
The best recipes for pickled pumpkin blanks for the winter at home. What can be done from a pumpkin for the winter, how to keep the fruit until the new harvest

Harvesting preservation for the winter is one of the most enjoyable activities for the hostess in the kitchen, because crispy cucumbers, elastic tomatoes and mouth-watering mushrooms will always remain a decoration of the festive table. And tea drinking in a close family circle is impossible to imagine without fragrant jam or jam. But by all means, among the numerous jars of marinades and pickles, preservation with pumpkin should also be on the shelves. Simple preparations will delight in winter with a unique taste, amazing aroma and gorgeous view, and simple recipes will help to cope with this.

"Pineapple miracle": an interesting recipe for preserving pumpkin

Pumpkin from a jar according to this recipe will certainly appeal to children, because it tastes like canned pineapples. You can even use it in salads or desserts instead of this exotic fruit, hardly anyone can tell them apart.


  • 60 ml of vinegar;
  • 5 g of cloves;
  • 5 g of allspice;
  • 240 g of sugar;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 1 kg 450 g pumpkin.


  1. Put in a small saucepan to boil the syrup of sugar, cloves, pepper, water.
  2. While the syrup is boiling, prepare the pumpkin. Cut it into small pieces and send it to a boiling liquid.
  3. Cook over low heat until the pumpkin pieces are soft, making sure not to overcook and turn into a puree.
  4. Add vinegar, immediately remove from heat after boiling.
  5. Arrange in a glass container, roll up, leave to cool, without fail turning over.

After cooling, take out to the cold.

Delicious pumpkin preparation: poppy seed jam

A very unusual jam made from pumpkin, poppy, citrus and ginger. You don’t need to cook a lot of it, since it will not be stored all winter, but for several months you can indulge yourself with an exotic taste.

How to salt mushrooms: 6 step by step recipes


  • 25 g poppy;
  • 15 g of ginger root;
  • 100 g lemon;
  • 200 g of orange;
  • 900 g pumpkin;
  • 480 g of granulated sugar.


  1. Cut the prepared pumpkin into thin strips. If there is no patience for such laborious work, you can simply rub it on a special grater.
  2. Squeeze juice from citruses, remove the zest from an orange first, it will be needed for jam.
  3. Transfer the pumpkin to a container for cooking jam, add sugar, mix, pour in lemon and orange juice, add zest. Stir the mass thoroughly, leave to start the juice.
  4. The next day, put the pot with pumpkin on high heat, remove immediately after boiling. Leave for 6 hours.
  5. Cut the peeled ginger into thin strips, add to the pumpkin mass.
  6. Put the pan back on the stove, boil for a quarter of an hour.
  7. Fry poppy seeds in a dry, clean pan for 3-5 minutes.
  8. After 5 hours, put the pumpkin on fire again, adding poppy seeds. Boil until ready.
  9. Pack in sterile small glass containers, roll up, wait until completely cooled and send to the refrigerator.

Pumpkin filling in pies: a step-by-step recipe for the winter

Outside the window is frost and snowfall, but the house is warm and cozy. Especially if freshly baked pies come out on the table with an aroma reminiscent of a warm summer. You can take care of the filling for baking even in the summer by preparing many jars with the original blank.


  • 950 g apples (already peeled);
  • 950 g pumpkin;
  • 120 g sugar.

Do not spoil cucumbers with vinegar: a recipe for the best blanks


  1. Rub the peeled pumpkin on a grater with large holes or speed up the process by passing through a meat grinder with special nozzles.
  2. Cut apples into slices.
  3. Together with sugar, put the pumpkin and apples on the fire. If the mass is too dry, pour in a little water so that it does not burn.
  4. After boiling, boil for 45 minutes, periodically stirring the mass.
  5. Arrange in a glass container to the very necks, cork with metal lids.

Jam "Merry Apricot": an unusual recipe for canning pumpkin

Why is it called so? Everything is very simple, no one will be able to distinguish such pumpkin jam from apricot by taste, and even if tasters find out what is included in such a delicacy, they are unlikely to believe it.


  • 980 g dried apricots;
  • 2 kg 700 g pumpkin;
  • 40 ml of lemon juice;
  • 2 kg 600 g sugar (more possible);
  • 2 liters of water.


  1. Cut dried apricots into small pieces, add water and leave for several hours.
  2. Cut the pumpkin into slices, pre-peel. If the variety is soft-skinned, then do not peel, just rinse well.
  3. Boil the pumpkin for half an hour together with the liquid drained from the dried apricots, not forgetting to stir.
  4. Pour all the sugar, continue to cook for another half hour.
  5. Put dried apricots into the mass and boil until fully cooked (another half hour).
  6. While the jam is being cooked, prepare a glass container, thoroughly rinsing with soda and sterilizing in the oven.
  7. Put the finished jam in containers, cork with metal lids, put upside down to cool.

You can add a couple of cloves to the jam.

"Assorted" canned pumpkin and a mixture of peppers

A versatile preparation that can be used as a side dish, but with a little resourcefulness, you can add it to a variety of dishes. Very tasty cutlets or stuffing for dumplings will turn out if you put pieces of vegetables from a jar passed through a meat grinder into the minced meat.

Parsley for the winter: methods of harvesting and storage


  • 145 ml of vinegar;
  • 110 ml vegetable oil;
  • 55 g salt;
  • 220 g sugar;
  • 980 ml of water;
  • 25 g ground allspice;
  • 200 g parsley;
  • 110 g of garlic;
  • 10 g chili pepper;
  • 1 kg 900 g pumpkin;
  • 180 g sweet pepper.


  1. Cut the prepared pumpkin into small pieces.
  2. Finely chop the parsley and garlic with a sharp knife.
  3. Sweet pepper and chili cut into long sticks.
  4. Combine all vegetables, spices, vegetable oil and vinegar, mix thoroughly and simmer for half an hour over low heat.

Pour the mass into boiling jars and immediately cork, send to cool upside down.

Pumpkin caviar: favorite recipe

For lovers of spicy aromatic spices, a recipe for pumpkin caviar will certainly come in handy. It goes well with meat or even fish dishes. You can even cook delicious sandwiches for breakfast, which will be not only nutritious, but also useful, because the pumpkin contains a lot of vitamins, which the body lacks so much in winter.


  • 25 g salt (without iodine);
  • 15 g of allspice;
  • 1 kg 600 g pumpkin;
  • 55 ml of vinegar;
  • 55 grams of sugar;
  • 240 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 190 g of tomato paste;
  • 100 g of garlic;
  • 420 g of bell pepper;
  • 520 g of onion;
  • 190 g carrots.


  1. Prepared carrots and pumpkin rub on a coarse grater. Send to a thick-walled container for cooking.
  2. Add chopped peppers and onions to the carrot-pumpkin mass.
  3. After adding vegetable oil to the vegetables, cook until the juice is released. The fire is not strong, on average it will cook wonderfully.
  4. Boil for half an hour along with spices and tomato paste, adding grated garlic a quarter of an hour before the end of cooking.
  5. Turn the vegetable mass into a puree using a blender.
  6. Pour in the vinegar, put it back on the fire, spread the caviar after boiling in glass containers.

After rolling, wrap it warmly for a day (no less).

Pumpkin blanks for the winter are no less diverse than zucchini blanks. Pumpkin is simply versatile, it goes well with vegetables. And with fruit. And what amazing juices and jams are obtained from it! The hardest part is peeling the pumpkin, and everything else is quite simple. So, today we will find out what blanks can be made from this product.

Pumpkin salad for the winter

To prepare this delicious salad, you will need not only a pumpkin, but also tomatoes, as well as bell peppers and much more.

So, the products that you will need to prepare:

  • - pumpkin - 2 kilograms;
  • - tomatoes - 1 kilogram;
  • - Bulgarian pepper - 500 grams;
  • - carrot - 500 grams;
  • - onion - 300 grams;
  • - garlic - 3 cloves;
  • - vegetable oil - 200 grams;
  • - regular granulated sugar - 100 grams;
  • - 9% vinegar - 270 ml;
  • - ground black pepper - to taste;
  • - salt - 2 tablespoons.


In order to make such a fairly simple pumpkin salad for the winter, you will need to take a pumpkin and wash it. After that, peel it from the peel, remove the seeds, scrape out the fibrous part. After that, everything will need to be cut into cubes of a sufficiently large size. After that, you need to take a carrot and peel it. Onion, too, and cut into small pieces at the same time. Next, you will need to take the Bulgarian pepper, carefully remove the stalks and seeds from it, and after that it will be necessary to cut everything into long strips. After that, you need to peel the garlic from the husk, send it through a press, you can also scroll it in a blender or on a fine grater. Now you need to take either a large stewpan with thick walls, or a larger cauldron, pour a sufficient amount of vegetable oil into it, and then warm it up. Tomatoes should be washed and cut into two halves. After that, you will need to mix everything, put carrots and onions in a cauldron for a start, then you need to fry the vegetables until half cooked. Everything is fried well, and after that you need to add pumpkin and pepper to these vegetables. everything is mixed and stewed for a few more minutes. After 10 minutes, you can add tomato puree there, salt everything, pepper, wait for a slight boil and cook under the lid for about half an hour. After this time, add garlic, vinegar, sugar and mix everything. Then it remains to arrange everything in sterilized jars and roll up.

Pumpkin salad for the winter with cabbage

There is another very interesting salad with pumpkin for the winter. It's easy to prepare.

For him, you will need to take the following ingredients:

  • - pumpkin - 1 kilogram;
  • - sauerkraut - 700 grams;
  • - water - 1 liter;
  • - salt - 60 grams;
  • - granulated sugar - 40 grams.


First you will need to peel the pumpkin, then remove all the seeds, and then wash the pumpkin and rub it on the large side of the grater. After that, it will be necessary to mix the pumpkin mass well with sauerkraut. Now you can lay out everything in banks. It will be necessary to mix the water with sugar and salt, let it all boil, and then pour everything in jars with hot marinade. Cover with lids and sterilize everything for 10 minutes. it remains to roll up and wrap everything, and let your salad cool. Move to cold.

Pumpkin caviar for the winter

Pumpkin is actually suitable for preparing caviar for the winter no worse than zucchini, and maybe even better in some respects.

If you want to cook such pumpkin caviar for the winter, then

  • - peeled pumpkin - 800 grams;
  • - tomato paste - 4 tablespoons;
  • - Bulgarian pepper - 1 piece;
  • - garlic - 3 cloves;
  • - onion - onion head;
  • - vegetable oil for frying;
  • - pepper and salt to taste.


In order to prepare such a preparation, you need to take a large cauldron or goose dish, and after that, you must first fry the ground garlic, then add very finely chopped onions. We clean the pepper in small cubes, after that we put the pumpkin in the same place, which you cut into small cubes. Everything is browned for a couple of minutes. after that, you need to make the fire minimal and extinguish everything for half an hour on the smallest fire. Now we need to add the tomato paste. Everything will need to be salted and peppered. Sort everything into banks. Such a blank can be rolled up for the winter, and it will be perfectly stored, but the jars should first be sterilized.

Pumpkin caviar for the winter in the microwave

To prepare such pumpkin caviar for the winter in the microwave, you will need to take the following products:

  • - pumpkin pulp - 500 grams;
  • - carrot - 250 grams;
  • - onions - 2 pieces;
  • - vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons;
  • - flour - 1 tablespoon;
  • - garlic - 2 cloves;
  • - salt - half a teaspoon;
  • - ground black pepper - to taste.


To begin with, you will need to choose the right kind of pumpkin, best of all, not the sweetest. The pulp will need to be cut into small cubes, transferred to a glass microwave oven. After everything must be salted, a little pepper, lightly sprinkled with flour and mix. In a frying pan that you warmed up in advance, you will first need to warm up the vegetable oil, after which you will need to pour the onion there, which you cut as finely as possible. Everything must be fried until golden brown. After that, you need to add the carrots, which you have already grated, to the same place. We fry everything until a beautiful golden color. After that, you will need to mix this frying with pumpkin in the form and send everything to bake for 15 minutes. it is necessary to bake at maximum power for 15 minutes, but remember that from time to time you need to take everything out and mix. Hot caviar will need to be immediately laid out in sterilized jars and rolled up with lids that you have boiled.

Pumpkin caviar with mayonnaise for the winter

To prepare pumpkin caviar with mayonnaise, you need to take the following products:

  • - pumpkin, peeled pulp - 2 kilograms;
  • - zucchini - 1 kilogram;
  • - onion - 500 grams;
  • - granulated sugar - 4 tablespoons without top;
  • - vegetable oil - half a tablespoon;
  • - bay leaf - 1 piece;
  • - mayonnaise - 250 grams;
  • - tomato paste - 250 grams;
  • - salt - 1 tablespoon;
  • - ground black pepper - half a teaspoon.


Zucchini will need to be peeled, then cut them as large as possible and pass them through a meat grinder, do the same with pumpkin. After that, add the onion there. Mix everything with mayonnaise and butter and tomato paste. Everything must be boiled for about one hour, and after that put the bay leaf there. Cook for another 5 minutes. Then remove the bay leaf. The blank can be decomposed into sterilized jars. We roll everything.

Pickled pumpkin for the winter with mustard

In order for you to cook a very tasty pumpkin marinated for the winter with mustard, you will first need to take the following products:

  • - pumpkin - 1.25 kilograms;
  • - grated horseradish - 3 tablespoons of fresh white horseradish;
  • - onion - 2 small onion heads;
  • - mustard seeds - 1 tablespoon;
  • - dill - 2 branches of dill;
  • - marinade for harvesting:
  • - water - 2 glasses;
  • - coarse salt - 2 tablespoons of salt;
  • - granulated sugar - 5 tablespoons of sugar;
  • - Vinegar - 2 cups grape red vinegar.


First you need to peel the pumpkin, after that you need to cut it into cubes. Everything will need to be sprinkled with salt, then leave the pumpkin all night at room temperature. After that, you will need to take vinegar, add it to water, add granulated sugar there and let it all boil. Next, you will need to take pieces of pumpkin, boil in small portions in this marinade. You don't need to cook for a long time, 5 minutes will be enough. After that, you need to get everything, while the liquid should drain, and everything can be cooled. The pumpkin must be transferred to jars, and grated horseradish will also have to be sent there. It will also be necessary to lay out the onion, cut into rings, as well as dill. Add mustard seeds and add marinade. The next day, the marinade is drained, again it is necessary to let it boil, and only after that it will be necessary to fill in the pumpkin, which you have laid out in jars. At the same time, banks will need to be rolled up.

Simple Pickled Pumpkin

To prepare a very simple pickled pumpkin for the winter, which you can then use as a separate snack or as an ingredient for salads.

You will need to take the following products:

  • - pumpkin - 1 kilogram;
  • - vinegar - half a liter;
  • - sugar - 250 grams;
  • - cloves - to taste;
  • - salt - a tablespoon without top;
  • - cinnamon - to taste.


Such a pumpkin is sweet, and yet it harmonizes very well with many dishes. The main difficulty is to peel the pumpkin from a dense peel, and everything else is very easy to prepare. So, first you have to wash the pumpkin, after that you will need to clean it and cut it into not very large cubes, of course. All seeds and fibers must be removed first. After that, it will be necessary to take and prepare the marinade. I need to make sugar syrup. Pour sugar with a quarter cup of boiling water. After that, as soon as the sugar dissolves completely, vinegar is also added there. Then you need to boil this marinade, add spices and small cubes of pumpkin there, again put everything on fire and boil. After that, you need to leave everything for one knock to stand and soak. After that, you will need to drain the marinade again, give it time to boil again, and pour it again. Everything after that is laid out in jars, sterilized for 15 minutes and rolled up.

Pickled pumpkin with pepper

To prepare pickled pumpkin with pepper, you will need to take the following products:

  • - water - 700 grams;
  • - vinegar - 700 grams;
  • - cloves - 1 piece;
  • - cinnamon - 1 stick;
  • - hot peppercorns - 1 piece;
  • - allspice - 1 piece;
  • - pumpkin - 5 kilograms.


To begin with, we must clean the pumpkin, after which it will be necessary to cut it into small pieces. Next, you will need to lower it in small portions in boiling water for about 20 minutes, and then you can give it time to cool down. Next, you need to pour everything with the marinade that you cooked and cooled. Such a pumpkin is stored only in the refrigerator.

Marinated pumpkin with garlic

Delicious pickled pumpkin with garlic, cooking it is not so difficult as it might seem at first glance.

To get started, you will need to take the following products:

  • - pumpkin - 4 kilograms;
  • - hot red pepper - 300 grams;
  • - garlic - 100 grams;
  • - parsley greens - 200 grams;
  • - vegetable oil - 150 grams.
  • - marinade - 1 liter of water;
  • - vinegar - 200 grams by 9%;
  • - salt - 50 grams of salt;
  • - granulated sugar - 350 grams.


The first thing you will need to do. This is to take a pumpkin, peel it, cut it into small cubes. After that, you will need to take pepper, garlic, parsley, and chop all this as finely as possible. Transfer everything to a saucepan, then pour hot marinade, and then add oil. Everything will need to be cooked for 30 minutes, constantly stirring. Next, the vegetables will need to be transferred to a sieve, put in sterilized jars. The marinade must again be drained through a sieve into the pans, again give it time to boil. And only after that you can fill everything, and then roll it up.

Snack for the winter of pumpkin with asparagus beans

For preparing a very tasty snack for the winter, which includes pumpkin and beans.

You will need to take the following products:

  • - pumpkin - 2 kilograms;
  • - tomatoes - 1 kilogram;
  • - sweet bell pepper - 500 grams;
  • - vegetable oil - 300 grams;
  • - granulated sugar - 200 grams;
  • - salt - 50 grams;
  • - vinegar by 6% - 100 grams;
  • - garlic - 150 grams;
  • - fresh dill greens to your taste.


First you will need to clean the pumpkin, then cut it into small cubes. Beans should be washed and cut into chopsticks, immediately removing the string. After that, you need to wash the pepper and clean it from both the seeds and the stalk. Cut it into small half rings. Now get to the tomatoes. From the tomatoes with a sharp thin knife, it will also be necessary to cut the stem. After that, the tomatoes will need to be rubbed on a grater so that the skin remains in your hands. After that, you will need to mix everything and put on fire. Then everything is just brought to a boil and then cooked for 60 minutes. Remember that under this preparation it is better not to make a big fire, and it is better to lay out the salad hot in sterilized jars and roll it up.

Pumpkin caviar for the winter with beans and tomatoes

In order to cook pumpkin caviar for the winter with beans and tomatoes, you will need to take the following products:

  • - asparagus beans - 1 kilogram;
  • - pumpkin - 1 kilogram;
  • - tomatoes - 1 kilogram;
  • - apples - 1 kilogram;
  • - Bulgarian sweet pepper - 1 kilogram;
  • - onion - 500 grams;
  • - granulated sugar - 300 grams;
  • - salt - 50 grams;
  • - 9% vinegar - 50 grams;
  • - pepper and bay leaf to taste.


The first thing we do is peel all the vegetables and after that we will pass them through the meat grinder separately. Of course, to begin with, we will cut the pumpkin into slices and remove the peel from it. We clean the beans and boil them first. After that, we clean the stalk of apples, and only then we will pass everything through a meat grinder. UK cut smaller. After that, lightly fry the onion. Add tomatoes and pumpkin, salt and sugar there. We wait until everything boils. only after that it will be necessary to add the rest of the vegetables, cook everything for one hour. Add spices to taste and cook for 10 minutes. Spread everything hot in sterilized jars and roll up. Wrap up.

Salad for the winter with pumpkin and coriander

To prepare a salad with pumpkin and coriander, you need to take a variety of products, it will turn out really tasty. And it's worth a little fiddling around.

So, in order for you to make such a salad for the winter, you will need to take the following products:

  • - pumpkin - 2 kilograms;
  • - tomatoes - 1 kilogram;
  • - carrot - 500 grams;
  • - sweet pepper - 500 grams;
  • - sweet pepper - 700 grams;
  • - white onion - 300 grams;
  • - salt - 2 tablespoons;
  • - garlic - 4 heads;
  • - any odorless vegetable oil - 200 grams;
  • - 70% vinegar essence - 1 tablespoon;
  • - coriander - 1 teaspoon.


First you need to take a carrot and cut it into small bars. Set aside, you can soak briefly while you deal with the pumpkin. The onion also needs to be cut into small cubes, and cut the bell pepper into strips. After that, you will need to take the tomatoes and grind them in a blender. There you must immediately mix spices, salt, and granulated sugar. After that, everything will need to be transferred to a large saucepan, bring to a boil, while the fire should be strong enough. Then you will need to make the fire smaller and simmer everything for about 30 minutes on low heat. Garlic will need to be passed through a press. After that, you need to add it along with vinegar, cook for 5 minutes, and after that you need to transfer everything to sterilized jars. Roll up. It will turn out very tasty and appetizing.

Pumpkin salad with bell pepper for the winter

To prepare such a salad, you will need to take the following products:

  • - pumpkin - 2 kilograms;
  • - Bulgarian pepper - 1 kilogram;
  • - tomatoes - 1 kilogram;
  • - onion - 300 grams;
  • - garlic - 300 grams;
  • - vegetable oil - 1 glass;
  • - granulated sugar - 100 grams;
  • - salt - 2 tablespoons;
  • - vinegar essence - 2 tablespoons;
  • - black peppercorns - 10 pieces;
  • - coriander - 10 pieces.


Carrots and pumpkins must be grated for Korean carrots. After that, you need to cut the onion into half rings and garlic slices. Bulgarian pepper will also need to be cut into very long and thin strips. After that, everything is fried in a pan until cooked, seasoned and salted to taste. While everything is fried, it is necessary to scroll through the meat grinder tomatoes. When everything is ready, we also send the tomato mass to the pan and simmer until cooked for about half an hour. Next you need to add garlic, vinegar and spices. Boil for two minutes and turn off. Pour everything into sterilized jars and roll up.

Snack for the winter of eggplant and pumpkin

To prepare a very tasty snack for the winter, made from pumpkin and eggplant, you will need to take the following products:

  • - pumpkin pulp - 2 kilograms;
  • - eggplant - 3 kilograms;
  • - tomatoes - 2.5 kilograms;
  • - Bulgarian pepper - 1 kilogram;
  • - fresh herbs - 300 grams;
  • - garlic - 300 grams;
  • - vegetable oil - half a liter;
  • - chili pepper - a quarter of a teaspoon;
  • - granulated sugar - 150 grams;
  • - salt - 100 grams;
  • - table vinegar for 6% - 12 ml;


To begin with, it will be necessary to take all the vegetables, excluding eggplant, wash, wash. Clean and cut into small pieces. After that, you will need to peel the eggplant before you cut it. After that, you must wash the tomatoes and pass them either through a blender or through a meat grinder. After that, you will need a tomato mass along with garlic, as well as greens. Bring to a boil, add granulated sugar and salt, vegetable oil, chili and vinegar. It remains only to wait until this sauce boils. Then you can put eggplant there, as well as pumpkin and pepper. Bring everything to a boil and cook for one hour on the slowest fire. This appetizer is rolled up in sterilized jars.

Pumpkin blanks are different: spicy, salty and sweet. It turns out well simply with allspice and cloves. And if you add quince (Japanese quince), then the dish will acquire a pronounced aroma of pineapple. You can modify the taste by experimenting with spices, it turns out interestingly with citrus zest. You can serve the delicacy with any meat dishes, add to salads and pastries. This is really very unusual and tasty, so the recipes are in the studio!

What varieties of pumpkin are suitable for canning?

Suitable special dessert varieties, the so-called Muscat - especially "Muscat de Provence" and "Augustina", sweetish, very fragrant, with bright orange flesh and thin skin. When you buy a pumpkin at the market, ask them to cut it up and give a little bit to try, it should be sweet, have a dense texture. It is very important that the pumpkin is ripe, otherwise the taste of the workpiece will be inconspicuous.

Sweet pickled pumpkin without sterilization


  • peeled pumpkin - 1 kg
  • water - 500 ml
  • 30% vinegar - 3 tbsp. l.
  • cloves - 4 pcs.
  • sweet pea pepper - 3 pcs.
  • black peppercorns - 3 pcs.
  • sugar - 200-250 g
  • fresh ginger - 2 cm
  • grated nutmeg - 2 chips.
  • anise and cinnamon - optional

Total cooking time: 8 hours
Cooking time: 10 minutes
Yield: 1 liter and 300 ml

How to cook

Pickled pumpkin according to this recipe can be eaten immediately or rolled up for the winter. I cleaned the pumpkin, removed the seeds, and cut the pulp into a 2x2 cm cube.

I diluted sugar and vinegar essence in warm boiled water. The resulting sweet and sour marinade poured pumpkin cubes. I left it overnight in a cool place so that the orange pulp was soaked through with this syrup. You can keep in the marinade for longer, up to 1 day.

The next day I prepared all the spices on the list: anise, cinnamon stick, a few peas of black and allspice, cloves and a piece of fresh ginger. She put them in a bag of gauze and sent them to a saucepan with a pumpkin. I rubbed nutmeg right there - it’s better, of course, if it is whole, but ground will also work. I will say right away that star anise and cinnamon are quite strong spices, they will completely convey their taste to the pumpkin. If you do not want them to be felt, then do not add them, put twice as much cloves and allspice, then the taste will be close to pineapple (especially if you pour in a lot of vinegar). Also, if desired, you can, for example, add a little orange / lemon zest or vanilla sugar. In a word, you can experiment endlessly with spices or reduce the list to a minimum.

I put it on the fire, brought it to a boil and cooked over low heat for 5-7 minutes, always under the lid. Vinegar in this recipe plays a big role, since it is the acid that prevents the pumpkin from boiling, it remains dense, does not break down into fibers. I removed the boiled pumpkin from the heat and left it for 30 minutes under the lid to evaporate. During this time, the pieces will become transparent, but remain crispy.

If you plan to serve immediately to the table, then the cooking ends here, after half an hour just remove the bag and put it in the refrigerator to marinate, on the second day you can take a sample. To prepare for the winter, pickled pumpkin after 30 minutes must be decomposed into sterilized jars (so far without syrup). It is most convenient to lay out with a slotted spoon scalded with boiling water.

The marinade remaining in the saucepan (be sure to remove the spices, especially cinnamon and star anise, otherwise they will completely kill the taste), bring to a boil again, and then pour the pickled pumpkin in jars to the very neck. Try the syrup, it should be on the verge of sweet and sour, add a little sugar and vinegar if necessary, they will be completely absorbed into the pumpkin pieces during long pickling. For canning, I added another 0.5 tsp to the syrup. vinegar essence and 2 tablespoons of sugar, boiled, poured into jars, corked with sterilized lids. She turned the preservation upside down, wrapped it tightly with a blanket and left it to cool completely.

You can eat such a pumpkin the next day. In terms of density and translucent appearance, it resembles a pineapple. If you added cinnamon and star anise, then the similarity with melon (or apricot) is more captured, but with a denser and firmer consistency.

When you cook for the first time, then make a little for testing, put in the refrigerator, and adjust the next day. If you wish, you can substitute certain spices, add more vinegar, or reduce the amount of sugar. I like sweet and sour pickled pumpkin, so I do not regret sugar and vinegar. Store jars in a cellar or other cool place. Bon appetit!

Sweet pumpkin blanks for the winter

Canned pumpkin with orange

The recipe will appeal to those who love citrus fruits and prefer winter preparations without vinegar. You will get a pumpkin in syrup, sweet, with a pronounced aroma of orange and anise (star anise).


  • pumpkin pulp - 250-300 g
  • orange - 1/2 pc.
  • water - 500 ml
  • sugar - 1.5 cups
  • ground cinnamon - 0.5 tsp.
  • anise - 1 star
  • cloves - 2-3 pcs.
  • lemon juice - 4 tbsp. l.

How to cook

  1. Peel the pumpkin and then chop into a medium cube. Cut the orange along with the zest into thin circles.
  2. Arrange the orange slices in sterilized 0.5 liter jars, alternating layers of pumpkin and orange.
  3. Boil the marinade from water, sugar, spices and freshly squeezed lemon juice. Pour the contents of the jars with boiling marinade.
  4. Sterilize for 25 minutes. Cool upside down under the "fur coat". Store in a dark place, at a temperature not exceeding +10 degrees.

Marinated pumpkin in pineapple juice

Pumpkin tastes like pineapple, because it is preserved in juice from this exotic fruit. You will need ordinary store-bought tetra-pak juice, it will play the role of both sugar and a preservative for winter harvesting.


  • pumpkin pulp - 700 g
  • pineapple juice - 500 ml

How to cook

  1. Pour pineapple juice into a saucepan and bring to a boil.
  2. Remove seeds and skins from pumpkin. Cut the pulp into 2x2 cm cubes.
  3. Pour chopped vegetables into boiling juice and boil for 5-7 minutes.
  4. Arrange the pieces in sterilized jars and fill with sweet marinade.
  5. Cork, turn upside down, wrap in a blanket. After cooling, it can be transferred to the cellar for storage.

Pumpkin marinated with honey

The preparation is fragrant and vitamin, spicy, with the aroma of honey, sweet and sour. To balance the taste, use flower or linden honey (you can mix herbs), but not buckwheat.


  • pumpkin - 1 kg
  • water - 1 l
  • honey - 150 g
  • apple cider vinegar - 150 ml
  • cloves - 2 pcs.
  • black pepper - 4 pcs.

How to cook

  1. Cut the peeled pumpkin into a 2 cm cube.
  2. Arrange vegetables along with spices in clean 0.5-liter jars, fill tightly, but not up to the neck, but up to the shoulders.
  3. Dilute honey in spring or purified water, pour in vinegar. Bring to a boil.
  4. Pour the contents of the jars with boiling marinade to the very top.
  5. Sterilize for 15-20 minutes, seal with turnkey lids, wrap until cool.

Pumpkin is a unique and super healthy vegetable. However, for some reason, few people make blanks from it. And if individual housewives let him spin, they very rarely remember pumpkin salad. The most commonly used recipe for the winter is jam, marmalade or candied fruit. Sometimes the pumpkin is still frozen, but that's where the fantasy ends. Meanwhile, the combination of this vegetable with a variety of others gives amazing pumpkin salads that can greatly diversify and decorate the table both on holidays and on holidays. Their unusual taste will surely please each of your family members.

Just a pumpkin

The first salad from which we offer for the winter can successfully serve as an independent snack, or can be supplemented with other components available in the cold, for example, canned peas, beans, corn. The main product is peeled, seeds and fibers are cut out of it, with which they are attached. Only dense pulp should remain. It is cut into small (with an edge of about two centimeters) cubes, sprinkled with coarse salt and left for a day right on the table, not in the refrigerator. The next day, pouring is done: a third of a liter of water is combined with two-thirds of ordinary vinegar, half a glass of sugar and two tablespoons of salt. The dressing is poured into pumpkin cubes, supplemented with two onions (can be cut into quarters or thick rings), a few peas of black and allspice, a teaspoon of grain mustard, a couple of bay leaves and clove buds. Everything is heated together until the bulk ingredients are dissolved and cooled. Then the salad is laid out in jars, poured with cooled dressing and sterilized for an hour in boiling water. After seaming, it can be stored simply in the pantry.

grapefruit winter recipe

A very elegant recipe with the only drawback - the workpiece is stored in the cold. Half a kilo of the prepared main vegetable is cut into small pieces. A marinade is being prepared, for which the zest is removed from the lemon and cut into thin strips. It is mixed with a spoonful of ground fresh ginger, three glasses of sugar (don't worry, it's necessary: ​​you get a sweet-spicy sauce) and a spoonful of table vinegar. Even tastier if you replace it with wine. When the dressing boils, the fire is screwed on and pieces of pumpkin are dipped into it. After five minutes of cooking, the stove turns off, and the vegetable remains in the marinade until the next morning. With the onset of a new day, the pumpkin is boiled for another three minutes and cooled. Grapefruit pulp from two fruits is added to the salad laid out in small jars. Films and bones are removed very carefully. You can close it with ordinary dense plastic lids, you will still keep the salad in the refrigerator. It is ready in three days, it can be stored for 3-4 months.

Salad "Many vegetables"

To prepare it, you will have to work hard, but in winter you will not get tired of praising yourself for your diligence. And your family members will repeatedly say "thank you" too. To prepare a pumpkin salad according to this recipe, a pound of carrots is cut into thin strips, and a third of a kilogram of onion is cut into medium-sized cubes. Roasting is done from vegetables; when they are browned, two kilograms of pumpkin, cut into narrow sticks, and half a kilogram of pepper, chopped into strips, are laid. While everything is stewing, tomato puree is made from a kilo of tomato using a blender. It is poured into the pan when the pumpkin softens a little. Salt and pepper are immediately poured in (as always, to taste), and after twenty minutes - half a glass of sugar, coriander in seeds, two tablespoons of vinegar essence. Another five minutes of heating - and a salad of pumpkin and carrots with other hot vegetables is laid out in sterile jars, twisted, and after cooling it is placed on the shelves.

Bean pumpkin treat

Two kilograms of peeled pumpkin are cut into cubes, a kilogram of asparagus beans - not very long pieces, a pound of sweet pepper - strips. From half a kilogram of a tomato with three heads of garlic, pouring is done (with a meat grinder or blender). It is introduced: one and a half glasses of vegetable oil, a glass of sugar, three tablespoons of salt, half a glass of vinegar and chopped dill with some other herbs. Chopped vegetables are poured with dressing and stewed for about 50 minutes. The hot mass is packed in containers and immediately sealed.

Vitamin twist

Not only useful, but also very possible to make from apples, pumpkins, tomatoes and eggplant, if you take all the ingredients in a kilogram. The blue ones are not freed from the skin, the pumpkin is processed as usual. Both vegetables are cut into bars. Apples, if they are small, - into thin slices with a skin, but without seeds. Dill and parsley are finely chopped (take a glass of greens), a large red pepper is divided into strips, a puree is made from tomatoes and a glass of garlic cloves. It is poured into a wide bowl, supplemented with sunflower oil (two glasses), vinegar - certainly apple (half a glass), a glass of sugar, ground pepper (as much as you like) and five tablespoons of coarse salt. When the filling boils, all the components of the salad are lowered into it and stewed for about an hour. After the workpiece is distributed among the banks, twisted and wrapped. When it cools down, you can put it in the pantry.

Unusual quick salad

It will be possible to try it in 3-4 days, but it is better to postpone this pleasure until the cold weather. A kilogram of pumpkin cubes is placed in a liter of boiling water, where a glass with a slide of sugar and three tablespoons of salt are dissolved. After 10 minutes of boiling, sweet peppers (2-3 pieces), cut into squares, are added to the pumpkin. Almost immediately, finely chopped seven garlic and parsley are poured in, followed by a glass of green peas. You can also use frozen. A stack of vegetable oil and a glass of vinegar are then poured in. In ten minutes, very tasty is ready for packaging. Hot, it is laid out in sterile containers and immediately rolled up. Sterilization is not required, as is cold storage.

Sauerkraut with pumpkin

A very vitamin and dietary dish is a salad. Cabbage and pumpkin are the perfect combination. A big disappointment for those who follow the figure is the off-season break. However, persistent ones may well ferment these vegetables in one container and continue to maintain their figure in good shape even in winter. The basic techniques remain the same as when salting cabbage. Three kilos of cabbage are thinly chopped, the pumpkin pulp (a little more than half a kilo) is rubbed coarsely. You can also add mountain ash (then half a glass of berries drops into boiling water for a couple of minutes). Mix in a bowl: 150 grams of salt, three tablespoons of cumin berries and ground red pepper. Cabbage and pumpkin are packed in layers into an enameled bowl, sprinkled with mountain ash and a mixture of spices. Oppression is laid on top, and the cabbage should let the juice warm for a week. After it is rearranged in a cool place and begins to be used by you.

Even if you are skeptical about this vegetable, try pumpkin salad at least once. A recipe for the winter, embodied on your own, will forever save you from suspicions about her.
