
Biscuit on egg whites recipe with apples. Chiffon biscuit on squirrels

self-sufficient angel biscuit springy in structure, not so dry, but not at all wet. It is, of course, suitable for assembling pompous and wasteful cakes and pastries. At the same time, serving without impregnation, cream, complex decor, you and your guests are not deprived - the high cake soaked in just sweet vanilla is so good.

A few tips for those who dare to master the angel biscuit recipe at home. With the proposed proportions, for my taste, sweetness is more than enough. If you are going to treat a notorious sweet tooth, take powders 30-40 g more. Don't ignore vanilla sugar- here the flavoring is not only appropriate, but also successfully extinguishes the egg smell. For the rest, strictly follow the prescribed dosage, follow the sequence of laying the products and the temperature regime.

Cooking time: 60 minutes / Number of servings: 8-10 / Form with a diameter of 20 cm


  • premium wheat flour 80 g
  • eggs (proteins) 7 pcs.
  • powdered sugar 150 g
  • vanilla sugar 15 g
  • lemon juice 1.5 tsp

How to make angel biscuit

We separate the proteins, the yolks are not needed today - we remove them for another dish. Let me remind beginners that a container must be prepared in advance for whipping high-quality protein foam. A deep bowl must be degreased - wipe lemon juice or a drop or two of vinegar, then with a dry towel.

Immediately, in a separate bowl, mix the sifted wheat flour premium and half a serving of powdered sugar. Do not replace the powder with sugar, even fine. Biscuit, for sure, will turn out, but hardly angelic.

Returning to the separated proteins, beat with a mixer (it is difficult to handle it with a hand whisk) for two to three minutes with fresh lemon juice. See that the bones do not slip! The liquid will foam with transparent bubbles.

Then, in parts, in two or three doses, pour the second half of the powdered sugar, flavor (vanilla sugar) - continue to beat at maximum speed for about 3-4 minutes. The powder should completely dissolve, the composition should be painted in White color, thicken, thicken, as in any other meringue. After making sure that the meringue came out homogeneous, stable, rests on the tip of the whisk, we finish with whipping. Also in small portions- on a spoon - add a dry mixture of flour and powder. We carry out in a circle, knead a viscous and very sticky dough without a single lump.

Fill a clean mold with dough for the angel biscuit. We do not lubricate the bottom or the walls with any fat. Choose reliable fireproof cookware. We put the semi-finished product in a hot oven in advance, bake for about 30-40 minutes at a temperature of 170-175 degrees. We do not open the door for the first 10-15 minutes so that the rapidly growing lush mass did not settle prematurely. In the middle of the process, if the “cap” starts to darken, throw a sheet of foil with a dome - the main thing is not to touch the dough.

Please note that the product has noticeably increased in volume, acquired a pleasant and even noble shade. Check readiness by piercing with a long skewer. Then we hurry, do not delay, otherwise we will lose an enviable height.

We turn it over, do not remove it from the mold, install it on convenient supports so that the angel biscuit is in limbo. Cool at room temperature. In this form, the crumb will retain porosity and thickness.

Carefully separate the cooled angel biscuit from the walls of the container, transfer it to a flat plate, “powder” it if desired, decorate it arbitrarily, for example, fresh berries Divide into large triangles and serve. Happy tea!

Angel Biscuit is an American classic, also known as Angel Food. These names very accurately reflect and appearance biscuit and taste qualities. Snow-white, incredibly light as a cloud biscuit on proteins, melting in the mouth and leaving behind amazing taste conquered everyone who tried it. It is impossible to resist it, it is impossible to refuse it. For the first time I tried it and even cooked it myself at the master class of Irina Chadeeva, where she showed that this delicious biscuit very easy to prepare. In addition, the cooking process does not take much time.

I am preparing "Angelic Biscuit" according to the recipe of Irina Chadeeva, it has never let me down and turned out great from the very beginning. The oven can be both in a cake mold and in a regular round shape (you can take any, not only detachable).

On rectangular shape for a 10x20 cm cake or a 18 cm round mold (it is better to use metal or glass molds, as it is necessary that the dough clings well to the surface):

  • 5 large proteins
  • 80 gr powdered sugar
  • 50 gr fine sugar
  • 60 gr flour
  • a pinch of salt
  • 1/2 tsp citric acid
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla essence or vanilla sugar

Prepare all foods so that citric acid and vanilla essence were at hand, measure out all the ingredients, separate the proteins and put them in a bowl (only proteins).

Sift flour and icing sugar together.

Add a pinch of salt to the whites and beat until thick. When it does, add citric acid and sugar (if using van.sugar, then add at this stage), beat for a couple of minutes. The mass should be soft and tender, but Not fluid, and the peaks bend when you take out the whisk.

If you have vanilla essence, then add it now and beat a little, no more than 30 seconds.

Pour flour with powder and mix the mass until smooth, you do not need to delay this process, mix until smooth and that's it. Doing so better with a spatula from the bottom up and very gently and gently.

Pour the dough into a mold that must be clean and dry (no oil or parchment paper). Tap the mold a couple of times on the table so that no large holes appear in biscuit.

Bake a biscuit in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 25-30 minutes. You can check for readiness with a toothpick by sticking it in the middle, it should be dry. Ready biscuit resilient to the touch, if you lightly press it with your fingers, the surface will return to its original state.

Turn the finished biscuit in the form onto a wire rack or a regular bowl (or two), let it cool completely in this position.

Run a knife along the walls and knock on the bottom, the biscuit should fall out.

I have a detachable form, so I just run a knife, remove the ring and carefully remove the bottom.

Biscuit you can simply cut into pieces and serve with whipped cream, sour cream or berry sauce, but you can cut it lengthwise into two parts and make a cake, for example,.

Keep in mind that the biscuit is sweet. Therefore, in my opinion, sour cream, whipped cream or something similar is ideal for it, but not too sweet, so as not to spoil the effect of this miracle.

You can bake from the remaining yolks!

Bon appetit!

Today we have new recipe home baking- prepare a very tasty, fragrant, tender and juicy chocolate biscuit. I was not at all mistaken when I wrote that the finished biscuit turns out to be just juicy - this is not typical for this kind of baking, but the fact remains. If you don't believe me, I highly recommend checking it out!

We will cook not a simple chocolate biscuit, but on proteins. That is, there will not be a single yolk in the dough. Yes, and there is very little cocoa powder in it, but meanwhile the biscuit will be chocolate. In general, while I was preparing this pastry, and then I tried it, I never ceased to be surprised.

We will cover the finished biscuit with homemade apricot jam, which is ideally combined with similar pastries, setting off with its light sourness the pleasant sweetness of the base. And we will also use chocolate ganache- so it will not be just a chocolate biscuit, but an almost finished cake.

About products. IN this recipe I suggest taking apricot jam, but in the absence of it, you can safely use any other jam, marmalade or jam. It is important that the product is thick and uniform. It is not necessary to choose bitter chocolate (I just love it the most) - milk chocolate is also perfect. Butter can be replaced with 40 milliliters heavy cream(30 milliliters of cream 10-20% fat).



Cooking step by step with photos:

To prepare a delicious chocolate biscuit, take egg whites, wheat flour, granulated sugar and powdered sugar, unsweetened cocoa powder, lemon juice, jam, chocolate and butter. Regarding the products and their possible replacement, I wrote above.

Since the dough for the biscuit is done very quickly, we immediately turn on the oven to heat up to 180 degrees. In a separate bowl, combine 50 grams wheat flour(I have the highest grade, but you can use the first), 75 grams of powdered sugar and 10 grams of cocoa. Sift everything together, preferably twice.

Now in another dish (clean, fat-free and completely dry), pour 5 egg whites. We begin to beat them with a mixer or a whisk until a light foam appears and the proteins become cloudy. Then, gradually adding 50 grams granulated sugar, increase the speed of the mixer and beat everything until a stable foam is formed. Add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and beat until a stable protein mass is obtained.

In fact, it is ready french meringue- the basis for making meringue cookies. But we will make a chocolate biscuit on it.

Now you need to partly introduce a dry mixture of flour, cocoa and powdered sugar into the whipped proteins. We mix it with a spatula or spoon with movements from the bottom up, as if folding. We don't use a mixer.

We spread the dough in a baking dish of a suitable volume (not necessarily rectangular), which we do not lubricate with anything. I have a size of 18x8x6 centimeters. Level with a spatula or spoon and bake at 180 degrees on the middle level of the oven for about 25-30 minutes.

And now the most interesting thing - we cool the finished chocolate biscuit on proteins in an inverted state. It was then that I had a feeling of slight anxiety, because the shape I chose was not quite the right size. Rather, it is ideal for baking a biscuit, but not really for cooling. In general, I made just such a design so that the bottom of the biscuit could breathe, and left it to cool completely.

It cooled down quite quickly, by the way. Then we remove the form - the biscuit perfectly departs from the walls and bottom.

We coat the biscuit thick jam or jam - 100 grams is enough. If it is not homogeneous and there are pieces of fruit, just punch it with an immersion blender or rub it through a sieve. We put the biscuit in the refrigerator for half an hour or 10 minutes in the freezer so that the jam (jam) grabs.

Hi all. Today I will share with you a recipe for an absolutely amazing biscuit. It is prepared on proteins, therefore it has an unusually delicate texture and white color. For which he was nicknamed - Angelic.

This biscuit came to us from America. I have been looking at it for a long time, however, when cooking, there are a couple of nuances that stopped me. Firstly, this biscuit is best baked in a small volume, and even better in a rectangular or muffin pan with a hole in the middle. The dough is very tender, and the middle can fall off if it has nothing to cling to. Well, and secondly, I always have a problem where to put the remaining yolks after meringue or this kind of biscuits.

And finally, I got to . What is this cake?! This is a biscuit with impregnation, strawberries around the edge, but inside custard. Well, since custard is best cooked on yolks, I decided to combine these two recipes in order to get the most delicate dessert at the end.

As a lover of waste-free production, I always try to adapt my recipes as much as possible. If I do Pavlova, then immediately to her lemon curd if I dry meringue, then I cook homemade mayonnaise. Here's my version - no loss.

So, how to make an angelic squirrel biscuit at home, a recipe with a photo step by step.


  1. 6 proteins of the first grade (or 5 selected)
  2. 65 grams of flour
  3. 130 grams of powdered sugar
  4. a pinch of salt
  5. vanilla sugar (optional)
  6. lemon juice


The most important thing in this recipe is to properly prepare the meringue. There are a couple of rules for getting your whites whipped.

First, proteins must be fresh, room temperature, without a drop of yolks! Otherwise, they may not fluff up.

Secondly, proteins are afraid of water and fat. Therefore, dishes and whisks must be dry and before use they must be degreased by wiping their surface with lemon juice or vinegar.

Thirdly, it is better to use powdered sugar in your work, because sugar may not dissolve. In extreme cases, take fine sugar.

Bake only in metal molds, silicone ones are not suitable here. The biscuit clings to the walls during baking, and in the process of cooling it hangs “upside down”, so the silicone in this case set aside.

You need to cook in a form no more than 18-20 cm in volume, if you have a regular round form, and not for cupcakes with a hole, as in the picture. In that, you can safely cook this biscuit and in a larger volume.

Let's start making egg white biscuits.

Wipe the bowl and beaters with lemon juice or vinegar.

We put our proteins there with a pinch of salt.

Start beating at low speed, gradually increasing the speed.

As soon as the proteins have increased well in volume and a good foam has appeared, we begin to introduce our powder.

This should be done gradually, adding powder on a spoon, without ceasing to beat. We also add vanilla sugar (vanillin) there. If the powder is lumpy, then it must first be sieved.

The most important thing here is not to over-beat the whites. We do not need hard peaks, as when making meringue. As soon as clear marks from the whisk remain on the surface, stop.

Whipped squirrels should hold their shape, but still not have a sharp beak, that is, if you scoop up some of the squirrels with a whisk and lift it up, then the squirrels will sink to the side. If you beat the squirrels to elastic peaks, then the biscuit will turn out to be hard, like rubber.

While the whites are whipping, we need to sift the flour.

We introduce our sifted flour into whipped proteins, and gently mix it with a silicone spatula with movements from the bottom up.

This must be done confidently, and as quickly as possible, so that our proteins do not settle and retain all their airiness.

We pour our dough into a mold. We do not lubricate the form with anything! This is important, the dough must cling to the sides, otherwise it will not rise. I used a split ring for baking, with a diameter of just over 18 cm. I simply wrapped the bottom with foil. Better couple knock on the table once with a mold so that excess air comes out and there are no large bubbles left in the dough.

We put the biscuit to bake in a preheated oven at 180º for 30-35 minutes.

Do not open the oven for the first 20 minutes! Starting from the 25th minute, we check with a skewer, as soon as it comes out dry, we take it out. The finished biscuit should be springy. Attention, during baking, the biscuit will first rise, and then settle to the level at which it was originally. So don't be scared!

Now the most important thing is to properly cool it. To do this, put 2-3 glasses, or jars, on the table. And on top of them we turn over our form. In this way, our biscuit should completely cool down.

When cooled, it will settle a little and move away from the walls of the mold. You just have to walk a little with a knife around the edges and release it. Since I have a ring, there are no problems with pulling out the biscuit, if the oven is in an integral form, then tap the mold on the table a couple of times, the biscuit should come out of the mold itself. This biscuit can be used immediately in the preparation of desserts, it does not need to be wrapped in a film and put in the refrigerator for ripening.

Just look at the structure of the biscuit on proteins. Very porous inside, with a thin crust on the outside (about a mm), it looks like white sliced ​​bread. I did not notice the egg smell, which made me very happy. The height turned out to be about 4 cm, which was just the ideal for me for 2 cake layers.

Yes, this biscuit is a little whimsical. And it is not suitable for everyday cooking until I cheat on my beloved.

But, it certainly has its advantages. He's incredibly soft! If you saturate it with syrup (or better, with my favorite impregnation - 3 milk), make a fruit layer and pour whipped cream on top, then something completely unrealistic will turn out. I would even advise you to go that route. You can make portioned desserts with such a biscuit - trifles. Or simply serve in the form, soaked in syrup, topped with berry sauce (preferably raspberry or something with sourness) and garnished with whipped cream. The only thing I want to add. The biscuit itself is sweet, so adjust the amount of sugar in the cream.

I got this angelic biscuit in the cake, this is how it looked there.

Still, it’s not for nothing that this biscuit is called the food of angels. I'm sure you'll definitely like it.

This great option disposal of the remaining proteins! If you also have questions about where to put the squirrels, then this recipe is perfect!

Bon appetit.

If the cloud were sweet and had a slight vanilla flavor, it would be Angel Biscuit. The biscuit just melts in your mouth, makes you lick the spoon and reach for a new portion. As you already understood, this is an amazing “yummy” recipe. And, best of all, the Angel Biscuit is prepared simply and quickly! Such a biscuit is great for cakes, but it needs to stand for at least a day. Then it can be easily cut in half and smeared with cream. The taste of protein biscuit is especially well complemented by creamy, chocolate cream and fruits.

Recipe Information

Cooking method: in the oven .

Total cooking time: 40 min.

Servings: 4 .


  • wheat flour - 80 g (approximately ½ cup)
  • egg whites - 5 pcs.
  • powdered sugar - ½ cup
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
  • citric acid - a pinch
  • vanillin - a pinch
  • salt - on the tip of a knife.


  1. We take powdered sugar, pour it into flour. Mix a little with a spoon and sift through a sieve.
  2. Break the eggs carefully so as not to damage the yolks. Separate the yolks from the whites. Pour the whites into a separate bowl, add salt to them and beat well. You should get a dense thick mass. Then in this protein mass pour sugar and citric acid, continue to beat for two minutes. Next, pour in the vanilla and beat a little more (about half a minute).

  3. We take the sifted flour with powder set aside for a while, mix with the resulting protein mass. We do this delicately so that our protein miracle remains airy.

  4. At the same time, we work with a spoon from the bottom up, with scooping movements. Do not mix for too long, just until a homogeneous consistency.

  5. Next, pour the dough into the mold. It can be anything: round or rectangular. But the material is preferably glass or metal. It is very important that the mold surface is perfectly dry and clean. It is not necessary to cover the surface of the mold with oil or lay parchment on it.
    Lightly hit the mold on the table to release excess air from the dough.

  6. Turn on the oven to 180 degrees and preheat. We put our wonderful dough in the oven and leave it for about half an hour. After 25 minutes we look inside. If the biscuit looks browned enough, take it out. (It may be ready in less than 30 minutes, because the power of the ovens is different). We stick a wooden stick or toothpick into the middle of the biscuit. If it becomes wet, put the biscuit to bake. Our biscuit should be airy and elastic.

  7. Invert the pie pan onto a wire rack and wait for the pie to cool completely.

  8. After a little knock on the bottom of the form. The biscuit should fall on a platter. If it doesn’t fall out, we carefully draw along the walls of the mold with a thin knife.

  9. Serve angelic biscuit on squirrels to the table cut into pieces and decorated powdered sugar, berries, whipped cream or sour cream, in general - as you like.

Preparation and photo: Old Lesya.
