissolved in a small amount water, for example, in 3-4 tablespoons of water. Bring fresh milk to a boil, turn off the fire and add the dissolved calcium lactate with constant stirring.

At the same time, the milk curdles. This mass must be cooled and filtered through gauze or other cloth to separate the whey from the curd. Cottage cheese can be hung up so that it stacks better, or put under pressure. From 2 liters of milk you get 300-350 grams of cottage cheese.

How to cook cottage cheese at home

2 ways to make cottage cheese from kefir

warm way

Kefir must be placed in a warm place for faster whey separation. When the whey begins to separate, put the container with kefir in a water bath and warm it up for better and faster separation of the whey from the curd mass. Then fold the mass into a gauze or fabric bag and hang it so that the excess whey is in the glass.

Can be used over fast way, in which the curd is directly heated, for example, in a saucepan over low heat, until curd mass and whey are formed. This mass should not be brought to a boil.

cold way

1 liter of kefir in a bag or package, place in freezer for 2-3 days, then take out and remove the frozen kefir from the bag. Place it in a colander with gauze and wait until the whey drains and remains a tender and very tasty cottage cheese.

Types of cottage cheese: skyr, irimshik, ezhegey

This old recipes world cuisine fast food cottage cheese.


Combine freshly prepared yogurt in a ratio of 1: 1 with fresh milk brought to a boil. For example, bring 1 liter of milk to a boil and pour in 1 liter of curdled milk, leave the mixture on low heat for 3 minutes. As soon as the milk clot separates from the whey, remove from heat and put the cottage cheese in a colander.


It is prepared in the same way as skyr, but you can boil a mixture of milk and yogurt for 5 minutes, the proportions of yogurt and fresh milk - 1:2.


The proportions of curdled milk and fresh milk are 2:1, it is prepared in the same way as skyr, but without boiling: curdled milk, getting into milk, immediately separates the whey from the curd clot. After introducing curdled milk into milk, the fire is turned off, allowed to cool and ready-made cottage cheese is thrown into a colander.
