
Salted dill. How to dry dill in the microwave

Dill greens are widely used in cooking. It is added to soups, salads and even to stuffing for savory pies. Therefore, in the summer, every housewife tries to stock up on it for the future. In today's article we will tell you how to pickle dill.

Salting is considered one of the most simple and available ways prepare fresh herbs. This technology is good because it allows you to save almost all valuable substances contained in fresh herbs. She does not require specific culinary skills from the hostess. And the process itself takes minimal amount time.

For harvesting by this method, it is desirable to use fresh greens, previously freed from hard stems. Before salting the dill, it is sorted, washed thoroughly and laid out to dry. As soon as excess moisture disappears from the branches, they are crushed. Some housewives use food processors or meat grinders for these purposes. But it is better to cut the greens with an ordinary knife.

Prepared dill is mixed with the required amount of finely crystalline salt and packaged in glass jars. At the same time, it is important to compact the greens tightly so that no voids remain in the container.

After that, the jars are covered with several layers of clean gauze and left at room temperature for a couple of days. Some recipes do not include this step. In these cases, the jars are immediately closed with lids and sent to further storage. Save containers with salted dill in any cool place.

Classic variant

This is one of the simplest and quick ways stock up fragrant herbs for the whole winter. At the same time, the product itself will fully retain all its initial properties. The only thing that housewives who use such greens for subsequent cooking should remember is that it contains a lot of salt. Therefore, it does not need to be additionally added to soups or salads. Before pickling dill, be sure to check if you have everything you need on hand. This time you will need:

  • Kilogram of greens.
  • A glass of finely crystalline sea salt.

Process description

Before pickling dill for the winter in jars, it is carefully sorted out, inspecting for the presence of withering stems and yellowing twigs. After that, the greens are thoroughly washed under running water. cold water and dry it so that not a drop of moisture remains on it. This process usually takes about four hours. To do this, dill is laid out on paper towels and leave to dry completely.

The greens prepared in this way are cut with a sharp knife and sprinkled with salt. Then all this is thoroughly mixed with hands, packed into glass jars, closed with lids and put away for further storage. Store such greens in the refrigerator.

Brine option

The technology described below will certainly be of interest to those who do not know how to pickle dill for the winter in jars without a refrigerator. Such greens can be stored for a long time in the cellar. At the same time, it practically does not lose its original palatability and useful properties. This preparation can be added to various hot dishes. To create it you will need:

  • A pound of fresh dill.
  • 200 milliliters of water.
  • 20 grams of salt.

Cooking algorithm

Before pickling dill for the winter in jars, it is sorted out, washed in running water, dried on paper towels and crushed with sharp knife. The greens prepared in this way are placed in clean glass containers and poured with cold brine and covered with gauze, previously folded in several layers. The resulting workpiece is left for forty-eight hours at room temperature. Then the banks are covered plastic lids and removed for further storage.

In summer, the hostess has no problem choosing greens for cooking. various dishes. But in winter it is not so easy to come up with a way out of the situation. The proposed material discusses how to properly pickle dill for the winter in jars, talks about useful properties of this herb, the features of its preparation for conservation, some examples of the most popular recipes preparation of the workpiece.

Dill is an annual herb from the Umbelliferae family, widely distributed throughout the world. Dill greens contain a large number of vitamins of groups C, E, P and B. The grass is rich in a variety of organic acids, essential oils, useful macro- and microelements; at the same time it is characterized by a low calorie content.

Dill has a beneficial effect on human health. It has the following useful properties:

  • improves immunity, has a general strengthening effect;
  • counteracts various infectious diseases due to bactericidal qualities;
  • keeps functioning of cardio-vascular system recommended by doctors for use by those suffering from hypertension;
  • normalizes the work of the kidneys, has a diuretic and choleretic effect;
  • has a positive effect on the functioning of the digestive system, relieves spasms, prevents increased formation intestinal gases. Thanks to dill, the time of splitting heavy foods is accelerated, which has a beneficial effect on digestion;
  • has a positive effect on endocrine system, normalizes the female menstrual cycle;
  • has a calming effect, effective as a remedy for insomnia;
  • relieves headache;
  • slows down the aging process, allowing you to prolong youth;
  • disinfects the oral cavity, removing possible inflammation and freshening breath.

Note! Despite the numerous advantages, there are cases of individual intolerance. Also, dill is contraindicated in people suffering from low blood pressure.

How to prepare dill

When preparing fresh dill for conservation, there are some subtleties, without which the harvesting will not work out well.

When preparing grass, the following recommendations should be considered:

  • do not use too high or low temperature water for washing greens. These indicators should be room;
  • before cutting, the washed dill is laid out on a clean, dry cloth to naturally remove excess liquid. Another drying method is to hang whole branches on a stretched rope;
  • when placing the grass for drying, it is necessary to avoid direct sun rays so as not to dry out the raw materials;
  • in order to maintain hygiene, it is necessary to exclude the effect of wind and insects on the harvested product;
  • only thin twigs are used for conservation, without stems. But do not rush to throw away the remains of the workpiece. They are suitable for pickling cucumbers and other vegetables.

These measures will allow you to save in dill useful qualities, protecting the workpiece from the adverse effects of various factors.

We calculate the optimal proportions of ingredients

To salt dill in normal home conditions, no special skills are required, but you must first accurately calculate the ratio of the ingredients included in the composition.

The hostess should always have a kitchen scale at home that allows you to accurately measure a particular product.

Setting up such a device allows you to set various units of measurement, including grams, milliliters and others.

Measuring containers are used to measure liquids. But in this case, it must be taken into account that the same volume of different components will differ in mass. When determining the proportions of ingredients, it is important to correctly observe the ratio indicated in the recipe. But it is not always necessary to blindly follow the instructions - it is necessary to reasonably treat the indicated norms of ingredients in order to eliminate possible errors and inaccuracies.

Ways to pickle dill for the winter in jars

There are many recipes for pickling dill. Below are the most popular ones.

Classic recipe

When pickling dill classic recipe you will need to prepare in advance:

  • kitchen board;
  • sharpened knife;
  • jar and lid;
  • crush.

Of the ingredients, you only need salt and dill directly. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  • harvested or purchased grass is subjected to the above pre-treatment;
  • dill finely chopped;
  • the jar is thoroughly washed and sterilized beforehand;
  • greens are placed in a container in layers: two tablespoons of grass alternate with one teaspoon of salt;
  • after every two layers laid, using a pusher, the contents are pressed to compact the contents of the jar and squeeze the juice out of the plant;
  • in the given order, the container is filled completely, closed with a lid and placed in the refrigerator.

When cooking using the specified preparation, it is necessary to take into account that it contains a certain amount of salt in order to prevent its excess in the dish.

Dill in vegetable oil

Another way to preserve dill for the winter, in which the word "salt" is not entirely applicable, is using vegetable oil. This product is used as a preservative. They are filled with dill, placed in jars. This allows you to keep greens for a long time if stored in the refrigerator. Oil, impregnated with a dill smell, is suitable as savory seasoning For various salads giving them an original and unique taste. This method does not involve the use of salt.

Another option is to prepare:

  • three hundred and fifty grams of dill;
  • twenty grams citric acid;
  • eight grams of salt;
  • three cloves of garlic;
  • two laurels;
  • four grams of sugar;
  • two hundred and fifty milliliters of refined sunflower oil.

Conservation order:

  • washed greens are laid out in a sterilized container;
  • oil is heated on fire in a frying pan or saucepan for eight minutes, citric acid, peeled and quartered garlic cloves are added there at the very beginning of the process;
  • the resulting composition is slightly cooled and hot poured into jars with herbs;
  • the container is sterilized for about eight minutes and gradually cools.

It is important not to overdo it with the time of sterilization, so that the herb retains its beneficial qualities without turning into a fried one.

With vinegar

A few more ways to harvest dill include pickling in vinegar. One of them - with sterilization, in a slightly acidic filling.

To prepare the marinade per liter of water, you will need:

  • three hundred grams of eight percent vinegar;
  • fifty grams of sugar;
  • thirty grams of salt.

Greens pass pre-processing, as mentioned above. You don't need to cut the dill. After separating the large stems, the grass is placed in jars and compacted. The prepared filling is brought to a boil, poured into separate containers, the cans are rolled up. The container is sterilized in a water bath for forty-five minutes, during which twenty is allocated for heating the cans to a temperature of ninety degrees, twenty-five - keeping in a heated state.

Cooling after sterilization should be gradual.

Another option is to use vinegar filling. The ratio of ingredients is similar to the above recipe, however, thirty grams more vinegar will be needed, sugar will not be required, and fifteen grams of salt will be needed. Vinegar is pre-mixed with two tablespoons of water.

The method of preparation does not provide for sterilization. The dill laid in the container is poured with the composition, closed and placed in a cold place.

With citric acid

To prepare salted dill for the winter using citric acid, you will need preliminary preparation the following ingredients:

  • six hundred grams of greens;
  • one medium sized lemon;
  • fifteen grams of sugar;
  • four peas of allspice;
  • ten grams of salt;
  • twenty grams of citric acid.

Preparation of conservation is carried out in the following sequence:

  • greens and lemon are thoroughly washed. The surface of the citrus is carefully rubbed with a brush, but not peeled off;
  • container is sterilized;
  • the dill is finely chopped, the lemon is chopped into thin circles, up to five millimeters thick;
  • the ingredients are placed in layers in a container: lemon, two-centimeter - dill. Laying should begin and end with a lemon;
  • marinade is being prepared. Having mixed all the above components, the container is placed on fire. Boiling time - seven minutes;
  • the marinade is filled with jars with the workpiece, rolled up and sterilized for a quarter of an hour.

The workpiece is covered and kept in this state for about a day, after which it is placed in a cool place.

Dried greens

For those who don't want to waste time complicated recipes blockages in banks, fit simple ways drying greens.

There are several similar recipes for preserving dill:

  • bundles. The roots are removed, the grass is formed in small bunches and tied at the base with a thread. The bundle is hung down with branches until it dries completely. It is necessary to avoid direct sunlight, contact with insects, extraneous odors, drafts;
  • laid out on paper. Prepared greens are laid out on paper and left to dry completely. The workpiece is turned over daily. Drying conditions are similar;
  • mechanized method. The prepared grass is laid out on a baking sheet and sent to the oven or a specialized dryer. It is dried at a low temperature for five to six hours.

This dill is suitable as a seasoning for any dish, to give a spring flavor.

frozen greens

These methods have a significant advantage over the above in that they keep the herb fresh.

Several methods are also known:

  • bundles. Similarly prepared bundles are wrapped in cling film or foil and laid out in a vegetable box freezer. If necessary, the required amount is taken out and separated from the main mass;
  • sliced. The grass is crushed, packaged in bags, hermetically sealed and placed in the freezer;
  • in molds for freezing water. Finely chopped grass is laid out in molds, poured with liquid or oil in a ratio of two to one. The product is frozen for two hours, transferred to bags and stored in the freezer. This method allows you to portion the greens before freezing.


To prepare dill with salt for the winter in a jar, you will need:
dill - 2 bunches (200 g);
salt (I cooked with sea ​​salt) - 100 g.
For processing jars:
vinegar 9% - 30 ml.

Yield about 300 g of salted dill

Cooking steps

To prepare the blank, I used these ingredients. Wash the dill well, slightly shake off the water from it, put it on a colander or towel. Leave it like that for 10 minutes.

Tender, young sprigs of dill finely chop.

Add salt to chopped dill.

Prepare a jar for packing greens: wash the jar, pour vinegar into it, close the lid, shake well and pour out the vinegar. Then in clean jar pack the salted dill, pressing each layer with a spoon.

Close the jar of dill with salt with a plastic or screw cap and refrigerate. This preparation is recommended to be stored in the refrigerator for about 6 months. This fragrant preparation winter will be great addition to many dishes.
salted dill I add 1-2 teaspoons to the first dishes.

In winter, I cook sauces with dill and salt, add to pastries.

When adding, keep in mind that the workpiece is quite salty.

Delicious and pleasant preparations!
