
Do you need to boil sausages? To remove or not to remove the shell and film before cooking

It is difficult to find a simpler dish than boiled sausages- 5 minutes, and delicious dinner ready. But sometimes something doesn’t go according to plan, and instead of a beautiful, shiny sausage, a “victim of a nuclear explosion” floats in a saucepan with scraps of a film not removed in advance. At the same time, the taste almost does not suffer, but the dish does not look very appetizing. So you know, for example, how best to cook sausages (as well as sausages), how long you need to wait until they are ready after boiling, can they be cooked in a shell or must it be removed? It turns out that boiling these small sausages is not as primitive as it seems at first. Let's figure it out?

Features of cooking delicious sausages, sausages, other similar sausages

  • Cooking is recommended in boiling water. So they do not overheat, it is better to retain their original shape, juiciness.
  • Frozen products do not require prior defrosting, they are placed in a pan directly from the freezer.
  • Do not pour too much water into the pot. Otherwise, the sausages will give all the flavor to the broth.
  • No need to add salt or spices. Sausage already contains enough seasoning, too much will spoil the taste of the dish.
  • Sausages with a natural casing can be safely boiled without peeling. So that they do not deform during heat treatment, they are pricked with a fork in several places or at the tips they are made along a shallow cruciform incision. It is better to remove the artificial casing before cooking so that the sausages do not burst. If the film is poorly removed, cooking uncleaned products is allowed. But it is recommended to monitor the progress of cooking and pull out the sausage as soon as the volume begins to increase.
  • To simplify the separation of the film, the boiled product is poured over cold water immediately after preparation.

How much better to cook sausages (wieners) so that they turn out tasty, juicy?

Most varieties of sausages of this kind are already ready to eat, as they are made from boiled meat. However, with a short heat treatment, they become more juicy, fragrant, their taste is better revealed. Cooking here is identical to warming up. The duration of processing of such sausages depends on their size, the type of meat from which they are made.

Thin sausages must be boiled for 1-3 minutes, dipped in boiling purified water. Time should be taken after re-boiling water.

Thick, short sausages or sausages similar in shape are cooked longer - 5-7 minutes.

Frozen, thin sausages are cooked up to 5-7 minutes, thick ones - up to 10-12.

How to deliciously cook sausages (including sausages) on the stove, in a saucepan

Cooking tender sausages, juicy sausages using a slow cooker

  1. Cooking boiled sausages in a slow cooker is almost no different from cooking on the stove. Prepare products before cooking: remove the shell or wash, make a few punctures.
  2. Pour water into the multicooker bowl. Bring the liquid to a boil on the "Frying" ("Multi-cook") mode.
  3. Place sausages in the slow cooker. If the functions of the appliance allow, cook at open lid to control the cooking process. Select a mode in which the water will boil constantly, but not too violently.
  4. Boil sausages for about 5 minutes, classic sausages- approximately 3 minutes.
  5. Serve the finished sausage with your favorite side dishes.

Learning to cook sausages in the microwave

  1. boil in microwave oven better than sausages without a casing, regardless of its type. If the film does not come off, cut it lengthwise.
  2. Place the sausages on a microwave-safe plate. Pour some water on the bottom.
  3. Close the container with a special "dome". Put in the microwave.
  4. Cook at 800-900W for 1-1.5 minutes. Depending on the thickness of the product, the cooking time is increased to 2-3 minutes.

How to use a steamer?

  1. Place the cleaned (washed and pierced) sausages in the steamer bowl. Insert a tray filled with water into the appliance.
  2. The dish will be ready in 10-13 minutes, depending on the shape (size) of the sausage.
  3. Serve hot (warm).

Sausages are one of the easiest foods to cook. However, the Internet is replete with questions, how to cook sausages? Let's try to figure it out.

An easy way to cook sausages

We need: a saucepan, water, stove, sausages.

  1. pouring cold water into a saucepan and put on the stove.
  2. We remove the film from the sausages (if it is non-food and easily removed) and put them on a plate.
  3. When the water boils - immerse the sausages in the pan - reduce the gas.
  4. We wait from 2 to 10 minutes. Most often, sausages are cooked for 5 minutes.

The cooking time should be indicated on the package of sausages. Or we just check their readiness ourselves - we pierce them with a fork. Properly cooked sausages will be soft.

Some advise immediately immersing the sausages in the pan, without waiting for the water to boil. But in this case, sausages can soften prematurely and lose their shape and elasticity.

Sometimes they salt the water in which sausages are boiled. It does not make sense to do this, since sausages are a semi-finished product, which already includes some flavor additives, including salt.

How to cook sausages in the microwave

We will need: microwave, plate, ketchup, mustard, sausages.

  1. We clean the sausages from the film.
  2. I put them on a plate.
  3. Top with ketchup and/or mustard.
  4. We put a plate with sausages in the microwave for 3-5 minutes.

By the way, you can pour sausages with ketchup after the microwave, as you like. If you want the sausages to be juicier, add a little water to the bottom of the plate.

How to cook frozen sausages

Just like regular ones. Only frozen sausages should be immersed in the pan immediately, without waiting for the water to boil. They need to be able to boil. And the film, of course, will have to be removed after cooking, after cooling the sausages.

Sausages are perfect with bread, pasta, ketchup and mustard. They are suitable for both snacking and a full meal. Do you want to surprise your loved ones? original cooking sausages, then read on.

Original sausages

We will need: a wide saucepan, water, stove, sausages, spaghetti, salt.

  1. We put a pot of water on the stove.
  2. We clean the sausages from the film.
  3. We cut each sausage in half or into three parts if the sausages are long.
  4. We pierce each piece of sausage with five to ten spaghetti so that they pass along the sausage through and through.
  5. The resulting "hedgehogs" put in boiling water.
  6. We salt the water, turn off the gas.
  7. Cook for 5-6 minutes until spaghetti is soft.
  8. We carefully take out the pieces of sausages so that the spaghetti does not get mixed up, and lay them beautifully on a wide plate.
  9. It turns out original "octopus", which can be decorated with ketchup and herbs.

Choose any cooking method and enjoy your meal! Most importantly, do not eat sausages raw. Although they are considered finished product, nevertheless better than sausages cook properly.

It is difficult to name a simpler and universal product than sausages. They are loved by small children, and students, and bachelors. This is a real lifesaver for those who are very hungry and do not want to spend a lot of time cooking. In this article we will talk about how to make them juicy and tender.

In principle, sausages are a ready-to-eat product. However, it is better not to risk it and boil them, especially if you are going to cook dinner for your child. Besides raw sausages They don't taste as good as cooked ones. For improvement taste sensations you can use a variety of spices and seasonings. Fans of spicy and spicy food can recommend sausages with mustard.

This product needs not so much cooking as heat treatment. It is important to know not only how to cook sausages, but also how long this process should take. The opinions of experts on this matter differ. The only thing they agree on is that sausages do not need to be cooked for long. It is best to put them in cold water, let them boil and turn them off immediately. So you will not only improve their taste, but also protect your body from the ingress of pathogenic microbes. You can cook them, but no more than 3 minutes. Otherwise, the sausages will begin to burst and lose their attractive appearance. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to cook them in a shell or pierce them with a fork in several places before cooking.

How to cook sausages - in the shell or without it? In fact, making a choice is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. Here are some facts about this "clothes".

  • Shells can be natural (they can be eaten) and artificial.
  • Shells differ from each other in the degree of permeability and appearance. Their shelf life can also be different.
  • Cooking in the shell is acceptable, but if it is artificial, then it is better to remove it.
  • If you have not removed the artificial casing, then try not to digest the sausage.
  • The casing will come off faster and easier if you soak the sausages in water after cooking.

Exist alternative ways cooking this semi-finished meat. If you are in a hurry, you can cook sausages in the microwave. You won't have time to blink an eye when they are ready. If you set the oven to full power, then cooking will go away no more than 7 minutes.

Steamed sausages are very juicy and appetizing. To do this, take a medium-sized saucepan and fill it with water. We put a grate on top of it and lay out sausages. There must be a certain distance between them. Cooking sausages in this way occurs in a matter of minutes.

Another option is to buy a special ribbed tray. It includes a grate on which sausages are laid out.

During their cooking, the steam is evenly distributed on all sides, and the liquid immediately flows into the pan. The tray is equipped with a lid with holes. This allows for good ventilation.

In such a device, cooking takes about 30-60 seconds. Now you know how to cook sausages by spending minimal amount time.

Boiled sausages with pasta

For 2 servings: boil a lot of water (2 liters), add salt, add 100 grams of pasta, after 5 minutes add sliced ​​\u200b\u200bcircles or just whole sausages, cook together for 3 minutes after boiling. Drain through a colander, drizzle with oil and sauce, and serve.

How to cook hairy sausages

Pierce sausages long thin pasta so that you get a "hedgehog". Dip the "hedgehogs" from sausages and pasta into the pan one at a time - so that the pasta has time to soak. each of hairy sausages cook for 10 minutes. The technology is simple: the first part of hairy sausages is cooked, and when the pasta is completely immersed in water, you can add a couple more hairy sausages.

About baby sausages

Cook sausages "Krokha" and other "mini sausages" for 2 minutes.

Sheathed or not

You can cook sausages both in the shell and without it - the main thing is not to eat an unnatural shell in the end. To save time, the unnatural casing can be removed while the sausage water boils. But if the shell is natural - it does not need to be cleaned at all.

sausage math

- Price sausages - 350-450 rubles / kilogram (on average in Moscow as of November 2018).

- calories boiled sausages - 250-300 kcal / 100 grams.

How to choose good sausages

Price per kilo natural sausages from meat cannot be less than per kilogram of meat. To reduce the cost, fiber is often added to sausages and alimentary fiber, this is usually indicated in the composition. The GOST sign on the package indicates the standard composition, the TU sign - about unusual ingredients: spices, cheeses, etc.
The composition of high-quality sausages does not include flavors, thickeners, dyes, modified starch. If the sausages are dark in color, they contain too many preservatives and may have been processed more than once. Sodium nitrite is added to almost all sausages to give them pink color. If the sausages are bright pink, most likely they went too far with dyes.
The shelf life of sausages by weight is 3-5 days, in vacuum packed- 15-20 days. Store sausages after cooking in the refrigerator for no more than 12 hours.

What to serve with sausages

- The most popular side dishes to boiled sausages- pasta and potatoes. Lettuce, cheese, tomatoes are suitable for a snack.
- The most popular sauces for boiled sausages are ketchup, mayonnaise, cheese sauce, sour cream, adjika, soy sauce, mustard.

Sausages are the most favorite semi-finished sausage product for housewives. They can be prepared for breakfast, lunch or dinner, especially when cooking time is at a minimum. Children really like them, and on their basis you can cook interesting dishes in the form of funny animals. Sausages are very available product, you can buy them in every store, the main thing from the variety of offers, make right choice. Not many products are so versatile, so everyone should know how to cook sausages correctly and how much.

How to choose

It is believed that in this matter one should focus on the price category of the goods - good sausages cannot be cheap. This is partly true natural product having good composition will have a decent price. Nevertheless, the market offers an abundance of semi-finished sausage products at different prices and not always of poor quality.

Pay attention to the color of the product, too dark or bright sausages contain a lot of additives, including preservatives. The composition of all sausages includes sodium nitrite, it gives stability to their color if the product has a saturated pink shade, means with an additive have gone too far.

In appearance, good sausages should be smooth, uniform in color without blackouts. Wrinkledness indicates that the sausages have long been lying on the window without packaging. Ideally, semi-finished products removed from the packaging should be stored for no longer than five days. Packed up to 20 days.


Before you cook sausages, you need to prepare them. Preparation differs depending on the shell:

    • the natural casing is left on the product, it is only necessary to wash the sausages and you can start cooking;
  • artificial should be removed from sausages, although not everyone adheres to this, believing that sausages in it are more juicy.

Advice! In order to cook a sausage in an artificial casing and not tear it, several small cuts should be made on its surface.

Some lovers eat raw without subjecting them to heat treatment, this is acceptable, but it is fraught with unpleasant consequences in the form of indigestion. You can cook prepared sausages in a saucepan, slow cooker, double boiler and even in the microwave.

in a saucepan

This method is the most affordable and therefore the most common. To cook sausages, you need to choose a dish of a suitable size so that they can fit on the bottom in a horizontal position, this will eliminate the deformation of the shape.

Pour water and boil it. There is no need to add salt, as the semi-finished product already contains it. Sausages are dipped in boiling water, so the question of cooking time comes down to how much to cook sausages in boiling water. After boiling, they should be cooked for 3-5 minutes, depending on the size. After that, the boiled product should be removed from the water and immediately served to the table without waiting for cooling.

in the microwave

Sausages can be cooked in the microwave in two ways:

    1. The first involves the use of water. To do this, you need a capacious dish with a lid where sausages are placed and filled with water. It is important that the sausages are completely hidden under water. After that, the dishes are placed in the microwave at full power and the product is cooked after boiling for 3-5 minutes.
  • The second method is dry. He only needs a suitable plate on which sausages are placed, and she goes to the microwave. This is very fast way, sausages will be ready within 1-2 minutes. At the same time, they turn out to be very juicy and especially tasty.

In addition, semi-finished sausage can be cooked in a slow cooker, several modes are suitable for this: steaming, baking or stewing. The rest of the process is completely similar to cooking in a saucepan.

Good for steam cooking. It is believed that semi-finished sausage cooked in it will keep the largest number taste and benefits. For a couple, the product will be cooked in 10 minutes.

In addition to the usual sausages, you can find sausages filled with cheese and other ingredients on store shelves. As a rule, they have already passed the full heat treatment and ready to use. But still they should be warmed up to improve the taste.
