
How to roll a cherry with a bone. Pitted cherries in own juice with sugar

We sort out the cherries, remove the berries with rot, ponytails, leaves. Next, we shift the berry into a colander, and washes under running water. Leave for a while to dry the berry. Water can also be removed with a paper towel.

Preparing a container for conservation. Banks must be sterilized in any way acceptable to you. You can use the microwave or oven, or you can hold it over the steam. Boil the lids for 5 minutes.

We clean slightly dried cherries, that is, remove the seeds. This can be done with an ordinary pin, or you can use a special tool for removing bones. We don't spill juice!

Top the berry with two tablespoons of granulated sugar.

Now fill the jar to the very top with cherries. The berry can be slightly crushed. The juice that was formed in the process of removing the seeds is also poured into a container.

Sprinkle the remaining tablespoon of granulated sugar on top of the cherry.

Now you need to sterilize the cherry. Pour water into a spacious saucepan and heat it to about 40 degrees. Place a cotton towel on the bottom of the container. We cover metal lid jar and carefully lower it into the pan. Water should be up to the shoulders of the jar. After boiling, reduce the heat and sterilize half a liter jars for 15 minutes.

After sterilization, carefully remove the jar from the pan and immediately cork with a metal lid. We turn the containers upside down, wrap them well and leave them in this position until they cool completely on their own. After that, the preservation can be removed in more cool place storage until winter.

cherry in own juice ready for the winter! Those with a sweet tooth can now add sugar or honey to taste and enjoy a cup of hot tea or coffee and fragrant and mouth-watering summer berries. Bon appetit!

Having made cherries in your own juice for the winter, you save a piece of summer in a jar. amazing fragrant berry, in ruby ​​syrup - the simplest type of preparation. Although, as usual, experienced housewives use several recipes for preserving cherries in in kind- with and without sugar.

For canning, the most ripe and large berries. Having made a jar of cherries, in winter you will cook jelly or compote. Want a pie - please! Where does the cherry on the cake come from? That's right, from the same jar.

For ease of use, I advise you to roll up small jars per liter or 0.5 liters.

Pitted cherries in their own juice with sugar

The best recipe for canned cherries in juice. You can store all winter without fear. I like the reasonable amount of sugar in the preparation and the ability to save a maximum of vitamins. According to this method, cherries, harvested in their own juice, outdo the well-known five-minute in terms of preservation. useful qualities in preparation for the winter.


  • Cherry - 1 kg.
  • Sugar sand - 300 gr.

Step by step recipe:

  1. Sort the cherries, rinse and remove the pits. Sterilize lids and jars ahead of time.
  2. Send to the pan, add sand and start warming over low heat.
  3. Immediately after boiling, distribute into jars and seal.

Cherry in juice without sterilization with sugar


  • Seedless berries - 1 kilogram.
  • Sugar - 1 cup.

How to do:

  1. Sprinkle the cherry pulp with sugar, stir gently.
  2. So that the berries are well saturated and give all the juice, hold the cherry with sugar for at least 12 hours, especially if it cannot boast of juiciness.
  3. Prepare sterilized jars.
  4. Put the cherry mass on gas, boil quickly.
  5. Pack the contents of the pan into containers and roll under iron cover. Store cherries in a cool place.

Cherries prepared in natural juice without sugar

This method allows you to preserve a large number of cherries in one jar. Berries are obtained natural taste amazingly fragrant.

How to do:

  1. Place a clean berry in a container with cold water and leave for an hour, she will then highlight more juice.
  2. Get the bones any accessible way. Transfer the cherry pulp to pre-sterilized jars. Sterilize in the usual way.
  3. Boiling time: liter jar - 20 minutes, half liter - 15.
  4. Remove from the pan, roll up under the iron lid, turn over and cover.
  5. Place the cooled blanks for permanent storage in the cold.

Cherry in own juice with pits sugar free recipe

It is believed that the workpiece is best done pitted, since the core releases a substance that is not very good for health. But if you do not plan to store for a long time, then you can save time on removing the grains.

Step by step:

  1. Fill jars with clean berries to the top.
  2. This is followed by the sterilization process: cover the jars with lids, put in large saucepan and sterilize. A liter jar is enough for 20 minutes, half a liter less - 15.
  3. Don't go too far from the stove. Soon the berries will begin to fall. Report by filling the jar completely.
  4. When the settling is over, the jar will "take" right amount cherries, remove the workpiece from the pan and roll up.
  5. Turn over and wait to cool.

Pitted cherries with sugar - recipe in juice

interesting recipe winter harvest, with pretty thick syrup in which a whole cherry will float.

  • Per liter of juice 300 gr. Sahara.

How to prepare:

  1. Sort the cherries, remove the stones from 1/3 of the total. Grind with a blender and collect the juice.
  2. Pour sugar into the juice and set to boil. After boiling, let it boil until the sugar dissolves. The process will go "more lively" if you stir without interrupting.
  3. Put the rest of the berry in clean jars. Top with boiling juice and send to sterilize.
  4. By time: a can of half a liter - 20 minutes, a liter - 25 minutes.
  5. Banks twist, turn over and cool in this form.

Cherry in natural juice with stones, recipe with sugar

The only disadvantage of conservation this recipe preservation of cherries in juice - great content Sahara.


  1. Arrange cherries and sugar in jars as follows: place a 2 cm layer of berries, add 2 large spoons Sahara.
  2. Shake the jar, put the cherry back in and then sprinkle with sugar. Fill up the jar top layer make sugar.
  3. Next, put the covered jars to be sterilized.
  4. How much to sterilize: 0.5 liters - 15 minutes, 1 liter - 20.

Cherry for cake

Cherry berries turn out strong, look beautiful on top of the cake, pastries. In addition, they are also delicious, because cognac is added.

How to cook "drunk" cherries:


  • Berries - 1 kg.
  • Water - 300 ml.
  • Sugar - 700 gr.
  • Cognac - 200 ml. (substitution for vodka is acceptable).

How to prepare for the winter:

  1. Make syrup by adding sugar to water. Without turning off the fire, put the cherry in it.
  2. Boil for 10 minutes, removing the foam.
  3. Remove the berries with a slotted spoon, arrange in jars.
  4. Pour cognac into boiling syrup. Stir and let boil. Pour into containers with cherries and roll up.

Video recipe: how to roll a cherry in juice

Video recipe with a recipe for harvesting cherries in their own juice for the winter. Good luck with your preparations and evening tea parties.

One of the most necessary blanks for the winter - cherries in their own juice without sugar. It will be useful for pies and pies, pancakes, cakes, dumplings, berry sauces and jam can also be made from it. The recipe for cherries in their own juice is so simple that even if you decide to prepare it for the first time, you will succeed. Stick to the recipe, everything is written in it in detail, and step by step photos show you how to do it. Although there is nothing to do there: the bones were removed, put into jars and sterilized. We store at room temperature how much you need - until the next harvest or longer.

Recipe for cherries in own juice without sugar


  • Ripe cherries - 1 kg;
  • jars with a capacity of 0.5 liters;
  • tin covers;

How to cook cherries in your own juice for the winter without sugar

We sort through the cherry, clean it from leaves, twigs and immerse it in cold water for half an hour. You need to do this so that the worms get out, but if you are sure that they are absent, just rinse the cherries in several waters without soaking and place in a colander. After a few minutes, when the water drains, we begin to remove the bones. To do this, you can use a special machine, as in the photo, or arm yourself with a hairpin, pin. Pushing the rounded part inside the cherry, you need to grab the bone and pull it towards you. It's also convenient and fast.

When choosing a container, consider how quickly you will use up the contents. A liter jar is suitable for someone, and we roll it up in half-liter jars, it holds quite a lot of cherries, about 450 grams. We warm the jars over steam for five minutes or bake them in the oven, boil the lids for the same time. We fill with peeled cherries, tamping it tightly and adding juice to fill the voids.

We line the bottom of a wide spacious pan with a dense cloth, folding it into several layers. We put jars of cherries, pour water so that it does not reach the top by 3-4 cm (this is in case you do not look after the fire and the water starts to boil). Cover with lids and put the pot on medium fire, bring water to a boil. We sterilize depending on the volume - 0.5 liters for 10 minutes, 1 liter for 15 minutes. Boiling water should not be strong, you need to adjust the flame so that the water does not boil much.

Carefully, holding with a towel, we take out containers with cherries and immediately roll them up with a typewriter or twist them with threaded lids. Turn upside down, check how tightly rolled up. After 15 minutes, we wrap it with a warm blanket, leave it to cool until morning.

You can store blanks at room temperature, it is not necessary to take them out to the cold. But it is undesirable to get sunlight- the cherries will brighten from this, become pinkish, and the juice will become cloudy.

Well, as we promised - nothing complicated. The most painstaking work is to remove the bones, then everything goes very quickly. We hope that cherries in their own juice without sugar will also become a very useful and popular preparation for the winter!

This preparation is made different ways: with or without sugar, with or without pits. Cherry is the main ingredient. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to Special attention. Berries should be ripe, but not overripe. It is advisable to take a large cherry. It is this berry that retains its shape better and contains more juice. This is especially important when you are making a boneless blank. Small cherry, after removing the stone, quickly loses its shape.

The collected berries are washed, removing unripe, spoiled or wormy ones. This must be done very carefully so that the cherry does not wrinkle, and does not let the deadline ahead of time. Now the most crucial moment is the removal of the bones. This process requires perseverance and care. This can be done using a special tool or remove the bones in the old fashioned way with a pin. The main thing is that the pulp remains as intact as possible.

Cherry with a stone looks much more beautiful, but it is worth remembering that after eight months the bones begin to secrete hydrocyanic acid, which can lead to poisoning. Therefore, such blanks must be consumed before the expiration of this period. Cherries in their own juice for the winter are harvested in a half-liter or liter glass container. Before laying the berries, they are thoroughly washed and sterilized.

Recipe 1. Cherry in own juice with pits

1. We sort out the cherries, cut off the tails, remove the leaves and spoiled berries. Put the cherries in a sieve and rinse thoroughly. Then leave the cherry to glass all the water.

2. A liter or 0.5 liter container is thoroughly washed with soda and sterilized. We do it over steam or in the oven.

3. Fill the jars with prepared berries and cover with lids. We cover the bottom of a wide pan with a linen towel and put the jars in the pan. We fill hot water so that the liquid level reaches the shoulders of the jars. We sterilize the workpiece over low heat: liter cans for 20 minutes, half a liter for a quarter of an hour.

4. We report the berries to the jars, as the cherries will settle during the sterilization process. Then we roll up the banks and turn them over. Leave the workpiece in this form until it cools completely.

Recipe 2. Cherries in their own juice for the winter with seeds and sugar

1. Sort the cherries, cut off the tails and rinse very carefully so that the berries do not wrinkle. Third total weight pit the cherries with a pin and special device.

2. Grind the cherry pulp through a meat grinder, put in cheesecloth and squeeze the juice. Pour the resulting juice into a saucepan and pour granulated sugar at the rate of 300 g per liter of cherry juice. Put the bowl with the juice on a small fire and bring to a boil. Boil the juice, stirring occasionally, until the sugar is completely dissolved.

3. Thoroughly wash and sterilize liter or half-liter glass containers.

4. Arrange the remaining cherries in prepared jars, and fill them with boiling cherry juice. Place the jars in a wide saucepan, lining the bottom with a napkin. Pour in hot water and sterilize at a slow boil: 20 minutes for liter jars and 25 minutes for half-liter jars.

5. Seal the jars of cherries tightly, turn over and cover with some warm cloth. Leave the jars as they are until they are completely cool. Store jars in a pantry or basement.

Recipe 3. Cherries in their own juice with seeds and sugar (second method)

1. We sort out large ripe cherries, removing spoiled and wormy fruits. We cut off the tails and carefully wash the cherries under the tap.

2. We wash glass containers with soda, rinse and sterilize in the oven or over steam.

3. We lay out the cherries in prepared jars, constantly shaking and sprinkling with sugar. Pour two tablespoons of sugar on top. We cover with sterile lids and place the jars in a wide saucepan. We add hot water.

4. Put the pot with jars on low heat and sterilize at a slow boil: a quarter of an hour 0.5 l jars and 20 liter jars. Then carefully remove the jars of cherries, seal them tightly and turn over. Cover with a blanket and keep under it until completely cooled.

Recipe 4. Pitted cherries in their own juice with sugar

1. Prepare the cherry. We sort, cut off the stalks and wash thoroughly. If you suspect that the cherry is wormy, soak it for half an hour in a weak salt solution so that all pests float to the surface.

2. We wash liter jars with soda and rinse. glass container there is no need to sterilize, but the lids must be boiled.

3. Using a special machine, we remove the seeds from the cherry. We put the berries in prepared jars, tamping them tightly. When the jar is half full, add a spoonful of sugar and continue to lay the berries to the top. Sprinkle another tablespoon of sugar on top.

4. We take a wide dish, line the bottom with a napkin and place the jars in the pan, covering them with lids. Pour into the saucepan warm water to the shoulders of the cans and put on fire. We sterilize for a quarter of an hour, from the moment of boiling, with a slow boil.

5. Roll up, turn over and cover the banks with a blanket. Let it cool for a day. We store the workpiece in the basement or pantry.

Recipe 5. Pitted cherries in their own juice with sugar (second method)

  • 300 g of granulated sugar;
  • cherry kilogram.

1. We sort through the large, ripe cherries and cut off the tails. We thoroughly wash the berries, without pressing down, so as not to crush them. Using a special machine or pin, carefully remove the bones.

2. Put the pitted berries in a saucepan and cover them with sugar. We leave for a while so that the cherry starts up the juice. Put the pot on slow fire and bring to a boil.

3. Thoroughly washed jars are sterilized. We lay out the hot boiling mixture over the prepared glass containers and roll up the lids, having boiled them in advance. The cooled workpiece is sent for storage in the cellar.

Recipe 6. Pitted cherries in their own juice with sugar (third method)

  • for every kilogram of cherries, a glass of granulated sugar;

1. We sort out freshly picked cherries, cutting off the tails and removing unripe and spoiled fruits. We take out the seeds from the cherries using a special machine or a pin.

2. Put the pulp of the cherry in enamelware, sprinkling it with granulated sugar at the rate of: a glass per kilogram of cherries. We leave the berries for the night so that the berries are saturated with sugar and the juice is released.

3. We put the dishes with cherries on the fire and bring to a boil over low heat.

4. We lay out the hot berries in sterile dry jars and fill them with the remaining juice. Immediately roll up pre-boiled lids. We turn the jars over, cover with a blanket and cool completely. We store the workpiece in the pantry or cellar.

Recipe 7. Cherry in own juice without sugar and seeds

1. We sort out the cherries, removing the tails and damaged fruits. Put the sorted berries in a bowl and fill them with cold water. We leave for an hour. We drain the water, throwing the berries on a sieve, and take out the seeds from the cherries. Place the pulp in a bowl.

2. Wash and sterilize jars. We lay out the pitted berries in jars and pour them with the juice that remained in the pan.

3. Line the bottom of a wide pan with a towel. We install jars of cherries on it and pour water into the pan so that its level does not reach a couple of centimeters to the throat.

4. We send the pan to a small fire and sterilize: a quarter of an hour half-liter jars and 20 liter jars for minutes. Carefully remove the jars, seal tightly with sterile lids, wrap and leave until completely cooled.

Recipe 8. Cherries in their own juice in a slow cooker

  • sugar 250 g;

1. We sort through the cherries, cutting off the tails and removing spoiled fruits. Put the cherries in a colander and rinse under running cold water. Leave for a while to glass all the liquid.

2. We shift the cherry into the multicooker bowl and cover it with sugar. Leave for four hours until the juice stands out.

3. We activate the Steam cooking program and cook for 20 minutes, until the granulated sugar is completely dissolved. Then we switch the multicooker to the Quenching mode and continue cooking for another hour.

4. Thoroughly wash glass containers and sterilize in the oven or over steam. We shift the hot cherries into prepared jars and tightly roll them up with sterile lids. We send for storage in a dark cool place.

Recipe 9. Drunk cherry in its own juice for the winter for desserts and cakes

  • cherry kilogram;
  • 300 ml of purified water;
  • sugar 700 g;
  • 200 ml of vodka or cognac.

1. Carefully wash the sorted cherries and put them in a colander to get rid of excess moisture.

2. Add sugar to the water and bring to a boil, stirring constantly, over low heat.

3. Dip the cherry into the boiling sugar syrup and cook for ten minutes, from time to time removing the foam.

4. We take out the cherry from the syrup and lay it out in sterile clean jars.

5. Pour in hot syrup alcoholic drink and mix. Pour syrup over the cherries and immediately roll up the jars with lids. We turn the jars over and completely cool the workpiece. We send it to the basement for storage.

  • For this preparation, take only large, ripe berries.
  • If you doubt that a cherry is not wormy, dip it in a mild salt solution.
  • Cherry pits are best removed with a pin or a special tool to keep the pulp intact.
  • Cherries in their own juice are used to make pies, dumplings, jelly and desserts.

Cherries in their own juice useful blank for the winter, in which, during cooking, all useful vitamins and properties.

To taste, it turns out nothing worse than fresh. From it you can make compotes, jelly, jam and other delicious delicacies.

In addition, there are many ways to prepare this blank.

It can be made with or without seeds, with or without sugar, and with the addition of various spices.

If you have forgotten or do not know how to make this blank, we suggest considering several cooking recipes.

Classic winter recipe

What will be needed:

  • Cherry - 700-900 grams.

How to do classic cherry in own juice

Cherry in own juice with sugar (pitted)

What you need for cooking:

  • A kilogram of fresh cherries with pits;
  • Sugar - 600 grams.

How to do:

Pitted blanks


What will be required:

  • A kilogram of cherries;
  • 2 tablespoons of water.

How to make pitted and sugar-free cherries in your own juice:

  1. Cherries need to be sorted out, all leaves, branches, sticks removed. We wash the fruits warm water from dust, dirt;
  2. It is advisable to use a berry of good ripeness, because it is in it that a large amount of juice accumulates. You can pre-soak it in cold water;
  3. Then you need to remove the seeds from the berry, you can remove them yourself or use a special device;
  4. Next, we shift the pitted cherries into a cup and leave to stand for 3-4 hours so that the berry releases juice. You can mix everything with a wooden spoon from time to time to form more juice;
  5. washed liter jar be sure to steam sterilize for 5-7 minutes. Sterilization can also be done in the oven;
  6. After the berry starts up the juice, it must be transferred to a jar. Fill it with the resulting juice;
  7. We put a towel on the bottom of a wide saucepan, put a jar, cover it with a lid and fill it with water a little above half;
  8. We put on the stove and sterilize for 20-25 minutes;
  9. After that, we take out the sterilized jar, roll up the lid with a seaming key;
  10. We put the jar upside down, close it with a blanket and leave to cool;
  11. Pitted cherries should be stored in a cool, dark place - a pantry, basement, cellar.

With sugar

What you need:

  • Cherry - 1 kilogram;
  • Sugar - 600 grams.

How to make pitted cherries in your own juice with sugar:

  1. The first step is to prepare the berry. We wash it, remove the leaves, twigs, remove the stalks;
  2. If suddenly there is a suspicion that the berry is wormy, then it should be put in cold water with salt for half an hour. After this period, all pests should float to the surface;
  3. Then liter jars rinse with water, rinse baking soda and rinse well;
  4. Banks can be sterilized for a couple of 5-7 minutes, the lids can be boiled;
  5. Then we remove the seeds from the berries ourselves manually or with the help of a special machine;
  6. We spread the peeled berry from the seeds in jars. When the jars are half full, pour sugar and put the rest of the berries. We cover the jars with lids;
  7. We put a towel in the bottom of the container, put the jars, pour water a little more than half;
  8. We put the container on the fire and sterilize the jars for 20-25 minutes;
  9. After that, we twist the covers with a seaming key;
  10. We put the jars upside down, cover with warm material and leave to cool;
  11. We clean the finished workpiece in a dark place for storage.

Read about it on our website. Prepare conservation now to please yourself and loved ones in the cold season.

you will succeed amazing jam from red currants Then you can even add it to tea, even smear it on bread.

You probably know that eggplants can be cooked in such a way that their taste will resemble mushrooms. you will find step by step recipes such preparations for the winter.

Canned "Drunken Cherry" in its own juice for the winter

What you need:

  • A kilogram of fresh cherries;
  • Purified water - 300 ml;
  • 700 grams of granulated sugar;
  • Vodka or cognac - 200 ml.

How to do:

  1. Cherries need to be carefully sorted out, remove all leaves, sticks, stalks;
  2. We wash the berry with water, throw it in a colander so that all the moisture in the glass;
  3. Preparing banks. They should be thoroughly rinsed with baking soda or kitchen detergent. Then they need to be rinsed several times and sterilized for a couple or in the oven;
  4. Pour water into the pan, add granulated sugar and put on the stove. Boil the syrup until the sugar is completely dissolved;
  5. Next, put the cherry into the boiling syrup. Boil for 10 minutes, periodically remove foam from the surface;
  6. We spread the cherry in sterilized jars;
  7. Then pour vodka or cognac into hot syrup, mix;
  8. Fill the berry with syrup with an alcoholic drink and close the lids with a seaming key;
  9. We put the jars upside down, cover with warm material and leave to stand until completely cooled.

Store "drunk" cherries should be in a cool dark place - in the cellar, in the pantry, in the basement or in the refrigerator.

Cooking without sterilization in a slow cooker

What you need to prepare:

  • Cherry - 1 kilogram;
  • Sugar - 400 grams.

How to make cherries in your own juice without sterilization in a slow cooker:

  • For cooking, you should use a berry of increased ripeness. Ripe fruits will give more juice;
  • In size, it is better to use large berries;
  • If the berry is wormy, then it is advisable to hold it in a saline solution. All pests will quickly come to the surface of the solution;
  • The stones should be removed with a pin or a special device so that the pulp remains intact;
  • Pre cherry is better pitted, cover with sugar and let stand for 2-3 hours, so that during this time it gives more juice;
  • Ready cherries can be used for fillings in pies, buns, for making compotes, jelly, dumplings and various desserts.

Cherry in its own juice is a "convenient" preparation for the winter, which has a high utility. Moreover, it will not be difficult to cook it. The main thing is more patience and strict adherence to the recipe, then in winter you can eat almost fresh cherries!
