
How to plant watercress at home. Watercress salad on the windowsill - how to grow delicious greens all year round? Preparing the site for sowing

A green crop native to the Mediterranean called watercress is now highly respected in many European countries. This exotic plant has many useful and medicinal properties and therefore in demand in trading establishments throughout the year. Its composition contains a large number of trace elements, vitamins and other valuable components. Watercress (or watercress) has an individual and unique taste. A piquant taste with a slight bitterness, a bit reminiscent of the sharpness of mustard, is combined with many other green and vegetable crops. Watercress is especially popular in the diet of gourmets and connoisseurs of healthy eating.

Watercress prefers bright diffused and long (at least 14 hours a day) lighting. Getting it in enough at the first stage of cultivation, the plant very quickly passes into the flowering stage. A full level of illumination can be achieved by placing containers with plants on the windowsill. This early ripening crop will give the first harvest in 15-20 days after the appearance of young shoots. With such an unusual growth rate of watercress, you can get greens all the time if you sow seed material with an interval of 10-15 days.

When choosing a place to grow watercress, it must be taken into account that the plant has a high level of cold resistance and can grow even in shady conditions, which will bring another plus - the containment of shooting.

Choice of container and soil

A container or box for growing green crops should be at least 8-10 cm high. It is advisable to purchase a soil mixture in retail chains, since garden soil may contain larvae and eggs of harmful insects that will easily and quickly destroy young shoots that have just appeared . The soil can be used recommended for growing seedlings or for indoor plants.

Plant processing

Preventive spraying with solutions containing chemicals cannot be used, because dangerous substances do not have time to neutralize in a short period of time and can cause irreparable harm health.

Sowing seeds

Temperature regime

To form a strong root system of plants, containers with emerging young shoots are recommended to be placed in a room with a temperature of six to eight degrees Celsius and left there until the first full-fledged leaf appears. Seedlings with emerging leaves require a higher temperature of maintenance - from 10 to 15 degrees Celsius. It is not worth exceeding the recommended temperature, as this will affect the quality and appearance watercress. Young plants will begin to stretch, causing their stems to become very thin and subsequently all specimens simply lie down on the surface of the soil. The most favorable place optimal temperature is the space between the window frames. In the autumn-winter period, containers with plants can be safely placed there. This method of growing watercress brings a yield of approximately 600 g per square meter of land.

Types of organic substrates

Shredded organic waste plant origin can be an excellent material in which watercress will grow well. Before use, the selected material is recommended to be scalded with boiling water to avoid mold.

Top dressing

Fertilizers need to be applied regularly after a certain time. After the formation of the first leaf on the seedlings, the first feeding is carried out. This can be spraying or watering under the root with a solution consisting of 2 liters of water and 5 g of urea. After seven days - the second top dressing (complex). Its composition is 10 liters of water, potassium salt (10 g), superphosphate (20 g), ammonium sulfate (10 g). Watering plants with this solution is repeated after harvest to maintain growing crops.

Seed containers can be placed on shelves with a height of about 20 cm between shelves. This method is convenient to use in a small room with a minimum area.

To maintain a constant level of soil moisture in containers with plants, it is worth building a mini-greenhouse using a metal frame and plastic wrap.

As a seed container for watercress, a translucent plastic box from under food products(for example, from under milk, yogurt, etc.), in which it will only be necessary to make drainage holes and lay a small layer of cotton wool on the bottom.

There are a great many types of salads, but many varieties are especially revered in the cuisines of the world. Watercress is one of the most popular salads because it combines many positive properties starting from unique taste and aroma and ending with the simplicity of agricultural technology. Moreover, it should be noted that watercress, which is often grown in open field, grows well at home, even on the windowsill of an ordinary city apartment.

The plant is considered one of the most unpretentious, and to such an extent that in order to grow it at home, you do not have to prepare any specific soil or look for any specific varieties. Even more than that, it is best to experiment with several varieties and settle on a more suitable one. With soil, everything is much simpler, and so much so that some experienced gardeners plant lettuce seeds with other crops, for example, growing, or with moisture-loving home flowers.

You can grow greens at home in any container up to 50 mm high.

To prepare for planting, you need to decide exactly how the salad will grow, since there are several options for planting:

  • in the soil mixture;
  • in a cotton-gauze base;
  • in a combination base.

In the first case, for growing lettuce at home, you can take any soil that is fertile or that you can get. But keep in mind that specialized soil mix from the store will be the most suitable, the least - the earth that you dug up next to the road or in the playground. In principle, you can compromise and take the soil from your garden plot, after removing all the weeds from it.

In the second case, cotton wool wrapped in gauze is used as the base. Naturally, both cotton wool and gauze should be from a pharmacy, and the density of the latter should be sufficient for long-term use.

Video about growing cress at home

The third case implies a certain " layered cake”, which includes (from bottom to top) drainage in the form of a sand-gravel mixture, a cotton-gauze layer, fertile soil mixture. Drainage needed to remove excess water, the cotton-gauze layer will retain the required amount of moisture, and the soil will provide the plant with microelements. Exactly combined method suitable for those who have no experience at all in growing plants either on the windowsill or in the garden, as it will practically not give a chance to ruin the greens.

You can grow greens at home in any container up to 50 mm high, since the base layer does not exceed 30-40 mm. However, it is worth remembering that a height of 40 mm is required for a combined base, and 30 mm will be enough for a cotton-gauze base. This is due to the fact that the plant itself is small, and its root system is quite compact.

Planting seeds of watercress at home is done with seeds immediately at the base, without any pre-treatment. However, the landing method varies somewhat depending on the top filling. For a combination or soil base, simply scatter the seeds and cover them lightly with soil. But if the base is cotton-gauze, then the seeds are scattered only over the cotton wool, and only then they are covered with gauze on top. It is believed that even in this case it is necessary to cover the seeds with nutrient soil, but this will not bring practical benefits.

Before planting, the base is watered abundantly. Immediately after disembarkation, it is sprayed from a spray bottle. In no case should you water with a stream, since a stream of water can wash out the newly planted seeds. It is also important to keep in mind that you do not need to make the seeds "float". The base must be damp, but not overflowing.

Immediately after disembarkation, it is sprayed from a spray bottle

After planting has been carried out, the watercress container is removed to a shaded cool (6-8 degrees Celsius) place, as this, on the one hand, will prevent excessive evaporation of moisture and, on the other hand, will not cause seed rotting or the appearance of fungal infections. , mildew.

It is especially important to keep at home temperature regime if the soil was taken on a personal plot, or the landing is made in a cotton-gauze base.

The temperature rises to room temperature only when the first leaves appear. However, you should not put a container on the battery either, it is best to maintain the mode within +15 ... +18 gr. Celsius.

Video on how to sow seeds and grow them

plant care

To grow delicious greens, having created, it is necessary to take care of it, which comes down to a few simple rules.

  • Watering

Watering should be regular and plentiful, as the plant is moisture-loving and does not tolerate the lack of water. Perhaps a failure in watering is one of the few things that can instantly destroy a culture. Watering is best from a spray bottle, washing the foliage - then the greens will be especially tender and fragrant. Constant humidity in the room will also be important, because when it fluctuates, the foliage may begin to taste bitter, or even inflorescences will form.

  • Light mode

Watercress loves shady areas, but that doesn't mean it doesn't need light. It is best to grow it on a windowsill or in a loggia on the north side, hiding the plant from direct sunlight, which is detrimental to foliage. IN winter time or in the conditions of a polar night, you can replace natural lighting with any artificial one, and even LED strips with a warm glow temperature will do. It is also important to remember that the source of additional illumination should be moved away from the plant by 300-400 mm to prevent thermal damage to the leaves. In no case should you use halogen lamps, as they can burn the plant. The container should be constantly tucked up so that growth does not go into stretching the stems, but into straightening the foliage.

  • Temperature

Watercress does not tolerate well high temperature. Therefore, in summer it is allowed to grow it on windowsills facing the north side, and in winter - away from heating appliances and batteries. Minimum suitable temperature will be +15 degrees Celsius, maximum - +20 degrees Celsius, optimal - +18.

Video about growing lettuce on the windowsill


The crop is harvested immediately before consumption, in small portions, since cress salad is practically not stored - it quickly fades, loses its taste. It must be cut off with ordinary scissors, and no later than a week after the foliage appears. This is due to the fact that the greens begin to quickly lose their taste qualities, becomes rough and may even give bitterness. When harvesting, only leaves with a minimum stem length can be cut, since the latter has practically no taste or aroma.

Video about the garden on the windowsill

In order for the crop to be regularly available, you can pick up a salad by variety, or sow it once a week. If you choose planting by variety, you can choose the following combination:

  • flagman variety. Reaches maturity in 12-17 days from the moment of germination;
  • cultivar Piquant. Reaches economic suitability in 15-20 days from shoots;
  • Fun variety. Technically mature in 20-30 days after germination;
  • variety Accord. Ready for use in 25-35 days from the moment of germination;
  • Dukat variety. Grows in 18 days from the moment of emergence of shoots.

For constant overseeding, especially in winter, the Temp variety is ideal, which reaches technical maturity in 18-23 days.

Who among us doesn't love fresh vitamin greens? But in the garden it can be grown only in the summer. Of course, greens are sold in the store at any time of the year, but in terms of quality it will not be the same at all. Get natural greens at any time you can simply and accessible way- just grow watercress on the windowsill. This article will tell you how to grow such a salad.

Useful properties of watercress

Why watercress? The answer to this question is simple - it is very useful plant, which is easily grown on the windowsill.

Watercress is fragrant herbs from the type of cabbage. It is rich in various vitamins, essential oils, ascorbic acid and various useful trace elements.

Regular consumption of watercress in food significantly helps the body, namely:

  • improves immunity;
  • cures cough, thanks to the alkaloids and resins included in the composition;
  • prevents the occurrence of beriberi and anemia;
  • cleanses the bronchi;
  • prevents asthma attacks in asthmatics;
  • normalizes blood pressure and improves metabolism;
  • improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • strengthens the nervous system;
  • relieves insomnia;
  • helps to quit smoking.

In addition, the crushed leaves of this salad are part of homemade ointments, lotions, creams, which significantly reduce acne and make acne scars less noticeable.

Watercress is also loved because of its unusual spicy taste similar to the taste of horseradish (popularly it is also called horseradish).

Despite great amount advantages, the plant is unpretentious in care. Therefore, grow watercress on the windowsill all year round very easy: it grows quickly, does not require special attention, cold-resistant, shade-tolerant.


Today, there are three varieties of watercress:

  • curly - differs in a small rosette of leaves (17 cm) and raised, strongly dissected leaves (for example, "openwork").
  • sowing - differs in a large rosette (up to 21 cm) and horizontal, wide, whole leaves (for example, "Danish", "fun").
  • whole-leaved - it is distinguished by a large rosette, narrow, slightly cut leaves (for example, "ducat").

Due to its precocity, Danish watercress is most often found on the windowsill. How to grow it is described below.

What it takes to grow watercress on a windowsill

serious preliminary preparation and hard-to-find means for growing watercress will not be required. First you need to choose the most suitable grade and buy seeds. When choosing seeds, it is important to carefully examine the packaging. It should not be dented or torn. It is also important to check the expiration date of the seeds.

  • Container for growing lettuce. Its height should be about 10 cm. As a container, you can use plastic container, bowl bowl, plate, tray or shallow flower pot.
  • Nutrient medium (substrate) for cultivation. Such a substrate can be cotton wool, cotton pads, foam rubber, gauze, peat or well-chopped wood shavings. The substrate can also be replaced with a hydrogel.
  • Food wrap or plastic bag.
  • Ordinary or purchased nutrient soil.
  • A mug and a teaspoon.

How to grow watercress on a windowsill? The methods for doing this are completely different. Let's consider the main ones.

Growing watercress in a substrate

You need to take a container and lay a suitable substrate on the bottom with a layer of 1.5-2 cm. After that, the substrate must be moistened with boiled or settled water. If peat or wood shavings are used as a substrate, then it is doused with boiling water to avoid mold.

After the substrate is prepared, you need to take a glass, pour the seeds into it and fill them with water so that the water completely hides the seeds. Thus, each seed will be in its shell.

In water, the seeds need to be held for a few seconds, after which they are transferred with a teaspoon from a glass into a prepared container with a nutrient medium, and gently spread them in one layer.

To create greenhouse conditions for the seeds, the container must be covered from above cling film or plastic bag and put on the windowsill. It is important to place the jar so that it does not fall directly Sun rays, and away from a hot battery. So in a jar of seeds, a greenhouse effect is created.

After a day, you need to check the seeds, usually at this time slightly hatched sprouts already appear. In another day, good sprouts should appear, then the film is removed.

Caring for this salad is very simple: water it in time, sometimes turn it to the light on the other side (so that the plants grow straight). It is also good to spray it with water from a spray bottle. If desired, you can feed the salad with a potassium solution or urea. The main thing is not to overdry the soil, as the press salad loves moisture very much, and its lack thins the plants and worsens their taste.

After 1.5-2 weeks, the salad can already be eaten.

... and in soil

Fertile soil should be poured into the container (about 7 cm). After that, make even grooves (depth 0.5 cm). The distance between the grooves should be 10-15 cm. The seeds are covered with a thin layer of soil (about 1 cm).

Seeds can also be sown in a chaotic manner - just pour them out of a glass after soaking, level and cover with earth.

After that, the container must be covered with a film. If the room is warm enough (20-23 degrees), then you can leave the container without a film.

With this method, the seeds will germinate a little longer (about 2 days), as they germinate through the soil. When sprouts appear, the temperature should be reduced to 10-15 degrees. This will help develop a strong root system for the plant and prevent them from stretching out.

After seed germination, care for the plants should be the same as described in the first method.

The most interesting ways to grow watercress

Because of the unpretentiousness of watercress, it is grown any way and anywhere. Consider a few interesting ways cultivation:

  • This method does not require land and a container for growing, and the plants do not need daily watering. You need to take a small tea strainer and a cup for water. Seeds are poured into a strainer and watered warm water(she ends up in the cup). After that, a cup with a strainer can be removed to the windowsill, after a week the greens will be ready. Growing in this way has a great advantage - lettuce can be eaten with roots.
  • This method is quite common. Lettuce is grown in a container, the bottom of which is covered with damp gauze. The disadvantage of this method is that many seeds are required. But these seeds germinate very quickly.
  • Growing in an electronic pot. In such a pot, lettuce can be grown all year round, and you don’t have to do anything at all, just pour seeds. True, such a pot is quite expensive.

Above, methods have been described on how to quickly grow watercress on a windowsill. However, they are all quite simple.

Features of collecting lettuce

How to grow watercress on a windowsill in winter, we examined, it's time to harvest. It also needs to be done correctly.

You can cut the lettuce when the stems grow up to 8-9 cm. It is better to do this in the morning or in the evening. Watercress should be eaten fresh, ie. do not store. In the refrigerator, it can be stored for no more than a day (preferably in water). If you store the salad for longer than a day, then it quickly turns yellow and remains without its beneficial properties.

When the lettuce has grown to 13-14 cm, it must be cut, and as close to the base as possible. Once the lettuce is cut, the roots will not grow back, so watercress needs to be sown every 2 weeks for a continuous harvest.

Secrets: how to grow watercress on the windowsill correctly

  • In order for the rosette of leaves to be large, the distance between plants must be at least 5 cm.
  • Before sowing, the soil must be well compacted.
  • It is necessary to sow the seeds sequentially, about 1 time in 10 days, so that it grows continuously.
  • It is important to water on time, as watercress loves moisture.

Thus, we figured out how to grow watercress on the windowsill so that it is fragrant and extremely healthy. This small garden does not require much space, does not require special care, but brings a lot of pleasure. By the way, watercress can be grown both on the windowsill and in the garden.
