
Cherry compote at home. Pitted frozen cherry compote

There is nothing easier than cherry compote for the winter, the recipes for this vitamin and refreshing drink are available for preparation even for novice housewives. The simplest compote is made from berries, water and sugar, for more interesting recipes you will need other fruits and spices.

To make the cherries give a lot of juice, we pierce them with a toothpick

Such blanks do not require mandatory sterilization, i.e., keeping the jar in boiling water before rolling. This greatly simplifies the process of preparing drinks. Some housewives still do not refuse sterilization, since boiling water treatment allows you to destroy all harmful microorganisms. It is enough to pour the berries with hot water, then drain the resulting syrup, bring it to a boil again, pour into containers and close with metal lids. Compotes rolled up in this way cost a year, or even a couple of years.

If it is decided to do without sterilization, then it is still necessary to prepare containers before laying berries. There are several processing methods:

Sterilization of compote from prepared cherries is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Place a rag or wire rack at the bottom of a large saucepan.
  2. Jars with ready-made contents are sent to the pan, cold water is poured so that it closes a third of the cans.
  3. The water is brought to a boil. Sterilize 3-liter containers with compote for 20-25 minutes.

At the end, they are rolled up with sterile lids and sent for storage.

  • Why turn over cans after rolling?

It's so easy to spot a leak. If the drink has leaked out, the jar needs to be opened, poured into a saucepan, boiled for 10 minutes, then rolled up again. Such a compote will be stored no worse than usual.

Recipes for hostesses:

  1. Cooking. It is unlikely that any drink can boast such a bright color that persists throughout the entire shelf life.
  2. Delicious: recipes with ingredients for a 3-liter jar, classic assorted options, tips for novice housewives.
  3. How to prepare several jars of delicious to diversify tea drinking with homemade cakes.

Secrets of delicious cherry compote

Cherry compote is popular because of its rich and pleasant taste. To make cooking as simple as possible, and preservation always turns out delicious, you need to know a few secrets:

Traditional recipes with bones without sterilization

Preservation does not take much time to prepare. If you want to get a sweeter drink, increase the amount of granulated sugar.

Ingredients for a 3 liter jar:

  • 300 g of cherries and the same amount of sugar;
  • 2.7 liters of water.

The raw materials are washed, freed from tails, placed in sterilized jars, covered with sugar on top. Pour the contents with boiling water so that it completely covers the berries. Cover the container with lids, leave for 10 minutes. The water remaining in the pan is brought to a boil again, the jars are poured to the neck, rolled up with sterilized lids. Containers with cherry compote are turned upside down, wrapped in a blanket.

300 g cherries and the same amount of sugar

After complete cooling, the workpiece can be returned to its normal position, sent for storage in a dark, cool place.

Cherry compotes prepared with seeds can be stored for up to 1 year.

Another way to roll compote without sterilization:

  1. Water is mixed with sugar, sent to the fire. Heat, stirring, so that the grains dissolve faster.
  2. Peeled berries are sent to prepared jars, poured with boiling syrup, left for 15 minutes.
  3. The sweet liquid is poured back into the pan, boiled again. Cherries should be left in jars.
  4. Pour the containers with syrup, immediately roll up.

Video: a recipe for busy housewives, perfectly stored.

The easiest recipe with bones

All berries are thoroughly washed from debris. Damaged and wormy fruits are not suitable for compote.

For a three-liter jar you will need:

  • 2.5 liters of water;
  • 300 g of sugar;
  • 0.5 kg of fresh berries.

Easy Cherry Recipe:

Berry mass can be cooked in a saucepan. It is enough for cherries to boil for 10 minutes. To avoid overcooking, the fire is slightly reduced. Sugar is added after removing the pan from the stove. After 10 minutes, everything is poured into jars, rolled up.

Seedless recipe in liter jars

Before preparing a drink, the collection is freed from the stones. They are conveniently removed after a small incision in the berry. Modern housewives prefer to use special machines. The extraction process is quite laborious, but such a drink is stored longer.

To prepare for 1 kg of fruit take:

Fill the prepared liter jars with berries completely. Syrup is boiled from water and sugar, poured into containers. Sterilize them in boiling water for 10-12 minutes and seal immediately.

Unusual assorted recipes for winter

Cherry is delicious both on its own and in combination with other berries and fruits. You can experiment indefinitely, combining different flavors of fruits, spices. For cooking, they use not only vanilla and cinnamon, but also allspice, cloves. Gourmets prefer to add a little mint, currant leaves.

4 peas of allspice, a pinch of vanilla, 4 cloves are usually put on a liter jar. Spices are added to boiling water, the mixture is infused for several minutes, then everything is removed, filling the berries with fragrant syrup.

How to make a jar of berry compote from cherries and raspberries?

For winter, when immunity is weakened, colds attack, practical housewives prepare drinks with raspberries. If the variety is sweet, reduce the amount of granulated sugar in the recipe.

Raspberries should be less than cherries, otherwise the cherry taste of the drink is lost.

Step by step preparation:

Drink with gooseberries and currants

To brew a delicious fruit and berry drink, prepare for a 2 liter container:

  • 100 g of red currant and gooseberry, 200 g of cherry;
  • for cooking syrup 1.8 liters of water, 0.3 kg of sugar.

The fruits are sorted, cleaned of debris, washed and dried. Currants can be left on the branches. Well, if the gooseberries are a little unripe, this will keep them from cracking when pouring boiling syrup. Fruits can be layered or mixed.

Boiling syrup is poured over the contents of the jars. After 10 minutes, add the missing amount of sweetness. The containers are corked, turned over to cool, sent for storage.

Video: frozen cherries for drinks.

apples and cherries

Before preparing a delicious compote of cherries with apples, all fruits must be thoroughly washed. If you close soft varieties of apples in jars, the drink will turn out to be more saturated and fragrant.

For 3 liters add:

  • 0.5 kg of sugar,
  • 0.5 kg of apples,
  • 0.3 kg of cherries.

Apples are cut into 4 parts, moved to a colander, kept over boiling water for 15 minutes. Then the fruits are doused with cold water. Sugar and water are boiled in a separate saucepan, fruit and berry mass is poured. The containers are sterilized for at least 20 minutes, rolled up, sent under the covers until cool.

Cherry preparation is good in summer as a refreshing drink, in winter it is ideal for fortifying the body. Compote is served with pancakes, pies and other sweet pastries.

During the cherry season, you can cook a lot of delicious dishes from it. These are pies, and soufflés, and kissels, and juices. Cherry freezes well, so even in winter you can enjoy this delicious berry. But if you like to preserve, then close compotes from cherries, especially since they can be prepared in different ways.

What ingredients are needed to make cherry compote

For a classic compote, you will need ripe cherries, sugar and water. Raspberries, currants, strawberries, apricots are well suited as additives.

In order for the compote to be well stored, be sure to sterilize the jars before preservation. Do the same for the lids. Do not forget to pour boiling water over the rest of the dishes that you will use (colander, saucepan, pouring ladle, etc.).

How to sterilize jars:

  • Wash each liter jar with hot water. Use dish detergent first, then regular baking soda.
  • Rinse clean jars with cold water and fill them with the same cold water a quarter (250 ml).
  • Place the jars in a cold oven and light it.
  • Wait for the oven to heat up and the water in the jars to boil.
  • After 10 minutes, turn off the oven and let the jars stand in it for another 5 minutes.
  • Take out the jars and pour the water out of them.

Sterilize the lids as follows:

  • Wash the lids in hot water with the addition of soda (1 tsp per 0.5 l of water).
  • Place the lids in a wide bucket and fill them with cold water.
  • Put the ladle on the fire and wait for the liquid to boil.
  • Boil lids for 10 minutes.

How to make cherry compote the classic way

  • Place clean berries in a large saucepan and cover them with sugar. For every kilogram of cherries, take 700 g of granulated sugar.
  • When the sugar turns pink, pour the contents of the pan with cold water (for 1 kg of cherries - 2 liters of liquid).
  • Put the saucepan on the fire and bring the compote to a boil. Cook it on the smallest fire for no more than 15 minutes.
  • Pour boiling compote into prepared jars and immediately close them with lids. Turn the jars upside down and let them cool naturally.

How to make cherry compote by pouring boiling water over it

It is very easy to prepare such a compote:

  • Wash ripe cherries without tails in several waters. Throw the berries on a sieve to drain excess liquid from it.
  • In a liter jar, put 2 cups of cherries and pour 12 teaspoons of granulated sugar.
  • Pour boiling water over sugared cherries.
  • Put a hot lid on the jar and seal it quickly.
  • Turn the jar upside down and cover it with a warm blanket.

Do the same with all other banks. Keep them under the covers until completely cool - this is approximately 24 hours.

How to make cherry compote with cinnamon

Cherry pairs very well with cinnamon. To prepare such a compote, you need to use the classic recipe. While you are pouring water over the cherries with sugar, add a small piece of cinnamon (1-2 cm) to the pan. if you like star anise, then put it in too (1 or 2 stars). After cooking, be sure to remove the spices. Next, pour the compote into jars and twist them.

How to make cherry compote with other berries

Compote, in which you are going to put raspberries, strawberries, currants or something else along with cherries, cook in any of the ways described. At the same time, reduce the number of cherries exactly by half, and put other berries instead. Try to keep the strawberries or apricots in the compote the same size as the cherries - if necessary, cut them into halves. This is necessary so that the ingredients cook at the same time.

If you do not have a capacious pantry or there is a shortage of cans, then close the more concentrated compotes. For them, increase the amount of sugar exactly twice, and berries - by a third. In winter, just dilute the drink with chilled boiling water and enjoy the taste of summer. Cherry compote should not be stored for more than 6 months, because cherry pits later begin to release harmful hydrocyanic acid. For longer storage of cherry compotes, you will have to remove the seeds from them. Pitted compotes are prepared in exactly the same way as with bones.

Fragrant cherry compote is great for maintaining immunity during the winter cold. It can be boiled with cherries, raspberries or other original ingredients can be added: rosemary, pectin. At the same time, sterilization of cans before seaming can be omitted. You can also prepare a vitamin drink in containers with different volumes. For example, it is better to roll up thick compote with seeds in small jars, it is better to pour compote with a large volume of liquid into 3-liter bottles. The recipe below will help you easily and simply prepare a delicious compote of cherries for the winter. Among the photo and video instructions, you can find simple and convenient tips that will help you roll up any amount of compote for your family and friends.

Delicious cherry compote for the winter - recipes for a 3 liter jar with photo and video tips

You can carry out seaming of cherries both with sterilization and without it. But it is necessary to prepare both jars and lids for use. Their treatment with steam or boiling water will prevent the ingress of debris into the roll and its damage during storage. The proposed recipe for cherry compote for the winter will help you learn how to prepare a fragrant drink without much time. The ingredients are for a 3 liter jar.

Ingredients for preparing compote for winter in a 3 liter jar of cherries

  • cherry - 2.5 tbsp.;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. (more for sour cherries);
  • water - 1 l.

Photo recipe for cooking compote for a 3 liter jar for the winter cold from cherry berries

  • Rinse the cherries well and remove the tails from the berries. Arrange cherries in jars and pour boiling water over them.
  • Cover jars with lids. Leave for 15 minutes.
  • Drain the water from the jars into a saucepan and make sugar syrup from it, boil it for 2 minutes. Pour the syrup into jars and seal them. Hold the jars upside down for about 12 hours.
  • Video recipe for winter harvesting compote in a 3 liter jar of cherries

    You can cook compote for the winter and with different leaves. A very simple and understandable recipe for cooking winter seaming can be taken from the following video. It will help you find out how easy it is to prepare delicious cherry compote for the winter in a 3 liter jar, the recipe below:

    Fragrant compote of ripe cherries for the winter - a simple recipe with photo instructions

    Adding non-standard ingredients to ordinary cherry compote allows you to give it an original flavor, color or texture. For example, if you add a little pectin to the seaming, then the finished compote will be slightly viscous. But the almond extract will give the drink a breathtaking smell. He will tell you how to prepare a fragrant cherry compote for the winter with a simple recipe below.

    List of ingredients for preparing a fragrant compote of ripe cherries for the winter

    • cherry - 1.2 kg;
    • sugar - 250 g;
    • cherry juice - 120 ml;
    • pectin - 30 g;
    • almond extract - 1/4 tsp

    Photo instructions for compote recipe for winter from ripe fragrant cherries

  • Rinse the berries thoroughly and remove their tails.
  • Carry out the removal of bones: manually or with the help of special devices.
  • Prepare the rest of the ingredients.
  • Mix sugar and pectin, almond extract in a saucepan.
  • Add cherry juice to dry ingredients. It must be prepared separately. Store-bought juice is not allowed!
  • Mix ingredients thoroughly.
  • Put the prepared mixture on a slow fire.
  • When the mixture begins to boil, transfer the berries to the pan.
  • Cook until the cherries are soft. Pour the mixture into jars and sterilize for 10 minutes. Roll up the banks.
  • In an inverted state, hold the seam for a day.
  • How to make cherry compote for the winter - recipes without sterilization with photo and video instructions

    It is not necessary to sterilize the seaming after the compote spill. Exact observance of the proportions of the ingredients, the addition of lemon juice or acid will help to eliminate the tearing off of the lids and the good preservation of the vitamin drink. The following recipes will tell you how to properly prepare cherry compote for the winter without sterilization.

    The list of ingredients for the recipe for cherry compote for winter cold without sterilization

    • cherry - 700 g;
    • sweet cherry - 200 g;
    • cherry juice - 1 tbsp.;
    • cornstarch - 2 tsp;
    • lemon juice - 1 tbsp;
    • sugar - 3/4 tbsp.

    Photo recipe for cooking compote without sterilization from cherries for winter

  • Rinse the berries thoroughly, remove the ponytails and seeds. Prepare syrup from cherry juice, sugar in a saucepan. Transfer the berries to the pan, add starch, lemon juice.
  • Boil the mixture for 15 minutes over low heat. Remove the foam constantly.
  • Pour compote into jars and seal.
  • Video instructions for the recipe for cherry berry compote for winter without sterilization

    Quite easily and quickly, the hostesses will be able to cook a winter sunset according to the recipe below. The video instruction will be useful for both experienced and young hostesses who want to prepare a large amount of vitamin drinks for the winter cold.

    Bright compote of cherries for the winter for 3 liters - step by step photo recipe

    Both children and many adults like cherry compote due to its rich and attractive color. But the preparation itself is no less useful: cherry compote is optimal for maintaining immunity. Therefore, it is recommended that all hostesses prepare enough vitamin seaming for the whole family during the berry ripening season. How to cook cherry compote for the winter is described in the following recipe.

    Ingredients according to the recipe for bright compote for 3 liters for the winter of cherries

    • cherry - 1.6 kg;
    • water - 3 l;
    • sugar - 300 g;
    • lemon juice - 2 tbsp

    Step-by-step recipe with a photo of winter harvesting 3 liters of bright cherry compote

  • Boil water and add sugar to it. Wait until sugar is completely dissolved in boiling water.
  • Add the washed berries to the syrup (the seeds can be left, they will give the workpiece an unusual tart flavor). When the syrup with berries begins to boil, add lemon juice.
  • Boil compote for 30 minutes over low heat, constantly removing the foam. Pour the finished compote into jars and roll them up. Sterilize jars for 10-15 minutes.
  • Simple cherry compote for the winter with a bone - a recipe with video instructions

    It is very convenient to prepare cherry compote for the winter with the addition of other fragrant berries. For example, with raspberries you can make a very tasty drink that will appeal to even the smallest gourmets.

    Video recipe with instructions for cooking compote for winter from pitted cherries

    The proposed instructions clearly and clearly describe how to prepare a fragrant compote of cherries and raspberries for the winter. A healthy recipe will help you prepare for the winter cold without any problems and prepare a lot of vitamin drink.

    How to roll cherry compote for the winter in 3 l jars - a recipe with step by step photo tips

    Thick cherry compote is very popular not only among compatriots, but also abroad. Pectin is added to it to obtain sufficient density. The amount of the additive can be adjusted, because if you use more pectin than you need, you will get not a liquid drink, but a real jelly. He will tell in detail about how to properly prepare cherry compote for the winter in 3 l jars of the recipe discussed below.

    Ingredients for rolling compote in a 3-liter jar for the winter cold from cherries

    • cherry - 1.5 kg;
    • water - 2.5-3 l;
    • sugar - 250 g;
    • pectin - 40 g;
    • citric acid - 0.5 tsp

    Recipe with step-by-step photos of cooking cherry compote for winter in a 3-liter jar

  • Go through the berries: immediately remove damaged or crushed, beaten cherries.
  • Carefully remove the ponytails and seeds without damaging the flesh of the berries.
  • Choose the right amount of berries.
  • Prepare syrup from water and sugar, add pectin and berries.
  • Boil the mixture, removing the foam and add citric acid.
  • Pour the finished compote into jars and sterilize them for 10 minutes.
  • How to cook cherry and cherry compote for the winter - a detailed recipe with a photo

    The combination of cherries and cherries allows you to get not only beautiful, but also very fragrant compote. And if you add a little rosemary to the berries, then the resulting drink will be completely unusual. The light aroma of the seasoning will surprise all your friends and guests with an original drink. It is quite easy to prepare cherry compote for the winter with the addition of non-standard components according to the following instructions.

    List of ingredients for making compote from cherries and cherries for the winter cold

    • cherry - 1 tbsp.;
    • sweet cherry - 1 tbsp.;
    • sugar - 1 tbsp.;
    • pectin - 5 g;
    • rosemary - 1 sprig;
    • water - 4 tbsp.;

    A detailed recipe for rolling cherry-cherry compote for the winter

  • Sort through the berries, remove damaged cherries and sweet cherries.
  • Rinse the berries well and remove their tails.
  • Prepare rosemary: cut it into very small pieces.
  • Sprinkle berries with pectin and rosemary. Prepare the syrup separately.
  • After 15 minutes, transfer the berries to the syrup.
  • Boil compote for 15 minutes. Stir the drink constantly.
  • Arrange the slightly thickened compote in jars. If it is too thick, add a little more water. After preparing the compote, sterilize for 5-7 minutes.
  • After viewing the proposed photo and video instructions with tips, you can easily prepare cherry compote in 3 and 1 liter jars for the winter. The drink can be brewed with or without sterilization. You can add cherries, raspberries to cherries. It is allowed to cook berries with or without seeds, with the addition of pectin. It will help you to quickly and easily prepare a fragrant cherry compote for the winter recipe using rosemary. Such an instruction will be useful to fans of non-standard vitamin preparations and flavored drinks.

    Post Views: 16

    In the summer heat, a sweet and sour drink made from fresh cherry berries perfectly quenches thirst, and in winter frozen cherry compote replenishes the body with microelements and vitamins. Well, how to cook cherry compote? It turns out that at first glance, a simple recipe has many of its own nuances and subtleties of preparation, on which the taste of compote depends as a result. It is about this, as well as about all kinds of ways of cooking and preserving compotes from cherries, that the following recipes will tell.

    Any compote of cherries individual, and has its own sweetness and special taste. Therefore, choosing one recipe for yourself and trying it, you should not stop; because the other one might be even better. Cooking is not at all difficult, but not every housewife will take up cooking it. And in vain!

    After all, home-made preparations are much better than purchased compotes and juices, which probably contain flavors and other chemicals. You just need to try it once cherry compote according to one of the recipes below, and this drink will become a permanent guest on your table. Of course, you need to start with simple compotes, gradually moving on to more complex recipes. And over time, you can even create your own unique cherry compote recipe.

    "Cherry compote" recipe for the winter with sugar

    Some people prefer the exclusively natural taste of berries and fruits, and do not add sugar to winter preparations. But cherries by nature have a moderately sour, slightly bitter taste, which is quite appropriate to sweeten. So, to prepare cherry compote for the winter, clean glass jars are filled to the shoulders with washed and prepared cherries. Then the jars are filled with cold sugar syrup, boiled from 1 liter of water and 300 g of sugar (the amount of sugar for the syrup is taken depending on the degree of sweetness of the selected cherry variety).

    Next, the container with cherries in syrup is placed in a wide and deep saucepan with cold water, which is placed on moderate heat. So that the berries do not burst during pasteurization, but only warm up evenly, the water in the pan is heated to 85 ° C gradually and at this temperature the jars with compote are kept for 10-15 minutes. After pasteurization, the compote is corked and wrapped in a blanket until it cools completely.

    Pitted cherry compote recipe

    Like, cherry compote for the winter can be prepared with and without seeds. To do this, fresh ripe cherries are washed and pitted, after which they are placed in prepared jars up to their shoulders and filled with fairly hot sugar syrup. Syrup for cherry compote is brewed from 1 liter of water and 400 g of sugar; but if desired, you can make a less sweet syrup. Jars filled with cherries with syrup are pasteurized at a temperature of 85 C for 12-17 minutes (depending on their volume). Or it is allowed to sterilize the workpiece in boiling water for 3-5 minutes.

    Another alternative way to seal pitted cherry compote. For him, the cherries are peeled and placed in an enameled pan of a suitable volume. Sugar is also poured there at the rate of 300 g per 1 kg of berries. The dishes are covered with a lid, and the cherries are placed to warm up over moderate heat, stirring regularly. The berries are warmed up, almost bringing them to a boil, and in this mode they are kept on the stove for 5 minutes. Sterilized jars are filled with hot cherries in syrup to the very neck and immediately rolled up. When putting cherries in jars, care must be taken so that the glass container does not burst.

    Recipe " How to cook cherry compote for children"

    Pre-prepared cherries are placed in jars and filled with any cold berry juice to taste: currant, raspberry, strawberry, cranberry, etc. Then the jars are pasteurized in the usual way and closed with boiled lids. Such an assortment of compote of cherries and berry juice turns out to be especially tasty and, which is very important for winter preservation, fragrant. It will certainly appeal to children, and adults will not refuse such a drink.

    cherry compote recipe

    The pitted berries are not packed tightly into jars, sprinkling the layers with sugar. In principle, sugar can not be added to this compote, and then the drink will turn out to be dietary. On average, 200 g of sugar is taken in one liter jar of cherries. Jars filled with cherries are covered with boiled lids and pasteurized for 20-25 minutes at a temperature of 85 C. Frozen cherries can also be used to cook compote, its aroma and taste will not deteriorate at all. At the end, the workpiece is corked and turned upside down until it cools (checking the preservation for leaks) and wrapped.

    Assorted cherry compote recipe with other berries

    In the recipe for cherry compote for children, it was proposed to add berry juice to cherries, or you can diversify with the berries themselves. Such drinks are also good: they perfectly quench thirst and replenish the body with vitamins.

    You can add strawberries, strawberries, raspberries to the compote, make currant and cherry compote, and other options. During the preparation of a delicious compote, berries in jars are poured with sugar syrup, which can be made sweeter (400 g of sugar in 1 liter of water) or moderate sweetness (150-200 g of sugar). Filled cans warm up from 85 degrees for about 10-15 minutes and roll up.

    Cherry and peach compote recipe

    As mentioned above, cherry compote is cooked from both fresh and frozen cherries. But that's not the secret! For a rich taste of compote, peaches and lemon are added to it. To prepare such a compote you need:
    - 400-450 g cherries,
    - 2 medium peaches,
    - 3 slices of lemon,
    - 4 tablespoons Sahara.
    Cherry berries are washed and laid out in a deep saucepan or in a tall bowl. Peaches (necessarily ripe) are cut into medium-sized slices and added to the cherry. Sugar is poured there and 3 liters of water are poured. All this is brought to a boil over high heat, and then the fire is reduced, and the compote is cooked for about 7-12 minutes. At the very end, lemon slices are laid in it, and the compote is removed from the fire. The dishes are covered with a lid so that the drink is infused. A similar compote can be closed for the winter.

    Cherry and mint compote recipe

    Refreshing cherry compote with mint and lemon perfectly quenches thirst and tones. Moderately sweet, it has a light, pleasant sourness and a wonderful mint aroma.

    To prepare it you need:
    - 200 g pitted cherries,
    - 1-2 sprigs of mint,
    - 0.5 cups of sugar,
    - lemon zest to taste
    - 2 glasses of water.
    All the ingredients needed for compote (except lemon zest and mint) are mixed in a saucepan, poured with water and boiled for 20-25 minutes, stirring from time to time. 5 minutes before removing from heat, mint and lemon zest are added to them. Compote is removed from the fire and cooled before use, as, indeed, everything.

    Recipe " Pitted cherry compote with vanilla sugar"

    For those who love the delicate aroma of vanilla, you can add it in a small amount to cherry compote. So, the main ingredients for the drink are:
    - 0.5 kg of cherries,
    - 1 tsp vanilla sugar
    - 7-8 tablespoons sugar (regular)
    - 1.5 liters of water.

    Fresh cherries are sorted, washed and separated from the stems. Or for compote, you can take frozen cherries, but do not defrost them. Water is poured into the pan, into which vanilla and regular sugar are poured, and brought to a boil. Then cherries are put into the water, and again the compote is given the opportunity to boil and you need to remove it from the fire. Next, the pan with compote is covered with a lid and left to infuse.

    Recipe "Cherry compote with white wine"

    Somewhat unusual is cherry compote with the addition of wine. And, in fact, it is rather not compote that is being prepared, but a thick syrup of cherries, from which you can already make cherry compote to your own taste.

    For such compote with wine you will need:
    - 3 kg of cherries,
    - 2 kg of sugar,
    - 2 tablespoons white wine,
    - 1.5 tsp citric acid,
    - 2 liters of water

    Sugar dissolves in water and boils over a fairly high heat until a thick sugar syrup is formed. Syrup, similar in consistency to jam, must be allowed to cool. In the meantime, cherries are being prepared: they are washed and tails are removed from them. Prepared cherries are poured into syrup and put on fire to cook for 35-40 minutes.

    Before removing the blank from the stove, white wine is poured into it, and when the syrup becomes very thick, citric acid is poured. The jam is cooked in 2-3 passes, bringing the mass to a boil and removing to cool. At the end, the finished cherry jam-syrup with wine is laid out in jars and rolled up.

    To prepare cherry syrup compote from a blank with wine or from the “” recipe, 2-3 tbsp. syrup pour 0.5 liters of water, add 2 tbsp. sugar, stir and bring to a boil. The compote must cool down. Consume the drink as cherry compote in a slow cooker, better chilled.

    Frozen cherry compote recipe

    It's quick and easy to prepare a delicious compote of frozen cherries. To weld it you will need:
    - 0.5 kg of frozen cherries,
    - 0.25 kg of sugar,
    - 3 liters of water.

    Frozen cherries are placed in a large saucepan and poured with cold water. Cherries should not be defrosted ahead of time; but if it was not possible to keep them frozen and juice stood out from them, then it must be drained and added to the cherry compote at the very end of cooking. 5-6 tablespoons are added to them. sugar, and the pan is placed on medium heat and closed with a lid.

    The compote is brought to a boil, and let it boil for 5-6 minutes, after which it is removed from the stove. You need to taste the finished drink and, if necessary, add more sugar to it to taste. After mixing, the pan with compote is again covered with a lid and left to cool completely. The cooled cherry compote is ready for use; if necessary, pour into a jug and serve.

    Recipe " Cherry compote for the winter with raspberries"

    The ingredients needed to make cherry and raspberry compote are as follows:
    - 2 glasses of cherries,
    - 1 glass of raspberries,
    - 1.5 cups of sugar,
    - 2.5-3 liters of water,
    - ? tsp citric acid.

    Berries of cherries and raspberries are sorted, washed and dried. Then they are laid out in banks, filling the container by 2/3 of their volume. The water is boiled, berries in jars are poured with it and left for 3-5 minutes. After the water is drained into a saucepan, which is put on fire. Sugar is added to the water and the syrup is boiled for 10 minutes after boiling over low heat. Hot syrup is poured into jars of cherries and raspberries, and the jars are rolled up, cooled and put away for storage until winter.

    The recipe “from dried cherries” turns out to be peculiar in taste. First, dried berries are sorted and washed thoroughly. Then they should be soaked for half an hour or an hour in warm water, and only then put on the stove to cook.

    As soon as the water boils, you need to put sugar in it to taste and vanilla for flavor. Other dried fruits are often added to such a compote, always pre-soaked. Yes, you can cook compote of apples and cherries or from pears and cherries.

    Useful tips for Cherry Compote recipes:

    A rich, tasty compote is obtained from ripe burgundy berries with a small stone, dense pulp and a strong aroma. The best varieties for compote are Sofia and Hungarian cherries.

    For compote, cherries with tails should be selected; it is better to clean them immediately before preparing the drink, which guarantees the safety of the berries and their shape. Decayed, damaged, unripe and too small cherries for processing and winter harvesting should not be used.

    Cherries go very well in compotes with other berries and fruits. For example, the taste of compote will be wonderfully complemented by a handful of raspberries or a couple of lemon slices; looks great strawberry and cherry compote. Instead of sugar, you can put honey or molasses, as well as ready-made syrup from cherries.

    Cherry compote has a beautiful color and excellent taste. But, at the same time, it is also a healing drink (especially in combination with other components). So, it contains magnesium and iron, which is useful for anemia, improves appetite and quenches thirst well. And, besides, the calorie content of such drinks does not exceed 99 kcal per 100 ml.

    Cherry compote is one of those few drinks that both children and adults love. It is prepared for every day, canned for the winter, put on the festive table. The unique aroma, taste and rich color will give an iridescent color even to the gloomiest autumn day, and strengthen health and return the lost blush.

    Cherry compote should be able to cook every good housewife. For those who have not yet mastered this art, we have collected the most interesting recipes.

    cooking recipes

    There are many ways to make cherry compote. So, for example, you can make a drink from frozen berries, from cherries with pits, without them, with other fruits and fruits. You can prepare it for the winter. At the same time, preservation methods can also differ significantly from each other. Here we have presented the most interesting from our point of view and affordable recipes. Which of them are the best is up to you.

    The easiest recipe

    Most often, housewives prepare cherry compote with pits. The recipe for such a drink is quite simple and everyone can do it. In order to prepare it, you will need the following products:

    • half a kilo of berries;
    • granulated sugar - 200 g;
    • water - 1 l.

    First prepare the cherry. It is sorted out and washed. The stalks are removed, leaving the pits. Water is poured into the pan, granulated sugar is poured into the same place. After the syrup is cooked, put the cherry. The compote is removed from the fire a couple of minutes after boiling.


    How should you cook cherry compote from the point of view of a nutritionist? Such a drink should contain a minimum of calories, so it should be prepared without sugar.

    To prepare a diet compote you will need:

    • pitted cherries - 400 g;
    • blackcurrant - 150 g;
    • 2.5 liters of water.

    Preparing a dietary compote is quite quick and easy. Pour cherries into boiling water. Currants are placed next to it. All cook for about 4-5 minutes. Half an hour later, after the compote is infused, it is ready for use. Such a drink contains only 8.5 kcal per 100 ml and can be drunk without fear for the figure.

    Interesting fact! The calorie content of cherry compote directly depends on the amount of sugar used in its preparation, so if you want to lose weight, it is better to put it smaller. On average, it contains about 99 kcal.

    Seedless berries

    For young children, cherry compote is best cooked without pits. In order to prepare it, you will need:

    • 2 tbsp. ripe berries;
    • sugar - half a glass;
    • water - 500 ml.

    First of all, prepare the syrup. To do this, dissolve sugar in boiling water. Then they put the cherry, from which the bones are first removed. It is boiled over low heat for about 15 minutes. Ready compote is cooled and poured into glasses.

    with apples

    Compote of cherries and apples is considered traditional for Russian cuisine. Such a drink has a rich, rich taste and will be appropriate at any time of the year.

    Required products:

    • pitted cherries - 300 g;
    • 2 apples;
    • 100 g of granulated sugar.
    • 3 liters of water.

    Fruits are pre-prepared. Apples are washed, peeled, cut into equal slices. Cherries are washed, and if frozen berries are taken, they are not thawed. Put prepared apple slices in a pot of water. They are boiled for about 15 minutes. Then cherries are poured into the compote, sugar is added and boiled over low heat for about 10 minutes. After this time, the pan is removed from the stove and covered with a lid.

    Advice! If frozen cherries are used for compote, then it does not need to be thawed, as you have to do with other berries and fruits. It is immediately placed in boiling water. If, nevertheless, the juice managed to stand out, then it is drained, and then added to the drink at the end of cooking.

    Cherry and berry assortment

    Cherry goes well with almost any berries and fruits. Its sweetness and aroma is enough for everyone. To prepare the berry platter you will need:

    • 100 g cherries;
    • 300 g of any berries;
    • 200 g of granulated sugar;
    • water - 3l.

    First prepare the syrup. To do this, dissolve sugar in boiling water. Then the washed berries are placed in the pan. They are boiled for about 10 minutes. After this period, the compote is ready.

    Preserving for the winter

    A great idea to prepare cherry compote for the winter. In this case, it is better to take seedless berries. Such a drink is better stored and can stand on the shelf for a long time.

    You will need:

    • jars from 1 to 3 liters in volume;
    • fresh pitted cherries;
    • sugar, about 300 g per kg of berries.

    Pre-washed berries are placed in a saucepan. They are covered with sugar and heated for 4 minutes. on a small fire. At the same time, banks are preparing. They are washed and sterilized with hot steam. Banks are filled with hot cherries to the very top, and then rolled up.

    There is an alternative way to make compote, when the berries are poured directly into jars with hot sugar syrup. You can also simply spread the fruits in glass containers, and then pasteurize them in a water bath. There are many ways to preserve and each hostess herself chooses the most suitable option for her.

    Interesting fact! Cherries can be poisonous! Its bones contain amygdalin, a substance that has the ability to turn into hydrocyanic acid.

    Other cherry recipes

    Cherry compote is not the only way to prepare this delicious berry. Children will surely like and be very useful cherry jelly, and adults will definitely like a refreshing fruit drink.

    Cherry kissel

    Cherry jelly is prepared quite simply. For him you will need:

    • 300 g of berries;
    • liter of water;
    • 100 g of granulated sugar;
    • 2 tbsp. spoons of starch.
    Water is poured into a saucepan and brought to a boil. Then sugar is poured into it, as well as pre-prepared berries. After 5 min. the saucepan is removed from the fire. Hot jelly is filtered through a sieve, rubbing cherries along the way. The bones and pomace are thrown out, and the dishes with all the other contents are put back on the fire. At the same time, dilute starch in half a glass of cold water. It is poured in in a thin stream. It is important to constantly stir the brew, otherwise lumps may form. Kissel is boiled for 5-7 minutes. until thickened. Before serving, it can be garnished with a mint leaf or whipped cream.


    Cherry juice is an excellent way to quench your thirst on a hot summer day. Such a drink will help cheer up and enrich the body with vitamins.

    Required products:

    • a glass of cherries;
    • half a glass of granulated sugar;
    • 1 liter of water.

    In order to prepare cherry juice, the juice is first squeezed out of the berries, squeezing it out with a wooden pestle or spoon. The juice is poured into a separate bowl and put in the refrigerator. The resulting pomace is poured with boiling water. They are boiled for about 10 minutes. Then filter, and juice and sugar are added to the resulting broth. Everything is mixed, cooled and served to the table. You can put ice cubes in glasses, then the drink will turn out to be especially refreshing and invigorating.

    A step-by-step recipe for making cherry compote can be seen in this video:

    All materials on the website Priroda-Znaet.ru are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any means, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!
