
Corn how to cook properly in a saucepan. Cooking mature cobs

Boiled corn is the taste of childhood. Its unique smell cheers up even adults. It is a product that can only be enjoyed at certain times. And allotted him only 2-3 weeks. If you don't make it, you'll have to wait whole year until ripe new harvest. But in order to taste a truly delicious dish, you need to know some secrets of its preparation. If the product turned out to be tasteless, then, of course, the question will arise: "How tasty is it to cook corn?"


This product is not only tasty, but also useful. It contains vitamins C, K, B, PP and D. Iron, phosphorus, potassium, copper, magnesium - all these trace elements will enter our body when eating corn. Glutamic acid, which improves memory and normalizes metabolic processes in the brain, is also found in this vegetable. This is a wonderful complex of vitamins that helps the body maintain health.

Corn can be made different dishes. She gives special unique taste. But many people love to eat it boiled whole on the cob. It is very important that the vegetable is unripe. Young corn is soft and sweet. The riper the vegetable, the more it loses its taste. Of course, a mature product is completely unsuitable. A young boiled cob does not need any seasonings, it is delicious on its own. All you need is a little salt, and butter will do the trick.

So, let's proceed to the disclosure of the topic "how to cook corn deliciously."

Choosing the cob

In order for the corn to be soft, in order to really enjoy this product, one should not forget that key point in the whole process are properly selected cobs. Of course, if you live in a village or outside the city, then, turning to the farmer for help, solve this problem without much difficulty. But in urban conditions, you need to remember that it is better to buy corn in August. It is during this period that it reaches a state of semi-maturity and is most suitable for cooking. This little secret helps answer the question: "How to cook soft corn?" September, October are the months when it is no longer suitable for boiling, at this time the grains harden, the cob is almost ripe.


It is important to ask the seller where exactly the vegetable was grown. Since in one region it can ripen faster, in another - more slowly. Don't take the cob buying process too lightly, lest you end up disappointed. Before buying, be sure to inspect each of them, Special attention need to turn to grains. The young cob, which is best suited for cooking, will have milky white grains. If you crush them, they will be juicy. Elasticity, softness and bulge are factors indicating the state of the vegetable. Sluggish leaves and "shrunken" grains may indicate that the cob is stale, plucked long ago, which will significantly affect palatability Oh. Also yellow, dimples indicate that the corn is ripe, and after cooking it will be tough and, of course, tasteless. The young cob is covered with green, fresh leaves, the half-ripe will be covered with yellowed ones, which, at the same time, do not adjoin to it, but move away. They are hard and dry. If corn is sold completely without leaves, then it is better to bypass it. This suggests that the vegetable was subjected to heavy pesticide treatment, from which even the leaves curl up. Sellers are removing them so as not to reveal the fact of a semi-poisoned product.

We buy no more than we can eat

In order not to be left at a loss, it is best to buy corn in such quantity that it will be eaten immediately. Young, suitable for cooking, cobs cannot be stored for a long time. They lose their taste qualities (ripen, become hard, rot). To deal with the question "how to quickly cook corn?", You need to pay attention to next nuance: it is desirable to select cobs of the same size and the same maturity. When cooking, they will cook at the same time, which will avoid the presence of raw pieces that will need to be brewed. Corn is best served with butter. It's just a meal! But sunflower is fine too.

Preparing the cob

Now let's start answering the question "how to cook an ear of corn?" Before starting the boiling process, you must first prepare the product. It is cleaned of leaves, "hairs", the stigmas and the upper part are cut off along with grains (1-2 cm). This will remove the rotten or blackened part. If the cob is large, then it is better to cut it in half so that it fits in the container. If all of the above has been done, then before starting cooking, the prepared product must be soaked in cold water(1 hour). Then the vegetable is washed. After all the procedures, we lower it into boiling water.

It must be remembered that the water in which the vegetable is boiled is not salted in advance. The grains will become hard. This is the first step to answering the question: "How to cook soft corn?" You can salt it almost at the end (15 minutes before the end of the process). And you may not do it at all. The cob itself is often salted to taste.

How long will it take for the product to be ready? There is no direct answer to this question. It can only be noted that it will take about half an hour to boil young corn. And if it is overripe, then the process can drag on for three hours. To understand whether it is ready or not, you will have to pierce the grains yourself. If they are soft, then the cobs are cooked. For greater reliability, it is better to check the taste.

Cooking time for corn

When cooked, the vegetable may become hard. Therefore, the answer to the question will be given below: "How to cook soft corn?"

Let's bring next recipe. Peeled cobs, previously soaked in water and washed, are lowered into water. The vessel in which the process is carried out must be on the stove. Over high heat, water, with corn placed in it, is brought to a boil.

The vegetable is cooked in this way until it floats. Then the fire is reduced to medium, and the vessel is covered with a lid. In this state, you should continue cooking for another 10 minutes. After 10 minutes have elapsed, the cobs are immediately removed and poured with melted butter, sprinkled with salt. The product is ready to use. Cooked in this way, corn will be soft and very tasty. So the question was sorted out: "How to cook soft corn?"

Cooking corn in a slow cooker

Such a wonderful invention as a slow cooker is really indispensable assistant housewives in the kitchen. In it, you can cook various kinds of goodies, while spending a minimum of time. This wonderful device will also help if you need to boil corn. Below are tips on the question: "How to cook corn in a slow cooker?"

The vegetable is boiled in water. The product is being prepared. Leaves, tendrils, "hairs" are removed from the ears, then they are washed and placed in the bowl of the device. Are poured cold water. It is necessary to ensure that the amount of liquid is not more than the "Maximum" level, which is indicated by a special label. The leaves removed from the cob are washed. They are covered with corn. Everything is covered with a lid. You need to set the mode High pressure". The time is fixed. After 15 minutes, the corn will be ready, and it can be served. Here is another answer to the question "how to quickly boil the corn?"

To cook the product in a slow cooker, you can use another method. The kit includes a special insert, which is designed for steaming vegetables.

The insert is small, so the corn will have to be cut into small cylinders. Previously, they are rolled in a prepared mixture of salt and various spices (to taste). The finished product is placed in a special container for steaming. The insert is transferred to the slow cooker, everything is closed with a lid and the cooking time is set - 30 minutes. After 30 minutes, open the lid, remove the container with finished product. Corn is laid out on plates. Such food is not only tasty, very healthy, but also looks great.

Corn in the oven

Cooking corn in the oven is easy. You will need deep dishes. The bottom is lubricated with butter. Cobs are laid out, which do not need to be pre-cleaned of leaves, they just need to be washed. Vegetables half filled hot water. The dishes are tightly covered with foil and left at a temperature of 200º for 40-120 minutes. After the corn is cooked, it must be cleaned of leaves and poured with oil. To figure out how to cook soft corn, remember that overcooking leads to stiffness.

Corn is very tasty and useful product which is used in cooking to prepare various dishes. Mainly applied boiled corn, so it is extremely important to learn how to cook corn properly so that it turns out soft and juicy. The cooking time of corn depends on how ripe it is, as well as on its variety. Corn is divided into food and feed. Feed corn is suitable for cooking but needs to be cooked much longer than food corn. Feed corn is cooked for 3-4 hours, while food corn takes 10 to 30 minutes. Young corn cooks much faster than overripe corn. To choose young corn, you should pay attention to its color, the lighter the corn, the younger it is. Also, when buying corn, you need to look at its grains, if a hole has appeared in them, then the corn is very old or young, but has lain for too long in the market or in the store. Such corn is unsuitable for eating it, because when cooked, no matter how much time it takes, corn with dimples in the center will never become soft.

Also, if you know how to cook corn properly, you can preserve its aroma and taste. Before cooking, corn must be prepared. To do this, the corn must be cleaned of fibers and leaves, then rinse well, put in a capacious pan and pour cold water. The water should cover the corn by 10 centimeters. So that the corn does not burn, the bottom of the pan can be laid out with corn leaves. Also, corn can be boiled in leaves, but always without fibers.

When the corn boils, then after that it is boiled over medium heat. Corn cannot be salted during cooking, as salty water will make it hard. To improve the palatability of corn, you can add a little butter and sugar to taste.

We must not forget that during the cooking process the water will boil away, so periodically you need to look into the pan and add water as needed.

To find out whether the corn is cooked or not, you need to get the cob, cut off a piece, cool it and taste it. Other methods of checking, such as piercing with a fork or outgoing aroma, are not suitable here.

Corn can also be cooked in microwave oven or for a couple. Also, corn can also be boiled in a crumbly form. To do this, the cobs are first dipped in boiling water, kept for 1 minute, after which they are immediately dipped in ice water. This procedure will allow you to remove the seeds from the cob with a knife very quickly and easily. Thus, corn is prepared for salads or for a side dish.

This is a favorite delicacy not only for children, but also for adults. And in order for it to turn out really tasty, juicy and soft, it must be chosen and cooked correctly. After all, no one likes to chew dry hard grains! This article will help us find the answer to the question of how and young.

How to choose?

Ask the seller what kind of corn is in front of you. Most delicious varieties- this is Anava, The Golden Fleece, Aurika and Viola. It is best to give preference to small ears of corn. And to check if it is overripe, it is worth separating one grain from it and trying to crush it in your hand. If it is soft and juicy, then you can be sure that you did right choice- young corn! And if the grain is dry and hard, feel free to push this cob aside. Such corn is either overripe, or it has simply been cut from the root for a long time. Of course, from this she useful qualities not lost, just on her cooking will go away much more time.

How long to cook young corn?

You need to note the time exactly from the moment the water in the pan boils. On average, it takes no more than 45 minutes to cook the cobs. Mature corn is distinguished by the color of the seeds, they have a pronounced yellow tint. And the young one is almost white or pale yellow.

How to cook young corn?

First of all, the cobs are cleaned of leaves and washed under running water. Here it is worth considering one important point: do not throw away the tops of corn. It is useful to us in order to cover the bottom of the pan, where the corn will be cooked. Leaves play the role of seasoning. They will give the corn a special flavor, as well as protect it from possible burning. So, the leaves and cobs are already in the pan, now you can pour water - it should completely cover them. Add salt (1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water), cover with a lid and put on fire. As soon as the water boils, the question immediately arises of how young. It comes to readiness quite quickly, usually it takes 15-20 minutes. But as regards mature corn then it takes much longer to cook. If you like soft grains, then up to fully prepared it is necessary to keep it on fire for 45-60 minutes, and if it is hard, then 30 is enough. Well, now you know how much to cook young and mature corn. Important! Salt when cooking mature corn does not need to be added! She can get hard. Only after full readiness, already before serving, it should be rubbed with salt. This will give the corn a bright and incomparable taste.

How to determine readiness?

We already know how much to cook young corn, but if you still doubt its readiness, then you can simply check it without directly removing it from the heat. To do this, take a fork and try to pry a few grains with it. If they separate easily and taste soft and juicy, then the corn has reached readiness and can be removed from the stove.


1. In order for the corn to remain soft and juicy even the next day, the broth in which it was cooked should not be drained from the pan. Store corn directly in it, only in the cold.

2. Serve hot corn, after brushing it with creamy or olive oil. It will become even softer and more fragrant.

Well, now you know how much to cook young corn and how best to serve it to the table. Bon appetit!

The end of summer is simply a paradise for corn lovers. If desired, it can be baked in foil in the oven, dried on the grill or boiled. The last way to cook corn is the easiest. Agree, there is nothing difficult in peeling the cobs, putting them in a saucepan, pouring water and putting them to boil. However, after one of my friends asked how to cook corn on the cob in a saucepan, how much to cook it, I wondered if everyone had mastered this simple culinary science.

It is important to buy sweet corn because it will be sweet and tasty, and feed, intended for animal feed, no matter how boiled, it will still not be tasty.

How can you tell fodder corn from sugar corn? The sizes of both can be the same, the fodder can be both large and small in size, however, as well as sugar. In the bazaar, when choosing, you can easily distinguish them by the color of their hair. At fodder corn her hair is brown and dark brown, whether she is young or old. Have a young sweet corn hair color is light green, almost white, maybe even transparent. In old sweet corn, the color of the hair darkens only at the tips, that is, only at the tips the color can be brown.

So you bought right corn, now it can be boiled. Do not store it for a long time without a refrigerator. But if you bought it in excess, then you can freeze it in the freezer. To defrost, just take it out and leave it at room temperature excellent, it also defrosts in cold water. After defrosting, its taste will not change. By the way, they sell it frozen in stores.

So, for boiled corn you will need:

How to Boil Delicious Boiled Corn on the Cob in a Pot

We get a large capacity container. We clean the cobs from the leaves and put them in a wide pan.

It is desirable, of course, that they fit entirely in it. If you do not have such a vessel, break the cobs in half. We do not add salt to the pan, you can put 1 tbsp for 10 kachans. Sahara. You can add nothing at all and boil in plain water.

By the way, in Mexico they cook corn in sweet syrups and milk.

We send the pan to the stove with a strong fire. Make sure that the water covers all the cobs, this is one of the nuances proper cooking corn in a bowl. By the way, in a village or in a village, you can cook corn in large cauldrons, it will turn out even tastier, especially if the cobs have just been plucked.

How many minutes does it take to cook corn?

After boiling, cook, slightly reducing the power of fire, for 15-20 minutes. We turn it off after the water begins to foam and become cloudy, at this moment sugar comes out of the cobs and corn without it will become less tasty.

You have probably heard that corn is boiled for at least 40 minutes, we also cooked it this way before, but then we tried to cook less and it turned out that the corn is tastier and it is completely ready.

How to check the readiness of corn?

It’s easy to check, take out the head, hold the corn on a plate with a fork and cut off a few grains and try. But do not hesitate, in 15-20 minutes it will be ready.

And finally, salt. Ready corn, if desired, sprinkle with a little salt. I do this almost always. Salt combined with sweet young grains gives a simply amazing taste.

Some lubricate the boiled cobs with butter, this is a matter of taste.

We've even seen Americans lubricate boiled cob boiled corn with mayonnaise, that was a surprise.

And the Mexicans peppered it or, on the contrary, served it with a sweet sauce.

Boiled corn is stored in the refrigerator for 1 day, after two days the corn grains will become floury and tasteless. Chilled corn, if desired, can be heated in the microwave, it is also good and just cold.
