
Municipal Council of the Municipal Formation Aptekarsky Island. A reminder of what we know about alcohol

About the dangers of alcohol for teenagers So much has been said that sometimes there is simply nothing to add. But we'll still try.

Drinking alcohol is an even worse habit than smoking.

Even in ancient times, people noticed that many drinks change their properties under the influence of time. After drinking such a drink, a person became more risky, more fun, there was a feeling of a holiday, a feeling that everything is permitted, accessible. However, some time after drinking, the mood became bad, tormented headache, there were heavy thoughts.


There is not a single organ in the body that has not been subjected to the destructive effects of alcohol. But the consequences of drinking for a teenager are especially terrible, even if alcohol enters the body in minimal doses. Alcohol, entering the blood, changes its composition, negatively affecting leukocytes, and they cease to fight various microbes. Therefore, drinking teenagers often get sick, they are hard to tolerate the disease. In addition, causing an inflammatory process in gastrointestinal tract alcohol interferes with the absorption of vitamins. This leads to an avitaminosis of the body and, as a result, stunting, weight loss. The liver, pancreas, kidneys are very sensitive to alcohol. Alcohol also has a very negative effect on the sex glands.

Besides the not yet fully formed brain of boys and girls falls under the sight of alcoholic beverages. And the main consequences of intoxication are forgetfulness, increased sexual desire, loss of virginity in this state and subsequent early unwanted pregnancy in combination with venereal diseases.

But this is not the limit. In the adolescent brain, the metabolism of neurotransmitters is disturbed, leading to a literal "stupefaction", which, with constant abuse of alcoholic beverages, especially beer and cocktails, turns into intellectual and emotional impoverishment.

Alcohol acts on female body stronger, dependence on it arises quickly enough. Under the influence of alcohol, you can do something that you later have to regret for the rest of your life. When drunk, the girl becomes unrestrained, loses her dignity and pride, easily agrees to casual sex. The consequences of this are obvious. These are handicapped children born without love, conceived in a drunken stupor, and venereal diseases, and premature withering of the body.

It's no secret that at present it is not at all difficult for a teenager to buy alcoholic beverages, exactly like cigarettes. In every district of every city in the country there are small shops, the sellers of which do not pay attention to the age of the buyer. And teenagers themselves, who prefer to drink alcohol in company, send someone who looks older than others to the store, and therefore it is difficult to solve the issue of alcohol consumption by teenagers by administrative measures.

And therefore, one should look at how this situation can be changed by influencing children with social methods in the family or educational institution.

Why does a teenager buy beer? Parents who themselves regularly drink alcohol at home, and do it in front of the child, should not ask such a question at all. Perhaps for the first time he tried alcohol even at home. Such a case can be called one of the most difficult, since it will be extremely difficult to rid a teenager of addiction. First of all, his parents will have to work on themselves here. They will have to give up once and for all the habit of drinking at home, with a child. For a child, the behavior of parents is an example, and all of them addictions will be taken for granted. In a word: if you don’t want problems with your child, don’t set a bad example for him.

As practice shows, bad habits become gratifying for a number of quite prosperous guys. This happens if the parents had the imprudence to protect the children too persistently, and as a result, all their instructions began to be perceived by the child from the opposite. In order not to provoke your child to an unhealthy interest in alcohol, you should not persistently and daily explain to him about the dangers of such hobbies. The child is not stupid: it is enough for him to explain only once or twice so that he understands your point of view. Daily moralizing will become violence against the brain of a teenager and will provoke him to violate the norms that were discussed.

If a child gets into a company of this kind, where drinking is considered the norm, it becomes very difficult to protect him from this. The only way out here is to change the company of the child by instilling new interests in him. You can invite him to go in for sports, the same martial arts, and in the course of training he will find new friends for himself. You can send him to one of the patriotic clubs or camps, where he will also find new life principles for himself and give up the old company. But still the main work of prevention early use alcohol by a teenager should be carried out at home. From childhood, a son or daughter should be aware of the dangers of drinking alcohol, as well as that such actions are considered immoral and antisocial.

How to recognize that a teenager has started drinking alcohol?

It is necessary to pay attention to a sharp change in the behavior of the child.

. If such traits as rudeness, aggression, irritability appeared.

. The child became closed, secretive.

. Money and things disappear in the house.

. The child's grades dropped sharply.

. Comes home late with the smell of alcohol.

What to do if a teenager comes home drunk?

You need to talk to your teenager. But it is better to postpone the conversation until the morning, in a state alcohol intoxication teenager will not listen to any arguments.

In a conversation with a teenager, it is necessary to find out the reasons why he decided to try alcohol and find a way to achieve the same goals, but without alcohol. Teach a teenager to defend his opinion, to say “No”. This will help the teenager to gain authority among peers, without drinking.

If a child is seriously interested in alcohol, it is necessary to seek help from a doctor or psychologist, specialists will give appropriate recommendations and, if necessary, conduct anonymous treatment of alcoholism.

How to protect children and teenagers from alcoholism?

A teenager should feel comfortable in his family, feel that he is understood. Perceive your parents as the smartest mentors in life.

Show respect to your teenager. Do not manipulate your experience and age. Don't show your dominance.

. Find a common hobby. It will allow you to spend your free time together with great pleasure.

. Help your teenager become a person, a worthy adult.

Nowadays, no holiday is complete without a feast and wine. It is joyful that in many families wine is only a festive attribute, it is not abused. In such families, children are told why they should not drink alcoholic beverages. And although sooner or later everyone will try alcohol, it is better if this happens as late as possible and with full awareness of how harmful it is to the human body.

Alcohol- ethyl, or wine, alcohol is a narcotic poison. Ingested alcohol is absorbed into the blood after 5-10 minutes. Blood vessels dilate, blood saturated with alcohol rushes to the brain and causes a sharp excitation of the nerve centers. At this time, a person's mood changes, talkativeness appears and coordination of movements is disturbed.

This happens because alcohol, penetrating into the living cells of the body, poisons them and upsets the work of the tissues of the brain and other organs. Alcohol burns in the human body quickly, but at the same time it takes away oxygen and water from living cells, as a result of which their vital activity is hindered. And if you take alcohol often, then the cells of various organs eventually die or are reborn.

Alcoholism- This is a very serious disease that can be treated with great difficulty. Alcohol is a drug, and the body, getting used to it, becomes addicted to it. Man needs daily use alcohol-gola, and this gradually causes irreparable harm his health.

Probably, you have seen drunk people more than once and you will agree with the statement that a drunk person is not a very pleasant sight. It is very difficult and unpleasant to communicate with drunk people. Under the influence of alcohol, their control over their behavior is sharply reduced and they easily commit such acts, which they themselves are then ashamed of.

But the worst thing is when other people suffer because of such actions. Drunken quarrels often end in fights. Many crimes are committed under the influence of alcohol. According to statistics, the majority of road accidents are caused by drunk drivers.

Alcohol is especially dangerous for children. A child who has drunk even a very small amount of wine severe poisoning. More than one case is known when, due to such poisoning of the body, children died. For a ten-year-old child, just 100 grams of wine is enough for his body to receive acute poisoning. Of course, it is no coincidence that our ancestors considered only water, juices and milk to be the only suitable drinks for children. If you start drinking alcohol already in adolescence, a fragile body will lag behind in its growth and development. Alcohol has a bad effect on the skin of the face, on the growth and condition of the hair, causes dandruff and acne.

If you want to be strong and beautiful, and most importantly healthy, refrain from drinking alcoholic beverages.

Alcoholism is a dangerous disease and poison for any living cell. However, many people think that by drinking alcohol on occasion, you can stay healthy, and only illness can make a person give up alcohol. So think those who do not understand that alcohol is a substance alien to the body, which has great chemical activity and energetically interacts with cells and tissues, interferes with vital processes, breaks them, causes various diseases, including cardiovascular diseases (arrhythmias, heart attacks, atherosclerosis, etc.)

Nerve cells are especially sensitive to the action of alcohol. It is estimated that 20 million people die from extreme intoxication. nerve cells. The gradual death of nerve cells leads to a weakening of memory and attention, a weakening of professional skills, and a decrease in not only mental, but also physical performance. The increased mood, feeling of well-being, increased self-confidence that the drinker experiences is a consequence of inhibitory processes in the brain. This is also connected with the resentment that arises in some, aggravated envy, jealousy, aggressiveness, sometimes leading those who have drunk to illegal actions.

Alcohol irritates the gastric mucosa, changes the composition of digestive juices, disrupts digestion processes, and increases the risk of developing peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum. Alcohol destroys liver cells, which destroy the substances that enter the body. harmful substances- toxic hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver, liver failure and hepatic coma.

Alcohol, escaping partly in the form of vapors, through Airways, causes changes in the respiratory system, which increases the risk of developing lung cancer.

Alcohol abuse causes a weakening of the functions of the genital organs of men, up to the development of impotence. And in women, it leads to disruption of the menstrual cycle, complications of pregnancy and the birth process, often causes miscarriages and premature birth sometimes leads to infertility. In drinking women, the number of spontaneous miscarriages and stillbirths is 2-3 times higher than in women who sober life. Bear in mind other things: even small dose alcohol, taken by one of the spouses on the eve of conception, may be the cause of the birth of a child with irreparable developmental disabilities.

drinking man gradually becomes different from other people. He loses such human qualities as modesty, truthfulness, decency, craving for the accumulation of knowledge, attentiveness, goodwill and respect for others. Such regulators of people's behavior as shame, conscience, obligation, a sense of responsibility for the task entrusted are blunted. Gradually, the appearance of the drinking person also changes: he usually looks older than his years, the skin is dry, wrinkled, the complexion is earthy, sometimes trembling of the hands is noted. A drinking person loses value as a family member. The abuse of alcohol by one of the spouses is often the reason for the dissolution of marriages.

Prevention of alcoholism is one of the actual problems in Russia and is a system of comprehensive state, social, socio-economic, medical and sanitary, psychological, pedagogical and psycho-hygienic measures, which include:

    Limiting access to alcohol and reducing offers to consume alcoholic beverages (minimize the moments where alcohol is present in large quantities);

    Expansion of the circle of hobbies (go in for sports or tourism, discover talents in yourself and fill your life as much as possible with events not related to alcohol);

    Carrying out regular unobtrusive competent anti-alcohol propaganda by all available media (television, radio, press) with the involvement of specialists and "victims" who have come out of this state (disease);

    Taking legally sound measures to protect children from pernicious influence their parents;

    Self-control and self-discipline, awareness of the importance of one's opinion, strengthening self-esteem;

    Minimizing a variety of conflicts and acute situations so that there is no desire to return to the use of alcoholic beverages;

    Identification of early changes in the personality of a person experiencing cravings for alcohol, the establishment of a psychological barrier;

    Implementation of differential individual approach to complex treatment of alcoholism;

    Formation and maintenance of motivation for healthy lifestyle life, socially active behavior, which helps to gain resistance to stress and prevent the development of addiction.

This information on the prevention of alcoholism should become a reminder for the population and allow everyone to create their own list of important points for the effective fight against alcohol addiction and bring back bright colors to life.

ALCOHOL - the consequences of drinking.

What do we know about alcohol?

What is alcohol:

  • pure alcohol is a clear, odorless and colorless liquid;
  • alcohol is obtained as a result of the noise of sugar, which is contained, for example, in grapes, wheat or potatoes;
  • any alcoholic drink contains alcohol, as well as water and substances that give it the appropriate smell and color;
  • Alcoholic beverages vary in their alcohol content. The more alcohol there is, the more Reviver. Fortress alcoholic drink measured in volume percent of the alcohol content of the drink. For example, in beer - about 3-5 volume percent, in wine - 12-18 volume percent, in strong drinks- 30-40 volume percent;
  • By its action, alcohol belongs to narcotic substances. In small doses, alcohol slows down the brain and causes the effect of relaxing the body;
  • in large quantities, alcohol acts on the body as a toxic substance that destroys the liver, brain cells and leads to alcohol addiction or alcoholism.
  • Alcohol consumption in large doses at one time can lead to death.

What happens in the human body as a result of drinking alcohol

After drinking an alcoholic beverage, alcohol is absorbed into the bloodstream very quickly. In a few minutes, it is already spread throughout the body and enters the brain.

After drinking an alcoholic drink blood vessels expand, and alcohol begins to negatively affect on the heart.

After drinking an alcoholic beverage, there is also a load on the liver. The liver is the organ that removes alcohol from the human body. The more he drank, the greater the load on the liver. The liver removes 10 ml from the human body pure alcohol for 1 hour. For example, if someone drank half a bottle of wine, then three hours after that, alcohol would still be in his blood.

Alcohol also affects on the muscles.

After drinking an alcoholic beverage, the body begins to lose more water per unit of time than in the normal state. The human body is 72% water. Water loss very dangerous for the body.

Even when not used a large number alcohol man much slower reacts to external stimuli and needs more time to resolve something. That is why accidents often happen to people in this state.

A significant amount of alcohol consumed can lead to trembling hands and double vision. The person becomes emotionally unbalanced. The ability to correctly assess events is impaired, and, as a result, a person loses control over himself and his actions.

Can happen while intoxicated such, about what Then you will be very sorry, but it will be already late.

What can happen as a result of alcohol intoxication

In a state of intoxication, the risk of accidents is greatly increased: half of those who get hit by a car are in a state of intoxication.

If a person in a state of intoxication drives a car, the risk of getting into an accident himself or injuring a pedestrian increases dramatically.

More than half of fires in apartments and private houses are caused by tobacco smoking of people who are in a state of intoxication. Often this ends in death.

Half of those who drowned in a river, lake or pond were intoxicated.

You can get serious injuries, including a head injury: half of those who get to the hospital by "ambulance" have a head injury received while intoxicated.

You can faint if you drink large amounts of alcohol.

You can choke on your vomit and die: often, after drinking a significant amount of alcohol, you feel sick. If a person falls and vomits, he may choke on his own vomit and die.

You can get poisoned by alcohol and die: thousands of people die every year due to alcohol poisoning.

You can cause irreparable harm to the health of the unborn child. Medical research in recent years shows that the use of even a small amount alcohol during pregnancy can cause very serious harm to the health of the unborn child - causing physical and mental delay in its development.

In the morning, a disgusting, painful hangover can set in. Nausea, head splitting into a thousand parts, thirsty all the time - this is a hangover. A hangover occurs as a result of drinking a lot of alcohol and losing a lot of water from the body. A hangover can last one or more days, until all the alcohol has left the person's body.

You can go to jail. Very often, people in a state of intoxication get into various dubious stories, for example, they become participants in fights or robbery, harm someone else's property. As a result, a criminal case may be initiated against them, and they may end up in jail.

You can become a laughingstock in the eyes of the environment. At parties and discos, in order to feel more confident, young people first drink and only after that they begin to communicate. They believe that this way they look attractive and others are interested in them, not noticing that drunken behavior often causes ridicule and even disgust from others. Lovers sometimes lose all interest in them.

You can lose control of yourself and do things that you would never do in a sober state. Loss of control as a result of alcohol intoxication can lead to casual relationships, and this, in turn, can have consequences such as unplanned pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases and AIDS.

What happens as a result of long-term alcohol abuse

Long-term alcohol abuse is regular use large amounts of alcohol for a long time. Long-term alcohol abuse increases the risk of developing serious diseases and leads to premature death.

Long-term alcohol abuse leads to diseases:

  • high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, myocardial infarction and stroke. Alcohol, getting into the human body, contributes to an increase in blood pressure. The more a man drinks, the higher he rises arterial pressure. The higher the blood pressure, the greater the load on the blood vessels and heart, and the higher the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, heart attack and stroke;
  • stomach ulcers, liver disease and cirrhosis of the liver. Alcohol increases the load on all organs digestive system human, in particular on the liver. The liver is the organ that removes alcohol from the human body. The more alcohol was drunk, the greater the load on the liver. Long-term alcohol abuse leads to the fact that the liver cannot cope with alcohol, which is constantly supplied to it and, ultimately, is destroyed;
  • cancer of the lips and throat. Medical research proves that people who abuse alcohol can develop cancer of the lips and throat. The risk is greatly increased if the abuser also smokes;
  • psychological problems and the development of depression. Many of those who regularly abuse alcohol become nervous and irritable. This psychological state is reflected in their work, their relationships with the environment and their family. Children often suffer. If depression develops, the person becomes indifferent and loses the meaning of life;
  • alcoholism.Alcoholism is the emotional and physical dependence of a person on alcohol. With alcoholism, a person feels the need for alcohol. With alcoholism, a person no longer controls how much they drink. Alcohol completely "controls" it. Alcohol replaces everything for a person: work, family and his own health. physical addiction from alcohol can cause a person to drink non-stop, day and night. This can lead to a state of "delirious tremens", which is accompanied by a complete loss of orientation and hallucinations. It is very rare that a person in this state can be saved from death. Alcoholism affects the brain and leads to premature death. Every person who becomes addicted to alcohol needs treatment. Alcoholism treatment is a long process. During treatment, a person should not drink a single gram of alcohol for many years. Alcoholism can develop in anyone who abuses alcohol.

How alcohol affects fitness and exercise

If you are fond of sports and want to keep a beautiful physical shape for many years, you definitely need to know that there are red and white fibers in our muscles. Red muscle fibers regulate the physical endurance of a person. White muscle fibers regulate how well you run and jump. Alcohol abuse destroys both red and white muscle fibers.

The more you drink alcohol, the less hardy and adapted to sports loads your muscles become, and, consequently, you yourself.

And when from overuse alcohol will develop high blood pressure, and we know that the higher the blood pressure, the greater the load on the blood vessels and heart, then sports will have to be completely stopped so as not to accelerate the development of coronary heart disease, and subsequently myocardial infarction or stroke.

Real athletes don't drink alcohol!

So much has been said about the dangers of alcohol for teenagers that sometimes there is simply nothing to add. But we'll still try.

Drinking alcohol is an even worse habit than smoking.

Even in ancient times, people noticed that many drinks change their properties under the influence of time. Having drunk such a drink, a person became more relaxed, more cheerful, there was a feeling of a holiday, a feeling that everything is permitted, accessible. However, after some time after drinking, the mood became bad, a headache tormented, heavy thoughts appeared.


There is not a single organ in the body that has not been subjected to the destructive effects of alcohol. But the consequences of drinking for a teenager are especially terrible, even if alcohol enters the body in minimal doses. Alcohol, entering the blood, changes its composition, negatively affecting leukocytes, and they cease to fight various microbes. Therefore, drinking teenagers often get sick, they are hard to tolerate the disease. In addition, causing an inflammatory process in the gastrointestinal tract, alcohol interferes with the absorption of vitamins. This leads to an avitaminosis of the body and, as a result, stunting, weight loss. The liver, pancreas, kidneys are very sensitive to alcohol. Alcohol also has a very negative effect on the sex glands.

In addition, the not yet fully formed brain of boys and girls falls under the scope of alcoholic beverages. And the main consequences of intoxication are forgetfulness, increased sexual desire, loss of virginity in this state and subsequent early unwanted pregnancy in combination with sexually transmitted diseases.

But this is not the limit. In the brain of a teenager, the metabolism of neurotransmitters is disrupted, leading to a literal "stupefaction", which, with constant abuse of alcoholic beverages, especially beer and cocktails, turns into intellectual and emotional impoverishment.

Alcohol affects the female body more strongly, dependence on it arises quickly enough. Under the influence of alcohol, you can do something that you later have to regret for the rest of your life. When drunk, the girl becomes unrestrained, loses her dignity and pride, easily agrees to casual sex. The consequences of this are obvious. These are handicapped children born without love, conceived in a drunken stupor, and venereal diseases, and premature withering of the body.

Social services, eminent narcologists and pediatricians, and parents, finally, talk about the dangers of alcohol for teenagers. But does the beloved child listen to such "notations"? Most likely no. And at this time, the liver of a young man or girl begins to collapse at a catastrophic rate, acquiring an ominous form of chronic hepatitis and drawing a line in the present, crossing out a bright future.

Beware of alcohol!

Reminder for teenagers

Did you know that alcohol is a drug?

Alcohol - (ethyl or wine alcohol) refers to narcotic substances. Considering the mechanism of action of alcohol, Special attention should be drawn to its narcotic effect, which causes a short-term decrease in the level of cell activity. Alcohol is especially detrimental to children and adolescents. It has been established that alcohol poisoning usually quickly occurs in children, various dangerous diseases occur, mental activity is disturbed, and complete degradation of the personality occurs. As statistics show, it is on the basis of drunkenness that teenagers commit most crimes. “A drunken reveler is not far from a fight,” says a Russian proverb. Indeed, the effect of alcohol is insidious: it seems to a drunk person that he is strong, brave, resolute - he does not care about anything! Intoxication removes inhibitory, restraining mechanisms, a person allows such actions that, being sober, he would hardly have done. Judicial practice shows that alcohol abuse is associated with half of the fatal accidents in transport and half of all murders: up to 90% of persons prosecuted for hooliganism committed crimes while intoxicated.

In a drunk person, attention is significantly weakened, the response time is lengthened. Think about these numbers: a small dose of alcohol reduces the driver's reaction speed by 0.3 seconds. When braking at a speed of 60 km / h, this gives an extra five meters of car travel.

People say: hops are noisy, the mind is silent. The fact of the birth of children suffering from mental and mental disability from parents who use alcohol leads to very serious reflections. "Drunken conception", dangerous even at the slightest degree of intoxication, is a common cause of the birth of children with congenital defects. Drunkenness creates a tense atmosphere in the family, because of which children suffer.

Do you want to know about harmful effects beer?

The most devastating and harmful consequence of immoderate consumption of beer is a diseased heart or, as the German physician Bohlinger called it, the Bavarian "beer" or "bull's" heart. It is expressed in the expansion of the cavities of the heart, thickening of its walls. The enlarged heart becomes flabby and pumps blood poorly. It is recognized that these changes are associated with the presence of cobalt in beer, which is used as a beer foam stabilizer. This toxic element causes inflammation in the esophagus and stomach. The first Reich Chancellor of Germany, Bismarck, who knew firsthand about harmful effects drinking beer, gave the following definition beer alcoholism: "From beer they become lazy, stupid and powerless."

Do you know about such a thing as "beer alcoholism"?

Beer, energy cocktails are not harmless low alcohol drinks what young people think they are. Studies conducted in many countries show that chronic alcoholism develops 3-4 times faster from drinking beer than from hard alcoholic products. Harm of beer for human body very extensive. Narcologists say that alcohol is the most aggressive of drugs, and beer alcoholism is characterized by particular cruelty. This explains the end of the beer orgy with fights, murders, rapes and robberies. Remember: the beer subculture is the beginning of the culture of drug addiction, leading to the degradation of generations.

Do you know about the responsibility for appearing in a state of intoxication, drinking alcohol?

Article 20.22 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation provides for administrative liability for the appearance of minors under the age of 16 in a state of intoxication, drinking beer, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products on the streets, stadiums, squares, parks, vehicle common use, in other public places. The commission of this offense entails the imposition of an administrative fine on parents or legal representatives in the amount of 3 to 5 times the minimum wage.

