
How to cook corn so that it is soft. Cooking in a saucepan

Important and very useful tips for all hostesses on how to cook corn properly.

Boiled corn is probably one of the most beloved inexpensive summer dishes by many. Fragrant, juicy, tasty and satisfying boiled corn we remember from childhood. By the way, corn has many beneficial properties for the human body. It contains vitamins of groups B, C, D, K, PP, as well as magnesium, potassium, copper, iron, phosphorus, glutamic acid and many other various useful substances.

Preparation of corn for cooking consists in the fact that it must first be washed under clean running water and all dirty leaves removed. It is not necessary to completely clean the cob of leaves. The main thing is to remove completely dirty and spoiled leaves before cooking.

Before cooking, it is advisable to soak the corn for an hour in cool water. Cooking should be cobs of the same size, this is necessary so that the corn is cooked all evenly. If the cobs are too big, a good solution is to cut them in half.

How to boil old corn

How to cook overripe corn? Even overripe and old (that is, not young) corn after boiling will be soft and juicy if it is cooked correctly. To do this, you must first clean the cobs from fibers and leaves, then cut them in half and then pour a mixture of ordinary drinking cold water with milk in a 1: 1 ratio, that is, 1 part of milk is needed for 1 part of cold drinking water. In this milk mixture, the corn should lie for a total of 4 hours, after which it can be boiled in the classical way.

How many minutes to cook corn

How long to cook corn depends on the degree of its maturity. For example, young corn will be ready in 20-30 minutes of cooking, while ripe corn should be boiled for 30-40 minutes. Cooking time for well-ripened cobs is 2-3 hours. In this delicate matter, the main thing is not to digest the corn so that the grains do not begin to harden. By the way, young corn is tasty even without salt, tender and soft, and only thirty minutes is enough for boiling.

It is ideal to boil corn on the cob in a cast iron pot, which has fairly thick walls, with the lid of the pot closed. Corn is also well cooked in a clay pot. You can also cook corn in a double boiler and even a microwave oven. Some people manage to bake it in the oven.

How to boil corn

  • Corn should be dipped in boiling water.
  • Before cooking and during cooking, you do not need to salt the water, otherwise the grains will be hard.
  • Salted corn is usually 5 minutes before readiness or before serving.
  • You can add a little sugar and butter to the cooking water, which will give the dish a delicate taste.
  • You can't cook corn on high heat. Immediately after boiling, reduce the fire as much as possible.
  • Corn hardens a little when it cools, so it's best to eat it almost immediately after cooking while it's still warm.

How to choose the right corn, as well as how much to cook it to make the product soft and tender enough - read in this article.

Boiled corn - a favorite summer dish of many people. As soon as it ripens in the garden or appears on the shelves, we immediately bring it home.

Corn is not only very tasty, fragrant and juicy, but also very useful for the human body. It contains vitamins such as: B, C, D, K, PP, composition: copper, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, glutamic acid, etc.

How to choose corn for cooking

Fresh and young corn should be bought in the season, which will end no later than August. If bought later, the fruit may be hard or overripe.

If you cook corn, it is better to use cobs with milky-light or white-yellow grains. If the grains are soft and elastic, located close to each other and have the same size, then such corn will be very juicy and tender. A strong yellow hue indicates that the cob is quite old and can taste tough.

Also look at the leaves, they should be yellowish and dry. Don't buy leafless corn and make sure the kernels are round and without dimples.

How to prepare corn

  1. Rinse the cob under clean water, and also clean the leaves of various dirt or rotten leaves.
  2. Also, before cooking, it is recommended to soak the corn in not too cold water for 1-2 hours.
  3. Cobs of the same size are boiled together. Too large cobs, it is desirable to divide into two equal parts.
  4. If the corn is ripe, then many housewives first clean the cobs from fibers and leaves, then cut them into 2 parts and fill them with a special mixture. The liquid is prepared from cold water and milk in a ratio of 1:1. Put the corn in this mixture for 4-6 hours, and then the plant can be boiled in plain water.

How long to cook corn by time

Before cooking corn, it is necessary to determine its ripeness. Young cobs are boiled for no more than 30 minutes, and ripe fruit must be boiled for about 40 minutes. Cobs that are too ripe tend to take more than 2 hours to cook.

The plant must be dipped already in boiling water and salted preferably only 3-5 minutes before readiness or at the time of serving.

To give the corn a juicy and tender taste, it is recommended to add a little butter or sugar to the water. Also, do not cook the plant over high heat, after boiling, reduce the heat to low.

  • See also -

After cooking, eat corn immediately, you can eat it with oil and salt. Don't leave it in the refrigerator as it will harden.

How to cook delicious corn - video

The use of this product has a beneficial effect on the whole body, replenishes the supply of many essential trace elements. In its composition, corn contains:

Regular use of this product can bring a lot of benefits to both young and mature organisms. To do this, you need to be able to choose it and cook it.

How to choose?

For cooking, you need to choose young cobs of light yellow color with soft round grains. Checking the degree of maturity of corn is very simple. Having broken off the grain, you need to squeeze it with your fingers. If it is juicy, soft, then the cob is suitable for cooking. Hardened, dry grains with dimples indicate that the corn is overripe. It is also possible, but it will take a long time to do this, and the taste will differ significantly.

It should be remembered that it is better not to take fodder varieties of corn, otherwise the taste may be disappointing. Also, when choosing, pay attention to the leaves.

IMPORTANT! If there are no leaves on the cob, most often this indicates an increased treatment of the vegetable with pesticides. The use of such products can be hazardous to health.

An ear with green adjoining leaves, unpeeled from stigmas, would be ideal. A sign of ripeness will be yellowish leaves extending from the cob.

Sluggish foliage and lack of juiciness in the grains indicate that the cob has been plucked for a long time and is starting to dry out, which means that its taste and usefulness have suffered significantly.

Corn cobs should not be stored for a long time. They quickly lose their properties, dry out, harden, rot. Therefore, they are prepared immediately. Also, when choosing, you should try to pick up cobs of the same degree of maturity and approximately the same size, then the corn will cook evenly.


  • Before cooking, it is necessary to clean the ears of leaves and stigmas.
  • Part of the leaves can be put on the bottom of the pan, so the corn will be tastier and will not stick to the bottom.
  • If there are rotten grains on top, they need to be cut off, large cobs cut in half.
  • After that, the corn should be soaked for an hour in cool water, then rinsed thoroughly in running water. You can do without soaking if the cobs are young (milk).

Cooking in a saucepan


For details on how to make tough corn very tasty, read on.

Steamer Recipes


  • corn on the cob;
  • butter;
  • Walnut;
  • ground cardamom;
  • salt.


  1. Cobs for a double boiler should be chosen young, cut into equal portions and placed on the same level so that they cook evenly.
  2. Lubricate the cooking container with butter or vegetable oil.
  3. Cooking time 30-40 minutes.
  4. Melt 15 grams of butter in a saucepan, add 50 grams of crushed walnuts, cardamom.
  5. Put the corn on a plate, season with peanut sauce, serve salt separately.

You can find out more recipes for cooking corn in a double boiler.

Watch the video on how to cook corn this way.

in the microwave

A very simple and quick way to cook cobs.

  1. Unpeeled, soak them for an hour, put in a plastic bag, add 2 tablespoons of water.
  2. Close the bag tightly, make 2-3 holes for steam to escape and send it to the microwave for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Peel the cooked corn, brush with melted butter, salt.

Read about how to quickly cook corn in the microwave in a bag, and in you will find the best recipes for cooking vegetables in the microwave.

Grains without cobs

  1. Separate the grains, rinse well, place in a bowl, pour water.
  2. Cook covered for about 30 minutes.
  3. Then add a little parsley, dill and butter, and boil for another 10 minutes.


In order for the dish to turn out tasty and not burnt, you need to choose a frying pan with a thick bottom. The recipe is quite simple.

Required Ingredients:

  • corn cobs - 2 pieces;
  • sunflower oil - 20 ml;
  • butter - 30 gr;
  • salt - 1/4 tsp.


  1. Rinse the cobs, peel, cut into portions, fry over medium heat in sunflower oil on each side for five minutes.
  2. Then add 50 ml of water, reduce the heat and simmer without a lid until the water has evaporated.
  3. Soften the butter, mix with salt and grease the cooked corn with it.

IMPORTANT! Only young corn is suitable for cooking in a pan, mature grains will turn out to be too hard.

In the oven

  1. You will need a deep container, the bottom of which must be greased with butter.
  2. Then place the peeled and thoroughly washed cobs in it.
  3. Pour hot water up to the middle of the dish and cover with foil.
  4. Send to the oven, preheated to 180-200 degrees for 30 minutes.

You can find out more recipes for cooking corn in the oven.

How to store ready?

better on the cob. The easiest trick is to wrap each cob with cling film and place in the refrigerator. The term for such storage is small, about three days. During this time, it is enough to heat the product in the microwave, all useful and gustatory qualities will be preserved.

In order for boiled corn to last longer, it needs to be slightly salted. Salt is a natural preservative that will help preserve the quality of the product.

For that, To keep the finished corn for a long time, you need to use freezing. Wrap each cob tightly in cling film and place in a quick freezer. Thus, the product can be stored for up to a year.

To defrost, the cob should be transferred from the freezer to the refrigerator and wait for the desired state. It is not recommended to use the microwave in this case. Proper freezing allows you to save not only taste, but also all the useful properties of corn.

IMPORTANT! In order to prevent the formation of excess ice during freezing, the cobs after cooking must be thrown into a colander and allowed to drain.

Cooking corn, as well as storing it, does not require special skills and abilities. By following simple processing recommendations, choosing recipes and cooking methods, you can get the substances and elements necessary for the body all year round by consuming this tasty and nutritious vegetable.

Corn was brought to Europe from sunny Mexico in the 16th century. European gourmets could not resist this exquisite delicacy, and corn, appetizing, juicy ripe, sugary and tender, with a tantalizing aroma, took its rightful place on the tables of royalty and the poor. There are many ways to cook corn, and all of them are simple, the main thing is to choose high-quality cobs and master some of the intricacies of cooking a vegetable. In this case, success is guaranteed!

Choosing the "right" cobs

If you want corn to be tasty, soft and nutritious, you should carefully consider its choice in a store or market. It is advisable to buy cobs with leaves, which are a natural "package" for grains, protecting them from damage and mechanical damage. At the same time, it is good if the leaves are green and not yellow, as this indicates the degree of freshness of the vegetable, and soft, milky yellow, sweet grains without mold, spots and bald spots should be easily separated from the cob. Bright yellow and hard grains after cooking, as a rule, are hard and tasteless.

Corn Cooking Secrets

  • Before cooking, corn can be soaked for a couple of hours to soften the grains.
  • Cooking cobs is best in unsalted water, as salt hardens the cobs.
  • You can cook corn directly with the leaves, after removing the fibers - this will give it aroma and juiciness.
  • Boil young corn for no more than 20 minutes, and overripe for at least 2 hours. In the process of readiness, you can take a sample - if the grain is soft, tasty and sweet, the corn is ready!
  • Drain the water, close the pan with a lid and wrap it with a warm towel, as the cobs should “reach” a little after cooking. Such evaporation will make the corn more tender and palatable.
  • Peel the cobs from the leaves, sprinkle with salt, pour with butter, and you can start the royal meal.

Alternative ways to boil corn

In the oven. Lubricate a deep form with oil, lay out the washed cobs, pour water (it should cover half the cobs), cover the form with foil and place in the oven for 40-120 minutes - depending on the ripeness of the grains.

In a double boiler. Fill the container with water, grease the grate with butter, put the corn and cook for 40 minutes with the lid tightly closed.

in the microwave. Soak the cobs for an hour in cool water, then place them in a plastic bag, add a couple of tablespoons of water there, tie tightly and make a few small holes for steam to escape. Cook the corn in the microwave at maximum power for 15 minutes in a special dish.

In air grill. Wrap the cobs in cling film, put in an air grill and bake at a temperature of 210 degrees for 35-40 minutes.

In a slow cooker. Pour water into the multicooker to the maximum level, lay out the cobs, cover them with the removed leaves, set the high pressure mode, and after 15 minutes, juicy, spicy and amazingly tender corn is ready!

Corn can be grilled, made into delicious salads, popcorn, tortillas, polenta, cornbread, canned, fried, added to soups, pizzas, pie fillings, and vegetable stews. A huge number of varieties of corn grow in Mexico - white, red, blue, and even black, and for us, Russians, yellow is enough if you learn how to cook it correctly and with taste!

The end of summer is simply a paradise for corn lovers. If desired, it can be baked in foil in the oven, dried on the grill or boiled. The last way to cook corn is the easiest. Agree, there is nothing difficult in peeling the cobs, putting them in a saucepan, pouring water and putting them to boil. However, after one of my friends asked how to cook corn on the cob in a saucepan, how much to cook it, I wondered if everyone had mastered this simple culinary science.

It is important to buy sweet corn because it will be sweet and tasty, and feed, intended for animal feed, no matter how boiled, it will still not be tasty.

How can you tell fodder corn from sugar corn? The sizes of both can be the same, the fodder can be both large and small in size, however, as well as sugar. In the bazaar, when choosing, you can easily distinguish them by the color of their hair. Feed corn has brown to dark brown hair, whether young or old. In young sweet corn, the hair color is light green, almost white, perhaps even transparent. In old sweet corn, the color of the hair darkens only at the tips, that is, only at the tips the color can be brown.

So, you bought the right corn, now you can boil it. Do not store it for a long time without a refrigerator. But if you bought it in excess, then you can freeze it in the freezer. To defrost, just take it out and leave it at room temperature, it also defrosts perfectly in cold water. After defrosting, its taste will not change. By the way, they sell it frozen in stores.

So, for boiled corn you will need:

  • freshly harvested corn on the cob - how much will the pan hold.

How to Boil Delicious Boiled Corn on the Cob in a Pot

We get a large capacity container. We clean the cobs from the leaves and put them in a wide pan.

It is desirable, of course, that they fit entirely in it. If you do not have such a vessel, break the cobs in half. We do not add salt to the pan, you can put 1 tbsp for 10 kachans. Sahara. You can add nothing at all and boil in plain water.

By the way, in Mexico they cook corn in sweet syrups and milk.

We send the pan to the stove with a strong fire. Make sure that the water covers all the cobs, this is one of the nuances of proper cooking of corn in a saucepan. By the way, in a village or in a village, you can cook corn in large cauldrons, it will turn out even tastier, especially if the cobs have just been plucked.

How many minutes does it take to cook corn?

After boiling, cook, slightly reducing the power of fire, for 15-20 minutes. We turn it off after the water begins to foam and become cloudy, at this moment sugar comes out of the cobs and corn without it will become less tasty.

You have probably heard that corn is boiled for at least 40 minutes, we also cooked it this way before, but then we tried to cook less and it turned out that the corn is tastier and it is completely ready.

How to check the readiness of corn?

It’s easy to check, take out the head, hold the corn on a plate with a fork and cut off a few grains and try. But do not hesitate, in 15-20 minutes it will be ready.

And finally, salt. Ready corn, if desired, sprinkle with a little salt. I do this almost always. Salt combined with sweet young grains gives a simply amazing taste.

Some lubricate the boiled cobs with butter, this is a matter of taste.

We even saw Americans smearing boiled corn on the cob with mayonnaise, that was a surprise.

And the Mexicans peppered it or, on the contrary, served it with a sweet sauce.

Boiled corn is stored in the refrigerator for 1 day, after two days the corn grains will become floury and tasteless. Chilled corn, if desired, can be heated in the microwave, it is also good and just cold.
